858673832science&civil III (1)

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E . '

Osmania university ':. ~~d 7 - . .

. -.
----. . . . .

.................................Name ........................................................................................................
Roll No. 94-

41.7.~ .................. 42, ...................... 43. ...................... 44. ...................... 45.......................

/ ;......
46., -............... 47. ...................... 48. ...................... 49. ...................... 50.......................
P h e write a or b or c or d against each question. ,.



Date : 20


- -
B.@.co~.B.A - 3RD YEAR
1. I Name of the Candidate

2. Roll 'qo

3.' B.A.

Put( 4 ) Tick against the fho\ce of the course

Section Seal Receiver Signature

Osmanin Ilniversity :~ ~ d7 ' -
Dear Student,
. We are sending l~ertiuith an sssignmentto beanswered by you on the.subject Science and Civilisation,
in lieu of university Examination df the &me.. I-loweveri the marks you obiain, will have to bk fonvarded to
the Controller of Exmnirrations, O.U.for inclusioll in your hiarks Memo. Without these marks you result will
ilot be announced itid even
. .if arulounced, by oversigllt, it is iticoinplete.
Please write your-l-Id1Ticket Number ( ~ n r n l i e h t ' ~at~the'place
.) provided willout fail. Otherwirse
the s~ript~sent-by:
you will not be valued. .
. .
Your are therefore advised to G w e r the assignment on the sheet attached also aud return both immedi-
: ately, s o as to lieeach the director CDE on or before . .

Roll No. ' 94- DIRECTOR

. . . SCJENCE AND CIVILISATIm. -:. .,.. ,


Meve h~dicate'thekomct answer on.the inswlr sheet '.c) Genetic and cnvironrnent ~ilakesthe future
attached. A11 questions cany eqml marks. . ' . man unpredictable .
: Max.'Marks : 50 d) ~hi'stone-ageis longer.tliati the nktal age
~cL&I& a O Q 6 & & ~ ~ a ~ c i i >&S>tpdti5\C§0~
, 13otS aaab* J+, 0;5c:&1> '
p ~ i X , o A~
. 9 ,e , ,mcbaw
p~~ 4, ri3++&1> %.

a) pa ismcqx~a- &'~kw&~sx&amii%
l'lm importance of cxptirimental approacll to b) @SKI.S@ra$:dt~pUStSt53
,ZNS.q &QJrS3.>
scientific laws was stressed by
e) ar~s,z i m o ~ u30aaaa ptps6 oat@&
3) Roger Bacon . I>) Galilleo
c) Rokmcr . d) Tycho Brahe ' . ns13is$)b &boaBmm -. - - -

m & i 6 t x i 3 & a e ) ~ ~ ~ C B ~ p&-3m40,53,

dl p;aisll-mrro~a~sso-usucrd,&pa ~ a
Which is the correct statement ?
S B ) , O ~ ~ Z J ~. T ~ C T lJ

a) m r ~ 3as8
. .-5. . .

a) S.cience, Civili7ati~nqnd ,culture have no

c) da6 . . ' mutual relationship
2. . Any metllod' bf ' 4) ~ c i e n c rqnd t t i c l ~ n d ollas
~ detiriorated
. .
accepted on ilze' the hwnan life ,

a) Obsewatiotl . .c) aster comniunication has no influence on

b) I-Iyyotheis
c) F.xper.iment 10conqucr all diseases

d) All the above

@ E D $a$ba d
30-9 i ~ a
- .
. 05!3'&brn.
q i s mRj0 i ;
Q ~ , S S X i3b60BJ
~ ~ c ~
> ~ ~

SA<5 S p e U ~ . . sr9s,rS, ao@o&ib a/& .

b), Qqis.iW ~ 0 c C ~3e$eJ
h &=+a
. .c) ssea
c*+q at5asKl
6 a03gaa . c S ~ S ~ iZTadjd33

. ije6ol5tQSS?&hod&. .

.d) a.~asaes~ :,);o, 6amsa~?3(j330d3hs3

b) Gieate Sensitivity. . .
C) . b a t e precision
d) h l u l l i ~ u r p ~utility
s a along with the above
&s i3rng40e+8 sutrma8 CodsrDBo

, .
6. '
@zg,is'ane ~ a ; S s
Salvation and liberation in.life is the .
a) Immediate goal . b) Distant g ~ a l
c) Integrated gonl d) ~cientificgoal

a) @e64J6d&J b) ea ' . a , g m &0aY,~?G k % r 5 r & i b ~ damn8

C ) a0 @ ~ b . ~ ' ~ u a) 66 aka CS&~O b) cSmIa6~6aao

C):BaQPg C~S+O d) ~ ~r i q 760 s


wrong stateiuqt? . Retinal is klanll as

united people. .a) Vitrunin - A . b) Vitai~liii- I3
depend on - the c) Vitamin -'C, . . d) 1tit:anih - E
d) lmw=
17. Pdalli the fint antibiotic dismvmL.d'
b -.
a) F l w b3 Dub.a a
c) Waksmm dJ F l ~ . n d o t h e r s\, q
@cutlIhr&rsa-% aw46-a a
a) rn b) Ib C) e d) 3 .8) 3- b) Qr,m&
lIIipc~sare~iarVitnmin c)aka .d) qlO;lpg,hJI&
a)K b),C c)E dl B 18. Tbe abi&+of i n d i n lePdabo thc loss of
.ama>b 5- ~ O ~ Bo* ~
. DblLuS
~ r p a) Pri,tcins b) lipids
a)s b) & .c)a dl E3 c) bf4ia-l~ d) Giumse
Vitamin B, is also known as . s!al@& urn -
a) Bi& 'b) B W : )3 ~ 4 h b) n86a,
C) Ribo-flavin d) Thiamine c) p l o w .d) *di
B, a d 3m 19. Cartisam i s d as an anti-inflaxmitoryagent
a) m d ~ b S b) &%sJdb& to mat'
C) 2Sl-303 d3 a) RhcumaoDidArthritis
Felic - acid deficiency causes - b) Antalk
a) Skin inflamatim b) - &I&& ri r .
' J , -. d) AIDS
c) Nervous debility &*&$a' 8+8@&8b @e-ebma@ actSam
d) Crack in the corners or'm~&' &0~o6;, ?
a) m ~ r a m m B
w@#3& b) 635m
a) &t&a
Soc.b&~&b b) 63b& C) &@&s%~ d) Qcm%
s ) - a d d) a o a m c ~ w ' i0. IJrqa, oil uLa. fisb maxgm and b l d meal
Highly sofoble Vitamin in water is . ,
form the companc'nts 06 '
a) B,, b) B6 C ) B , dl B2 a) irqpnic nitragenfertiiizer
~ ~ ~ e Q b L k a b) organic nitrogen fntili~er
a) P3,j [b) B, t) Bi d) B2 c) pyrtasic Mbr
Ni@ Bliqdnes L c u r d by d) phosphatic Whr
a) Fish Ihir ail b) $ ~ V M &m%~
e x % c m w , saut!RIg, 5@693&@ wb
C) Cauliflswer d) b g yolk &6& w ~ e u n c
bba~~@&om a) e z ~ q , ~ ~ p s r a
.a) ~ 2 ~ eau6
o h b) oasd b) az&W r;spa'oc&&@
C) m6W6 d) I&*-=&= c) rrrralbs *rnQ
Vaccines ar;'idtiaduccd into the body to dl ers$lasea-4
produce 21. mud is a
a) antibodies b) infection a) NitFoww f c r t i l b
*s) antigens d) tet~nus b) Potassic Xdlimr
abapcsrloa. m4t&,&( a $ a ~ ~bS~U & o) Phosphatic f d i z c r
m m s d) Mixed fertilizer
a) a b d e ~ & b b) axia4a 6S&6 m a n ,
C) c~%ob86 d) a m a) crspaam o 3 & ~ b) ;srsllb6 a e h ~
The best example for attenuated-livingv~tcine c) 0k3639 am4 dd) w r ~ a . ~ ~
is 22. The chcnticds which jmvcnt the growth of
a)Tetanustaxoid b) B.C.O: unws~1tcd plmb are
c) Cholera Vaccine d) Triple antigens a) Fungi4des' b) Acarieides
p~j3. as56& m+&&e e@&B&CPZW~~~&U C) !3ydcPoiEWS d) Hrrbicirdes '

a) em&& b) ;B"kr ;sco&lrpro ~ & & o & ~ c U t r a S s m

C) CFCKP .I,&&. dl (abaes.~~~ba& I ) doo(LWCZSscu b) - ~ Q J

T?M eomplcxx c h i c a l caqmuods exhibiting C) Q I s ( 5 . 0 9 ~ 3 4

$ m t h i H r l activity arc known as 23. The MPB~ IxstituG assoitad with hybrio
a), tuxb.Ls b) p h t production is I

c& d j o t i c s dl antibodies a] m+fR b) CSIR

CW6arO) -+p&
bt3,p& 6aSm$3~
w - q
01 =

c) lCAK
tr) a m
d) corn

24. ICAR, IAW, IITI are reqxmsible for

c3i &brassaw 6) m p
21. Biqps baa a dwdb1.d q
cw nbil&mc
.a] B-@ C 4 bl B4dsau a&&tlZ
g E*k-w:@ x * k @ e o
mas%& $06 = e , e & o m
a$ ~a~~
b) ib>-;5&a-CQ2 .
c] a-8 i$bBd@002
d) caE&d&*QamCO
27. Tke m i w l j 4 stio ion ~ W Q - ia ly
a$ F m 9 n b) i%lEm&t~
c) i4xutemW $4Rc,dwtiain
edb.*R&*@? CU
M. &Iss.aib
b) w-b t . a a m a b 3
@W M C ~ 3
44-b . !;
. 283 FiAiWitBmnrsds*
a!) B ' W X - m~ p . ~ ~ ~
b, Flak t * r -
)GI x a y ~ ~ l s&&l&
k bi
.dl T-eayf

-*- ,we d.ifbj:iod by clac.t'$c a d

Y em&SW-,
a a q $ m &~&-~UBPIQ~
bj &aw&&*--u3

c) mip 'i%&-&ts-oilk iStn*e. barn-


@ 5a%l &os07z~ld &car-c

Telephm mmdismwd by :

a# A.0. %N b) RdwfH&k
t) bdacami ' 4)
a') AG. Beii b) l!Ub@HGIoL.
*G) W W . . 4 Maw
30. H ~ ' ~ ' A ' ~ ~ ~ Q I I !
4 754KH.z. 'W 8 W W q
n 5 MHZ
~ 4) IS^^
~ p = G - ~ ~ ~ ~ t a W ~ s
a) 7 3 8 m k$) 830-lW?4i
E.) 1256?@@
9 ~~~~
r] XTnrw.rrudsegzzzmf**r&~p
bl -. t . b dW* X-HQS
c) s%dibtm&bonct-
d) X-nys c5ro wf damage &G 15krhgg C&S
37. Paper was prepared far the'first t h e in 44. S-tic frb& are
. . a). Comn bT Wool
a) Europe b) R U S S ~ ~ ,. .

C) Chine d) Gemy~y . ' c) Nylon ' .- d) Silk

pp-m potso $skcr.& *@=< "

a) ctmad~ b l .,-a' . /a) ace . ' ' b) 6%

=) iF= d) a46 ' c) I?-+ . .dl ba,
38. The ieading news papers are printed by - 45. ' ~om~uter'$ can do
a) Lettcr Press bj TithdpreSs. . a) Numerical calculation only
c) DTP ' d) Photwomposing b) Rcscrk railway ticketsketsmly
cs(C@d -2 d p s u a c T L x I ~ T S M Q ' ,
c.) P'mess any'type of infoti63tii.m
d) Answer any auestion in human v o i a
a) aab'tas h} C J @ ' ~ %
c ) 6e33 d) 6oMreoCi ~n*awl
a) ~i5aoo6&0960d,
39. Blue colour in is obtained by adding h) .6&49s9 are& o ai k ~ t ~ s ~
a) c.Opper b) bhromium c) 8 +iMmmm&aa[S&Z5CSO akUbCiC)@~
c) Manganese cl) Cobalt' d) amctkbll m e bj (*iila smGacre3
rntmma'iausgrn -3u.~,tmS~;S.QCWO. 46. COBOL is
a) n a p ) . .
b)'phi2cu;;o . s
a) a stor& device
c) a o t s M > d) . @&e ' b) an operating system
3 .

40. Znphc)to~hywlutis&&af~~ent? ' c) a qwcd'clock

i)silver bromide ,b) hypo d) a compuk language
c) water ' d)'devetoper . bcPG
, & [&d $J,o6 ga6Som mSi3&65& a) &s m @ ~ ~ o;58s&
~ %
a) @eAsl@+t5 . h) *a6 . b)& ~~CLSBUU
.c) 662 .. d) adoas . C) %06@&%r 7 B - W ,

4 1 The.first silent tnovi'e was produced by - d j &?9.q0*~&9 r$zi

a) Peter irk ., 47. Ever lasting source of energy is
b) ThomwA Ecliku '
a) solar energy . .b) kerasiene .
C) 'rweflt$th C&.W FOX
d) Parvm~imtpictures . :c) fire v+-md
caaJS3 -66fit349-a
d) nuclear energy
8 33cShX0
W c
5~ $ &CLIP&
0 ~bde a) ~ w - b) bdb&
a) hbd'km(a . b) p a h a bAact5 cj doe 3wm . d) 301csa.ss
. . ~l & 2 a ~ 9bod613
~5 d) c3eJ6+306 Qc6 98. ' I l ~ length
e and direction measure&nt can b
42. .file seqne~~cc
of the srletallur@cal-processes made' by
is . a) Chain:ed compass h) Theodolite surlcy
a) Puritication, extraction and dressing c) Aerial survey d) Plane table s w e y
b) Dressing, extriction and purification ~us@.dLlO& 0 8 e-s &&IW'm
'c j Extraction, purification and dressing- *.a) m w a q e E X C B ~
d) ~ x t ~ a c d odresking
n, and purification
, b) @**a @3&
&bgQ SQ&v (S&tzix C) Q~oJ,~'~s,
a) aaQadiS~b,36&b d a o a m ~a,uaro,
d) a+6s cg ab,
*o&DWb 49. A strong explosive is
b) WiOpgaQ *t)C%2;36&b, 3 6 & 4 &oQ5a a) Gun powder . b) Liquid Oxyger~
&>a,gti4'~1%b .c) i'NT d) Cmcotton
c) a6&b, &$5efd~6a2ecs.x ~ D ( o M ~ % ots ajSSo(sQhi3 8MebSo
eZsomaCrrS3L3 ., a) fi~acs~ b) s&ss'paro
d) ser&co, gaam1D, @po&;~&Abma&. c) baS.~&& d) K&mb8
;rjqawb Pick up the coirect statement
43. Effective refiigeration is obtained by a) Mongols used cross-bows .
' a) Rapid evaporation b) Fighter and boinber planes were
b) Ice stored in underground pots . introduced in the first world war
C) Freezing mixture c3 Gun Powder was a & ~ ihvcntionm
d) Thermodynamic refrigeration d) Gc@&an'.ws a bad strategist
saa samas m g q e p p k 32. maR)aqau
a) .sa&orsa q f i o a i ~ b ' a) &otFeuc?u p b - m a c~biiatb
b) ;See igoae)~j~)offi WC.SJ& &0r5~co b) 2b6 &a- ersoa~bk$c;53o<p
&&e3 r;.iaoa
c) i~f?2&'m@'ibo
. d) egcrw *dera=o

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