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Rates Circular No.

of 2007
Rates Circular No. 17/2007



No.TC-I/2004/104/1-pt. New Delhi, dated :02.03. 2007

General Managers,
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Guidelines for Electronic Payment System.


Please refer to Board’s Rates Circular No.65/2006 dated 25.07.2006 wherein

guidelines for implementation of Electronic Payment System for collection of freight
through e-banking for customers having banking arrangement with State Bank of India
were issued. Northern Railway were advised to begin this system with FCI and to extend
the same to other customers progressively.

It has been now decided that Railways may go ahead with the scheme in
accordance with the above guidelines for extending the Electronic Payment System to
the interested major customers through Nationalised Banks only. The existing
guidelines valid for E-payment arrangements with SBI stands modified to include all
Nationalised Banks.

CCM and FA &CAO may be asked to co-ordinate for implementation of E-

payment system and furnish Monthly feedback of the progress in implementation of the
scheme to Board.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt and take necessary action accordingly.

(N.K. Parsuramka)
Director, Traffic Commercial(R)
Railway Board.

No.TC-1/2004/104/1-pt New Delhi, dt. 02.03.2007

1. FA & CAO's, All Indian Railways for necessary action.

2. Dy. C&AG(Rlys.) Room No. 222, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi .

for Financial Commissioner(Rlys)

Rates Circular No. of 2007

Rates Circular No. 17/2007

No.TC-1/2004/104/1-pt. New Delhi, dt. 02.03.2007

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:

1. Chief Commercial Managers/All Indian Railways

2. Managing Director, CRIS, Chankyapuri, New Delhi-21.
3. The Chief Administrative Officer, FOIS, Northern Railway,Chankya Puri, New
4. Managing Director, Konkan Railway Corporation, Belapur Bhavan, Sector-11,
CBD Belapur, New Mumbai-400614.
5. Director General, Railway Staff College, Vadodara.
6. General Secretary, IRCA, New Delhi.
7. Director, IRITM, Campus: Hardoi Bye Pass Raod, VPO, Kanausi, Manaknagar,
8. Managing Director, Pipavav Railway Corporation Ltd., Jeevan Tara Bldg., Ist
floor, Gate No. 4, Sansad Marg, New Delhi –110001.
9. Secretary, Railway Rates Tribunal, 5, Dr. P.V. Cherian Crecent Road, Egmore,
10. Director General(Rail Movement), Mil Rail (Railway Board Cell), Addl. Dte.
Gen. of Movements, General Staff Branch, Army H.Q., Sena Bhavan, New Delhi-
11. Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety, Lucknow.

(N.K. Parsuramka)
Director, Traffic Comml. (Rates)
Railway Board.
Copy to:
AM(T), AM(C&IS), Adv.(C),Adv. (F), Adv.(AR), Adv.(vig.)
EDTC(R), EDF(C), ED(C&IS), ED(A) ED(FM),EDTT(M), EDTT(F), ED(Safety),
Dir.(AR), DF(CCA),DF(C ), DDTC(R)
TC(FM), TC(R), TC(CR), Accounts-II & F( C) Branches, Railway Board.

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