Introduction of Epidemiology
Introduction of Epidemiology
Introduction of Epidemiology
Modern epidemiology deals with, in addition to chronic diseases, the other health related states
that is not a medical condition but can give rise to health consequences. The concept has started
with the search for non - communicable diseases and its horizon towards genetic epidemiology,
pharmaco-epidemiology, immuno - epidemiology, social epidemiology etc.
Modern epidemiology has entered the most exciting phase of its evolution. By identifying risk
factors of the chronic diseases, evaluating treatment modalities and health services, it has provided
new opportunities for prevention, treatment, planning and improving effectiveness and efficiency
of health services.
Aims of Epidemiology
According to the International Epidemiological Association (IEA), epidemiology has three
main aims:
1. To describe the distribution and magnitude of health and disease problems in human
2. To identify etiological factors (risk factors) in the pathogenesis of diseases and
3. Provide data essential to planning, implementation and evaluation of services for the
prevention, control and treatment of disease and to the setting up of priorities among
those services.
Purpose of Epidemiology
1. To provide a basic for developing disease control and prevention measures for groups at
risk. This translates into developing measures to prevent or control disease.
2. To investigate nature / extent of health - related phenomena in the community / identify
3. To study natural history and prognosis of health related problems.
4. To identify causes and risk factors.
5. To recommend / assist in application of / evaluate best interventions (preventive and
therapeutic measures).
6. To provide foundation for public policy.
Measurements of Epidemiology
1. Measurement of mortality.
2. Measurement of morbidity.
3. Measurement of disability.
4. Measurement of natality.
5. Measurement of presence or absence of attributes.
6. Measurement of health care need.
7. Measurement of environmental and other risk factors.
8. Measurement of demographic variables.
Objectives of Epidemiology
1. To identify the etiology, or cause, of a disease and its relevant risk factors (i.e., factors that
increase a person’s risk for a disease).
2. To intervene to reduce morbidity and mortality from the disease
3. To develop a rational basis for prevention programs based on identified etiologic or causal
4. To work on to reduce or eliminate exposure to those factors
5. To develop appropriate vaccines and treatments, which can prevent the transmission of the
disease to others.
6. To determine the extent of disease found in the community.
7. To help plan health services and facilities for effective health care facilities
8. To study the natural history and prognosis of the disease.
Scope of Epidemiology
Epidemiology, as defined by ' Last ', concerns not only disease and death components but also
other health related events. In this way, it also gives indication to improve upon the situation after
knowing the distribution and determinants of disease or events. So in this way, epidemiology is a
basic medical science with the goal of improving the health of populations.
The scope of epidemiology can be:
1. Causation of disease: The knowledge of distribution of disease in terms of time, place and,
person provides hypothesis and this is further tested and confirmed by various epidemiological
studies. These causative factors may be genetic or environmental or it may be causation of both
which leads to ill health.
2. Natural history of disease: Epidemiology is a very important and significant tool to study the
natural history of any disease. Epidemiologists study the disease pattern in the community in
relation to agent, host and environmental factors. One can study a complete pattern of disease
starting from good health, subclinical disease, clinical disease, disability and recovery from
disease or even death.
3. Classification of disease: The epidemiological observations suggest that various diseases are
having different determinants and should be classified accordingly, e.g. peptic ulcer group should
not include gastric and duodenal ulcer as one, as they are different in etiology. Similarly vehicle
and vector borne diseases are classified according to their key determinant. These provide an
insight for further management.
4. Description of health status of population: Epidemiology is often used to describe the health
status of population groups. Knowledge of the disease burden in population is essential for health
managers who guide us, in relation to limited resources for the best possible effect.
Uses of epidemiology
1. Establishing the dimensions of morbidity and mortality as a function of person , place
and time
2. Quantifying risks of developing morbidity
3. Identifying and defining syndromes
4. Describing the full clinical spectrum of disease and illness
5. Describing the natural history of disease
6. Identifying factors which influence or predict clinical course
7. Identifying causes of disease , disability and mortality
8. Evaluating methods of disease prevention and control
Function of epidemiology
Core epidemiologic functions: in the mid- 1980s, five major tasks of epidemiology in public
health practice were identified-
1. Public health surveillance
2. Field investigation
3. Research
4. Evaluation and
5. Policy development.
The health of the public has markedly improved in the twentieth century, through direct and
indirect benefits from health-related research. The top public health accomplishments of the 21st
century as published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report are:
1. Vaccine-preventable diseases
2. Prevention and control of infectious diseases
3. Tobacco control
4. Maternal and infant health
5. Motor vehicle safety
6. Cardiovascular disease prevention
7. Occupational safety
8. Cancer prevention
9. Childhood lead poisoning prevention
10. Improved public health preparedness and response.
Descriptive studies are usually the first phase of an epidemiological investigation. These studies
are concerned with observing the distribution of disease or health - related characteristics in
human populations and identifying the characteristics with which the disease in question
seems to be associated. Such studies basically ask the questions.
Disease in community
Community in disease
Disease in Community
It means who are affected, which areas are affected and at what time it shows maximum effect.
They basically answer three questions who, when and where or we can say they center around
time, place and person.
Community in Disease
It means health status of community, i.e. which are the major diseases in the community? Which
is the disease of significant severity in terms of disability? Which section of the community are
the worst effected?
This type of interpretations about health and disease of community is also known as '
community diagnosis '.
Time Variation
Time is another important aspect, which gives clue in the epidemiological investigation.
We can understand the concept of time according to the length of time necessary for the
changes to develop in progression of disease.
It can be studied in following types-
Diurnal variation
Seasonal variation
Cyclic or periodic variation
Secular or long term variation
2. Seasonal Variation
It is the tendency to high or low incidence shown by many diseases at certain times of the year
such as diarrhea in summer season and measles or ARI in winter season. Other vector borne
diseases like malaria, dengue, filarial, etc. May and June are known as malaria months.
Allergic diseases like hay fever and asthma also show seasonal trends. These are related to
the environmental factors, which changes with climate like breeding and feeding habits of
disease vectors, housing seasons, indoor and outdoor living pattern of the population.
3. Cyclic Variation
Some diseases show a tendency of periodic recurrence after a fixed period. This trend is
related with the herd immunity of a particular area, which decreases to certain level after a
fixed period and makes the population prone / vulnerable for that disease.
4. Secular Variation
These changes refer to changes that occur gradually over long periods of time and usually
imply changes in disease frequency measured over a period of several years or decades. This
trend can be upward or downward as we see in case of diabetes, CVD, obesity, cancers that
there is increase in number of cases in last three - four decades. We can also observe that
polio, typhoid, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases that are towards decline. This
change in either direction can be due to awareness among people and implementation of
national health programmes.
Analysis of cases by time enables the formulation of hypothesis concerning the time and source
of infection, mode of transmission and causative agent as well as incubation period. Cases of a
particular disease recorded according to date, month, year, etc. also provide definite knowledge
about the period of incubation as well as the likely future trend. All these are necessary for
planning appropriate preventive and control measures.
Epidemic Trends
Definition: The "unusual" occurrence in a community or region of disease, specific health -
related behaviour (e.g., smoking) or other health - related events (e.g. traffic accidents) clearly in
excess of "expected occurrence".
The term "outbreak" is used for a small, usually localised epidemic in the interest of minimizing
public alarm, unless the number of cases is indeed very large.
By definition, a case control study involves two populations - cases and controls. In case control
studies, the unit is the individual rather than the group. The focus is on a disease or some other
health problem that has already developed.
Case control studies are basically comparison studies. Cases and controls must be comparable
with respect to known "confounding factors" such as age , sex , occupation , social status , etc.
Basic steps
There are four basic steps in conducting a case control study:
There are several kinds of matching procedures. One is group matching. This may be done by
assigning cases to sub - categories (strata) based on their characteristics (e.g., age, occupation,
social class) and then establishing appropriate controls. The frequency distribution of the matched
variable must be similar in study and comparison groups. Matching is also done by pairs. For
example, for each case, a control is chosen which can be matched quite closely. Thus, if we have
a 50 year old mason with a particular disease we will search for 50 year old mason. without the
disease as a control. Thus one can obtain pairs of patients and controls of the same sex, age,
duration and severity of illness etc.
3. Measurement of exposure
Definitions and criteria about exposure (or variables which may be of aetiological importance)
are just as important as those used to define cases and controls. Information about exposure should
be obtained in precisely the same manner both for cases and controls. This may be obtained by
interviews, by questionnaires or by studying past records of cases such as hospital records,
employment. records etc.
4. Analysis
The final step is analysis, to find out-
As we know that in case control study , incidence cannot be calculated , because there is no
proper denominator or we can say , exact number of population at risk is not known so in this
case , to know the strength of association , we calculate odd's ratio .
It is ratio of exposure among cases and control
OR = chance of exposure among cases / chance of exposure among control
( factor present and disease present ) x ( factor absent and disease absent )
ODDS ratio =
( factor present and disease absent ) x ( factor absent and disease present )
18 | P a g e (Prepared by Sharmin Akter Sumi, Lecturer, NHS, JUST)
OR =
It is also known as cross - product ratio. As it is not real, it is also known as 'pseudo relative risk’
In the study of CVD cases the following data was obtained.
CVD patient and level of total serum cholesterol
Comparing (calculating zero level and one level)
OR = 138 x 211/132 x 81 = 27
Calculating zero level and two level
OR = 211 x 24 / 132 x 2 19.18
So , it is evident that if the total serum cholesterol level is increased to 1st level as compared to
normal ( zero level ) the risk increase 2.7 fold and if it increases to 2nd level ( > 260 ) , the risk
increases 19.18 times .
There are so many tests available in biostatistics and according to the acquired data these
are applied.
Here in this case ' chi - square test ' is applied to ascertain whether the relation between
total serum cholesterol and CVD is significant or not. For this, P value ' is calculated, which tells
us whether the probability of association between the disease and suspected factor has occurred
by chance or by real fact. If the P - value is 0.05 or less than that, the relation is considered
significant. The lesser the P - value higher is the significance.
Bias And Limitations
There are following bias observed in case - control study
a. Selection bias
b. Memory bias / recall bias
c. Interviewer bias
d. Confounding bias
e. Berkesonian bias
f. Unacceptability bias
AR indicates to what extent the disease under study can be attributed to the exposure.
Population - Attributable Risk ( PAR )
It is the incidence of the disease (or death) in the total population minus the incidence of disease
(or death) among those who were not exposed to the suspected casual factor, which is expressed
as percent.
Incidence of disease (or death) in total population –
Incidence of disease (or death) in non - exposed.
PAR = X 100
Incidence of disease (or death) in total population
Differences between Case control and Cohort studies (between Retrospective and
Prospective study)
Case control Study ( Retrospective study ) Cohort study ( Prospective study )
1. Proceeds from 'effect to cause'. 1. Proceeds from ' cause to effect.
2. Starts with the disease. 2. Starts with people exposed to risk factor or
suspected cause.
3. Tests whether the suspected cause occurs more 3. Tests whether disease occurs more frequently in
frequently in those with disease than among those those exposed than in those not similarly exposed.
without the disease.
4. Usually the first approach to the testing of a 4. Reserve for testing of precisely formulated
hypothesis. hypothesis.
5. Involves fewer number of subjects. 5. Involves larger number of subjects.
6. Yields relatively quick results. 6. Long follow up period often needed, involving
delayed results.
7. Suitable for the study of rare disease. 7. Inappropriate when the disease is rare.
8. Only estimates relative risk (RR). 8. Yields incidence rates, RR as well as attributable
9. Can't yield information about more diseases 9. Can yield information about more than one
other than that selected for study. disease outcome.
10. Relatively inexpensive. 10. Expensive.
Experimental epidemiology is also known as intervention epidemiology.
Experimental or interventional studies are carried out in such conditions that are under the direct
control of the investigator. Experimental or interventional studies involve experiment in two
groups: experimental group and control group. There are some actions, interventions or
manipulations in these studies, which are strictly determined by laid down protocol or plan.
Aims of experimental studies
i. To provide scientific proof of aetiological (or risk) factors which may permit the
modification or control of those diseases; and
ii. To provide a method of measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of health services for
the prevention, control and treatment of disease and improve the health of the community.
Types of experimental studies
i. Randomized controlled trials (i.e. those involving a process or random allocation ); and
ii. Non - randomized or "non - experimental" trails (i.e. those departing from strict
randomization for practical purposes, but in such a manner that non - randomization does
not seriously affect the theoretical basis of conclusions).
Community trials
In these studies, the treatment groups are communities rather than individuals.
The best example of community trials is supply of iodized salt to community and reduction of
prevalence of the problem of goiter in the community.