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Fosroc® Lokfix E77

(supersedes Lokfix E75)

High performance pure epoxy 3:1 resin ■ Waterproof, protecting the embedded fixing from
cartridge system, for anchoring reinforcement corrosion and water penetration into the substrate.
and fixings into a variety of substrates.
■ Extended gel times allow for more complex procedures
■ Fire rated up to 2 hours*
■ 24 month shelf life

*consult test data for specific conditions


Lokfix E77 is a two-component Epoxy anchoring material,

supplied in 3:1 ratio side-by-side cartridges with a static
mixer nozzle. When applied it sets and cures to firmly
secure a variety of steel fixings into concrete and solid
masonry substrates.
Other grades of Lokfix are also available
For concrete (solid, porous and light) and solid masonry.
Lokfix E35 Rapid curing resin anchor cartridge system
■ Accredited* for use in dry, wet and flooded concrete based on styrene free polyester for lightweight anchoring.
substrates, internal and external exposure.
Lokfix E55S Rapid curing resin anchor cartridge system
■ Can be used with cracked concrete
based on styrene free vinyl-ester for heavy / medium duty
■ Fixing of post installed reinforcement anchoring.
■ Anchoring of threaded rod fixings Specification Clause
■ Anchoring of internal threaded rod sleeves The anchor grout shall be Fosroc Lokfix E77 cartridge sys-
■ Can be applied to a wide variety of fixing and rebar sizes tem. The Anchoring grout shall comply with EAD 330087-
00-0601, systems for post-installed rebar connections, and
■ For horizontal, vertical and overhead application
EAD 330499-01-0601 for anchoring fixings into cracked
■ C1 and C2 seismic resistance* and un-cracked concrete.

Advantages Standards Compliance

■ High durability: Tested to achieve 100 year design life* Lokfix E77 complies with the following standards:

■ High Bond strengths for heavyweight fixings or ■ European approval to EAD 330499-01-0601, anchoring
economical design. in cracked and un-cracked concrete (which supersedes
ETAG 001 option 5) includes fire testing, (threaded rod
■ No additional mixing equipment required
only) to 120 minutes and C1 & C2 seismic approval.
■ Does not apply expansive force to the substrate
■ European approval to EAD 330087-00-0601, for use in
■ Fixings can be spaced closer together than mechanical post-installed rebar connections (supersedes EOTA
anchors TR 023).
■ Enables fixings closer to edges than mechanical anchors ■ Émissions dans l’air intérieur : A+
■ Low VOC ■ LEED compliant VOC Level
■ Re-usable by replacing sealing cap product may be kept
to the end of original shelf life.

■ Tested with diamond drilled bore holes*

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Fosroc® Lokfix E77
For optimal use the cartridge temperature should be
between +5ºC to +40ºC. Note general storage conditions.

**The stated loading time is for dry conditions. In wet/damp

conditions, the loading time will double.

Be aware that the substrate temperature can vary

significantly from the ambient temperature.

Chemical resistance

Lokfix E77 has resistance to a wide variety of chemicals.

Consult Fosroc technical department for specific data.

Material Properties

Table 1—Material Properties Design Criteria

Assistance and qualification

Compressive Strength (EN196-1) >110 MPa
Design of fixings and reinforcement must be undertaken by
Flexural Strength (EN196-1) >60MPa
suitably qualified personnel with understanding of the
E Modulus (ISO 527-2) >6000 MPa construction and use of the structure, the use of the fixing,
as well as being in compliance with local legislation.
Axial Tensile Strength (ISO 527-2) >40
In applications where fixings or rebar must be designed
Shore A Hardness (ISO 868) >90
and applied in compliance with the requirements of the
Shore D Hardness (ISO 868) >85 relevant ETA and EAD, designers should consult the
relevant Fosroc accreditation documents.
Density ~1.5kg/L
Fosroc provides software which may be used to aid design,
Temporary service temp. (<24h) -40°C to +72°C
available at www.lokfix.com or through your local technical
Permanent service temp. (>24h) -40°C to +50°C office.

Watertightness (EN12390-8) 0mm

Note: Tables 3, 4 and 5 suggestions for use and data
Electrical resistance (IEC93) 8 x1012 Ωm provided has been selected based on following criteria:

Thermal Conductivity (EN993-15) 0.50W/m.K Compressive class C20/25 dry/wet, un-cracked concrete,
hammer drilled or compressed air drilled. Rebar class BSt
500, threaded rod 8.8 class. 50 year design life with
Table 2 - Lokfix E77 Gel & Loading Times
long/short term service temps maximums of +25/+40°C.
Calculations performed to comply with EN1992-4 (2018).
Substrate Gel Time **Loading Time

Temp. (mins) (hrs) All values in mm unless otherwise stated.

0ºC 90 144 For all other conditions including 100 year design life,
increased concrete strength, fixings into solid masonry
+10 ºC 60 28
types, fixings into cracked concrete, fixings subject to
+20 ºC 30 12 seismic conditions and post installation of reinforcement
refer to the relevant method statement, EAD document or
+30 ºC 12 9
use the de- sign software www.lokfix.com, also available
+40ºC 8 4 through your local technical office.

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Fosroc® Lokfix E77
Table 3 - Rebar Anchoring Setting Parameters – details below

Rebar Anchor Size Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 Ø20 Ø24 Ø25 Ø28 Ø32 Ø36 
 Ø40 

Min. Edge Distance Cmin 35 40 45 50 50 60 70 70 75 85 180 200

Min. Spacing Smin 40 50 60 70 75 90 120 120 130 150 180 200

Max. Embedment Depth hef,, max 160 200 240 280 320 400 480 500 560 640 720 800

Min. Embedment Depth hef,, min 60 60 70 75 80 90 96 100 112 128 144 240
hef +30mm
Min. Part Thickness hmin ≥100mm hef +2d0

Min. Drill Diameter D0, min 10 12 14 18 20 25 30 30 35 40 45 50

Max. Drill Diameter D0, max 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 32 35 40 45 50

Table 4 - Threaded Rod Anchoring Setting Parameters -details below

Anchor Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 M30 M33 
 M36 
 M39 
 M42 
 M48 

Min. Edge Distance Cmin 35 40 45 50 60 65 75 80 165 180 195 210 240

Min. Spacing Smin 40 50 60 75 95 115 125 140 165 180 195 210 240

Max. Embedment Depth hef,ma 160 200 240 320 400 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 960

Min. Embedment Depth hef,mi 60 60 70 80 90 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 192

Min Part Thickness hmin hef +30mm ≥100mm hef +2d0

Drill Diameter d0 10 12 14 18 22 28 30 35 38 42 45 52 60

Max. Installation Torque Tinst. 10 20 40 60 100 170 250 300 330 360 390 460 550

Table 5 - Example Fixing loads

Fixing diameter 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 25 27 28

Embedment depth hef, 80 90 110 115 125 170 210 210 250 250

Edge distance C 120 135 165 173 188 255 315 315 375 375

Spacing S 240 270 330 345 375 510 630 630 750 750

Tension load for Threaded rod (kN) 13.8 20.0 27.0 - 32.7 51.9 71.3 - 92.6 -

Tension load for rebar (kN) 14.3 20.0 27.0 28.9 32.7 51.9 68.8 71.3 - 92.6

Fixing diameter 30 32 33┼  36┼  39┼  40┼  42┼  48┼ 

Note: Greater/lesser
loads per fixing are
Embedment depth hef, 270 270 320 350 380 380 420 480 possible depending
on embedment depth
Edge distance C 405 405 480 525 570 570 630 720 and other factors.
Consult Fosroc tech-
Spacing S 810 810 960 1050 1140 1140 1260 1440 nical for advice.

Tension load for Threaded rod (kN) 103.9 - 111.7 127.8 144.6 - 168.0 205.3 Data provided does
not form part of the
Tension load for rebar (kN) - 103.9 - 127.8 - 144.6 - - EAD

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Fosroc® Lokfix E77
Product Installation Unscrew the fixing cap from the cartridge. Remove the plastic
Full details are available in the application method statement,
a copy of which may be obtained from your local Fosroc Screw the static mixer nozzle onto the cartridge. Place the
technical department. cartridge into the application gun.

The following methodology is for installation into solid Pull the trigger to extrude the Lokfix E77.
substrates such as reinforced concrete. For other substrates Important: extrude the initial material until the colour
or fixings please request a separate method statement. becomes red and consistent. This typically takes two or
Hole Formation and Preparation three full squeezes. Discard material that is streaky in
Drill hole with percussive drill or compressed air drill ensuring
sides of the concrete are rough. If using a hollow drill bit Insert the nozzle to the back of the hole and pump the Lokfix
system, additional hole preparation is not generally material gently pulling back until the hole is ⅔ to ¾ full.
necessary. If using diamond drill, the hole must be flushed Ensure there are no voids in the resin. If the hole is too deep
with clean water, cleaned with a wire brush and flushed for the nozzle to reach the back, use an extension nozzle.
again before using the cleaning process described below. In wide/overhead holes a piston plug will help reduce slump
If rebar is struck immediately stop drilling and seek the and ensure a void-fee application. This is particularly
advice of the designing engineer. recommended for holes above 16mm diameter.

Clean holes immediately prior to installation of fixings to Observing the product gel time, insert the fixing into the hole
avoid them becoming re-contaminated. using a gentle twisting motion. Ensure the fixing is inserted
to the required depth and is held straight until the resin sets.
Standing water in the hole shall be removed prior to
There should be some extrusion of the Lokfix material from
preparation. Using compressed air insert the nozzle to the
the hole which indicates that there is full embedment.
back of the hole and blow out 2 times.
Do not load or apply tension to the fixing until the product
Insert a wire cleaning brush to the bottom of the hole and
fixing time has been observed, see table 2 .
brush out 2 times. Cleaning brush should be at least 0.5mm
wider than diameter of drill hole. Do not over-tighten fixings. Observe maximum installation
torque as stated in table 4.
Using compressed air insert the nozzle to the back of the
hole and blow out an additional 2 times. If the cartridge is to be re-used, remove the mixing nozzle
and re-apply the cap. When using again, a new mixing
If dust is still present, repeat the process until no further dust
nozzle will be required, ensure product is pre-extruded and
is visible.
of consistent colour before use.
Ensure the drill bit and the cleaning brush are of suitable
diameter for the fixing used. Consult tables 3 and 4 for
specific diameters. Uncured resin should be removed from tools and equipment
using Fosroc Solvent 102 immediately after use.
Fixings Preparation

Fixings shall be free from rust, paint, grease and Estimating

contaminants which will interfere with the bond.
Mark the required depth on the fixing.
Lokfix E77 is supplied in boxes of 12 no. 440ml cartridges,
Installation each supplied with a single mixer nozzle. It may also be
supplied in 585ml cartridges.
Lokfix E77 requires a special 3:1 application gun, this can be
supplied by Fosroc.

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Fosroc® Lokfix E77
Fosroc also supply: Storage
■ Lokfix application gun, suitable for 440 and 585ml sizes. Lokfix E77 Cartridges have a maximum shelf life of 24
■ Various sized steel brushes for hole cleaning. months when kept in a dry warehouse at between +5 to
+35ºC. It is possible to allow cartridge temperature to raise to
■ Extension nozzle, essential where the embedment depth
is greater than 190mm. In various lengths. +40ºC immediately prior to application.

■ Piston plugs, required where the hole diameter is >18mm Further Information
or where embedment depth is >250mm. Must be used
Further product information is available including, EAD
with an extension nozzle.
certification, SDS, Method Statements and calculation
■ Spare mixer nozzles, required if a cartridge is to be software. This can be found at www.lokfix.com or by
reused. contacting your local Fosroc office.
The following calculation of theoretical consumption may be
Health & Safety
used. Factors such as over-drilling, extrusion from bolt hole,
initial gun extrusion and some wastage should also be Observe the information provided on the relevant SDS.

Theoretical Consumption:
( radius cm hole2 -  radius cm bolt2) x hole length cm =
consumption ml.

Practical Consumption:
 radius cm hole2 x hole length cm x 0.67 = consumption ml.


Load calculations should always be undertaken by a qualified


For designing under conditions where extended service life,

seismic forces or fire is a consideration, please consult the *consult test data for specific conditions
relevant certification to make suitable adjustments for
® Fosroc and Lokfix are registered trademarks of Fosroc
Lokfix E77 may stain natural or decorative stone. Please
International Limited
check suitability before using for such applications.

Where faster gelling or setting times are required, consider

using Lokfix E55 or Lokfix E45T.

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of Goods
and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification of
information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied,
accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification,
recommendation of information given by basis. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest

Fosroc International Limited

Drayton Manor Business Park telephone: fax: email:
Coleshill Road, Tamworth, +44 (0)1827 262222 +44 (0)1827 262444 enquiryuk@fosroc.com
Staffordshire B78 3XN. UK

Page 5 May 2022

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