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CHE 11- Chemistry I Course Outline (1)

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CHE- 105: Chemistry-I

Course Type: GED Pre-requisite: N/A

Credits: 3 Contact Hour: 42 Total Marks: 100
Year/Level: 1st /Level-I, Semester/Term: 1st /Term-I
Chemistry is the study of materials and substances, and the transformations they undergo through
interactions and the transfer of energy. Chemistry develops students' understanding of the key
chemical concepts and models of structure, bonding, and chemical change, including the role of
chemical, electrical and thermal energy. Students learn how models of structure and bonding
enable chemists to predict properties and reactions and to adapt these for particular purposes.
Students design and conduct qualitative and quantitative investigations both individually and
collaboratively. They investigate questions and hypotheses, manipulate variables, analyze data,
evaluate claims, solve problems and develop and communicate evidence-based arguments and
models. The study of chemistry provides a foundation for undertaking investigations in a wide
range of scientific fields and often provides the unifying link across interdisciplinary studies.

Learning Materials
Text Books Reference Books Learning
1. Essentials of Physical
Chemistry, Third Edition, Thomas Chemistry by Arun Bahl, B.S.
R Gilbert, Rein V Kirss, Natalie Bahl, G.D. Tuli.
Foster and Davies. 2. Comprehensive Inorganic
Chemistry, B. S. Bahl, A. N. Journals,
Sharma Websites,
YouTube Videos

Instructure: Salehin Mahbub, Maliha Chowdhury, Faculty of Department of Natural Science.

Lecture: Will follow as given in the departmental schedule.
Office: 40 Bulu Ocean Tower, 3rd floor, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka. Office hours:
whenever I am on campus.
Contact: 01311057962, salehin@ius.edu.bd, salehin003@gmail.com, Malihaulka@ius.edu.bd
Grades: Mid Term project or assignments- 30%
Final- 40%
Assignments or Quizzes or projects- 20%
Attendance- 10%
Attendance: Your attendance will be recorded at various times and this attendance record will
be used to determine 10% of your grade. Absences will be considered excused only for
documented illness or exceptional circumstances which generally must be reported prior to the
absence. Absences for university sponsored events must be reported as early in the semester as
possible. The absence will be considered unexcused if there appears to be any delay in reporting
the reason for the absence. Make-up exams may be given for excused absences. No make-up
quizzes will be offered but the quiz average may be adjusted for an excused absence.
Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty on any exam or quiz will result in an “F” for the quiz
or exam. A second offense will result in a grade of “F” for the course. In all cases, proper due
process consistent with the “Code of Students’ Rights and Responsibilities” will be followed.
See detailed later.
Disclaimer: Instructor reserves the right to make changes and/or make corrections to the
syllabus as needed to improve overall learning environment.
Academic Misconduct: Academic dishonesty by a student is defined as unethical activity
associated with course work or grades. It includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Giving or receiving unauthorized aid on examinations,
(b) Giving or receiving unauthorized aid in the preparation of notebooks, themes, reports,
papers or any other assignments,
(c) Submitting the same work for more than one course without the instructor's permission,
(d) Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as using ideas or writings of another and claiming them as
one's own. Copying any material directly (be it the work of other students, professors, or
colleagues) or copying information from print or electronic sources (including the internet)
without explicitly acknowledging the true source of the material is plagiarism. Plagiarism also
includes paraphrasing other individuals' ideas or concepts without acknowledging their work, or
contribution. To avoid charges of plagiarism, students should follow the citation directions
provided by the instructor and/or department in which the class is offered.
Unless otherwise stated by the instructor, exams, quizzes, and out-of-class assignments are
meant to be individual, rather than group, work. Hence, copying from other students’ quizzes or
exams, as well as presenting as one's own work an assignment prepared wholly or in part by
another is in violation of academic honesty.
The above guidelines do not preclude group study for exams, sharing of sources for research
projects, or students discussing their ideas with other members of the class unless explicitly
prohibited by the instructor.
Since the violation of academic honesty strikes at the heart of the educational process, it is
subject to the severest sanctions, up to and including receiving an "F" for the entire class and
dismissal from the university.
When an instructor has a reasonable good faith belief that a student(s) has committed academic
misconduct, that instructor has the sole discretion to give the student an “F” on the
assignment/test to which the student committed academic misconduct or an “F” for the entire
Course Contents:
Matter, Energy, and the Origins of the Universe- Classes of Matter, Matter: An Atomic View,
Mixtures and How to Separate Them, Properties of Matter, A Framework for Solving Problems,
States of Matter, The Scientific Method: Starting Off with a Bang, Phase change- Evaporation,
Condensation, Freezing, Melting, Sublimation and Deposition, Common Chemical Reactions
and Energy Change, Trends in Compound Formation, Naming Compounds and Writing
Atoms, Ions, and Compounds- John Dalton's atomic model, Plum pudding model, The
Rutherford Model of Atomic Structure, Bohr's model of the atom, Quantum Numbers of Atoms,
Isotopes and Isotones, Radioactivity of Elements, Average Atomic Mass, The Periodic Table of
the Elements and Their Properties, The Pauli exclusion principle, The Aufbau principle, The
Heisenberg uncertainly principle, and The Hund's Rule for Electron Configuration.
Chemical Reactions and Earth’s Composition- Chemical Reactions and Earth’s Early
Atmosphere, The Mole, Writing Balanced Chemical Equations, Combustion Reactions,
Stoichiometric Calculations and the Carbon Cycle, Determining Empirical Formulas from
Percent Composition, Empirical and Molecular Formulas, Combustion Analysis, Limiting
Reagents and Percent Yield,
Chemical Bonding and Climate Change- Chemical Bonds, Lewis Symbols and Lewis
Structures, Electronegativity, Unequal Sharing, and Polar Bonds, Vibrating Bonds and the
Greenhouse Effect, Resonance, Formal Charge: Choosing Among Lewis Structures, Exceptions
to the Octet Rule, The Lengths and Strengths of Covalent Bonds, Polyatomic Ions.
Solution Chemistry and the Hydrosphere- Solutions on Earth and Other Places, Saturated,
Unsaturated and Supersaturated Solutions, Concentration Units, Dilutions, Electrolytes and Non-
Electrolytes, Acid and Base- Arrhenius Concepts of Acids and Bases, Bronsted- Lawry Theory
of Acids and Bases, Lewes Concepts of Acids and Bases, HSAB Theory, Acid-Base Reactions:
Proton Transfer, Titrations, Precipitation Reactions, Ion Exchange, Oxidation-Reduction
Reactions, Acid-Base Properties of Oxides, Colloids and Colloidal Solutions.
Thermochemistry- Energy: Basic Concepts and Definitions, Systems, Surroundings, and
Energy Transfer, Enthalpy and Enthalpy Changes, Thermodynamic States and Thermodynamic
Processes, Heating Curves and Heat Capacity, Calorimetry: Measuring Heat Capacity and
Calorimeter Constants, Enthalpies of Formation/Enthalpies of Reaction, Entropy, Fuel Values
and Food Values, First and Second Law of Thermodynamics, Hess’s Law.
Properties of Gases: The Air We Breathe- The Gas Phase Properties of Gases, Atmospheric
Pressure, The Gas Laws, The Ideal Gas Law, Gases in Chemical Reactions, Gas Density,
Dalton’s Law and Mixtures of Gases, The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases and Graham’s
Law, Real Gases.
Computational chemistry and Bioinformatics: Molecular dynamics, Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance. Molecular Orbitals and Group Theory, Absorption and Transmission, Polymers and
Material Science, Gene Regulation, Amino acids, DNA and RNA, Molecular Biology

Syllabus Schedule:
Week 1 Chapter 1
Week 2 Project 1
Week 3 Chapter 2
Week 4 Review
Week 5 Chapter 3
Week 6 Review
Week 7 Chapter 4
Week 8 Review
Week 9 Chapter 5
Week 10 Review
Week 11 Chapter 6
Week 12 Review
Week 13 Project 2
Week 14 Chapter 7
Week 15 Review
Week 16 Chapter 8

Learning outcome:

1. Understand fundamental chemical principles related to the composition of matter and the
concept of molecular identity.
2. Make quantitative calculations and determinations about the composition of substances
and mixtures.
3. Determine the quantitative connections between the amounts of substances involved in
chemical reactions and symbolize with chemical equations.
4. Explain the behaviors of gases by the relationships between gas temperature, pressure,
amount, and volume.
5. Explain how the interactions of atoms and molecules affect various physical properties in
the liquid and solid phases.
6. Grow the research interest in the field of computational chemistry, material Science and
7. Learn the basic about retrieval and analysis of electronic information, protein sequence
and improve student’s data mining skills in order to enhance the skill for bioinformatics
in industries.

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