Class XI Practical Record Book

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 All the programs must be written using Python language only.
 The file must have the following:-
o The cover page.
o Index
o Write the program question, its code and the output
 Each program must begin on a new page.
 Submit the file by 9th December 2024.

Q1. Write a choice based program to add, subtract, multiply, divide

2 numbers entered by the user.
Q2. Write a program to get the name and age of a person and print
if he is eligible to vote or not.
Q3. Write a program to input three numbers and print the largest
number out of them.

Q4. Write a program that determine whether a number is a perfect

number , an Armstrong number or a palindrome.

Q5. Write a program that asks a number from the user and check if
it is a prime or composite number.

Q6. Write a program to create a list of first 20 numbers of the

Fibonacci series.

Q7. Write a program that gets two numbers from the user and
compute their L.C.M. and H.C.F
Q8. Write a program that counts and display the number of vowels,
consonants, uppercase, lowercase characters, digits, spaces and
special characters in string.

Q9. Write a program that gets a string as an input and determine

whether it is a palindrome or not. Also convert the case of
characters of the string i.e. all uppercase characters to lowercase
and vice versa.

Q10. Write a program that finds the largest and smallest number in
a list without built – in function max() and min().

Q11. Write a program to input a list of numbers, print the original

list and then swap element at the even location with the elements at
the odd location

Q12. Write a program to input a tuple of elements and search for a

given element in it.

Q13. Write a program to input elements in a list and multiply all

the even numbers of the list by 2 and divide all the odd numbers by

Q14. Write a program that creates a nested dictionary with roll

number, name and marks of n students in a class and display the
names of students who have scored marks above 75.

Q15. Write a program to create a dictionary as {‘a’:1, ‘e’:2, ‘i’:3, ‘o’:4,

‘u’:5} and interchange the key and value pair i.e. key becomes value
and vice versa.

Q16. Write a program to print the following patterns using loops:

1 ****** *
1 2 **** ***
1 23 *** *****
1 234 ** *******
1 2345 * *********
Q 17. Write a program using loop to print atleast 6 alphabets
created with the help of “*”.

Q18. Write a program to create a nested list ‘Score_Card consisting

of records of students of a class as [[Roll_no, Name,
Percentage_UT1, Percentage_Mid_Term, Percentage_UT2,
Percentage_Finals].....]. Display record of each student alongwith
his/her Average percentage.
Q19. Write a program to create a nested tuple ‘Books’ comprising of
records of books as ((Book_ID, Name, Author, Publisher, Price)....).
Display the records of those books whose author is ‘Anita Desai’.
Q20. Develop a Hangman game by creating a tuple
‘Famous_Personalities’ comprising names of 50 famous
personalities. The program should choose a name randomly and the
player has to guess the correct name in valid no. of chances. Also
create a list of players who has won the game and a separate list of
names of players who have lost the game.

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