Physiotherapy Book
Physiotherapy Book
Physiotherapy Book
Physiotherapyrecord is developed and promoted by Narinder Martin George with some noble
causes to help needy people in society.
3 Patient Feedback
5 Patient Care
7 Exercise Plan
8 Muscle Testing
9 Anxiety Disorder
11 Staffing
13 Senior Citizen
Health Club
15 Health club and Fitness
16 Health Club
19 Neurorehabilitation
20 Gynecological
22 Pediatric conditions
23 Ergonomic Care
25 Kineso taping
b. Physio Gun
e. Myofascial treatment
1 Patient Details
3 Patient feedback
5 Patient Care
7 Exercise Plan
8 Muscle testing
9 Anxiety disorder
In this page patients' history for physical status can be done. This will help in diagnosis and
treatment of patients which include long and short term goals, proposals for further action etc.
These all details can be recorded electronically in pdf or jpg format or can be printed out.
Provide your primary care and give him or her a better understanding of patient health. It allows
your medical practitioner to identify patterns and make more effective decisions based on your
specific health needs.
This allows your practitioner to assess your risk for certain diseases or conditions.
It can also help prevent the onset of certain health problems. For example, if you have a family
history of diabetes, your doctor will know to look closely for prediabetes. Or, your practitioner
may order tests or screenings if you have a higher risk for a certain type of chronic
Your practitioner will work with you to establish a plan to stay healthy and decrease your risk or
prevent certain diseases.
Document your medical history and share this information with your practitioner.
Social status
Through this page patient treatment effectiveness can be recorded.Further treatment is needed
or not needed ?
1. Always date and sign your notes, whether written or on the computer. Don’t change
them. If you realize later that they are factually inaccurate, add an amendment.
2. Appropriate record-keeping is recognised as an important component of professional
standards If any alteration is done clearly give your name and date. .
1. Give in detail all decisions made, any discussions, information given, relevant history,
clinical findings, patient progress, investigations, results, and referrals.
2. Medical records can contain a wide range of equipment used and correspondence
3. Do not write such comments – eg, racist, sexist or ageist remarks. except relevant to the
health record.
4. Remember patients have a right to access their own medical records
5. Good record-keeping helps to maintain best practice, aiding clear communication
between professionals, and demonstrates that best practice has been followed.
Short nursing care feedback
This page help how to access database
Provides an overview of the more commonly the signs and symptoms and corresponding
diagnostic findings.
Establishes a general ranking of needs and concerns on which the Nursing Diagnoses are
ordered in constructing the plan of care which can be altered according to the individual client
Goal to Discharge
Identifies short-term and intermediate goals to be achieved by the client before being
“discharged” from nursing care. They may also provide guidance for creating long-term goals for
the client to work on after discharge.
Nursing Diagnosis
The general need or problem (diagnosis) is stated without the distinct cause and signs and
symptoms, which would be added to create a client diagnostic statement when specific client
information is available. For example, when a client displays increased tension, apprehension,
quivering voice, and focus on self, the nursing diagnosis of Anxiety might be stated: severe
Anxiety related to unconscious conflict, threat to self-concept as evidenced by statements of
increased tension, apprehension; observations of quivering voice, focus on self.
In addition, diagnoses identified within these guides for planning care as actual or risk can be
changed or deleted and new diagnoses added, depending entirely on the specific client
Possible evidence
These lists provide the usual or common reasons (etiology) why a particular need or problem
may occur with probable signs and symptoms, which would be used to create the “related to”
and “evidenced by” portions of the client diagnostic statement when the specific situation is
When a risk diagnosis has been identified, signs and symptoms have not yet developed and
therefore are not included in the nursing diagnosis statement. However, interventions are
provided to prevent progression to an actual problem. The excep- tion to this occurs in the
nursing diagnosis risk for Violence, which has possible indicators that reflect the client’s risk
Nursing Interventions
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) labels are drawn from a standardized nursing
language and serve as a general header for the nursing actions that follow.
Division of Nursing actions are independent—those actions that the nurse performs
autonomously; and collaborative— those actions that the nurse performs in conjunction with
others, such as implementing physician orders. The interventions in this book are generally
ranked from most to least common. When creating the individual plan of care, interventions
would nor- mally be ranked to reflect the client’s specific needs and situation. In addition, the
division of independent and collaborative is arbitrary and is actually dependent on the individual
nurse’s capabilities and hospital and community standards.
This abbreviated plan of care or care map is event- or task-oriented and provides
outcome-based guidelines for goal achieve- ment within a designated length of stay. Several
samples have been included to demonstrate alternative planning formats.
Patient Care
In this page patients' history for physical status can be done. This will help in diagnosis and
treatment of patients which include long and short term goals, proposals for further action etc.
These all details can be recorded electronically in pdf or jpg format or can be printed out.
Provide your primary care and give him or her a better understanding of patient health. It allows
your medical practitioner to identify patterns and make more effective decisions based on your
specific health needs.
This allows your practitioner to assess your risk for certain diseases or conditions.
It can also help prevent the onset of certain health problems. For example, if you have a family
history of diabetes, your doctor will know to look closely for prediabetes. Or, your practitioner
may order tests or screenings if you have a higher risk for a certain type of chronic
Your practitioner will work with you to establish a plan to stay healthy and decrease your risk or
prevent certain diseases.
Document your medical history and share this information with your practitioner.
Social status
Muscle stiffness treatments are dependent upon the cause. Muscle stiffness due to overuse of
skeletal muscle will eventually disappear or common home treatment will help. Relief from
1. Resting the muscles, or applying ice packs and heating pads, stretching, or light massaging
the muscle.
What are the most important facts to know about muscle stiffness?
1.Tight feeling in the muscles associated with pain and difficulty moving.
a) Medical history
● Gait Analysis
● Strength Training Exercises
● Muscle tolerance
● Measure muscle strength and function
● Help to plan exercise Therapy
● It help to evaluate exercise tolerance
Anxiety Disorder
Mental symptoms of anxiety can include:
● Nervousness, restlessness, or being tense
● Feelings of danger, panic, or dread
● Heart rate increases
● Uncomfortable breathing
● Increased or heavy sweating
● Associated with mild or moderate trembling
● Weakness and lethargy
● Difficulty in decision making
● Unable to sleep
● Stomach discomforts
● Mild or moderate Hallucination
● Fear complex
● Disturb behaviors
● Difficult to concentrate
Self Naturopathy Diagnosis
Function of Naturopathy
● Nutrition and dietary consultation which help to prevent some medical problems and
● To advise Herbs
● Hot and cold water Therapy.
● Sauna and steam bath advice
● Mud bath
● Light Massage for relaxation
● Acupressure
● Basic Counseling techniques
Staffing of Physiotherapy Department
SENIOR PHYSIOTHERAPIST (To supervise basic P. T & reports to Manager).
PHYSIOTHERAPIST (To supervise physiotherapy assistant maintenance of record).
PHYSIOTHERAPY ASSISTANT.(To supervise helper Pt. Communication feedback to
HELPERS (Pt. Communication feedback to Physiotherapist).
Once pt. Is being admitted in the hospital it means his physical condition deteriorated day by
day. So every pat. Before discharge from the hospital must have physiotherapy advice including
home exercise prong. Once pat. Is being referred in Physiotherapy department he must be
evaluated documented properly purely in professional manner than treated, progress, follow up
and record must be maintained.
Physiotherapy does not mean simply exercises and operation of machine that can be done by
Physiotherapy assistant, they are especially trained in various exercises and operation of
machines, they must work under supervision of qualified Physiotherapist trained in various
Qualified Physiotherapist means to advice, explain patient problem, disability to discuss physical
complication related to patients medical hindrance, to evaluate patient physical disability to
monitor progress.
Evaluate patient professionally.
Plan & implement physiotherapy treatment.
Provide home exercise program.
Monitor progress of pat.
Supervise & educate Physiotherapy Assistant.
1. Extension
2. Sideward flexion (Rt. /Lt.) Sideward flexion (Rt./Lt.)
3. Sideward rotation (Rt./Lt.)
4. Sideward Rotation (Rt./Lt.)
1. Trapezius (spinal part of accessory nerve, sensory branches C3-C4)
1. Serratus anterior (long thoracic nerve C5-C7)
1. Upper trapeziums (spinal accessory nerve, sensory branches C3-C4)
2. Serratus anterior (long thoracic nerveC5-C7)
1. Lower trapeziums(spinal accessory nerve, sensory branches C3-C4)
2. Rhomboid major (dorsal scapular nerve C5)
3. Rhomboid minor (dorsal scapular nerve C5)
4. Levator scapulae (branches ofC3 & C4, also frequently by the dorsal
5. Scapular nerve, C5
6. Pectoralis minor (medial pectoral nerve C8-T1)
1. Pectoralis major (med. & pect. Nerve C5-T1)
2. Anterior deltoid (Maxillary Nerve C5-C6)
3. Supraspinatus (Suprascapular nerve C5)
4. Biceps brachii (musculocutaneus nerve C5-C6)
5. Coracobrachialis (Musculocutaneus nerve C6-C7)
6. Subscapularis (upper & lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
1. Latissimus dorsi (thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8)
2. Triceps brachii long head (Radial nerve C7-C8)
3. Posterior deltoid (auxiliary nerve C5-C6)
4. Teres major (lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
5. Subscapularis (upper & lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
1. Middle deltoid (auxiliary nerve C5-C6)
2. Supraspinatus (Suprascapular nerve C5)
3. Infraspinatus upper fibre (Suprascapular nerve C5-C6)
1. Latissimus dorsi (thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8)
2. Pectoral is major (med. & pect. Nerve C5-T1)
3. Teres major (lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
4. Triceps brachii long head (Radial nerve C7-C8)
5. Teres minor(axillary nerve C5)
6. Infraspinatus lower fibre (Suprascapular nerve C5-C6)
1. Latissimus dorsi (thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8)
2. Pectoralis major (med. & pect. Nerve C5-T1)
3. Subscapularis (upper & lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
4. Teres major (lower sub scapular nerve C5-C6)
5. Deltoid ventralo fibers (Auxiliary Nerve C5-C6)
Ext. Rotation
1. Deltoid dorsal fibers (Auxiliary Nerve C5-C6)
2. Infraspinatus (Suprascapular nerve C5-C6)
3. Supraspinatus (Suprascapular nerve C5)
4. Teres minor (auxiliary nerve C5)
1. Biceps brachii (musculocutaneous nerve C5-C6)
2. Brachial is (Musculocutaneous nerve C5-C6 & radial nerve for sensory)
1. Triceps brachii long head (Radial nerve C7-C8)
2. Ancones (Radial nerve C7-C8)
1. Biceps brachii (musculocutaneous nerve C5-C6)
2. Supinator (Radial nerve C6)
1. Pronator teres (median nerve, C6-C7)
2. Pronator quadrates (median nerve, C8-T1)
1. Flexor carpi radials(median nerveC6-C7)
2. Flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar nerve C8-T1)
3. Palmaris long us (median nerveC6-C7)
4. Flexor digit rum superficial is (median nerveC7-C8)
5. Flexor digitorum profoundest (median & ulnar nerveC8-T1)
1. Extensor carpi radial is long us (radial nerve C6-C8)
2. Extensor carpi radial is brevis (radial nerve C6-C7)
3. Extensor carpi ulnaris (radial nerve C6-C8)
4. Extensor digitorum(radial nerve C6-C8)
Ulnar deviation
1. Flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar nerveC8-T1)
2. Extensor carpi ulnaris (radial nerve C6-C8)
Radial deviation
1. Flexor carpi radial is (median nerve C6-C7)
2. Extensor carpi radial is long us (radial nerve C6-C8)
3. Extensor carpi radial is brevis (radial nerve C6-C7)
4. Abductor policies long us (radial nerve C6-C7)
5. Extensor policies long us (radial nerve C6-C8)
6. Extensor policies brevis (radial nerve C6-C7)
1. Flexor digit rum superficial is (median nerve C7-C8)
2. Flexor digitorum profound(median & ulnar nerve C8-T1)
3. Flexor digiti minima (ulnar nerve C8-T1)
4. Opponens digiti minimi(ulnar nerveT1)
5. Lumbricals (1&2by median nerve 3&4 by ulnarnerve C8-T1)
6. Interossei(dorsal & palmar,MP Flexion)Ulnar nerve C8-T1
1. Extensor digitorum(radial nerve C6-C8)
2. Extensor indices (proprius) radial nerveC6-C8
3. Extensor digiti minimi(radial nerve C6-C8)
4. Lumbricals(1&2 by median nerve,3&4by ulnar nerve C8-T1)
1. Dorsal interossei(ulnar nerve C8-T1)
2. Abductor digiti minimi(ulnar nerve C8-T1)
3. Opponens digiti minimi(ulnar nerve T1)
4. Extensor indicis (radial nerve C6-C8)
Palmar interossei(ulnar nerve C8-T1)
1. Flexor policies lon gus (median nerve C8-T1)
2. Flexor policies bevies (median nerve to superficial head, lunar nerve to deep head
3. Opponens policies (median nerve & sometime by a branch of lunar C8- T1)
1. Extensor policies long us (radial nerve C6-C8)
2. Extensor policies bevies (radial nerve C6-C7) )
1. Abductor policies long us (radial nerve C6-C7)
2. Abductor policies bevies (median nerveC8-T1)
1. Abductor policies (lunar nerve C8-T1)
2. Opponens policies (Median & sometime branch of lunar nerve C8-T1)
3. Flexor policies long us (median nerve C8-T1)
4. Flexor policies bevies (Median nerve to superficial head lunar nerve to deep headC8-T1)
Lower Extremities
1. Back
2. Hip
3. Knee
4. Ankle & Subtaler Joints
5. Toes
6. Toes Muscles
1. Extension
2. Sideward flexion (Rt./Lt.)
3. Sideward Rotation (Rt./Lt.)
1. Psoas major (Lumbar plexus, L2-L3)
2. Psoas minor (Lumbar plexus L1)
3. Iliacus (Femoral nerve, L2-L3)
4. Sartorius (Femoral nerve, L2-L3)
5. Rectus Femoris (femoral nerve, L2-L4)
6. Pectineus (femoral obturator or accessory nerve, L2-L4)
7. Gluteus Medius(Ant. Portion sup.glut.nerve L4-S1)
8. Gluteus Miniemus(sup. Gluteal nerve L4-S1)
9. Adductor Longus+Brevis (obturator nerve, L2-L4)
10. Adductor Magnus (upper portion obturator nerve L2-L4 Tibial portion of sciatic nerve
1. Gluteal maximums (inferior gluteal nerve L5-S1)
2. Gluteal medius (posterior portion, superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
3. Biceps femoris (long head)(tibial portion of sciatic nerve S1-S3)
4. Semimembranosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S1)
5. Semitendinosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S2)
6. Adductor Magnus (Lower portion obturator nerve L2-L4, tibial portion of sciatic nerve.
7. Piriformis (Sacral plexus, S1)
8. Obturator intern us (nerve to obturator intern us L5-S2)
1. Gluteus medius (superior gluteal nerveL4-S1)
2. Gluteus minimus (superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
3. Piriformis (Sacral plexus S1)
4. Obturator intern us (nerve to obturator intern us L5-S2)
1. Adductor magnus
2. Gracilis
3. Adductor longus+brevis (obturator nerve L2-L4)
4. Pectineus (femoral, obturator, or accessory obturator nerve L2-L4 )
1. Gluteal medius (superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
2. Gluteal minimums (superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
3. Tensor fasciae Latae (superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
4. Adductor long us (obturator nerve L2-L4)
5. Pectineus (femoral, obturator, or accessory obturator nerve L2-L4)
6. Adductor brevis (obturator nerve L2-L4)
7. Adductor Magnus (upper portion obturator nerve L2-L4, tibial nerve L2- L4)
1. Gluteal maximums (inferior gluteal nerve L5-S1)
2. Sartorius (Femoral nerve, L2-L3)
3. Piriformis (Sacral plexus S1)
4. Obturator intern us (nerve to obturator intern us L5-S2)
5. Gamellus superior intern us (superior nerve to obturator intern us L5-S2)
6. Adductor magnus (upper portion obturator nerve L2-L4
7. Tibial portion of sciatic nerve L2-L4)
8. Gamellus inferior (nerve to quadratus femoris, L4-S1)
9. Obturator externus (obturator nerve L3-L4)
1. Biceps femoris (long head: tibial portion of sciatic nerve, S1-S3; & short head, Personal
portion of sciatic nerve L5-S2)
2. Semitendinosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S1)
3. Semimbranosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S1)
4. Gastrocnemius (tibial nerve S1-S2)
5. Plantaris (tibial nerve L4-S1)
6. Sartorius (femoral nerve, L2-L3)
1. Rectus femoris (femoral nerve, L2-L4)
2. Vastus Medial is (femoral nerve, L2-L4)
3. Vastus Intermedius (femoral nerve, L2-L4)
4. Vastus Lateral is (femoral nerve, L2-L4)
5. Articularis genus (femoral nerve, L3-L4)
1. Biceps femoris (long head: tibial portion of sciatic nerve, S1-S3; & short head, Peroneal
portion of sciatic nerve L5-S2)
2. Semitendinosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S1)
3. Semimbranosus (tibial portion of sciatic nerve L5-S1)
4. Gastrocnemius (tibial nerve S1-S2)
5. Plantaris (tibial nerve L4-S1)
6. Sartorius (femoral nerve, L2-L3)
1. Extensor digitorum long us (deep peroneal nerve L4-S1)
2. Extensor hallucis long us (deep peroneal nerveL4-S1)
3. Extensor digitorum brevis (deep peroneal nerve L5-S1)
4. Lumbricals (distal IP extension)(1st lumbricals by medial plantar nerve L5-S1 & 2nd
through 4th lumbricals by lateral plantar nerve S2-S3)
5. Interossei dorsal & plantar (IP extension lateral)
1. Abductor hallucis (medial plantar nerve L5-S1)
2. Abductor digiti minimi (Lateral plantar nerve S2-S3)
3. Plantar interossei (Lateral plantar nerveS2-S3)
1. Adductor hallucis (Lateral plantar nerve S2-S3)
2. Dorsal interossei (Lateral plantar nerve S2-S3
Toes Muscles
1. Interossei (MTP flexion lateral plantar nerve S2-S3)
2. Flexor digiti minimi (lateral plantar nerve S2-S3)
3. Quadratus plantae (Lateral plantar nerve S2-S
1. Plantar nerve (S2-S3
Senior Citizen
Senior Citizen Probs. & Solution
● Pneumonia prevent,
● Immunization - shots for safety
● Prostate problems for males only Senior Citizen Problems And Solution
● Joints problems(Arthritis advice)
● Stroke Problems and other sort of disabilities
● Rehabilitation Interest
● Osteoporesis(Bone Thinner)
● Aging (eyes)
● Decrease physical tolerance(importance of excercises)
● Hearing problems
● Physical disability
● Physiotherapy Department.
● Psyco-social problems
● Causes psychiatric problems such as Depression etc..
● Living alone needs social circle
● Geriartic Home
● Day care center
● Long term resident
● Nursing Facilities
● Consultation facility
● Diagnostic Facility
● Rehabilitation
● Habilitation
● Rehabilitation
● Recreation Block
● Naturopathy
● Religious program.
● Health Club
● Music facility
● Guest House
● Kitchen
● Restaurant
its five branches are dependent each other as well as generate economy plus provide services.
Once a patient is admitted in the Geriatric Home all the services can be provided along with
these services can be utilized by the relatives of the persons who is admitted to the Geriatric
Treatment Plan
● Cervical Column
● Exercise Spinal
● Exercise D
● Exercise HIP
● Pagewise Excercise
● Spinal Column
● The Elbow Joint
● The Knee Joint
● The Shoulder Joint
● Wrist and Fingers
Naturopathy Branches
Health club and Fitness
Your nutritional needs will vary depending upon your health and fitness goals. If your aim is to
lose body fat and body weight, you need to become familiar with the variables that affect weight
loss and body fat loss. Above all, you should realize that it's more important to lose body fat
than to lose overall body weight. Losing body fat reduces your risk for coronary artery disease,
while losing overall body weight doesn't necessarily reduce this risk. In other words, you
shouldn't just cut your calorie intake. Instead you should reduce your intake of fatty foods and
increase your physical activity level.
Essential Nutrients
There are six essential nutrients that you need on a daily basis :
Water is the most essential nutrient the body needs. Forty to sixty percent of your body weight is
water. Muscle composition is approximately 70% water. When you exercise, your body loses
water through perspiration (dehydration). It is important that you continuously drink water while
you are exercising and throughout the day. Eight to ten glasses (8 fluid ounces) of water are
recommended throughout the day for the average person. Your individual level of water intake
relates specifically to your body weight, height and activity levels. Consult a registered dietician
for specific details about your own personal consumption.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are essential to your daily diet and are found in the natural foods that we
consume in our daily diet (fruits, vegetables, meats and whole grains).
Vitamins are organic compounds (natural and contain carbon) which provide energy to the body
and are needed in small amounts to assist with chemical reaction within the cells. Vitamins
come in two forms; fat soluble and water soluble. -Fat Soluble Vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are
stored in the adipose tissue (fat tissue) and can build up high levels of toxins in the body if they
are not utilized. -Water Soluble Vitamins (B, C) are excreted if your daily amount of intake is too
great and can be toxic in the body if they are not utilized.
Minerals are inorganic substances (unnatural and manmade) and they regulate processes
within the body. Minerals are incorporated into different structures within the body to create
enzymes, hormones, skeletal bones, skeletal tissues, teeth and fluids. Calcium and phosphorus
are the two most common minerals found in the body. Some of the other prevalent minerals
found in the body are; iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluoride, sulfur, copper, and
If mineral levels are overabundant in the body, such as sodium, they may facilitate negative
effects in the body. High sodium levels may elevate blood pressure. If mineral levels are
inadequate in the body, such as iron, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. Low iron
levels in women can produce anemia (a deficiency in blood iron levels). Anemia can restrict
oxygen and carbon dioxide removal from the cells. Low calcium levels can facilitate irregular
muscle contractions, bone density loss, blood clotting and improper brain functioning.
For further in-depth information about vitamins and minerals, consult a registered dietician or
your physician.
A calorie, or kilocalorie (Kcal), is a measure of heat energy. Food calories are nutrients and
supply energy to the body. It is essential that you take in the recommended amount of calories
per day. The calorie intake level that’s appropriate for you depends on a number of factors,
including your height, weight, and gender. If you want to determine a specific figure that is,
approximately how many calories you should consume in a day again, consult a registered
dietician. there are three types of calories:
● Carbohydrates
● Fats
● Protein
The American Heart Association and RDA recommends a daily total food diet that consists of
the following caloric breakdown:
● 50% Carbohydrate
● 30% Fat
● 20% Protein
For individuals who are exercising on a consistent basis, it is recommend that a daily total food
diet consist of the following caloric breakdown:
● 65% Carbohydrate
● 10% Fat
● 25% protein (1.5 gram per pound of body weight)
This caloric breakdown is based upon a higher carbohydrate storage (glycogen storage) that
enhances muscular strength, muscular endurance, and athletic performance. The higher level of
carbohydrate (65%) supplies a greater level of energy to the muscular system. The lower fat
level (10%) decreases your risk for coronary artery disease. The protein level (25%) is
increased to offset the nitrogen expenditure from the body during intense exercise activity and to
increase the amount acids supplied to the body which strength and muscle hypertrophy
(increase in muscle cell size).
Carbohydrates are converted into sugars. Your level of carbohydrate intake will depend upon
your desired health and fitness goals. Carbohydrates come in two forms:
Simple sugars
Simple sugars are used almost immediately during exercise. Examples of simple sugars are
processed sugar and fruit sugar. Consuming simple sugars alone will not help during endurance
Complex Sugars
Complex sugars, also called complex carbohydrates, supply energy to the muscles during
exercise. Muscles store large amounts of glucose or glycogen that supply energy to the muscles
during prolonged exercise. Complex carbohydrates fuel the body during prolonged exercise.
Example of complex sugars is breads, cereals, grains, pasta, rice, fiber, potatoes, Vegetables
and fruits.
A fat is another term for lipid. High fat intake can lead to obesity, heart disease, heart attacks,
and strokes. The lower your level of fat intake, the lower your risk of developing coronary artery
However, fat has positive attributes, too. The body must maintain a certain level of body fat to
insulate its inner systems, and to help process vitamins and minerals. Like carbohydrates, fat
also fuels the body during exercise. Your level of fat intake should depend upon your health and
fitness goals.
Examples of foods that are high in fat are cheese, nuts avocados, cooking oils, and ice cream.
It's a good idea to restrict your consumption of these types of foods. There are three types of fat:
Saturated fat
Saturated fat intake is the most detrimental to the body. Saturated fat has the highest number of
fatty acids. It can cause clogged arteries, decreased blood flow transfer, heart attacks, strokes,
and other coronary diseases.
Polyunsaturated Fat
Polyunsaturated fat has fewer fatty acid molecules than saturated fat, and is therefore better for
you than saturated fat. You should have a higher intake of polyunsaturated fat than saturated
fat. Polyunsaturated fat is still detrimental to coronary arteries and increases your risk for
coronary artery disease.
Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fat has even fewer fatty molecules than polyunsaturated fat, and for this
reason is the best of all three fats. You should have a higher intake of monounsaturated fat than
the other two fats. Monounsaturated fat is still detrimental to coronary arteries
A protein is composed of amino acids, which help to build muscle mass. The higher your level of
muscle mass, the more efficient your basal metabolic rate. An efficient basal metabolic rate, in
turn, increases fat and calorie expenditure at a resting state. Your level of protein intake
depends upon your desired health and fitness goals; consult with a dietician to determine your
specific protein requirements. Some foods that are high in protein include egg whites, chicken
(white meat), lean beef (red meat), beans, and skim milk.
Health Club
Brief on Health Club
The underline philosophy behind Health club/Fitness center is to promote it to serious users
instead of merely being a fad satisfier. With growing awareness among clientele towards a fit
body and mind, we at fitness center, must strive to contribute our share towards building and
maintaining health awareness among our users. The concept is to create more than a mere
health and fitness center. It should be a complete and independent body in itself. Besides
membership and user charges the income may be increased by selling health related
merchandise e.g. Health magazine, book, T-shirts, Caps, Drinks and food etc... Innovative
methods for marketing and brand promotion must be thought of and put into action. We must
strive to be ahead of guest requirements with each element getting its due.
Selling/Display of merchandise
Effort must be made to keep activities taking place at regular intervals for which a
calendar of events may be prepared at the beginning of financial year.
NOTE: Besides the guest programs, there may be activities for staff and executives
for stress reduction and neuromuscular co-ordination to create a feeling of general
well being. These activities may be planned along with
Staff medical consultants.
Weekends 10:00AM-2:00 PM
It is important to note that according to a study conducted 75% of the various hotel,
guest houses look flora health club. However, only 17% actually use the facility.
Primary market of socially conscious, affluent guests from local areas. The catchments
area remains the immediate surroundings.
Single ?
Couple ?
Single ?
Double ?
Additional charges of? For single and for couples? May be added for swimming Pool.
Also, children below 12 years may be given an add-on membership.
App. Expenses on H. C
The musculoskeletal system forms the foundation of our body's movement and functionality.
However, injuries, disorders, and degenerative conditions can impair this intricate system, affecting
our ability to perform everyday activities. This is where Orthopaedic Physiotherapy comes into play.
Orthopedic Physiotherapy services to address a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. From joint,
muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries to spinal diseases, Physiotherapy comprehensive approach
encompasses both pre and post-operative rehabilitative care.
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, exploring how techniques aid in diagnosing, managing, and curing
musculoskeletal disorders. This specialized care plays an important role in restoring functional
mobility and to regain their strength and vitality.
Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Program
To overcome the challenges of musculoskeletal conditions and regain their strength, mobility, and
Neurorehabilitation aims to aid recovery from a nervous system injury and to minimize and/or
compensate for any functional alterations resulting from it. Rehabilitation team involves a team
of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers.
The goal of neurorehabilitation is independence and quality of life. This can include helping
people with things like:
Neurorehabilitation includes
Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation is a type of rehabilitation that uses physical therapy to help
people with neurological conditions regain their function and independence. It is a
multidisciplinary approach that involves a team of healthcare professionals, including
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and psychologists.
The goal of neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation is to help people with neurological conditions
improve their:
Range of motion: The ability to move joints through their full range of motion
Endurance: The ability to sustain physical activity for a long period of time
Functional skills: Activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and eating
Range of motion exercises: These exercises help to improve the range of motion in your joints.
Endurance exercises: These exercises help to improve your ability to sustain physical activity for
a long period of time.
Functional training exercises: These exercises help you to improve your ability to perform
activities of daily living.
Cognitive exercises: These exercises help to improve your thinking, memory, and attention.
Emotional regulation exercises: These exercises help you to manage your mood and behavior.
Improved mobility: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with neurological
conditions improve their walking, balance, and coordination. This can make it easier for them to
get around independently and participate in activities they enjoy.
Increased strength: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with neurological
conditions increase their muscle strength. This can make it easier for them to perform activities
of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.
Improved range of motion: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with neurological
conditions improve the range of motion in their joints. This can make it easier for them to move
their joints freely and without pain.
Increased endurance: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with neurological
conditions increase their endurance. This can make it easier for them to sustain physical activity
for a longer period of time.
Improved functional skills: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with neurological
conditions improve their functional skills. This can include activities of daily living, such as
bathing, dressing, and eating, as well as work-related skills and leisure activities.
Improved cognitive function: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with
neurological conditions improve their thinking, memory, and attention. This can make it easier
for them to learn new things, problem-solve, and make decisions.
Improved emotional well-being: Neuro physiotherapy rehabilitation can help people with
neurological conditions improve their mood and behavior. This can make it easier for them to
cope with the challenges of their condition and live a more fulfilling life.
The primary goal of Neurological Physiotherapy is to enhance the quality of life for patients by
restoring the brain's message pathways and facilitating the creation of new pathways through
repetitive actions and exercises.
1. Personalized Treatment Plans: No two individuals are alike, and this fact holds true for
neurological conditions as well. Physiotherapy approach begins with a thorough
assessment of the patient's condition and needs. Based on this assessment, a
personalized treatment plan is crafted to target the specific challenges the patient is
2. Goal-Oriented Approach: Setting clear and achievable goals is crucial in Neurological
Physiotherapy. Programs are designed with specific, measurable, and achievable
targets that allow patients to track their progress and stay motivated throughout their
3. Repetitive Actions and Exercises: Neurological Physiotherapy leverages the brain's
remarkable ability to adapt and rewire itself. Through repetitive exercises and actions,
the brain is encouraged to establish new pathways, compensating for the areas that
have been affected by the neurological condition.
4. Functional Training: Therapists focus on training patients in activities that have
practical significance to their daily lives. Whether it's regaining the ability to walk
without assistance or improving hand-eye coordination, functional training aims to
enhance a patient's autonomy in day-to-day tasks.
5. Balance and Coordination Enhancement: Many neurological conditions can affect
balance and coordination.Therapists employ specialized techniques to help patients
regain their balance and improve their coordination, reducing the risk of falls and
6. Pain Management: Neurological conditions often come with varying levels of
pain.Therapists are skilled in implementing pain management strategies that help
patients find relief, allowing them to engage more fully in their rehabilitation process.
Neurological conditions can cast a shadow on an individual's life, affecting their ability to move,
communicate, and engage with the world around them. However, with the specialized
Neurological Physiotherapy services offered by the Rehabilitation team, there is hope for
regaining independence and improving quality of life. Through personalized treatment plans,
goal-oriented approaches, repetitive exercises, and functional training, Dedicated team guides
patients on a journey of rehabilitation and empowerment. By helping the brain rediscover its
pathways and forge new ones, Neurological Physiotherapy program embodies the spirit of
resilience and renewal, giving individuals the chance to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives
despite the challenges posed by neurological conditions.
Gynecological physiotherapy includes exercises and techniques which improve the function of
the pelvic floor. Physiotherapy strengthen and relax the pelvic floor muscles.
● There are muscles known as sphincters to control passage of urine, wind, and faeces,
and to delay emptying until it is convenient. It supports your bladder, bowel, and uterus
● Help in sexual functioning, which keeps vaginal and rectal muscles toned.
● HELP in stabilising the spine along with your other core muscles.Also help in blood
● Muscles grow harder than normal during pregnancy as they are required to support
the weight of the growing baby.
● Strengthening of the pelvic muscles helps with urinary incontinence and decreases
pelvic pain.Help with sexual dysfunction, pre- and post-natal care, and remaining
pelvic floor conditions.
● Increasing stress increases gynaecological problems in women such as fertility,
irregular menstruation, urinary tract infection, prolapse pelvic organs, osteoporosis
along with many other complications.
● Pregnancy which eventually causes pelvic floor muscle weakness and increased
various physical complications.
● Pre, ante, and post-natal exercise programs result in secure and comfortable delivery.
● Physiotherapy exercises and pelvic floor muscle training are useful in treating
postpartum low back ache urinary incontinence.
● Exercises are also prescribed for women to change bone mass which reduces fall
and fracture risk.Healthy diet options to improve the gynae health
Pediatric Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy for Pediatrics services are specifically designed to treat a variety of issues
required for an active and healthy lifestyle.
Role of Physiotherapist
Developmental delays: The focus of our practice is dealing with developmental delays, working
on coordination, and motor skills, and achieving milestones in development.
Neurological Disorders: From cerebral palsy to neurological issues Physiotherapy team can aid
children in maximizing their physical performance.
Recovery after surgery for children who have had operations Pediatric Physiotherapy services
concentrate on secure and efficient rehabilitation. a child-centered approach ensures that every
child is comfortable, well-supported, and engaged during their therapy sessions. It is necessary
that rehabilitation should be enjoyable for children and create an environment that encourages
the development of learning.
Ergonomic Care
Sitting hunched over a desk all day?
Millions of office workers struggle with aches, pains, and discomfort caused by poor
Best way to work smarter, not harder, and prioritize your health at the same time?
Ergonomics is the place in the workplace to fit the worker, minimizing risk of injury and
Reduced Risk of Musculoskeletal Issues: Proper ergonomic setup ensuring proper posture and
minimizing strain on muscles and joints.
Physio doesn't just sell you a chair and call it a day. They take a comprehensive approach to
ergonomic care, working closely with businesses to create a healthier work environment.
Employee Training: Education is key. Physiotherapists provide training sessions for employees
to educate them on proper posture, workstation setup, and techniques to prevent discomfort.
1. Body Composition: Athlete's body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density. It
provides overall physique and helps tailor nutrition and training plans.
2. Cardiovascular Fitness: Tests like VO2 max measure the maximum of their
cardiovascular endurance and help design effective cardiovascular training programs.
3. Muscular Strength and Endurance: Tests assess an athlete's maximal strength and
their ability to perform repetitions of certain exercises, gauging muscular endurance.
4. Flexibility: The professionals determine joint range of motion and muscle flexibility.
This information helps prevent injuries and develop mobility-focused exercises.
5. Power and Speed: Assessments include tests like vertical jump, standing long jump,
and sprinting times, which indicate an athlete's explosive power and speed
6. Agility and Coordination: Agility drills, cone drills, and ladder drills evaluate an athlete's
ability to change direction quickly and maintain coordination while doing so.
7. Balance: Balance tests, often performed on unstable surfaces, assess an athlete's
ability to maintain equilibrium, aiding injury prevention and enhancing stability.
8. Reaction Time: Reaction tests involve responding to visual or auditory cues. Quick
reaction times are crucial in sports where split-second decisions are critical.
9. Injury Screening: By analyzing an athlete's movement patterns and joint stability,
professionals can identify areas of weakness or dysfunction that might lead to injuries.
10. Nutritional and Psychological Factors: These encompass evaluating an athlete's
dietary habits and mental state. Proper nutrition fuels performance, while mental
well-being affects focus and motivation.
11. Previous Medical History: Understanding an athlete's medical background helps
professionals tailor training plans to account for any past injuries or medical
12. Sport-Specific Assessments: These tests mimic the specific movements and demands
of the athlete's sport. For example, a baseball pitcher might undergo shoulder strength
and flexibility assessments.
Kinesio taping
Kinesio taping is an application of a special elastic tape known as Kinesio tape onto the skin.
The tape is often used to support muscles and joints, reduce pain, and enhance physical or
athletic performance.
The application of Kinesio tape can vary depending on the specific goals and needs of the
individual. Trained professionals, such as physical therapists or certified Kinesio taping
practitioners, are skilled in assessing and applying the tape appropriately to achieve the desired
Laser Treatment
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation(Laser). Laser Therapy involves applying
low intensity laser light. It helps in relieving pain .Laser therapy helps in tissue repair and
restores normal function.
Laser therapy is a physiotherapy treatment that uses low level lasers to stimulate tissue and
promote healing. It is also known as cold laser therapy or low level laser therapy (LLLT).
Laser therapy is relatively new, and it is an alternative treatment to some types of pain. Laser
Therapy has been effective for treating several pain conditions
Lasers help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce spasms and increase functionality. Laser therapy
can stimulate all cell types including muscle, ligament, cartilage, nerves, etc., so a number of
conditions can be treated by laser therapy.
● Arthritis pain
● Carpal tunnel syndrome
● Fibromyalgia
● Tendinitis
● Bursitis
● Sprain and strain
Laser therapy is low-intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing while using low levels of
laser therapy. The level of light is quite low as compared to other forms of laser therapy, such as
those used to destroy tumors and coagulate tissue.
During this procedure, the non-thermal photons of light that are emitted from the laser pass
through the skin layers (the dermis, epidermis, and the subcutaneous tissue or tissue fat under
the skin). Different wavelengths and outputs of low-level light are applied directly to a targeted
area. Once the light energy passes through the layers of skin and reaches the target area, The
body tissue then absorbs the light. It initiates a series of events in the cell that result in healing
damaged or injured tissue, promotes regeneration, reduction in pain & inflammation and an
overall reduction in healing time by increasing intra-cellular metabolism
The method of application will depend on the condition of the patient . A treatment head or
probe is usually applied directly to the tissue being treated. The amount of energy that is
exposed to the tissue is controlled by the physiotherapist.
● Soft tissue and sports injuries such as muscle strains and ligament strains.
● Repetitive stress injuries such as tendinitis, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome
● Arthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
● Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)
Laser therapy can be used for a wide range of conditions and will help reduce pain and
inflammation following injury. The following benefits may include:
It is also a safe alternative to pain medication and can reduce healing time.
Physio Gun
The Physio Gun is a state-of-the-art professional rehabilitation and massage equipment. These
handheld devices deliver targeted relief to muscle tension by providing percussive therapy.
Percussive therapy uses repetitive pressure and vibration to massage soft tissue. The physio
gun has a motor that sends steady pulses through the head of the gun.
Physio Gun functions as therapy for the whole body. It provides optimal relief and relaxation for
muscle tiredness, injuries and other body part issues. It is just a relaxation tool as well as a
recovery tool. It relieves fatigue after exercise.
Physio Gun for patients, fitness enthusiasts and athletes for muscle recovery and to improve
their performance.
Physio Gun helps in improving flexibility and ductility of the soft tissues of the body such as
tendons, ligaments, muscle and fascia by adjusting the vibration frequency.
● Alleviate Muscle Stiffness and Soreness- Occasional muscle pain or soreness after a
workout is normal. This delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is particularly
common among people who exercise for the first time after a long break. But it can
happen to anyone, who are in sports or athletes As per a study, physio guns can help.
The review looked at 39 studies and found that using a massage gun right after a
workout could lessen DOMS.
● Increase Blood Circulation- Massage guns apply a combination of percussion and
vibration. Two pilot studies found that whole-body vibration therapy can enhance blood
flow. However, experts –– including athletic trainers and physical therapists –– believe
physio guns can help boost blood flow, reduce muscle pain, and support post-workout
● Muscle Recovery- A study found that massage and vibration therapy are equally
effective in limiting post workout muscle soreness. The researchers found that both
methods may also aid recovery after a workout.
● Improve Range of Motion of joints (flexibility)- Research suggests that massage
therapy may enhance flexibility, which could improve athletic performance.
● Manages Scar Tissues-Research shows that professional massage therapy may limit
pain and thickness in burn scars and prevent contracture. Percussive therapy might
also help with scar tissue because it uses some of the same mechanics as massage
● Improve the overall health of the body's soft tissues.
Moreover, it can prevent fasciitis (inflammation of fascia) which is a painful condition and difficult
to heal. Inflammation is caused by adhesion between the fascia and muscles. The percussion
technology in the physio gun can help relax and relieve pains on feet, calf, shoulders, neck,
back, muscle, arms, and legs.
The physical therapist can choose between different vibration speeds to find the best fit for the
muscle group.
Physio Gun provide a variety of relief – suitable for a specific muscle group.
● Muscle fatigue
● Muscle contractures
● Affixed scars
● Spasticity
● Skeletal muscle pathologies
● Fasciitis
● Localised hyperthermia
● Pain alleviation
● Improves range of motion and flexibility
● Increase muscle oxygenation
● Promotes elimination of lactic acid
● Relieves muscle and fascial tension
Physio Gun is one of the best recovery tools but takes precautions to avoid injuries.
Shock wave therapy
Shock wave therapy, also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), is a non-invasive
treatment modality used in physical therapy for various musculoskeletal conditions. It involves the
application of high-energy acoustic waves to the affected area to promote healing and pain relief.
Here are some key aspects of shock wave therapy in physical therapy:
Mechanism of Action:
Shock wave therapy delivers acoustic waves to the target tissue. These waves create a mechanical
force that promotes cellular activity, neovascularization (formation of new blood vessels), and tissue
regeneration. It is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing processes.
Pain Relief:
Shock wave therapy can help alleviate pain by reducing inflammation, desensitizing pain receptors,
and promoting tissue healing. It may provide both immediate pain relief and long-term pain reduction
for chronic conditions.
Shock wave Therapy uses for chronic pain or degenerative conditions such as Adhesive capsulitis
(Frozen shoulder), Periarthritis, Plantar fasciitis (heel pain). We are the only clinical setup in
Gurugram to boast of such a facility in our premises.
● Calf Stretch Board- used for passive calf muscle stretches which improves flexibility
and helps during the warm up
● Yoga Mats- Prevent your joints from injuries and to give you a better grip
● Sling belt-For stretching and to align the body while performing various exercise
● Therabands- For strength training for patients and fitness enthusiasts.
● Theratubes- These resistance bands are used for strength training exercises to
improve muscle strength and tone.
● Loop Bands- These are fitness gear used to increase strength and build individual
muscles as well as muscle groups during physical therapy, fitness and gynae rehab
● Dumbbells- Dumbbells are used for therapeutic pains and aches management too.
● KettleBell- Kettlebells help in strength and cardio training by engaging the muscles of
the arm, leg, shoulder, back, and abdomen. The pull on your muscles helps to
strengthen them. Kettlebells can also improve your posture.
● Measuring Tape- To measure the circumference of different parts of the body. To track
changes in a patient’s body size or to monitor their progress during weight loss or gain
programs. To assess a patient’s risk for certain health conditions such as heart
diseases or diabetes, and development of a treatment plan.
● Hurdles- Hurdles of different heights are to improve an athlete’s speed, agility, balance
and coordination.
● Exercise balls- Exercise balls are used for isometric and isotonic exercises for patients
during rehab, fitness sessions. These are also used for fun activities for kids during
indoor or outdoor workshops.
● Pilates ball- Also known as mini-balls are used for a variety of exercises and workouts.
They are used to improve balance, coordination, core strength, muscle toning and
stretching exercises. These are used during Geriatric and Generalized fitness
● MFR roller- (Myofascial Release Roller) is used to release tension and tightness in the
muscles and fascia. It is used during Athlete Training, Relaxation or Fitness Training
programs as a method of cool down or relaxation. The pressure helps in releasing the
knots and adhesions in the muscles, which can help to improve flexibility, reduce pain
and increase blood flow to the affected areas.
● ISTM tool- (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) tool helps in soft tissue
injuries and chronic pain. With correct application of pressure and friction to the
affected area, it breaks up scar tissue and adhesions thereby improving blood flow
and mobility. They are particularly effective for treating conditions such as Plantar
Fasciitis, Tennis Elbow and IT Band Syndrome.
● Foot/ Hand Roller-Is used to massage and stretch the muscles in feet and hands. It
has a textured surface that helps to stimulate circulation and relieve muscle tension. It
can be used to alleviate pain and discomfort caused by conditions such as Plantar
Fasciitis, Arthritis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
● Deep Tissue MFR roller- It is similar to MFR roller but is typically denser and has
textured surface to provide deeper pressure and more targeted relief.
● Medicine Balls- Medicine balls used during physical fitness and Sports training
sessions. They are used to help build strength, power, and endurance in the upper
body, core, and legs.
● Slam Balls- They are similar to medicine balls but are specifically designed for
exercises that involve slamming the ball onto the ground or against a wall.
● Bosu Ball- Bosu stands for “Both sides utilized”. This half sphere-shaped ball can be
utilized from both flat or rounded sides depending on the exercise. It is used to
improve balance, stability, and core strength for both patients and fitness enthusiasts.
● Swiss Balls- Also known as stability balls with different sizes are used for balance,
stability and core strength training during Fitness or Physical Therapy sessions. They
are also used for postural correction and reduce backache.
● Hand gripper/extensor- Hand gripper helps to improve grip strength and dexterity
based on the level of resistance during a physical rehab session. It helps to improve
hand dexterity particularly for people suffering from a hand injury or stroke.
● Finger Web- It is a handheld device to improve grip strength and dexterity. They are
used for various exercises and work on the similar principle as a hand gripper/
● Mulligan Belt- Mulligan belt used to improve joint mobility and reduce pain. To treat
conditions such as neck pain, shoulder stiffness, elbow restrictions, lower back pain,
hip pain or knee pain.
● Weighted Kegel Balls-Are used during Gynae Rehab sessions to strengthen the pelvic
floor muscles. They are used to treat conditions such as urinary incontinence, pelvic
organ prolapse, or sexual sensations or dysfunctions.
● Wall Bar-Is used during stretching, strength training and physical rehab sessions.
They help in improving flexibility, range of motion, and overall strength along with a
faster recovery from an injury.
● Wobble Board- A type of balance board used for physical therapy, rehabilitation and
fitness training for balancing and coordination exercises. Wobble Board is used for
patients and athletes to improve their performance, faster recovery and prevent
Myofascial treatment
Myofascial release is a type of physical therapy used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. Fascia
is a layer of protective covering over muscles. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain
disorder due to sensitivity and tightness in the myofascial tissues. These tissues support and
surround the muscles throughout the body. The pain usually originates from trigger points.
Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing the shortened and tightened muscle.
Prolonged headaches may also find relaxation from myofascial release. Mildly massaging on
stiff muscles in and around the neck and head may subside headaches.
Chronic Venous Disease (CVD), which occurs when blood accumulates in the deep veins of the
leg, may also be well suited for myofascial release. During CVD, the blood pool stretches and
gradually damages the veins in the legs. The person may experience a painful sensation in the
affected leg. MFR might be used in combination with other treatments to reduce the
accumulation and pain caused by CVD.
The areas where the physical therapist works may not be near where the pain originates or
where one feels the pain most prominently. MFR works on the wider network of muscles that
might be causing the pain. It helps to reduce tension and stiffness throughout the body by
releasing trigger points across a wide section of the muscular system.
There are two types of Myofascial Release Techniques: Direct and Indirect
* Foam Rolling
* Muscle roller
* Thumb presser
* Physio Gun
Patient Details
Patient short details
Patient feedback
Short Nursing Care feedback
Patient Care
Painful stiff muscles evaluation
Exercise Plan
Muscle testing
Anxiety disorder
Self naturopathy diagnosis
Self Care checklist
Therapies for depression
Healing from depression & Anxiety
Self care for families