End of Year Project _PFA _KAFUTI Daniel Nkole Final Version
End of Year Project _PFA _KAFUTI Daniel Nkole Final Version
End of Year Project _PFA _KAFUTI Daniel Nkole Final Version
Prepared by:
The primary function of the main condenser is to convert low-pressure steam from the
turbine exhaust into a liquid state. This process remains effective only when the pressure within
the condenser remains below 45 mbar. However, the presence of non-condensable gases leads
to an elevation in the condenser pressure. To counteract this, a vacuum system is integrated
with the condenser to eliminate these non-condensable gases from the system.
Each condenser is equipped with a dedicated vacuum creation system, housing two liquid
ring vacuum pumps. These pumps play a crucial role in maintaining the condenser pressure
below the 45 mbar threshold.
Over recent years, this arrangement has displayed recurring malfunctions, resulting in
breakdowns and suboptimal performance. Consequently, the overall efficacy of the thermal
power plant has been compromised.
The objective of my project was to enhance the reliability of the vacuum creation system
by proposing feasible solutions, thereby elevating the turbine's efficiency. This was
accomplished through a comprehensive analysis of the issue using root cause analysis
methodologies and OCP's reliability standards.
Keywords: Liquid ring vacuum pump, turbine, condenser, root-cause analysis, steam and air
To my father, mum, sisters, brother and friends.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. LAANANI, the mechanical
maintenance manager, for his invaluable support and guidance throughout the entire project.
His exceptional supervision and clear direction played a crucial role in helping me navigate
through challenging situations.
I also extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. MAIMOUNI, chief supervisor of the production
department of the thermo-electric power plant, for his significant contributions to this project.
He ensured that I comprehensively understood all the intricate processes within the power plant
and how these interconnected systems operated. Moreover, he graciously provided me with the
essential data required to analyse the GTA performance over a span of 4 months.
Lastly, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the successful
completion of this project in various capacities. This includes the dedicated control room
operators, the diligent HQSE agents, skilled engineers, technicians, and my fellow interns,
whose collective efforts were instrumental in achieving our goals.
Presentation of the OCP Group
Table of contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. ii
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................ iv
1.2 The main subsidiaries and shareholdings of OCP SA as of December 31, 2021 3
4.2.1 Correlations between power generated and Exhaust and extracted steam . 38
Appendices....................................................................................................................... 55
Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 60
List of figures
Figure 1-1 Morocco's phosphate reserves and OCP S.A. Sites .......................................... 2
Figure 2-3 Screenshot of the control room monitor showing the GTA ............................ 18
Figure 2-5 simplified representation of the working principle of the turbine .................. 22
Figure 3-1 Exploded view of the liquid ring vacuum pump ............................................. 27
Figure 4-2 chart showing steam use and power generated from January to April ........... 38
List of tables
Table 1-1The functional organization chart of OCP S.A. .................................................. 7
Table 4-7 photos of degraded components for the three pumps ....................................... 42
List of Abbreviations
CIMR Caisse Interproffessionnelle Marocaine de Retraite
DAP Di Ammonium Phosphate
DCP Dicalcium phosphate
EMAPHOS Euro Maroc phosphore
FCP Fédération de la Chimie et de la Parachimie
GTA Group Turbo-Alternator
HMT total manometric head
IMACID Indo Maroc Phosphore
JFC Jorf Fertilizer Company
LRVP Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
MAP Mono Ammonium Phosphate
MCP Mono-calcium phosphate
NPK N: Azote P: Phosphorus K: Potassium
OCP Office Cherifien des Phosphates
OFAS OCP Fertinagro Advanced Solutions
PPL Paradeep Phosphore Limited
RCAR Regime Collectif d'Allocation de Retrait
RMA Royale Marocaine D'Assurance
S.A Societé Anonyme
TED Traitement d'Eaux Douces
TSP Triple SuperPhosphate
ZMPPL Zuari Maroc Phosphates Private Limited
The Cherifien Office of Phosphates (l’Office Cherifien des Phosphates, in French) was
created in 1920. It later became known as the OCP Group in 1975. It is the only company that
has the exclusive right to mine phosphates in the country, Morocco. It was not until the 1st of
March, 1921 that the extraction and treatment had begun in the region of Khourigba.
The Group became an exporter of phosphates’ derived products when Maroc Chimie was
commissioned in Safi, in 1965. It also began the manufacturing and exportation of purified
phosphoric acid in 1998.
Over the years, a lot of partnerships have been developed with other key industrial
operators, both in Morocco and abroad.
As one of the world leaders in the production of the phosphate rock, phosphoric acid and
phosphate fertilizers, the OCP Group is specialized in the extraction, the production and the
commercialization of:
➢ Phosphates
➢ Phosphate fertilizers
The mining activities of the group are situated in the Khouribga, Gantour and Boucraâ
regions. The phosphate rock among many other end products, is exported to more than 30
Two thirds of the rock production of the company is transformed into phosphoric acid,
whose majority is transformed further into phosphate fertilizers. Four main types of phosphate
fertilizers are produced and exported by the company namely;
The Group is also a producer of a number of special phosphate products such Sulphur
enriched fertilizers, the reactive rock, the micro-nutrients, customized phosphate fertilizers and
phosphate foods.
➢ The North axis is composed of the Khouribga mining site and the Jorf Lasfar
processing site. The two sites are joined by means of slury pipeline that carries
mixture composed 60% Phospates rock and 40% water.
➢ The central axis is comprised of the Gantour basin (Benguerir and Youssoufia)
and the Safi processing site
Located 120 km south-east of Casablanca and 200 km east of Jorf Lasfar, the Khouribga
site is the most important phosphate production zone with a capacity of 26 million tons per
annum. This site is made up of four zones of extraction, namely; Daoui, Merah Lahrahch, Sidi
Chennane and Beni Amir.
The Kouribga site is relatively rich in Di-phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), a precursor used in
the production of phosphoric acid.
To increase the value of the extracted product, some appropriate treatment processes are
applied. The following are the treatment units in Khouribga; a drying plant in Beni-Idir, a
washer in Daouiand a drying complex in Oued-Zem, a washer and a pipeline pumping station
in Merah Lahrach and a washer and a pipeline station in Ben-Amir.
The Gantour reserve covers an area of 2500 Km2 and presents a production capacity of 8.6
million tons per year. It has two extraction centers, namely; Youssoufia center (Bouchane and
M’Zinda) and the Benguerir center.
Societe Phosboucraâ, an OCP subsidiary is the one charged with the exploitation of the
Phosboucraâ phosphate reserves. The reserves are located in the provinces south of Morocco.
At the moment, only the one of the two layers is exploited.
The processing industries complex of Jorf Lasfar was commissioned in 1986, it is situated
at 24 km south of El Jadida city, it covers an area of 1 835 hectares.
The jorf Lasfar site is comprised of companies that add value to phosphate minerals and
produce phosphate fertilizers.
The following are the products manufactured at the Jorf Lasfar site:
➢ Fertilizers
A comprehensive description of the Jorf Lasfar site is provided in section I.6 of this
First processing site of the OCP Group, the Safi complex started in 1965 in order to valorize
the phosphate rock of Gantour. The site is comprised of processing units of phosphate ores and
of phosphate fertilizer production.
The Safi site includes the following operational entities: OIS/C, OIS/M and OIS/D
Safi site
The functioning and the composition of the board of the general management of the OCP
Group conforms to the law no 17-95 relative to anonymous companies.
The senior management of the OCP Group is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer as
well as the Managing Directors.
Together they are responsible for OCP’s long-term strategy, ensuring everyone at OCP
works towards a shared vision.
As of 30th June, 2022, the functional organization chart of the OCP group is as follows:
Home to the largest phosphate fertilizer manufacturer in the world, the Jorf Lasfar complex
has a number of companies that process phosphate ore and produce phosphate and/or nitrogen
The complex is located 24 km south of the El Jadida city and covers an area of 1 835
hectares (ha).
Pakistan Maroc phosphore (PMP) is a joint-venture owned at 50% by OCP S.A. and at
50% by Fauji, a pakistanian company.
Today, the company has a nominal production capacity of 465 KT P2O5 of phosphoric acid
per year. The acid is then exported to Pakistan for the production of fertilizer for Fauji.
Indo Maroc Phosphore is a joint venture that is owned at 33.3% by OCP S.A., at 33.3% by
Chambal Fertiliser Chemicals Limited (CFCL) and at 33.3% by Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL).
In 1999, IMACID was established and allowed the construction and the launch, in the Jorf
Lasfar industrial complex, of a phosphoric acid production factory of a nominal capacity of
330000 tons of P2O5 per year. In 2021, the capacity was brought to 500 000 tons of P2O5.
Euro Maroc Phosphore is a joint venture owned 33.3% by OCP S.A., 33.3% by Société
Anonyme Métallurgique de Prayon, and 33.3% by Chemische Fabrik Budenheim. It was
commissioned in 1998 at Jorf lasfar.
JFC (Jorf Fertilizers Company) is a subsidiary of OCP SA, a leading Moroccan company
in the phosphate industry. It comprises multiple entities, including JFC I, JFC II, JFC III, JFC
IV, and JFC V, specializing in the manufacturing and commercialization of fertilizers and
phosphate derivatives.
These entities operate independently and contribute to meeting the global demand for
phosphate fertilizers, with JFC V also producing merchant phosphoric acid. JFC entities are
located in the Jorf Lasfar industrial complex in Morocco and play a significant role in the
international fertilizer market.
The factory Maroc Phophore III and IV was launched in 1986, and is a very important part
of the OCP Group.
1. The port: it is at this port that the Sulphur and Ammonia are imported while the
phosphate, concentrated and purified phosphoric acid are exported, including various
fertilizer grades. In addition, the port includes a storage warehouse for solid sulfur, two
tanks for ammonia storage, a seawater pumping station, and a facility for melting and
filtering sulfur to transform it into liquid sulfur.
➢ Sulfuric Plant: It consists of six monohydrate sulfuric acid production units, each
with a capacity of 2650 tons per day.
➢ Fertilizer Plant: It includes four DAP production units, two of which can produce
TSP, MAP, and NPK, each with a capacity of 1400 tons per day.
➢ Utility Plant: This plant brings together all the intermediate products necessary for
production, except sulfuric acid. It contains:
The thermo-electric plant is considered the heart of the Jorf Lasfar complex, because it
powers the production units. If the thermo-electric power plant was ever to be stopped, the
whole complex would shut down. It has two main roles, the production and distribution of
electricity to all plants at the complex and also the management of steam. The steam is classified
into three categories, namely;
The power plant is equipped with three Turbo-Alternator groups named GTA, each having
a power rating and voltage of 37 MW and 10 KV respectively. It is also equipped with with
two auxiliary boilers having a production capacity of 25 T/h. The main purpose of these boilers
is to start the complex by providing steam to the sulphuric acid production lines. The boilers
also act as secondary sources of steam in case of need.
In the power generation cycle of the plant, the steam extracted from the turbines is pumped
to other production plants referred to as clients. Among the clients are the following;
➢ The Port
➢ Heat tracing
After utilizing the steam, all clients supply the power plant with condensates via a
condensate recovery system with the exception of the phosphoric plant which sends its
condensate directly to the reservoir (bache alimentaire). The condensates are recovered in a
reservoir (bache condesats). The condensates are then pumped to the heat exchangers and to
be cooled down before being sent to the water treatment center (TED) where it is treated.
➢ it is demineralized
Finally, the water is pumped to the North and South sulfuric plant, where it undergoes a
crucial step in the production of sulfuric acid. After an exothermic chemical reaction in this
plant, steam is generated and is sent to the thermo power plant thereby creating a closed loop
of fluid flow.
The power plant also produces water called NORIA that is essential for the cooling of
various critical equipment around the Jorf Lasfar complex. The closed loop water circuit is
supplied with demineralized water to maintain the levels of the NORIA batch and compensate
for losses in the network. Demineralized water is a soft water that prevents scaling in the circuit.
The NORIA batch is kept under service air pressure (1.5 bars) to eliminate the risk of pump
cavitation since the water being drawn is sufficiently hot. Moreover, this air injection increases
the total manometric head (HMT) of the pumps.
The mechanical maintenance department plays a critical role in ensuring the smooth and
uninterrupted operation of the thermo-electric plant and the production departments. Their
comprehensive range of services includes systematic corrective and preventive maintenance to
uphold the efficiency and reliability of all equipment.
1.8.2 Function
1.8.3 Organigram
The table below summarizes the roles played by each individual in the mechanical
maintenance department.
Position Role
Workshop To manage the workshop team, allocate tasks, and ensure that the
manager workshop is well-equipped with the necessary tools and spare
Chapter 2
A detailed description of the GTAs
In the first section of this chapter, we will explore the essential role of a turbo-alternator
and provide a detailed description of its main components. Additionally, we will explain the
functioning principle of a turbo-alternator.
Turbo-alternator groups play a crucial role in the generation of electricity and proper
distribution of steam. The process involves the of passing super-heated steam (490°C, 56 bars)
through the turbine blades, causing the turbine shaft to rotate. This rotational motion harnesses
the mechanical energy of the turbine, which is then efficiently converted into electrical energy
by the alternator.
The three turbo-alternators are designated as GTA1, GTA2 and GTA3. The equipment
presented throughout this chapter corresponds to the GTA1, comprised of a turbine
(20ANO1T), of an alternator (20ANO1A) and of a main condenser (20AE01).
From an energetic point of view, the thermal energy of the turbine carried by the high-
pressure steam is transformed into mechanical energy by the turbine. The mechanical energy is
then transformed into electrical energy by the alternator. Simultaneously, the average-pressure
steam is extracted from the turbine. Finally, the low-pressure steam is evacuated at the exhaust
pipe and condensed in the main condenser.
The main goal of the turbo-alternator group is therefore to produce electrical energy, and the
by-products are:
The steam is then conveyed into the average pressure barrel and the condensates are routed
into the condensates batch.
Figure 2-3 Screenshot of the control room monitor showing the GTA
The turbine consists of a high-pressure zone (inlet) and low-pressure zone (exhaust). The
high-pressure section is made out of molded steel while the low-pressure section is constructed
using steel welded sheet metal. The two sections are bolted and connected by a vertical jointing
The major dimensions of the turbine are: two entries of steam of 25cm diameter, a steam
extraction point of 50 cm diameter and a steam exhaust of 1.5 m by 3.80 m. The mass of the
whole turbine unit is about 90 tons.
The alternator, also made by the same company ALSTOM ANTLATIQUE, has a power
output of 37.6 MW and a voltage of 10 KV. The electricity produced is distributed to other
utilities around the complex. The remainder is sent to a step-up transformer where it is elevated
to 66 KV and then sent to the national power grid via ONEE. The mass of the alternator
including the stator, rotor, excitor, bearings, covering, and the refrigerator is about 76 tons.
Voltage ± 5% 11 000 V
Cos φ 0,8
Frequency 50 Hz
Number of phases 3
The components of the turbine are detailed further in the following paragraphs.
The rotor consists of only one piece in forged steel comprising a rotating shaft and 16 discs.
At the periphery of the discs are the mobile blades.
The high-pressure steam enters the turbine through nozzles which causes increase in speed
and reduction in pressure of the steam.
In case of a halt, a turning gear is used to maintain the rotor in movement with speed of about
33 rotations per minute (rpm) in order to avoid the deformation that might be caused by the
high temperature and the weight of the rotor. The rotor contains a thrust collar and at the end,
a housing for the coupled pump.
The vacuum in the main condenser facilitates the suction of the incondensable and the
condensation of the average steam, which allows the increase in in the efficiency of the turbine.
If we were to consider a steady inlet mass flow rate and enthalpy; the decrease in pressure
is translates into a lower exhaust steam enthalpy. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of the
turbine, we have to increase the temperature of the high-pressure steam and reduce the
temperature of the exhaust steam temperature.
The main condenser has the role of condensing the low-pressure steam in the last stage of
the turbine. The condenser has a capacity to treat a flow rate of 90 t/h of steam. It is equipped
with two extraction pumps that pump the condensates towards the condensates batch with a
unity capacity of 95 m3/h.
Since the main condenser functions under vacuum, the creation of this needed vacuum is
assured by two liquid ring vacuum pumps which have a sea water suction that serves as the
driving fluid, a discharge towards the vacuum tank and another suction pipe coming from the
main condenser that sucks the non-condensable gases hence creating the vacuum. The
minimum vacuum should be 240 mbars.
➢ Expansion Work
The steam expands inside the turbine as it moves from higher to lower pressure regions.
This expansion of steam is what produces the mechanical work. The greater the pressure
difference between the inlet and exhaust, the more work can be extracted from the steam during
expansion. By maintaining a high vacuum pressure at the turbine exhaust (low exhaust
pressure), the pressure difference across the turbine stages increases, resulting in higher
expansion work and better efficiency.
Steam quality is essential for turbine efficiency. Steam turbines are most efficient when
dry, high-quality steam is supplied to them. When the steam expands and does work, it tends to
lose its energy and condenses. Having a low-pressure environment (high vacuum) at the turbine
exhaust helps to minimize the pressure the steam experiences as it expands, reducing the
likelihood of condensation within the turbine stages. Condensation can lead to the formation of
water droplets, which can erode turbine blades and reduce efficiency.
In summary, a high vacuum pressure at the turbine exhaust enhances the pressure
difference across the turbine stages, allowing for more expansion work to be extracted from the
steam. Additionally, it helps maintain the steam quality, minimizing condensation and
The power plant has a fixed range of acceptable vacuum pressures in the condenser and
turbine. If the pressure is too low, below 25mbar, there is an increased risk of deforming the
condenser walls.
A number of safety measures are put in place to avoid the permanent damage of equipment
due to extreme low pressures. When the pressure in the condenser reaches 30mbar, an alert
comes up and when the pressure continues to drop and reaches 25mbar, the alarm goes off.
As a secondary safety measure, the turbine is equipped with a membrane that is supposed
to rupture when the pressure exceeds 25 mbar, this causes the pressure to increase very fast and
when it reaches 500 mbar, the high-pressure steam inlet valve is closed automatically and
remains shut until the membrane is replaced.
For my year-end project, I conducted an extensive study at one of the phosphate processing
sites operated by the Office Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP) – a global frontrunner in
phosphorus product supply. The focus of my project was to propose and implement
enhancements aimed at significantly boosting the efficiency of the turbo-alternator groups
(GTAs) within the thermal power plant. This objective was achieved by refining and bolstering
the reliability of the vacuum creation system. The specific site under examination was the OCP
Jorf Lasfar Complex in El Jadida.
3.2 Problematic
The Liquid ring vacuum pumps have become a major concern at the power plant because
of their frequent breakdowns and poor performance which is due to many reasons. My duty in
this project is to analyze the problem, determine the root causes and propose applicable
solutions to the problems.
The thermal power plant in question uses the cogeneration technology. Cogeneration is a
very efficient technology to generate electricity and heat simultaneously (40% more efficient
than the separate generation of heat and power). Despite the increased efficiency of co-
generation, the thermal power plant still faces major problems that directly affect the
efficiencies of the GTAs.
After the high-pressure steam has expanded in the turbine and has done work, it exits the
turbine via two outlets;
The major problem that I decided to focus on is the improvement of the vacuum creation
station in order to assure a reliable high vacuum pressure at all times, usually below 0.46 mbar.
Thermodynamics explains to us the direct coherence between the exhaust vacuum pressure and
the efficiency of a steam turbine.
Six identical liquid ring vacuum pumps are installed at the power plant to create vacuum
in the condenser and the low-pressure zone of the turbine. Each condenser is linked to two
liquid ring vacuum pumps, one for continuous vacuum creation while the other is for
emergences only and startups.
My job was to identify the root causes for the pumps’ unavailability due to breakdowns.
Among the noticeable causes for maintenance intervention recorded by maintenance team were
the following;
The pump is essentially constituted by a pump body (1) with its diffuser (14), a body for
water inlet (2), a water box (4) and the distributor (6), the impeller with special paddles (7,36,37
and 19), a shaft (15) with its stuffing box (27) and a ball bearings support (30).
The SCAM-LEBLANC vacuum pump is known for their reliability which comes from
their supersized components, from a very little number of moving parts and from the simplicity
of the tightness system between these parts (a single mechanical seal).
The project’s subject is titled "Optimizing Steam Turbine Efficiency and Enhancing
Vacuum System Reliability in Thermal Power Plants". The focal point of the project centers
around the examination of Steam Turbine Efficiency and the concurrent enhancement of
reliability within the Vacuum Systems of a Thermal Power Plant. The paramount facet of the
project involves devising strategies to bolster the dependability and performance of the Vacuum
Systems that play a pivotal role in the plant's overall operational stability. My assigned scope
of work encompasses a multifaceted approach, encompassing data collection, performance
evaluation, potential redesign suggestions, and the formulation of proactive maintenance
protocols. Throughout the project, my objective is to contribute to the augmentation of the
power plant's productivity, sustainability, and longevity.
For my final internship assignment, I was tasked with designing a steam ejector using
computer-aided software. You can find the detailed design in the concluding section of
Chapter 4, titled "Findings and Solutions."
3.4 Planning
In order to guarantee a smooth flow of activities necessary for the completion of the project
in time, a plan was devised. Gantt Project, a project planning tool was used to plan in advance
the date intervals for the different tasks of the project.
The diagram below is the plan that I followed for this project.
3.5 Approach
In order to accomplish the goals of this project, we began by setting up scientific methods
and steps that we were going to follow throughout the entire project. As the first step, it was
very important that I familiarized myself with the equipment in question and the whole power
plant as a whole. Hence, I conducted several visits to the plant and also studied and understood
the schematics of the different processes that are shown in the control room.
After becoming familiar with the equipment and the various processes involved in the
power generation process, we began collecting and analyzing data to see the coherence between
the vacuum pressure and the efficiency of the GTA.
vacuum pump failures spanning the period from 2019 to 2023. We then drew the pareto charts
to determine which failures caused more than 80 percent of the breakdowns.
Afterwards, we inspected one of the dissected Liquid ring vacuum pumps that was
undergoing maintenance in the mechanical workshop. This was very rewarding because it gave
us the insight of what was going in the interior of the pumps.
By using the data acquired from the documented history of vacuum pump failures, and the
inspection we carried out, we were able to focus on three main problems, namely;
In order to identify the root causes of the problems that affect the current vacuum creation
system, we employed the 5 Whys method. The 5 Whys technique was used to systematically
analyze each cause to uncover the true root cause of the problem. For each main cause
identified, we asked "Why?" repeatedly (five times) to uncover the root cause of the problem.
The 5 Whys method is a simple yet powerful technique used for problem-solving and root
cause analysis. It involves asking "Why?" multiple times to drill down and identify the
underlying causes of a problem. By repeatedly asking "Why?" and addressing the answers,
you can uncover the fundamental cause of an issue and work to address it, rather than just
treating the symptoms.
1. Identify the Problem: Start by clearly defining the problem you want to address. This
problem could be a recurring issue, a mistake, an inefficiency, or any other challenge
you're facing.
2. Ask "Why?": Begin by asking why the problem occurred. This question prompts you
to consider the immediate cause of the problem. Once you have an answer, move on to
the next step.
3. Repeat the Question: For each answer you provide, ask "Why?" again. This will help
you dig deeper into the cause and understand why the previous step occurred. Keep
asking "Why?" and providing answers until you reach a point where the answer is no
longer a simple cause-and-effect relationship but an underlying systemic issue.
4. Reach the Root Cause: Continue the process until you've asked "Why?" about five
times (hence the name "5 Whys"). At this point, you should ideally have identified the
root cause of the problem – the fundamental reason why the issue occurred.
5. Address the Root Cause: Once you've identified the root cause, you can focus your
efforts on addressing it. By targeting the root cause, you're more likely to implement
effective and lasting solutions that prevent the problem from recurring.
To calculate the efficiency of the turbine and alternator (GTA), we had to create a model
of the system, by clearly indicating what the inputs and outputs of the system are. The thermal
energy in the high-pressure steam is the input, while the thermal energy in the extracted steam
and exhaust steam together with the electrical energy generated by the alternator are the three
main outputs of our modeled system. The mechanical losses were not taken into consideration.
The schematic drawing below illustrates the different parameters necessary in order to
calculate the efficiency of the GTA.
Qa (T/h)=190
Pa (bars)=55
Ta (°C)=488
37 MWh
Turbine Alternator
Qs (T/h)=100
Ps (bars)=9.2 Exhaust
Ts (°C)=283 Qe (T/h)=90
h(kJ/kg)=3017 Pe (bars)=0.068
T e(°C)=35
Therefore, according to the above model above, the efficiency of the GTA will be calculated as
NOTE: The mechanical losses are supposed to be negligeable. And the enthalpies were
calculated using a software called chemicalLogic steamlab companion.
Using the specifications of the machine constructor the efficiency of a single GTA unit is
calculated as follows.
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 =
𝐻𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 =
𝐻𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡 ∗ (𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 )
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 =
𝐻𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 = ∗ 3600
3400 ∗ 190 − 3001 ∗ 100 − 2305 ∗ 90
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 = 0.962
𝜼𝑮𝑻𝑨 = 𝟗𝟔. 𝟐%
The following data was determined using a similar approach shown above.
titre 1 1 1
Titre 1 1 1
Formula used
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 =
𝐻𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐼𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝐻𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡 ∗ 𝑄𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡
1. GTA 1
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 1 = ∗ 3600
3305 ∗ 111.1 − 2984 ∗ 31.2 − 2322 ∗ 79.9
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 1 = 0.931
𝜼𝑮𝑻𝑨 𝟏 = 𝟗𝟑. 𝟏%
2. GTA 2
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 2 = ∗ 3600
3303 ∗ 159.6 − 2970 ∗ 95.1 − 2310 ∗ 64.5
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 2 = 0.876
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 2 = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟔%
3. GTA 3
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 3 = ∗ 3600
3310 ∗ 120.3 − 2985 ∗ 67.5 − 2322 ∗ 52.8
𝜂𝐺𝑇𝐴 3 = 0.877
𝜼𝑮𝑻𝑨 𝟑 = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟕%
The table below shows how much steam was used and how much electrical power was
generated in the GTA1, from 1st January to 6/5/23.
It can be deduced from the chart below in figure 4-2 that the power generated per unit
time is directly proportional to the exhaust steam of the turbine.
Figure 4-2 chart showing steam use and power generated from January to April
4.2.1 Correlations between power generated and Exhaust and extracted steam
In this section we notice the strong positive correlation between the quantity of power
generated and the amount turbine exhaust steam.
Exhaust steam (tons) 0.662197445
Extracted steam (tons) 0.227681834
Based on the documented failure history of the three (3) liquid ring vacuum pumps between
October 30, 2019, and August 7, 2023, the causes for downtime can be summarized in the
following paragraphs.
The table below shows the sorts of problems and their respective frequencies in the indicated
It is evident from table 4-4 that vibrations and wear accounted for the most problems recorded,
while leaks, overheating and ageing of parts were the least occurring during this period.
80 100.0%
20 20.0%
0 0.0%
(beyond set
The pareto chart confirms that indeed vibrations and wear accounted for more than 90% of the
problems that were recorded from October 30, 2019, to August 7, 2023, while the remaining
problems were the least occurring.
Similarly, to the previous pump, table below shows the sorts of problems and their respective
frequencies in the indicated period.
WEAR 57 87.8%
LEAKS 17 98.2%
AGEING 2 99.4%
BLOCKAGE 1 100.0%
Total 164
For this pump, Vibrations and had the highest frequencies while leaks, blockages and ageing
accounted for the least problems.
80 100.0%
20 20.0%
0 0.0%
(beyond set
The pareto chart confirms that indeed vibrations and wear accounted for more than 90% of the
problems that were recorded from October 30, 2019, to August 7, 2023, while the remaining
problems were the least occurring.
For the final pump in this study, its problems and their respective frequencies are shown as
WEAR 59 88.6%
LEAKS 15 97.6%
AGEING 1 98.2%
LOW POWER 1 98.8%
BLOCKAGE 1 100.0%
Total 167
100 120.0%
80 100.0%
70 80.0%
50 60.0%
30 40.0%
20 20.0%
0 0.0%
The Pareto chart unequivocally confirms that vibrations and wear were responsible for over
90% of the issues that affected pump 20BC_LC01 documented between October 30, 2019, and
August 7, 2023. Conversely, the remaining problems were comparatively infrequent
Using the data from the pareto charts above, and the results from the pump inspections, we
carried out a root cause analysis using the 5 Whys method.
Table below shows the identified root causes of the pumps down time. In the 1st Why
column, the three main problems are cited which are as follows;
1. Degraded chassis
2. Degradation of pump parts (wear)
3. Problems linked to the motor
In the subsequent WHY columns, further effects are cited until the final root cause is
reached. The verification column is for validating or eliminating a particular effect.
1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Why
Degraded Mask (tiroir) corrosion (due to sea water)
degradation of the check valve corrosion (due to sea water)
degradation of the pump
Vacuum not being corrosion (due to sea water)
corrosion (due to sea water)
degradation of the impeller shear stress from nuts joining the
impeller to the impeller lid
Misalignment damaged bearings impoper lubrication
VACUUM PUMP loose fixture to the chasis lifespan of bearings reached
Damaged motor
UNAVAILABILITY low power short ciruit in the motor
overheating short ciruit in the motor
Bad fixation degraded chassis
Misalignment damaged bearings lifespan of bearings reached
lifespan of coupling reached
dmamaged coupling
mechanical problems corrosion (due to sea water)
of pump parts (wear) Excessive pump vibrations shear stress from nuts joining the
imbalance of impeller deformation of impeller
impeller to the impeller lid
loosening of the nut connecting the
shaft axial tolerance depassed
shaft to impeller
corrosion (due to sea water)
Damaged bearings improper lubrication
Mechanical blockage
Degraded Mask (tiroir) corrosion (due to sea water)
damaged coupling lifespan of coupling reached
The 5 whys tool gave us 10 probable root-causes that contribute to the breakdown and low
performance of the liquid ring vacuum pumps used at the power plant. The table below shows
the identified root-causes.
cumulative % of root
Root cause frequency cause
corrosion (due to sea water) 7 35.0%
shear stress from nuts joining the
impeller to the impeller lid 2 45.0%
lifespan of bearings reached 2 55.0%
short ciruit in the motor 2 65.0%
lifespan of coupling reached 2 75.0%
loose fixture to the chasis 1 80.0%
degraded chassis 1 85.0%
impoper lubrication 1 90.0%
loosening of the nut connecting the
shaft to impeller 1 95.0%
improper lubrication 1 100.0%
total 20
In order to further analyze these root-causes, a pareto chart is drawn to show which root-
cause account for the most problems affecting the vacuum pumps.
From this chart, in figure 4-6, it is evident that corrosion was the root cause responsible for
the majority of the pump problems identified.
In order to combat get rid of the identified root causes, the following suggestions were
By using corrosion resistant materials for the interior components, we greatly minimize the
speed at which the components degrade due to corrosion. The most suitable corrosion resistant
material for this task is stainless steel.
Stainless steels are alloys of iron with chromium, nickel, and - often - four of five other
elements. The alloying transmutes plain carbon steel that rusts and is prone to brittleness below
room temperature into a material that does neither. Indeed, most stainless steels resist corrosion
in most normal environments, and they remain ductile to the lowest of temperatures.
Condition monitoring for liquid ring vacuum pumps offers several advantages, including
early fault detection, reduced downtime through planned maintenance, extended equipment life,
cost savings, improved safety, enhanced efficiency, data-driven insights, predictive
maintenance, remote monitoring, compliance support, and reduced environmental impact. It's
a strategy that uses data to optimize pump performance, minimize breakdowns, and improve
overall operational efficiency.
Constructing a new chassis is another sure way of getting rid misalignment and associated
problems of the pump and motor. The current chassis is made of concrete and is partly degraded.
In terms of performance, steel chassis offer several advantages due to their inherent
properties and characteristics:
➢ Load-Bearing Capacity: Steel chassis have high load-bearing capacity, allowing them
to support heavy equipment and machinery without deformation or failure. This is
crucial for maintaining stability and safety during operation.
➢ Structural Integrity: Steel's consistent material properties and resistance to
deformation provide structural integrity, ensuring that the chassis maintains its shape
and function even under heavy loads and dynamic forces.
➢ Vibration Dampening: Steel's density and stiffness contribute to effective vibration
dampening, reducing the transmission of vibrations from machinery to the
surroundings. This is particularly important for precision equipment and machinery that
require steady operation.
➢ Durability: Steel's durability ensures that the chassis can withstand impacts, shocks,
and regular wear and tear over its operational life, minimizing maintenance needs and
➢ Heat Resistance: Some grades of steel offer good heat resistance, allowing the chassis
to withstand high operating temperatures without significant deformation or structural
➢ Environmental Conditions: Steel chassis can perform well in various environmental
conditions, including exposure to moisture, humidity, chemicals, and UV radiation,
depending on the appropriate coatings and treatments applied.
Since corrosion accounts for the most problems that are faced by the vacuum pump, using
treated water as sealing liquid for the vacuum pumps would greatly increase the lifespan of the
pumps because treated/filtered water is less corrosive than sea water.
By using alternative vacuum technologies, we might avoid most of the problems that lead
to breakdowns or low performance. The following are the three proposed alternative systems:
• Description
Nash, a well reputable company in the vacuum pump industry, offers a wide range
Steam ejectors that can be used to create vacuums. A Steam ejector is a stationary structure
with no rotating parts that has two inlets and one discharge port. The primary inlet is for
relatively high-pressure motive fluid, in this case steam, while the secondary inlet is for the
relatively low-pressure non-condensable gases. An ejector normally has 3 sections,
namely, the nozzle section, the mixing section, and the diffuser section.
• Working principle
In an ejector, a relatively high-pressure steam expands in the nozzle section. The steam
converts that pressure or potential energy to velocity or kinetic energy. The jet of high-
velocity steam entrains the non-condensable gases to be evacuated or pumped in the suction
of the ejector. The resulting mixture enters the diffuser where velocity energy is converted
to pressure at the ejector discharge.
The nozzle controls the expansion of steam and converts pressure into velocity; thus,
creating a vacuum to transfer gases. An ejector operates on a mass basis, not by displacing
volume. Therefore, ejectors are better suited to handling gases with low molecular weights
and when operating at low absolute pressures.
The steam jet ejector’s dimensions fix its capacity, which limits its throughput and the
practical limits on the compression it can deliver. To achieve greater compression,
multistage steam jet ejectors can be used, arranged in series. Condensers are typically used
between successive ejectors in a multistage steam jet ejector system, because they reduce
the steam loading to successive ejectors. This allows smaller ejectors to be used and
reduces steam consumption. An after-condenser is sometimes used after the final stage, to
condense steam prior to discharge, although this has no effect on performance
(Birgenheier, Butzbach, Bolt, Bhatnagar, Ojala & Aglitz, 1993, p.1).
The air ejector is similar in nature to the steam jet ejector except that it uses
atmospheric air as its motive fluid. This air is usually driven by the action of a liquid ring
vacuum pump connected to the air-operated ejector as part of an overall system. The
advantage of this system is that it raises the LRVP suction pressure so that the LRVP is
not prone to cavitation, the system can obtain higher suction vacuums and does not require
a steam source.
The main disadvantage of this system is that it is inefficient because a lot of the air
that the LRVP is pumping, is merely being used as the motive force for the air ejector and
its suction capacity falls rapidly with a rising suction pressure as would occur if a major
condenser air leak developed. A typical air ejector and LRVP system arrangement is
shown in the figure below.
A steam hybrid system consists of a steam ejector which discharges into an inter-
condenser, with the resulting condensate draining back to the main condenser, and the
air being extracted from it by a single stage LRVP. The advantages of this system are
similar to the air ejector and LRVP system, however there is an additional advantage in
the motive steam being condensed and reducing the steam loading to the LRVP. This
allows a smaller capacity LRVP to be used. This system is quite efficient and is would
be a great fit at this Jorf lasfar power plant since steam is readily available A typical
Hybrid system arrangement is shown in the figure below.
The systems shown on the diagram below, are all NASH products.
The following photos and drawings display the design of a steam ejector created using the
computer-aided design software, "SolidWorks."
To conclude the report, the problematic, findings and solutions of the project
have been summarized to conclude the report.
Chapter 5. Conclusion
This study has effectively demonstrated the substantial influence of vacuum pressure
within the condenser on the overall performance of the GTA. Consequently, maintaining a
dependable vacuum creation system at all times holds paramount significance. To address this
concern, a comprehensive analysis was undertaken to diagnose the issues impacting the current
vacuum creation system's efficiency.
By employing the 5 Whys root cause analysis method in accordance with the OCP’s
reliability standards, several factors including corrosion, inadequate lubrication, damaged
bearings, and other related variables were identified as root causes contributing to the recurrent
breakdowns of the liquid ring pumps.
To extend the operational lifespan of the pumps and mitigate the frequency of breakdowns,
several recommendations have been proposed. The initial proposition suggests substituting
components susceptible to corrosion with parts crafted from corrosion-resistant materials like
stainless steel. The subsequent recommendation emphasizes the need for a new steel chassis
and regular pump inspections to ensure adherence to alignment tolerances and vibration limit
In conclusion, this study presents three alternative vacuum technology options to replace
the existing system: Multi-stage Steam Ejectors, Air Ejectors + Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps
(LRVP), and a hybrid system combining Steam Ejectors with LRVP. These alternatives offer
potential solutions to enhance the vacuum creation system's effectiveness and reliability, paving
the way for improved GTA performance.