sociology 1 (1)

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Exam Level Sylla bus Title Syllabus Code

Year Comp onent Title Component Code

2024 The Family 21

Exam Period Cent re Name Centre/Sheet No.

Date of Component

Candidate Candidate Name Attendance

Present Absent
5309 Abigail Tsingano ☐ ☐

5308 Muusha Nokutenda ☐ ☐


5313 Melania Tarangeyi ☐ ☐

5301 Paidamoyo Chada ☐ ☐

5315 Esther Bushambale ☐ ☐

5314 Keisha Tamayi ☐ ☐

5303 Lerato Chigovari ☐ ☐

5302 Chataika Tadiswa ☐ ☐

5305 Kufa Chester ☐ ☐

5311 Tatenda Kasiyamhuru ☐ ☐

1. Ensure that you are using the correct 7. Sign the Attendance Registers and detach
Attendance Register for the the copy which should be retained at your
examination, complete it at the start of centre. The top copy must be placed on top of
the examination. the scripts in the script
2. Any writing on the top copy of the envelope.
Attendance Register will be
automatically transferred to the centres 8. Complete the following details in the spaces
copy and therefore care should be taken provided on the script envelope
when completing the information.
3. Complete the Attendance column (a) the syllabus/component title and code as
by: shown on this Attendance Register (b) the
-Inserting a tick in the Present box for number of sheets of Attendance Register
every candidate who is present. and the number of scripts enclosed (c) your
-Inserting a tick in the Absent box for centre number.
every candidate who is absent or has been
withdrawn. and affix the bar code label provided:
4. If a candidate takes the examination but is not listed on this Attendance Register, add their
name and number after the last candidate listed, indicate them as present, and ensure that
you make an entry for them if you have not already done so.
Fasten the script envelope securely and despatch without delay.
5. Do not delete a candidate’s name or number. I certify that I have complied with
the above instructions

6. Arrange the scripts in the same order as the candidates’ numbers and names listed on the
Attendance Register. Check that the number of ticks () recorded in the Present column
equals the number of the scripts and that there is a script for each candidate marked present.

(Signature of the Invigilator)

Candidate Number Candidate Name Attendance

Present Absent
5312 Ryan Charingira ☐ ☐

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