SR MPC Mains PT-3 QP

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Time : 3 Hrs. MAINS MODEL PART TEST - 03 FOR SR MPC Date: 20-12-2023
PHYSICS Dual Nature of Radiation, Atomic & Nuclear Physics, Semi Conductors, Ray Optics,
(1-25) Ray Optics, Waves, Electro Magnetic Waves
CHEMISTRY Total 2nd Year Physical, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th Group Elements
MATHS Trigonometry, Trigonometric Equations, Inverse Trigonometric Functions,
(61-85) Vector Algebra, Matrices & Determinants, Functions
 
1. If E and B represent elctric and magnetic field vectors of the electromagnetic wave, the direction of
propagation of electromagnetic wave is along
     
(a) E (b) B (c) B  E (d) E  B
2. The energy of electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given by the relation

3. If the refractive index of the material of a prism is cot and the angle of prism is A, then angle of
minimum deviation is

4. A transparent solid cylindrical rod has a refractive index of . It is surrounded by air. A light ray is
incident at the mid-point of one end of the rod as shown in the figure. The incident angle  ¸ for which
the light ray grazes along the wall of the rod is

5. The focal lengths of the objective and the eye piece of a compound microscope are 2.0 cm and 3.0 cm,
respectively. The distance between the objective and the eye piece is 15.0 cm. The final image formed
by the eye piece is at infinity. The two lenses are thin. The distance in cm of the object and the image
produced by the objective, measured from the objective lens, are respectively
(a) 2.4 and 12.0 (b) 2.4 and 15.0 (c) 2.0 and 12.0 (d) 2.0 and 3.0
6. The condition for obtaining secondary maxima in the diffraction pattern due to single slit is
7. The intensity at the maximum in a Young’s double slit experiment is I0. Distance between two slits is
d = 5l, where l is the wavelength of light used in the experiment. What will be the intensity in front of one
of the slits on the screen placed at a distance D = 10 d ?

8. Two polaroids are placed in the path of unpolarized beam of intensity I0 such that no light is emitted from
the second polaroid. If a third polarioid whose polarization axis makes an angle  ¸ with the polarization
axis of first polaroids, is placed between these polaroids then the intensity of light emerging from the last
polaroid will be

9. Two identical photocathodes receive light of frequencies f1 and f2. If the velocites of the photo electrons
(of mass m ) coming out are respectively v1 and v2, then

10. The ratio of the respective de Broglie wavelengths associated with electrons accelerated from rest with
the voltages 100 V, 200 V and 300 V is

11. Electrons in a certain energy level n = n1, can emit 3 spectral lines. When they are in another energy
level, n = n2. They can emit 6 spectral lines. The orbital speed of the electrons in the two orbits are in the
ratio of
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 4 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 2
12. Energy of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom is –3.4 eV. Its angular momentum will be

13. A 12.5 eV electron beam is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room temperature. It will emit :
(a) 2 lines in the Lyman series and 1 line in the Balmar series
(b) 3 lines in the Lyman series
(c) 1 line in the Lyman series and 2 lines in the Balmar series
(d) 3 lines in the Balmer series
14. Binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve for nuclei is shown in the figure. W, X, Y and Z
are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release energy is
15. If M (A; Z), Mp and Mn denote the masses of the nucleus ZA X proton and neutron respectively in units of
u ( 1u = 931.5 MeV/c2) and BE represents its bonding energy in MeV, then

16. A pure semiconductor has equal electron and hole concentration of 1016 m–3. Doping by indium in-
creases number of hole concentration nh to 5 × 1022 m–3. Then, the value of number of electron concen-
tration ne in the doped semiconductor is

17. The correct truth table for system of four NAND gates as shown in figure is :

18. A Zener diode is connected to a battery and a load as show below:

The currents, I, IZ and IL are respectively.

(a) 15 mA, 5 mA, 10 mA (b) 15 mA, 7.5 mA, 7.5 mA
(c) 12.5 mA, 5 mA, 7.5 mA (d) 12.5 mA, 7.5 mA, 5 mA
19. When a wave travel in a medium, the particle displacement is given by the equation y = a sin 2  (bt– cx)
where a, b and c are constants. The maximum particle velocity will be twice the wave velocity if

20. A thick uniform rope of length L is hanging from a rigid support. A transverse wave of wavelength 0
is set up at the middle of rope as shown in figure. The wavelength of the wave as it reaches to the
topmost point is
21. A plane electromagnetic wave in a non-magnetic dielectric medium is given by
with distance being in meter and time in seconds. What is value of dielec-
tric constant of the medium?
22. In Young’s double slit experiment shown in figure S1 and S2 are coherent sources and S is the screen
having a hole at a point 1.0mm away from the central line. White light (400 to 700nm) is sent through the
slits. Which wavelength (in nm) passing through the hole has strong intensity?

23. A certain metallic surface is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength  . The stopping
potential for photo-electric current for this light is 3V0. If the same surface is illuminated with light of
wavelength 2  , the stopping potential is V0. The threshold wavelength for this surface for photo-elec-
tric effect is ________  .
24. If 200 MeV energy is released in the fission of a single U235 nucleus, the number of fissions required per
second to produce 1 kilowatt power shall be x  1013 . Then the value of ‘ x ’ is _______(Given 1eV =
1.6 × 10–19 J) (after decimal single digit only)
25. Figure shows a circuit in which three identical diodes are used. Each diode has forward resistance of
20  and infinite backward resistance. Resistors R1 = R2 = R3 = 50  . Battery voltage is 6 V. The
current through R3 is _____mA.
31. Lowering of vapour pressure of 1.00 m solution of an on-volatile solute in a hypothetical solvent of
molar mass 40g at tis normal boiling Points is
a) 29.23 torr b) 30.4 torr c) 35 torr d) 40 torr
32. 4g of Substance A, dissolved in 100g H2O depressed the freezing point of water by 0.10C. While 4g of
another substance B, depressed the freezing point by 0.2 0C. What is the relation between molecular
weights of A and B.
a) MA = 4MB b) MA = MB c) MA = 0.5 MB d) MA = 2MB
33. The depression in freezing poing is 0.930C then the osmotic pressure of aqueous solution of the given
non-electrolyte at 270C is -
a) 12.3 atm b) 1.23 atm c) 6.15 atm d) 2.46 atm
34. If Mnormal is the normal molecular mass and  is the degree of ionsation of k3[Fe(CN)6)], then the abnormal
molecular mass of the complex in the solution will be
a) Mnormal (1+2  )-1 b) Mnormal (1+3  )-1 c) Mnormal (1+  )-1 d) equal to Mnormal
35. Which of the follwing curves repesents the Henry's law?

a) b) logm c) logm d) logm

log p log p log p

36. For the reaction, 2A  B  3C  D; which of the following does not express the reaction rate :
d[D] d[A] d[C] d[B]
a) b)  c)  d) 
dt 2dt 3dt dt
37.  
In reversible reaction : 2NO2  N 2 O4 the rate of disappearance of NO2 is equal to

2k1 2
a) k [NO2 ] b) 2k1[NO2 ]2  2k 2 [N 2 O 4 ]

c) 2k1[NO2 ]2  k 2 [N2 O4 ] d) (2k1  k 2 )[NO2 ]

38. For a first order reaction A which of the following relation is not correcet :
1 1 1 1  1   1  1 1 1
a) K = K1+ K2 b)      c) t   d) K  K  K
1 2 1/ 2  t1/ 2  1  t1/ 2  2 1 2

39. For a first order reaction at 27°C, the ratio of time required for 75% completion to 25% completion of
reaction is :
1) 3.0 2) 2.303 3) 4.8 4) 0.477
40. [A] (M) [B] (M) Initial rate (Ms )
0.4 0.3 2  10
0.8 0.3 0.8  10
1.2 0.9 0.54  10
From the above data the rate law for the equation A+B  products is equal to
1) K[A][B] 2) K[A]2[B]2 3) K[A]2[B] 4) K[A][B]2
41. A quantity of electrical charge that brings about the deposition of 4.5 g Al from Al3+ at the cathode will
also produce the following volume (STP) of H2(g) from H+ at the cathode
a) 44.8 L b) 22.4 L c) 11.2 L d) 5.6 L
42. Electrolysis of a solution of MnSO4 in aqueous sulphuric acid is a method for the preparation of MnO2 .
Passing a current of 27 A for 24 hours gives only 1Kg of MnO2. What is the value of current efficiency ?
a) 100% b) 50% c) 94.8% d) 99%
43. The two aqueous solutions ; A : (AgNO3) and B : ( LiCl ) were electrolysed using Pt. Electrodes. The pH
of the resulting solutions will
a) increase in A and decrease in B b) decrease in both
c) increase in both d) decrease in A and increase in B
44. The emf of hydrogen electrode in term of pH is (at 1 atm pressure)
a) E H2   RT / F  xpH b) E H2   RT / F  1/ pH c) E H2   2.303RT / F  pH d) E H2  0.0591pH

1 
45. Given : The value ^ m (Al 2 (SO 4 )3 wouldbe    1 Al3   631cm 2 mol1 and    SO 24   801cm 2 mol 1 .
2 
2 

a) 143 1cm 2 mol 1 b) 858 1cm 2 mol 1 c) 206 1cm 2 mol 1 d) 286 1cm 2 mol 1
46. The reduction potential of hydrogen half-cell will be –ve if
a) p(H2) = 1 atm and [H+] = 1M b) p(H2) = 1 atm and [H+] = 2M
c) p(H2) = 2 atm and [H+] = 1M d) p(H2) = 2 atm and [H+] = 2M
47. The following element doesn’t have allotropes
1) N 2) P 3) As 4) Bi
48. Sulphur uses ........ orbitals for bonding in H2S
1) sp3 2) sp2 3) one s and one p 4) pure p orbitals
49. The element which never acts as reducing agent in a chemical reaction is
1) O 2) Li 3) F 4) C
50. Ionisation potential is very low for
1. Xe 2. Ne 3. He 4. Ar

51. Vapour pressure of pure liquid salvent A is 0.8 atm when a non-volatile substance B is added to the
solvent its vapur pressure drops to 0.6 atm. col how many times the mole fraction of A to that of B.
52. 50 g of ethylene glycol is dissolved in 170.3 g of water at -9.30C The amount of water seperated as ice
is _______g.
 d(A)   d  B 
53. For a chemical reaction aA - bB log    log    0.3 then find the approximately ratio of
 dt   dt 
a and b is _______.
54. If = k [H3O+]n and rate become 100 times when pH changes form 2 to 1. Hence order of reactions is
55. The specific conductance of a saturated solution of AgCl at 25°C is 2.28 x 10-6 S cm-1 If solubility of

AgCl is 2.3 x 10-x g L A AgCl  138.3 S cm mol
2 1

then x is __________.
  
61. If the angle between the vectors a and b is and the area of the triangle with adjacent sides equal to
   
a and b is 3, then is a . b equal to
a) 3 b) 2 3 c) 4 3 d)
      
62. Let a  2i  j  2
k and b  i  j . If c is a vector such that a.c | c |, | c  a | 2 2 and the angle
     
 
between a  b and c is 300 then a  b  c is equal to
a) 2/3 b) 3/2 c) 2 d) 3
     
63. If a and b are non-zero, non-collinear vectors such that | a | 2, a.b  1 and angle between a and b is
        
  
. I f r is any vect o r such t hat r.a  2, r.b  8, r  2a  10b . a  b  4 3 and sat ify
    
 
r  2a  10b   a  b to then is  equal to
a) 1/2 b) 2 c) 1/4 d) None of these
        
64. If a and b are two vectors such that | a | 1, | b | 4, a.b  2, . If c  (2a  b)  3b then angle between
 
b and c is
  2 5
a) b) c) d)
6 3 3 6
         
65. If | a | 2, | b | 5 and a .b  0 then a  (a  (a  (a  (a  (a  b)))))  _____
   
a) 64a b) 64b c) 64a d) 64b
  
66. The volume of tetrahedron, for which three co-terminus edges are a, b and c is k units. Then, the
     
volume of a parallelepiped formed by a  b, b  2c and 3a  c is
a) 6k b) 7k c) 30k d) 42k
3; when i  j  det(adj (adjA)) 
a 
67. Let A = [aij]3x3 be such that ij  , then   equals: (where {.}denotes
 0; i j  5 
fractional part function)
a) 2/5 b) 1/5 c) 2/3 d) 1/3

 x y z 
A   1 2 3 
68. Let matrix where x, y, z  N. If det.(adj.(adj.A)) = 28 .34 then the number of such
 1 1 2 
matrices A is: [Note: adj. A denotes adjoint of square matrix A.]
a) 220 b) 45 c) 55 d) 110
      
69.  cos  sin  tan  cot  
 12 12  12 12 
a) b) 4 2 c) 2 d) 2 2
sin  sin(3 ) sin(9 ) sin(27 )
70.    
cos(3 ) cos(9 ) cos(27 ) cos(81 )
sin(81 ) sin(80 ) sin(81 ) sin(80 )
a) b) c) d)
2 cos(80 ) cos  2cos(81 ) cos  cos(80 ) cos  cos(81 ) cos 

l m n
det A  p q r
71. Let and if (l  m) 2  ( p  q )2  9 , (m  n)2  (q  r )2  16 , (n  l )2  (r  p) 2  25
1 1 1
then the value of (det.A)2 = ______
a) 36 b) 100 c) 144 d) 169
72. If the system of linear equations x+2ay+az = 0; x+3by+bz = 0; X+4cy+cz = 0, has a non-zero solution
then a, b, c are in
a) A.P. b) G.P. c) H.P. d) None of these
  x2 
73. The total number of ordered pairs (x, y) satisfying |x|+|y| = 2 and sin    1 is
 3 
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
  
74. In the interval   ,  the equation log cos(2 )  2 has
 2 2
a) No solution b) One solution c) Two solutions d) Infinite solutions
75. The complete solution set of the inequality (cos-1 x)2 - (sin-1 x)2 > 0 is
 1   1   1
a)  0, b)  1,  c) (-1, 1) d)  1, 
 2   2  2

1 1  1
76. tan 1    tan 1    tan 1    ...... 
 3 7  13 
   
a) b) c) d)
4 2 3 6
-1 -1 -1
77. The number of solutoins oif sin x + sin (1+x) = cos x is/are
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) Infinite
78. Range of (x) = sin-1[x-1]+2cos-1[x-2] ([.] denotes greatest integer function)
         3 
a)  , 0  b)  , 2  c)  ,  d)  , 2 
 2  2  2 2  2 
79. Number of ordered pair (a, b) from the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} so that t he function
x3 a 2
f ( x)   x  bx  10 is an injective mapping
3 2
a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16
x fofofo.........of ( x)
80. Let f ( x )  2 then n is
1 x times

x x n
n n  x  nx
a)   b)   c)   d)
1    r  x2 1   1  x 2 2
1  nx 2
 r 1   r 1   1 x 
  
81. Let a  3i  2j  4
k ; b  2(i  
k ) and c  4i  2j  3
k . Sum of the values of ‘  ’ for which the
  
equation xa  yb  zc   xi yj  zk has non-trivial solution is _________.
 
82. Let M = [aij]3x3 where aij  {-1, 1}. Find the miximum possible value of det(M).

cos  2sin  
83. If for the matrix A   , A-1 = AT then number of possible value(s) of  in  0, 2  is
 sin  cos  


84. The number of distinct real values of K such that the system of equations x+2y+z = 1, x+3y+4z = K,

x+5y+10z = K2 has infinitely many solutions is _________.

85. Number of solution fo tan(2x) = tan(6x) in (0, 3 ) is ___________.

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