faculty of law delhi
faculty of law delhi
faculty of law delhi
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
Bulletin of Information 2018-19
The Faculty of Law was established in 1924 by University of Delhi. Dr. Hari Singh Gaur, was its
first Dean and was also the Vice Chancellor of the University. Prof. Ved Kumari has been appointed
as the twenty-eighth Dean and Head of Faculty of Law since September 2016 for a period of three
years. She took admission in the Faculty of Law as a student of LL.B. in 1975 and completed her
LL.M. and Ph.D. also from here. In 1985 she joined the Law Faculty as a Lecturer and became
Professor in 2000. She specializes in contemporary areas of Clinical Legal Education, Criminal
Law, Juvenile Justice, Gender Justice, and Judicial Education.
The year 2018 is a historical year for the Faculty of Law which has seen unprecedented permanent
appointments of 126 Associate Professors. It is expected that with the infusion of new blood and
energy, Faculty of Law will see new heights in all spheres of academic, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities from the current year.
Historical Update
The Faculty of Law was initially located in the Prince's Pavilion in the Old Vice Regal Lodge
Grounds, where presently the Anthropology Department is housed. In 1963 it was moved to its
present location on Chhatra Marg, North Campus, University of Delhi. In 2015 the University of
Delhi allotted one more building, Umang Bhawan, at a distance of about 500 meters from the old
premise on the Chhatra Marg to the Faculty of Law. From the Academic year 2018, LL.B. classes of
all the three Law Centres will be held in these two buildings. There is proposal to construct two
separate buildings for LC-I and LC-II in different parts of the city in due course.
The Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Degree Course was initially treated as a two-year part-time Course
and the teaching was conducted in the morning with ten teachers. The evening classes commenced
in the year 1942. Two new courses, viz. Degree of Bachelor of Civil Laws (B.C.L.) and Certificate
of Proficiency (Law) were made full-time Courses, though classes were held both in the morning as
well as in the evening. With the enactment of the Advocates Act, 1961, the Certificate of
Proficiency (Law) Course was abolished. The B.C.L. Degree Course was also discontinued in the
year 1966.
In 1944, one year Master of Laws (LL.M.) was introduced. The LL.M. Course was made a full-time
two-year Course in the year 1947. This course continues till date and is meant for full time students
not engaged in any trade, profession, business, or employment, etc. Mid-Sixties saw the introduction
of two year course titled Master of Comparative Laws (M.C.L.) for foreign students. Around the
same time LL.M. (Three Year) was introduced to enable working persons to acquire the LL.M.
degree by studying the same courses of LL.M. (Two Year) spread over a period of three years.
The year 1966 was memorable in the history of the Faculty of Law and legal education in the
country. The then Dean, Prof. P.K. Tripathi and his team of dedicated teachers adopted and
implemented almost all the recommendations of Justice Gajendragadkar Committee on Legal
Education, 1964 (appointed by the then Vice-Chancellor, Dr. C.D. Deshmukh). The two-year LL.B.
Course was converted into three year (six semesters) Course. With Prof. Upendra Baxi joining the
Faculty of Law in 1975, the Faculty of Law became the hub of social-legal approach to the study of
law promoting understanding of law in the context of society and the interplay of law and society.
LL.B. in University of Delhi is a three year post-graduate programme. Admission to LL.B. is made
strictly on the basis of merit in the Entrance Exam conducted by University of Delhi every year.
Establishment of the Three Law Centres
The Faculty of Law held all morning and evening classes in the Law Faculty building on Chhatra
Marg prior to 1970. With the demand for increase of seats in LL.B., Law Centre-I was established in
the year 1970 with 600 seats and held its classes in the evening in a building in Kashmiri Gate. Soon
it was relocated in a School at Mandir Marg. In 1994, Law Centre-1 was relocated to the main
Campus of Faculty of Law on Chhatra Marg. The demand for more seats for teaching law in the
evening led to the establishment of Law Centre-II with 400 seats in 1971. It was located in the
A.R.S.D. College premises at Dhaula Kuan. However, it has now been relocated to the North
Campus. In 1975, Campus Law Centre was established and the day classes of LL.B. hitherto being
conducted by the Faculty of Law, were transferred to it.
The year 2015 saw allocation of another five story building to Law Faculty,
namely, Umang Bhawan, by the University of Delhi. Umang Bhawan is at a
walking distance of about 500 meters from the old premise of Law Faculty
on Chhatra Marg, North Campus of University of Delhi. Umang Bhawan is
equipped with all the modern amenities like elevators, CCTV cameras,
spacious and modern classroom with multi-media facilities, etc.
The syllabus, Reading Materials, and examination are common for LL.B. in
all the three Law Centres. The Reading Materials are revised every
Semester to incorporate latest changes introduced in the law by amendment
or enactment of new law and judicial decisions. The reading materials are
also available to all at our website.
Despite establishment of three Law Centres, Faculty of Law is a single
department Faculty with the Dean being the Head of the Department also.
Each Law Centre has its own Professor-in-Charge responsible for day to day functioning of the Law
Centres and look after the needs of LL.B. students. Teaching of LL.M, M.C.L., and Ph.D. and the
responsibility of co-ordination and supervision of the functioning of the three Law Centres is with
the Dean and Head of the Faculty of Law.
LL.B. is a full-time professional course recognised and regulated by the Legal Education Rules 2008
of the Bar Council of India. The BCI permits classes to be held at any time from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Presently all classes for students of Law Centre-I and Law Centre-II are conducted in Umang
Bhawan from 2 pm to 7.30 pm. and from 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. respectively. Classes for students of
Campus Law Centre are held in the old Law Faculty premise from 8.30 am without any limitation of
time but usually do not extend beyond 3.30 pm. The timings and venue of classes for any Centre
may be changed at any time without prior notice as permitted by the BCI in the buildings allocated
to Faculty of Law by the University of Delhi.
Teaching Methods
With training of teachers in Case Study method with
the help of Ford Foundation in mid-1960s, Case
Method had been the primary mode of teaching in
Law Faculty. The students are given selected cases
decided by the Supreme Court and High Courts on a
given topic and with the help of those cases the
students learn how the legal provisions contained in
the substantive, procedural, and evidence laws play a role in the decision of cases. The Law Faculty
of Delhi was the pioneer in adopting and propagating use of Case Method as the primary mode of
teaching law in India supplemented with lecture method. With the introduction of practical courses
since the mid-1990s, the participatory clinical teaching methods like group discussions, role plays,
and simulation have been integrated with other teaching methods. With the advent of technology in
classrooms, use of multi-media has become common place in the teaching of law in the Faculty of
Law, University of Delhi. All these developments were and are pioneering and unique in the
teaching of law for any Indian law school.
With the introduction of four compulsory course on clinical legal education, internship with a
lawyer, judge, law firm, NGOs doing legal work is compulsory for all LL.B. students during
vacations and mid-term breaks. It is an evaluated exercise and marks are given for the same on the
basis of diary maintained of the activities undertaken during internship. Internship is not permitted
during the semester as per the direction of the Bar Council of India.
Post Graduate and Research Programmes
The Faculty of Law offers Master of Laws (LL.M.) (2 year and 3 year), Master of Comparative
Laws (M.C.L.) (Two Years), the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and the Doctor of Civil Laws
(D.C.L.) programmes. These courses are taught and supervised by faculty members drawn from all
the three Law Centres.
LL.M. is for Indian students while M.C.L. is offered to foreign students. Ph.D. and D.C.L. degrees
may be obtained by either Indian or foreign students as per the rules of the University. LL.M. (Two
Year) is a full time course and students seeking admission in this course are required to file an
affidavit stating that they are not engaged in any trade, business, occupation, profession, or
employment and will be studying the course on full time basis as per rules contained in the Delhi
University Ordinances. LL.M. (Three year) course is open to working persons also. The LL.M. and
M.C.L. students are given reading materials of high standards in all the Courses.
The admissions to Master of Laws (Two and Three year programmes) are made strictly on the basis
of merit in the LL.M. Entrance Test. Up to 10 foreign nationals may be admitted to the M.C.L.
which is a two year full time course. Foreign students desirous of taking admission in M.C.L. are not
required to take the Entrance Test.
The Faculty of Law has a comprehensive research programme leading to the award of Ph.D. and
D.C.L. degrees. More than 250 research scholars have been awarded Ph.D. Degree in Law by the
University of Delhi. Ph.D. is governed by Ordinance VI of the Delhi University Ordinance and
candidates eligible to take admission in Ph.D. should consult the latest Ordinance VI as notified on
9th August 2017 (available on DU Website). Scholars may be admitted to the Ph.D. programme
through Entrance Test as well as without it as per the conditions contained in Ordinance VI.
However, all candidates desirous of taking admission in Ph.D. course of University of Delhi,
whether they need to take the Entrance Test or not, must register themselves on the Delhi University
Ph.D. Portal for being considered for admission to the programme.
Admission of Foreign Students
Faculty of Law has been admitting foreign students
from many countries for LL.B., M.C.L. and Ph.D.
programmes. There are 5% supernumerary seats for
foreign nationals in LL.B.; 10 seats in Master of
Comparative Law meant only for foreign nationals;
and 10% of the Ph.D. may be foreign nationals. All
foreign nationals are exempt from Entrance Test and interview for admission to any of these
courses. The minimum eligibility criteria for them is the same as that prescribed for Indian nationals.
Many foreign nationals come for a semester also to study only a limited number of courses as per
the course requirement of their country.
Foreign Students’ Registry is the single window for all the foreign nationals who wish to seek
admission in University of Delhi in different programmes. For more details, see, (http://fsr.du.ac.in/).
Foreign nationals seeking admission in LL.B., M.C.L. and Ph.D. programmes are exempt from
entrance test. Foreign nationals fulfilling the eligibility criteria may be registered for Ph.D. over and
above the maximum admissible strength. However at any given time, the total number of foreign
students shall not exceed 10% of the total admissible strength of the department. Foreign nationals
must provide evidence of English language competence if they wish to join Faculty of Law for any
course. Foreign nationals are exempted from entrance test and interview for admission to Ph.D.
Programmes. They may be admitted based on their research proposal, subject to fulfilling the
minimum eligibility criteria. The decision regarding the same rests with the Department Research
Committee (DRC) subject to approval from Board of Research Studies (BRS) for the Ph.D.
Programme. Foreign student alumni of Faculty of Law are holding very high positions including
judges of the Supreme Court, High Commissions, and other national level institutions of their
Faculty Seminars
and Conferences
The Visiting
Faculties from
different parts of
India and the world
visit the Faculty
from time to time to
deliver lectures and
interact with the
teachers and the
students. Faculty of
Law and all its three
Centres regularly
organize national and international seminars and conferences in different academic areas of law,
which are normally attended by a large galaxy of legal luminaries and presided by Supreme Court
and High Court judges, eminent Academicians and legal attorneys of national and international
repute. It provides an exposure to the teachers and students of law and an opportunity to share
knowledge and interact. For more details, see the websites of each Law Centre.
Moot Court Competitions
All the three Law Centres have a long history of robust Moot Court Competition programmes. Law
Centre-I has been holding the All Delhi (NCR) Moot Court Competition regularly since 2002.
Campus Law Centre has been organizing the K.K. Luthra International Moot Court Competition on
criminal law for the last twelve years in collaboration with senior advocate and alumni of Faculty of
Law Mr. Siddhartha Luthra. Law Centre-I initiated the first National Moot Court Competition on
Human Rights in collaboration with National Human Right Commission in the year 2013 and it is
continuing to be held in different parts of the country. Law Centre-II also has been holding its
National Moot Court Competition “Justified” for the last four years. It has now been rechristened as
S.K. Puri Moot Court Competition “Justified” with its adoption by senior advocate and alumni of
the Faculty of Law, Mr. Sacchin Puri. It is slated to become international moot court competition
from the coming academic year. Students of all three Law Centres routinely have been participating
and winning prizes in a range of Moot
Court, Quiz, debates, Client interviewing
and counseling, mediation- arbitration
mock trial competitions at the
international, national, and State level.
Student Unions
Elections for Students Union of LL.M and
LL.B are held by the Faculty and its three
Centres for the posts of President, Vice-
President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and
Central Councilors on an annual basis
alongwith the Delhi University Students
Union Election. The elected students are
responsible for the socio-political and cultural life in the Campus as also for the welfare of students.
The elections are governed by the Lyngdoh Committee recommendations.
Hostel Accommodation
There are Eighteen hostels for male and female students pursuing full-time post-graduate and
research Programmes in the University. Students of LL.B. in all the three Law Centres, LL.M. (2
year course), M.C.L. and Ph.D. scholars are entitled to the allocated number of the seats in the
University hostels for Post-Graduate Students of Delhi University on the basis of merit and as per
the rules and procedure prescribed from time to time by the University and the hostel authorities.
Information for the same may be obtained directly from the Provost of the concerned hostel.
Detailed information is also available on the Hostel websites on DU website.
Council for Cultural Affairs
The Culture Council is a statutory body of the University of Delhi functioning under the aegis of the
Dean, Students Welfare. It reaches out to all bona fide students of Colleges and Departments of the
University of Delhi. It is a vibrant cultural body and organizes a variety of cultural
programmes/competitions at the University/College level. These include debate, dance, music-
vocal/instrumental, both classical and semi-classical, ghazal, theatre, street play, etc. The Cultural
Council has also started organizing an annual Inter-College Youth Festival and has taken the
initiative in bringing out a quarterly bilingual Newsletter of Delhi University called 'Glimpse-
Jhalak'. For further details contact: Deputy Dean, Students Welfare (Cultural and Youth Affairs), Old
Jubilee Hall Barracks, Opposite Zoology Department, University Enclave, Delhi-110007. Ph.:
27667450, 27667725 Extn. 1639.
Prizes, Medals, Scholarships
The students of LL.B./LL.M. and Ph.D. are offered a number of prizes, medals, scholarships, etc. by
the University. The prizes include the University Law Union Prizes, Sukhdevi Girdharilal Grover
Prize and Professor P.G. Krishnan Memorial Prize. The scholarships/ fellowships include Post-
Graduate scholarship, Dr. Ram Kishore Memorial Scholarship, Vijay Kumar Chadha Memorial
Scholarship, National Scholarships, C. Rai Barrister of Sialkot Memorial Scholarship, Nain Sukh
Gauba and Devi Huti Gauba Memorial Scholarship, Justice Sunanda Bhandare Fellowiship in
Constitutional Law and Sohan Lal Sethi Memorial Scholarship consisting of Rs. 25,000/- to the
student securing highest marks in LL.B. I, II, III, IV and V Term Examination in each year. The
medals include Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Gold Medal, Professor L.R. Sivasubramanian Gold
Medal and Justice Sunanda Bhandare Gold Medal in Family Law, Hira Lal Daga Memorial Medal.
Late justice Avadh Bihari Rohtagi Gold medal Link :
Besides, financial assistance may also be given to deserving and needy students out of the Vice-
Chancellor’s Student Funds as per University rules. There is also provision for sizarships. Detailed
information can be obtained from the Registrar, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Placement Committees
Faculty of Law has its Placement and Internship Committee with work in close collaboration with
the Placement and Internship Committees of each Law Centre which assist students in their
placement and internship with senior lawyers, judges, law firms, corporate firms, corporate houses,
and multinational companies, BPOs, LPOs, KPOs, NGOs and other national and international
The Faculty of Law and Law Centres conduct various programmes for personality and skill
development of students from the first year of LL.B. itself to help them acquire quality professional
skills like research, legal writing, persuasion, presentation of an argument and many life skills like
communication, team work, leadership, etc., for the all-round development and growth of its
students’ personality.
LL.B./LL.M./M.C.L./Ph.D. Admission Committee (2018-
Dr Kiran Gupta, Associate Professor, Law Centre-II has been
given the responsibility as Coordinator for admission to
LL.B./LL.M./M.C.L./Ph.D. programmes for the Academic year
2018-19. The other members of the Admission Committee are:
● Dr. Manju Relan Arora, Associate Professor, Member
● Dr. Mahavir Singh Kalon, Associate Professor, Member
Procedure for LL.B. Admissions
The admission to LL.B. Course shall be made on the basis of
merit in the LL.B. Entrance Test 2018 conducted by University
of Delhi.
Date for LL.B. Entrance Test 2018:
The date for LL.B. Entrance Test will be notified on Delhi University Website by the Central
Admission Committee of the University of Delhi.
LL.B. Admissions
Eligibility for LL.B. Admission
(i) For Unreserved Category candidates: Graduate/Post-Graduate Degree from the University of
Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign University recognized as equivalent by the University of Delhi
with at least 50% marks or an equivalent grade point in the aggregate in either of them.
(ii) For Other Backward Classes (OBC) Category candidates: Graduate/Post-Graduate Degree
from the University of Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign University recognized as equivalent by
the University of Delhi with at least 45% marks or an equivalent grade point in the aggregate in
either of them.
(iii) For Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe (SC/ST) Category candidates, Graduate/Post-Graduate
Degree from the University of Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign University recognized as
equivalent by the University of Delhi with at least 40% marks or an equivalent grade point in the
aggregate in either of them.
(iv) Relaxation of 5% marks in the minimum eligibility prescribed for general candidates will be
allowed to widows/wards of defence personnel (CW) category.
(v) Relaxation of up to 5% marks in the minimum eligibility prescribed for general candidates will be
allowed to the candidates belonging to Person with Disability (PwD) category.
Note: (a) The candidates securing marks prescribed above or appearing in the qualifying Degree
examination or awaiting the results of any such examination are eligible to appear in the LL.B.
Entrance Test 2018 but the admission will depend on their securing the minimum prescribed
eligibility marks.
(b) Rounding of a fraction of marks is not allowed.
(c) No candidate on the rolls of LL.B. of any University including University of Delhi shall be
allowed to take admission in the LL.B. Course irrespective of whether the candidate is an ex-student
or regular in that University. Any candidate who had taken admission in any University including
Delhi University LL.B. course may take the admission only if they have cancelled their admission in
that University on the date of their admission in University of Delhi.
LL. B. Entrance Test:
1. The LL.B. Entrance Test 2018 will be held ONLINE at various centres to be notified by the
University of Delhi. The schedule of the test shall be notified later. The Test shall be of two hours
2. The Test Paper will consist of one question paper containing 100 objective-type questions
with multiple choice answers relating to English Language Comprehension, Analytical
Abilities, Legal Awareness & Aptitude, and General Knowledge.
3. The language of the Entrance Test will be English.
4. Each question shall carry four marks. For every correct answer, four marks will be awarded and
for every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. No mark will be awarded or deducted for a
question which is left unanswered.
5. The general instructions to the candidates will be supplied later on the University website.
On-Line Registration Fee for LL.B. Entrance Test for SC/ST/PwD is Rs. 250/- and for all others
(Unreserved, OBC, CW) it is Rs. 500/-. The fee is non-refundable.
LL.M. Entrance Test:
1. The LL.M. Entrance Test 2018 will be held ONLINE (unless declared otherwise by the
University) at various centres which shall be notified by the University. The schedule of the test
shall be notified later.
2. The Test shall be of two hours duration. The Test Paper will consist of one question paper
containing 100 objective-type questions with multiple choice answers relating to Constitutional
Law of India, Jurisprudence, Law of Contracts, Sale of Goods, Law of Torts, Consumer
Protection, Criminal Law, Family Law, Public International Law, Intellectual Property Law,
Cyber Law, Environment Law, Company Law and Partnership. In addition a few questions
may address contemporary legal issues.
3. The language of the Entrance Test shall be English.
4. Each question shall carry four marks. For every correct answer, four marks will be awarded and
for every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. No mark will be awarded or deducted for a
question which is left unanswered.
5. The general instructions to the candidates will be supplied later on the University website.
On-Line Registration Fee For LL.M. Entrance test for SC/ST/PwD candidates is Rs. 250/- and for all
others (Unreserved, OBC, CW) it is Rs.500/-. The fee is non-refundable.
University Stadium
LL.B./LL.M. Admission Schedule – 2018-19
The process and schedule of LL.B./LL.M. Admissions shall be notified on the University website.
Before filling the Application Form for the LL.B./LL.M. Entrance Test 2018, kindly read the
contents of this Bulletin of Information carefully. The directions contained therein are binding even
if one does not read the same. The Delhi University Act, 1922, the Statutes, the Ordinances, Rules
and Regulations made under the Act of the University of Delhi as applicable from time to time are
also binding and shall have an overriding effect on these instructions in case of any discrepancy.
1. Classes for LL.B. students:
Campus Law Classes from 8.30 a.m. in the old premises of Faculty of
Centre Law, Chhatra Marg
The timings and venue of the Centres may be changed at any time without any legal claim
by any student as to his/her right to continue with present timings/venue for any of the Law
2. The LL.B. Degree Course is a three-year full-time Course and no student is permitted to
pursue simultaneously any other Course including any professional Course such as Chartered
Accountant, Company Secretary, etc. except a language Course of the University of Delhi.
The admission of a student is liable to be cancelled at any stage for violation of this rule. The
Degree, if awarded, may also be withdrawn.
3. The LL.M. Two-year Degree Course is a full-time Course meant for those who are not
employed or engaged in any trade, profession, business or occupation for the full duration of
the course. At the time of admission to LL.M. Two-year Course, the student shall be required
to submit an affidavit in the prescribed form to the effect that he/she is not employed or
engaged in any gainful work or employment. Their classes may be scheduled at any time
during the day or evening.
Classes of LL.M. Three-year Course are conducted in the evening and the students do not
have to submit the aforesaid affidavit.
Uploading of Proposed Answer Keys of LL.B. and LL.M. Entrance Tests on University
The Answer Keys of LL.B. and LL.M. Entrance Tests will be uploaded on the University website
within 24 hours of completion of the entrance test for LL.B. and LL.M.
Any objections to the Answer Key shall be received up to two days from the date of uploading of the
Answer Key by the Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. Such objection may be made only by
the candidates who appeared in the admission test. They must attaché the copy of their admission
ticket while filing the objection. The objection/s must be made in writing to the Dean, Faculty of
Law, University of Delhi, along with authoritative written proof of the claim of correct answers
with supporting documents (not objective test books but from descriptive texts) by e-mail to
dean_law@du.ac.in by 10:00 P.M.
Objections relating to LL.B. must have the heading Objections to LL.B, Entrance Test Answer Key
and Objections to LL.M. shall have the subject line Objections to LL.M. Answer Key
An expert body of the Law teachers shall decide on the objections to the proposed answer key and will
notify a final answer key.
No objections regarding the final answer key shall be entertained. It is expected, that the finality of the
result declared shall be maintained by all concerned including courts and shall not be interfered in
any manner.
All admission shall be made after counseling. The schedule of counseling shall be notified later on the Delhi
University website.
LL.M. 2 Yr LL.M. 3 Yr
UR 27 24
OBC 15 12
SC 8 7
ST 4 3
PwD 3 2
CW 3 2
Total 60 50
There are 10 seats for Foreign Nationals for Master of Comparative Laws (2 Years Course).
(1) The candidates falling under any reserved category who are able to secure admission in the
Unreserved category having fulfilled all the requirements of Unreserved category candidates will
have the option either to get admission in Unreserved category or in their respective categories.
(2) If a candidate claims reservation under more than one category (SC/ST/OBC/PwD/CW), he/she
should indicate the relevant categories in the application filled for the Entrance Test.
(3) Any vacant seat under ST category will be filled up from SC category and vice versa.
(4) In case of candidates with more than one type of reservation, the reservation shall cut across the
existing reservations of SC/ST/OBC; widows/wards of officers and men of armed forces in
accordance with the principle of interlocking reservation. In other words, there will be sub
reservations for physically disabled candidates in each reserved category, thus a disabled
SC/ST/OBC candidate would have preference over an able bodied SC/ST/OBC candidate.
(5) The reservation for OBC candidates shall be granted only on the basis of Central List.
(6) Unfilled seats under any reserved category shall be offered to other eligible candidates.
(7) Supernumerary seats, if vacant, shall not be offered to any candidate.
(8) Foreign nationals shall have to make application for admission through Dean, Foreign
Students Advisor, University of Delhi as per University directions applicable to Foreign Candidates.
(9) Persons with Disabilities (PwD): As per the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Act, 2017, not less than five percent (5%) seats are reserved for Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities, where “person with benchmark disability” means a person with not less than forty
percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable
terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable
terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
Note: Admission in priority (v), v (a) above is as per the inter se priority of the gallantry awards and
admissions in v (b) will be considered after v (a).
* Benefit under CW category may extend to the wards of the Personnel of Para Military forces up to
priority (v) only.
(11) After the admissions are over, all admission files containing the records of the students shall be
sent to their respective Law Centres. Any query thereafter relating to admissions of the students shall
be made directly to the office of the In-Charge of the respective Centres. No enquiry relating to
admission shall be entertained after the expiry of three months from the last date of admission.
The counseling for admission to first year of LL.B./LL.M. Degree Course 2018-19 shall be held as
per the Delhi University notice on the website.
1. The candidates eligible for counseling will report in person at the office of the Admission
Committee on the specified date and time with all relevant documents in original along with
photocopies and fees. At the time of reporting for counseling, the candidate shall produce the
Admission Ticket and also the original certificates/marks-sheet(s).
2. The candidates failing to appear in person on the specified date and time for counseling shall
forfeit his/her claim for admission. All candidates including those whose results of the qualifying
Degree examinations have not been declared must attend counseling as per the schedule.
1. Admission Ticket of LL.B./LL.M. Entrance Test, 2018;
2. Age Certificate (High School/Matriculation);
3. Character Certificate (not older than six months on the date of admission);
4. Degree Certificate (Provisional Certificate if applicable) of qualifying Degree examination;
5. Mark-sheet(s) of the qualifying Degree examination;
6. Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PwD/CW certificate; (OBC non-creamy layer
certificate of 2017-18 only)
7. Eight passport size photographs.
Particulars of Heads I Year I Year
No. Year Year
(Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Admission Fees 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
2. University Enrolment Fee 200.00 ––– 200.00 –––
(For students not enrolled with University of Delhi)
Or Annual Fee (For students enrolled with University
of Delhi) 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
3. Tuition Fee (each Term)
90.00 90.00 216.00 216.00
May to Oct and Nov. to April
4. Moot Court Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00 —
5. Law Library Development Fee 150.00 150.00 250.00 250.00
6. University Library Development Fee 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
7. University Library Security Deposit _____ _____
500.00 1000.00
(refundable within one year of leaving the course)
8. University Law Library Fee 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00
9. Delhi University Students Union Fee 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
10. Union and Sports (equally) 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
11. University Athletics Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
12. University Cultural Council Fee 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
13. Case Material Fee (each Term) 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1250.00
14. Identity Card Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
15. WUS Health Centre Contribution 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
16. Faculty Journal Fee 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00
17. Development Fund 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00
18. University Development Fund 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
19. Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Legal Aid Fee 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
20. Faculty Library Legal Material Fund 250.00 ––– ––– –––
21. N.S.S. 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
22. Examination Fee (each Term) 1110.00 1110.00 710.00 710.00
23. Sexual Harassment Committee Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
24. University Sports Council Fee 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
25. Foreign Students Fee
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
(for foreign nationals) (in US $ )
26. Placement Cell 50.00
27. Gender 25.00
28. North East 25.00
29. Equal Opportunity Cell 25.00
* Subject to change
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Degree examination
1. The course for the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) shall extend over a period of three
academic years ( i.e. six terms in all)
2. No student can be transferred from one Law Centre to another during the course of the
3. The medium of instruction shall be English. The medium of examination shall be English or
4. The instruction shall be imparted through participatory learning methods including case
method, group work, simulation exercises, role plays, etc., and shall include seminars,
tutorial work, moot courts, field visits, and practical training programmes.
5. The academic year shall be divided into (02) two Terms as may be approved by the
Academic Council from time to time. There shall be examination in each course as
prescribed. A student has to secure 150 credits through 24 Core Courses, six Elective
Courses, and three Open Elective Courses as prescribed in each Term. The minimum
passing marks are 45% in each course in order to qualify for the LL.B. Degree.
6. The course curricula of LL.B. is in the process of revision including the evaluation
system in each course with the University of Delhi introducing Choice Based Credit
System for its Post Graduate courses from the Academic Year 2018-19. The Existing
Course Curricula as per Ordinance II, Appendix II to Ordinance V(2) which is in sync with
the Bar Council of India Legal Education Rules 2008 is given below subject to the above
LL.B. I Term Examination:
Compulsory Subjects:
LB-101: Jurisprudence-1 (Legal method, Indian legal system, and Basic
Theory of Law).
LB-102: Law of Contract
LB-103: Law of Torts including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer
Protection Laws
LB-104: Law of Crimes - I: Indian Penal Code
LB-105: Family Law-I
LL.B. II Term Examination:
Compulsory Subjects
LB-201: Law of Evidence
LB-202: Family Law II
LB-203: Law of Crimes II – Criminal Procedure Code
LB-204: Property Law
LB-205: Public International Law
LL.B. III Term Examination:
Compulsory Subjects:
LB-301Constitutional Law – I
LB-302 Code of Civil Procedure and Limitation Act
LB: 303-Company Law
LB-304: Special Contracts
Optional Subjects (Opt any one of the following):
LB- 3031- Media and Law
7. Attendance Rules in conformity with the BCI Legal Education Rules 2008
All the students of LL.B. shall have to put in minimum attendance of 70% of the
lectures in each of the courses as also at the moot courts, tutorials and practical
training course conducted or taught in a semester for taking the examination.
Provided that if a student for any exceptional reasons fails to attend 70% of the classes
held in any subject or training course, the Dean of the Faculty of Law may allow the
student to take the examination for the semester if the student concerned attended at
least 65% of the classes held in the subject concerned and attended 70% of classes in
all the subjects taken together in all the courses of the semester.
Provided further the Dean, Faculty of Law or a committee constituted by the Dean in
this regard may allow attendance up to fifteen days in one semester or twenty days in
a year for participation in recognized Moot Court Competitions, Seminars and
Conferences, Legal Aid Camps and activities, sensitization programmes, Training
Programmes relevant to Legal Education, etc.
The Dean of the Faculty or Professor-in-charge of the Law Centre shall have power to
strike off the name of a student who is grossly irregular in attendance in spite of
warning or when the absence of the student is for such a long period that he/she
cannot put in requisite percentage of attendance for the semester.
(i) No student shall be promoted to the next Term, if he/she has been detained in the
examination for shortage of attendance.
(ii) Subject to sub-rule (i) above, a student of LL.B. First, Third or Fifth Term shall be
eligible for promotion to Second, Fourth or Sixth Term, respectively irrespective of the
number of courses in which he/she has failed to pass or failed to appear in the First, Third
or Fifth Term examinations.
(iii) Subject to sub-rules (i) and (ii) above, a student of LL.B. Second Term shall be eligible
for promotion to Third Term if he/she has passed in at least five papers of First and Second
Term examinations taken together and a student of Fourth Term shall be eligible for
promotion to Fifth Term if he/she has passed in at least fifteen papers of First, Second,
Third and Fourth Term examinations taken together.
Note:- The students eligible for admission to III/V Term must seek admission not later than two
weeks from the date(s) of announcement of the results of LL.B. II/IV Term Annual
Examinations or within one week of commencement of teaching, whichever is later, failing
which they will forfeit their right to be admitted to III/V Term in the particular year.
8. Re-admission Rules
(i) There shall be no re-admission in the LL.B. First Term under any circumstances
including detention for shortage of attendance in that Term.
(ii) A student who has been detained for shortage of attendance or for applying late for
admission in Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Term shall be eligible for re-
admission in the same Term in which he/she had been detained provided (a) he/she
seeks readmission before commencement of teaching in the relevant Term; (b) his/her
conduct has been satisfactory; and (c) he/she shows sufficient cause for his/her
discontinuance of studies or for not having put in the requisite percentage of
attendance to the satisfaction of a Committee consisting of the Dean, Faculty of Law
and the Professors-in-Charge of the Law Centres.
(iii) An applicant who has failed in examination or failed to appear at the examination and
who is otherwise eligible to appear at the examination as an ex-student, shall not be
admitted as a regular student. In exceptional cases, however, where such an applicant
is a foreigner, studying under the Cultural Scholarship Scheme of the Government of
India, etc., re-admission may be allowed.
(iv) In respect of an applicant seeking re-admission, his previous record shall be carefully
scrutinized at the concerned Law Centre.
the same by taking the respective examinations at the regular examination held at the
end of each Term:
Provided that such students of V and VI Terms who could not clear any paper or
papers of the V and VI Terms even after taking the supplementary examination,
he/she would clear the same at the regular examinations of V and VI Terms held at
the end of each Term.
Provided further that all the thirty papers, required for getting the LL.B degree has to
be cleared within the over-all span of 6 years."
12. Span Period
Subject to the provisions contained in the Ordinance relating to ex-students as in force from time
to time, a student must clear all the courses offered in all the Terms within a span period of six years
from the date of admission to first year of the LL.B. course. No student shall be admitted as a
candidate for any LL.B. examination after six years from the date of admission to the first year of the
This is full-time course meant only for those who are not in employment or engaged in any
trade, profession and business or occupation. The student is required to give an affidavit for
the same at the time of admission.
(ii) LL.M. Three Year (Six Terms) Course
This course is meant for all applicants including those who are in employment or engaged in
any trade, profession and business or occupation.
(iii) M.C.L. Two Year (Four Terms) Course
This course is meant for Foreign Nationals only.
2. Each academic year shall be divided into two Terms.
3. The medium of instructions and examination shall be English.
4. The instruction shall be imparted through lectures, class discussion, and paper presentation
by the students.
5. The course curricula of LL.M. is in the process of revision including the evaluation system in
each course with the University of Delhi introducing Choice Based Credit System for its Post
Graduate courses from the Academic Year 2018-19.
6. The following has been the subject and courses of study for the LL.M. and M.C.L. so far:
In special cases, however, the Dean may permit a student to submit the Dissertation after
30th April but not later than 31st August of the year. In case the Dissertation is not
submitted by 31st August as aforesaid, the student will have to register as an ex-student in
accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance relating to ex-students of the University.
As an ex-student, a student may submit the Dissertation as follows:-
1. Last week of October;
2. Last week of January;
3. Last week of April and, with the permission of the Dean, not later than 31st August of the
Provided that such of the students who register themselves as ex-students either for
submission of Dissertation or for clearing any of the papers may be given the Degree of the
academic year in which they clear all the requirements of the LL.M. examination.
Note: (a) In a case where a student fails to obtain the minimum of 50% marks in the Dissertation
submitted by him/her, he/she shall be permitted to revise and resubmit the Dissertation on
the same or on a fresh topic, to be approved by the Faculty of Law, if he/she so desires.
Further, if the student desires to revise and resubmit the Dissertation on the same topic,
extracts from the report of the examiner as to the defects in the Dissertation be made
available to the student to enable him/her to revise and re-submit the same.
(a) The classes for Two-Year/Three-Year course may be held at any place in the day or
evening at the discretion of the Dean.
(b) The classes in the compulsory Foundation Courses may be held jointly in the evening for
all the students.
(c) Any course other than Compulsory Foundation Courses may not be offered if facility for
teaching is not available.
7. Attendance Rules
No student shall be deemed to have pursued a regular course of study for the LL.M. Degree
examination unless:-
(i) he/she has attended a minimum of two-thirds of the total number of lectures delivered in
the Term in which he/she has been admitted as a regular student; and
(ii) he/she has submitted term paper for class discussion in each course and the teacher
teaching the course is satisfied with the paper and its presentation in the class.
(iii) All students must submit a printed copy of their class presentation with Anti-Plagiarism
Certificate before the end of the semester in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Law,
(iv) No students will be promoted to the next term, if he/she was detained for shortage of
attendance and/or non-submission of written papers in all the course in class discussion
and failed to get certificate from the teacher, teaching the subject.
Note: (1) The term 'lectures' will include lectures, presentations, and discussion classes.
(2) In determining the exact number of the minimum requisite attendance, i.e., two thirds of
lectures and discussion classes, fractions shall be ignored.
No student shall be permitted to appear in the examination of any Term unless he/she has
presented term paper in each of the courses of the Term for class discussion and the teacher
teaching each course issues a certificate that the paper and its presentation by the student was
to his/her satisfaction.
Provided that this requirement shall not be applicable to the compulsory Foundation Course
in “Legal and Social Science Research Methods”.
Provided further that the Dean may, in his discretion, exempt a student of the above
requirement in exceptional cases of hardship.
9. Re-admission Rules
(vii) There shall be no re-admission in the LL.M. First Term under any
circumstances including detention of a student for shortage of attendance in that
Term and/or non submission of written paper in all the courses offered by
him/her for class discussion and failure to get certificate from the teacher
teaching the course.
(viii) A student who has been detained for shortage of attendance or otherwise in Second,
Third, Fourth or Fifth Term shall be eligible for re-admission in the Term in which
he/she had been detained provided (a) he/she seeks re-admission within the date
prescribed by the Dean, Faculty of Law which will not be later than one week from
commencement of teaching in that Term; (b) his/her conduct has been satisfactory;
and (c) he/she shows sufficient cause to the satisfaction of the Dean, Faculty of Law
for his/her discontinuance of studies or for not having put in the requisite percentage
of attendance and/or non-submission of written paper in all the courses offered by
him/her for class discussion and failure to get certificate from the teacher teaching the
(ix) An applicant who has failed in examination or failed to appear at the examination and
who is otherwise eligible to appear at the examination as an ex-student, shall not be
admitted as a regular student. In exceptional cases, however, where such an applicant
is a foreigner, studying under the Cultural Scholarship Scheme of the Government of
India, etc., re-admission may be allowed.
(x) In respect of an applicant seeking re-admission, his previous record shall be carefully
1. The Master of Comparative Laws (M.C.L.) Degree Course is a two years (four Terms)
2. This course is meant for a foreign national who has obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Laws
or any other Degree from a country other than India with at least 50% marks which entitle
him/her to practise in his/her own country.
3. The medium of instruction and examination in this course is English. No one will be admitted
to this course unless he is found proficient in English language. It is essential that an
applicant for M.C.L. Degree course should have received his/her earlier education in law or
in the Under-graduate Degree course or at the senior secondary level through English
medium or had passed any test in English language. Every application for admission to
M.C.L. Degree course must contain a certificate from the appropriate authority to the above
4. Not more than ten students shall be admitted to this course. The students seeking admission
to M.C.L. Degree course will not be required to appear in any entrance test but all
applications shall be considered on the basis of individual merits.
5. A candidate seeking admission to M.C.L. course must apply only through Foreign Students'
Advisor of the University along with the following documents:-
(i) Attested true copy of the University Marks-sheet(s) of LL.B. or equivalent Degree
examination showing marks and Division obtained;
(ii) Attested true copy of University Degree Certificate of LL.B. or equivalent Degree;
(iii) Attested true copy of a certificate of proficiency in English e.g. that the applicant had
passed LL.B. or Under-Graduate/Post-Graduate Degree examination or senior secondary
through English medium or had passed some test in English language.
6. The applications for admission to M.C.L. Degree course shall be entertained upto 15 June of
the year in which admission is sought. All admissions to M.C.L. course shall be completed
along with LL.M. admissions.
7. The courses of study, attendance, promotion, re-admission, examination, span period,
discipline and other provisions applicable to LL.M. Two-Year Degree course shall mutatis
mutandis apply to M.C.L. Degree course also. The Dean may, however, permit a student of
M.C.L. to submit research paper in lieu of written examination in any of the courses. The
research paper shall carry 100 marks. The student allowed to submit research paper in lieu of
written examination must do so before the dispersal of classes of the concerned Term
4. Candidate who have qualified UGC-NET (including JRF)/ UGC-CSIR NET (including
JRF/DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, DST-INSPIRE or equivalent national level
examination/fellowship (as identified by DRC)/GATE/teacher fellowship holder, and
teachers who are in service of University of Delhi may directly appear for interview,
provided they have registered themselves on the Ph.D. Online Admission Portal.
5. No candidate shall be eligible to register for the Ph.D. programme if he/she is already
registered for any full-time programme of study in any University/Institution.
All candidates appearing directly for interview have to register on the Ph.D. Online Admission
Entrance Test and Interview
1. The Ph.D. Entrance Test 2018 shall be held ONLINE (unless otherwise decided by the
University) at various Centre which shall be notified later. The schedule of the test shall also
be notified later.
2. The Test shall be of two hours duration. The test paper shall consist of 50 objective type
questions. The language of the entrance test shall be English.
3. Each question shall carry four marks. For every correct answer, four marks will be awarded
and for every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. No mark will be awarded or
deducted for a question which is left unanswered.
4. The general instructions to the candidates will be supplied later on the University website.
5. The entrance test will be a qualifying examination with qualifying marks as 50%.
6. The Entrance Test for Ph.D. Programme shall be conducted once in a year and the eligibility
of shortlisted candidates shall remain valid till the next entrance test. The interviews may be
held twice in a year or more, subject to availability of seats as determined by DRC.
7. The Entrance Test is based on LL.M. syllabus of University of Delhi and will cover the
following subjects.
1. Socio-Legal Research Methods
2. Constitutional Law / Administrative Law
3. Criminal Law / Criminal Justice Administration
4. Intellectual Property Laws / Cyber Law
5. Corporate Law
6. Environmental Law
7. Gender Justice
8. Family Law
9. Jurisprudence
10. International Law
8. The syllabus for the entrance test will consist of 50% questions on research
aptitude/methodology and 50% subject-specific questions.
Fee for Ph.D. Entrance Test
On-Line Registration Fee for Ph.D.. Entrance Test for SC/ST/PwD is Rs. 250/- and for all others
(Unreserved, OBC, CW) it is Rs. 500/-. The fee is non-refundable.
Building Networks with other Law Schools:
Ph.D. Coursework
The Faculty of Law has developed the following framework for the Course Work for its Ph.D.
scholar to ensure and maintain standards in research in conformity with the University Grants
Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degrees) Regulations,
2016 and Ordinance VI of University of Delhi.
The duration of the Ph.D. Course Work is a two semester course spread over a year. It is compulsory
for every scholar provisionally admitted to Ph. D. to successfully complete the Course Work for
confirmation of their admission in the Ph. D. programme in Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. The
course work shall be undertaken by every scholar irrespective of whether they are receiving grants
from the University of Delhi or any other organization.
The course work shall consist of 3 courses of 100 marks each. Each Course will have a Teacher
Coordinator and Scholar Convener to look after the logistics and arrangement of resource persons for
various topics. It will be two semester course with one week mid-term break as per the University
Academic Calendar. 2 classes of 2 hours duration per week will be scheduled in each course.
All Scholars joining Ph.D. at Faculty of Law are required to join the Semester in progress at the time
of their admission.
No course readings have been prescribed to encourage scholars to locate relevant readings in each
subject to practice their research skills necessary for research and teaching.
There will be no end-term written examination in any of the courses. Evaluation in each course is an
ongoing and continuous process as per the scheme of evaluation prescribed in each course. Scholars
should obtain minimum 55% marks in each course in order to qualify in the respective course.
Duration of the Two Semesters
Autumn Semester 1 September – 15 December
Spring Semester 1 February - 15 May
Research scholars shall be required to attend lectures (coursework) and participate in seminars
arranged in the Department during the programme. The minimum percentage of lectures to be
attended during the coursework will be two-thirds of the lectures delivered in all courses
1. As per UGC Regulations 2016, Ph.D. programme shall be for a minimum duration of three
years from the date of registration, including coursework and up to a maximum of six years.
2. Women candidates and Persons with Disability (more than 40% disability) may be allowed a
relaxation of two years for Ph.D. in the maximum duration.
3. Women scholars may be provided maternity leave / child care leave once in the entire
duration of Ph.D. for upto 240 days. This period shall not be counted in the total duration for
submission of Ph.D. thesis.
4. An extension of six months beyond the period of six years may be granted by the Board of
Research Studies on a written justification for the delay by the Research Scholar. The request
of the Research Scholar has to be duly recommended by the Supervisor and DRC of the
Faculty of Law.
5. Only in exceptional cases, with specific recommendations and justifications from the
Supervisor, DRC, and BRS, the Vice Chancellor may recommend extension beyond six and a
half years.
For further details, Ordinance VI of the University of Delhi as approved on 9th August 2017 may be
Cultural Activities for students and teachers are regular feature
Teaching Faculty (Not necessarily in order of seniority)