CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2-24

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Basic IPv4 Access Control Lists

This chapter covers the following exam topics:
5.0 Security Fundamentals
5.6 Configure and verify access control lists

IPv4 access control lists (ACL) give network engineers the ability to program a filter into a
router. Each router, on each interface, for both the inbound and outbound direction, can
enable a different ACL with different rules. Each ACL’s rules tell the router which packets
to discard and which to allow through.
This chapter discusses the basics of IPv4 ACLs, and in particular, one type of IP ACL: stan-
dard numbered IP ACLs. Standard numbered ACLs use simple logic, matching on the source
IP address field only, and use a configuration style that references the ACL using a number.
This chapter sets out to help you learn this simpler type of ACL first. The next chapter,
titled, “Advanced IPv4 Access Control Lists,” completes the discussion by describing other
types of IP ACLs. The other types of ACLs use features that build on the concepts you
learn in this chapter, but with more complexity and additional configuration options.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

Take the quiz (either here or use the PTP software) if you want to use the score to help you
decide how much time to spend on this chapter. The letter answers are listed at the bottom
of the page following the quiz. Appendix C, found both at the end of the book as well as
on the companion website, includes both the answers and explanations. You can also find
both answers and explanations in the PTP testing software.

Table 2-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Foundation Topics Section-to-Question Mapping
Foundation Topics Section Questions
IP Access Control List Basics 1
Standard Numbered IPv4 ACLs 2–5
Practice Applying Standard IP ACLs 6

1. Barney is a host with IP address in subnet Which of the fol-
lowing are things that a standard IP ACL could be configured to do? (Choose two
a. Match the exact source IP address.
b. Match IP addresses through with one access-list command
without matching other IP addresses.
c. Match all IP addresses in Barney’s subnet with one access-list command without
matching other IP addresses.
d. Match only the packet’s destination IP address.
2. Which of the following answers list a valid number that can be used with standard
numbered IP ACLs? (Choose two answers.)
a. 1987
b. 2187
c. 187
d. 87
3. Which of the following wildcard masks is most useful for matching all IP packets in
subnet, mask
4. Which of the following wildcard masks is most useful for matching all IP packets in
subnet, mask
5. ACL 1 has three statements, in the following order, with address and wildcard mask
values as follows:,, and
If a router tried to match a packet sourced from IP address using this ACL,
which ACL statement does a router consider the packet to have matched?
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Implied deny at the end of the ACL
6. Which of the following access-list commands matches all packets sent from hosts in
a. access-list 1 permit
b. access-list 1 permit
c. access-list 1 permit
d. access-list 1 permit
26 CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2

Foundation Topics
IPv4 Access Control List Basics
IPv4 access control lists (IP ACL) give network engineers a way to identify different types
of packets. To do so, the ACL configuration lists values that the router can see in the IP,
TCP, UDP, and other headers. For example, an ACL can match packets whose source
IP address is, or packets whose destination IP address is some address in subnet, or packets with a destination port of TCP port 23 (Telnet).
IPv4 ACLs perform many functions in Cisco routers, with the most common use as a packet
filter. Engineers can enable ACLs on a router so that the ACL sits in the forwarding path of
packets as they pass through the router. After it is enabled, the router considers whether
each IP packet will either be discarded or allowed to continue as if the ACL did not exist.
However, ACLs can be used for many other IOS features as well. As an example, ACLs can
be used to match packets for applying Quality of Service (QoS) features. QoS allows a rout-
er to give some packets better service, and other packets worse service. For example, pack-
ets that hold digitized voice need to have very low delay, so ACLs can match voice packets,
with QoS logic in turn forwarding voice packets more quickly than data packets.
This first section introduces IP ACLs as used for packet filtering, focusing on these aspects
of ACLs: the locations and direction in which to enable ACLs, matching packets by examin-
ing headers, and taking action after a packet has been matched.

ACL Location and Direction

Cisco routers can apply ACL logic to packets at the point at which the IP packets enter an
interface, or the point at which they exit an interface. In other words, the ACL becomes
associated with an interface and for a direction of packet flow (either in or out). That is, the
ACL can be applied inbound to the router, before the router makes its forwarding (routing)
decision, or outbound, after the router makes its forwarding decision and has determined
the exit interface to use.
The arrows in Figure 2-1 show the locations at which you could filter packets flowing left
to right in the topology. For example, imagine that you wanted to allow packets sent by
host A to server S1, but to discard packets sent by host B to server S1. Each arrowed line
represents a location and direction at which a router could apply an ACL, filtering the pack-
ets sent by host B.
The four arrowed lines in the figure point out the location and direction for the router
interfaces used to forward the packet from host B to server S1. In this particular example,
those interfaces and direction are inbound on R1’s F0/0 interface, outbound on R1’s S0/0/0
interface, inbound on R2’s S0/0/1 interface, and outbound on R2’s F0/0 interface. If, for
example, you enabled an ACL on R2’s F0/1 interface, in either direction, that ACL could
not possibly filter the packet sent from host B to server S1, because R2’s F0/1 interface is
not part of the route from B to S1.

Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” quiz:

1 A, C 2 A, D 3 D 4 E 5 A 6 B

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