About Microinsurance - IRDAI
About Microinsurance - IRDAI
About Microinsurance - IRDAI
Micro Insurance:
Micro insurance is specifically intended for the protection of low -income people, with affordable insurance products to help them cope with
and recover from financial losses. The need of insurance for underprivileged section cannot be avoided as this section of society is more prone
to many risks which ultimately leads to incapacity to face such uncertain situations. Hence, the role that micro insurance plays thus becomes
India has been seen to be a very exciting market and a pioneer in setting out the regulatory framework for Micro Insurance in the world.
Microinsurance promises to support sustainable livelihoods of the poor. Liberalization of the insurance sector and Government Schemes has
created new opportunities for Microinsurance to reach the vast majority of the poor, including those working in the informal sector. Even so,
market penetration in Microinsurance is seen to be low in India. The market, so far, is seen to be largely supply driven. Among others, the
product design, ease of underwriting, distribution, awareness creation, easy premium payment system, simple claims processing and
understanding & use of new age technology would be key for success of the Microinsurance market.
Distribution is the most critical link in the insurance value chain, especially for micro insurance where the customer is semi-literate or even
illiterate, has limited financial resources and is largely inaccessible. Distribution becomes even more crucial in case of voluntary micro
insurance since it also involves a ‘hard-selling’ element. On the other hand, due to the low insurance penetration among the low-income
segment, there also lies a huge opportunity both in terms of business as well extending financial protection to those who need it the most.
Various efforts have been made in the past to address the distribution challenge in micro insurance. The concept of ‘micro insurance agent’
introduced in 2005 was aimed at attracting more intermediaries to this space and leverage upon the connect enjoyed by grassroots
organizations like cooperatives and SHGs with a large section of the low-income segment. Although this initiative succeeded in enrolling large
numbers of micro insurance intermediaries, the volumes continue to remain modest – both in terms of premium collections as well as lives
Small ticket size coupled with high transaction and service delivery costs.
Absence of a business model that can attract good intermediaries.
Capacity building of intermediaries.
Lack of basic awareness and knowledge on how insurance works
A. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Micro Insurance) Regulations, 2015 (Hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”).
A. As per the Regulations, micro insurance policy is an insurance policy sold under a plan which has been specifically approved by the
Authority as a micro-insurance product.
A. As per the Regulations, Micro Insurance Product includes a general micro-insurance product or life insurance product or health insurance
product, proposal form and all marketing materials in respect thereof;
A. As per the Regulations, Micro Insurance Agent means the following entities or individuals who are appointed as Micro Insurance Agents in
accordance to the regulations
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x. Business correspondents appointed in accordance to the extant RBI Guidelines with any of the Scheduled Commercial Banks
A. A micro-insurance agent shall be appointed by an insurer by entering into a deed of agreement, which shall clearly specify the terms and
conditions of such appointment, including the duties and responsibilities of both the micro-insurance agent and the insurer
6. With how many Insurers the Micro Insurance Agent can work?
A. A micro insurance agent may work with One Life Insurance Company, one General Insurance Company, one Agriculture Insurance
Company of India Ltd and with any one of the health insurance companies registered with the Authority.
A. Yes, at least twenty-five hours of training by the Insurers in the languages recognized by the Constitution of India to all micro-insurance
agents and their specified persons in the areas of insurance selling, policyholder servicing and claims administration.
PROVIDED those micro insurance agents who are appointed to distribute General Insurance policies to MSME Sector in accordance to the
Regulations shall undergo additional 25 hours of the training at the expenses of the insurer.
Refresher training, not less than half of the prescribed number of hours of training, shall be imparted as on the expiry of every spell of three
years from the date of entering into the agreement.
A. As per the Regulations, the remuneration including commission shall not exceed the limits as stated below:
9. Whether Micro Insurance Policies are reckoned for the purpose of rural and social sector obligations of Insurers?
10. Whether there is any tie-up between Life Insurer and General Insurer in offering Micro Insurance Product?
A. Yes, the Regulations allow tie-up between Life Insurers and General Insurers in offering Micro Insurance Products as per the procedure laid
down in the Regulations.
11. Whether all Micro Insurance Agents can appoint Specified Persons?
A. Other than individual Micro Insurance Agents, all other Micro Insurance Agents are allowed to appoint Specified Persons with the prior
approval of the insurer for the purpose of discharging all or any of the functions stated in sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 5 of the Regulations.
13. What is the maximum sum assured in life micro insurance product?
A. As per the Regulations, the sum assured under an Insurance product offering Life or pension or Health benefits shall not exceed an amount
of Rs 200000.
14. What is the maximum amount of cover in general and health insurance?
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15. What is the ceiling of annual premium in a Micro Variable Insurance Product?
A. As per the Regulations, the Annual Premium shall not exceed Rs 6000 p.a. in a Micro Variable Insurance product under Non Linked Non-Par
16. Any specific norms for Life Micro Insurance Products prescribed in the Regulations?
17. Is Micro Insurance Product allowed to be offered to sell under Linked Insurance Platform?
A. No. Insurers shall not offer micro insurance products under unit linked platform.
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