Knowledge or Skills Acquisition: Knowledge or skills you hope to acquire throughout this year
such as learning to use appropriate paragraph writing techniques, analysing sources, or methods
of data collection and organisation.
Personal/Professional: Skills you hope to apply or cultivate such as self-confidence,
interpersonal skills, working effectively with others, classroom behavior, class discussion
participation, written work, time management, organization, decision making, etc.
Along with each of your goals I would like you to provide a short explanation of why you have set this
goal, and how you plan to document your progress throughout the year.
Criterion B: Investigating
Students develop systematic research skills and processes associated with disciplines in the humanities
and social sciences. Students develop successful strategies for investigating independently and in
collaboration with others.
Criterion C: Communicating
Students develop skills to organize, document and communicate their learning using a variety of media
and presentation formats.
Your Goals
Goal 1 (write your goal in the box below)