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Setting Objectives!

Last class we looked at some ATL Skills! This

class I want you to focus on your MYP I&S
Criteria – and use them as the basis for creating
your very own SMART Objectives.

To be useful, learning objectives should be


 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Relevant
 Time-Related

Learning objectives focus your learning on

specific areas and can help you maximise your
learning! Further, discussing your learning goals
with your teacher helps to ensure that you will
spend your time productively throughout the
year and that all parties involved are aware of
the learning you are trying to achieve.

What are learning

Learning objectives can fall into the following categories:

 Knowledge or Skills Acquisition: Knowledge or skills you hope to acquire throughout this year
such as learning to use appropriate paragraph writing techniques, analysing sources, or methods
of data collection and organisation.
 Personal/Professional: Skills you hope to apply or cultivate such as self-confidence,
interpersonal skills, working effectively with others, classroom behavior, class discussion
participation, written work, time management, organization, decision making, etc.

Steps to writing learning objectives

 For each objective, answer the following three questions:
 What do you want to accomplish?
 How are you going to accomplish it? (What steps will you take to accomplish your objective?
What activities will you do? How will you acquire the learning? Under what conditions will the
learning occur?)
 How you will measure your objective? (What evidence will you have to demonstrate that
learning has taken place? What criteria will be used to evaluate your evidence? Who will do the
What should you be doing?
Using the steps outlined and with a focus on your MYP Individuals and Societies Criteria I would like you
to develop 4 SMART learning objectives. These must be well defined, and well written.

Along with each of your goals I would like you to provide a short explanation of why you have set this
goal, and how you plan to document your progress throughout the year.

MYP I&S Criteria

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Students develop factual and conceptual knowledge about individuals and societies.

Criterion B: Investigating
Students develop systematic research skills and processes associated with disciplines in the humanities
and social sciences. Students develop successful strategies for investigating independently and in
collaboration with others.

Criterion C: Communicating
Students develop skills to organize, document and communicate their learning using a variety of media
and presentation formats.

Criterion D: Thinking critically

Students use critical-thinking skills to develop and apply their understanding of individuals and societies
and the process of investigation.

Your Goals
Goal 1 (write your goal in the box below)

How is it Specific? How is it How is it What makes it How is it timely?

Measurable Attainable? Relevant?

Goal 2 (write your goal in the box below)

How is it Specific? How is it How is it What makes it How is it timely?

Measurable Attainable? Relevant?

Goal 3 (write your goal in the box below)

How is it Specific? How is it How is it What makes it How is it timely?

Measurable Attainable? Relevant?

Goal 4 (write your goal in the box below)

How is it Specific? How is it How is it What makes it How is it timely?

Measurable Attainable? Relevant?

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