CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers
2012 2019 English Core Class 12 Oswaal Editorial Board
11 Years’
2019 - 2009
Stream SA
5 Practice
11 Years’
2019 - 2009
Stream SA
Lakshman Prasad (Mathematics)
Deepak Paliwal, Mansi Garg (Physics)
Neha Minglani Sachdeva (Chemistry)
Sanubia Saleem (Biology)
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Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
KVPY scholarships are given only to Indian Nationals to study in India. There are three
streams in KVPY; SA, SB & SX. Eligibility criteria for different streams is discussed below;
Ÿ For SA Class 11 Students who passed class 10 with minimum 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD)
marks in Mathematics & Science.
The fellowship of students selected in SA will be activated only if they pursue
undergraduate courses in Basic Sciences (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math/Integrated M.Sc. or
M.S.) and have secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in science
subjects in class 12th.
Ÿ For SX Class 12 Students aspiring to pursue undergraduate program (B.Sc. etc ) with
basic sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology) who passed class 10 with
minimum 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in Mathematics & Science.
The fellowship of students selected in SX will be activated only if they pursue
undergraduate courses in Basic Sciences (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math/Integrated M.Sc. or
M.S.) and have secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in science
subjects in class 12th.
Ÿ For SB B.Sc. Ist year Students who passed class 12 with 60% marks in Maths & Sciences
(PCMB) & class 10 with minimum 75% marks in Mathematics & Science.
In order to activate fellowship, in the first year of undergraduate course they should
secure minimum 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks.
Those students who are intending or pursuing undergraduate program under distance
education scheme or correspondence course of any university are not eligible.
There is no prescribed syllabus for KVPY aptitude test, it aims to assess the understanding &
analytical ability of the students than his/her factual knowledge. However questions are
framed from syllabus upto class 10/12/Ist Year of Undergraduate Courses in basic sciences, as
applicable. There are two Questions Papers in KVPY; one for stream SA & Other for SB/SX
(Question Paper is same for SB & SX).
KVPY is conducted in Online Mode in English & Hindi Medium.
Ÿ Normally the notification or advertisement for KVPY appear in National Newspapers on
May 11 (Technology Day) and Second Sunday of July every year.
Ÿ Generally the exam is conducted in the month of November.
After scrutiny of application forms on the basis of eligibility criteria for various streams all
eligible students are called for Aptitude Test conducted in English & Hindi Medium at
different centers across the country. On the basis of performance in aptitude test shortlisted
students are called for an interview, which is the final stage of selection procedure.
The selected students are eligible to receive KVPY fellowship after class 12th/Ist Year of
Undergraduate course only if they pursue Undergraduate Courses in Basic Science, upto Pre-
PhD or 5 Years whichever is earlier.
Details of fellowships are listed below;
Monthly Annual
Basic Science Fellowship Contingency Grant
SA/SX/SB during Ist to IIIrd year
of B.Sc./B.S./BB.Stat./B.Math/ Rs. 5000 Rs. 20000
Integrated M.Sc or M.S.
SA/SX/SB during M.Sc. / IVth to Vth
years of Integrated M.Sc /M.S./ Rs. 7000 Rs. 28000
M.Math/ M.Stat.
There are 80 questions in this paper.
This question paper contains two parts; Part I and Part II. There are four sections; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
and Biology in each part.
Out of the four options given with each question, only one is correct.
6. The sides a , b, c of a triangle satisfy the relations (b) given any positive real number α, we can choose C and
Area (C )
c2 = 2ab and a 2 + c2 = 3b2. Then the measure of T as above such that ratio is less than α
Area (T )
∠BAC, in degrees, is Area (C )
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) give any C and T as above, the ratio is
Area (T )
(c) 60 (d) 90
independent of C and T
7. Let N be the least positive integer such that (d) there exist real numbers a and b such that for any
whenever a non-zero digit c is written after the last circle C and triangle T as above, we must have
Area (C )
digit of N, the resulting number is divisible by c. The a< <b
sum of the digits of N is Area (T )
(a) 9 (b) 18 15. The number of three digit numbers abc such that the
(c) 27 (d) 36 arithmetic mean of b and c and the square of their
8. Let x1, x2,…, x11 be 11 distinct positive integers. If we geometric mean are equal is
replace the largest of these integers by the median of (a) 9 (b) 18
the other 10 integers, then (c) 36 (d) 54
(a) the median remains the same
(b) the mean increases PHYSICS
(c) the median decreases
(d) the mean remains the same 16. Various optical processes are involved in the
9. The number of cubic polynomials P (x) satisfying formation of a rainbow. Which of the following
provides the correct order in time in which these
P(1) = 2, P(2) = 4, P(3) = 6, P(4) = 8 is
processes occur?
(a) 0
(a) Refraction, total internal reflection, refraction.
(b) 1
(b) Total internal reflection, refraction, total internal
(c) more than one but finitely many reflection.
(d) infinitely many (c) Total internal reflection, refraction, refraction.
10. A two-digit number ab is called almost prime if one (d) Refraction, total internal reflection, total internal
obtains a two-digit prime number by changing at reflection.
most one of its digits a and b. (For example, 18 is an 17. A specially designed Vernier calliper has the main
almost prime number because 13 is a prime number). scale least count of 1 mm. On the Vernier scale, there
Then the number of almost prime two-digit numbers are 10 equal divisions and they match with 11 main
is scale divisions. Then, the least count of the Vernier
(a) 56 (b) 75 (c) 87 (d) 90 calliper is
11. Let P be an interior point of a convex quadrilateral (a) 0.1 mm (b) 0.909 mm
ABCD and K , L , M , N be the mid-points of AB, BC, (c) 1.1 mm (d) 0.09 mm
CD, DA respectively. If Area (PKAN ) = 25, Area 18. A steel ball is dropped in a viscous liquid. The
(PLBK ) = 36, and Area (PMDN ) = 41 then Area distance of the steel ball from the top of the liquid is
(PLCM ) is shown below. The terminal velocity of the ball is
(a) 20 (b) 29 (c) 52 (d) 54 closest to
12. The number of non-negative integer solutions of the
equations 6x + 4 y + z = 200 and x + y + z = 100 is 0.4
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) Infinite
13. Let N 1 = 255 + 1 and N 2 = 165. 0.3
Distance (m)
(a) N1 and N 2 are coprime 0.2
(b) the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of N1 and N 2 is 55
(c) the HCF of N1 and N 2 is 11
(d) the HCF of N1 and N 2 is 33 0.1
19. A student in a town in India, where the price per unit hemisphere at a height h from the horizontal surface,
(1 unit = 1 kWh) of electricity is ` 5.00, purchases a then the speed of the particle is
1 kVA UPS (uninterrupted power supply) battery. A (a) (2g (R − h ))
day before the exam, 10 friends arrive to the (b) (2g (R + h ))
student’s home with their laptops and all connect (c) 2gR
their laptops to the UPS. Assume that each laptop (d) 2gh
has a constant power requirement of
24. The nuclear radius is given by R = r0 A1/ 3 , where r0 is
90 W. Consider the following statements.
constant and A is the atomic mass number. Then, the
I. All the 10 laptops can be powered by the UPS, if
nuclear mass density of U238 is
connected directly.
(a) twice that of Sn119
II. All the 10 laptops can be powered, if connected (b) thrice that of Sn119
using an extension box with a 3 A fuse. (c) same as that of Sn119
III. If all the 10 friends use the laptop for 5 h, then (d) half that of Sn119
the cost of the consumed electricity is about
25. The electrostatic energy of a nucleus of charge Ze is
` 22.50.
kZ 2e2
Select the correct option with the true statements. equal to , where k is a constant and R is the
(a) I only (b) I and II only nuclear radius. The nucleus divides into two
(c) I and III only (d) II and III only Ze
daughter nuclei of charges and equal radii. The
20. Frosted glass is widely used for translucent windows. 2
The region, where a transparent adhesive tape is change in electrostatic energy in the process when
stuck over the frosted glass becomes transparent. they are far apart is
The most reasonable explanation for this is 0.375kZ 2e2 0125
. kZ 2e2
(a) (b)
(a) diffusion of adhesive glue into glass R R
(b) chemical reaction at adhesive tape-glass interface kZ 2e2 0.5kZ 2e2
(c) (d)
(c) refractive index of adhesive glue is close to that of glass R R
(d) adhesive tape is more transparent than glass
26. Two masses M1 and M 2 carry positive charges Q1 and
21. Consider two equivalent, triangular hollow prisms A Q2, respectively. They are dropped to the floor in a
and B made of thin glass plates and arranged with laboratory set up from the same height, where there
negligible spacing as shown in the figure. A beam of is a constant electric field vertically upwards. M1 hits
white light is incident on prism A from the left. Given the floor before M 2. Then,
that, the refractive index of water is inversely related (a) Q1 > Q2 (b) Q1 < Q2
to temperature, the beam to the right of prism B (c) M1Q1 > M2Q2 (d) M1Q2 > M2Q1
would not appear white, if
27. Which one of the following schematic graphs best
represents the variation of pV (in Joules) versus T (in
Kelvin) of one mole of an ideal gas? (The dotted line
ht A B represents pV = T )
te lig
43. The number of moles of water present in a spherical 51. The mode of speciation mediated by geographical
water droplet of radius 1.0 cm is, isolation is referred as
. g cm −3 ]
[Given : Density of water in the droplet = 10 (a) adaptive radiation
π 2π (b) allopatric speciation
(a) (b) (c) parapatric speciation
18 27
2π (d) sympatric speciation
(c) 24π (d)
9 52. Which one of the following metabolic conversion
44. Among the following, the correct statement about requires oxygen?
cathode ray discharge tube is (a) Glucose to pyruvate
(a) the electrical discharge can only be observed at high (b) Glucose to CO 2 and ethanol
pressure and at low voltage. (c) Glucose to lactate
(b) in the absence of external electrical or magnetic field, (d) Glucose to CO 2 and H2 O
cathode rays travel in straight lines. 53. Where are the proximal and distal convoluted
(c) the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the tubules located within the human body?
material of electrodes. (a) Adrenal cortex
(d) the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the (b) Adrenal medulla
gas present in the cathode ray tube.
(c) Renal cortex
45. For a spontaneous process, (d) Renal medulla
(a) enthalpy change of the system must be negative
54. In a diploid organism, when the locus X is
(b) entropy change of the system must be positive
inactivated, transcription of the locus Y is triggered.
(c) entropy change of the surrounding must be positive Based on this observation, which one of the following
(d) entropy change of the system plus surrounding must statements is CORRECT?
be positive
(a) X is dominant over Y
(b) X is epistatic to Y
BIOLOGY (c) Y is dominant over X
(d) Y is epistatic to X
46. Which one of the following is a CORRECT statement
about primates’ evolution?
55. Which one of the following sequences represents the
CORRECT taxonomical hierarchy?
(a) Chimpanzees and gorillas evolved from macaques
(a) Species, genus, family, order
(b) Humans and chimpanzees evolved from gorillas
(b) Order, genus, family, species
(c) Human, chimpanzees and gorillas evolve from a
common ancestor (c) Species, order, genus, family
(d) Humans and gorillas evolved from chimpanzees (d) Species, genus, order, family
47. The crypts of Lieberkuhn are found in which one of 56. Which one of the following organs is NOT a site for
the following parts of the human digestive tract? the production of white blood cells?
(a) Oesophagus (a) Bone marrow (b) Kidney
(b) Small intestine (c) Liver (d) Spleen
(c) Stomach 57. Which one of the following anatomical structures is
(d) Rectum involved in guttation?
48. Removal of the pancreas impairs the breakdown of (a) Cuticle (b) Hydathodes
(a) lipids and carbohydrates only (c) Lenticels (d) Stomata
(b) lipids and proteins only 58. Which one of the following parts of the eye is affected
(c) lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in cataract?
(d) proteins and carbohydrates only (a) Cornea (b) Conjunctiva
49. Microscopic examination of a blood smear reveals an (c) Retina (d) Lens
abnormal increase in the number of granular cells 59. Which one of the following organisms is a bryophyte?
with multiple nuclear lobes. Which one of the (a) Liverwort (b) Volvox
following cell types has increased in number? (c) Chlamydomonas (d) Fern
(a) Lymphocytes (b) Monocytes
60. During oogenesis in mammals, the second meiotic
(c) Neutrophils (d) Thrombocytes
division occurs
50. Which one of the following genetic phenomena is (a) before fertilisation
represented by the blood group AB? (b) after implantation
(a) Codominance (b) Dominance (c) before ovulation
(c) Overdominance (d) Semidominance (d) after fertilisation
6 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
(b) A is a finite set
(c) the complement of A in N is nonempty, but finite
(d) A and its complement in N are both infinite (a) (b)
64. A prime number p is called special if there exist 2
(a) 10 and 10 −2
(b) 10 and 10−3
primes p1, p2, p3 , p4 such that p = p1 + p2 = p3 − p4. (c) 10−2 and 102 (d) 10−2 and 103
The number of special primes is 69. A hot air balloon with a payload rises in the air.
(a) 0 Assume that the balloon is spherical in shape with
(b) 1 diameter of 11.7 m and the mass of the balloon and
(c) more than one but finite the payload (without the hot air inside) is 210 kg.
(d) infinite Temperature and pressure of outside air are 27 °C
65. Let ABC be a triangle in which AB = BC. Let X be a and 1 atm = 105 N/m 2, respectively. Molar mass of
point on AB such that AX : XB = AB : AX. If dry air is 30 g. The temperature of the hot air inside
AC = AX, then the measure of ∠ABC equals . JK −1mol−1]
is close to [The gas constant, R = 831
(a) 18° (b) 36° (c) 54° (d) 72° (a) 27 °C (b) 52 °C
(c) 105 °C (d) 171 °C
72. For one mole of a van der Waals’ gas, the 77. Papaya is a dioecious species with XY sexual
pV genotype for male and XX for female. What will be
compressibility factor Z = at a fixed volume
RT the genotype of the embryos and endosperm nuclei
will certainly decrease, if after double fertilisation?
(a) 50% ovules would have XXX endosperm and YY
[Given : ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ are standard parameters for
embryo, while the other 50% would have XXY
van der Waals’ gas] endosperm and XX embryo
(a) ‘‘b’’ increases and ‘‘a’’ decreases at constant (b) 100% ovules would have XXX endosperm and XY
temperature embryo
(b) ‘‘b’’ decreases and ‘‘a’’ increases at constant (c) 100% ovules would have XXY endosperm and XX
temperature embryo
(c) temperature increases at constant ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ values (d) 50% ovules would have XXX endosperm and XX
(d) ‘‘b’’ increases at constant ‘‘a’’ and temperature embryo, while the other 50% would have XXY
73. The correct statements among the following. endosperm and XY embryo
i. E 2s (H) > E 2s (Li) < E 2s (Na) > E 2s (K). 78. Solid and dotted lines represent the activities of
ii. The maximum number of electrons in the shell pepsin and salivary amylase enzymes of the digestive
with principal quantum number n is equal to tract, respectively. Which one of the following graphs
best represents their activity vs pH?
2n 2 .
iii. Extra stability of half-filled subshell is due to
smaller exchange energy.
(a) (b)
iv. Only two electrons, irrespective of their spin,
may exist in the same orbital are.
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iii 1 5 10 1 5 10
pH pH
(c) iii and iv (d) i and iv
74. An organic compound contains 46.78% of a halogen
(c) (d)
X. When 2.00 g of this compound is heated with
fuming HNO3 in the presence of AgNO3 , 2.21 g AgX
was formed. The halogen X is 1 5 10 1 5 10
[Given : atomic weight of Ag = 108, F = 19, Cl = 355
., pH pH
Br = 80, I = 127]
(a) F (b) Cl (c) Br (d) I 79. If the gene pool of the locus X in the human genome
75. An organic compound X with molecular formula is 4, then what would be the highest possible number
C6H10, when treated with HBr, forms a gem- of genotypes in a large population?
dibromide. The compound X upon warming with (a) 6 (b) 8
HgSO4 and dil. H2SO4, produces a ketone, which (c) 10 (d) 16
gives a positive iodoform test. The compound X is 80. Match the plant hormones in Column I with their
primary function in Column II.
(a) (b)
Column I Column II
(c) C (d)
P. Abscisic acid i. Promotes disease
Q. Ethylene ii. Maintains seed dormancy
BIOLOGY R. Cytokinin iii. Promotes seed germination
76. A cell weighing 1 mg grows to double its initial mass S. Gibberellin iv. Promotes fruit ripening
before dividing into two daughter cells of equal mass. v. Inhibits leaf senescence
Assuming no death, at the end of 100 divisions what
will be the ratio of the mass of the entire population Choose the correct combination
of these cells to that of the mass of the earth? Assume (a) P–iii, Q–iv, R–i, S–ii
that mass of the earth is 1024 kg and 210 is (b) P–ii, Q–iv, R–v, S–iii
approximately equal to 1000. (c) P–v, Q–iii, R–ii, S–i
(a) 10−28 (b) 10−3 (d) P–iv, Q–ii, R–iii, S–v
(c) 1 (d) 103
8 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (a) 10 (d)
11 (c) 12 (c) 13 (d) 14 (a) 15 (b) 16 (a) 17 (a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (c)
21 (d) 22 (d) 23 (a) 24 (c) 25 (a) 26 (d) 27 (a) 28 (b) 29 (d) 30 (c)
31 (a) 32 (d) 33 (a) 34 (d) 35 (d) 36 (c) 37 (b) 38 (b,d) 39 (c) 40 (a)
41 (a) 42 (a) 43 (b) 44 (b) 45 (d) 46 (c) 47 (b) 48 (c) 49 (c) 50 (a)
51 (b) 52 (d) 53 (c) 54 (d) 55 (a) 56 (b) 57 (b) 58 (d) 59 (a) 60 (d)
61 (c) 62 (a) 63 (a) 64 (b) 65 (b) 66 (c) 67 (a) 68 (b) 69 (c) 70 (c)
71 (c) 72 (b) 73 (a) 74 (c) 75 (d) 76 (c) 77 (d) 78 (a) 79 (c) 80 (b)
1. (c) For an equilateral triangle ABC 8 b3 − 8 4. (a) The sum of first n ,n ≥ 1terms of
⇒ b2 − > 0⇒ >0
having side length a. If R and r are radii b b arithmetic progression with first term 2
of the circumcircle and the incircle of (b − 2)(b2 + 2b + 4) and common difference 4, is
triangle ABC respectively, then ⇒ >0
b Sn = [4 + (n − 1)4] = 2n 2
R = sec 30° =
a a 2 a
= ⇒ b ∈ (−∞ , 0) ∪ (2, ∞ ) …(i) 2
2 2 3 3 So, the average of the first n terms
For option (c),
A b2 − 3b > − 2 Mn = n = 2n
⇒ b2 − 3b + 2 > 0 10 10
⇒ (b − 2)(b − 1) > 0 Now, ∑ Mn = 2 ∑ n
n =1 n =1
b ∈ (−∞ , 1) ∪ (2, ∞ )
10 × 11
mean if b ∈ (−∞ , 0) ∪ (2, ∞ ) = 2 × = 110
R 2
r then b2 − 3b > − 2
30° 60° 3. (b) Let the given quadratic polynomial 5. (a) It is given that in triangle ABC,
a/ M a/
C p (x) = x2 + ax + b has two distinct real ∠BAC = 90°, AD is the altitude from A on
2 2 to BC.
roots α and β, then
p (x) = x2 + ax + b = (x − α )(x − β ) B
1 1 Now,
⇒ (BC )(AD ) = × 15 × 20 12. (c) Given equations
2 2 P (1) = a + b + c + d = 2 …(i) 6x + 4 y + z = 200, …(i)
⇒ 25 × AD = 300 P (2) = 8a + 4b + 2c + d = 4 …(ii) and x + y + z = 100 …(ii)
⇒ AD = 12 P (3) = 27a + 9b + 3c + d = 6 …(iii) By Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
Q AEDF is a rectangle, then P (4) = 64a + 16b + 4c + d = 8 …(iv) 5x + 3 y = 100
EF = AD = 12
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get For non-negative integer solutions, when
6. (b) It is given that the sides of 7a + 3b + c = 2 …(v) x = 2, then y = 30
triangle, a , b and c satisfy the following
From Eqs. (ii) and (iii), we get x = 5, then y = 25
c2 = 2ab …(i) 19a + 5b + c = 2 …(vi) x = 8, then y = 20
and a + c = 3b
2 2 2
…(ii) From Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get x = 11, then y = 15
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 37a + 7b + c = 2 …(vii) x = 14, then y = 10
Now, from Eqs. (v) and (vi), we get x = 17, then y = 5
12a + 2b = 0 …(viii) and x = 20, then y = 0
and from Eqs. (vi) and (vii), we get In every case z = 100 − (x + y) > 0
18a + 2b = 0 …(ix)
So, total number of non-negative integral
a From Eqs. (viii) and (ix), we get solutions are 7.
a = 0 and b = 0,
13. (d) It is given that, N 2 = 165
c = 2 and d = 0.
= 3 × 5 × 11and N1 = 255 + 1
C B So, P (x) = 2x
a As we know that, if n is odd integer then
∴no cubic polynomial is possible.
a 2 + 2ab = 3b2 xn + yn is divisible by x + y.
⇒ a + 2ab + b2 = 4b2
2 10. (d) Since in the group of first 10 two
So, N1 = 255 + 155 is divisible by 2 + 1 = 3
digit number 10-19, has atleast 1 prime
⇒ (a + b)2 = (2b)2 = (b + b)2 and N1 = 255 + 155
number similarly in other groups of 10
⇒ a = b, so c = 2a two digits numbers = (25 )11 + (15 )11 = (32)11 + (1)11
∴ ∠A = ∠B = 45° 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, is divisible by 32 + 1 = 33
7. (a) As N be the least positive integer 80-89 and 90-99 have almost 1 prime ∴the HCF of N1 and N 2 is 33.
and when a non-zero digit C is written numbers. 14. (a) It is given that circumference of
after the last digit of N, the resulting So, the number of almost prime two-digit circle C is l and the perimeter of triangle
number is divisible by C. number is 90. T is l.
So, 10N + C is divisible by C 11. (c) Let a convex quadrilateral ABCD Now, let the radius of circle C is r, so
∴10N must be divisible by C. and K , L, M, N be the mid-point of AB, l
2πr = l ⇒ r =
Now, the least integer (N ) which is BC, CD, DA respectively. 2π
divisible by digit ‘C’ i.e. (1 to 9) must be A l2
K ∴area of circle C is A1 = πr 2 =
L.C.M of {1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9}. B 4π
x x
= L.C.M of {4, 7, 9} w Now, as we know that area of triangle
= 252 = N L N will be maximum for given perimeter if it
y w is an equilateral triangle, let the length
and sum of digits of number ‘N’ is P
2+ 5+ 2= 9 of side of equilateral triangle is ‘a’, then
z z l
8. (c) Let the given 11 distinct positive 3a = l ⇒ a =
integers are in increasing order
C M D and area of equilateral triangle is
x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 , x9 , x10 , x11 , so x11
is largest of these integers and the Now, as area ∆AKP = area ∆BKP = x (let) A2 =
3 2
median is x6 . Similarly 4
Now, median of first 10 numbers is ∆BLP = ∆CLP = y 3 l2 l2
So, A2 = =
x6 + x6 ∆CPM = ∆DPM = z 4 9 12 3
= m (Let).
2 and ∆DNP = ∆ANP = w l2
Now, we have to replace largest number It is given that Area (PKAN ) = x + w = 25 A1
Q = 4π = 3 3 > 1
x11 by m and then increasing order will be π
area (PLBK ) = x + y = 36 A2 l2
x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , m, x6 , x7 , x8 , x9 , x10
and area (PMDN ) = z + w = 41 12 3
x + x6
Q m < x6 as x5 < 5 < x6 So area (PLCM ) = y + z Since, as we took an equilateral triangle,
= ( x + y ) + ( z + w) − ( x + w) which has maximum area. But we can
So, median decreases. take a triangle T such that the ratio
= area (PLBK ) + area (PMDN ) − area (C)
9. (a) Let the equation of a cubic is greater than any positive real
area (PKAN )
polynomial area (T )
= 36 + 41 − 25 = 77 − 25 = 52
P (x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d number α.
10 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
15. (b) It is given that, the number of D(m) Whi
three digit number abc, such that
b+ c R
= bc …(i) x2=0.4 R
the above relation is true if b = c = 0 x1=0.3 Whi V
And if neither b nor c is zero, then
1 1 If bending of light caused by B is less
+ = 2, and b, c ∈{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
b c than or more than that of A, then out
Then b = c = 1 (s) going beam of light is not white.
1.6 1.9
and a ∈{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} t1 t2 So, when both prisms are filled with
water at different temperatures, their
So, total number of such three digit From data of graph,
refractive indices are different and the
number are 2 × 9 = 18 Terminal velocity,
dispersion produced by A and B are not
16. (a) Formation of rainbow is shown x − x1 0.4 − 0.3
v= 2 = equal and opposite. Hence, with condition
below. t2 − t1 1.9 − 1.6 in (d) beam to right of prism B will be
0.1 coloured.
White light
Refraction = = 0.33 m/s
0.3 22. (d) Time period of rotation of ball
Vio 19. (c) Power requirement for 1 laptop, = 1.5 s
let Total
P1 = 90 W So, in time interval of 7.5 s (= 1.5 × 5) s
reflection So, power requirement for 10 laptops, ball completes 5 revolutions.
P = 10 × P1 = 10 × 90 Also, ball covers one-fourth of circular
t Refraction = 900 W = 0.9 kW 1.5
o le path in time = 0.375 s.
1 2h
∴ mg (R − h ) = mv2 26. (d) Time of fall = 28. (b) Surface area over which rain is
2 anet received, A = 600 km 2
⇒ v = 2 g (R − h ) = 600 × (103 )2 m 2
24. (c) Given, nuclear radius is = 6 × 108 m 2
+ E Average rainfall, h = 2.4 m
R = r0 A 3
mg Volume of water received by rain, V
Here, atomic mass number of nucleus = A = A × h = 6 × 108 × 2.4 m3
∴Nuclear density d is given by Water conserved = 10% of volume
Mass number received by rain
Volume Net acceleration of charged masses is 10
= 6 × 108 × × 2.4 m3 = 1.44 × 108 m3
A A qE 100
⇒ d= = anet = g −
4 3 1
= 1.4 × 108 × 103 L = 1.4 × 1011 L
πR 4 m
3 π (r0 A 3 )3
3 As, M1 hits the floor before M2. Percentage of total water consumption
A 3 2h 2h received by rain is
⇒ d= = ⇒ >
4 3
πr0 ⋅ A 4 π r03 a1 a2 1.4 × 1011 × 100
= = 10%
3 1 1 1.4 × 1012
As r0 = a constant, so nuclear density is a ⇒ >
a1 a2 29. (d) Collision is elastic, so both linear
constant quantity. momentum and kinetic energy are
⇒ a2 > a1
∴ Nuclear mass density of U238 is same conserved.
as that of Sn119 . When reciprocal is taken in equality sign
is reversed, then. We have following situation,
25. (a) Electrostatic energy of a nucleus
1 2 3
of charge Ze is g − 1 > g− 2 Before M m=0
2 2 M1 M2 collision
kZ e
U1 = ...(i) Q1 E Q2E
R ⇒ − >−
1 2 3
M1 M2 After V¢ v
When this nucleus is divided into two M m
Q1 E Q2E collision
equal nuclei of radius r, then as density ⇒ <
of nuclear matter is a constant, we have M1 M2 According to figure,
initial density = final density Here, multiplication with − 1reverse sign MV = MV ′ + mv ...(i) (linear momentum
M of inequality. conservation)
= 2 So,
Q1 Q2
1 1
MV 2 = MV ′2 + mv2
4 3 4 3
πR πr M1 M2 2 2 2
3 3
or M2Q1 < M1Q2 (kinetic energy conservation)
R3 R
⇒ r3 = or r = 1 ...(ii) ⇒ M1Q2 > M2Q1 From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
23 M (V − V ′ ) = mv ...(iii)
27. (a) From gas equation,
and M (V 2 − V ′2 ) = mv2 ...(iv)
Now, final electrostatic energy is given by pV = nRT
2 Dividing Eq. (iv) by Eq. (iii), we have
2k e2
Z Here, n = 1mole
kZ ′ 2e2 2 M (V 2 − V ′2 ) mv2
U2 = 2 × ⇒U 2 = So, pV = RT ...(i) =
r M (V − V ′ ) mv
Substituting the value of R in Eq. (i), we
1 get or V + V ′ = v
23 pV = 8.3 T 30. (c) Total internal, reflection occurs
1 kZ 2e2 Clearly, slope of pV versus T line is 8.3, when n ≥ .
[from Eq. (ii)] = 2 ⋅ sin ic
R which is greater than one. Hence,
23 following graph is correct. 4
⇒ U 2 = 2 ⋅ U1 pV (J)
RT 2 Q
23 pV
[from Eq. (i)] = 0.63U1 R T 120°
e= V= 3
So, change in electrostatic energy in this S lop p
process is
∆U = U1 − U 2 (QU1 > U 2 ) 30°
= U1 − 0.63U1 = (1 − 0.63) U1 = 0.375U1 e =
Slop P R
kZ 2e2 2
= 0.375 [From Eq. (i)] T (K) 1
12 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
Their number increases in blood in deals with identification, nomenclature 60. (d) The second meiotic division
response of bacterial infection, acute and classification. Carlous Linnaeus occurs after fertilisation. Oogenesis is the
inflammation and Eclampsia. invented binomial nomenclature and formation of female gametes (egg).
Neutrophils are produced by developed a classification system known Oogenesis begins in female before birth.
hematopoiesis in the bone marrow and as taxonomic hierarchy. The various During early fetal development, germ cell
are active phagocytic cells. units of classification is kingdom, differentiate into oogonia. After several
Lymphocytes are white blood cells phylum, class, order, family, genus and mitotic divisions, oogonia begins meiosis
which occurs in blood, lymph and species. and known as primary oocytes. It
lymphoid organs. 56. (b) Kidneys are not associated with remains arrested after diplotene of
Monocytes are mononuclear phagocytic the production of white blood cells. prophase-I of meiosis-I until the female
cells. Kidneys regulate blood volume and becomes sexually mature. After puberty,
composition, release erythropoietin and primary oocyte completes meiosis-I and
Platelets are known as thrombocytes
excrete waste in the urine. produces secondary oocytes and it arrests
and helps in blood clotting.
Bone marrow is involved in at metaphase-II and it completes meiosis
50. (a) Blood group AB represents -II only after fertilisation.
codominance. In codominance a hematopoiesis. It is the site of
B-lymphocytes synthesis and maturation. 61. (c) It is given that the quadratic
heterozygous individual expresses both
Liver produces monocytes (a type of equation
alleles simultaneously with blending. No
single allele is dominant over the other. white blood cells). x2 − 5cx − 6d = 0 has roots a and b, then
Expression of both A and B alleles at In spleen, B and T-lymphocytes are a + b = 5c …(i)
same time results in AB type blood. present. 50% of spleen cells are and ab = − 6d …(ii)
51. (b) Allopatric speciation is a genetic B-lymphocytes and 30-40% are and, the quadratic equation
divergence permitted by geographical x2 − 5ax − 6b = 0 has roots c and d, then
isolation. It is a speciation that occurs 57. (b) Hydathodes are involved in c + d = 5a …(iii)
when population of the same species guttation. Hydathodes are specialised
and cd = − 6b …(iv)
becomes isolated due to geographic pore located along the leaf margins and
barriers such as mountain ranges and tip which secrets water droplets. The Now, from Eqs. (i) and (iii), we have
water bodies. The population is exudation of water droplets from the tip (a + b) − (c + d ) = 5c − 5a
reproductively isolated and each of the or margin of the leaves is called ⇒ (a − c) + (b − d ) = − 5(a − c)
population accumulates different guttation. Hydathodes mediated ⇒ (b − d ) = 6(c − a ) …(v)
mutation and become diverge. guttation occurs under high humidity
∴a and c are the roots of equations.
52. (d) Conversion of glucose to CO2 and and in the absence of transpiration.
x2 − 5cx − 6d = 0 and x2 − 5ax − 6b = 0,
H2O requires oxygen. In aerobic Cuticle is an extracellular layer which
covers the epidermis of plants which respectively.
respiration glucose reacts with oxygen
forming ATP, carbon dioxide and water provides protection against dessication ∴ a 2 − 5ac − 6d = 0
are released as byproducts. and external environmental stress. and c2 − 5ac − 6b = 0
C6 H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Lenticels and stomata both regulates ⇒ (a 2 − c2 ) − 6(d − b) = 0
gaseous exchange between internal plant 6(d − b)
53. (c) Proxima and distal convoluted ⇒ a+ c= = 36 …(vi)
tissues and atmosphere and also regulates a−c
tubules are located in renal cortex.
water movement through transpiration.
Convoluted means the tubules one tightly From Eqs. (i) and (iii), we have
coiled. Proximal convoluted tubules are 58. (d) Cataract affect the lens in eye. It
(a + b) + (c + d ) = 5(a + c)
associated with the reabsorption of occurs due to the clouding of lens and
⇒ b + d = 4(a + c) = 4(36) [from Eq. (vi)]
filtered water, Na + , K+ . glucose, amino prevent light and image from reaching to
acid, Cl − , HCO3− , Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + and retina. Cataract makes a person vision ⇒ b + d = 144
secretion of H+ , NH+4 , urea whereas distal blurry and less colourful. 62. (a) The quadratic equation
convoluted tubules are associated with 59. (a) Liverwort These are 4x2 + bx + c = 0
reabsorption of water, Na + , Cl − and Ca 2 + . non-vascular plants and one of the three has equal roots if b2 − 16c = 0
54. (d) When one gene masks or ancient lines of bryophytes (liverworts,
⇒ b2 = 24 c
modifies the expression of another gene hornworts and mosses).
Now,c should be chosen from the set
at distinct locus is known as epistasis. Volvox It is a spherical multicellular
Gene that masks other or expresses itself green algae and used as a genetic model S = {1, 2, 3, … , 100}, such that it is a
is epistatic gene and gene that is masked of morphogenesis. perfect square number, so
is hypostatic gene. Here, X is inactivated Chlamydomonas It is a genus of c = 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100
by Y and triggers its own expression that unicellular green algae found in soil, ∴number of ordered pair (b, c) will be 10.
means Y is epistatic to loci X because it freshwater and oceans. 10
So, required probability =
masks the expression of X. Fern These are vascular plants that 100 × 100
55. (a) The correct taxonomic hierarchy possess true roots, leaves and stem and 1
= = 0.001
is species, genus, family, order. are reproduced by spores. Ferns and 1000
Taxonomy is the branch of biology that lycophytes are pteridophytes.
14 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
63. (a) It is given that for n ∈ N ∴XB = x2 ⋅ AB 67. (a) Force = Rate of change of
fn = (n + 1)1/3 − n1/3 Q AB = AX + XB = x ⋅ AB + x2 ⋅ AB momentum
(n + 1) − n ⇒ x2 + x − 1 = 0
(n + 1)23
+ (n + 1)23
n 23
+ n 23
/ −1 ± 1 + 4 ± 5 − 1
⇒ x= =
1 2 2
(n + 1)23
+ (n + 1)23
n 23
+ n 23
/ 5−1
Q x > 0, so x =
Q∀ n ∈ N
AB 2 + BC 2 − AC 2
3n 23
< (n + 1)23
+ (n + 1)23
n 23
+ n 23
Now, cosθ =
2(AB )(BC )
< 3(n + 1)23
1 2(AB 2 ) − (AX 2 )
⇒ ⇒ cosθ = [Q AB = BC ]
3(n + 1) 23
2(AB 2 ) Velocity with which a sand particle
1 1 strikes the bottom of hour-glass,
< < 2(AB ) − (x ⋅ AB )
2 2 2
= v = u + gt
(n + 1)23
+ (n + 1)23
n 23
+ n 23
3n 23
2(AB 2 )
1 1 ⇒ v = 0 + 10 × 2 = 20 ms − 1
⇒ < fn < 2− x 2
3(n + 1)23
3n 23/ = Change in momentum of particle
2 = pf − pi = 0 − mv
Similarly, 2
= − 0.2 × 10− 3 × 20
5 − 1
< fn + 1 <
1 2−
2 = − 4 × 10− 3 kg-ms − 1
3(n + 2)23
3(n + 1)23
2 Momentum imparted to base by the
∴ fn + 1 < < fn + 1 , ∀ n ∈ N particle = 4 × 10− 3 kg-ms − 1
3(n + 1) 23
/ 8 − (5 + 1 − 2 5 )
8 Total change of momentum imparted per
So, set A = N . second by all 100 particles
2 5+ 2
64. (b) It is given that for prime = = 4 × 10− 3 kg-ms−1 × 100 s− 1
numbers p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 the special prime = 0.4 kg-ms−1
number = = cos 36° So, force on bottom = 0.4 N
p = p1 + p2 = p3 − p4 4
So, θ = ∠ABC = 36°
68. (b) When a voltmeter put in series, it
Case I still reads potential drop and when an
If all p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 are odd, then ( p1 + p2 ) 66. (c) When angle of incidence of laser ammeter is connected in parallel, it still
and ( p3 − p4 ) are even, which is not on surface of water is less than critical shows current through it.
possible. incidence, it goes out otherwise reflected
Case a
back into the tank.
Case II B
If one of p1 and p2 is even, say p2 is 2 and Laser comes out from V
p4 must be 2. a path of 2 ic rotation
So, p = p1 + 2 = p3 − 2
1W A
the above equation is satisfied only if ic
ic ic
p = 5, p1 = 3 and p3 = 7 I I2
So, the number of special prime p is 1.
65. (b) It is given that in ∆ABC, A
AB = BC Let I = current through cell, then
For water, ic = sin − 1 = sin − 1
A 1 1 potential drop read by voltmeter is
n 1.33 V = I ⋅ RV (this is reading of voltmeter)
⇒ ic = sin − 1 (0.75) Where, RV is the resistance of voltmeter
X ⇒ ic ≈ 50° In loop AB,
If ω = angular speed and t = time to travel V AB = I1 × 1 = I 2 × RA and I = I1 + I 2
q an arc of 2 ic , then using ωt = 2 ic . Where, RA is the resistance of ammeter
B C 2i
We have, t = c We substitute for I1 from above equation
AX AB 1 ω to get
and = = (say) 50
XB AX x 2× × π ⇒ I = I 2RA + I 2 = I 2 (RA + 1)
⇒ AX = x ⋅ AB = 180 = 16.67 s I
2π ⇒ I2 =
and XB = xAX (RA + 1)
(this is reading of ammeter)
KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA 15
Now given, where ρo = density of outside air van der Waals’ gas, the actual pressure
voltmeter reading IRV and ρi = density of inside air. and volume are:
= 1 × 103 =
ammeter reading I ⇒ V (ρo − ρi ) = 210 an 2
p = p0 − 2 , V = V 0 + nb
RA + 1 210 × 3 4 3 V
⇒ ρo − ρi = QV = πr
So, RV (RA + 1) = 1000 ...(i) 4 πr3 3 ∴As “a” increases, p decreases, so
Case b PM PM 210 × 3 1 1
⇒ − = 3
⇒ − decreases, when temperature is constant.
RTo RTi To Ti
4 × π ×
B 11.7 pV
and, as “b” decreases, V decreases, so
A 2 RT
680 × 8 × 8.31 decreases, when temperature is constant.
4 × π × (11.7)3 × 105 × 30 × 10− 3 Note option (c) : When temperature
T − To 1 increases, pV also increases and
⇒ i =
I1 I2 ToTi 1387 therefore Z would not necessarily
⇒ ToTi = 1387 (Ti − To )
A 73. (a) (i) Energy of the 2sorbital of
⇒ 300 Ti = 1387 Ti − 300 × 1387
Let I = current through cell, then different elements decreases as nuclear
ammeter reading in this case is I. (as, To = 27°C = 300 K) charge (equal to atomic number) of atom
300 × 1387
So, Ti = ≈ 383 K increases.
1087 (ii) There are n 2 orbitals in a shell with
Also, in loop AB,
∴ Ti = 383 − 273 = 110° C principal quantum number n.
V AB = I1 × 1 = I 2 × RV
So, temperature of hot air is near to 105° C. ∴total number of electrons = 2n 2.
As, I = I1 + I 2 = I 2RV + I 2
70. (c) (iii) Extra stability of half-filled orbitals
= I 2 (RV + 1)
is due to greater exchange energy.
So, I 2 = Head
(iv) For two electrons will be in the same
(RV + 1)
orbital, their spin quantum numbers
Hence, voltmeter reading is V = I 2RV must be different.
IRV 1.7m
= (this is reading of voltmeter) It is not irrespective of their spin.
(RV + 1)
Heart 74. (c) Mass of AgX = 2.21g
Now given, voltmeter reading ÷ ammeter
reading = 0.999 Ω. Mass of X = 46.78% of 2.00 g
46.78 × 2.00
IRV 1.3m =
(R + 1) 100
So, 0.999 = V
Foot ≅ 0.94 g
∴Mass of Ag in AgX must be
RV Pressure at head level = pheart − ρgh
⇒ 0.999 = 2.21 − 0.94 g
RV + 1 = 13.3 − 103 × 10 × 0.4 = 1.27 g
So, RV = 999Ω ...(ii) = 9.3 kPa 1.27
∴Number of moles of Ag = ,
≈ 103 Ω Pressure at foot level = pheart + ρgh 108
Substituting RV in Eq (i), we get = 13.3 + 103 × 10 × 1.3 which is also equal to number of moles
1 = 26.3 kPa of X.
RA =
999 26.3 mass
So, ratio = ≈ 2.9 or 3 ∴Atomic mass of X =
or RA = 10− 3 Ω 9.3 'n '
0.94 × 108
69. (c) Hot air balloon will rise in the 71. (c) (a) PbO + HCl → PbCl 2 + H2O = ≅ 80
atmosphere when upthrust of buoyant 1.27
(not correct option)
force is greater than weight of balloon ∴The halogen must be bromine (Br).
(b) 2Pb(NO3 )2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
and its payload. 75. (d)
(not correct option)
Upthrust = Weight of atmospheric air Br Br
(c) Pb 3 O4 + 4HNO3 → 2Pb(NO3 )2
displaced by balloon + PbO2 + 2H 2 O (correct option) + 2HBr
So, upthrust ≥ weight of balloon and its (d) Pb + air (contains O2 , H2O and CO2)
payload room
→ (Hydrobromination, Markownikoff’s
⇒ (Volume of air displaced × density of temperature product, which is a gem-dibromide).
atmospheric air × Acceleration due to Protective layer of varying composition, O
gravity) ≥ (Volume of air of inside balloon mainly PbCO3 is formed only on the + H+
× density of air inside balloon × surface. (not correct option)
+ H2 O
+ Hg2+
acceleration due to gravity) + (Weight of X
payload of balloon) 72. (b) If p0 and V 0 are used as notation (dil. H2SO4
+ HgSO4)
⇒V ⋅ ρo ⋅ g ≥ V ⋅ ρi ⋅ g + 210 × g of ideal pressure and ideal volume of a
16 KVPY Question Paper 2019 Stream : SA
Acid catalysed hydration of alkyne gives 1024 Graph (c) and (d) represents constant
= =1
ketone. In the case of terminal alkyne, 1024 activity of both enzyme. At low pH
the product is a methyl ketone, which So, option (c) is correct activity of pepsin increases and become
gives haloform test. stable as pH is increasing and activity of
77. (d) In papaya, sexual genotype for amylase increases at above pH 5 and
male is XY and for female is XX. In become stable at high pH.
I2 + NaOH double fertilisation, the X nuclei fuses
with egg and polar nuclei then resulting 79. (c) Gene pool of locus X = 4
+ CHI3 + other n
genotype of embryo and endosperm is XX Possible genotype = (n + 1)
and XXX. When Y nuclei fuses with the 2
egg cell and polar nuclei then resulting n = Total number of gene for ‘X’ loucs
Yellow product genotype for embryo and endosperm is n=4
(positive haloform test) XY and XXY. n
= (n + 1)
76. (c) Mass of one cell = 1 mg = 10− 6 kg So, 50% XXX and XXY is genotype of 2
Division in the cell is calculated as 2n endosperm and 50% XX and XY is 4
genotype of embryo. = (4 + 1) = 2(5) = 10
So, after 100 divisions, 2
Number of cells = 2n = 2100 78. (a) Graph (a) represents the activity So, highest possible genotype in a
of pepsin at low pH and salivary amylase population is 10.
Total mass of cells = Total no. of cells ×
activity at high pH. Enzymes have a
Mass of one cell
particular pH where they have the proper
80. (b) The correct combination of plant
= 2100 × D 10− 6 kg conformation to have maximum catalytic
hormones with their function is as follows
= 210 = 103 activity. Pepsin have maximum catalytic (P) Abscisic acid—Maintains seed
= (103 )10 × 10− 6 kg activity at a very low pH (2.0) and no dormancy
= 1030 × 10− 6 kg longer functional once moved to alkaline (Q) Ethylene—Promotes fruit ripening
condition and optimum pH for salivary (R) Cytokinin—Inhibits leaf senescence
= 10+ 24 kg
amylase ranges from 6 to 7 and it is most (S) Gibberellin—Promotes seed
Mass of earth is 1024 kg active at pH 6.8.
Total mass of cells germination
Ratio = Graph (b) represents minimum activity of
Mass of earth pepsin and salivary amylase.
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There are 80 questions in this paper.
This question paper contains two parts; Part I and Part II. There are four sections; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
and Biology in each part.
Out of the four options given with each question, only one is correct.
Humidity ± Water-content ±
Temperature ∓ Temperature ∓
Wind ∓ Wind ∓
Precipitation ± Precipitation ±
Pressure ± Pressure ∓
Soil texture 0 Soil texture
Altitude ∓ Porosity ∓
Capillarity ±
Slope ∓ Slope ∓
Exposure ∓ Exposure ∓
Cover ± Cover ±
Fig. 31. Absorption and transpiration of Helianthus annuus. I and II, plants
repotted in soil of known weight and water-content; III, plant undisturbed in the
original soil; IV, potometer containing plant with cut stem; V, potometer with
entire plant.
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