XII Chemistry QB_copy
XII Chemistry QB_copy
XII Chemistry QB_copy
Solid State
1. Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous solids.
2. To which type the following solids belong to:
(a) NaCl (b) SlO2 (c) CH4 (d) Ca e) Diamond f) Brass
g) P4 molecule h) silver i) solid ice j) SO2 k) CO2 l) S8 molecule
3. Derive relationship between molar mass, density of substance and unit cell edge length.
4. Define: a) Anisotropy b) Isotropy c) Isomorphism f) Polymorphism g) Doping
5. Explain packing efficiency in a) simple cubic lattice b) body −centered cubic lattice
c) face−centered cubic lattice
6. Explain: (a) Vacancy defect (b) Self interstitial defect (c) Schottky defect
(d) Frenkel defect (e) Substitutional impurity defect (f) Interstitial impurity defect
(g) Metal deficiency defect (h) F−centers
7. Write the consequences of a) Schottky defect b) Frenkel defect
8. What are conductors, insulators and semiconductors?
9. Explain following based on band theory:
(a) Conduction band (b) Valence band (c) Band gap
10. What is intrinsic semiconductor?
11. What is extrinsic semiconductor and explain its types.
12. Explain types of solids on the basis of magnetic properties.
3. Ionic Equilibria
4. Chemical Thermodynamics
1. Explain types of system with suitable example.
2. Explain types of properties of system.
3. Explain different types of processes.
4. Show, PV = W
5. Give sign conventions for W and Q.
6. Derive an expression for pressure volume (PV) work.
7. What is free expansion.
8. Derive an expression for maximum work.
9. State and give mathematical equation for first law of thermodynamics.
10. Explain first law of thermodynamics for a) Isothermal process b) Adiabatic process
c) Isochoric process d) Isobaric process
11. Show that: H = U + PV.
12. Derive relationship between H and U for chemical reactions. OR H = U + ngRT
13. Show that: W = − ngRT and give sign convention with conditions for W.
14. Define: a) Enthalpy of fusion b) Enthalpy of vaporization c) Enthalpy of sublimation
d) Enthalpy of ionization e) Enthalpy of atomization f) Enthalpy of solution
g) Enthalpy of chemical reaction h) Standard enthalpy of combustion
i) Bond enthalpy
15. State and explain Hess’s law of constant heat summation.
16. Give features or key points of spontaneous process.
17. State second law of thermodynamics, give its mathematical equation and give different
conditions of Stotal.
18. Derive relation between G and Stotal and give their conditions for spontaneity.
19. Show temperature of equilibrium with mathematical equation.
20. Explain relationship between Gibbs function and equilibrium constant.
5. Electrochemistry
3. Describe the construction and working of standard hydrogen electrode, Give the two
5. Write the cell reactions during discharging and charging of lead accumulator.
6. Describe the construction and working of H2−O2 fuel cell. Give its advantages.
7. Describe the construction and working of Dry cell. Give its two uses.
8. Why is Nickel−cadmium referred to as a secondary cell? Write working of NICAD storage cell.
Also write its applications.
6. Chemical Kinetics
1. Define: (A) Average rate of reaction (B) Instantaneous rate of reaction (C) Rate law
(D) Rate of reaction (E) Zero order reaction (F) Pseudo−first order reaction
(G) Half-life of first order reaction (I) Order of reaction (J) Activation energy
3. Derive integrated rate equation for first order reaction. Write unit of rate constant for the first
order reaction.
4. Derive relation between half-life and rate constant of the first order reaction.
7. Derive Integrated rate law for zero order reaction. Write unit of rate constant for the zero order
15. The decomposition of N2O5(g) at 320 K according to the following equation follows first order
N2O5(g) ⎯⎯→ 2NO2(g) + O2(g)
The initial concentration of N2O5(g) is 1.24 10−2 mol. L−1 and after 60 minutes, 0.20 10−2 mol.
L−1 calculate the rate constant reaction at 320 K.
17. The rate constant of a first order reaction are 0.58 s−1 at 315 K and 0.045 s−1 at 293 K. What is
the energy of activations for the reaction?
18. In the Arrehenius equation for a first order reaction the values of “A” and ‘Ea’ are 4 1013 sec−1
and 98.6KJ mol−1 respectively. At what temperature will its half life period be 10 minutes? [R =
8.314 JK−1 mol−1]
20. From the following data for the liquid phase reaction A → B, determine the order of reaction
and calculate its rate constant.
1) What are transition elements? Explain their position in the modern periodic table.
2) Give general electronic configuration of 3d-series, 4d-series, 5d- series and 6d-series.
3) Why does Chromium have electronic configuration 3d54s1 and not 3d44s2?
4) Why does copper show abnormal electronic configuration?
5) Explain oxidation state of first transition series.
6) Explain the trend in: a) Atomic and ionic radii b) Ionization enthalpy c) Metallic character of first
transition series (3d).
7) Why are compounds of copper coloured while those of zinc colourless?
8) Why do the d-block elements in the periodic table form the coloured compound?
9) Why transition metal shows catalytic properties?
10) Why Manganese shows variable oxidation state?
11) Why do lanthanides form coloured compounds?
12) What are interstitial compounds? Why do these compounds have higher melting points than
corresponding pure metals?
13) Write any four properties of interstitial compounds.
14) Write the preparation, properties and uses of: a) KMnO 4 b) K2Cr2O7
15) Calculate spin only magnetic moment of divalent cation of transition metal with atomic number
25 and 24.
16) Define: a) Mineral b) Ore c) Flux d) Gangue e) Metallurgy f) Pyrometallurgy g)
17) Write the names and chemical formulae of minerals and ores of: a) Iron b) Copper c) Zinc
19) Mention the names of various steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from their ores.
20) Explain the reactions in the blast furnace during extraction of Iron from Hematite ore.
21) What are ‘d’ & ‘f’ block elements? Write their position in the periodic table.
22) What are lanthanons? Give names & symbols of any two rare earth elements.
23) Write the general outer electronic configuration of lanthanides and actinides.
24) Distinguish between Lanthanides and Actinides.
25) What is lanthanoid contraction?
26) What are trans uranium elements?
27) Why La(OH)3 is the strongest base, while Lu(OH)3 is the weakest base?
28) Iron exhibits+2 & +3 oxidation states. Write their electronic configuration. Which will be more
stable? Why?
29) Write the factors which are related to the colour of transition metal ions.
30) Why Fe3+ is more stable than Fe2+?
31) Why +2 oxidation state of manganese is more stable?
32) Explain 63Eu and 70Yb show +2 oxidation state.
33) Explain why does lanthanum forms La3+ ion, while Cesium forms Ce4+ ion.
9. Coordination compound
1. Define ligand. How are ligands classified? Explain with suitable examples.
2. Define co−ordination number. What is the co−ordination number of Pt in [Pt (NH3) Cl5]?
3. Illustrate with example, the difference between a double salt and a co−ordination compound.
7. Explain:- (a) Linkage isomers (b) Co−ordination isomers (c) Ionization isomers (d) Solute
Ag2O C2H5ONa
(a) C2H5B + ⎯⎯⎯
⎯→ A ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
SOCl ,
B ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ C ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ C2H5OH + D
2 2
(c) ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 2
HBr, 273K
→ A ⎯⎯⎯⎯
2 2
→B + N2
4. What is metamerism?
13. How the primary alcohol is prepared from epoxide by the action of Grignard reagent.
15. Write the chemical test to distinguish between propan−1−ol, propan −2−ol and 2−methyl−propan −
22. Boiling point of alcohols are much higher than those of the corresponding alkanes. Explain.
23. Write the reactions involved in dehydration of 1, 2, and 3 alcohols.
24. Explain the continuous etherification process for the preparation of diethyl ether.
29. Write two uses of : (a) Alcohols (b) Ethers (c) Phenols.
13. Amines
12. What is an action of following on aniline (a) Bromine water (b) hot and conc. sulphuric acid
(c) acetic anhydride (d) conc. HNO3 and Conc. H2SO4
14. What is the action of nitrous acid or mixture of (NaNO2 + HCl) on −(a) Ethyl amine (b) Aniline
15. What is the action of benezendiazonium chloride on (a) Phenol (b) Aniline.
16. Write a short note on coupling reaction.
19. What is the action of acetic anhydride on ethylamine, diethylamine and triethylamine?
21. How you will convert aniline into – a) Chlorobenzene b) Bromobenzene c) Iodobenzene
d) Fluorobenzene e) Benzene f) Phenol g) Benzonitrile h) Nitrobenzene
22. Distinguish between ethylamine, diethylamine and triethylamine by using Hinsberg’s reagent.
25. Why are primary aliphatic amines stronger bases than ammonia.
14. Biomolecules
1. Define carbohydrates. How they are classified?
2. How glucose is prepared from (a) Sucrose or cane sugar (b) Starch
3. What is the action of following on glucose.
(a) Hydroxyl amine (NH2OH)
(b) Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
(c) Acetic anhydride
(d) Bromine water
(e) Dilute nitric acid (dil. HNO3)
4. What are monosaccharides? Draw ring structure of − D − (+) − Glucopyranose and − D− (+) −
9. What are amino acids? Write the correct reaction for formation of peptide bond between amino
12. How the proteins are classified on the basis of molecular shapes?
14. Define
(1) Nucleotides
(2) nucleoside
4) Write the name and structure of monomer used, preparation reaction and uses of following
i) Terylene or Dacron
ii) Nylon-6
iii) Polyisoprene
iv) Polythene (High density)
v) Low density Polythene
vi) Teflon
vii) Polyacrylonitrile
viii) Nylon 6,6
ix) Bakelite
x) Melamine formaldehyde resin
xi) SBR (Buna-5)
xii) Neoprene
xiii) PHBV
i) Elastomers ii) Fibers iii) Thermoplastic polymers iv) Thermosetting polymers v) Homopolymers
vi) Copolymers vii) Vulcanization of rubber