IG 0123 Mock 3 Paper 2 Q
IG 0123 Mock 3 Paper 2 Q
IG 0123 Mock 3 Paper 2 Q
Write your name, class, subject and roll number in your answer booklet.
● Write your name, class and roll number at the top of the page.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets ( ) at the end of each question or part question.
• an ultraviolet lamp
(a) The ultraviolet lamp attracts many flying insects towards the device.Ultraviolet is an electromagnetic
1 .....................................................................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................................................................
(ii) Which of these electromagnetic radiations has a frequency greater than ultraviolet? (1)
A infrared
B gamma rays
C radio waves
D visible light
(b) The transformer supplies an output voltage of 2000 V a.c. to the wire grid.The input voltage to the
transformer is 230 V a.c.
(ii) State the relationship between input (primary) voltage, output (secondary) voltage, primary turns
and secondary turns. (1)
(iii) There are 110 turns on the primary coil. Calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil. (3)
(iv) Suggest a reason why there is a plastic mesh on the outside of the device. (1)
2. (a) The diagram shows the fuel used in some nuclear reactors. The fuel is contained inside spheres.
The silicon carbide layer of each sphere is designed to contain the fission products for at least one
million years.
(i) Give the name of a fuel that could be used. (1)
(iii) Explain why it is important to contain these fission products for such a long time. (2)
(iv) The graphite layer in every fuel sphere acts as a moderator. What is the function of the moderator in
a nuclear reactor? (1)
(v) The nuclear reactor also contains boron control rods. Explain why it is dangerous to remove most of
the control rods from the reactor. (2)
(b) The reactor is cooled with helium gas. The gas enters the reactor at 500 °C.
temperature = ............................................. K
(ii) Helium gas enters the reactor at a pressure of 8.40 MPa and leaves the reactor at a temperature of
1170 K. Calculate the pressure of the helium gas as it leaves the reactor.
The company wants to develop a renewable method of generating electricity for the homes.
● solar cells
● wind turbines
● geothermal
The ripple tank produces plane waves.These waves hit a barrier with a gap in it.
The student keeps the wavelength constant but varies the size of the gap in the barrier. Complete the
diagrams to show what happens to the plane waves as they go through the
(i) State the relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave. (1)
(ii) Waves in the deep part of the ripple tank have a speed of 6.0 cm/s and a wavelength of 4.0cm.Waves
in the shallow part of the ripple tank have a speed of 4.0 cm/s. The frequency of the waves stays the
same. Show that the wavelength in the shallow part of the ripple tank is approximately 3 cm. (3)
(a) (i) Explain how a moving car becomes electrically charged. (2)
(ii) Why does this charge remain on the car after it has stopped moving? (1)
(b) Some people prefer to prevent their car from becoming charged. They do this by fixing a metal strap
underneath the car. The metal strap rubs on the ground as the car moves.
(ii) Explain how the metal strap prevents a car from becoming charged. (2)
The charger and the toothbrush each have a coil of wire inside them. The diagram shows how the two
coils are linked by a U-shaped core.
This arrangement of core and coils acts as a transformer that reduces voltage.
(a) (i) Name the type of transformer that reduces voltage. (1)
(ii) Explain why the core is made of a soft magnetic material, such as iron. (2)
(b) (i) State the equation linking the input (primary) and output (secondary) voltages and the turns ratio
of a transformer. (1)
(ii) The transformer has 520 primary turns and 30 secondary turns. The input voltage to the transformer
is 44 Calculate the output voltage. (2)
(c) (i) The alternating current in the transformer has a frequency of 27 000 Hz.
The toothbrush vibrates at the same frequency when it is being charged. Explain why these vibrations
cannot be heard. (2)
(ii) A circuit in the toothbrush delivers regular pulses of direct current. There is a pulse every 1.5 ms.
frequency = ............................................... Hz
(i) Star C is much more powerful than star A. Stars A and C appear to have the same brightness when
viewed from Earth. Suggest how this is possible. (1)
(ii) Using information from the table, explain which star is in the supernova stage of its evolution.(3)
(ii) The astronomers investigated supernovas that showed a red-shift in the wavelengths detected in
different galaxies.
The astronomers discovered that the red-shifted light detected from supernovas in nearby galaxies had
shorter wavelengths than the red-shifted light detected from supernovas in galaxies further away.
Explain how this discovery supports the Big Bang theory. (4)
(b) The student uses this apparatus to investigate how the resistance of a thermistor changes with
(i) Explain why the student places the thermistor in a beaker of water. (2)
(ii) The student also uses a voltmeter and an ammeter. How should the voltmeter and the ammeter be
connected in his circuit? (1)
(ii) Suggest how the student obtains readings below room temperature. (1)