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VITEEE 2015 Question Paper

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination

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(a) electrons can be emitted with any energy

with a maximum of E0
1. When a hydrogen atom is raised from ground (b) no electrons will be emitted as only photons
energy level to excited energy level, then can emit electrons
(a) potential energy increases and kinetic (c) electrons can be emitted but all with an
energy decreases energy E0
(b) kinetic energy increases and potential
(d) electrons can be emitted with any energy
energy decreases
(c) Both KE and PE increase with a maximum of E0 – f , where being
(d) Both KE and PE decrease work function
2. The half life for -decay of uranium 92U228 is 7. An n-type semiconductor is
4.47 × 108 yr. If a rock contains 60% of original (a) neutral
228 atoms, then its age is
92U (b) positively charged
[take log 6 = 0.778, log 2 = 0.3] (c) negatively charged
(a) 1.2 × 107 yr (b) 3.3 × 108 yr (d) negatively or positively charged
(c) 4.2 × 10 yr (d) 6.5 × 109 yr depending on the amount of impurity added
3. A nuclear transformation is given by 8. In the half wave rectifier circuit operating with
Y ( n, ) ® 3 Li 7 . The nucleus of element Y is 50 Hz mains frequency. The fundamental
frequency in the ripple will be
(a) 5Be 11 (b) 5B10
9 (a) 100 Hz (b) 20 Hz
(c) 5B (d) 6C12
(c) 50 Hz (d) 25 Hz
4. The angular momentum of an electron in Bohr’s
hydrogen atom whose energy is –3.4 eV, is 9. The input resistance of a common emitter
amplifier is 330 and the load resistance is 5
5h h
(a) (b) k . A change of base current is 15 µA results in
2p 2p
the change of collector current by 1mA. The
h 2h voltage gain of amplifier is
(c) (d)
p 3p (a) 1000 (b) 10001
5. When the momentum of a photon is changed by (c) 1010 (d) 1100
an amount p’ then the corresponding change 10. To get an output y = 0 from the circuit shown in
in the de-Broglie wavelength is found to be the figure, the input C must be
0.20%. Then, the original momentum of the
photon was A
(a) 300 p’ (b) 500 p’ B y
(c) 400 p’ (d) 100 p’ C
6. Suppose a beam of electrons with each electron (a) 0 (b) 1
having energy E0 incident on a metal surface
(c) either 0 or 1 (d) None of these
kept in an evacuated chamber. Then ,
11. Equal charges q each are placed at the vertices is
of an equilateral triangle of side r. The magnitude
(a) 10 (b) 30
of electric field intensity at any vertex is
(c) 20 (d) 40
2q q 17. In a potentiometer experiment, the balancing
(a) (b)
4pe0 r 2 4pe 0 r 2 length of a cell is 560 cm. When an external
resistance of 10 is connected in parallel to
3q 2q the cell, the balancing length changes by 60
(c) (d)
4pe0 r 2 4pe 0 r 2 cm.The internal resistance of a cell is
12. Two points masses, m each carrying charges -q (a) 1.4 (b) 1.6
and +q are attached to the ends of a massless (c) 0.12 (d) 1.2
rigid non-conducting wire of length ‘L’. When 18. Two sources of equal emf are connected to a
this arrangement is placed in a uniform electric resistance R. The internal resistance of these
field, then it deflects through an angle i. The sources are r1 and r2 (r1 > r2 ). If the potential
minimum time needed by rod to align itself along difference across the source having internal
the field is resistance r2 is zero, then
mL p mL ær + r ö
R = r2 ççç 1 2 ÷÷÷
2p r1r2
(a) (b) (a) R= (b)
qE 2 2qE r2 - r1 è r2 - r1 ø÷

3mL æ rr ö
qE (c) R = çç 1 2 ÷÷÷ (d) R = r2 – r1
çè r2 + r1 ø÷
13. A condenser of capacitance C is fully charged 19. An electron of mass 9.0 × 10–31kg under the
by a 200V supply. It is then discharged through action of a magnetic field moves in a circle of
a small coil of resistance wire embedded in thermally radius 2 cm at a speed of 3 × 106 m/s. If a proton
insulated block of specific heat 250 J/kg-K and of mass 1.8 × 1027 kg was to move in a circle of
of mass 100 g. If the temperature of the block same radius in the same magnetic field, then its
rises by 0.4 K, then the value of C is speed will become
(a) 300µF (b) 200µF (a) 1.5 × 103 m/s (b) 3 × 106 m/s
(c) 400µF (d) 500µF 4
(c) 6 × 10 m/s (d) 2 ×106 m/s
14. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with 20. A horizontal rod of mass 0.01kg and length 10
air as medium is 3 µF. As a dielectric is introduced cm is placed on a frictionless plane inclined at
between the plates, the capacitance becomes 15 an angle 60° with the horizontal and with the
µF. The permittivity of the medium in length of rod parallel to the edge of the inclined
C2N–1m–2 is plane. A uniform magnetic field is applied
(a) 8.15 × 10–11 (b) 0.44 × 10–10 ‘Vertically downwards. If the current through the
(c) 15.2 × 1012 (d) 1.6 × 10–14 rod is 1.73 A, then the value of magnetic field
15. The masses of three copper wires are in the induction B for which the rod remains stationary
ratio 2 : 3 : 5 and their lengths are in the ratio on the inclined plane is
5 : 3 : 2.Then, the ratio of their electrical (a) 1 T (c) 3 T
resistances is (b) 2.5 T (d) 4 T
(a) 1 : 9 : 15 (c) 2 : 3 : 5 21. A current of 2 A is flowing in the sides of an
(b) 5 : 3 : 2 (d) 125 : 30 : 8 equilateral triangle of side 9 cm. The magnetic
16. A 30V-90W lamp is operated on a 120 V DC line. field at the centroid of the triangle is
A resistor is connected in series with the lamp in (a) l.66 ×10–5 T (b) 1.22 × 10–4 T
order to glow it properly. The value of resistance (c) 1.33 × 10 T –5 (d) 1.44 × 10–4 T
22. The direction of magnetic field dB due to current 28. A coil of area 5 cm2 having 20 turns is placed in
element dl at a distance r is the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 103gauss. The normal
(a) r × dl (b) dl × r to the plane of coil makes an angle 30° with the
(c) (rdl)r (d) dl magnetic field. The flux through the coil is
23. A galvanometer with a scale divided into 100 (a) 6.67 × 10–4 wb (b) 3.2 × 10–5 Wb
equal divisions has a current sensitivity of 10 (c) 5.9 × 10–4 wb (d) 8.65 × 10–4 wb
divisions per milliampere and a voltage 29. The current graph for resonance in LC circuit
sensitivity of 2 divisions per millivolt. The is
galvanometer resistance will be
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) 7
24. The earth is considered as a short magnet with (a)
its centre coinciding with the geometric centre
of earth. The angle of dip related to the
magnetic latitude as
(a) tanf = (b) tan = 2tan f
2 tan Z

(c) tan = 2tan f (d) tanf = 2tan

25. Which of the following statement related to
hysteresis loop is incorrect?
(a) The curve of B against H for a
ferromagnetic material is called hysteresis
loop I
(b) The area of B-H curve is a measure of power
dissipated per cycle per unit area of the
(c) Coercitivity is a measure of the magnetic
field required to destroy the residual
magnetism of ferromagnetic material
(d) The retentivity of a specimen is the measure Z
of magnetic field remaining in the specimen
when the magnetising field is removed
26. A magnetic needle lying parallel to the magnetic (d)
field requires W units of work to turn it through
an angle 45°. The torque required to maintain
the needle in this position will be 30. The value of inductance L for which the current
is maximum in series LCR circuit with C =10 µF
1 and =1000 rad/s
(a) 2W (b)
3W (a) 10 mH (b) 50 mH
(c) 200 mH (d) 100 mH
(c) ( 2 -1)W (d) 31. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an
( 2 -1) angle of 30°. At what angle with the horizontal
27. An induced emf has must a plane mirror be placed so that the
(a) a direction same as field direction reflected ray becomes vertically upwards?
(b) a direction opposite to the field direction (a) 40° (b) 20°
(c) no direction of its own (c) 30° (d) 60°
(d) None of the above
32. A compound microscope having magnifying 38. Pick out the wrong statement.
power 35 with its eye-piece of focal length 10 (a) Gauss’s law of magnetism is given by
cm. Assume that the final image is at least
distance of distinct vision then the magnification ò B · ds = 0
produced by the objective is (b) An EM wave is a wave radiated by a charge
(a) –4 (b) 5 at rest and propagates through electric field
(c) 10 (d) –10
(c) A time varying electric field is a source
33. The refractive index for a prism is given as
of changing magnetic field
A (d) Faraday’s law of EM induction is
m = cot . Then, angle of minimum deviation
2 d fB
in terms of angle of prism is ò E.dl = – dt
(a) 90°–A (b) 2A 39. When sunlight is scattered by atmospheric
(c) 180°–A (d) 180°–2A atoms and molecules the amount of scattering
34. Two convex lenses of power 2D and 5D are of light of wavelength 880nm is A. Then, the
amount of scattering· of light of wavelength
1 330 nm is approximately
separated by a distance m. The power of
3 (a) 10 A (b) 20 A
optical system formed is (c) 40 A (d) 50.5 A
(a) + 2 D (b) –2 D 40. The ratio of volume occupied by an atom to the
(c) – 3 D (d) + 3 D volume of the nucleus is
35. Two light rays having the same wavelength in (a) 105:1 (b) 1020 :1
(c) 10 :1 (d) 1:1015
vacuum are in phase initially. Then, the first ray
travels a path L1through a medium of refractive
index µ1 while the second ray travels a path L2 PART - II (CHEMISTRY)
through a medium of refractive index µ2. The
41. When copper is treated with a certain
two waves are then combined to observe
concentration of nitric acid, nitric oxide and
interference. The phase difference between the
nitrogen dioxide are liberated in equal volumes
two waves is
according to the equation,
2p æç L1 L2 ö÷ 2p xCu + yHNO3 ¾¾ ® Cu(NO3)2 + NO
ç - ÷÷ ( L2 - L1 )
èç m1 m 2 ø÷
(a) (b) + NO2 + H2O
The coefficients of x and y are respectively
2p 2p (a) 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 6
(c) (m 2 L1 -m1L2 ) (d) (m1L1 -m 2 L2 )
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 8
36. Two polaroids are kept crossed to each other. If 42. A saturated solution of H2S in 0.1 M HCl at 25°C
one of them is rotated an angle 60°, the contains S2– ion concentration of 10–23 mol L–1.
percentage of incident light now transmitted The solubility product of some sulphides are
through the system is CuS=10–44, FeS = 10–14, MnS = 10–15, CdS =
10–25. If 0.01 M solution of these salts in 1M
(a) 10% (b) 20% HCl are saturated with H2S, which of these will
(c) 25% (d) 12.5% be precipitated?
37. An electromagnetic wave propagating along (a) All
north lies its electric field vertically upward. The (b) All except MnS
magnetic field vector points towards
(c) AU except MnS and FeS
(a) downward (b) east
(d) Only-CuS
(c) north (d) south
43. Consider the water gas equilibrium reaction,
B ¬¾¾¾¾ ¾ H3 O+
(i) B H /THF
2 6
C(s) + H2O (g) CO (g) + H2(g) 49. (ii) H O /OH –
2 2
Which of the following statements is true at A and B respectively are
(a) If the amount of C(s) is increased, less CH2OH
(a) Both
water would be formed
(b) If the amount of C(s) is increased, more CO
and H2 would be formed (b) Both
(c) If the pressure on the system is increased OH
by halving the volume, more water would CH3
be formed (c) CH2OH,
(d) If the pressure on the system is increased OH
by halving the volume, more CO and H2 CH3
would be formed (d) CH2OH
44. The chemical composition of slag formed during OH,
the smelting process in the extraction of copper 50. A certain metal when irradiated by light (r = 3.2 ×
is 1016Hz) emits photoelectrons with twice kinetic
(a) Cu2O + FeS (b) FeSiO3 energy as did photoelectrons when the same
(c) CuFeS2 (d) Cu2S + FeO metal is irradiated by light (r =2. 0 × 1016Hz).
The v0 of metal is
45. X Cl2 (excess) + Y Cl2 ¾¾
® X Cl4 + Y ¯
(a) 1.2 ×1014 Hz (b) 8 × 1015 Hz
1 16
(c) 1.2 ×10 Hz (d) 4 × 1012 Hz
Y O ¾¾¾
® O2 +Y
2 51. Gaseous benzene reacts with hydrogen gas in
Ore of Y would be, presence of a nickel catalyst to form gaseous
(a) siderite (b) malachite cyclohexane according to the reaction,
(c) hornsilver (d) cinnabar C6H6(g) + 3H2(g) ¾¾ ® C6H12(g)
46. For the given reaction, A mixture of C6H6 and excess H2 has a pressure
H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) ¾¾
® 2H+ (aq) + 2Cl– (aq); of 60 mm of Hg in an unknown volume. After the
gas had been passed over a nickel catalyst and
D Gº = –262.4kJ
all the benzene converted to cyclohexane, the
The value of free energy of formation
pressure of the gas was 30 mm of Hg in the same
( D Gºf ) for the ion Cl–1 (aq), therefore will be volume at the same temperature. The fraction
(a) –131.2 kJ mol–1 (b) + 131.2 kJ mol–1 of C6H6 (by volume) present in the original
(c) –262.4 kJ mol–1 (d) + 262.4 kJ mol–1 volume is
47. The molarity of NO3– in the solution after 2L of (a) 1/3 (b) 1/4
3M AgNO3 is mixed with 3L of 1M BaCl2 is (c) 1/5 (d) 1/6
(a) 1.2 M (b) 1.8 M 52. An alloy of copper, silver and gold is found to
(c) 0.5 M (d) 0.4 M have copper atom constituting the ccp lattice. If
48. Amongest silver atom occupy the edge centres and gold
NO3– , AsO3– 2– – 2– 3–
3 , CO 3 , ClO 3 , SO 3 and BO 3
, atom is present at body centred, the alloy has a
the non-planar species are formula
(a) Cu4 Ag2 Au (b) Cu4 Ag4 Au
(a) CO32– , SO32– and BO32–
(c) Cu4 Ag3 Au (d) CuAgAu
(b) AsO3– – 2–
3 , ClO 3 and SO 3 53. Given, D Gº = – nFE° cell and D Gº = –RT ln k.
The value of n = 2 will be given by the slope of
(c) NO3– , CO32– and BO3–
which line in the figure
(d) SO 32– , NO 3– and BO 3–
58. A compound X on heating gives a colourless
1.0 B gas. The residue is dissolved in water to obtain
Y. Excess CO2 is passed through aqueous
0.5 A solution of Y when Z is formed. Z on gentle
heating gives back X. The compound X is
O In k (a) Ca(HCO3)2 (b) CaCO3

–0.5 C (c) NaHCO3 (d) Na2 CO3

59. Which two sets of reactants best represents
D the amphoteric character of Zn(OH)2?
–1.0 Set I Zn(OH)2(s) and OH (aq)
(a) OA (b) OB Set II Zn(OH)2(s) and H2O (I)
Set III Zn(OH)2(s) and H+ (aq)
(c) OC (d) OD
Set IV Zn(OH)2(s) and NH3 (aq)
54. The false statements among the following are
I. A primary carbocation is less stable than a (a) III and II (b) I and III
tertiary carbocation. (c) IV and I (d) II and IV
C6H5—NO2 ¾¾ ¾® A ¾¾ ¾¾ ® B.
Zn dust cold
II. A secondary propyl carbocation is less 60. NH 4Cl conc. HCl
stable than allyl carbocation.
A and B respectively are
III. A tertiary free radical is more stable than a
primary free radical. (a) NHOH, HO NH2
IV. Isopropyl carbanion is more stable than
ethyl carbanion.
(a) I and II (b) II and Ill (b) NH NH

(c) I and IV (d) II and IV

55. A colourless water soluble solid A on heating H2N NH2
gives equimolar quantities of B and C. B gives
dense white fumes with HCl and C does so with
NH3. B gives brown precipitate with Nessler’s (c) N N
reagent and C gives white precipitate with
nitrates of Ag+, Pb+ and Hg+. A is O
(a) NH4Cl (b) NH4CO3
(c) NH4NO2 (d) FeSO4
(d) None of the above
61. Point out incorrect stability order
56. The IUPAC name of (a) [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ] 2+ < [Cu(en) 2 ] 2+ < [Cu
is (b) [Fe(H2O)6]3+ < [Fe(NO2)6]3– < [Fe (NH3)6]3+
(a) 4-ethyl-5,6,7,9-tetramethyldeca-2, 9-diene (c) [Co(H2O)6]3+ < [Rh(H2O)6 ]3+ < [Ir (H2O)6]3+
(b) 7-ethyl-2,4,5,6-tetramethyldeca-1, 8-diene (d) [Cr(NH3)6 ]+ < [Cr(NH3)6 ]2+ < [Cr (NH3)6]3+
(c) 7-ethyl-2,4,5,6-tetramethyldeca-1, 7-diene 62. Consider the following changes
(d) 7-(1-propenyl)-2,3,4,5-tetramethyl non-1-ene M(s) ¾¾
® M(g) ...(1)
57. Caffeine has a molecular weight of 194 u. If it M(g) ¾¾
® M2+(g) + 2e– ...(2)
contains 28.9% by mass of nitrogen, number of
atom of nitrogen in one molecule of caffeine is M(g) ¾¾
® M+(g) + e– ...(3)
(a) 4 (b) 6 M+ (g) ¾¾
® M2+(g) + e– ...(4)
(c) 2 (d) 3 M(g) ¾¾
® M2+(g) + 2e– ...(5)
The second ionisation energy of M could be 68. The ratio of slopes of Kmax vs V and V0 vs v
determined from the energy values associated curves in the photoelectric effects gives
with (v = frequency, Kmax = maximum kinetic energy,
(a) 1 + 2 + 4 (c) 1 + 5 – 3 v0 = stopping potential)
(b) 2 + 3 – 4 (d) 5–3 (a) the ratio of Planck’s constant of electronic
63. In benzene, the triple bond consists of charge
(a) one sp-sp sigma bond and two p-p pi bonds (b) work function
(b) two sp-sp sigma bonds and one p-p pi bond (c) Planck’s constant
(d) charge of electron
(c) one sp2-sp2 sigma bond, one p-p pi bond
69. With excess of water, both P2O5 and PCl5 give
(d) one sp2-sp2 sigma bond, one sp2-sp2 pi
(a) H3PO3 (b) H3PO2
bond and one p-p pi bond
64. In keto-enol tautomerism of dicarbonyl (c) H3PO4 (d) H4P2O7
compounds; the enol-form is preferred in contrast 70. The dissolution of AI(OH)3 by a solution of
to the keto-form, this is due to NaOH results in the formation of
(a) presence of carbonyl group on each side (a) [AI(H2O)4 (OH)2]+
of —CH2 — group (b) [AI(H2O)3(OH)3]
(b) resonance stabilisation of enol form (c) [AI(H2O)2 (OH)4 ]–
(c) presence of methylene group (d) [AI(H2O)6 (OH)3]
71. Which of the following does not exist?
(d) rapid chemical exchange
65. An organic compound having carbon, (a) Kl + l2 ¾¾
® Kl3
hydrogen and sulphur contains 4% of sulphur.
The minimum molecular weight of the compound (b) KF + F2 ¾¾
® KF3
is (c) KBr + ICl2 ¾¾
® K[BrlCl]
(a) 200 (b) 400
(d) KF+ BrF3 ¾¾ ® K[BrF4]
(c) 600 (d) 800 72. If the ionisation energy and electron affinity of
66. Which one of the following is a case of negative an element are 275 and 86 kcal mol-1 respectively,
adsorption? then the electronegativity of the element on the
(a) Acetic acid solution in contact with animal Mulliken scale is
charcoal. (a) 2.8 (b) 0.0
(b) Dilute KCl solution in contact with blood (c) 4.0 (d) 2.6
charcoal. 73. Which of the following sets of reactants is used
(c) Concentration KCl solution in contact with for preparation of paracetamol from phenol?
blood charcoal. (a) HNO3 , H2 /Pd,(CH3CO)2O
(d) H2 gas in contact with charcoal at 300 K. (b) H2SO4 ,H2 /Pd, (CH3CO)2O
67. The concentrations of the reactant A in the (c) C6H5 N2 Cl, SnCl2/HCl, (CH3CO)2O
reacntion A ® B at different times are given (d) Br2/H2O, Zn / HCl, (CH3CO)2O
74. A certain compound gives negative test with
Concentration (M) Time (Minutes)
ninhydrin and positive test with Benedict’s
0.069 0 solution. The compound is
0.052 17 (a) a protein (b) a monosaccharide
0.035 34 (c) a lipid (d) an amino acid
0.018 51 75. Super glue or crazy glue is
The rate constant of the reaction according to (a) poly (methyl methacrylate)
the correct order of reaction is (b) poly (ethyl acrylate)
(a) 0.001 M/min (b) 0.001 min-1 (c) poly (methyl -cyanoacrylate)
(c) 0.001 min/M (d) 0.001 M-1 min-1 (d) poly (ethyl methacrylate)
80 Which of the following reactions is used to
HNO3 prepare isobutane?
COOH X (a) Wurtz reaction of C2H5Br
Br 2, water (b) Hydrolysis of n-butylmagnesium iodide
(c) Reduction of propanol with red phosphorus
X and Y respectively are and HI
(a) picric acid, 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol
(d) Decarboxylation of 3-methylbutanoic acid
(b) 5-nitrophenol acid, 5-bromosalicylic acid
(c) o-nitrophenol, O-bromophenol
(d) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 3, 5-dibromosalicylic PART - III (MATHEMATICS)
77. In the cannizzaro reaction given below 81. The differential equation

(3x + 4y + 1)dx + (4x + 5y + 1)dy =0
2Ph—CHO ¾¾¾
® represents a family of
(a) circles (b) parabolas
Ph—CH 2 — OH + PhCO-2
(c) ellipses (d) hyperbolas
the slowest step is n

(a) the attack of OH at the carbonyl group 82. If D(r ) = r

n(n + 1)
, then å D(r )
r =1
(b) the transfer of hydride ion to the carbonyl equal to
group n n
(c) the abstraction of a proton from the
carboxylic acid
(a) år
r =1
(b) år
r =1

(d) the deprotonation of Ph-CH2OH n n

78. The reaction of 1-bromo-3-chlorocyclobutane (c) år
r =1
(d) år
r =1

with metallic sodium in dioxane under reflux

conditions gives 83. If A, B, C are three events associated with a
random experiment, then

(a) Cl Cl B C
P ( A) P P B is
(a) P (A B C) (b) P (A B C)
(b) Br Cl
(c) P B (d) P
(c) Br Br é1 3 1 ù
84. If A = êê 2 1 –1úú , then rank (A) is equal to
êë3 0 1 úû
(d) (a) 4 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
79. Identify Z in the following reaction sequence 85. The probability of atleast one double six being
thrown in n throws with two ordinary dice is
CH3CH2 CH2OH ¾¾¾¾®
Conc.H2 SO4
160 –180°C
X greater than 99%.
Then, the least numerical value of n is
(a) 100 (b) 164
(i) Alc. KOH
(ii) NaNH 2
(c) 170 (d) 184
86. Find the value of k for which the simultaneous
(a) CH3 — CH(NH2 ) — CN2 NH2 equations x + y + z = 3; x + 2y + 3z = 4 and x + 4y
(b) CH3 — CHOH — CH2OH + kz = 6 will not have a unique solution.
(c) CH3 — C(OH) = CH2 (a) 0 (b) 5
(d) CH3 — C º CH (c) 6 (d) 7
87. If the complex number z lies on a circle with centre 93. If N is a set of natural numbers, then under binary
1 operation a ·b =a + b, (N, ·) is
at the origin and radius , then the complex (a) quasi-group (b) semi-group
(c) monoid (d) group
number –1+ 8z lies on a circle with radius
(a) 4 (b) 1 dx
(c) 3 (d) 2 94. ò cos x + 3sin x
88. If line y = 2x + c is a normal to the ellipse
1 æx p ö
x2 y 2 (a) log tan çç + ÷÷÷ + C
+ = 1 , then 2 èç 2 12 ø
9 16
1 æx p ö
73 (b) log tan çç - ÷÷÷ + C
5 3 èç 2 12 ø
æ x pö
5 (c) log tan çç + ÷÷÷ + C
7 èç 2 6 ø

æ 1 ö÷
1 æ x pö
log tan çç - ÷÷÷ + C

89. If x2 + x + 1 = 0, then the value of å çççè x

n =1
+ ÷ is
x n ø÷
2 èç 2 6 ø
(a) 13 (b) 12 95. If (2, 7, 3) is one end of a diameter of the sphere
(c) 9 (d) 14 x2 + y2 + z2– 6x –12y –2z + 20 = 0, then the
90. If p : It rains today, q : I go to school, r : I shall coordinates of the other end of the diameter are
meet my friends and s : I shall go for a movie, (a) (–2, 5, –1) (b) (4, 5, 1)
then which of the following is the proportion? (c) (2, –5, 1) (d) (4, 5, –1)
If it does not rain or if I do not go to school, then 96. The two lines x = my + n, z = py + q and x = m y + n ,
I shall meet my friend and go for a movie. z = p y + q are perpendicular to each other, if
(a) (~ p Ù ~ q) Þ (r Ù s ) m p
(a) mm + pp =1 (b) + = -1
(b) ~ ( p Ù q ) Þ ( r Ù s) m' p'
(c) ~ ( p Ú q) Þ (r Ú s) m p
(d) None of these (c) + =1 (d) mm + pp = –1
m' p'
é1 3 1ù
ê ú 97. A tetrahedron has vertices at O(0, 0, 0),
91. If the matrix A = ê –1 2 –3ú then adj (adj A) is A (1, –2, 1), B (– 2, 1, 1) and C (1, –1, 2). Then, the
êë 0 1 2úû
angle between the faces OAB and ABC will be
equal to
æ1ö æ -1ö
é12 36 12 ù é12 26 –12ù (a) cos –1 çç ÷÷÷ (b) cos –1 çç ÷÷÷
ê –12 24 –36 ú ê 24 36 –36úú
çè 2 ø çè 6 ø
(a) ê ú (b) ê
êë 0 12 24 úû êë 0 12 –24úû
æ -1ö æ1ö
(c) cos –1 çç ÷÷÷ (d) cos –1 çç ÷÷÷
é12 -12 36ù çè 3 ø çè 4 ø
ê ú
(c) êê 24 -24 –36úú (d) None of there
êë 0 12 24úû 98. If a line segment OP makes angles of and
4 3
92. Which of the following options is not the
asymptote of the curve with X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. Then, the
3x3 + 2x2y – 7xy2 + 2y3 – 14xy + 7y2 + 4x + 5y direction cosines are
= 0? 1 3 1 1 1 1
(a) , , (b) ,,
-1 5 7 2 2 2 2 2 2
(a) y= x- (b) y = x-
2 6 6
3 3 (c) 1, 3, 1 (d) 1, ,1
(c) y = 2x + (d) y = 3x - 3
7 2
99. If p, q, r are simple propositions with truth values
T, F, T, then the truth value of (~p Ú q) Ù ~ r (c) (4 2 -1) sq units
Þ p is (d) (4 2 +1) sq units
(a) true (b) false 105. If a, b and c are three non-coplanar vectors, then
(c) true, if r is false (d) true, if q is true (a + b – c) · [(a – b) × (b – c) equals
100. On the interval [0, 1], the function x25(1 – x)75 (a) 0 (b) a . b × c
takes its maximum value at the point (c) a. c × b (d) 3a. b × c
106. If there is an error of m% in measuring the edge
(a) 0 (b) of cube, then the percent error in estimating
4 its surface area is
1 1 (a) 2 m (b) 3 m
(c) (d) (c) 1 m (d) 4 m
2 3
107. If the rectangular hyperbola is x2 – y2 = 64. Then,
1 which of the following is not correct?
101. If |z| ³ 3, then the least value of z + is (a) The length of latus rectum is 16
(b) The eccentricity is 2
11 11 (c) The asymptotes are parallel to each other
(a) (b)
2 4
(d) The directrices are x = ± 4 2
1 108. The equation of tangents to the hyperbola
(c) 3 (d) 3x2 – 2y2 = 6, which is perpendicular to the line
x – 3y = 3, are
102. The normal at the point ( at12 , 2 at1 ) on the
(a) y = –3x ± 15 (b) y = 3x ± 6
parabola meets the parabola again in the point
(c) y = –3x ± 6 (d) y = 2x ± 15
( at22 , 2 at 2 ) , then
tan x -1
2 2 109. xlim is equal to
(a) t 2 = -t1 + (b) t 2 = -t1 - ®p / 4cos 2 x
t1 t1
(a) 1 (b) 0
(c) – 2 (d) –1
2 2
(c) t 2 = t1 - (d) t 2 = t1 + 110. The area of the region bounded by the curves
t1 t1 x2 + y2 = 9 and x + y = 3 is
103. If a = ˆi - ˆj + 2kˆ and b = 2ˆi - ˆj + kˆ , then the 9p 1 9p 1
(a) + (b) -
angle between a and b is given by 4 2 4 2
æp 1ö æp 1ö
-1 æ 1 ö
÷ 9 çç - ÷÷÷ 9 çç + ÷÷÷
(a) tan - 1 (1) (b) sin ççç ÷÷ (c) çè 4 2 ø (d)
èç 4 2 ø
è 2ø
111. For any three vectors a, b and c, [a + b, b + c, c + a]
1 1 is
(c) sec–1 (1) (d) tan
3 (a) [a b c] (b) 3 [a b c]
(c) 2 [a b c] (d) 0
104. The area bounded by the curves y = cos x and
p /2

y = sin x between the ordinates x = 0 and x =

112. ò 0
sin 2 x.log tan x dx is equal to
2 (a) 0 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 7
(a) (4 2 - 2) sq units 113. If the mean and variance of a binomial
distribution are 4 and 2, respectively. Then, the
(b) (4 2 + 2) sq units
probability of atleast 7 successes is
3 4 sin t
(a) (b) 117. At t = 0, the function f (t) = has
214 173 t
9 7 (a) a minimum
(c) (d) (b) a discontinuity
256 231
114. The shortest distance between the lines (c) a point of inflexion
(d) a maximum
x -7 y + 4 z -6
= = 118. Using Rolle’s theorem, the equation
3 -16 7
a0xn + a1xn–1 + . . . + an = 0
x -10 y - 30 4 - z
and = = is has atleast one root between 0 and 1, if
3 8 5
a0 a
234 288 (a) + 1 + .... + an-1 = 0
(a) units (b) units n n -1
7 21
a0 a
221 234 (b) + 1 + .... + an-2 = 0
(c) units (d) units n -1 n - 2
3 21
115. If a plane passing through the point (2, 2, 1) and
is perpendicular to the planes 3x + 2y + 4z + 1= 0 (c) na0 + (n -1)a1 + .... + an-1 = 0
and 2x + y + 3z + 2 = 0. Then, the equation of the
plane is a0 a
(d) + 1 + .... + an = 0
(a) 2x – y – z – 1 = 0 (b) 2x + 3y + z –1= 0 n +1 n
(c) 2x + y + z + 3 = 0 (d) x – y + z –1 = 0 119. Which of the following inequality is true for
116. From a city population, the probability of x > 0?
selecting a male or smoker is , a male x
10 (a) log(1 + x) < <x
1+ x
smoker is and a male, if a smoker is already x
5 (b) < x < log (1 + x )
1+ x
selected, is . Then, the probability of x
3 (c) x < log (1 + x ) <
1+ x
(a) selecting a male is x
2 (d) < log (1 + x ) < x
1+ x
(b) selecting a smoker is d 2x
5 120. The solution of - x = k , where k is a
dy 2
(c) selecting a non-smoker is non-zero constant, vanishes when y = 0 and
tends of finite limit as y tends to infinity, is
(d) selecting a smoker, if a male is first selected,
(a) x =k (1 + e–y) (b) x = k(e y + e –y – 2)
8 –y
(c) x = k(e –1) (d) x = k(ey –1)
is given by
1. (a) As r increase, the potential energy p p
increases. Thus, it decreases kinetic
energy of hydrogen atom. So, when an p 0.20 1
atom jumps from one energy level to the p 100 500
higher level, its potential energy increases
and kinetic energy decreases. or, p = 500 p
2. (b) Given: T1/2 = 4.47 × 108 yr 6. (a) The emitted electrons may lie near the
surface and can have a maximum amount
N 60 1 10 of energy E0.
N0 100 2 6 If they are from deep inside, then energy
is less than E0.
Apply logarithm on both sides
7. (a) The n-type semiconductor has excess of
n log2 = log 10 – log 6
n × 0.3 = 1 – 0.778 = 0.22 free electrons for conduction. The total
number of electrons in an atom is equal
0.222 to the total number of protons in the
n 0.74
0.3 nucleus. So, n-type semiconductor is
So, t = nT1/2 = 0.74 × 4.47 × 108 neutral.
or, t = 3.3 × 108 yr 8. (c) The output is obtained for half cycle only
3. (b) Y(n, ) the nucleus splits into -particle in half wave rectifier. Therefore, frequency
and neutrons of the ripple is same as that of the input
A 1 7 4 i.e. 50 Hz.
i.e. Z Y 0n 3 Li 2 He 9. (c) Given: IC = 1mA = 10–3 A
So A + 1 = 7 + 4 A = 10 Ib = 15 A = 15 × 10–6 A
and Z + 0 = 3 + 2 or Z = 5 RL = 5k = 5 × 103 .
Hence, the nucleus of element Y is boron Ri = 330
10 10
5Y = 5B . The voltage gain of an amplifier
4. (c) Energy of electron in nth orbit of hydrogen
atom IC R L
13.6 Ib R i
En eV
n2 10 3
5 103
= 1010
13.6 15 10 6 330
3.4 n2 =4
n2 10. (a) As we know, output of OR gate
or, n = 2 Y=A+ B
Angular momentum of electron Output of AND gate
nh 2h h Y = Y.C
L Y = (A + B).C
2 2
If C = 0 irrespective of A and B, then
5. (b) As, we know de-Broglic wavelength, output Y must be zero.
h 11. (c) Due to charge at A and B magnitude of
p intensity of electric field at point C

1 1 q
E1 E2 .
p 4 0 r2
The rod will become parallel to the field
E2 60° E1 in time .
Cq T mL
60° 4 2 2qE
r r 13. (d) The energy stored in the capacitor
1 1 2
U CV 2 = C 200 = 2C×104 J
2 2
A 60° 60° B This energy is used to heat up the block.
q r q
Let be the rise in temperature, then
heat energy
Net intensity at point C is
Q = ms = 0.1 × 250 × 0.4 = 10J
ER E12 E 22 2E1E 2 cos 60 Now,
2C × 104 = 10

1 3q 10 4
= E12 E12 2E12 3E1 = C 4
5 10
= 500 F
2 2 10
2 4 0r
14. (b) Capacitance of air capacitor
12. (b) Torque when the wire is brought in a
uniform field E. 0A
C0 3 F ....(i)
= qEL sin d
= qEL [ is very small] When a dielectric of permittivity r and
Moment of inertia of rod AB about O dielectric constant K is introduced
between the plates, then
2 2
L L mL2 K 0A
I m m
2 2 2 Capacitance, C 15 F ....(ii)
+q F+q Dividing eq. (ii) by (i), we get
B C d 15
O C0 0A 3
Eq d
–q A K =5
=I . permittivity of the medium
r= 0K
qEL = 8.85 × 10–12 × 5 = 0.44 × 10–10
I mL2 1
2 15. (d) using, R

2 2qEL l1 l2 l3
2 [ = 2 ] R1 : R2 : R3 = A : A : A
mL 1 2 3

2 l12 l 22 l32
= : :
mL V1 V2 V3
Time period of the wire
l12 l 22 l32
2 mL = : :
T 2 m1d m2d m 3d
r1 + r2 + R = 2r2
l12 l22 l32 R = r2 – r1
= : :
m1 m 2 m3 19. (a) Here, the magnetic force (Bqv) will
provide the necessary centripetal force
52 32 22
= : : = 125 : 30 : 8 mv2
2 3 5
16. (b) Resistance of lamp r
V2 30 mv2
R0 10 Bqv
P 90 r
Current in the lamp Bqr = mv
V 30 For electron and proton, the magnetic field
I 3A B, charge q and radius r, all same.
R 0 10 mv = constant
As the lamp is operated on 120V DC, then i.e. meve = mpvp
resistance becomes
me 9 10 31
V 120 vP ve 3 106
R 40 mp 1.8 10 27
i 3
For proper glow, a resistance R is joined = 1.5 × 103
in series with the bulb 20. (a) Here two forces acting on the rod
R = R + R0 simultaneously.
R = R – R0 = 40 – 10 = 30
17. (d) Let us Consider a cell of emf E and iB cos 60°
balancing length l1
E = kl1
potential difference is balanced by length l2.
V = kl2 60°
Internal resistance of the cell mg sin 60°
60° mg mg cos 60°
E V E l1
r R 1 R 1 R
V V l2 From FBD, mg sin 60 = Bil cos 60°
560 56 B tan 60
= 1 10 1 10 il
560 60 50
0.01 10
6 = 3 1T
= 1.2 173 0.1
5 21. (c) Due to current through side AB Magnetic
18. (d) Let the emf of each source be E. When field at the centre O
they are connected in series, the current
in the circuit 0I
B1 sin 1 sin 2
4 a
E tot E E 2E
I =
R tot r1 r2 R r1 r2 R C
potential drop across the cell of internal
2E I I
resistance r2 , r r R r2 O
1 2
2E 2
Hence, E r2 0 a
r1 r2 R A D I B
As the magnetic field due to each of the 24. For a dipole at position (R, Q)
three sides is the same in magnitude and
direction. 0 2M cos
BR . ....(i)
Total magnetic field at O is sum of all the 4 R3
0 M sin
3 0I and BQ . ....(ii)
i.e. B = 3B1
4 a
sin 1 sin 2 4 R3
Also tan ....(iii)
Here, tan 1 tan 60
OD a
9 10
2 3 2 3
Now B S
4 10 2 N
= 3 2
sin 60 sin 60
9 10
2 3
Dividing eq. (i) by (ii)
4 3 5 3 3
= 10 BR 2 cos
9 2 2 2 cot ....(iv)
BQ sin
= 1.33 × 10–5
From eq. (iii) and (iv)
22. (b) The direction of dB is the direction of
tan = –2cot
vector dl × r. From right hand screw rule, From figure, = 90° +
if we place a right handed screw at the tan = – 2 cot (90 + )
point where the magnetic field is needed tan = 2 tan
to be determined and turn its handle from 25. (b) The hysteresis loop i.e. area of B-H curve
dl to r, then the direction in which the is a measure of energy dissipated per cycle
screw advances gives the direction of field per unit volume of the specimen. It
dB. depends on the nature of magnetic
23. (b) Given: current sensitivity = 10 div/mA and material.
there are 100 division on the scale. 26. (d) Work done by magnet to turn from angle
Current required for full scale deflection. 1 to 2
W = MB(cos 1 – cos 2)
Ig 100mA 10mA = 0.01 A = MB (cos0° – cos 45°)
Also voltage sensitivity = 2 div/mV 1 2 1
= MB 1 MB
voltage required for full scale deflection 2 2
1 Also torque acting on the magnet
Vg 100mV 0.05V
2 MB
= MB sin 45° =
Galvanometer resistance is given by 2
Vg 0.05 W
G 5 W 2 1.
Ig 0.01 2 1
27. (c) From Lentz’s law, the direction of induced
emf in a circuit is such that it opposes the XL = XC L
magnetic flux that produces it. C
So, if the magnetic flux linked with a
closed circuit increases the induced 1 1
L 2 = 2 6
current flows in a direction so as to C 100 10 10
develop a magnetic flux in the opposite
direction of original flux. 1
If the magnetic flux linked with a closed L= H = 0.1 H = 100 mH
circuit decreases then the induced current
31. (c) When a light ray falls on a mirror at an
flows in the same direction of original
flux. So, the induced emf has not direction angle 30°, then the reflected ray will make
of its own. the same angle with the plane as shown
28. (a) Given : N = 20 in Fig. (i)
B = 103 gauss
= 103 × 10–4 T = 0.1T Normal Reflected ray
A = 5 cm2 = 5 × 10–4 m2 Incident ray
= 80° 30°
Flux through the coil 30°
= NBA cos
= 20 × 0.1 × 5 × 10–4 × cos 30°
30° 30° 30°
3 (i) (ii)
= 10 10 4 = 5 3 10 4
865 10 4 wb
In order to make the reflected ray vertical,
1 the mirror should be rotated at an angle
29. (c) In LC circuit, if XL = XC then of 60°.
So, th e mirror should be tilted by
I0 , so Z I0
0. 60
30 Fig. (ii)
1 32. (d) For a compound microscope, magnifying
As is the natural power
MP = me × m0
frequency of LC circuit, therefore for an When the final image is at least distance
LC circuit if the frequency of applied AC of distance vision then
becomes equal to the natural frequency of
an AC circuit then the amplitude of D
Me 1
current becomes infinite due to zero fe
30. (d) Maximum current flows in the circuit in D
MP m0 1
resonance condition Current in the LCR fe
V 35 m0 1
i 10
R2 XL XC –35 = m0 × 35
For current to be maximum denominator m0 = –10
should be minimum The negative sign shows that the image
(XL – XC)2 = 0 formed by objective is inverted.
33. (d) Using prism formula, 36. (d) Let the intensity of unpolarised light be
A m I0, so the intensity of first polaroid is
sin 2
....(i) On rotating through 60°, the intensity of
sin light from second polaroid
I0 2 I0 1 I0
where, A = angle of prism I cos 60 = 0.125I0
2 2 4 8
m = angle of minimum deviation
percentage of incident light transmitted
A through the system = 12.5%.
cos 37. (b) As the electromagnetic wave is the crossed
A 2
Given, cot field of electric and magnetic waves, so
2 A
sin the direction of propagation of EM wave
is the direction of vector E × B. Here E is
So, from Eq. (i) upward and (E × B) is towards north.
So, from right hand thumb rule B will be
A A m along east.
cos sin 38. (c) An electromagnetic wave is the wave
2 2
A A radiated by an accelerated charge and
sin sin propagates through space as coupled
2 2
electric and magnetic field. These fields
are oscillating perpendicular to each other.
A A m 39. (d) From Rayleigh’s law of scattering,
sin sin
2 2 2 2 intensity

m= – 2A = 180° – 2A 1
34. (d) Given: 4
P1 = 2D; P2 = 3D
1 I1 2
d m
3 I2 1

1 1 1 d 4 4
I1 330 3 81
We know that F f1 f2 f1.f2 I2 880 8 4096
Equivatent power,
P = P1 + P2 – dP1. P2 I2 Å 50.557 Å
1 40. (c) As we knows, radius of an atom,
=2+3– × 2 × 3 = 3D –10 m
A 10
35. (d) First ray optical path = 1 L1 radius of nucleus,. B 10–15 m
second ray optical path = 2 L2 So, ratio of their volumes
So, phase difference 4 3
rA 3 3
2 2 VA 3 rA 10 10
× path difference = x
VN 4 3 =
rN IN 10 15
1L1 2 L2 VA : VN = 1015 : 1
PART - II (CHEMISTRY) 264.4 = [2 G 0f (H+) + 2 G f (Cl–)]
41. (b) Balanced equations are
or 264.4 = – G 0f H 2 G 0f Cl 2
3Cu 8HNO 3 3Cu NO3 2
2NO 4H 2O
...(i) = 0 2 G f Cl 0 0

Cu 4HNO3 Cu NO3 2NO 2 2H 2O

2 or, 262.4 2 G 0f Cl
Here NO and NO2 are evolved in equal G 0f Cl
or, = –131. 2kJmol–1.
volumes, hence, on adding Eqs. (i) and
(ii) 47. (a) 2L of 3M AgNO3 will contains 6 moles of
4Cu + 12 HNO3 4Cu(NO3)2 AgNO3.
3L of 1 M BaCl2 will contain 3 moles of
+ 2NO + 2NO2 + 6H2O BaCl2.
or 2Cu + 6HNO3
2AgNO3 + BaCl2 2AgCl
2Cu(NO3)2 +NO + NO2+3H2O + Ba(NO3)2.
Hence, coefficients x and y of Cu and So, 6 moles of AgNO3 will react with 3
HNO3 are 2 and 6 respectively. moles on BaCl2 it means, two solution will
42. (c) [S2–] = 10–23 mol L–1. react completely to form 3 moles of
[M2+] = 10–2M Ba(NO3)2 6 moles of NO3 ions in 2 +
Ionic product, K1P = [M2+] [S2–] = 10–25,
3 = 5L solution
ionic product is greater than Ksp of CuS
and CdS. 6
Hence, molarity of NO3 = 1.2 M
Therefore, all except MnS and FeS are 5
48. (b) AsO33 , CIO33 , an d SO32 have sp 2
CO g H2 g
43. (c) K hybridisation and hence are non-planar
H2 O g
species, while NO3 , CO32 and BO33
Concentration will increase, on halving have sp2 hybridisation and hence are
the volume. There are two terms in planar species
numerator. So to keep K constant, 49. (d)
concentration of [H2O] should increase
much more. H3O+ CH3
44. (d) During smelting process of copper from CH2
Markownikoff's OH
copper pyrites reactions are addition (A)
(i) B2H6/THF Anti-Markownikoff's
Cu2O+FeS Cu2S + FeO (ii) H2O2/OH

2FeS + 3O2 2FeO + 2SO2

45. (d) SnCl2 + HgCl2 SnCl4 + Hg
(xCl2) (yCl2) (xCl2) (y)
50. (b) (KE)1 = hv1 – hv0
1 (KE)2 = hv2 – hv0
HgO Hg O2
400 C 2 As, (KE)1 = 2 × (KE)2
hv1 – hv0 = 2(hv2 – hv0)
So ore of is HgS i.e., Cinnabar.
or, hv0 = 2hv2 – hv1
46. (a) ( G°)reaction = G 0f (Products) or, v0 = 2v2 – v1
= 2× (2 × 1016) – (3.2 × 1016)
– G 0f (reactants) = 0.8 × 1016 Hz = 8 × 1015 Hz
51. (d) Let initially, pressure of C6H6 (g) is p1 H2 NHgO.Hgl + 7KI + H2O
mm and for H2(g) is p2 mm brown ppt.
p1 + p2 = 60 mm ....(i) iodine of Million’s base
After the reaction pressure of
C6H6(g) = 0 (as all C6H6 has reacted) HCl MNO3 MCl HNO3
H2(g) = p2 – 3p1 C white ppt.
So, total pressure = p2 – 3p1 + p1 = 30
(M = Ag+, Pb+, Hg+)
p2 – 2p1 = 30 mm ....(ii)
On solving equation (i) and (ii) 7 5 3
p1 = 10 mm, p2 = 50 mm 6 4 2 1
Fraction of C 6H6 by volume = moles 56. (b)
10 1 9
fraction fraction of pressure = 10
60 6
52. (c) In the unit cell number of Cu atoms The correct IUPAC name is 7-ethyl- 2, 4, 5,
(fcc/ccp) 6-tetramethyldeca-1, 8-diene
57. (a) M.wt. of caffeine = 194 u
1 1 % of N present in one molecular of
= 8 6 4
6 2 caffeine is 28.9% of
As Ag atoms occupying edge centred 28.9
194u 194 56 u
1 100
= 12 × 3
4 Mass of one N atom = 14 m
and Au atoms are presents at the body = 1N atom ( 14 m = 14 u)
centred = 1
formula, Cu4Ag3Au. 56u N atom 4N atom
53. (b) As we know that –nFE°cell = –RT In k or 14
RT 58. (b) CaCO3 CaO CO 2
E cell ln k.
nF X Colourless
Plot of ln k or E°cell will have slope gas
1 RT
2 F CaO H 2O Ca OH 2
54. (d) Since 2° propyl carbocation is little more Re sidue Y
stable than allyl carbocation and ethyl
carbanion is more stable than isopropyl Ca OH 2 2CO2 Ca HCO3 2
Y Excess Z
55. (a) NH 4 Cl NH3 HCl
A B C Ca HCO 3 2 CaCO3 CO 2 H 2O
colourless Z x
59. (b) Zn(OH) 2 2O H ZnO 22 2H 2O
Acid Base Salt Water
NH3 HCl NH 4 Cl
B dense white Zn OH 2
2H Zn 2 2H 2O
Acid Salt Water
fumes Base
The amphoteric character of Zn(OH)2 is
NH3 2K 2 HgI 4 3KOH represented by I and III
Nessler 's reagent
64. (b) Resonance stabilisation of enol form is
O – H .....O
Zn dust CH3 – C = CH – C – CH3
60. (a)
NH4CI enol form
A O..........H – O
HCI CH3 – C – CH = C – CH3
keto form
HO NH2 65. (d) The minimum m. wt. must contain at least
B one S atom.
61. (b) Increasing order of stability weight of one S atom
% S 100
(a) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ < [Cu(en)2]2+ minimum m.wt.
< [Cu (trein)2+.
Their formation of entropy increases in 4 100
the same order. Ligand denticity is minimum m.wt.
increased. 32
(b) [Fe(H2O)6]3+ < [Fe(NO2)6]3– minimum m. wt. = 100 800
< [Fe(NH3)6]3+. 4
NH3 is weaker ligand than NO2–. 66. (b) When the concentration of the adsorbate
is less on the surface as compare to its
The correct stability order is
concentration in the bulk is called negative
[Fe(H2O)3+ < [Fe(NH3)6]3+ < [Fe(NO2)6]3–
adsorption. Add from left in this
(c) [Co(H2O)6]3+ < [Rh(H2O)6]3+ adsorption, concentration of dilute KCl
< [Ir(H2O)6]3+ solution is less on the surface of blood
Zeff value increases from Co3+ to Ir 3+. charcoal as compare to its concentration
(d) [Cr(NH3)6]1+ < [Cr(NH3)6]2+ in solution.
< [Cr(NH3)6]3+ 67. (a)
O.S of Cr atom increases from +1 to +3.
62. (d) The amount of energy required to take out Interval Conc.change Rate
an electron from the monopositive cation 0.017
0 17 min 0.069 0.052 0.017 M 0.001
is called second ionisation energy 17
M(g) M2+(g) + 2e– (v) 17 34 min 0.052 – 0.035 0.017M 0.001
M(g) M+ (g) + e– (iii) 0.017
34 51 min 0.035 0.018 0.017 M 0.001
On subtracting eq(iii) form eq. (v)
we get, Rate remains constant. So, it is
independent of concentration, the reaction
M M2+ + e–. is of zero order.
According to rate law
sp2 Rate = K(conc.)0 = 0.001M/min
68. (d) hv = hv0 + ev0.
63. (d) h h
v0 v v0
2 e e
On comparing this equation with the
In benzene, the triple bond consists of one straight line equation, i.e y = mx + c
sp2–sp2 -bond, one sp2–sp2, -bond and The slope of v0 vs v is
one p–p -bond. (v0 is stopping potential)
Likewise, 74. (b) A compound which gives a negative test
hv = hv0 + Kmax. with ninhydrin, it cannot be a protein or
or Kmax = hv–hv0 an amino acid. As, it gives a positive test
Thus, slope of Kmax vs v is with Benedict’s solution. So, it must be a
monosaccharide but not a lipid.
slope 2 h
slope 2
h e CN Polymerisation
slope 1
75. (c) nCH2 = C
69. (c) Both P2 O5 and PCl5 give H3 PO4 With COOCH3
excess of water. Methyl- -cyanoacrylate
P2O5 + 3H2O 2H3PO4
PCl5 + 4H2O H3PO4 + 5HCl CH2
70. (c) Al(OH)3 dissolves in NaOH solution to
give Al OH ion which is supposed to CH2 C
have the octahedral complex species
[Al(OH)4(H2O)2]– in aqueous solution. COOCH3 n
Poly (methyl -cyanoacrylate)
Al OH 3
NaOH aq [Al(OH)4 Super glue of crazy glue
(H2O)2 – (aq) + Na+(aq) 76. (a) Nitration and bromination of salicylic
71. (b) In the absence of d-orbitals F2 does not acid, give picric acid (X) and 2, 4, 6–
combine with F– to form F3–. ion. tribromophenol (Y) respectively.
72. (a) According to Mulliken, electronegativity 1. Decarboxylation
of an atom is average of ionization energy Bromination
and electron affinity (in eV).
2 HNO3
If ionization energy and electron affinity
Salicylic acid
are in kcalmol–1. NO2
IE EA 275 86 Br2/Water Picric acid
n 288 (X)
125 125 OH
73. (a) For the preparation of paracetamol Br Br

2, 4, 6- tribromophenol(Y)
77. (b) Hydride ion transfer to the carbonyl group
Phenol is the slowest or the rate determining step.
NO2 –
(Major isomer) O O
H2/Pd –
OH Ph – C – H
OH Ph – C – H Ph – C – H
OH slow

Paracetamol NH2
Ph – C – OH Ph – C – OH + Ph – C – H
Ph – CH2OH H

78. (d) This is Wurtz reaction. Bromides have

high reactivity than chlorides in Wurtz PART - III (MATHEMATICS)
reaction therefore, reaction occurs from 81. (d) The given differential equation is
Br atoms, (3x + 4y + 1) dx + (4x + 5y + 1) dy = 0
–Br – 2Na Comparing eq. (i) with Mdx + Ndy = 0,
Cl Br Cl + we get
M = 3x + 4y + 1
1-bromo-3-chloro cyclobutane and N = 4x + 5y + 1
+ Here, 4
Cl – Na + NaCl y x
Hence, eq. (i) is exact and solution is given
Bicyclo (1, 1, 0) by
79. (d) 3x 4y 1 dx 5y 1 dy C

CH 3CH 2 CH 2 OH
Conc H 2SO 4
CH 3 CH CH 2 3x 2 5y2
160 180 C 4xy x y C 0
2 2
3x2 + 8xy + 2x + 5y2 + 2y – 2C = 0
Br 2 alc. KOH
CH3CHBr CH 2 Br 3x2 + 2.4xy + 2x + 5y2 + 2y + C = 0 ...(ii)
(Y) where, C = –2C
[CH3C(Br) = CH2 + CH3CH = CHBr] On comparing eq. (ii) with standard form
(A) (B) of conic section
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + C = 0
NaNH 2
CH 3C CH We get,
a = 3, h = 4, b = 5
Alcoh olic KOH brings about Here, h 2 – ab = 16 – 15 = 1 > 0
dehydrobromination of Y and give a Hence, the solution of differential equation
mixture of vinyl bromide (A and B) while represents family of hyperbolas.
NaNH2 being a strong base than alc. r r3
KOH readily brings about 82. (b) r
dehydrobromination of less reactive vinyl 1 n n 1
bromide to give propyne CH3 C CH i.e.
n n
80. (d) 3-methylbutanoic acid gives isobutane on
n r r3
r r 1 r 1
decarboxylation i.e., r 1
1 n n 1
CH3 n(n 1) [n(n 1)]2
3-methylbutanoic acid = 2 2
1 n(n 1)
CH3 CH CH3 + CO2
2 2
n n 1 n n 1
CH3 =
Isobutane 2 4
While Wurtz reaction of C2H5Br gives. 2
n n 1 n
n-butane an d h ydrolysis of n-butyl
= r3
magnesium bromide gives n-butane but 2 r 1
reduction of propanol with HI/P gives
n(log 35 – log 36) < log 0.01
83. (b) P A P P B n[15441 – 15563] < –2
A A – 0.0122n < – 2
0.0122n > 2 n > 163.9
C So, the least value of n is 164.
= P A B P B
A 86. (d) The given system of equations will be
consistent with unique solution, when
= 1 1 1
1 2 3 0
= P A B C 1 4 k
1 3 1 1 3 1 1(2k – 12) + 1 (3 – k) + 1(4 – 2) 0
k – 12 + 3 + 2 0 k–7 0 k 7
84. (d) A 2 1 1 = 0 5 3
3 0 1 0 9 2 87. (d) Given: z
[Applying R2 R2 – 2R1, R3 R3 – 3R1] Let z = – 1 + 8z
z 1 |z 1|
z |z|
1 3 1 8 8
0 5 3 9 1 z 1
R3 R3 R2 z 1 2
17 5 4 8
0 0
5 z lies on a circle with centre (–1, 0) and
radius 2.
rank (A) = 3 88. (c) If the line y = mx + c is a normal to the
85. (b) The probability of getting a double six in
one throw of two dice x2 y2
ellipse 1, then
1 1 1 a2 b2
6 6 36 m 2 (a 2 b2 )2
1 a 2 b2 m 2
p ,
36 [Here, m = 2, a2 = 9 and b2 = 16]
q 1 p 2
9 16

= 2
1 35 9 16 2
36 36
4 49 4 49 196
Now, (p + q)m =
= qn + nC1qn–1p + nC2qn – 2 p2 + .... 9 64 73 73
+ nCrqn–r pr +....+ pn 14
The probability of getting atleast one c
double six in n throws with two dice.
= (q + p)n – qn 89. (b) Given equation is x2 + x + 1 = 0
x = and x 2
n Case I : When x =
n 35
=1 q 1 Then
6 2 6
1 2n 2 1
n xn n 2
1 0.99 n
n 1 x n 1
=( + 2 ) 2 + ( 2 + 4 )2 + ( 3 + 6 )2
n +( 4 + 8)2 + ( 5 + 10)2 +( 6+ 12)2
= (–1)2 + (–1)2 + (2)2 + (–1)2
1 5
+ (–1)2 + (2)2 = 12 So, when m ,c
Case II: When x = 2 2 6
6 2 6 When m = 1, c = –
1 n 2 1 6
xn 2n

n 1 xn n 1
= 12 When m = 3, c = –
90. (b) Correct result is as follows:
(~ p ~ q) (r s)
1 5
or ~(p q) r s Asymptotes are y = x ,
2 6

1 3 1 7 3
y= x– and y = 3x – .
91. (a) A 1 2 3 6 2
0 1 2 93. (b) The structure (N,.) satisfies the closure
|A| = 1.(4 + 3) – 3 (–2 + 0) + 1(–1 –0) property, associativity and commutativity
= 7 + 6 – 1 = 12 but the identity element 0 does not belong
So, adj (adj A) = |A|n – 2 = A to N.
= (12)3 – 2 A = 12A So, N is a semi-group.
1 3 1 dx
94. (a)
= 12 1 2 3 cos x 3 sin x
0 1 2 1 dx
2 1 3
cos x sin x
12 36 12 2 2
= 12 24 36 1 dx
0 12 24 =
2 cos cos x sin sin x
3 3
92. (c) 3(m) = 3 + 2m – + 7m2 2m3
(m) = –14m + 7 m 2 1 dx
2 =
2 2
3(m) = 2 – 14m + 6m cos x
Now, putting 3(m) = 0, we have 3
3 + 2m – 7m2 + 2m3 = 0
(1 – m) (1 + 2m) (3 – m) = 0 = sec x dx
2 3
m ,1,3 1 x
2 = log tan C
2 2 6 4
We know that
c n (m) + n–1(m) = 0, which in the given 1 x
= log tan C
case becomes 2 2 12
c(2 – 14m + 6m2) + (–14m + 7m2) = 0 95. (d) Given sphere is
x2 + y2 + z2 – 6x – 12y – 2z + 20 = 0
14m 7m 2 Centre (3, 6, 1)
c Here, one end of diameter is (2, 7, 3).
2 14m 6m 2
Let the other end of the diameter be (x, y, z)
Centre of the sphere will be the mid-point n1. n 2
of the ends of diameter. cos
n1 n 2
2 x 7 y 3 z
So 3, 6,1 , , 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2
2+x=6 x=4 9 9 9 9 9 9
7 + y = 12 y=5
and 3 + z = 2 z = –1 9 9 9 1
Therefore, (x, y, z) (4, 5, –1) 27 27 3
96. (d) Given lines are
1 1
x = my + n, z = py + q cos
and x = m y + n , z = p y + q 3
Above equations can be rewritten as 98. Let , and be the angles made by the line
segment OP with X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis,
x n y 0 z q
m 1 p
Given: and
x n y 0 z q 4 3
m 1 p We know that, cos2 + cos2 + cos2 = 1
Lines will be perpendicular, if
cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 1
mm + 1 + pp = 0 4 3
mm + pp = –1
97. (c) 2 2
1 1
cos2 1
Y 2 2
1 1
cos 2 1
2 4
A X c os2
C 1
Z c os
Vector perpendicular to face OAB = n1
= ˆi 2ˆj kˆ 2iˆ ˆj kˆ Hence, direction cosines are cos , cos , cos
1 1 1
= 2 1 iˆ 2 1 ˆj 1 4 kˆ i.e. , , .
2 2 2
= 3iˆ 3jˆ 3kˆ 99. (a) ~ p q means F F = F, ~ r means F
[(~ p q) ~ r] p means T
Vector perpendicular to face ABC = n 2 .
100. (b) Let f(x) = x25(1 – x)75, x [0, 1]
= AB AC f (x) = 25x24 (1 – x)75 – 75x25 (1 – x)74
= (–3iˆ 3 ˆj ) ( ˆj kˆ) = 25x24 (1 – x)74 {(1 – x) – 3x}
= 25 x24 (1 – x)74 (1 – 4x)
= 3iˆ 3jˆ 3kˆ + + – –
Since, angle between faces is equal to 0 1/4 1
angle between their normals.
104. (a)
We can see that f (x) is positive for x <
and f (x) is negative for x > .
O /2 3 /2
Hence, f (x) attains maximum at x = .
1 Required area
101. (b) z
4 /4 5 /4
= cos x sin x dx sin x cos x dx
0 /4
1 1
= z– |z| 3 /2
4 4 cos x sin x dx
5 /4

1 1 11 = sin x cos x
cos x sin x
5 /4
= (–z) 3 0 /4
4 4 4
3 /4
+ sin x cos x 5x / 4
1 11
4 4 = 4 2 2 sq units
102. (b) Equation of the normal at point 105. (b) [a + b – c] . [(a – b) × (b – c)
at12 , 2at1 = (a + b – c). [a × b – a × c – b × b + b × c]
on parabola is
= a. (a × b) – a. (a × c) + a. (b × c) + b.
(a × b) – b (a × c) + b. (b × c) – c. (a × b)
y –t1x 2at1 at13
+ c. (a × c) – c.(b × c)
2 = a. (b × c) – b. (a × c) – c. (a × b)
It also passes through at 2 , 2at 2 = [a b c] – [b a c] – [c a b]
=[a b c] + [a b c] – [a b c]
So, 2at 2 t1 at 22 2at1 at13 = [a b c] = a. (b × c)
106. (a) Surface area A of a cube of side x is given
2t 2 2t1 t1 t 22 t12 by A = 6x2.
On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get
t1 t 2 dA
t1 12x
2 Let the change in x be x = m% of x
t2 –t1
t1 mx
a1b1 a2 b2 a3b3 100
103. (c) cos Change in surface area,
a12 a22 a32 b12 b22 b32
A x 12x x
1 2 1 1 2 1 dx
1 1 4 4 1 1
mx 12x 2 m
2 2 2 6 12x
= 1 100 100
6 6 The approximate change in surface area
So, = 0° or = 2
sec 2 = 1 2m
= 6x 2
2 = sec–1(1) 100
= sec–1 (1) = 2m% of original surface area
107. (d) Given equation of rectangular hyperbola
is x2 – y2 = 82 = hlim0 = –1
Length of latusrectum = 2 × (8) = 16 cos h 1 tan h
and eccentricity = 2 110. (c)
The asymptotes are perpendicular lines. B(0,3)
So, x y 0
Now, directrices are
x = 4 2 O
2 x+y=3
108. (a) Equation of hyperbola is
3x2 – 2y2 = 6 x2+y2=9
x2 y2 Area of required region
2 3 1
So, a2 = 2 and b2 = 3 = × Area of circle – Area of OAB
Given, equation of line is x – 3y = 3.
1 1
1 = × × (3)2 – ×3×3
Slope of given line = 4 2
Slope of line perpendicular to given line, 1
m = –3 = 9
4 2
The equation of tangents are 111. (c) [a + b, b + c, c + a]
= (a + b) . [(b + c) × (c + a)]
y mx a 2 m2 b2
= (a + b) . [b × c + b × a + c × c + c × a]
= 3x 2 9 3 = (a + b). (b × c + b × a + c × a)
[ c × c = 0]
= 3x 18 3 = a. (b × c) + a. (b × a) + a.(c × a) + b.
= 3x 15 (b × c) + b. (b × a) + b . (c × a)
= a.(b × c) + b.(c × a)
= [a b c] + [a b c]
tan h 1
4 = [a b c] + [a b c] = 2 [a b c]
tan x 1 lim
109. (d) lim = h 0 /2
x / 4 cos2 x cos 2 h 112. (a) Let I log tan x . sin 2 xdx ...(i)
4 0

I log tan x sin 2 x dx
x h 0 2 2
a a
1 tan h f x dx f a x dx
0 0
1 tan h
= lim /2
h 0 I log cot x. sin 2x dx ....(ii)
cos 2h 0
2 [ sin( – 2x) = sin 2x]
On adding eqs (i) and (ii), we get
1 tan h 1 tan h
= hlim0 sin 2h 1 tanh 2I
log tan x.sin 2x dx
log cot x sin 2x dx
0 0

2 tan h /2
= hlim0 2 sin h cos h 1 tan h = sin 2 x log (tan x.cot x)dx
[ log m + log n = log (m . n)]
sin 2x log 1dx b1 3iˆ –16jˆ 7kˆ
I = 0[ log 1 = 0] and b2 3iˆ 8jˆ 5kˆ
sin 2x log tan x dx 0 a 2 a1 . b1 b2
Shortest distance = b1 b2
113. (c) Here, mean = 4 and variance = 2
np = 4 and npq = 2
npq 2 1 3iˆ 34ˆj 2kˆ . 24iˆ 36ˆj 72kˆ
So, q
np 4 2 = 84
1 1
Then, p = 1 – q = 1 – 72 1224 144 1152 288
2 2 units
Mean = np = 4 84 84 21
1 115. (a) Equation of plane passing through
n× =4 n=8 (2, 2, 1) is
a(x – 2) + b(y – 2) + c(z – 1) = 0 ....(i)
P(X = r) = nCrpr qn–r Since, above plane is perpendicular to
8 3x + 2y + 4z + 1 = 0
8 1 1
= Cr p q and 2x + y + 3z + 2 = 0
2 2
3a + 2b + 4c = 0 ....(ii)
The required probability of atleast 7 and 2a + b + 3c = 0 ....(iii)
successes is [ for perpendicular, a1a2
P(X 7) = P(X = 7) + P(X = 8) + b1b2 + c1c2 = 0]
8 On multiplying eq. (iii) by 2, we get
8 8 1
= C7 C8 4a + 2b + 6c = 0 ....(iv)
2 On subtracting eq. (iv) from eq. (ii), we
8 get
8! 8! 1
= a
7!1! 8!0! 2 c
1 9 a
= 8 1 On putting c in eq. (iii), we get b
2 256 2
x 7 y 4 z 6 a
114. (b) Given, lines are =
3 16 7 2
x 10 y 30 4 z a a
and On putting b = and c = in eq. (i),
3 8 5 2 2
The vector form of given lines are a a
we get a(x – 2) – (y – 2) – (z – 1) = 0
r 7iˆ 4ˆj 6kˆ 3iˆ – 16ˆj 7kˆ 2 2
and r 10iˆ 30ˆj 4kˆ 3iˆ 8jˆ 5kˆ
[2(x – 2) – (y – 2) – (z – 1)] = 0
On comparing these equations with 2x – 4 – y + 2 – z + 1 = 0
r = a1 + b1 and r = a2 + µb2, we get 2x – y – z – 1 = 0
116. (c) Suppose, A : a male is selected
a 7iˆ 4jˆ 6kˆ
1 B: a smoker is selected
a 2 10iˆ 30jˆ 4kˆ Given:
Now, we check the function is maximum
7 2 A 2
P A B ,P A B and P or minimum.
10 5 B 3
The probability of selecting a smoker.. 1 1
f t cos t sin t
t t2
P B 1 1 1 2
A and f t sin t 2 cos t 2 cos t 3 sin t
P t
B t t t

2 3 3
sin t 2 cos t 2 sin t
5 2 5 t t2 t3
The probability of selecting a non-smoker For maximum or minimum value of f(x),
So, P(B) = 1 – P(B) put
f (x) = 0
3 2
=1– = cos t sin t tan t
5 5 0 1
t 2 t
The probability of selecting a male t
P A P A B P A B P B Now tlim0 f t

7 2 3 sin t t cos t sin t

= lim – 2 lim
10 5 5 =
t 0 t t 0 t3
7 4 6 1
= 0
10 2 form
Probability of selecting a smoker, if a male
is first selected, is given by cos t t sin t cos t
= 1 2 lim
B P A B t 0 3t 2
A P A [using L’ Hospital rule]
2 sin t
2 2 4 = 1 lim
= 3t 0 t
5 1 5
2 1
sin t = 1 1 0
117. (d) Given: f(t) = 3 3
So, function f(t) is maximum at t = 0
At t = 0, we will check continuity of the
118. (d) Consider the function f defined by
LHL = f(0 – h) xn 1 xn x2
f x a0 an ... a n 1 anx
sin 0 h sin h n 1 n 2
= hlim0 0 h = lim 1 Since, f(x) is a polynomial, so it is
h 0 h
continuous and differentiable for all x.
RHL = f(0 + h) f(x) is continuous in the closed interval
sin 0 h [0, 1] and differentiable in the open
lim interval (0, 1).
h 0 0 h Also, f(0) = 0
sin h and
= lim 1
a0 a1 a
h h 0
f 1 .... n 1 a n 0 [say]
and f(0) = 1 n 1 n 2
LHL = RHL = f(0) i.e. f(0) = f(1)
So, the function is continuous at t = 0
Thus, all the three conditions of Rolle’s 120. (c) We can write given differential equation
theorem are satisfied. Hence, there is as,
atleast one value of x in the open interval (D2 – 1) x = k ....(i)
(0, 1) where f (x) = 0 d
i.e. a0 xn + a1xn–1 + ....+an = 0 where, D
119. (d) Let f(x) = log 1 x Its auxiliary equation is m2 – 1 = 0, so that
1 x m = 1, –1
1 1 x .1 x.1 Hence, CF = C1ey + C2e–y.
f x where C1, C2 are arbitrary constants
1 x 2
1 x
1 1 x Now, also PI 2
D 1
= 1 x 2 2
1 x 1 x 1
which is positive. [ x > 0] = k. 2 e0.y
D 1
f(x) is monotonic increasing, when x > 0.
f(x) > f(0) 1
K. e0.y K
Now, f(0) = log 1 – 0 = 0 2
0 –1
f(x) > 0 So, solution of eq. (i) is
x x = C1ey + C2e–y – k ....(ii)
log 1 x 0 Given that x = 0, when y = 0
1 x
So, 0 = C1 + C2 – k (From (ii))
x C1 + C2 = k ....(iii)
log 1 x ....(i)
1 x Multiplying both sides of eq. (ii) by e –y,
Also, for x > 0, we get
x2 > 0 x2 + x > x x. e–y = C1 + C2e–2y –ke–y ....(iv)
x(x + 1) > x Given that x m when y , m being
a finite quantity.
x> ....(ii) So, eq (iv) becomes
x 1 x × 0 = C1 + C2 × 0 – (k × 0)
From eqs. (i) and (ii), we get C1 = 0 ....(v)
x From eqs. (iv) and (v), we get
< log (1 + x) < x C1 = 0 and C2 = k
x 1
[ log (1 + x) < x for x > 0] Hence, eq. (ii) becomes
x = ke–y – k = k(e–y –1)

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