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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 3170502 Date: 28/06/2023
Subject Name: Process Equipment Design
Time: 10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Define Equivalent Length. 03
(b) Justify the effects of larger diameter pipe operating cost 04
and fixed cost
(c) A centrifugal pump draws benzene from an overhead tank. 07
Operating vacuum in the tank is 700 Torr. Vertical
distance between free surface of liquid in tank and
centerline of pump is 12 m. Maximum operating
temperature is 50 oC.Vapour pressure of benzene at 50 oC
is 280 Torr. Density of benzene at 50 oC is 870 kg/m3.
Frictional loss in suction line of pump is 1 m of benzene
column. Calculate the (NPSH)Aof centrifugal pump

Q.2 (a) Explain functions of baffles in shell and tube heat 03

(b) How baffle cut and baffle spacing affect shell side heat 04
transfer coefficient
(c) With neat diagram explain Tinker’s flow model 07
(c) Discuss criteria of selection between Kettle-type Reboiler 07
and Thermosyphonreboiler

Q.3 (a) Why expansion joint is provided in fixed tube sheet heat 03
(b) Discuss fluid allocation without phase change 04
(c) Discuss in brief about heating and cooling medium 07
Q.3 (c) Consider a case where condensation is done with 14
subcoolingby cooling water entering at 32oC. Heat duty of
condensation is 1327 KW and heat duty for subcooling is
166 KW. Temperature difference of cooling medium is
8oC.Specific heat of cooling water 1 Kcal/Kg oC
.Calculate the mass flow rates of cooling water required
separately of condensation as well as subcooling and
calculate intermediate temperature of cooling water
utilized for subcooling assuming that entire flow rate of
cooling water is utilized for subcooling first

Q.4 (a) Mention the application of hegstebeck and geddes 03

equation? Discuss the equation.
(b) State the advantages of vacuum distillation. 04
(c) With suitable examples explain the concept of selection of 07
operating pressure for distillation column.
Q.4 (a) State the function of liquid distributors, packing support 03
and hold down plate in packed tower type absorber?
(b) With neat sketch discuss any two types of random packing 04
material used for packed tower type absorber.
(c) Write down selection criteria for packed tower and spray 07

Q.5 (a) Discuss in brief about Flat Heads 03

(b) Discuss about Internal Design pressure 04
(c) State the applications of various types of heads used for 07
pressure vessel design
Q.5 (a) Define Design stress, Corrosion Allowance, Welding 03
Joint efficiency factor.
(b) What is Radiography? How it is being carried out? 04
(c) A nozzle having ID 400 mm is fabricated from S.S 316 07
plate. It is attached by welding to a vessel having ID 1500
mm. Internal design pressure = 10 Kgf/cm2 , design
temperature = 300 C. Maximum allowable stress at design
temperature = 612.4Kg/cm2 . Joint efficiency = 0.85 for
both shell and nozzle, Corrosion allowance = 1.5 mm,
Density of material = 7830 Kg/m3 ,thickness of plate for
shell fabrication is 18mm, use 18 mm 6.35 mm thick plate
for nozzle fabrication, use 18 mm thick plate for
reinforcement plate . Calculate weight of reinforcement


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