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‫إج ﱄ ما يتحمله ما يتحمله‬ ‫كود‬

‫التكلفة العضو وأﴎته الوالدين‬ ‫الخدمة‬

31 26 52 Luteinizing Hormone )LH( 5707

31 26 52 Follicle Stimulating Hormone )FSH( 5722

31 26 52 Prolactin )PRL( 5723

44 37 74 Estradiol )E2( ‫اد ل‬ ‫ ا‬5710

40 34 67 )Parathormone )PTH ‫ن‬ ‫را‬ 5713

35 29 58 Progesterone ‫ون‬ ‫و‬ 5714

43 36 72 Growth Hormone ‫نا‬ 5716

340 284 567 Growth Hormone Clonidine. Stimultion Test 5724

383 319 638 Growth Hormone ITT 5725

Thyroid Evaluation

23 20 39 T3 )Total( 3 ‫ن‬ 5717

23 20 39 T4 )Total( 3 ‫ن‬ 5726

29 24 48 Free T3 3 ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ ا‬5718

29 24 48 Free T4 4 ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ ا‬5727
37 31 61 Free
) Thyroxine
‫و ة‬Index )FTI(
‫ة (اذا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ ا‬5720
31 26 52 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone )TSH( ‫ ا‬.‫اس‬. 5721

( 58 )
28 24 47 Semen Analysis ‫ا ي‬ 5801

32 27 53 Fructose in Semen ‫ت‬ 5802

28 23 46 Stone Analysis ‫ة‬ 5803

‫إج ﱄ ما يتحمله ما يتحمله‬ ‫كود‬
‫التكلفة العضو وأﴎته الوالدين‬ ‫الخدمة‬
( 59 )
99 83 165 Cytology or PAP smear ‫ي‬ 5901

99 83 165 Slide Consultation 1 - 5 Slides ‫ا‬ 5902

132 110 220 Slide Consultation 6 - 10 Slides ‫ا‬ 5913

198 165 330 Slide Consultation more than 10 Slides ‫ا‬ 5914

990 825 1650 Frozen Section ‫ا‬ ‫ري‬ 5904

231 193 385 Fine needle aspiration )fee + sample )FNAC( 5905

165 138 275 Biopsy )Small( Sized specimen )< 2 Cm( 5906

198 165 330 Biopsy )Medium( Sized specimen )> 2 Cm < 10 Cm( 5907

264 220 440 Biopsy )Large( Sized specimen )> 10 Cm( 5908

330 275 550 Radical Resections )all Radicals( )Specimen with lymphnodes( small Organ 5918

528 440 880 Renal Biopsy ‫ا‬ 5920

413 344 688 Radical Resections )all Radicals( )specimen with lymphnodes( 5909

297 248 495 Prostatic Biopsy )1-2 Samples( ) 1-2 ( ‫تا و‬ 5919

479 399 798 Prostatic Biopsy )6 Samples( )‫ ت‬6( ‫تا و‬ 5912

660 550 1100 Prostatic Biopsy )12 Samples( ) 12 ( ‫تا و‬ 5921

231 193 385 Estrogen Receptors )ER+( ‫و‬ ‫تا‬ 5910

231 193 385 Progesteron Receptors )PR( ‫ون‬ ‫تا و‬ 5911

231 193 385 Her - 2 5915

198 165 330 Tumor Tissue Markers IHC marker for e.g. Ki67 ) any stain ( 5916
‫إج ﱄ ما يتحمله ما يتحمله‬ ‫كود‬
‫التكلفة العضو وأﴎته الوالدين‬ ‫الخدمة‬
99 83 165 C-Peptide 7001

316 264 527 Catecholamines in Blood 7002

33 28 55 D-Xylose 7003

46 39 77 Lipase ‫ا م أو أي‬ 7004

38 32 63 Microalbuminuria 7005

38 32 63 Albumin Creatinine Ratio 7013

37 31 62 Protein Creatinine Ratio 7014

26 22 44 Osmolality 7006

46 39 77 Transferrin 7007

231 193 385 )B type Natriuretic Peptide( Pro BNP 7015

40 33 66 Troponin I )Qualitative( 7016

86 72 143 Troponin I )Quantitative( 7008

66 55 110 Vanillyl Mandelic Acid )VMA( 7009

23 20 39 Pregnancy Test in Blood 7010

35 29 58 B-HCG Titer 7011

17 14 28 Bence Jones Protein 7012

Drugs / One Sample

43 36 72 Depakine 7020

53 44 88 Digoxin 7021
‫إج ﱄ ما يتحمله ما يتحمله‬ ‫كود‬
‫التكلفة العضو وأﴎته الوالدين‬ ‫الخدمة‬
43 36 72 Epanutin 7022

40 34 67 Lithium )Li( 7023

59 50 99 Phenobarbital 7024

43 36 72 Tegretol 7025

50 42 83 Anti Thrombin III )AT3( 7030

86 72 143 Platelet Antibodies )Direct( 7032

86 72 143 Platelet Antibodies )Indirect( 7033

33 28 55 Thrombin Time 7034

22 18 36 Ham's Test 7035

83 69 138 D-Dimer 7036

106 88 176 ANCA 7040

61 51 102 AntiCardiolipin lgG 7041

61 51 102 AntiCardiolipin IgM 7042

127 106 212 .Anti CCP 7043

86 72 143 Anti Smith 7044

106 88 176 Anti Ribo Nucleoprotein Ab )Anti RNP( 7045

50 42 83 B2 Microglobulin )Blood( 7046

50 42 83 B2 Microglobulin )Urin( 7047

‫إج ﱄ ما يتحمله ما يتحمله‬ ‫كود‬
‫التكلفة العضو وأﴎته الوالدين‬ ‫الخدمة‬
26 22 44 Cold Agglutinins 7048

22 18 36 Cryoglobulin 7049

40 34 67 Haptoglobin 7050

83 69 138 Biopsy Helicobacter )H. pylori( 7051

52 44 87 Serology for Helicobacter )H. pylori( IgG 7052

52 44 87 Serology for Helicobacter )H. pylori( IgM 7063

52 44 87 Serology for Helicobacter )H. pylori( IgA 7064

189 158 315 HLA B27 by PCR 7053

66 55 110 H. Pylori Ag. in Stool )Qualitative( 7069

112 94 187 H. Pylori Ag. in Stool )Quantitative( 7054

73 61 121 Anti La )SSB( 7055

79 66 132 Lupus Anti-Coagulant 7056

145 121 242 Protein C 7057

145 121 242 Protein S 7058

73 61 121 Anti Ro )SSA( 7059

231 193 385 Tacrolimus )FK( 7060

109 91 182 Cyclosporine )One Sample( 7061

106 88 176 Anti Endomysial )IgA( EMA 7065

106 88 176 Anti Endomysial )IgG( EMG 7066

70 58 116 Anti Phospholipid )IgG( APLG 7067

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