S block 1

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The s-Block Elements

Syllabus: Chemistry of s Block Elements:

(i) General characteristics: melting point, flame colour, reducing nature, diagonal
relationships and anomalous behaviour of first member of each group.
(ii) (ii) Reactions of alkali and alkaline earth metals with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
and water.
(iii) (iii) Common features such as ease of formation, thermal stability and solubility of
the following alkali and alkaline earth metal compounds: hydrides, oxides,
peroxides, superoxides, carbonates, nitrates, sulphates.
(iv) Complex formation tendency of s-block elements; structure of the following
complexes: crown ethers and cryptates of Group I; basic beryllium acetate,
beryllium nitrate, EDTA complexes of calcium and magnesium.
(v) Solutions of alkali metals in liquid ammonia and their properties.

(a) Elements of IA and IIA group of the periodic table are called s-block elements.

(b) For these elements outer s-orbital is in the process of filling.

(c) IA [ns1] group elements are called alkali metals and IIA [ns2] group elements are called alkaline

earth metals.


(a) They are good conductors of heat and electricity.

(b) They are malleable and ductile.

(c) Exhibit group valency of 1 and 2 for IA and IIA groups respectively.

(d) They are prepared by the electrolysis of their fused salts.

(e) They are very reactive as their last shell contains 1 or 2 electrons which can be given off easily

(low ionization potential).

(f) They form colourless compounds except chromates, dichromates etc.

(g) Their cations are diamagnetic.

(h) They form ionic compounds (except Li and Be).

(i) Their solutions in liquid ammonia are good conductor of electricity and are good reductant.

(j) Oxides are basic in nature.


Elements Symbol Atomic number

Lithium Li 3
Sodium Na 11
Potassium K 19
Rubidium Rb 37
Caesium Cs 55
Francium Fr 87

Important physical properties of Alkali metals are given below :

1. Physical State

(a) Soft, silvery white metal having a high and bright lusture when freshly cut.

(b) They all form body centred lattices.

(c) Softness increases with increase of atomic number because there is a continuous decrease

of metallic bond strength on account of an increase in atomic size.

2. Atomic Size :

These elements are largest in size in the period and the atomic size increase in going downwards in

the group.

Order of size :

Be < Li < Mg < Na < Ca < Sr < Ba < K < Rb < Cs

3. Oxidation State :

These metals exhibit + 1 oxidation state, difference of their second and third ionisation potentials is

more than 16 eV. Therefore, their + 1 oxidation state is more stable.

4. Density :
𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡(𝑀)
𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
Atomic weight increase from Li to Cs in the group and volume also increase, but increase in atomic

weight is more as compared to volume. Therefore, density increases from Li to Cs.

Exception :

Density of Na is more than that of K.

Density :

Li < K < Na < Rb < Cs

5. Tendency of forming ionic Bond :

One electron is present in the outermost shell of these metals. They form cation by the loss of this

electron, i.e., they form ionic bond in their compounds.

6. Standard Electrode Potential or Standard Oxidation Potential :

The measure of the tendency of donating electrons of a metal in water is called its electrode
potential. If concentration of metal ions is unity, then it is called standard electrode potential.

7. Colourless and Diamagnetic Ions :

The property of an ion as being colourless or coloured, depends on the number of unpaired
electrons present in the ion. If unpaired electrons are more in an ion, then these electrons get
excited by the atmospheric energy and show colour on coming back to the ground state.

Intensity of the colour ∝ Number of unpaired electrons

The ions which have unpaired electrons, show magnetic properties. Whereas, the ions having paired

electrons nullify the magnetic fields of each other. Such ions are called diamagnetic ions.

8. Flame Test :

Alkali metals have large size. When they are heated in the flame of Bunsen burner, the electrons

present in the valence shell move from lower energy level to higher energy level by absorption of

heat from the flame (ns1 or ns2 npº). When they come back to the ground state, they emit the extra

energy in the form of visible light to provide colour to the flame. Elements and their respective
colours imparted to the flame are given below.

Element Li Na K Rb Cs

Colour Red Golden yellow Red violet Blue


9. Photoelectric effect :

Size of Cs is large and one electron is present in its outermost shell. Due to this, electron of
outermost shell gets excited by absorption of visible light. Therefore, Cs shows photoelectric effect.
This is the reason that it is used in the cells.

10. Solubility in Liquefied Ammonia :

Ionisation potential is low due to large size of these metals, i.e., they readily dissolve in liquefied

ammonia to form blue coloured solution, which is a good conductor of electricity and a strong
reducing agent.

M + nNH3 → M+1 + Ammoniated electron

Ammoniated metal ion

11. Hydration Energy :

Hydration energy decreases on going downwards in the group, due to increase in the size of metal


Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs

Lithium gets more hydrated due to high hydration energy of L+1 and the charge present on it gets


Hydration energy ∝Ionic size ∝ Conductivity

12. Reactivity :

Due to large size of these metals, the electron of the outermost shell is weakly attracted towards the


(1) Na is very reactive, and is kept in kerosene, so that air does not come directly in contact with


(2) Li is stable in air due to small size, Na and K become neutral and Rb and Cs burn spontaneously

in air.

(3) Li hardly reacts with steam, whereas, Cs reacts even with cold water.

(4) Li forms only one of oxide (Li2O), because ionisation potential of Li is high.

Superoxide are paramagnetic and coloured due to the presence of unpaired electron. Order

of their stability is as follows :

Normal oxide > Peroxide > Superoxide

13. Lustrous Surface :

Lustre is due to mobile electrons in the metallic lattice. Valence electrons generated vibration in the

electrical field of the light waves. The vibrating electrons emit electromagnetic energy in the form

of light, and thus the surface of these metals starts shining.

14. Tendency of Forming Complex compounds :

A complex compound is a compounds which gives a complex ion on ionisation. For example –

K4Fe(CN)6 gives K+1 and a complex ion. [Fe(CN)6]–4, on ionisation. Complex compounds are

formed by the metal which has :

(1) Very small size of the cation.

(2) Maximum charge on the cation

(3) Vacant d orbitals in the cation.

15. Strength of metallic Bonds (Softness)

Metallic bond is weak due to presence of one electron in the valence shell and the BCC structure.

The packing efficiency is 68%. Thus, packing of atoms is loose and these elements are soft.

Strength of metallic bond ∝

These metals are soft because one electron is present in their valence shell, which participates in
bond formation. Thus, metallic bond is weak.

Atomic size increases in the group from Li to Cs, due to which strength of metallic bond decreases.

This is the reason why Li is hard, but Na and K are soft, whereas, Rb and Cs are liquid due to weak

metallic bonds. Sheets and wires can be prepared from Li because of its hardness.

16. Melting point and Boiling Point :

Their melting and boiling points are low due to weak metallic bonds. Strength of metallic bond

decreases in the group from Li to Cs, due to which hardness from Li to Cs.

Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs

Thus, melting and boiling points ∝ Strength of metallic bond.

Metal Li Na K Rb Cs
Melting Point, ºC 180 98 63 38 29
Boiling Point, ºC 1320 880 760 700 670

17. Reducing Power

The reducing power of a metal is related to its oxidation potential which represents the tendency of
element to lose electron and get oxidised.

All alkali metals have low I.E. leading to a high oxidation potential.

(a) Reducing nature (in solution is) :–

Li > Cs > Rb > K > Na

(b) In gaseous state

Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs


Alkali metals are highly reactive due to low ionisation energy.

1. Reaction with Oxygen

(a) Alkali metal ignites in oxygen and form oxides.

M+O2 M2O M2O2 MO2

Oxide Peroxide Superoxide

(b) Li forms stable oxide (Li2O), Na forms peroxide(Na2O2) and rest of the metal forms superoxides.
(c) Oxides of alkali metals are basic in nature and basic character increases from Li to Cs as ionic

character increases.

(d) Peroxides and superoxides behave as strong oxidising agents. Superoxides on treatment with

dil. acids form H2O2 , O2 and hydroxide.

KO2 + 2H2O → 2KOH + H2O2 + 3O2

2. Reaction with Water

(a) Hydrogen is liberated.

2M + 2H2O → 2MOH + H2

(b) Basicity of hydroxides increases down the group, due to increase in electropositive character.

3. Reaction with Hydrogen

(a) Alkali metal hydrides are formed when metals are heated with H2.

2Na + H2 → 2NaH.

(b) Metal hydrides are ionic. They are good reducing agents. Reducing power increases down the


4. Reactivity with Halogen

(a) Halides are ionic compounds having negative enthalpies of formation.

(b) The most negative enthalpy of formation occur with fluorides. The negative value decreases


Fluorides > Chlorides > Bromides > Iodides.

Thus fluorides are most stable.

(c) LiF is insoluble in water due to very high lattice energy.

CsI is insoluble in water due to very low hydration energy.

Rest of halides are soluble in H2O.

5. Metal Hydroxides

(a) Basic strength of hydroxide increases with the increasing electropositivity of metal.

CsOH > RbOH > KOH > NaOH > LiOH.

(b) Solubility of hydroxides increases with increasing ionic character.

CsOH > RbOH > KOH > NaOH > LiOH.

6. Reaction with dilute acids :

Due to alkaline nature, these metals react rapidly with dilute acids and the rate of reaction increases
from Li to Cs, because of increase in basic character.

(1) All these metals from M2CO3 type carbonates.

(2) Basic character, ionic character, melting point, boiling point these carbonates increase from
carbonates of Li to Cs.

(3) Li2CO3 is least stable out of all these carbonates, because it is covalent and decomposes to Li2O
and CO2 at low temperature. Order of their stability is as follows :

Li2CO3 < Na2CO3 < K2CO3 < Rb2CO3 < Cs2CO3

(4) Stability of carbonates of IA group metals > stability of carbonates of IIA group metals.


Among all alkali metals, only lithium directly combines with nitrogen to form nitride. Other alkali
metals combine indirectly with nitrogen, because Li3N is covalent and as the metallic character
increases, the tendency of donating electron and forming ionic bond increases. Due to which
strength of metal nitrogen bond decreases.


Basic character, ionic character, melting point, boiling point, solubility, thermal stability and
reactivity increases from Li to Cs.

Li2SO4, Na2SO4 < K2SO4 < RbSO4 < Cs2SO4


Their basic character, ionic character, solubility, melting point boiling point and thermal stability
increase from Li to Cs.

LiNO3 decomposes to Li2O at low temperature, whereas NaNO3 gets decomposed to NaNO2.


(1) Lithium reacts with hydrogen due to its low electropositive character.

(2) Li is less electropositive and therefore, thermal stability on LiH is high.

LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH

They are ionic hydrides and their stability depends of lattice energy.


These metals from MHCO3

type bicarbonates. Basic character, ionic character, melting point, boiling point

reactivity and thermal stability of these bicarbonates increase from Li to Cs.


Alkali metals form amalgams with mercury and alloys with other metals.


Due to small size of Li, it has high tendency of polarization and due to high density of electrical
charge. It shows difference with other alkali metals.

(1) Li is hard, due to which its melting and boiling points are higher as compared to other metals.

(2) LiOH is weak base compared to other hydroxides.

(3) Li forms single type of oxide (Li2O), whereas, Na(M2O and M2O2 ), K, Rb and Cs (M2O, M2O2

andMO2) form more types of oxides.

(4) LiCl is insoluble in water, whereas, other chlorides are soluble, LiCl gets dissolved in benzene,
petrol and ether.

(5) Due to small size of Li+1, its hydration energy is high.

(6) Li does not get affected easily by moist air. Therefore, it can be kept open in the air, whereas,
other metals form oxides.

(7) Due to high hydration energy of Li, its conductivity is low.

(8) Li directly combines with N2

to form Li3N whereas, other metal do not form nitrides.

(9) Phosphate, oxalate, chloride, fluoride, sulphate and carbonate of Li are insoluble in water,
whereas the above compounds of other alkali metals are soluble.

(10) Due to small size of Li, its ionisation potential electronegativity and electron affinity are higher
than those of the other alkali metals.

(11) Due to covalent nature of LiCl, their melting and boiling points are lower than those of the other
alkali metal halides.


Lithium shows resemblance with magnesium, an element of group 2. This resemblance is termed as

diagonal relationship

Group 1 Group 2

Li Be

Na Mg

Reasons for the diagonal relationship are the following :

1. Electronegativities of Li and Mg are quite comparable (Li = 1.00, Mg = 1.20).

2. Atomic radii and ionic radii of Li and Mg are not very much different.

Atomic radii (Å) Li 1.52 Mg 1.60

Ionic radii (Å)Li+ 0.76 Mg2+ 0.72

(i) Atomic volumes of Li and Mg are quite similar.

Li 12.97 mL/mole Mg 13.97 mL/mole

3. Both have high polarising power (ionic potential)

Polarising power (Φ) =

Cations with large ionic potentials have a tendency to polarise the anions and to give partial covalent

character to compounds.

4. Nitrates of lithium like magnesium decompose to give oxide, whereas all other alkali metal
nitrates give nitrite.


Elements Symbol Atomic


Beryllium Be 4

Magnesium Mg 12

Calcium Ca 20

Strontium Sr 38

Barium Ba 56

Radium Ra 88


1. Atomic Size :

Size of these elements are small as compared to alkali metals and it increases on going downwards

in the group.

Order of size : Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba

2. Oxidation State :

These metals exhibt + 2 oxidation state, difference of their second and first ionisation potentials is

11 eV. Therefore, their + 2 oxidation state of these metals is more stable.

3. Density :

Atomic weight increase from Be to Ba in a group and volume also increases, but increase in atomic

weight is more as compared to volume. Therefore, density increases from Be to Ba.

Exception :

Density of Mg is more as compared to Ca.

Density :

Ca < Mg < Be < Sr < Ba

4. Tendency of forming ionic Bond :

There are two electrons in the outermost shell of these metal, which are donated to form ionic

compounds. For example, BaCl2

, CaCl2

, MgCl2

, etc. Due to small size of cations of Be and Mg, their

compounds have covalent character.

5. Standard Electrode Potential or Standard Oxidation Potential :

Size of these metals is smaller than that of alkali metals. Therefore, their ionisation potential will be

higher than those of alkali metals, i.e. they have low tendency of donating electron as compared to

alkali metals. Their standard electrode potentials (oxidation potentials) are lower than those of alkali

metals and increases in the group with the increases in atomic size from Be to Ba.

Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba

6. Colourless and Diamagnetic ions :

These metals form diapositive ions (M+2). These diapositive ions have noble gas configuration and

their compounds are colourless, because all the electrons are paired. Their ions are diamagnetic due

to the presence of paired electrons. For example, BeCl2

, CaCl2

, CaCO3

, BaSO4

, etc., are colourless


7. Flame Test :

Size of Be and Mg is very small and their electrons are strongly bonded to the nucleus. These

electrons cannot be excited to higher energy level by the flame of the burner. Thus, Be and Mg do

not impart any colour to the flame. Elements and their respective colour imparted to the flame are

given below :

Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba

Flame –– –– Brick red Blood red Apple green

8. Photoelectric effect :

Due to small size of these metals as compared to alkali metals, their ionisation potential is high.

electrons can be released only by high energy radiations.

9. Solubility in Liquefied Ammonia :

Due to small size of Be and Mg. Their ionisation potential is high. Therefore, they do not dissolve

in liquefied ammonia. Ca, Sr and Ba give ammoniated electron by getting dissolved in liquefied

ammonia due to large size, due to which the solution turns blue.

Ca + nNH3 → Ca+2 + 2e– (NH3)n

The solution is a good conductor of electricity and a strong reducing agent.

10. Hydration Energy :

Hydration energy of the metal ions (M+2) is higher than that of the elements of IA group, because

the size of these cations is small and charge is high. Hydration energy decreases on going downwards
in the group, due to increase in the size of cations.

Be > Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba

11. Reactivity :

Due to small size of these metals as compared to alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals are less

reactive than the alkali metals. Their reactivity increases from Be to Ba with increase in the size of

the metal.

(i) Beryllium does not react with hot water, Mg reacts with hot water, whereas Ca, Sr and Ba

react even with cold water.

(ii) All these metals react with oxygen to form MO type oxides (M = Be, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba), but

due to low ionisation potential and high reactivity, Ca, Sr and Ba form peroxides also at low


(iii) Be and Mg are less reactive due to their high ionisation potential and they form normal oxides

because of breaking of O = O bond.

12. Lustrous Surface :

Lustre is due to mobile electron in the metallic lattice. Valence electrons generated vibration in the

electrical field of the light waves. The vibrating electrons emit electromagnetic energy in the form

of light, and thus the surface of these metals starts shining.

13. Tendency of Forming Complex compounds :

These metals have weak tendency of forming complex compounds due to large size, low charge
density and absence of vacant orbitals. But these metals have higher tendency of forming complex

compounds as compared to alkali metals, due to their relatively smaller size. This tendency
decreases from Be to Ba.

14. Strength of metallic Bonds (Softness)

There are two electrons in the outermost shell of these metals, which participate in bond formation.

Therefore, metallic bond is weak, but a little bit stronger than the elements of IA group. Their atomic

size is smaller as compared to elements of IA group. Therefore, these metals from strong metallic

bonds as compared to metals of IA group. Thus, these metals are harder than the metals of IA group.

Order of their hardness is Be > Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba

They have BCC, HCP and FCC structures, i.e., packing efficiency is more than that of the elements

of IA group.

15. Melting point and Boiling Point :

Melting and boiling points of these metals are low, but these metals are harder as compared to
metals of IA group. Thus, their melting and boiling points are higher as compared to metals of IA

Hardness decreases from Be to Ba, due to which melting and boiling points decrease.

Be > Ca > Sr > Ba > Mg

Higher melting and boiling points of Ca than Mg are due to the presence of d-orbitals in its
outermost shell, which starts from Ca. The d-orbital forms strong metallic point.

Metal Be Mg Ca Sr Ba

Melting Point, ºC 1280 647 850 770 710

Boiling Point, ºC 1500 1135 1490 1360 1535

16. Reducing Nature

(a) The alkaline earth metals have the tendency to loose electrons and change into bivalent cation.

M → M2+ + 2e–

Hence they act as strong reducing agents.

(b) The reducing nature increases as the atomic number increases.


The important chemical properties of alkaline earth metals are discussed below

1. Reaction with Oxygen

(a) Except Ba and Ra, all other metals when burnt in oxygen form oxide of type MO.

2M + O2 → 2MO
Ba +O2→2 BaO +O2 at high temp→2 BaO2

(b) BeO is amphoteric in nature while other oxides are basic in nature.

MO + H2O → M(OH)2 + heat.

(c) Basic nature of oxide increases from Be to Ba.

2. Action of Water

(a) Mg decomposes boiling water.

(b) Be is not attacked by water at any temperature.

(c) Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra decomposes cold water with evolution of H2 gas.

M + 2H2O → M(OH)2 + H2.

(d) Be(OH)2 is amphoteric, but other hydroxides are basic. The basic strength increase from Be

to Ba.

(e) Solubility of hydroxides also increases from Be(OH)2 to Ba(OH)2.

3. Hydride formation

(a) Except Be, all other metals directly combines with hydrogen to form hydrides of the type MH2.

(b) BeH2 and MgH2 are covalent hydride while other hydrides are ionic in nature.

(c) Ionic hydrides are violently decomposed by water evolving hydrogen.

CaH2 + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + 2H2

4. Halides

(a) Metals directly combines with X2 to form halides

M + X2 → MX2

(b) BeX2

is covalent in nature, whereas other metal halides are ionic solids.

(c) These halides are hygroscopic in nature and readily form hydrates e.g., MgCl2.6H2O,BaCl2.2H2O

5. Carbonates and Bicarbonates

(a) Carbonates of metals are insoluble in water, they dissolve in presence of CO2


MCO3 + H2O + CO2 → M(HCO3)2

(b) Solubility of carbonates decreases on moving down the group, while stability increases.

6. Sulphates

MO + H2SO4 → MSO4 + H2O.

(a) Solubility of sulphates decreases on moving down the group.

BeSO4 > MgSO4 > CaSO4 > SrSO4 > BaSO4

(b) Solubility depends upon hydration energy of cation which is maximum in Be2+

7. Complex Formation

Be2+ and Mg2+ due to their small size show some tendency of complex formation.

Ex. [BeF3]–, [BeF4]2– and [Be(H2O)4]2+, chlorophyll (Complex of Mg2+)

8. Organometallic Compounds

Be and Mg forms a number of compounds with M – C bonds.

e.g., Grignard reagent.


Beryllium exhibits different behaviour due to small size as compared to other elements of its group.

(1) Ionisation potential and electronegativity of Be are higher than those of other metals.

(2) BeCl2 is insoluble in water, due to its covalent nature, but soluble in organic solvents. Other
chlorides (CaCl2, SrCl2 and BaCl2) get dissolved in water.

(3) BeCl2 gets hydrolysed due to its covalent nature. Chlorides of Ca, Sr and Ba get dissociated.

(4) BeO and Be (OH)2 are amphoteric in nature. Therefore they react with acids as well as bases.
Other oxides react only with acids due to their alkaline nature

BeO + 2NaOH + H2O → Na2[Be(OH)4]

Sodium berylate

BeO + 2HCl → BeCl2 + H2O

(5) Beryllium forms single type of oxide (MO), Ca Sr and Ba form peroxides also.

(6) Hydration energy of Be is higher than that of other metals.

(7) Beryllium does not give flame test, Ca, Sr and Ba impart characteristic colours to the flame.

(8) Due to small size, Be forms complex compounds, Ca, Sr and Ba are insoluble in water.

(9) Hydrides and halides of Be get polymerizes.

(10) Beryllium does not react with water even at high temperatures. Others (Ca, Sr and Ba) react
even with cold water.


Beryllium shows some similarities in properties with aluminium, the second typical element of group
13 of the next higher period.

Group 2 Group 13

Second period Be B
Third period Mg Al

The following are the causes of diagonal relationship :

(a) The polarising power of Be2+ and Al3+ ions is high. Consequently the compounds develop
covalent nature.

(b) The standard oxidation potential values of both the elements are very close to each other.

(c) The electronegativity values of both the elements are the same.

SODIUM (Na) Extraction :

Castner’s process : In this process fused sodium hydroxide is electrolysed at 320ºC


(i) It is a soft silvery white metal and is kept in kerosene.

(ii) It is lighter than water. It melts at 97.8ºC and boils at 883ºC.

(ii) It is malleable, ductile and good conductor of heat and electricity.

(iv) Gives blue coloured solution with ammonia (good reductant paramagnetic and good conductor).

(v) Forms amalgam with mercury.


(i) Heating in air or oxygen :

4Na + O2 → 2Na2O ; 4Na + 2O2 → 2Na2O2


(ii) Action of water

2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2 ;

(iii) Action of acid

2Na + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2

(iv) Action of non metals

2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl, 2Na + S → Na2S, 3Na + P → Na3P

2Na + H2 → 2NaH

(v) Action of NH3

2Na + 2NH3 high temp→ 2NaNH2 + H2

(vi) Reducing agent :

3 CO2 + 4Na → C + 2Na2CO3

Al2O3 + 6Na → 2Al + 3Na2O

BeCl2 + 2Na → Be + 2NaCl


Properties Order

Atomic size Be < Li < Mg < Na < Ca < Sr < Ba < K < Rb < Cs

Ionisation potential Cs < Ba < Rb < Sr < K < Ca < Na < Mg < Li < Be

Electronegativity Cs < Ba < Rb < Sr < K < Ca < Na < Mg < Li < Be

Density Li < Be < K < Ca < Na < Mg < Rb < Sr < Cs < Ba

Order of hydration of ions Cs+ < Ba+2 < Rb+ < Sr+2 < K+ < Ca+2 < Na+ < Mg+2 < Li+ < Be+2

Thermal stability of hydrides Group – IA LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH

Order of basic character of Group – IIA BeH2 > MgH2 > CaH2 > SrH2 > BaH2

hydroxides Group – IA CsOH > RbOH > KOH > NaOH > LiOH

Group – IIA Ba(OH)2 > Sr(OH)2 > Ca(OH)2 >Mg (OH)2 > Be(OH)2

Thermal stability of metal Group – IA Rb2CO3 > K2CO3 > Na2CO3 > Li2CO3

carbonates Group – IIA BaCO3 > SrCO3 > CaCO3 > MgCO3 > BeCO3

Solubility of Group – IA CsOH > RbOH > KOH > NaOH > LiOH

hydroxides in water Group – IIA Ba(OH)2 > Sr(OH)2 > Ca(OH)2 > Mg(OH)2

Order of stability of alkali metals is M2O > M2O2 > MO2.

Hydration energy of Li+1 is maximum. Therefore, its conductivity is low.

♦ Cs is the most electropositive element in the periodic table.

♦ Rb and Cs because of low ionisation energies show photoelectric effect.

♦ The ease of formation of ionic hydrides increases from lithium to caesium.

♦ The alkali metals are soluble in ammonia.

The solution is (i) paramagnetic (ii) highly conducting (iii) good reductant (iv) bluein colour

♦ All alkali metals possess body centrad cubic lattice in the solid state.

♦ The most abundant alkali metal in earth’s crust is sodium.

♦ The alkali metal hydrides are strong reducing agents and reducing property increases with
decrease in stability.

[Li –H bond is only 25% ionic]. The stability decreases from LiH to CsH.

♦ Under the trade name oxone, Na2O2 is used as a bleaching agent.

Calcium is the most abundant element of the IIA group.

♦ The solubility of some halides in water follows the order

(i) BeF2 > MgF2 > CaF2 > SrF2 > BaF2(ii) BeCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCl2 < SrCl2 < BaCl2
(iii) CaF2 < CaCl2 < CaBr2 < CaI2

♦ Hydroxides of alkaline earth metals are only slightly soluble and the solubility increases from

Mg(OH)2 to Ba (OH)2

♦ Both BeO and Be(OH)2 are amphoteric. Be(OH)2 is a feeble base and its aqueous suspension is

known as milk of magnesia.

♦ Setting of plaster of Paris is due to hydration as well as transition.

♦ Quick lime reacts vigorously with water of form strong base Ca(OH)2 which is much less soluble

than Ba(OH)2.

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