11 Grade 10 Lesson Term 2
11 Grade 10 Lesson Term 2
11 Grade 10 Lesson Term 2
Lesson 10
Teacher name:
Date: 19.11.2024
Middle of Descriptor:
the lesson • Read out the Study Skills box and • Pupils read the text and - read the text
Presentation tell Ss this tip will help them to for questions choose - choose from the
part. from the brain brain technologies Card
complete the task successfully. Worksheet
30 min Ask Ss to read the text and the technologies Total: 2 point
questions 1-8. ANSWERS
Give Ss time to complete the task 1B 2D3C4A5D6C
and then check their answers. 7B
8A Descriptor: Students
- answer the book
• Pupils answer the questions
Ex: 4 questions Total: 1 point
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-3 ANSWERS
and give them time to answer them 1 BCI has been used
referring to the text as necessary before in order to help Descriptor:
and using their own ideas. generate speech. - match the words in
Elicit answers from Ss around the 2 Scientists are growing bold to their
class. mini-brains in order to meanings
help them understand and Total: 2 point
learn more about the
Ex: 5 human brain and brain Self assessment
• Explain the task and give Ss time disorders.
to complete it using the Word List
or their dictionaries to help them. • Pupils match the words
• Check Ss' answers around the in bold to their meanings
class. ANSWERS