Topic a Course Overview Worksheet
Topic a Course Overview Worksheet
Topic a Course Overview Worksheet
TOPIC A: Course Overview
3. The three requirements for this course (as well as CP and Sealants) include:
a. ________________ (lecture)
b. _______________________ (working on a typodont/manikin)
c. _________________ (working on live patients)
4. You must get a __________ or better on all components of this course in order to pass.
5. The lab requirements for this course (as stated by the Dental Board of California) include:
a. _______ sets of BWX
b. _______ sets of FMX
6. The clinical requirements for this course include:
a. _______ patients FMXs (each with a consent form we will provide which your dentist and patient must sign)
7. The four modes of disease transmission include:
a. _____________________ contact
b. _____________________ contact
c. ___________________ infection
d. _______________________ transmission
8. Contraction of a disease in the dental office via direct contact is very common. True False (circle one)
9. Wearing a mask and goggles protects us from contracting a disease from our patients through our _______________
and _________________.
10. _______________________ is the majority of the spray produced by dental handpieces and includes
_____________, ______________, and other debris.
11. ____________________ transmission is similar to droplet infection though the microorganism can hang in the air a
long time – the most common disease that is airborne is ________________________.
12. The four things that must be present in order to contract a disease include:
a. _________________ (strong) microorganism
b. Lots of microorganisms
c. A ________________________ host (lowered immune system)
d. _________________ of entry (most common is __________, _____________, and ________________)
13. Goggles are not required during x-ray exposure. True False (circle one)
a. Explain: __________________________________________________________________
14. Sterilization is killing ____________ lifeform.
15. Two ways to sterilize include:
a. _________________________ (autoclave/chemiclave)
b. ___________ __________________ (must be left in for more than ______ hours)
16. Disinfecting is killing ___________ microorganisms.
17. Cold sterile is considered a _________ level disinfectant.
18. Sprays and wipes that we use in the operatory are ______________________ level disinfectants.
19. Common household cleaners (for “housekeeping surfaces”) are _________ level disinfectants.
20. Critical items are things that penetrate __________________, ________________, and ___________________.
21. Critical items must be ____________________________ and stay _______________ until use.
22. Semicritical items are things that go into the _____________ but do NOT cut tooth structure or bone.
23. Semicritical items must be ___________________ if possible (item does not get ruined in the process). If they are
damaged in an autoclave, they can be _____________ level disinfected (cold sterile).
24. Noncritical items are things like _____________________________ which are used in dentistry but do not go in the
mouth. The disinfectant required for these things is ______________________ level disinfectant.
25. Processing films correctly without cross contaminating can be challenging. True False
26. The ___________ recommends that sensors be wiped with disinfectant after removing the barrier because
27. X-Ray equipment is regulated by both _______________ and _____________ regulations.
a. All x-ray machines manufactured or sold in the US must meet __________________ guidelines.
b. California requires x-ray machines to be ___________________ every _______ years.
c. California requires the x-ray machines must be _____________________ every _______ years.
28. The ____________________ government passed a law in ____________ (called the Consumer-Patient Radiation
Health and Safety Act) that requires people to be properly trained and certified in order to take x-rays).
29. The CA DPA (Dental Practice Act) states that a ________ can expose dental x-rays if they:
a. _____________ a Dental Board approved course
b. __________________ their certificate/license
c. And the certificate/license must be ___________________ in the office of employment
30. The DBC (Dental Board of California) mandates that approved courses require students to take and pass:
a. ___________________ exam
b. _______ sets of BWX on a manikin
c. _______ sets of FMX on a manikin
d. _______ sets of FMX x-rays on ___________ patients (can’t be cadavers 😊)
31. All requirements of the course must be passed with a _______ % or better.
32. Risk management means to create policies designed to ___________ the likelihood of a __________________
33. Be careful of what is ________________________ in front of a patient. These comments can be used in court as
evidence in a lawsuit. This is called _________ _________________.
34. Educating our patients and getting their permission for treatment is called gaining ______________ _____________.
35. Informed consent can be either ________________, _____________, or _____________________.
36. When taking x-rays, consent to take x-rays is usually ___________________ via their opening their mouths to let us
take them.
37. The dentist is responsible for the care of all of their patients whether or not they consent to x-rays. True False
38. Taking dental x-rays is normal or expected practice, which is called the ________________ of ______________.
39. When a patient refuses x-rays you should _____________________________________________________________.
40. Dentists are legally responsible for the actions of all ADHPs. True False
41. ADHP stands for _____________ ______________ _____________ _______________________.
42. All ADHPs are responsible for his/her actions and can be held liable in the case of a lawsuit. True False
43. When we document exposure of dental radiographs we need to state the _____________ of images taken.
44. The _______________ of the x-rays is the most common reason for lawsuits against dentists.
45. Radiographs are the property of the _______________________, though patients have a right to
___________________ access to their records. This is required by the _______________ law (Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act).
46. __________________ allow originals to leave the dental office – they must be kept for _______ years.