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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

Nature Attunement. You know the

Druidcraft cantrip.
Simple Folk. You replace the normal
Dwarven tool-kit proficiency with one
of the following: Carpenter’s Tools,
Vehicles (Land), Woodcarver’s Tools.
Naturalist. You have proficiency with
the Nature skill.

Individual Dwur
populations and kingdoms

The Crystalmists: The dwarves here

are often very well-disposed to other
races, and dwarves from outside
the Crystalmists, but the bitter
clan feuds they have with others
who share their range has caused
deep social scars. Raids and even
occasional wars flare up between
these clans, and an endless cycle of
hard-edged politics is evident.

The Lortmils: As a result of the deadly

performed by heads of their households. political games and the trauma of
However, Korobokkuru do have a the Hateful Wars, the dwarves of this
sorcerous blood running through some region are a mixed bag. Many, as
clans and those born with magical power well as their kin in the Principality
are known as T’usu. T’usu often fulfil the of Ulek, are good, friendly, jolly folk,
role of shamans in their villages and are always as ready to kill a goblin as to
almost always female. raise a tankard to humans who visit.
Others are sour, evil-tempered, and
As a Korobokkuru you are attuned to both greedy and wealthy enough to
the land and its bounty. rival even the worst moneylenders
of Dyvers. The alignments and
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom dispositions of the dwarves here vary
score increases by 1. more than any other.
Languages. You speak Dwur and
Suh. Contrary to your brethren, you The Yatils: In the western part of this
cannot write Dwur. Korobokkurus region, the dwarves tend to keep to
speak a dialect of Dwur, but they themselves, though they will greet and
do not have a script. Literate help travellers who visit them, and
korobokkurus (who are rare) use the conduct trade with their Baklunish
Suh script to read and write. neighbours. Their mannerisms seem
Korobokkuru Defense. Instead to be more Baklunish than dwur
Dwarven Combat Training, you are these days, as do their dress and
instead proficient in the short sword custom. The dwarves of the eastern
(wakizashi) and the light crossbow. Yatils are friendly, good and open,

138 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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