Gloomwind Ravine
The Order of Gehemna asks for help in recovering the Eye of Ord.
1. Gloomwind Shaft 6. Dire Rat’s Den
2. Bandit’s Gambit 7. Darkmantle’s Dare
3. Slime Shaft 8. Treasure Room
4. Daera’s Scriptorium 9. Library of Ord
5. Armor Guard 10. Duergar Surprise
d4 Details
1 The Library of Gehemna appeared near town!
2 An old knight at The Gilded Hammer is hiring crawlers.
3 Mapper Ulgar found an old mine shaft in the ravine.
4 Kobolds were seen with gold along Baldric road.
From the Boulderbelt mountains, Baldric road leads into
Gust and passes through the Barrens, a dangerous desert
known for purple worms, bandits, and worse.
•Gust. This adventure starts with PCs heading into the
town of Gust. Already have a town PCs visited? Rename it!
•If PCs start in town or on the road, attempt to hook them
with the NPC Daera detailed in, “Heed the Call?”.
•A Vampiric Mist found in the secret tunnel in the pit.could
be turned into a vampire storyline connected to Gust.
•The adventure’s threat level is low. Increase monster count
to dial up the danger for mid to high level characters.
•References to Shadowdark RPG appear as: (SD 101)
Bandit’s Kobolds. The kobolds are hunting for treasure but
lack the confidence to push into the mines beyond area two.
Bandit is the self-proclaimed leader of the group and prefers
to hide rather than fight. All of the kobolds will attempt to
steal treasure from crawlers if they go undetected.
Daera Mystmont. Part of the High Order of Gehemna,
Daera the Archmage knows the Eye’s truth. She only trusts
sworn members of the Order. Daera might be willing to
•Wizards attempting to insert their soul into the Eye become
trapped and disembodied in the dimension of Ord.
Duergar. The two duergar may wander the mines but only
if they are certain no one is around. The Eye of Ord has been
stored here for some time, hidden by the Archmage of the
Order of Gehemna. Their king has tasked these poor souls
with the job of retrieving the Eye at all costs. This has been
their task for about 70 years.
Unsafe. Check for encounters every 3 rounds.
Bolded keywords and their description can be shared with PCs.
•Bullet content is for GMs only until PCs investigate.
d4 Details
A pitch-black mine shaft cuts into the cliff and zigzags into
darkness. A 10-foot pole leans against the outer wall. A cool,
damp breeze gently blows from the rocky entry.
•P. Gravel. Covers 5 ft area near pit.
◊ Pit. 8 ft wide pit, 10 ft deep fog-filled, obscured tunnel at
the bottom. Jump across DC 15 DEX. Fall, 1d6 dmg. Pole
or roped crossing DC 9 DEX.
•Tunnel. If entered, vampiric mist (Ch -4) drains 1 hp per 2
rounds. Takes 8 near or 4 double near moves to pass (250
ft). Leads to area 6. Protection From Evil, Turn Undead, or
possessing a silvered item dispels mist.
•W. Tripwire. Easily noticed by thief, triggers sleep gas in
shaft and bell in area 2. Step over easy.
◊ Tripwire. Attempt to disable DC 12 DEX. If the trap is
triggered, PCs near radius sleep for 3 rounds, captured by
•Arguing kobolds are heard ahead at the end of the shaft.
An irate chatter is heard in the dark.
•Kobolds. If PCs make noise or use light, 6 kobolds
◊ Treasure. If defeated, 1 hand-held mirror, cracked (8 gp), 1
silver tooth (1 gp), 7 spears.
•Roleplay. Urge PCs to try to
parlay with kobolds.
•Stealth. DC 9 to sneak by in
the dark.
•S. An S-shaped shaft leads
to area 7. PCs must be close
to see and find the passage.
Walking around the first A thick, glassy caustic wall
bend in the rocky corridor, slime.
light shimmers off the walls AC 10, HP 1, MV close,
and floor. A dark, gloss of AL N, LV 0 ATK 1 spread
slime is coating the walls. (corrosive) -1 (1d4)
•Coal slimes. Cover a 30 ft
section of the floor/walls. S +3 D +1 C +1 I -3 W +1 Ch -3
◊ Slime must be removed Impenetrable. Only
from equipment or damaged by fire or water.
garments within 5 Corrosive. Bare-skin touch
rounds or be dissolved. to slime take 1 acid damage.
◊ A raw diamond (190 gp) 2nd round Spread ATK until
can be located under removed.
protective guard of coal
slimes, mid corridor. DC
15 STR to free the gem.
Walking through the
passage reveals the way
forward is black even
when a light is held
•Black. Neutral PCs
easily pass 1 ft of
magical darkness.
Chaotic PCs cannot pass. Lawful PCs walk through 30 ft of
black, leads back to start. Oath-sworn PCs can pass.
•Old Knight. Daera sits writing a scroll and stops if asked
about the Eye. Daera is an archmage (SD 197) in disguise.
◊ Secret. If PCs agree to swear an oath to the Order of
Gehemna, she tells them the secret phrase to bypass the
animated armor: “Gloria valebat conquisitor”
◊ T. Teleport. Hidden by tapestry. Leads to 8. Touch or
detect magic to locate.
A suit of armor stands A short passage bears right
motionless in the path to a large cavity with piles of
leading forward. A faint old broken mining gear.
glow seeps from behind the Debris covers the area
helm. where two dire rats sleep.
•Suit of armor. An animated •Debris. Broken picks,
armor (SD 196) stops any- shovels, and lanterns are
one trying to pass unless scattered about between
Daera’s secret phrase is piles of old clothing.
spoken. ◊ Treasure or Trash. (1d6)
◊ If persuaded or charmed, 1. A pile of broken picks
the spirit in the armor and a giant centipede (SD
greets them as Reginod. 201). 2. A chip of an
He is cursed and trapped emerald (10 gp) 3. Tattered
in armor by the Order miner pants. 4. A silver
due to his evil plan to ring and 11 gp in a pocket
steal the Eye. of a ripped cloak 5. A
◊ Reginod pleads for help lantern helmet, no oil. 6.
to be “placed” into the Eye An Egg of the Cockatrice
of Ord. If aided, betrays (100 gp + 3 XP SD 303)
PCs in area 10. •Noise. Any sound in
passage outside has a 3:6
chance of waking the dire
rats (SD 245). Noise inside
wakes the rats.
•Tunnel. See area 1P for
details. Hole (X) is covered
by debris until searched.
Water drips. In this damp, Stacks of gold coins sit in
musty mine cavity lies a the chamber. Three
desiccated corpse near the cockatrice spark with
south wall. It appears the energy and float in the air.
life was sucked out of an They watch your every
intrepid adventurer. move.
•Corpse. The corpse is •Cockatrice. (SD 202)
wearing leather armor and a Protectors of the gold,
pair of silvered daggers (10 gp released from spell when
each) gold is stolen.
•Darkmantles. Two dark- ◊ Gold. 513 gold pieces are
mantles (SD 203) roost on protected by a magic
the ceiling and start fighting ward. If touched, the
over the PCs for 1 round three cockatrice are
before attacking. released and attack.
•S. A narrow, veiled S-
shaped shaft leads to area 2.
Must be close to see.
Locked door. Leads to large,
carved space containing five
tables with stacks of books
and shelves of scrolls. At the
center table is a middle-aged
man with a handlebar
mustache searching through
the books. His bulging
backpack sits a few feet
•Locked. DC 12 to unlock.
•Man. Wandering Merchant
(SD 258)
◊ Books. After 2 rounds of
distracted sorting, the ◊ If the Merchant likes the
Merchant lifts the Tome of PCs (GMs discretion), he
Gehemna (SD 318) and offers to play Wizards &
puts it into his backpack. Thieves (SD 94), betting
the Tome of Gehemna
against gold. He
also offers his wares
(use SD 35 or 270).
•Scrolls. Find 1
Knock, 1 Charm
Person, and 1 Hold
Portal scrolls.
•T. Teleport. Rock
wall leads to 4.
Touch or detect
magic to locate.
If PCs leave and
return to area 9, the
room is empty.
A heavy door blocks the way.
•Door. DC 15 DEX to pick lock or DC 18 STR to break down.
◊ Alerted invisible duergar (SD 213) inside area 10 opens
the door.
A strong wind blows the door open.
•Wind. PCs roll d6. On 6, torch stays lit. On 1-5, torch is out.
•If dark, the Eye glows purple on the plinth with protection
from evil ward. Duergar has 2 rounds of Invisible left then
uses Enlarge. 2nd duergar waits at rock-obscured E.
•If lit, 1st duergar uses Enlarge, then attacks the light.
•If PCs take the Eye, 2nd duergar uses Invisible, steals the Eye,
and tries to run into the Shadowdark (E).
A crystal orb with a swirling purple cloud with an amethyst
gemstone at its center.
Benefit. Only 10th level wizards can use the orb. You can
cast the Scrying spell (SD 70) 1/day without a check.
Personality. Lethargic. Scatterbrained. Argumentative. If
questioned, it’s usually wrong. 1d6 to decide (5 or 6 = right).
Treat Talent separate from Scrying. Limit to lore checks.
Bonus Content
A shapeshifter with charcoal scales and small wings. A deep
cavern-dweller with a glistering and ominous acid-green
AC 17, HP 80, MV double near (shapeshift), AL C, LV 17
ATK 4 rend (close) +10 (2d12) or 1 void breath
S +5, D +6, C +4, I +4, W +4, Ch +5
Acidblood. Fire and acid immune.
Void Breath. Fills a double near-sized cone extending
from the dragon. DC 15 DEX or 6d10 damage.
Stalag-might. 1/day, in place of attacks. Stalagmite and
stalactite spikes spring from the ground and ceiling
within double near of the dragon. DC 15 DEX or trapped
between spines. DC 15 STR to break free on turn.
A large, five-eyed, inky, and viscid orb-shaped ooze. Each gem-
irised eye, a detachable rover able to wield gem magic and
converse telepathically.
AC 15, HP 70, MV double near (shapeshift), AL C, LV 15
ATK 3 tentacle (close) +5 (1d12) or 2 gem eyebeam
S +4, D +4, C +3, I +3, W +4, Ch +2
Impervious. Immune to damage from acid, fire, and cold.
Gem Eyebeam. Each beam blasts from one ooze gemmed
eye. 1. Lava. DC 15 DEX or 3d6 fire damage. 2.Bolt. DC 15
DEX or 3d6 lightning damage. 3.Levitate. DC 15 STR or
be moved away near. 4.Ice. DC 15 CON or freeze for 1d4
rounds 5. Destroy. DC 15 DEX or 5d6 damage
Mines of Gloomwind Ravine
Frey Bugbee - magevs.monster
Dioszeghiesis Rg font © 2012 by Bumbayo Font Fabrik.
Texturina font © 2020 The Texturina Project Authors
(https://github.com/Omnibus-Type/Texturina), JSL
Ancient and JSL Blackletter © 2023 Jeffrey S Lee.
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: https://scripts.sil.
Mines of Gloomwind Ravine is an independent product published under
the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The
Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA. You can share
it for free, adapt it to your own system, edit it, print it, and give it in local game
stores. You can’t sell it for money, and you have to credit me somewhere. Same
goes for the art.
Crawl Deeper into...
Area 10 (E) leads into the Shadowdark below:
d12 Encounter
A huge cavity opens to a field of gems and an Oozerver
floating in the distance harvesting the precious stones
2 A hiding imp (SD 207), tempts with a boon (SD 280)
The tunnel is filled with a dark, gale-force wind
pushing PCs for 1d6 damage unless DC 15 DEX save
4 A shadow dragon Cultist (SD 203) sees the PCs, runs
A tunnel smelling of wax leads into a nest where a
giant wasp (SD 263) works on its nest of young until...
6 The shaft splits off but coal slime coats everything
In a cavern, a statue of a knight of the Order holds a
decapitated vampire head
8 1d6 Stingbats (SD 254) swoop down at the light
The tunnel turns downward into a greased floor
slipping PCs into an antigravity chamber
A rod switch appears to open a portcullis in the tunnel
ahead but if pulled it triggers a rolling boulder
Daera the archmage appears and takes pity on the
crawlers, giving them each a Potion of Healing
12 The Wandering Merchant warns of danger ahead