Vice-Chancellor - UoH, while exchange of Online Contact Classes of Diploma in Infection
MoU with NIRD Prevention and Control Programme (DIPC)
MoU signing with Team Lease in the presence 64th Co-ordinators Committee Meeting
of UoH Vice-Chancellor and Registrar
Chief Rector
Director, CDVL
1. THE UNIVERSITY - A PROFILE 7.5 Final Diploma Certificate fee
7.6 Transfer of Credits/Marks
LEARNING 7.7 Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)
2.1 List of Distance Education Diploma
Programmes & Eligibility
2.2 Up-Skilling Programmes & Eligibility
8.1 Diploma in Communicative English (DCE)
2.3 Eligibility Criteria
9.1 Diploma in Governance (DG)
3.1 Intimation of Selection
9.2 Diploma in Energy Management (DENM)
3.2 Reservations for SC & ST, OBC Applicants
9.3 Diploma in Artificial Intelligence & Machine
3.3 Reservations for Physically Challenged (PC)
Learning (DAI & ML)
3.4 Admission of Foreign National Applicants
4.1 Admission
4.2 Submission of Application forms
4.3 List of Enclosures
4.4 Enrollment Number
4.5 Enrollment Card & Study Material
4.6 Programme Schedule
4.7 Contact Programmes
4.8. Exemption from Contact Programmes
5.1 Mode of Payment
5.2 Delayed Payment
5.3 Fee Particulars of Programme
6.1 Internal Assessment of Assignments
6.2 Term-end Examinations
6.3 Examinations for Foreign Nationals/
NRI Students
6.4 Contact Sessions for Foreign Nationals/
NRI Students
7.1 Grading
7.2 Re-examination
7.3 Re-Enrolment / Re-Registration
7.4 Memorandum of Marks
www.uohyd.ac.in 1
In the last three decades, the University Faculty have It also has a wide range of facilities, a well-stocked Digital
published more than 11,000 research works including 700 Library which is enhanced by School and Department
books, many of which have been acclaimed by the holdings from donations and project grants – the latest
academic community and have proved useful for teaching computer technology, attractive and comfortable hostels set
and research programmes. The University Faculty has in an aesthetically pleasing environment conducive to study,
attracted large research funding for individual research sports complexes, conference halls, well-equipped
projects from various national and international agencies laboratories, and a sense of community on its self-contained
and large industrial houses. campus. These facilities are well supported by strong and
dedicated Administrative staff.
2 www.uohyd.ac.in
2.1 List of Distance Education Diploma Programmes (One Year) & Eligibility
www.uohyd.ac.in 3
In the past decade, there has been a sea change in the job market scenario. With the growth of technology and digitization,
jobs are getting highly specialized and automated. Consequently, there is a learning gap that needs to be addressed by the
educational sector. Skills employee is important not just to keep up with the technological trends, but also to stay ahead of the
Technology is Impacting Employment: According to a NASSCOM report, up to 40% of the estimated four million-
strong work-force in India needs re-skilling over the next 5 years to keep pace with automation and changing skill needs in
various industries. Automation and adoption of newer technologies have changed the landscape for professional managers.
Jobs that were earlier done by junior and senior management and even at shop-floor level are seeing the use of artificial
intelligence, machine work, and computerization. Over the past two years, many technologies have replaced jobs that have
made it necessary to invest in up-skilling. This shift is now the reason why many want to make use of this transformation and
up-skill themselves.
Upgrading Knowledge and skill: The only way to up skill is to become the master of your area. As you grow in
knowledge, you also grow in talent. Embrace technologies that help you grow. Engage with clients and industry experts to
know what's going on, and how you can benefit from the knowledge. Evaluate analytics capabilities and decision-support
tools within the ecosystem to identify opportunities to enhance decision-making and improve student outcomes. In view of the
above, the Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning, University of Hyderabad has come out to providing up skilling
programme by jointly with reputed private and public scientific and industry section so that the participants not only update
their knowledge and also their skills in the specialized areas.
Up-Skilling Programme
Sl.No. Name of the Programme Duration Eligibility Course Fee (In INR)
1. Diploma in Governance (DG) One Year Programme Any Graduate from a Rs. 6,000 per
recognized University semester
3. Diploma in Artificial Intelligence & Any graduate from a Rs. 20,000 per
One Year Programme semester
Machine Learning (DAI & ML) recognized University
2.3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA University or other Universities / Institutions may also seek
Admissions to the Distance Education Diploma and Up- admission to these programmes provided they fulfill the
Skilling programmes are open to all those who fulfill eligibility criteria.
prescribed qualifications. Admissions are made strictly on The University reserves the right to decide to conduct the
the basis of merit. The marks obtained by the applicants in course and also the exact number of students to be admitted
their graduate examination (i.e., B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / in each programme, depending on the demand for the
B.Lib.Sc. / B.E. / B.Tech. / M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com. / MBA etc.) course (Minimum 50 Registrations). In case the
is the basis on which the merit list for admission is prepared university could not conduct the course due to unavoidable
for all courses. reasons, such applications will be considered for the next
Therefore, only students who have completed their year as per university norms. In case minimum number is
courses/degree or at least have taken their final not received the applications will be considered for 2nd
examinations (awaiting results) are eligible to apply for choice given in the applications. It will also be considered
admission into these Diploma Programmes. However final for next two years.
admission will be considered only after submission of The eligibility of students passing their qualifying
required certificates for eligibility. Further additional examinations from universities following the letter grading
academic qualifications and professional experience are system / Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be
taken into consideration for all admissions. determined on the basis of percentage equivalent to the
The target groups for these programmes are either in- letter grade / CGPA obtained by the students as per the
service personnel looking to improve their skills and conversion formula adopted by the University concerned. In
knowledge or fresh graduates wishing to acquire the absence of any such formula, the decision of this
qualification and improve their employability. Students University will be final in determining the percentage
pursuing other full time or part-time courses in this equivalence.
4 www.uohyd.ac.in
The candidates selected for admission will be intimated individually through the email (address given by them in application).
Reservations for SC/ST/OBC/EWS students will be in accordance with the policy of the Government of India and the guidelines of the
University Grants Commission. Students applying for such programmes should submit, along with their application, a copy of their
caste/tribe Certificate from a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar / Mandal Revenue Officer.
4.1 ADMISSION 1. Online Payment Receipt Copy
Students found eligible will be issued Provisional admission (Registration fee Rs. 300)
letter. Only the students who pay the fees within the
2. Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Matriculation
stipulated date are treated as admitted. Mere receipt of
(Date of birth proof).
admission offer letter does not entitle any right to claim
admission. 3. Intermediate/Higher Secondary Education, 10+2.
Verification of all the original certificates/ marks certificates 4. Provisional / Original Degree
will be done at the time of contact classes on the campus.
The students are, therefore, required to bring their original 5. Any other higher qualification Certificate
certificates when they attend contact classes, exams. 6. Passport Photos 2 Nos. in cover.
Students will be permitted to appear for the term-end
examination only after the verification of relevant original The Section Officer, Centre for Distance and Virtual
certificates, until then their admission will be provisional. Learning, University of Hyderabad, Golden
Threshold Building, Abids, Nampally Station Road,
Applications completed in all respects accompanied by 4.4 ENROLLMENT NUMBER
copies of relevant certificates self-attested can be sent to the
On payment of programme fee, students will be informed of
following address on or before the last date prescribed on
their enrollment number which will also be displayed on their
the admission application form.
Enrollment Cards. This enrollment number will continue for a
4.3 LIST OF ENCLOSURES maximum period of three years, or until the course is
completed, whichever is earlier. The same number will be
The following is the List of Self-Attested Enclosures to be
used as the examination roll number of the student.
submitted along with the Admission Application for
www.uohyd.ac.in 5
4.5 ENROLLMENT CARD & STUDYMATERIAL to 10 days in a term. 75% attendance is mandatory in the
contact classes and practical sessions. They must
On receipt of the programme fee, Enrollment Card participate, to the satisfaction of the Co-Ordinator of a
(indicating the Student's Name, Programme, Date of programme or tutors of the courses and the Faculty of
Admission & Enrollment Number) will be issued. Study CDVL, in study-seminars, sessions and counseling
material soft copy will be sent to enrolled students through sessions as may be prescribed. This carries a weightage of
email. 10% of the total marks depending upon their performance.
The programmes are spread over two terms in a year. Requests for exemption from attending contact
Those who are not in a position to complete all the papers in programmes shall not be entertained. Students have to
the two terms at a stretch can defer a term or a part thereof, attend the offline/online contact programmes at least 75%
provided they complete the programme within a total period of in each term while the other courses like DCE, DCJ & FS,
of three years, including the year in which the students are DLAN. have only one contact programme.
enrolled. UGC approved academic sessions are January
and June respectively.
5.1 MODE OF PAYMENT Fee once paid will not be returned by the University under
any circumstances. All disputes are subject to the Greater
Students have to pay the relevant fee in two equal Hyderabad Jurisdiction.
installments or in one lumpsum within the prescribed date
mentioned in the Admission Offer Letter. All payments After the payment of Deferment fee, the student can
should be made through Online. complete the course within three years from the date of
“https://www.onlinesbi.com/prelogin/icollecthome.htm admission, including the year of admission. The student
? corpID=8920”. (or) SBI Collect if defer the First Term, then has to pay Deferment fee
No other mode of payment shall be accepted. along with Second Term fee.
If a student fails to pay the 2 instalment fee by the due date
with or without late payment, 2 term study material shall not
be provided. However, in exceptional cases, the university
may permit students to continue their studies by paying the
second term fee for the next session and attending contact
sessions subject to payment of the following penalties.
6 www.uohyd.ac.in
Note: 1. For Students from SAARC Countries and African Countries the same fee as above
2. Fee for other countries NRI Students two times and for Foreign Students three times higher than the above
Indian fee.
www.uohyd.ac.in 7
The evaluation system of the Diploma programmes is 6.3 EXAMINATIONS FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS/NRIs:
designed to test the student's progress systematically in the Efforts will be made to conduct term-end exams for NRI/
courses offered, through internal assessments as well as
Foreign students through Online Proctored examination (as
term-end examinations.
per UGC guidelines).
Internal Assessment will be done through evaluation of NRIs:
assignment which will be sent along with the course The University will conduct classes for 5-10 days abroad, if
material. They will be evaluated for 30% of the total marks. the number of foreign / NRI students are more than 15 at a
The Completed Assignments should be sent to the place. In individual cases foreign nationals and NRIs
Section Officer, Centre for Distance and Virtual staying abroad have to attend Online Classes.
Learning, Nampally Station Road, Abids, Hyderabad-
500001 within the stipulated date.
Performance of the student will also be assessed through a
term-end examination and student should score minimum of
40% marks out of 60. Only those students who attended the
contact sessions and submit assignments before the stipulated
dateareeligibletotaketheTerm-end examinations.
The final result for each programme is determined on the 7.1 GRADING
basis of:
Successful students will be awarded divisions on the
Attendance in contact classes and practical’s. basis of the average marks obtained by them as follows:
Internal Assessment or Assignments.
First Division with Distinction - 75% & above
Performance in the term-end examination,
in the ratio 30:10:60. First Division - 60 % & above but below - 75%
The final result in each course will thus be calculated in Second Division - 50% & above but below - 60 %
the following manner:
Third Division - 40% & above but below - 50%
A student is declared passed in a course only if he/she
secures a minimum of 40% marks in all, provided he/she
secures a minimum of 40% marks i.e 24 marks in the term
end examinations. Students with less than 40% marks in
aggregate in any course taken by him/her may appear for re-
examination in the next term-end examination. Candidates
who failed in any paper have to pay Rs. 500/- per paper to
appear in the subsequent examinations.
8 www.uohyd.ac.in
Students who fail to complete the course requirements of a A candidate who has successfully completed the Diploma
given term can defer any course or all courses to the next programme from the CDVL, and wishes to join another
year. They could also defer the complete programme to the diploma programme of the CDVL, with common papers, will
next academic year. Any assignments done and internal
assessment marks earned will be carried forward to the next be exempted from the assignments, contact classes and
term/year. Students, who fail in a course in a term, may examinations for those papers which are common. The
pursue the 2nd term by paying the remaining part of the marks and credits for the papers which are common will be
programme fee. They can appear for re-examination in the reflected in both the courses. However, she/he should pay
failed courses at the subsequent terminal examination by
paying the deferment fee. The center will conduct all tuition fees prescribed by the University from time to time
supplementary exams along with year end for the programme.
examinations only.
All students are requested to register with Academic Bank of
All students are expected to complete their course Credits (ABC), so that the exam data and credits acquired
requirements within a period of 3 academic years, including will be uploaded in the portal which will help the students for
the year of admission. After 3 years student can continue future verification.
the course by Re-admission by paying full fee.
www.uohyd.ac.in 9
The course is meant for those who wish to improve their
skills in English and make a career in teaching, call centers,
office assistance, newspapers, banks, films, visual and print
media, advertising, judiciary, industrial enterprises, trade
negotiations, railways, hospitals, military, software
companies, and so on. The programme is offered by the
Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies with
active help of the senior faculty from the Department of
English, University of Hyderabad and English and Foreign
Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
Course Structure:
Term - I
DCE 411 : Language & Communication
(Oral Communication)
DCE 412 : Effective Speech
DCE 413 : Written Communication
Term - II
DCE 421 : Using Resources for Learning English
DCE 422 : Advanced Reading Skills
DCE 423 : Advanced Writing Skills
(Project Report)
Coordinator: Prof. Bhimrao Panda Bhosale
CALTS, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad.
e-mail: bhimraobhosle9@gmail.com
14 www.uohyd.ac.in
3. Ethics and Governance (7 credits):
9. INFORMATION ABOUT THE Ethics in Public Administration
3. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Governance. DG 413 : Themes and Issues in Governance
15 www.uohyd.ac.in
For the power sector, the methodology for e-auction of coal Semester II (22 Credits)
blocks will be completely transparent, encourages greater 1. Advanced Energy Management Systems (7 credits):
competition and efficiency and optimizes power tariffs.
Smart Grids and Energy Storage Solutions
Comprehensive state-specific action plans for 24x7 power to all
Demand-Side Management
homes is being prepared in partnership with respective states,
IoT in Energy Management
encompassing generation, transmission and distribution. The
power ministry has signed a memorandum of understanding 2. Sustainable Energy Policies and Regulations (7 credits):
with varied states under its 'Power for all' initiative that aims to Environmental Impact Assessment
cover the entire country soon. Global and National Energy Policies
With the support of government and entry of FIIs and private Regulatory Framework for Energy Efficiency
investors there is now a competitive environment in the Indian 3. Capstone Project in Energy Management (8 credits):
power sector as organizations are restructured into strategic Practical Project on Energy Management or Sustainability
business units instead of being state-controlled. It is therefore Industry or Research-Based Project
incumbent on state power Utilities to apply business prudence in
Collaboration with Energy Experts and Professionals
all decisions and actions. The officials and supervisory cadre's
Key Highlights:
charges with this responsibility will require strong business
management skills. The School Management Studies attempts 1. Comprehensive understanding of energy systems and
to impart such knowledge and skills through its one-year Post- management strategies
Graduate Diploma in Energy Management.The objective of this, 2. Hands-on experience with energy audits and renewable energy
PGDENM programme is to impart techniques and approaches technologies
for managing resources in the most efficient and effective 3. Networking with industry professionals and experts in energy
manner in the energy and power sector. Managing an management.
organization unit requires general managerial skills apart from COURSE STRUCTURE:
technical knowledge. Important general management traits that Term I
a manager should possess include:
ENM 411: Management & Organizational Effectiveness
Analytical ability, Creativity, Risk-taking ability, planning and
ENM 412: Accounting & Financial Management
controlling, Communication skills, Negotiating skills, leadership
skills and facilitation of team work. The programme is designed ENM 413: Human Resource Management
to develop these traits. ENM 414: Marketing Management
Collaboration: TeamLease EdTech ENM 415: Quantitative and Research Methods
What You Will Learn: ENM 416: Energy Management for Sustainable
1. Fundamentals of Energy Systems Development -1
2. Sustainable Energy Practices Term II
3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Techniques ENM 421: Business Laws and Electricity Act 2003
Program Syllabus: ENM 422: Decision Support Analysis & Management
Semester I (21 Credits) Information System
1. Principles of Energy Management (7 credits): ENM 423: Tariff Structure and Analysis
Introduction to Global Energy Systems ENM 424: Project Development and Management
Basics of Energy Production, Transmission, and Distribution ENM 425: Energy Management for Sustainable
Energy Policy and Regulation Development-II
2. Renewable Energy Sources (7 credits): ENM 426: Project Work
Solar, Wind, Hydro, and Biomass Energy Technologies Co-ordinator : Dr. Chetan Srivastava
Renewable Energy Integration and Grid Management Associate Professor, School of Management Studies
Economics of Renewable Energy e-mail ID : dr.chetansrivastava@gmail.com
3. Energy Audit and Conservation (7 credits): 9.3 DIPLOMA IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE &
Energy Audit Techniques and Tools MACHINE LEARNING (DAI & ML) (One Year Programme)
Industrial Energy Efficiency The program attempts to nurture aspiratns in some of the core
ideas and also provide the skill in Machine Learning (ML), Deep
Building Energy Performance and Green Buildings Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that would help the students
to raise their level to work on real world problems with cutting edge
AI & ML strategies. This program will focus on practical knowledge
along with mathematical and theoretical rigor for a well-rounded
learning experience.
www.uohyd.ac.in 16
The program is for the 12-months duration, completely online with few contact classes at University of Hyderabad campus / Virtual
mode, and it can be pursued by both working professionals and graduate students without having to take a break from Work or Graduate
School. The programme does not require any pre-requisite knowledge and teaches everything from scratch, focusing on building skills
that will enable participants for a lucrative career in this fast-growing domain.
Collaboration with TeamLeaseEdTech What You Will Learn:
1. Advanced Algorithms in AI & ML
2. Practical Applications of AI & ML
3. Programming for AI & ML
Program Syllabus:
TERM - I (21 Credits)
AML- 411: Foundations of AI & ML (7 credits): Introduction to AI & ML concepts Programming with Python and R
Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms
AML- 412: Data Science Essentials (7 credits): Data Preprocessing and Wrangling Exploratory Data Analysis
Basic Statistical Methods and Probability
AML- 413: Applied Machine Learning (7 credits): Supervised Learning Techniques Unsupervised Learning Techniques
Evaluation Metrics and Model Optimization
17 www.uohyd.ac.in
www.uohyd.ac.in 18
(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament)
Prof. Saroj Kumar Panigrahi Prof. V. Krishna Prof. Mary Jessica
School of Mathematics and Statistics School of Humanities School of Management Studies
Tel: (040) 23010560, 23134000 Tel: (040) 23010003, 23133300 Tel: (040) 23011091, 23135000
Prof. K.C James Raju Prof. Jyotirmaya Sharma Prof. Geeta K. Venuganti
School of Physics School of Social Sciences School of Medical Sciences
Tel: (040) 23134365, 23134300 Tel: (040) 23010853, 23133001 Tel: (040) 23135471
Prof. Ashwini Kumar Nangia Prof. Vasuki Belavadi Prof. Jai Prakash Gautam
School of Chemistry Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & School of Engineering Sciences
Tel: (040) 23010221, 23134800 Communication & Technology
Tel: (040) 23011553, 23135500 Tel: (040) 23134451, 23134450
Prof. Kondapi Anand Kumar Prof. R.V. Ramana Murthy Prof. Atul Negi
School of Life Sciences School of Economics School of Computer
Tel: (040) 23134500, 23134542 Tel : (040) 23133100, 23133107 & Information Sciences
Tel: (040) 23010780, 23134101
Registrar : Controller of Examinations I/c. Finance Officer I/c.
Dr. Devesh Nigam Mr. P. Thukaram Dr. I. Lokananda Reddy
Tel: (040) 23010245, 23132100 Tel: (040) 23010248, 23132101 Tel: (040) 23010370, 23132200
Director Human Resource Development Director International Affairs
Centre for Distance and Virtual Centre (HRDC) Prof. Chetan Srivastava
Learning Prof. P. Prakash Babu
Prof. S. Jeelani Tel: (040) 23134041 / 23134056
Tel: (040) 23010834 / 23132711
Tel: (040) 24600265
Bio compost activity with GHMC
Participants of DCE Programme
at GT Campus, Abids
Aerial View of CDVL GT Campus, Abids Night View of CDVL GT Campus, Abids
Courses Offered by Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning
1. Diploma in Governance (DG)
2. Diploma in Energy Management (DENM)
3. Diploma in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (DAI & ML)