The two main types of wave form are transverse waves and longitudinal
waves. All types of electromagnetic waves, including light, as well as
water waves travel as transverse waves. Sound waves travel as
longitudinal waves.
Particle movement in transverse and longitudinal waves
Longitudinal waves (sound) are a compressing and expanding wave that needs a
medium to travel in. A medium could be gas, solid or liquid.
Transverse waves (light) are a moving wave where each part of the wave travels up
and down in repeating motion as the wave moves forward. These do not need a
medium to travel through and can travel through empty space.
Sound travels as a longitudinal wave
The waves generated from an earthquake travel through the ground as both
longitudinal and transverse waves.
Primary (or P) waves are longitudinal waves and move the fastest. They are similar to
sound waves and can travel at 5000 metres per second through solid rock.
Longitudinal waves can also travel through liquid and gas, travelling at the speed of
sound through air.
Secondary (or S) waves are transverse waves and can only travel through solids.
They travel at nearly half the speed of P waves.
Waves transfer energy
Light and other types of electromagnetic radiation from the sun and
even further away stars travel through space in a vacuum – Light does
not need matter or a medium through which to travel.
Each particular type of electromagnetic radiation, including each different
colour of light, has a unique fixed length of wave, called the wavelength (λ),
that it travels in.
GZ Science Resources 8
Types of Electromagnetic radiation
Some objects,
such as the sun,
release large
amounts of
energy. The
energy can be
emitted from
the energy
source in the
form of
radiation and
travels in
waves. Light,
radio waves and
x-rays are all
forms of
GZ Science Resources
Features of a wave
Waves have troughs, the lowest point, and crests, the highest point. A
wavelength is the distance between two closest crests.
The amplitude of a wave is a measure of its height. The height is taken
from a midpoint between a trough and a peak up to the top of a peak of
a wave.
A higher
wave indicates
a wave has
more strength
and that a
light wave
contains more
photons, little
packets of
light energy.
A nanometre is very small
Waves always travel at the same speed. A scientific value that always
remains the same is called a constant. The constant for the speed of light
is c = 3x108 m/sec or 300,000 kilometres per second.
Because we know the speed of light, if we know either the wavelength (λ)
in metres or the frequency ( f ) in hertz then we can calculate the other.
Frequency = speed of light / wavelength
λ f
Light energy is carried by photons
Planck’s constant is
6.626 x 10-34 joules per
second. This value is so
small because a
photon is so tiny but
there are so many of
them within a light
Structure and Function of the human ear
When waves are going from a dense medium to a less dense medium they
speed up at the boundary. This causes light rays to bend when they pass from glass
to air at an angle other than 90º. This is refraction.
Beyond a certain angle, called the critical angle, all the waves reflect back into the
glass. We say that they are totally internally reflected. All light waves, which hit the
surface beyond this critical angle, are effectively trapped.
The critical angle for most glass is about 42 °. Fibre optics makes use of this so light
rays can travel down a glass fibre that has curves in it.
Light energy can travel as rays
Light energy can be reflected, refracted or dispersed
Allows light to
All light rays travel
pass through, but
through in straight
the rays are No light rays
lines. The image is
scattered. The travel through and
not distorted
Image is distorted no image is seen
when looking
when looking from the other
from the other
from the other side.
The length of the shadow formed on the ground depends on the angle
that the light rays hit the object blocking the light. If the light rays hit the
object straight on then this will create the smallest possible shadow. The
greater the angle the light rays hit the longer the resulting shadow.
The changing of length of shadow can be seen as the Sun moves across
the sky. In the morning and afternoon the shadows created are the
longest as the Sun is at the greatest angle. The shortest shadows are
formed at midday when the sun is directly over head (in Summer).
Sources of light and reflectors of light
Light is a form of energy. The Sun is our most
important source of light, which is produced along
with heat energy, that is transformed from matter
during a nuclear reaction. Other sources of light
energy such as electrical lighting, fire and the glow
from bioluminescent animals are produced during
energy transformations as well. Light sources need
energy to be transformed to produce light. These
are also called illuminators.
Objects that appear to produce light such as the
Moon or shiny objects but do not use energy are
reflectors of light. Light rays must originally come
from a light source, such as the Sun’s light reflecting
off the moon.
The sun is an incandescent light source
Virtually all of the electromagnetic radiation that arrives on Earth is from the
Sun. The Sun is an incandescent light source because the light energy is generated
from heat. The nuclear reactions that occur within the high pressure centre of the Sun
release large amounts of heat. The heat causes the atoms that make up the Sun to
move around fast. As the atoms collide together the electrons move up and down
orbits around the nucleus and release photons of light each time.
Each different type of element releases combinations of light in different wave lengths
or colours called its spectra. We can “read” what type of elements make up the Sun,
and other stars as well, by looking at what spectrum of light is emitted.
Luminescent light is produced from chemical or electrical energy
Our Sun is mainly made up of Hydrogen and Helium. Helium is very rare and
unreactive on Earth. It was not discovered until scientists, using spectroscopy on
the Sun, found an unknown element emitting a spectra of light that did not match
to any known elements. They named this element Helium after Helios, the Latin
name for Sun. We now know many stars contain Helium along with assorted other
elements rare and common on earth.
Ray diagrams in a plane mirror
The main rule for mirrors is that the angle of incidence equals the angle
of reflection.
This means that
the angle of the
light ray between
where it arrives
and the
perpendicular line
called the normal,
to where it hits on
the surface of the
mirror is the same
angle it leaves and
the same
(normal) line.
SJ Gaze
GZ Science Resources 30
Measuring the angle of incidence and angle of reflection
Unknown angles can be calculated using rule for mirrors that the angle of
incidence equals the angle of reflection. You also need to know the normal line is
90 to the plane of the mirror and all angles (A,B,C & D) must add up to 180
Normal line
For example: If angle B
is 50 what angle is D?
B = C so C = 50
C + D = 90
D must = 40
A 90
Plane of mirror
Light energy can be reflected by a mirror
When you look directly at an object you can see where it is. But if you
look at it in a mirror, then you are looking at a reflection of the object – the
image is behind the mirror. An image is a view of an object at a place other
than where the object is. Images can either be real or virtual. A real image
occurs when the light rays pass through the place where the image is, for
example, the image on a cinema screen or the image that falls on film in a
Images in plane
mirrors are:
the same size as the
the same distance
behind the mirror as
the object is in front;
virtual (light does not
really go to them);
laterally inverted (the
left side is swapped to
the right side and the
right side swapped to
the left).
Convex and concave mirrors
Mirrors work because light is reflected from them. The three types of
mirrors are:
Typically three rays of light are drawn reflecting off a concave mirror.
The centre incident ray follows the principal axis which travels straight into the centre
of the mirror. The reflection ray travels directly back on the same line.
Another incident ray of light parallel to the principal axis is drawn and the reflection ray
reflects inwards. (a normal line can be drawn where the ray hits the mirror and the
incidence ray=reflection ray). Where the rays cross is the focal point (F).
A third incidence ray can be drawn on the opposite side of the principal axis with the
reflection ray crossing at the focal point as well.
Normal line
Drawing Ray diagrams in convex mirrors
Typically three rays of light are drawn reflecting off a convex mirror.
The centre incident ray follows the principal axis which travels straight into the centre
of the mirror. The reflection ray travels directly back on the same line.
Another incident ray of light parallel to the principal axis is drawn and the reflection ray
reflects outwards. (a normal line can be drawn where the ray hits the mirror and the
incidence ray=reflection ray). Extending the reflected ray back past the mirror to cross
the principal axis is the focal point (F).
A third incidence ray can be drawn on the opposite side of the principal axis with the
extended reflection ray crossing at the focal point as well.
Normal line
Everyday use for concave and convex mirrors
A concave lens
will cause
parallel light
rays entering
the lens to
diverge (be
spread) when
leaving it. Rays
refract outwards
when entering
the lens, then
refract outwards
even more
when leaving
the lens.
Convex lens
Typically three rays of light are drawn refracting through a convex lens. (although you
may draw more as above)
The centre light ray follows the principal axis which travels straight into the centre of
the lens and continues on a straight line through the other side.
Another ray of light parallel to the principal axis is drawn and once reaching the optical
axis (middle of the lens) it bends inwards to cross the principal axis at the focal point
A third light ray can be drawn on the opposite side of the principal axis with the bent
ray crossing at the focal point as well.
Drawing ray diagrams for Concave lens
Typically three rays of light are drawn refracting through a concave lens. (although you
may draw more as above)
The centre light ray follows the principal axis which travels straight into the centre of
the lens and continues on a straight line through the other side.
Another ray of light parallel to the principal axis is drawn and once reaching the optical
axis (middle of the lens) it bends outwards (if this line is extended backwards it will
cross the principal axis at the focal point) A third light ray can be drawn on the
opposite side of the principal axis with the bent ray extended back and crossing at the
focal point as well.
Structure of the Human eye
The human eye is a “collecting” organ that allows light to reach sensory nerves which
then transmit electrical signals to the brain. The convex lens focuses the images seen
onto the retina of the eye. Various sensory cells in the retina called rods and cones detect
both amount of light and colour of light.
The iris opens to let more light into
the eye when it is dimmer. The
muscles around the lens change the Blind
shape of the lens. The blind spot is spot
The lens of the eye is able to change shape to focus light clearly from
different distances.
Muscles surrounding the lens relax to produce a more rounded lens, that is
able to focus on nearer objects.
Muscles surrounding the lens contract to produce a more flattened lens, that
is able to focus on far away objects.
While the eye
is focused to
see close up
images the
distance is
blurry and
vice versa.
Other types of eyes in the animal kingdom
Short sighted
A short sighted
(near sighted)
person is not able to
focus on distant
objects clearly. Their
very convex eye lens
bends light rays into
a focus point before
it reaches the retina.
A concave lens
cause the light rays
to disperse (bend
outwards) before
reaching the eye
lens. The light rays
then are able to
have their focus
point at the retina.
long sighted
Light speed changes as it moves from one medium to another (for example,
from air into the glass of the prism). This speed change causes the light to be
refracted and to enter the new medium at a different angle The degree of bending
of the light's path varies with the wavelength or colour of the light used, called
dispersion. A prism is a triangular block used to disperse white light. This causes
light of different colours to be refracted differently and to leave the prism at
different angles, creating an effect similar to a rainbow. This can be used to
separate a beam of white light into its spectrum of colours.
Blue skies and red sunsets
The sun releases visible light of all wavelengths, when combined becomes white
light. When this white light hits the surface of a red apple all of the other colours
of light except red are absorbed. The red light is instead reflected, and when
hitting our eyes we see the apple as red because that is the only wavelength
We see colours because of what wavelengths are reflected
A colour is a
processed by an
object as a result
of the way it
reflects, absorbs or
emits light of a
specific wave
Combining light
colours is said to
be additive. Each
wavelength of
light adds to
The three main
colours of light
are called
primary. Two
primary colours
together make a
secondary colour
and all three
primary colours
together make
up white light.
GZ Science Resources 59
Paint pigments are subtractive colours.
GZ Science Resources 61
Short wave length EM radiation can be dangerous
EM Radiation with wave lengths longer than visible light can be detected with
special types of receptors. Infra-red radiation is emitted from warm objects. Night
vision goggles pick up this type of EM radiation from living bodies when no visible
light is present.
Microwaves are longer again and
can be used to heat food. The
waves cause the water molecules
in food to move back and forward
rapidly and produce heat. Objects
such as plastic without water, do
not heat up directly.
Radio waves are the longest type
of EM radiation. Radio receivers
are used to pick up these waves
that can be generated by radio
stations or even from objects in
space. Cell phones work by
receiving radio waves reflected
from satellites orbiting above