EE 8251
Circuit Theory
Prof. S. SANJU
Series Resonance
The basic series-resonant circuit is shown in fig. 1. Of interest here in how the
steady state amplitude and the phase angle of the current vary with the frequency
of the sinusoidal voltage source. As the frequency of the source changes, the
maximum amplitude of the source voltage (Vm) is held constant
The frequency at which the reactance of the inductance and the capacitance cancel
each other is the resonant frequency (or the unity power factor frequency) of this
circuit. This occurs at
Since i = VR /R, then the current i can be studied by studying the voltage across
the resistor. The current i has the expression
!2-!1= R/L
are called the half power frequencies or the 3 dB frequencies, i.e the frequencies
at which the value of Im equals the maximum possible value divided by = 1.414
. The quality factor
Parallel Resonance:
The basic parallel-resonant circuit is shown in fig. 3. Of interest here in how the
steady state amplitude and the phase angle of the output voltage V0 vary with the
frequency of the sinusoidal voltage source.
Thus, it is a measure of the ratio of stored vs. lost energy per unit time.
Note that this definition does not specify what type of system is required.
Thus, it is quite general.
Since any real component also has loss due to the resistive component, the
average power dissipated is
At resonance, the reactances cancel out leaving just a peak voltage, Vpk, across
the loss resistance, R. Thus, Ipk = Vpk/R is the maximum current which passes
through all elements. Then,
In terms of the series equivalent network for a capacitor shown above, its Q is
given by:
is called unloaded Q or QU. The higher the unloaded Q, the lower the loss. Notice
that the Q decreases with frequency.
At a certain frequency the power dissipated by the resistor is half of the maximum
power which as mentioned occurs at
The half power occurs at the frequencies for which the amplitude of the voltage
across the resistor becomes equal to 1/Rt(2) of the maximum.
As we see from the plot on Figure 2 the bandwidth increases with increasing
R. Equivalently the sharpness of the resonance increases with decreasing R.
Which represents the ratio of the energy stored to the energy dissipated in a
circuit. The energy stored in the circuit is
The energy dissipated per period is equal to the average resistive power dissipated
times the oscillation period.
Mutual Inductance:
Suppose two coils are placed near each other, as shown in Figure
Since the two coils are close to each other, some of the magnetic field lines
through coil 1 will also pass through coil 2. Let F21denote the magnetic flux
through one turn of coil 2 due to I1. Now, by varying I1 with time, there will be
an induced emf associated with the changing magnetic flux in the second coil:
The time rate of change21 in coil 2 is proportional of magnetic to the time rate
of change flux of Φ the current in coil 1:
where the proportionality constant M21 is another mutual inductance and can be
written as
In coupled coils, the coefficient of coupling is defined as then fraction of the total
flux produced by one coil linking another coil.
Coefficient of coupling=
4.1. The reactance of an inductor is proportional to the frequency (f) of the current
flowing through it, so with increasing frequency the reactance/impedance of
the component increases. XL=2pfL
4.3. When used together an inductor and capacitor become a resonant circuit.
LC Parallel Circuit
The current mainly flows through the inductor, and the volt-drop across the
LC circuit is low, most of the voltage being dropped across the resistor.
It has been shown that if the LC circuit is connected in series with a fixed
component it can be used to select (and give an output) only at a given frequency
(the resonant frequency).
1- The lower the Q, the greater the bandwidth, and the less selective the circuit.
2- The quality factor (Q) of the LC circuit(s) used in a radio receiver therefore
determines its selectivity; that is, how well is can tune to and select a single
broadcast channel from a given waveband.
In series RLC circuit, there are two energy storing element which are L and C,
such a circuit give rise to second order differential equation and hence called
second order circuit.
Consider a series RLC circuit shown in Figure. The switch is closed at t = 0 and
a step voltage of V volts gets applied to circuit.
The response of the circuit depends on the nature of the roots of characteristic
equation. The two roots are,
Let us define some quantities to find the response according to the nature of roots.
Critical resistance :-
This is the value of resistance which reduces square root term to zero, giving real,
equal and negative roots.
3. Natural: (ω)
If the damping is made zero then the response oscillates with natural frequency
without any opposition. Such a frequ Frequency of oscillations,.Itisgivenby
denoted as ω
= 2pi - {Maximum energy stored per cycle / Energy dissipated per cycle}
Let us derive the expressions for the quality factor of inductor and capacitor.
f = frequency of operation,
Thus by definition, the quality factor of capacitor is given by,
linear transformer
The principle of mutual induction states that when two coils are inductively
coupled and if the current in one coil changed uniformly then an e.m.f gets
induced in the other coil. This e.m.f can drive a current, when a closed path is
provided to it. The transformer works on the same principle. In its elementary
form, it consists of two inductive coils which are electrically separated but linked
through a common magnetic circuit. The two coils have high mutual inductance.
The basic transformer is shown in fig.
One of the two coils is connected to a source of alternating voltage. This coil in
which electrical energy is fed with the help of source called primary winding (P).
The other winding is connected to the load. The electrical energy transformed to
this winding is drawn out to the load. This winding is called secondary winding
(S). The primary winding has N1 number of turns while the secondary winding
has N2 number of turns. Symbolically the transformer is indicated as shown in
= 64.97 Hz
= V /1/2πfrC
= 2πfrCV
= V/2πfrL
= 50/2π64.9*0.15
= 0.817 A
Series Resonance
The basic series-resonant circuit is shown in fig. 1. Of interest here in how the
steady state amplitude and the phase angle of the current vary with the frequency
of the sinusoidal voltage source. As the frequency of the source changes, the
maximum amplitude of the source voltage (Vm) is held constant
Parallel Resonance: