packages for web applications and software stacks. For instance, WordPress,
Joomla!, Drupal and many others are the web applications available from
Bitnami stacks. Besides, you can choose to download and install the Bitnami
1. Open a web browser and type this link into the search
2. Scroll down the Bitnami page and then select the installer for your computer’s
OS. The choices are Windows, Apple, and Linux.
3. The Download now! page encourages you to sign in, but that’s an unnecessary
step. Scroll down and click the link at the bottom of the page.
4. While the Bitnami app downloads, the Thanks! page opens in a new browser tab.
Installation of bitnami
1. Once the Bitnami app download finishes, click the exe folder in the bottom corner
of the screen.
2. After the exe folder opens, select your preferred language on the drop-down
menu and then click OK.
3. On the Setup panel, click Next.
4. On the Select Components panel, make sure you check WordPress and
PhpMyAdmin and then click Next.
5. Select a destination for the installation files. The Bitnami app creates a default
folder on the C drive. You can create a new destination by clicking the folder
6. Enter details on the Admin panel and then click Next. Make sure you save the
email address and password - you need them later when you log in to the site.
7. On the next panel, enter a name for your local WordPress website and then click
Next. The name is not essential, and you can always change it later.
8. The next panel lets you configure email support with a Gmail address or a
custom email account. You can add that at a later date, so for now, leave the box
unchecked and click Next.
9. On the next panel, click Next to install the app.
10. The Bitnami site opens in a new browser tab. You can close that page. On the
Ready to Install panel, click Next.
11. The Setup panel opens and starts the installation, which takes a few minutes to
12. If you are running Bitnami on a PC, you might see one or two Windows Defender
messages about mysql.exe and Apache. In both cases, click the Allow access
13. When the installation completes, click the Finish button.
14. Click the Access WordPress link in the new browser tab. Your local WordPress
site is now working.
To view your local WordPress site, open a browser tab and type: localhost/wordpress in
the search bar. To login to your local site, type: localhost/wordpress/login in the search
bar. Enter the email address and password that you saved while installing the Bitnami
web app. After you log in, the dashboard of your local WordPress site displays.