Chapter 2 Indian economy 1950 cr notes 2021
Chapter 2 Indian economy 1950 cr notes 2021
Chapter 2 Indian economy 1950 cr notes 2021
India adopted the Mixed Economy
After the freedom, leaders of independent India (like Jawaharlal Nehru) were confused
with regard to economic system, to be followed in India.
Some leaders were in favor of Socialist Economy. However, in a democratic
country like India, complete dilution of private ownership was not possible
Capitalist Economic System did not appeal to Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime
Minister, as under this system, there would be less chances for improvement in
quality of life of majority of people.
As a result, Mixed Economy (with best features of both Socialist and Capitalist
Economy) was adopted by the Indian Economy. In this view, India would be a
socialist society, with a strong public sector, but also with private property and
A plan spells out how the resources of a nation should be put to use. It should
have some general goals as well as specific objectives which are to be achieved
within a specified period of time.
in India plans are of five years duration and are called five-year plans (we borrowed
this from the former Soviet Union, the pioneer in national planning). Our plan documents
not only specify the objectives to be attained in the five years of a plan but also what is
to be achieved over a period of twenty years. This long-term plan is called
‘perspective plan’. The five-year plans are supposed to provide the basis for the
perspective plan.
Economic Planning.
Defined as making major economic decisions on the basis of a comprehensive
survey of the economy as a whole.
Government of India set up Planning Commission in 1950, with the Prime
Minister as the Chairman.
Growth (G) refers to increase in the country’s capacity to produce the output of goods
and services within the country.
GROWTH implies
Larger stock of productive capital
Larger size of supporting services like transporting and banking
An increase in the efficiency of productive capital and services.
A good indicator of economic growth is its GDP.
It is the market value of all the goods and services produced in the country
during a year.
As a country develops, it undergoes ‘structural change’. In the case of India, the
structural change is peculiar. Usually, with development, the share of agriculture
declines and the share of industry becomes dominant. At higher levels of development,
the service sector contributes more to the GDP than the other two sectors. In India, the
share of agriculture in the GDP was more than 50 per cent—as we would expect for a
poor country. But by 1990 the share of the service sector was 40.59 per cent, more
than that of agriculture or industry, like what we find in developed nations
The contribution made by each of these sectors makes up the structural sectoral
composition of the economy.
Usually, with development, the share of agriculture declines and the share of industry
becomes dominant. At higher levels of development, the service sector contributes
more to the GDP than the other two sectors. In India, the share of agriculture in the
GDP was more than 50 per cent—as we would expect for a poor country. But by 1990
the share of the service sector was 40.59 per cent, more than that of agriculture or
industry, like what we find in developed nations.
2. Equity (E)
Benefits of economic prosperity reach the poor sections as well instead only
by the rich.
This can be done by reducing inequality in the distribution of wealth.
Every Indian should be able to meet his or her basic needs such as food,
housing, education and health care etc and inequality in distribution of wealth
be reduced.
3. Modernization. (M)
Indian planners have always recognized the need for modernization of society to raise
the standard of living of people. Modernization includes:
Adoption of New Technology: Modernization aims to increase the production of
goods and services through use of new technology. For example, a farmer can
increase the output on the farm by using new seed varieties instead of using the
old ones. Similarly, a factory can increase output by using a new type of machine.
Change in social outlook: Modernization also requires change in social
outlook, such as gender empowerment or providing equal rights to women. In a
traditional society, women are from the different sectors of the supposed to
remain at home while men work. A modern society makes use of the talents of
women in the work place. In Banks, factories, schools etc.
4. Self reliance (S) A nation can promote more to the GDP growth, while in
economic growth and modernization by using its own resources or using resources
imported from other nations.
The first seven five year plans gave importance to self-reliance which means avoiding
imports production of goods and services of those goods which could be produced in
India itself
This policy was considered a necessity in order to reduce our dependence on foreign
countries especially for food.
The policy of self-reliance was considered a necessity because of two
To reduce foreign dependence: As India was recently freed from foreign
control, it is necessary to reduce our dependence on foreign countries,
especially for food. So, stress should be give to self-reliance.
To avoid Foreign Interference: It was feared that dependence on imported
food supplies, foreign technology and foreign capital may increase foreign
interference in the policies of our country.
1. When was the planning commission set up?
2. What is a mixed economy?
3. Define a plan
4. Give the meaning of five year plan
5. Give the meaning of perspective plan
6. Why did India opt for planning?
7. Why should plan have goals?
8. What are the goals of the five-year plans?
9. Why a choice has to be made in each five year plan about which of the goals is to be
given primary importance?
10. How is economic growth of a country measured?
At the time of independence, the land tenure system was characterized by
intermediaries (like zamindars) who merely collected rent (lagaan) from the actual tillers
of the soil without contributing towards improvements on the farm. The low productivity
of the agricultural sector forced India to import food from the United States of America.
Land Reforms primarily refers to change in the ownership of landholdings.(i.e to
abolish intermediaries and to make the tillers the owners of the land and fixing
the maximum size of land which could be owned by an individual (land ceiling)
Indian Government took various steps to abolish intermediaries and to make
tillers, the owners of land.
1. The abolition of intermediaries
The idea behind this step was that ownership of land would give incentives to the
actual tillers to make improvements (provided sufficient capital was made
available to them).
The abolition of intermediaries brought 200 lakh tenants into direct contact with
the government.
2. The ownership of landholdings.
The ownership rights granted to tenants gave them the incentives to increase
output and this contributed to growth in agriculture.
3. Land ceiling fixing the maximum size of land which could be owned by an
individual . the purpose of this was to reduce the concentration of land ownership
in few hands
Conclusion: Land reforms were successful in Kerala and West Bengal because
governments of these states were committed to the policy of land reforms.
Unfortunately, other states did not have the same level of commitment and vast
inequality in landholdings continued.
Green Revolution refers to the large increase in production of food grains due to
use of high yielding variety (HYV) seeds especially for wheat and rice.
HYV seeds are seeds of better quality than normal quality seeds. The produce from
these seed is more compared to the normal seeds. However the use of HYV seeds
require the use of fertilizer and pesticide in the correct quantities as well as regular
supply of water. Also, the application of these inputs in correct proportion is vital. Green
Revolution is the spectacular advancement in the field of agriculture
At the time of independence, about 75 per cent of the country’s population was
dependent on agriculture.
India’s agriculture vitally depends on the monsoon and in case of shortage of
monsoon, the farmers had to face lot of troubles.
Moreover, the productivity in the agricultural sector was very low due to use of
outdated technology and absence of required infrastructure.
As a result of intensive and continued effort of many agricultural scientists, this
stagnation in agriculture was permanently broken by the “Green Revolution’
Growth in agricultural output was not enough and does not make much of difference to
the economy as a whole if a large proportion of this increase is consumed by the
farmers themselves instead of being sold in the market. On the other hand, if the
substantial output is sold in the market by the farmers, the higher output can make a
difference to the economy.
The portion of agricultural produce which is sold in the market by the farmers is called
marketed surplus/marketable surplus.
1.Attaining Marketable Surplus Green Revolution resulted in “Marketable Surplus
Growth in agricultural output makes a difference to the economy only when
large proportion of this increase is sold in the market.
Fortunately, a good proportion of rice and wheat produced during the green
revolution period was sold by the farmers in the market
2 Buffer Stock of Food Grains The green revolution enabled the government to
procure sufficient amount of food grains to build a stock which could be used in times of
food shortage
3. Decrease in the price of food grains: As large proportion of food grains was sold
by the farmers in the market, their prices declined relative to other items of
consumption. The low-income groups, who spend a large percentage of their
income on food, benefited from this decline in relative prices.
4. Self reliance. Indian agricultural productivity increased sufficiently to enable the
country to be self sufficient in food grains. We no longer had to depend on other
nations for meeting our nation’s food requirement.
In brief, subsidies in India are necessary for poor and small farmers, to enable
them to make use of modern agricultural techniques. Necessary steps should be
taken to ensure that only the poor farmers enjoy the benefits of subsidies and not
the fertilizer industry and big farmers.
Despite the implementation of green revolution, more than 65% of the country’s
population continued to be employed in the agriculture sector till 1990-91 why?
The reason is that the industrial and service sector did not absorb the ppl working in the
agricultural sector.
Between 1950 and 1990, there had been substantial increase in the agricultural
productivity. As a result of Green revolution, India became self-sufficient in food
production. Land Reforms resulted in abolition of zamindari system.
The Proportion of GDP between 1950 and 1990 contributed by agriculture
declined significantly, but not the population depending on it.
Around 65 per cent of the country’s population continued to be employed in
agriculture, even till 1990. The involvement of such a large proportion of the
population in agriculture was regarded as the important failure of policies
followed during 1950 -1990.
1. The developing countries (like India) can progress only if they have a good
industrial sector.
2. Industry provides employment, which is more stable than the employment in
3. Industrialization promotes modernization and overall prosperity.
had capital to do so. Due to limited size of the market, there was low level of
demand for the industrial goods.
3. Objectives of Social Welfare: The objective of equity and social welfare of the
Government could be achieved only through direct participation of the state in the
process of industrialization.
As a result, state had complete control over those industries, that were vital for the
economy. The policies of the private sector had to be complementary to those of the
public sector, with public sector leading the way.
Classification of Industries
According to Industrial Policy Resolution 1956, the industries were reclassified into
three categories, viz, Schedule A, Schedule B and Schedule C.
1. Schedule A: This first category comprised industries which would be
exclusively owned by the state. In this schedule, 17 industries were
included, like arms and ammunitions; atomic energy; heavy and core industries;
aircraft; oil; railways; shipping; etc.
2. Schedule B: In this schedule, 12 industries were placed, which would be
progressively state-owned. The state would take the initiative of setting up
industries and private sector will supplement efforts of the state. This
schedule includes industries like aluminium, other mining industries, machine
tools, fertilizers, etc.
3. Schedule C: This schedule consists of the remaining industries which were
to be in the private sector. The state would facilitate and encourage the
development of all these industries. These industries were controlled by the state
through a system of licenses, enforced under Industries (Development and
Regulation) Act, 1951.
Why and how was private sector regulated under the IPR 1956?
An industrial license is a written permission from the government, to an industrial
unit to manufacture goods.
Although there was a category of industries left to the private sector , the sector was
kept under state control through system of licensing.
1. No new industry was allowed unless is obtained from the government.
2. It was easier to obtain a license if the industrial unit was established in an
economically backward area. In addition, such units were given certain
concessions, such a tax benefits and electricity at a lower tariff. The purpose of
this policy was to promote regional equality.
3. License was needed even if an existing industry wants to expand output or
diversify production. License to expand production was given only if the
government was convinced that there is a need for larger quantity of goods
in the economy
In the first seven plans, trade was characterized by an inward looking Trade
Strategy. Technically, this strategy is called “Import Substitution’.
Import Substitution refers to a policy of replacement or substitution of
imports by domestic production.
For example, instead of importing vehicles made in a foreign country, domestic
industries would be encouraged to produce them in India itself.
Reason for import substitution.
1. The policy of protection (in the form of Import Substitution) is based on the notion
that industries of developing countries, like India, are not in a position to compete
against the goods produced by more developed economies. With protection, they
will be able to compete in the due course of time.
2. Restriction on imports was necessary as there was a risk of drain of foreign
exchange reserves on the import of luxury goods
Protection from Imports through “Tariffs’ and ‘ Quotas’
Government made use of two ways to protect goods produced in India from Imports;
1. Tariffs: Tariffs refer to taxes levied on imported goods. The basic aim for
imposing heavy duty on imported goods was to make them more expensive and
discourage their use.
2. Quotas: Quotas refer to fixing the maximum limit on the imports of a commodity
by a domestic producer.
The tariff on imported goods and fixation of quotas helped in restricting the level of
imports. As a result, the domestic firms could expand without fear of competition from
the foreign market.
b) Lack of Competition: Due to restrictions on imports, some domestic
producers made no sincere efforts to improve the quality of their goods and it
forced the Indian consumers to purchase, whatever is produced by them. The
domestic industry failed to achieve international standards of product quality.
However, some economists feel that we should protect our producers from
foreign competition as long as rich nations continue to do so.
The progress of the Indian economy in the three sectors can be summarized as under:
In Agriculture Sector:
India became self-sufficient in food production due to the green revolution.
Land reforms resulted in abolition of zamindari system.
In Industrial Sector:
The industries became far more diversified compared to the situation at
independence. However, excessive government regulation prevented their
Many economists were dissatisfied with the performance of public sector
In Trade Sector:
Our policies were ‘inward oriented’ and so we failed to develop a strong export
The domestic producers were protected against foreign competition in order to
gain self-reliance. However, this did not give them the incentive to improve the
quality of goods that they produced.
1.In the first seven plans, foreign trade was characterized by what is commonly called
an ------. Technically this strategy is called --------------
2.what was the aim of import substitution?
3. Name any 2 industries which were reserved for the public sector during 1950-1990.
1.what is a plan?
A plan spells out how the resources of a nation should be put to use. It should have
some general goals as well as specific objectives which are to be achieved within a
specified period of time.
2 Why did India opt for planning?
Ans. After gaining independence, the next important step for the Indian Government
was to revive the poor, backward and stagnant economy, inherited from the
British rule. So, for the systematic and overall development of Indian economy,
India opted for planning.
Q.3. Why should plans have goals?
Ans. Planning is done to achieve some predetermined goals within a specified time
period. Without goals, the planners won’t be able to know which sector of the
economy needs to be developed on the priority basis. So, plans should have
Q.4. What are miracle seeds?
Ans. Miracle seeds refer to high yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds, which raised
agricultural yield per acre to incredible heights.
Q.5. What is marketable surplus?
Ans. The portion of agricultural produce, which is sold in the market by the farmers,
after meeting their own consumption requirement, is known as marketable surplus
Q6. Explain the need and type of land reforms implemented in the agriculture sector.
Ans. Need for land Reforms: The land reforms were needed in a country like India
because: (i) majority of its population depends on agriculture; and (ii) To achieve
the objective of equity in agriculture.
Types of land Reforms: The major measures taken under land reforms includes:
(a) Abolition of Intermediaries: Indian Government took various steps to abolish
intermediaries and to make tillers, the owners of land. The ownership rights
granted to tenants gave them the incentive to increase output and this
contributed to growth in agriculture.
(b) Land Ceiling: Land Ceiling refers to fixing the specified limit of land, which
could be owned by an individual. The purpose of land ceiling was to reduce
the concentration of land ownership in few hands. It helped to promote equity
in the agricultural sector.
Q.7. What is Green Revolution? Why was it implemented and how did it benefit the
farmers? Explain in brief.
Ans. Green Revolution refers to the large increase in production of food grains due to
use of high yielding variety (HYV) seeds.
It was implemented because:
The agricultural sector accounted for the largest share of workforce with
approximately 70-75 per cent.
The productivity in the agricultural sector was very low due to use of outdated
technology and absence of required infrastructure and India was forced to
import food from the United States of America.
increase output by using a new type of machine. However, modernization does not refer
only to the use of modern technology but also to change in social outlook such as
recognition that women should have the same rights as men. A modern society makes
use of the talents of women I the work place – in banks factories schools etc.
The planners have to balance the goals, they have to ensure that as far as possible the
policies of the plans do not contradict the four goals
Q10. Why was it necessary for a developing country like India to follow self-reliance as
a planning objective?
Ans. The policy of self-reliance was considered a necessity because of two reasons:
To reduce foreign dependence: As India was recently freed from foreign
control, it is necessary to reduce our dependence on foreign countries,
especially for food. So, stress should be give to self-reliance.
To avoid Foreign Interference: It was feared that dependence on imported food
supplies, foreign technology and foreign capital may increase foreign
interference in the policies of our country.
Q11. What is sectoral composition of an economy? Is it necessary that the service
sector should contribute maximum to GDP of an economy? Comment.
Ans. Structural composition refers to contribution made by agricultural, industrial and
service sector in the gross domestic product of the country.
No, it is not necessary that the service sector contributes maximum to GDP of an
economy. However, by 1990, the share of the service sector was the maximum at
40.59 per cent. This phenomenon of growing share of the service sector marked
the beginning of globalization in the country.
Q.12 Why was public sector given a leading role in industrial development during the
planning period?
Ans. The public sector was given a leading role in industrial development during the
planning period because of following reasons:
1. Shortage of Capital with Private Sector : Private entrepreneurs did not have
the capital to undertake investment in industrial ventures, required for the
development of Indian economy. At the time of independence, Tatas and
Birlas were the only well- known Private entrepreneurs. As a result,
Government had to make industrial investment through Public Sector
Undertakings (PSU’s)
2. Lack of Incentive for Private Sector: The Indian market was not big enough to
encourage private industrialists to undertake major projects, even if they had
capital to do so. Due to limited size of the market, there was low level of
demand for the industrial goods.
3. Objectives of Social Welfare: The objective of equity and social welfare of the
Government could be achieved only through direct participation of the state in
the process of industrialization.
Q.13. Explain the statement that green revolution enabled the government to procure
sufficient food grains to build its stocks that could be used during times of
Ans. The Green Revolution resulted in the manifold increase in the agricultural
production and productivity. As a result, India was able to achieve self-sufficiency
in food grains. Green revolution helped in building buffer stocks, which could be
used in case of shortage of production.
Q.14. While subsidies encourage farmers to use new technology, they are a huge
burden on government finances. Discuss the usefulness of subsidies in the light
of this fact.
Ans. In India, subsidies are necessary because;
Majority of the farmers are very poor and they will not be able to afford the
required inputs without the subsidies.
To reduce the income inequality between rich and poor farmers and to
achieve the ultimate goal of equity.
So, the government should continue with agricultural subsidies as farming in
India continues to be a risky business. However, necessary steps should be
taken to ensure that only the poor farmers enjoy the benefits of the subsidies
and not the fertilizer industry and big farmers.
Q.15. Why, despite the implementation of green revolution, 65 per cent of our
population continued to be engaged in the agriculture sector till 1990?
Ans. 65 per cent of our population continued to be engaged in the agriculture sector till
1990 because industrial and service sectors were unable to absorb the extra
people involved in agriculture.
Q.16. Though public sector is very essential for industries, many public sector
undertakings incur huge losses and are a drain on the economy’s resources.
Discuss the usefulness of public sector undertakings in the light of this fact.
Ans. It is true that many public sector undertakings are incurring huge losses.
However, they are still very useful and crucial for the economy. They are
To create a strong industrial base. Public sector plays an important role in
development of those industries which require heavy investment and have
long gestation period.
To develop infrastructure.
To promote development of backward areas.
To generate employment opportunities.
To control and manage industries of strategic areas (like national defence,
atomic energy, etc.)
Moreover, public sector is not meant for earning profits but to promote the
welfare of the nation. So, they should be evaluated on the basis of their
contribution to welfare of the people and not on the profits they earn.
Q.17. Explain how import substitution can protect domestic industry.
Ans. The domestic industries of India were not in a position to compete against the
goods produced by more developed economics. So, the policy of import
substitution helped in protecting them in two ways:
(a) Tariffs: Tariffs refer to taxes levied on imported goods. The basic aim for
imposing heavy duty on imported goods was to make them more expensive and
discourage their use.
(b) Quotas: Quotas refer to fixing the maximum limit on the imports of a commodity
by a domestic producer.
The tariff on imported goods and fixation of quotas helped in restricting the level of
imports. As a result, the domestic firms could expand without fear of competition
from the foreign market
Q.18. Why and how was private sector regulated under the IPR 1956?
Ans. Out of these categories, the third category (Schedule C) consisted of the
industries which were to be in the private sector. These industries were
controlled by the state through a system of licenses, enforced under Industries
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1951.
According to industrial Licensing;
1. No new industry was allowed unless is obtained from the government.
2. It was easier to obtain a license if the industrial unit was established in an
economically backward area. In addition, such units were given certain
concessions, such a tax benefits and electricity at a lower tariff. The purpose of
this policy was to promote regional equality.
3. License was needed even if an existing industry wants to expand output or
diversify production.
Q.19. Match the following
1. Prime Minister A. Seeds that give large proportion of output.
2. Gross Domestic Product B. Quantity of goods that can be imported.
3. Quota C. Chairperson of the Planning Commission.
4. Land Reforms D. The money value of all the final goods
and services
produced within the economy in one
5. HYV Seeds E. Improvements in the field of agriculture to
its productivity.
6. Subsidy F. The monetary assistances given by
for production activities.
Ans. 1.(C); 2. (D); 3. (B); 4. (E); 5 (A); 6 (F)
1.During the colonial rule there was neither growth nor equity in the agricultural sector.
How did the policy makers of independent India address these issues?
During the colonial rule there was neither growth nor equity in the agricultural sector.
The policy makers of independent India addressed these issues through land reforms
and promoting the use of HYV seeds which ushered in a revolution in Indian agriculture
(Green revolution). These initiatives helped India to become self sufficient in food grains
2.Why was the ownership of landholding considered necessary under land reforms in
the agriculture sector?
The ownership of landholding considered necessary under land reforms in the
agriculture sector because ownership of land would enable the tiller to make profit from
the increased output. Secondly it would given incentives to the tillers to invest in making
on account of rising losses. Justify the steps taken by the government of