12. Adverbial Clauses
12. Adverbial Clauses
12. Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial Clauses
Adverbs Review
❖ Verbs
❖ Adjectives
❖ Adverbs
❖ Sentences
Adverbial Clauses
after following the time that…
as while when…
as soon as immediately at or instantly after the time that…
before earlier than the time when…
TIME since from that time/moment
until up to the time of…
when a point in time/short duration
whenever at any time
while longer duration of time
I don't know when she will come --> A noun clause --> direct O of V know
Adverbial Clauses
I don't know the time when she will come --> ADJ clause --> modify the time
I think I will go when she comes --> adverbial clause --> modify the time, such an adverb
Tense sequence in adverbial clauses of time
❖ To talk about past or present ➔ use the same tense as in the
independent clause
I normally look after the children while she’s practicing.
When she heard the result, she was overjoyed.
❖ To talk about future ➔ use present
Wait here until you are ready to go.
Adverbial Clauses
Tense sequence with adverbial clauses of time
md trạng ngữ xảy ra trc--> chia ở hiện tại/ HTHT
❖ To talk about an action completed before another described in the
independent clause ➔ use simple or perfect verb forms
hai hd này xảy ra liên tiếp//xảy ra từ trc rất lâu, sau 1 khoảng tg mới đến come and....
As soon as you see/ have seen her, come and tell me.
She wrote to me after she spoke/ had spoken to Kim.
nếu là write--> vừa vt xong--> bật dậy kéo vali đi liền
After I have written this book, I’m having a holiday. (rather than I WRITE)
Turn off the lights as you leave. (not YOU HAVE LEFT)
When I saw Jim, I asked him over for dinner. (not HAD SEEN)
vừa saw thì asked liền
Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial Clauses
even though in spite of the fact that
STRONG whereas
direct opposition
as long as
CONDITION provided/ providing under the condition that…
Reducing adverbial clauses
❖ Retain BEFORE have the same S, usually rather formal
A student should consider some factors BEFORE choosing a major.
❖ Retain SINCE when it refers to time
SINCE moving to the U.S., Carlos has not been back home. (Since he moved…)
Coming from a conservative family, Carlos was shocked at the US system of coed
dormitories. (Since/As Carlos he …)
❖ Delete AS when it refers to time
Getting used to the way of life here, he became less homesick.
❖ Delete all subordinators referring to reason
❖ Retain AFTER, WHEN and WHILE when the reduced form follows the independent clause
WHILE preparing for the TOEFL, he lived with a family.
Preparing for the TOEFL, he lived with a family.
He lived with a family WHILE preparing for the TOEFL.
- as I had failed my medical exams, I took up teaching --> emphasize one thing
happening b4 another
--> failing my medical....(hai hd xảy ra liên tục,vừa thi rớt là took up teaching luôn)
--> having failed my medical....(hd đã xảy ra từ trc đó sau đó mới xảy ra hd sau)
- it rained for 2 weeks on end, so that it completely ruined our trip
--> it rained for 2 weeks on end, completely ruining our trip
- after he had been abandoned by his friends, the boy went home alone
--> Abandoned by his friend, the boy...
dangling modifier: lỗi sai hệ quy chiếu, hai md có chủ ngữ khác nhau--> vẫn rút gọn
1. carrying a heavy pile of books, his foot caught on a step --> he caught his foot on a
--> muốn rút gọn thì hai md phải có chung CHỦ NGỮ
❖ Alternatives to IF
❖ Assuming
❖ Provided, providing
❖ But for
❖ So long as, as long as
❖ Even if, only if
❖ Suppose, supposing
❖ On condition that
❖ Unless
❖ Or else
❖ What if
❖ Otherwise
Three types of conditionals
Type-1 Conditionals
❖ Present Simple + Will-Infinitive CÓ THỂ XẢY RA ĐI KÈM VỚI ĐK
❖ Open conditions; likely conditions in present and future
If it rains, the reception will take place indoors.
If we’re having a party, we’ll have to invite the neighbors.
If you’ll just sign here, thank you. IF you are willing to sign here--> willing to do st
Supposing we were to win the lottery, how would you spend the money?
emphasize the unlivelihood-formal
Would it be alright if I brought a friend?
If Tom were ambitious, he’d have found himself a better job years ago.
nếu tom là ng có tham vọng
If Tom had been amnitious...
--> nếu HỒI ĐÓ Tom có tham vọng.... 18
nếu ko tại vì thời tiết
Special Cases
❖ If it were not for the weather, we’d have gone out hours ago.
nếu hồi đó ko vì thời tiết --> chỉ trog lúc đó mà thôi
❖ If it had not been for the weather, we’d have gone out hours ago.
❖ Without + N
❖ But for + N
❖ Because of + N/V-ing
❖ Due to + N/V-ing
if it rains, the reception will take place...
something is unlikely = happen to
--> if it should rain, the...
--> should it rain,....
( should you need for more further inf...(nếu lỡ, tình cờ...)