s10924-018-1300-x (1)
s10924-018-1300-x (1)
s10924-018-1300-x (1)
Self-binding ability of the pectin molecules was used to produce pectin films using the compression molding technique, as
an alternative method to the high energy-demanding and solvent-using casting technique. Moreover, incorporation of fungal
biomass and its effects on the properties of the films was studied. Pectin powder plasticized with 30% glycerol was subjected
to heat compression molding (120 °C, 1.33 MPa, 10 min) yielding pectin films with tensile strength and elongation at break
of 15.7 MPa and 5.5%, respectively. The filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae was cultivated using the water-soluble nutrients
obtained from citrus waste and yielded a biomass containing 31% proteins and 20% lipids. Comparatively, the same strain
was cultivated in a semi-synthetic medium resulting in a biomass with higher protein (60%) and lower lipid content (10%).
SEM images showed addition of biomass yielded films with less debris compared to the pectin films. Incorporation of the
low protein content biomass up to 15% did not significantly reduce the mechanical strength of the pectin films. In contrast,
addition of protein-rich biomass (up to 20%) enhanced the tensile strength of the films (16.1–19.3 MPa). Lastly, the fungal
biomass reduced the water vapor permeability of the pectin films.
Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292 4283
biocomposite films are usually produced by solution cast- Materials and Methods
ing [10] in which pectin is dissolved in an aqueous acidic
solution, and reinforcing materials are suspended in this Materials
solution. The solution is then casted over a smooth sur-
face and dried to make a film [11]. Production of bioplas- CW was kindly provided by Brämhults Juice AB (Borås,
tic films via solution casting method however has a high Sweden). For the production of pectin-based bioplastic films,
demand of energy which may avoid profitability of the pro- citrus peel derived pectin (poly-d-galacturonic acid, ≥ 74%)
cess in large scales [12]. The molding method, on the other from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA) was used.
hand, usually has lower energy demand and processing Anhydrous glycerol (analytical grade, 99%), from Scharlab
time compared to the casting method, thus being preferred S.L. (Barcelona, Spain), was used as plasticizer for the pro-
for industrial applications [13]. For non-thermoplastic duction of bioplastic films. Other chemicals and reagents
biopolymers, such as proteins, heat compression molding used in this study were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc.
has been applied to produce bioplastic items [14]. How- (St. Louis, MO, USA) unless stated otherwise.
ever, to the best of our knowledge, this technique has not
been employed for production of pectin based bioplastics.
Blending of pectin with clay nanoparticles such as hal-
loysite nanotubes [15, 16] and layered double hydroxides
Rhizopus oryzae (CCUG28958) used for biomass cultivation
materials [17] positively affect the mechanical perfor-
was acquired from the Culture Collection of the Univer-
mances, improved thermal stability, and vapor barrier
sity of Gothenburg, Sweden. The strain was grown in agar
properties of the pectin films. Similarly, the blend of other
plates (potato extract 4 g/L, dextrose 20 g/L, agar 15 g/L)
biopolymers such as polysaccharides (e.g. starch, cellu-
for 5 days at 30 °C. The obtained plates were then kept at
lose, and chitosan) [11], proteins, and lipids [18] were
5 °C until use for a maximum of 30 days. Spore suspension
reported to improve the pectin films characteristics. For
for inoculation was prepared by adding 20 mL of sterile
instance, in a review, Porta et al. [19] stated that addi-
water in a plate and gently stirring the liquid using a sterile
tion of proteins, e.g. soy proteins, to pectin films not only
L-shaped spreader.
brings a nutritional value to the films, but also increases
the strength and improves the oxygen barrier characteris-
tics. The improvements are caused by the strong interac- Extraction of Citrus Waste Free Sugars (CWFS)
tions between the OH− and COO− groups of pectin and and Nutrients
positively charged –NH groups of proteins. Lipids can
form dipole-charge and dipole–dipole interactions with The soluble sugars and other soluble nutrients were extracted
polar functional groups of pectin matrix and therefore, from CW according to Satari et al. [5] with minor modifi-
improve the characteristics of the pectin-based films [12, cation. Briefly, CW in wet form (60 kg) was mixed with
18]. Furthermore, materials containing a mixture of sev- tap water (90 L) and left overnight. Thereafter, the mixture
eral organic compounds, e.g. coffee ground, have been was subjected to liquid extraction in a fruit press machine
tested as filler for a pectin matrix with interesting results (LANCMAN™ VSPIX120) equipped with a textile filter
[20]. Fungal biomass is a rich source of different biopoly- (pore size 3 mm). The citrus waste free sugars solution
mers. Improvement of the properties of the pectin films by (CWFS) was collected and stored at 5 °C until use.
blending the polymer with fungal biomass has not been
investigated before. Cultivation in Bubble Column Reactor
The purpose of the current work was to apply a solvent-
free compression molding method for production of bio- Cultivation of R. oryzae was performed using different
plastic films from citrus peel derived pectin. Moreover, media, namely CWFS and a nutrient rich semi-synthetic
as another solution to CW challenges, free sugars and medium [glucose (10 g/L), yeast extract (5.0 g/L), K2HPO4
other water-soluble nutrients were extracted from CW and (3.5 g/L), CaCl2·2H2O (1.0 g/L), MgSO4·7H2O (0.75 g/L),
employed for cultivation of the filamentous fungus Rhizopus and (NH4)2SO4 (7.5 g/L)]. Sterilization of the liquid media
oryzae, in a pilot scale bubble column reactor. Incorporation was performed in an autoclave (Systec, Germany) at 121 °C
of the fungal biomass to the pectin films was also investi- for 20 min. R. oryzae inoculum was prepared in 1-L baf-
gated. Fungal biomass grown on a rich synthetic medium fled Erlenmeyer flasks containing 300 mL of sterile CWFS
was used as a reference for comparison of the properties medium or semi-synthetic medium at pH 5.5. These solu-
of the obtained films. SEM analyses were used to study the tions were inoculated with 15 mL of spore suspension of R.
molecular interactions between the pectin and the fungal oryzae and incubated in shaking water bath at 35 °C (for 24 h
biomass components.
4284 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292
for semi-synthetic medium or 48–55 h for CWFS medium) using a Rotor mill (Fritsch Pulverisette14, Fritsch Industries,
to obtain enough fungal biomass for inoculation of 26 L bub- Germany). Extraction was carried out by adding 25 mL of
ble column bioreactor (Bioengineering, Switzerland). 0.4% (w/v) biomass suspension in water to 50 mL of organic
Inoculum (1.5% v/v) was added to a 20-L plastic con- solvent mix (containing 40% petroleum ether, 40% diethyl
tainer containing the sterile medium (CWFS or semi-syn- ether, and 20% absolute ethanol) in a 250 mL separating
thetic) to complete 20 L of working volume. In addition, funnel. The content in the funnel was thoroughly mixed
5 mL of antifoam 204 (Sigma-Aldrich Inc, MO, USA) was manually for 10 min and left still for phase separation. The
also added to the medium to prevent foam generation during organic phase was collected in pre-weighted glass beakers
the cultivation. This inoculated solution was manually trans- to determine the lipid concentration. The aqueous phase was
ferred to the sterile bioreactor (sterilized by direct steam subjected to two more extractions similar to the first one
injection at 130 °C for 30 min) to start the cultivation, which to guarantee the complete extraction of lipids. The beaker
was carried out at 35 °C and at an aeration rate of 1.5 vvm containing the organic phase of the three extractions was
(volume of air per volume of medium per minute). The pH left overnight in a fume hood for evaporation of the liquid
was adjusted to 5.4–5.5 at the beginning of the cultivation. and further dried at 105 °C until constant weight. By weight
The initial pH of CWFS was 3.6 and was increased to 5.5 difference, the amount of lipids was determined.
using 5 M NaOH solution [5]. At the end of the cultiva-
tions, the broth was filtered through a kitchen sieve and the Solvent Free Method for Production of Pectin Films
harvested solid was washed with tap water and stored at
− 20 °C for further usage. As the media at the beginning of The pectin films were produced using a solvent-free
the cultivations contained no suspended solids, the collected compression molding approach, which involved thermo-
solids were considered to be only fungal biomass. mechanical treatment of pectin. Pectin (Sigma-Aldrich
The broth was analyzed in terms of lactic acid, glycerol, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA) was used with galacturonic
ethanol, glucose, and other sugars using a hydrogen-ion acid ≥ 74.0%—dried basis, methoxy groups ≥ 6.7%—dried
based ion-exchange column (Aminex HPX-87H, Bio-Rad, basis, and molecular weight of 30–100 kg/mol. Glycerol
Hercules, CA, USA) installed in a high-performance liquid was used as plasticizer. Preliminary experiments (data not
chromatography (HPLC) system at 60 °C, using 0.6 mL/ shown) indicated glycerol content (GC) of 30% (w/w) as
min of 0.5 mM H2SO4 solution as the eluent. A refractive the best concentration. Mixing of pectin powder with glyc-
index detector (Waters 2414, USA) was used to identify and erol was carried out manually for 2 min with the help of
quantify the components. a glass stirrer to get an uniform dough which was then
formed into ball shape (total weight of 2.5 g) and stored in
Characterization of the Fungal Biomass polyethylene (PE) bags overnight at room temperature. To
prepare the films, the obtained pectin–glycerol blend was
The standard Kjeldhal method (InKjel P digestor + Behrotest placed between two square-shaped high-density polyethyl-
S1 distiller, Behr Labor-Technik, Germany) was adopted ene sheets (12 cm × 12 cm) and placed in a Rondol 20 Ton
for analysis of protein content in the fungal biomass. For molding press (Rondol Technologies Ltd, UK). The com-
this analysis, the biomass was pre-dried at 70 °C overnight. pression molding process was performed under operation
Briefly, the protein content in the biomass was quantified in conditions of 1.33 MPa and 120 °C. The heating plates were
two steps, namely digestion (where the organic nitrogen con- previously set at the working temperature and the sample
tent of biomass was converted into ammonium sulphate and was kept between them for 10 min. The sheets were then
water) and distillation (where ammonium hydroxide was col- removed from the press and left at ambient temperature to
lected as distillate through the reaction of ( NH4)2SO4 with cool for 5 min. The obtained pectin biofilms were stored in
10.7 M NaOH). The collected distillate was titrated with PE bags at room temperature for further characterization.
0.1 M HCl to determine the protein concentration in fun- Pectin-based biomass films were also produced by incor-
gal biomass (defined as 6.25 times the net nitrogen content poration of fungal biomass. The fungal biomass was lyophi-
of biomass) [21]. Sulfuric acid (Sigma-Aldrich Inc., MO, lized and milled (particle size < 0.2-mm) before mixing with
USA), Kjeldhal tablets (0.5 g CuSO4 + 5.0 g K2SO4; Thomp- pectin and glycerol. Biomass concentrations varied in the
sons and Capper LTD, UK), and antifoam tablets (0.97 g range of 0–35% of the total mixture. Glycerol content was
Na2SO4 + 0.03 g silicone antifoam; Thompsons and Capper kept at 30%. Pectin, fungal biomass, and glycerol were vig-
LTD, UK) were used as reagents for biomass digestion. orously blended manually. A longer mixing step (5 min com-
Organic solvent extraction was used for lipid determina- pare to 2 min for pectin films) was necessary to get a uniform
tion according to Majdejabbari et al. [22] with modifica- dough material that was suitable for compression molding.
tion. The harvested biomass was lyophilized (Labconco: Afterwards, the matrix was shaped into a ball (total weight
Kansas City, MO, USA) and milled to 0.2-mm size powder of 2.5 g) and conditioned overnight at ambient temperature
Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292 4285
in PE bags to get better uniformity. Then, blends were sub- on the film diameter) and sealed with a paraffin film. Prior to
jected to compression molding to produce films. Figure 1 the film insertion, glass containers were filled with 50–100 g
illustrates different steps in preparation of the pectin based of distilled water, providing a distance between the tested film
films by compression molding approach. and the water surface of 2–3 cm. The weight of the entire
setup, including the film, was measured (at time 0 h) and this
Tensile Analyses was kept in a desiccator. The weight loss of the containers was
measured every 24 h up to 5 days, and finally a graph of weight
Tensile analyses, namely the yield point, the tensile strength loss versus time was plotted which showed a linear behavior.
(TS), the elongation at break (E%), and the Young’s modu- The slope of the straight line was used for the WVPC calcula-
lus were performed to determine the mechanical proper- tion (in kg/s/m/Pa) according to Eq. (1).
ties of the films. These properties were measured using an
S × X
Elastocon H10KT tensile testing machine (Elastocon AB, WVPC = (1)
A × ΔP
Sweden). The films were cut in dog-bone shaped testing
specimens using a manual cutting press (EP 08, Elastocon where S is the slope of the plot (kg/s), A is the beaker mouth
AB, Sweden) equipped with a dog bone shape cutting die area (m2), ΔP is the vapor pressure difference (Pa) between
EP 04 ISO 32-7. The pectin films were subjected to the ten- the two sides (inside of glass container and desiccator) of the
sile examination with gauge length of 22 mm, load force of film and X is the film thickness (m) [24, 25]. The test was
100 N, gap between grips of 50 mm, and width of dog bone done in duplicates for each film.
shape film specimen of 4 mm. QMat 5.41a-Dongle 4631
software processor was used to process the data. All film Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
specimens were tested in triplicates.
Scanning electron microscopy (SIGMA VP FE-SEM, Carl
Water Vapor Permeability Coefficient (WVPC) Zeiss AG, Germany) analysis was conducted to study the
morphology of the pectin based films. The micrographs were
Water vapor permeability coefficient (WVPC) was determined taken from surface and cross-section of the films. Before
according to the ASTM E96 [23]. The pectin and pectin-bio- taking images from the surface, the samples were attached
mass films were placed on the top of a pre-dried (at 70 °C, to a carbon tape and covered with gold. For cross-section
overnight) glass container (diameter of 32–50 mm depending imaging, samples were immersed in liquid nitrogen for
1 min, broken, and attached to a carbon tape placed on a
stub. Then, the gold coating was performed before imag-
ing. The images were collected at magnification of ×1000,
energy of the beam 10 kV, and working distance of 6 mm
for surface images, and at magnification of ×1500, energy of
the beam 25 kV, and working distance of 10 mm for cross-
section images.
Statistical Analyses
4286 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292
the citrus waste management issue [26]. However, the solu- was mixed with glycerol to form a dough-like material. This
tion casting method, the most-commonly used method for material was then subjected to a heat compression molding
pectin film production, has a high demand of energy. In process in similar conditions used for production of pro-
this work heat compression molding technique, with lower teins bioplastics, namely, 120 °C and 1.33 MPa for 10 min.
energy demand compared to casting [27, 28], was employed Higher tested temperature (150 °C) resulted in films with
for production of pectin films. Furthermore, the potential of burnt edges and was not further used. The results confirmed
the fungal biomass for enhancement of the pectin films was the self-binding ability of pectin as shown in Fig. 2.
investigated. The biomass was obtained by cultivation in Using the solution casting method, Cavallaro et al. [15]
water soluble nutrients of citrus waste [5]. Fungal biomass prepared pectin films using polyethylene glycol (PEG)
cultivated on a rich semi-synthetic medium was also used 20,000 as plasticizer at a weight ratio pectin/plasticizer of
as a reference. 4. Below this value, the obtained films were fragile and with
several voids. In this study, glycerol concentrations higher
Self‑binding Ability of Pectin and Production than 30% resulted in very thin and mechanically weak films
of Pectin Films that were not suitable for further mechanical analyses (data
not shown). On the other hand, pectin powder could not be
Thermo-triggered self-binding ability of proteins [28] and properly homogenized using less than 30% glycerol. Thus,
natural fibers [27] to produce binder-less objects has been glycerol content of 30% was found to be the optimum value
reported. Under the thermo-mechanical treatments, proteins to prepare the pectin films.
undergo disaggregation, denaturation, and dissociation reac-
tions which can lead to the formation of new links and the Production of Fungal Biomass for Incorporation
aggregation of proteins to new forms [28]. Melting/glass into Pectin Films
transition as well as degradation reactions play roles in for-
mation of new objects from natural fibers under thermo- CWFS solution and a semi-synthetic medium were used for
mechanical treatments [27]. Plasticizers are often required fungal cultivation in a 26-L bubble column bioreactor. The
to improve the processability and the mechanical properties fungal biomass was harvested when the sugar concentra-
by reducing the interactions between the polymers chains. tion in the medium was close to zero. In CWFS medium,
Glycerol has been used to improve the properties of the pro- R. oryzae first consumed glucose. When the glucose level
tein bioplastics [28, 29]. The presence of water, moisture, in the medium was low, consumption of other sugars, e.g.
has been reported to be necessary for production of cellulose fructose and sucrose, was started. The profile of different
bioplastics with good mechanical properties [27]. components during the fungal fermentation is presented in
In this work the self-binding ability of pectin was inves- Fig. 3. In average, 65–72 h was necessary for R. oryzae to
tigated. Glycerol was used as a plasticizer. Pectin powder completely assimilate the glucose (≈ 20 g/L) and ca. 10 g/L
Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292 4287
4288 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292
Table 2 Mechanical properties and thickness of the pectin films obtained by heat compression molding (glycerol content of 30%) with and with-
out incorporation of fungal biomass, in this study, as well as solution casting, according to [11, 15, 36–39]
Pectin (%) Biomass (%) Culti- Tensile Elongation Young’s Thickness (mm) References
vation strengh at break modulus
medium (MPa) (%) (MPa)
pectin films were more flexible and softer than pure pectin pectin molecules. Pectin films with addition of 20% of
films. Visually, incorporation of the fungal biomass resulted protein-rich and low-protein biomasses presented more
in darker and more opaque films (Fig. 2d–f). agglomerates (Fig. 4c, d, respectively) than the 10%
low protein biomass film (Fig. 4b). These agglomerates,
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Pectin Based which were not present in the pure pectin film, indicate
Films the incompatibility of the biomass components and pectin,
leading to the formation of heterogeneous structures [34].
The surface SEM images of the pectin based films are For a deeper analysis of the morphology, the cross-sec-
shown in Fig. 4. A bumpy, dense, and cracked surface tional images of pectin films were obtained and are pre-
with randomly distributed small particles (in white color) sented in Fig. 5. Pure pectin film had a rugged structure with
was observed in pure pectin film (Fig. 4a). The small par- gaps, which irregularly appeared in the film. The film was
ticles on the surface of the pure pectin film were identified organized like a group of closely packed surfaces (Fig. 5a).
as non-homogenized pectin debris in the pectin–glycerol The lack of a solvent in the blend matrix might be the reason
matrix. With addition of 10% of low-protein biomass (i.e. for the resulted structure and the poor homogenization of the
cultivated in CWFS medium), the small white particles pectin and glycerol. Interestingly, a more uniform texture
disappeared and the film showed a coarse surface with was observed in the pectin films with addition of fungal bio-
few agglomerates (Fig. 4b). The obtained result indicates mass, with fewer gaps in the cross-sectional area compared
that biomass inclusion improves the uniformity of the to pectin film (Fig. 5b, c).
pectin–glycerol matrix. Moreover, the SEM images indi- The pectin film containing low-protein biomass (Fig. 5c)
cate the fungal cells (that commonly present a cylindrical showed a clumpy structure with few holes on the plane. The
shape) were disrupted since no structure similar to the same structure was observed for the protein-rich biomass
cells has been observed. Disruption of the cells means containing film with more structural discontinuities. This
the intracellular components (e.g., proteins) have been observation could be a result of the biomass composition
released in the biofilm matrix and could interact with the
Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292 4289
(protein and lipid contents) and pectin interactions with versus strain graphs were straight lines whose linear coeffi-
biomass. cients represent the Young’s modulus. Pectin–glycerol blend
Moreover, a different internal organization was observed yielded 1.03-mm thick films with TS of 15.7 MPa and E%
according to the film composition. The less-oriented net- of 5.5 (Table 2). The thickness of the film in a compression-
work of the pectin film compared to the composite pectin molding process may be controlled by the concentration of
films yielded greater thickness (Table 2), denser texture as plasticizer and the applied pressure. Kang et al. [36] pro-
well as cracks and gaps in the cross-section. Solution-casted duced pectin films using the solution casting method with
pectin films showed a smoother morphology, according to lower thickness (0.17 mm), E% (3.45), and TS (0.153 MPa)
Liu et al. [11] and Galus and Lenart [35], compared to the compared to the film prepared in this study. Pectin–glycerol
compression-molded pectin film in this study. This might films prepared by Liu et al. [11] using the solution cast-
be due to better homogenization of the materials in casting ing method yielded higher TS (17.0 MPa), and lower E%
method compared to the compression molding technique. (2.5%) and thickness (0.15 mm). Similarly, Cavallaro et al.
Solution casted soy-protein isolate films unmodified and [15], produced much thinner films (0.06 mm) with higher TS
modified with chitosan, however, showed rough and bubbly (26 MPa) and lower E% (1.6%) using PEG 20,000 as plas-
structure [34] similar to the biomass-containing pectin films ticizer. Fishman et al. [37] produced pectin–glycerol films
of this study. Macroscopically, a rough, dense and brittle tex- at the same composition of this study by extrusion method
ture has been observed for a solution-casted pectin–soy flour and got films with lower TS (9.9 MPa) and higher E% (10.9).
protein (90–10%) film [11]. This is probably a consequence When comparing the Young’s modulus, the film obtained in
of the incompatibility of the pectin with proteins, which are this study (298 MPa) had a value similar to the one obtained
one of the major ingredients of the fungal biomass. when preparing the pectin film by extrusion (201 MPa) [37].
On the other hand, the pectin films reported in the literature
Mechanical Properties of Films prepared by solution casting had much higher values for the
Young’s modulus (1082 [11] and 2650 MPa [15]).
The tensile strength (TS), elongation at break (E%), and Promising results was obtained when the fungal biomass
Young’s modulus of the films are measured. Table 2 shows was incorporated in the pectin films up to 20%. In this range,
tensile properties and thickness values of pectin-based films the tensile yields of the low-protein biomass films were
at various blend ratios with fungal biomass obtained in this 15.9, 12.7, and 7.6 MPa for 10, 15, and 20% biomass ratio,
study as well as reference values from literature. All the respectively. The respective E% was 3.5, 2.5, and 3.8%. The
films exhibited the same behavior, with the TS and yield films made with the protein-rich biomass exhibited tensile
strength at the same value; i.e., the rupture of the material strength of 19.3, 19.2, and 16.1 MPa, and E% of 1.6, 1.9, and
happened during the elastic behavior. This means the stress 4.3%, respectively. Comparing the results, the pectin films
4290 Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2018) 26:4282–4292
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