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Curriculum vitae

Proposed role in the project: Category: Staff of <name of the firm>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Family name: First names: Date of birth: Passport holder: Residence: Education:

CHARPENTIER Dominique, Jean, Philippe 24.02.1955 French France, Amiens

Institution (Date from - Date to) Centre dEtudes du Commerce Extrieur (CECE) - Marseille France including 6 week export mission to the European Management Programme (EMP) - 8 months at LEEDS Metropolitan University - 8 months at BIELEFELD Fachhochschule - 8 months at AMIENS Sup de Co Sup de Co Amiens Picardie Amiens France (Ecole de Commerce - CCI Amiens) GULF COUNTRIES [1975-1977] ENGLAND GERMANY FRANCE [1973-1976] [1977-1978]

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: qualification equivalent to M.B.A. 1 year course, specialising in export

2 year postgraduate course

3 year Business Studies course; in final year, specialising in Finance


Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language French English German Russian Turkish Reading 1 2 2 5 Speaking Mother tongue 1 2 2 4 Writing 1 2 2 5

8. none 9.

Membership of professional bodies: Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)

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Computer literacy: Good knowledge of computer packages in general use for Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Database (MS Office, ...), accountancy software, servers, e mail.... 10. 11. 12. Present position: Years within the firm: Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project) Team Leader (GIZ project in Ukraine)

Horizontal y Conception, implementation and monitoring of development aid strategy y Project Management - Project(s) / Programme(s) co-ordination y Training, Institution Building y Extensive knowledge and practice of PCM methodology, donors procedures and instruments y Management of small multicultural teams Sectors y Regional / Local Sustainable Development y Private Sector Development y Environment 13. Specific experience in the region: Country Ukraine Ukraine-Moldova Ukraine-Georgia-Kazakhstan-RussiaMoldova-Hungary Belarus Mongolia Turkey Russia Egypt Tunisia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia & NIS Gabon Pakistan Gulf Countries Date from - Date to 12/10 03/12 09/02 04/09 12/0 08/02 09/00 - 12/00 09/99 - 07/00 09/98 - 09/99 10/97 - 10/97 06/97 - 08/97 03/97 - 04/97 11/93 - 10/96 07/93 - 08/93 02/92 - 05/92 11/91 -12/91 09/78 - 12/79 04/78 - 05/78

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Professional experience Date from Date to Location Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) Position Description

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to contact the reference persons. If you have any objection to this fact, kindly state so and provide a justification

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Date from Date to 12/10 ongoi ng


Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) GFA GmbH Eulenkrugstrasse 82, D- 22359 Hamburg Jan Sass



Lugansk Ukraine

Team Leader for a GIZ project

09/02 04/09

Kiev Ukraine

(deconcentrated) Delegation of the European Commission Laura Garagnani (HoOperations) ; Claudia Fischer (HoSection); +380 44 390 80 10; Stefanos Gouvras (HoSection 200206); +322 298 3137; laura.garagnani@ec.

Sector Manager (operations section) Environme nt and Regional Developme nt

Upgrading of municipal services in the Lugansk Oblast targeting 8 pilot cities public utilities and energy efficiency component. Institutional support/ capacity building for local and regional authorities including: y 4 action plans to upgrade municipal services (public utilities and energy efficiency in 4 towns out of the 8 pilot cities) - including large training component (technical, environmental) y 2 co-operation agreements between neighbouring cities for their communal services with involvement/participation of Civil Society (Local Action Plans) y Improved management of public utility small companies (water, wastewater and solid waste) in pilot towns, - including training to both utilities and municipalities y Development of applications / project proposals compliant to Oblast and National standards and to donors and IFIs requirements (including large training to propose bankable projects and a feasibility study for the project to be financed by NEFCO) The mission includes setting up of management procedures, internal monitoring system and Management Information System and work with the Convenant of Mayors initiative (environmental approach) EC Task Manager of a de-concentrated EC Delegation SECTORS AND PROJECTS CONCERNED I started working at the Delegation in September 2002 to monitor the Environment projects in Ukraine and Moldova (the management of the contracts was still in BXL at that time). I mainly dealt with: y river basin and sea water management, biodiversity, waste water and solid waste management, municipal services, joint (with EBRD and WB) environment programme, 2003 Kiev conference on environment (UN) and the Regional Environment Centres RECs- in Kiev and Chisinau (see details on RECs in the next experience record). In 2003, the Delegation was de-concentrated and became the Contracting Authority for the new projects. I endorsed the full management / contracting responsibilities for environment and regional development. My work concerned: - A/ Environment (RECs and municipal services, mainly waste management): y contracting, implementing and monitoring of the projects already prepared by BXL HQ.
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Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) claudiac.fischer@ec.europa. eu stefanos.gouvras@ec



B/ Top-down approach of a large holistic Sustainable Development (SD) programme (addressing socialenvironmental-economical issues) in Ukraine and in Moldova: y conception, design, implementation and monitoring for: (i) actions at national level, legal framework, sector analysis and strategy (ii) actions at regional level, development of a replicable strategy and its implementation for waste management in a pilot region - (iii) actions at local level, - modelling of SD in 4 selected medium-sized pilot towns- (iv) creation of a financial tool funded by government, donors, IFIs and private sector in order to replicate developed models - C/ Bottom-up approach of this SD programme in Ukraine y grants to civil society to promote local democracy and development Around 37 M EURO were engaged in my sector from 2003 to 2009 and many other tens of M EURO to be committed. TASKS y programming, management, monitoring and evaluation of a permanent portfolio of around 15 projects (service, supply, works and grants) for around 30 M Euro, with daily use of EC procurement procedures (mainly PRAG EDF/Budget) and instruments, including Twinning procedures (according to manual); ensuring enforcement of EC visibility guidelines.

y y y y y y
Dominique Charpentier

developing sector policy (analysis-7 assessments, SPSP- capacity development, policy dialogue, funding) and liaison with DG Environment, DG Region , DG Relex and EuropeAid,
sector co-ordination within government and with other donors, in line with the Paris declaration on development aid, preparation of Memorandum between DG Region and Ukraine (path towards the Acquis Communautaires) developing with Head of Section, MIS and effective monitoring tools for the section,

briefing, reporting, contributing to Action Plan monitoring and EARM, preparing speeches for Head of Operations and Head of Delegation, participation at many training and seminars, notably about sector budget support operations,
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enterprise enabling environment (clusters, regional innovation strategy, PPPs, Small Business Act for Europe) and DG Region instruments (JASPERS bringing major projects to maturity-, JEREMIE better regional access to finance for SMEs-, JESSICA access to finance for urban communities-, IPA -instrument for PRE-ACCESSION, Regional Policy in the potential candidate countries-).
REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE I designed, contracted, managed and monitored four projects, relevant to decentralisation and local development: y Assistance to Regional Development (2.5 years from July 2004 4 MEUR services) aiming at providing assistance in development and implementation of transparent and efficient national regional policies stimulating economic growth and decentralisation. y Capacity Building in Donetsk Oblast for Waste Management (2, 5 years from April 2005 1.6 M EUR services + 0.4 M EUR supplies) aiming at developing replicable regional strategy for waste management in a pilot region and at implementing it; the project had a strong component on raising awareness for the local authorities and the public. y Municipal Services Support (2.5 years from July 2004 2 MEUR services) , which analysed 4 municipal services including waste management, water supply, district heating and hot water supply- in 10 towns of the economically deprived North-Eastern Oblasts; the project created a website for the target towns in order to compare performances and best practices. y Sustainable Local Development (4 years from October 2006 - 5 MEUR services + 12 MEUR supplies), which upgraded municipal services infrastructure and management in the four most committed towns (Romny, Priluky, Izyum and Sverdlosk Lugansk Oblast) and elaborated a comprehensive sustainable local development strategy (which mainly addressed development of agro-business and residential energy efficiency). The project included the provision of equipment, software (such as SCADA / GIS) and staff training. Municipal financial MIS were introduced. One-stop shops were created and civil society was involved in new governance mechanisms. Cross-cutting issues (environment, gender, youth ) were
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addressed. Appropriate information databases were developed to exchange experiences. and Sustainable Regional Development (4 years from Aug 2008 6 MEUR services + 9 MEUR works), which aimed at establishing a National financial instrument for regional development to replicate the models developed in the 4 towns and at achieving better energy efficiency by refurbishing municipal buildings in Sverdlosk. One of the outputs was to prepare 5 loan plans with local authorities to be submitted to IFIs, donors or the new financial instrument.

REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOLDOVA I designed, contracted, managed and monitored two regional development projects: y Regional Approach (10 months from Oct 2004 200,000 ) aiming (i) at assisting the Ministry of Economy to finalise the national policy for regional development and at establishing the National Agency for RD; (ii) at raising awareness of the regional approach to socio-economic development (structures and functions) amongst local authorities and social partners and civil society organisations likely to be involved in the process y Regional Development Implementing Bodies (24 months from Oct 2005 2 million ) aiming at assisting, both at national and regional levels, the relevant authorities of Moldova in enhancing and implementing the Regional Policy and its associated instruments (National Agency for Regional Development and National Fund for RD at National level, Regional Management Committees and RD Agencies at local level) In 2006-2007, I prepared a much larger project aiming at (i) improving and developing local infrastructure (such as transport, telecommunications and other networks, communal services); (ii) paving the way for sustainable local development. The project was based on an ongoing Ukrainian project called Sustainable Local Development (4 years from October 2006 5 million services + 12 million supplies), which upgraded municipal services infrastructure in Romny, Priluky, Izyum and Sverdlosk and elaborated a comprehensive sustainable local development strategy (which mainly addressed development of agro-business and residential

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energy efficiency). In 2007, the EC established a Delegation in Moldova, which took charge of the project. TWINNING and TAIEX IN UKRAINE

Strengthening institutional capacity of the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine to ensure conducting the housing and municipal policy (AP 2007, 1 million , 12+3 months, implementation from mid 2009): identification with Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy and PAO, preparing ToR for project fiche experts, selecting experts (FWC), guiding and reviewing experts work, finalisation of twinning fiche according to Twinning Manual. Assistance to policy development for the Ministry of Regional Development: identification, development of twinning fiche according to Twinning Manual. Project not selected because of possible duplication with Sustainable Regional Development project and Memorandum with DG Region under discussion (see above). Organisation or facilitation of a few TAIEX missions.

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Curriculum vitae

Date from Date to 12/00 08/02


Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) Linden Consultants, Saffron Walden, Essex, UK Dr Eric Strecker; +44 01799 521 335



KievUkraine, TbilisiGeorgia, AlmatyKazakhst an, MoscowRussia, Szentendr e/ BudapestHungary

Project Manager (Team Leader) For an EC Tacis project Phase III of the New Regional Environme ntal Centres (NREC III)

A REC is a platform bringing together ecological NGOs, governments, academics, business associations and donors; it aims at promoting ecology at all levels; the reference REC is the Szentendre one, which has regrouped the Central European countries since the early 90s. In 1998 together with the US and the EU as founders, 5 new RECs were created in Russia and the NIS : Tbilisi for the 3 countries of Caucasus, Almaty for the 5 countries of Central Asia, Moscow for Russia, Kiev for Ukraine, Chisinau for Moldova (none in Belarus due to political reasons). The RECs were funded through direct contracts, mainly from EC and USEPA (US Environment Protection Agency). After phases I & II, the NRECs were legally established and the Moldova, Central Asia and Caucasus RECs had already started their operations. The NRECs were staffed with a Director, 3 to 8 experts and 4 to 10 support staff. With a team of 5 European experts which I managed-, the TA in Almaty, Tbilisi and Moscow, mainly consisted in : y building the institutions, developing their operations, implementing their core work-programme (information, policy advice, projects, grants ) and setting up local/national offices, consolidating interregional co-operation, developing fund raising, developing visibility and communication policy. The operation plan included the development of a few Local Environment Action Programmes (LEAPs); y ensuring that EC procedures were properly followed in the procurement of NRECs supplies. As expert, my main input was on environmental and managerial training, institution organisation and organisational HR development: y setting up management procedures and internal monitoring system, assisting creation of the centres Management Information Systems, y staff appraisal, review of training needs, training delivery y setting up with REC Director a Performance Management System (in Almaty only expectations, dialogue, performance-). For the Kiev REC, the project had to facilitate the delivery of a dedicated EC 400,000 direct subsidy aiming at distributing grants to NGOs. The grantees and their projects had to be identified before the EC could disburse the funds to the Kiev REC. The Kiev REC then had to deliver and manage the grants to NGOs

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09/00 12/00

Minsk Belarus

Planet Consultants, Almere, NL Marjo Lapidaire; +31 36 540 04 00 info@planetconsulta

EU Adviser For an EC Tacis project

09/99 07/00

Oulan Bator Mongolie

BMB, Arnhem, NL Fanny Hottenhuis; +31 26 357 75 77 euroconsult@arcadis .nl

Project Manager Of the EC Tacis Coordinating Unit

(numerous contracts between REC and NGOs). I had to ensure that EC procedures were properly followed in the preparation, management, and implementation of the grants. Capacity building - Inception phase of the Support to the National Co-ordinating Unit: Due to political tensions, Belarus did not benefit from National Programmes. Only multi-country programmes were implemented (mainly environment and CBC projects). The mission consisted in: y re-orientation of the Tacis CU into the National CU, mainly dedicated to programming, y assistance and co-ordination of EC projects (mainly monitoring grants to NGOs), y strengthening of the Management Information System and conception of the new management tools required, y management of a team of 5 Belarusian experts and employees, updating of office operation manual, y liaison with Minsk Tacis Branch Office (accountable to Kiev EC Delegation), y daily assistance to NCU Director, frequent assistance and reporting to National Co-ordinator. Capacity building - Took part in all activities of the Unit and in particular: y preparation of pre-programming documents, evaluation of project proposals and requests for funding, development of guidelines for writing project proposals for future Mongolian partners, writing proposals such as developing yurt villages for tourists, y assistance, co-ordination, exchange of good practices and monitoring of Tacis projects in Mongolia, (including projects supporting cultural heritage and tourism such as tourism master plan for Oulanbaatar), enterprise development -export in textile and meat sectors, energy efficiency for private sectoragriculture -wheat production, veterinarian services...- and public administration training the trainers-), y support to project beneficiaries for procurement of supplies, y information provision and advice on Tacis objectives, procedures and activities, y enhancement of co-ordination with other donors and within Mongolian government, y staff audit and definition of training needs, improvement of Management Information System within the Unit and of reporting to EC Tacis HQ in Brussels,
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09/98 09/99

Ankara Turkey

MPR, Braunschweig, Germany Franz Helm; +49 0531 256 260

Public and Private Sector Developm ent expert And Team Leader Of the Meda Team of the EC Delegation

y daily assistance to CU Director, frequent assistance and reporting to National Co-ordinator. Support to the European Commission Delegation for development aid. The project ToR requested actions on all aspects of projects (technical, administrative and financial) from identification and preparation phases to the completion and post evaluation. However, the Turkish Authorities delayed the signature of the general EU-TK Meda framework agreement to Summer 1999 (Authorities considered that Turkey having a pre-accession status, the Meda programme was not adequate). It was consequently not possible to implement the Meda programme. At the request of the Delegation, the team had to re-orient its mission. The work consisted in: 1. As TL, creating and organising the office including: y creation and organisation of the office, setting up internal procedures with a strong Management Information System, y management, of the Meda-Team (5 international experts + 5 secretarial support staff + 5 service staff), training of support staff and overall co-ordination with the Head of the EC Delegation 2. As Public and Private Sector Development expert: y reprogramming the Meda programme in my sector (visiting beneficiaries / updating and rewriting delayed projects / re-arranging the programme with EC HQ / preparing service contracts procurement). Main projects were a) on Local Economic Development for private sector - automotive cluster and free trade zone for automotive industry; VET for textile and leather industry; support to chambers of commerce and business associations to advocate enabling environment (company registration, certification, international trade facilitation) b) for public sector about capacity building and twinning for universities and administrations concerning relations with the European Union. y preparing and updating sector strategies and papers on specific themes, notably on enabling the environment for private sector (building capacity for technology / innovation and know-how, certification, cluster development and value-chain business linkages, funding) y monitoring non-Meda programmes, which essentially consisted in grants to NGOs managed from the EC HQ in BXL (Environment, Youth, Women association, Local Democracy including urban renovation in the

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06/97 08/97

Cairo Egypt

EDS Europe, Luxemburg Manfred Haldenwang; +352 45 38 29 (fax)

Private Sector expert Of an EC Meda project SME expert

03/97 04/97

Tunis Tunisia

CIRPS, Roma, Italy Prof Ing Vincenzo Naso Via della Polviera 3, Roma 00184 Contact: see through STEM VCR Srl (It)

for an EC Meda programme

Istanbul district of Fatih). The main inputs were: a) assistance to the grant beneficiaries various sectorsy creation of guidelines for NGOs working with the EC (how to write project proposals, how to report to the EC; y training sessions to NGOs, including environmental NGOs, to develop their capacities (procedures for procurement, implementation, visibility); y implementation assistance(including monitoring visits). b) assistance to the Contracting Authority (EC HQ) y assistance in grants procurement (evaluating the proposals ) y reviewing / commenting reports and claims for payments. First stage of the businesses upgrading for the private sector development programme (PSDP): y undertook the diagnostic of 8 industrial companies and 4 service companies (25 to 800 employees), y wrote a detailed business report review for each company (company information, analysis of business, marketing, manufacturing, design and product development, quality, purchasing and stock, distribution, management and manpower, financial information, environmental assessment, SWOT assessment, conclusions, general), y drew up terms of reference for consultancy services for the preparation of a business plan, y proposed three qualified business plan consultants for each company. Framework contract for the Pre-identification of the industry support institutions upgrading project Pr-identification du projet pour lamlioration de linfrastructure de soutien lindustrie (PAISI): y analyse the situation regarding the IBRD equipment loan and the related Tunisian request for technical assistance to the European Commission, y determine the decision process to fund or not the project, main question being if the support institutions were or not competing with the private sector y define the possible involvement of the EC, y draw up terms of reference of the possible identification mission,

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11/93 10/96

Baku Azerbaija n

BMB, Arnhem, NL Fanny Hottenhuis; +31 26 357 74 77

Team Leader Of the EC Tacis Coordinating Unit

07/93 08/93

Almaty Kazakhst an

IBF, Bruxelles, Belgium Mme Jacqueline Nassogne; +32 2 237

SME expert For the EC Tacis

determine the profile and the number of experts for the proposed mission. Institution building for the Azeri authorities (Ministry of Economy) in order to co-ordinate the European aid: y programming and project preparation (providing inputs to Action Programme, adjustment of TORs, discussing statements of endorsement), creating guidelines for possible Azeri partners on how to write project proposals follow-up of project implementation (briefings to start-up projects, discuss inception reports, trouble shooting and monitoring for Azeri authorities): around 130 projects including enterprise development (SMEDA, enterprise support facility, agro-business chain value for meat and vegetables-), environment, tourism (for the Sheki region) and support to public administration (re-organisation and capacity building for the academy of public administration) y support to beneficiaries for procurement of supplies, y co-ordination with other donors and within Azeri government, y reporting to EC Tacis HQ in Brussels, information, public relations, y creation of a modern and comfortable office with electronic communications at a time of severe shortages (immediate post-soviet period), procurement of office equipment, y organisation of unit and management of staff (2 EU experts, 3 Azeri experts, 4 support staff), including (i) setting up of an effective Management Information System, (ii) writing and implementing the office operation manual, (iii) training of staff PCM, M&E, database, drafting in English - (iv) regular staff appraisal y daily assistance to CU Director, frequent assistance and reporting to National Co-ordinator - As some problems had occurred with the former EU advisers, I had to restore the confidence (formally requested by Tacis headquarters) with the Azerbaijani counterpartsIdentification mission for the Tacis 1993 Action programme: y make a sector framework report (role of the SMEs, description of the main sub-sectors, key issues relating to the transition to the market economy (where to improve the business environment, areas where technical assistance can accelerate transition),

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y select technical assistance projects, out of local demands in this area, appraise them and write project
proposals for the 1993 Action Programme, y draw up detailed terms of reference of two proposed projects: (i) creation of an advisory department and of a business registration assistance inside the Business Communication Centre -BCC-, (ii) Business and Innovation centres -BICs-). Feasibility study to establish Business Communication Centres (BCCs) to encourage joint-ventures between the EU and the CIS. y review main obstacles to development of private sector (mainly lack of finance, administrative and fiscal non-friendly environment, poor market-oriented knowledge, poor certification/international standards system, heavy procedures for international trade), y meet with the political and economic authorities, private sector representatives, y select the future partners, obtain their agreement to provide the premises, y propose to the Commission the organisation of each centre, enumerating the necessary services, staff requirements, estimating the costs spread over 36 months, outlining an operational strategy and future developments. The setting up of these centres started at the end of 1993. Drawing up of the detailed industrial and plantation directory. At the head of a team of 3 French assistants and 4 Gabonese civil servants: y visiting the 100 main industrial, mining and plantation companies of the country, y questioning them (organisation, production, marketing, finance, bottlenecks in their business environment, problems and expectations of each company), y in order (i) to computerise the data to optimise their relations with foreign countries (ii) to make recommendations to develop a friendly business environment y Many short-term missions (equivalent to 7 months full time). I mainly dealt with international marketing. In particular, for AGEFOS (course in export for regional small firms), ESCA PARIS (organisational management and international marketing a post-graduate management course), FRANCE TELECOM (sales training), SUP DE CO AMIENS (business strategy and organisational behaviour courses for the 3rd year

02/92 05/92

Moscow, SaintPetersbg, Kiev, Minsk, Almaty, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan -C.I.S. Libreville , PortGentil and HautOgoou region Gabon Paris, Amiens and Picardy

Exa international, Paris, France Christian Megrelis; +33 1 41 11 83 00

Team Leader For an EC Tacis project SME sector

11/91 12/91

Exa international, Paris, France Christian Megrelis; +33 1 41 11 83 00 JCl Partenaire Conseil, Amiens France Jean-Claude

Team Leader for the Gabonese Ministry of Trade and Industry Training Consultan t

09/90 11/91

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Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) Leroux ; +33 3 22 91 43 33 Self-employed France Picardie Squash et Loisirs S.A. (capital social de 1.953.500 FRF) Supervisor : myself




01/89 11/91 01/80 08/90

Amiens France Amiens France

Enterprise developme nt Investment Adviser Prsident Directeur Gnral (main shareholder leisure sector)

students). I carried out other training programmes for other organisms. Extensive use of various pedagogical tools.

Setting up several property building projects. For the most part, it concerned the construction of flats for renting, which benefit from tax deductions for the investors. Creation of a sports complex with restaurant (own small business): y carrying out the feasibility study ( at all levels: commercial, financial, legal and fiscal ), choosing the site, negotiating the bank loan, launching a new service (squash) on a new market (France in 1980), developing complementary activities (tennis-fitness-restaurant.. ), y designing, importing and distributing in France squash rackets (registered trade mark), y dealing with all the accounts (including the balance sheet, profit and loss account, tax declarations....) legal and administrative work of a limited company, y organisation, training and management of a team of 12 persons (1 assistant, 3 reception/bar staff, 4 part-time trainers, 1 maintenance person, 1 restaurant supervisor, 1 cook, 2 waiters), y computerising the system in 1984 (accountancy, w.p., data base, spread sheet), y the interesting and exciting part - that of creating the company and its activities - being over, I sold the business in 1990 and the complex premises and land in 2005. Member of an association of squash club owners for the North-Eastern part of France (promotion of this sport, best practices ) The business is still running 30 years after its creation

A.S. High Line Squash (non-profit making organisation)




French Trade

Institutional Development: Creating and leading a non-profit making association of squash and tennis players (more than 400 members), duly registered and affiliated to the French Federations of Squash and of Tennis. Participating to and organising many official sport events, training and children racket schools. y . Assistant y helping French firms to export to Pakistan;
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Date from Date to 12/79


Company& reference person1 (name & contact details) Commission, French Min.oFinance Jean-Louis Latour




Trade Commissi oner

y analysing the country's economic situation and carrying out market surveys of different sectors for
different organisms ( CFCE -French Centre for International Trade-specialised magazines, French firms ).... y managing office (9 staff) for 6 months during absence of trade commissioner.


Other relevant information (e.g., Publications) Development finance (micro and small loans for specific target groups) y 3 day seminar in Frankfurt (09.1997): critique (donors approaches, institution building, performance indicators,..); governance (selecting partner institutions, regulation and supervision, ownership and governance,..); practical approaches (up-grading/down-scaling, group vs individual lending, sustainability and impact,...). y 10 days in Russia (10.1997) visiting the EBRD Russia Small Business Fund project: study of the practical application of a pragmatic methodology to train a new generation of local loan officers and corporate account managers and to assist the partner banks in building credit operations and efficient administrative structures. Two centres were visited: Samara and Moscow, the latter also being the co-ordinating office.

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