DryAir Catalogue 2022-V2
DryAir Catalogue 2022-V2
DryAir Catalogue 2022-V2
CEO's Message.........................Page 3
Water Heater............................Page 4
Central Heating Units................Page 6
PHOTO HERE Trailered Heating Units.............Page 9
GreenThaw™ System.............. Page 10
Heat Center Pro...................... Page 14
Hydro Heat Pro....................... Page 16
Heating Accessories............... Page 18
Smart Thaw Flow Reverser..... Page 22
Accessory Integration Chart... Page 26
Focused on Quality,
CEO’S MESSAGE Reliability and Efficiency
At DryAir we are focused on heat, namely million Btu water heater in a trailered As you review our product catalog, it
hydronic heat as it is the industry’s most package with two 2 million fluid-to-fluid will become apparent that hydronic heat
efficient and controlled heat source. plate heat exchangers. The Hydro Heat Pro provides higher quality, more reliable and
Hydronic heat is also the most versatile is a natural fit for boiler tie-in applications, efficient heating solutions than other
with the ability to heat air, liquids and solid where boilers are being repaired or replaced. heating methods. You will also better
objects, such as ground and concrete. Our See page 16 understand DryAir’s dedicated focus to the
hydronic heating units are available with a hydronic heating market. DryAir leads the
multitude of heating accessories to provide To further expand the capability of the way with quality hydronic heating solutions
you with the flexibility to take on virtually DryAir product line, we have developed two and integrated accessories.
any heating job. new accessories:
Myrlen Kleiboer, CEO
In this catalog we are showcasing several Light Tower DryAir Manufacturing Corporation
NEW products that bring even more value to This optional LED lighting system is used in
the temporary heating market: conjunction with the 650 GTS GreenThaw™.
The Light Tower allows the 650 GTS to be
Heat Center Pro rented out for ground thaw and lighting,
This unit features a 900,000 Btu water producing increased ROI in the rental
heater in a trailered package with fan coils industry. See page 13
in the front and heat transfer hose on the
hose reel in the rear. See page 14 Booster Link
We are finding as of late that there are
1800 Central Heating Unit many jobs that require more heat. The new PHOTO HERE
To meet the demand for more heat this Booster Link accessory addresses this
Central Heating Unit brings forward all the issue head on. The Booster Link is a heat
versatility of the CHU line in a larger 1.8 exchanger that connects two DryAir heating
million Btu size. See page 8 units in series delivering more heat for
demanding jobs. See page 23
Hydro Heat Pro
This exciting new product features a 1.8
Focused on Quality,
WATER HEATER Reliability and Efficiency
At DryAir, our hydronic heating solutions Our vertical water heater is the HEART of weighs in at 450 lbs, whereas a competitive
incorporate a water heater to heat a food all DryAir hydronic systems. With measured water heater rated at 311,000 Btu/h weighs
grade heat transfer fluid and pump it to thermal efficiency of 82% to 85% (depending only 138 lbs, that’s 3 times heavier! As
the target destination. The energy from on the model) the DryAir hydronic system they say, “There is no replacement for
the heat transfer fluid is released when it has been found to be up to 10% more displacement”. The DryAir water heater is so
passes through DryAir accessories such efficient than competitive models. Saving robust and dependable it is backed up with
as fan coils, ground thaw hose or a plate you money every time you use it! The water a 5-year limited warranty.
heat exchanger to heat gases (air), solids heater is also very durable as the vertical
or liquids. This efficient hydronic heating design is not prone to cavitation pockets In many jurisdictions, the use of a
system delivers superior results with dry, that can result in structural failures like pressurized boiler or large water heater
clean and safe heat. As well, this refined horizontal water heater designs. The DryAir results in increased permitting, inspections
system is a very controlled heat source water heater is larger and is built with more and staff with boiler tickets. DryAir uses a
allowing it to deliver the desired amount of steel than competitor’s units. For example, non-pressurized water heater system with
heat evenly to the right location. a DryAir water heater rated at 200,000 Btu/h burners under 1 million Btu to minimize
Focused on Quality,
WATER HEATER Reliability and Efficiency
these overhead costs and timelines, which componentry are permanently in-place. Now DryAir is focused on quality to ensure all
can significantly influence the success of that defines work ready! The DryAir Tri-fuel our products perform to specifications. The
your heating project. system uses only quality Riello burners that heating systems are 100% tested to verify
are designed and set specifically for each of all components are fully operational before
Note: The 1200 CHU model uses a third-party the three fuel sources, to deliver complete leaving the factory. In addition to functional
water heater. and efficient combustion. To move the heat testing, quality workmanship continues with
The water heater is the HEART; however, transfer fluid, a quality Goulds pump is used a high focus on fit and finish. For example,
it takes a great deal of well designed, for maximum uptime. The pump is protected powder paint is used throughout the DryAir
quality support components to produce with a pressure relief circuit and when pump product right down to the cast pipe fittings,
a quality system. service is required, convenient ball valves to produce an aesthetically superior product
allow pump removal without draining the that will stand the test of time.
DryAir’s innovative CEC system (Combustion entire system. In any hydronic system, if
environment control system) uses electric the heat transfer fluid return temperature is Quality Riello
elements to pre-heat the combustion air and too cold, catastrophic boiler/water heater burners that
fuel to provide a smooth system start-up way failures can result from thermal shock. For deliver
down to -40°F. During operation, the fuel and additional water heater protection, DryAir complete
has developed a thermal shock prevention and efficient
combustion air temperature controllers
circuit. combustion.
circulate heating fluid, producing the ideal
combustion environment for the burner in
Monitoring the operation and health of
the widest range of ambient conditions.
a DryAir heating unit is made easy with
Wide outside temperature swings don’t faze
pressure and flow gauges, along with
DryAir hydronic systems, they hum right
DryAir’s exclusive and smart light monitoring
system. When all lights are on, the system
The DryAir water heater is Tri-fuel capable,
is fully operational and producing heat. If a
allowing operation with NG, LP or diesel
portion of the lights are off, the first light out
fuel sources. Tri-fuel means only a burner
provides diagnostic information of where
change-out is required to quickly switch fuel
the problem is located.
sources, as all other Tri-fuel plumbing and
DryAir CHUs heat a food grade heat transfer fluid that is circulated
through hoses or accessories to thaw ground, cure concrete, heat
fluids, provide temporary heat to a building under construction or
dry a flooded structure. This controlled hydronic heating system
delivers dry and safe heat evenly and to the right location.
The GreenThaw™ system, Heat Center Pro and Hydro Heat Pro are dedicated
units that have all the necessary components on board for their specific duties.
Inside, they use the same dependable and efficient design as our Central Drop in the hitch
Heating Units with a Tri-fuel water heater system, smart and intuitive 8 light pin and go! The line-up of
control panel and high-quality pump. On the outside, these trailered heating
units are made right with sturdy powder coated frames, torsion suspension and trailered heating units from
corrosion proof aluminum clad enclosures. DryAir are ready to "rock ‘n’ roll"
Although the trailered units are designed for a dedicated task, the GreenThaw™ at a moment’s notice.
and Heat Center Pro are compatible and ready to work with any of the DryAir
accessories, just like the Central Heating Units.
GreenThaw™ System
The GreenThaw™ System connects the DryAir Tri-
fuel water heater to a powered hose reel(s) full of
5/8” or 3/4” hose. The hose reels incorporate a
variable speed drive with foot switch activation,
in conjunction with a safe automatic reel braking
and a torque limiting clutch system. This advanced
DryAir design allows the layout of ground thaw hose
to become a one-man operation. When the job is
finished the hose reels have the power to roll-up
charged hoses (no draining is required).
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* Coverage for ground thawing and curing is shown as standard (std) and with accessories (w/acc). Standard indicates the GTS
coverage using only the hose that comes standard with the GTS, with the hoses placed at DryAir’s maximum hose spacing
recommendation of 18” centers for thawing and 24” centers for curing. With accessories indicates the GTS is equipped with HOSE REEL
additional hose to thaw or cure larger areas, or to perform heat tracing jobs. Depending on the project, additional accessories
such as remote manifolds or a booster pump may also be required to support the extra hose. Contact DryAir for more
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The light tower’s winter rated LEDs will pierce the cold
night with 188,000 Lumens of intense 5000K blue-white
light, illuminating the worksite to a level that is superior
to metal halide light towers. With a sturdy 24’ mast and
72,000-hour LED life, the light tower option is sure to get
the job done.
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• Structural heating
• Structural drying
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With the 1-1/2” primary and secondary With 900,000 Btu on tap the Heat Center Heat Center Pro Specifications
hoses removed, the hose reel can Pro is often capable of performing heating
accommodate up to 4,000 feet of 5/8” and thawing jobs simultaneously. As • Input diesel: 896,000 Btu/h
hose. Now the Heat Center Pro is ready to well, the Heat Center Pro operates with • Primary hose: 1-1/2”, 2 - 50’ with valves
perform the primary GreenThaw™ functions all DryAir accessories. With the ability to & Kamlok® couplers
of: quickly remove the hose reel and fan coils • Secondary hose w/ 4 HEFA 200 fan
from the trailer there is ample storage to coils: 12 - 1” x 50’ w/quick couplers
• Ground thaw equip the Heat Center Pro for any heating • Secondary hose w/ 9 HEFA 80 fan coils:
• Frost prevention job. For additional information, refer to the 28 - 3/4” x 50’ w/ quick couplers
• Concrete curing & Heating Accessories section and Accessory • Weight: 8,422 lbs
• Heat tracing Integration Chart starting on page 18. • Dimensions: 218” l x 94” w x 106” h
• Optional: 7 kWh generator
(fuel tank not available)
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Each of the two plate heat exchangers has a • Heating and circulating water for
2 million Btu capacity to effectively manage washing facilities at large multiple day
the output from the hot water heater. events and gatherings.
Therefore, 100% of the heating fluid flow can • For larger jobs, where one DryAir heating
be directed to one plate heat exchanger. If unit is not adequate, the Hydro Heat Pro
your next job requires a different fluid, the plate heat exchanger can be connected
other plate heat exchanger can be used. into the return flow of the other DryAir
This increases flexibility, reduces the risk system, boosting output to meet the
of contamination and cleaning. With two
greater heating requirement.
plate heat exchangers, two different fluids
can also be heated simultaneously. The Where fluid needs to be heated the Hydro
exchangers can also be taken apart for Heat Pro is ready for action. With the Hydro
removal of scale build-up and cleaning when Heat Pro, your team will be ready to address PHOTO HERE
cleanliness is paramount, such as potable fluid heating jobs, quickly, efficiently and
water applications. effectively.
Specific applications for the Hydro Heat Hydro Heat Pro Specifications
Pro include:
• Input diesel: 1,792,000 Btu/h
• Acting as a boiler tie-in, to heat and • Input NG: 1,690,000 Btu/h
circulate a building’s heating fluid for • Input LP: 1,715,000 Btu/h
potable hot water and building heat. • Weight: 9,000 lbs
• Heating and circulating potable hot water • Dimensions: 212” l x 93.5” w x 114” h
in a building complex, bypassing the • Quick connect couplers: 2" Kamlok®
building’s boiler/water heating system. couplers
• Certification: To follow - CSA/UL
• The heating and circulating of water for
certified by TÜV One of two plate exchangers located in the rear of
processing plants, mining and oil field the 1800 HP.
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The adjustable humidistat connects inline with the fan coil power supply. This allows
the fan coil to be controlled by humidity, as well as temperature. With the humidistat
you can control the environmental conditions of the workspace more precisely
to ensure all interior finishing work can be completed to the highest standards.
Maintaining the desired humidity level further enhances the efficiency and effectiveness
of the DryAir hydronic heating system, minimizing fuel usage in the process.
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The Accessory for Even Thawing and Curing Results
3 o’clock 4 o’clock
The patented Smart Thaw reverses flow direction automatically,
producing a nearly perfect thaw profile!
Thaw Ground in 1/2 the time and reduce fuel costs by 50%!
Watch the video at www.dryair.ca
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models, the Smart Thaw Flow Reverser is the primary heating unit is larger than the
standard and incorporated into the unit. Construction: Stainless steel secondary heating unit.
Power requirements: 230V, 30A Note: The Hydro Heat Pro can be used
Construction: Stainless steel Output: 1 million Btu/h to boost the output of a heating unit
Dimensions: 30" l x 19" w x 21" h Dimensions: 52" l x 36" w x 33" h directly without the need of the Booster
Weight: 75 lbs Weight: 500 lbs Link accessory.
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DryAir Heat Plates Bayonet Tank Heat Element Stainless Steel Flex Pipe
DryAir heat plates are used to heat or BHE 1M Wrap pipes and valves for heating
prevent freezing of fluid in tanks and and frost prevention. Transfers 6
reservoirs. It would require 1,000s of feet of The BHE 1M is used primarily in the oil and times the Btu/h per foot as compared
rubber heating hose to match the heating gas industry to heat liquid in 200 to 1000 bbl to rubber hose. Can also be
capacity of these durable stainless steel tanks with up to 1 million Btu/h. The BHE immersed in tanks for fluid heating.
plates. Heat plates also require a lot less 1M bolts in place of the lower man door on
labor to install and clean after removal, most fluid tanks to provide fast, safe and
while reducing the chance of leaking efficient heating while reducing fuel costs.
from damage inside the tank. Heat plates Heating from the bottom of the tank takes
come in two sizes, the MiniPlate and the advantage of convection. It provides more
MegaPlate with custom sizes available even heat distribution compared to steam
from DryAir. lines that are often installed a third of the
way up from the bottom of the tank. Still,
MiniPlate other industry methods externally circulate
Construction: Stainless steel and heat the fluid in the tank for immediate
Output: 60,000 Btu/h use. With the bayonet tank heat element
Dimensions: 32" l x 18" w x 5" h in place, you can use the fluid when you’re
Weight: 37 lbs ready for it.
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The chart below outlines the use of applicable accessories to maximize the capability
and usage of your DryAir heating unit.
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Smart Thaw Flow Reverser STS 100 √ +GTH Included √ +GTH N/A
√ - applicable accessory √ +FC - applicable with fan coils √ +GTH - applicable with ground thaw hose
√ +HTH - applicable with heat transfer hose N/A - not applicable
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DryAir 24/7 True Service
DryAir products are backed up by our industry
leading DryAir 24/7 True Service. With True
Service you are in good hands, as all of your
customer service inquiries are answered by our
experienced North American DryAir technicians.
Box 126, 400 Service Road, St. Brieux, SK, S0K 3V0, Canada
Tel: 306-275-4848 Fax: 306-275-4664 Toll Free: 1-888-750-1700
Printed in Canada
12 - 2021
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