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Food Research 7 (6) : 135 - 144 (December 2023)

Journal homepage: https://www.myfoodresearch.com

Effect of fenugreek seed supplementation on fasting and postprandial blood
glucose level in type 2 diabetic subjects
Khatun, A.A., 1,2Saifullah, S.B., 1Ove, T.A., 1Noor, F., 3Akhter, M.J., 1Tahosin, A. and
Nila, H.I.
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University,
Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Department of Public Health, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Food Processing and Preservation, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology
University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Article history:
Received: 1 May 2022
Received in revised form: 7
June 2022
Diabetes mellitus has a high prevalence, morbidity and mortality globally. Management of
Accepted: 30 July 2023 type 2 diabetes is difficult with synthetic drugs as they cause many side effects and have
Available Online: 13 some limitations. Thus, as an alternative and immense interest in medicinal plants with
December 2023 indigenous, inexpensive fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is considered to be a
potent food-based treatment for managing type 2 diabetes. This study was undertaken to
Trigonella foenum-graecum, evaluate the blood glucose levels and diabetes status with the consumption of fenugreek
Methi, seed powder in type 2 diabetic patients. In a clinical trial study, 49 type 2 diabetic patients
Fasting, were pooled using randomization and divided into two groups (controlled and exposed
Glycemic control group). The exposed group was placed on 10 g/day of powdered fenugreek seeds soaked
in water for 60 days, while the control group was not placed on any test diet.
DOI: Demographic, clinical characteristics, fasting blood glucose (FBG) and postprandial blood
glucose (PBG) were measured before and after the study. No adverse reaction was found
after the treatment resumed and all participants finished the trial. Findings showed that
20.83% of the patients who took the supplementation had reached the non-diabetic state
where zero success rates were observed in the control group. Multivariable linear
regression demonstrated that patients’ blood glucose level was significantly associated
with fenugreek supplementation (p < 0.001) and the type of therapy (p < 0.05) while
adjusted with their demographic variables, physical and medical conditions. When
adjusted for covariates, fasting and postprandial blood glucose in the exposed group was
estimated to be 2.38 mmol/L (95% CI: -3.45, -1.32, p < 0.001) and 4.18 mmol/L (95% CI:
-5.41, -2.95, p < 0.001), which was significantly lower than the control group,
respectively. The lowering of blood glucose level in the exposed group was gradually
distributed over time while significant changes were observed starting from 30 days of
supplementation. It is therefore concluded that fenugreek seed supplementation could be
generalized to mitigate the complications of type 2 DM.

1. Introduction DM. This prevalence is forecasted to reach 783 million

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder by 2045 (International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 2021).
diagnosed as elevated blood glucose levels. With an Evidence shows that DM is the third most challenging
improved economy and quality of living DM is emerging human health-threatening disease after cancer and
worldwide. American Diabetes Association has scaled cardiovascular disease (Grintsova et al., 2014). An
DM as having fasting and postprandial blood glucose of estimated 6.7 million adult deaths in 2021 were
7.0 mmol/L and 11.1 mmol/L or higher, respectively accountable due to diabetes and its complications (IDF,
(ADA, 2012). This abnormality prevails owing to 2021).
insufficient pancreatic insulin or its duff reception by the
Diverse management strategies are available against
peripheral tissues (Geberemeskel et al., 2019). More than
DM aiming to maintain blood glucose levels as close to
537 million of the world's population are suffering from
*Corresponding author. eISSN: 2550-2166 / © 2023 The Authors.
Email: anwarakhatun@gmail.com Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
136 Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144

normal while avoiding hypoglycemia (Kaul et al., 2013). Langerhans or through extra pancreatic mechanism.

Common approaches in DM management mostly depend Marine et al. (2020), revealed that fenugreek showed
on injectable insulin and anti-diabetic drugs (ADA, significant improvement in blood glucose, renal and liver
2012; Geberemeskel et al., 2019). Evidence shows that functions in an animal trial. Ahmad et al. (2022) found
these drugs may have toxic effects that can cause nausea, that cinnamon and fenugreek seeds are effective on
vomiting, hematological and dermatological reactions, blood glucose, HbA1C, serum cholesterol and
jaundice, and weight gain (Spiller and Sawyer, 2006; triglyceride in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic subjects.
Geberemeskel et al., 2019). A new trend is on the rise in Radhika et al. (2021) reported a significant reduction in
developing herbal and other alternative medicines. fasting blood sugar levels among type 2 diabetic subjects
Researchers believe that medicinal plants can be the with supplementation of fenugreek seeds water and
alternative solution to their synthetic counterparts with ladies finger water. Singh et al. (2022), reported that 4
lower toxicity and higher bioavailability (Campbell- Hydroxyisoleucine (4 HIL), a non-proteinogenic amino
Tofte, 2012; Hong et al., 2015). acid isolated from the fenugreek seeds has potential
antihyperglycemic activity without any toxic effects in
Diet and dietary knowledge were treated as the type 2 diabetic rats. Geberemeskel et al. (2019), studied
mainstays of DM management until the growth of the antidiabetic effect of fenugreek seed powder solution
cardiovascular diseases and glycemic disorders (Grant on hyperlipidemia in diabetic patients they found that
and Kirkman, 2015). A study enlisted more than 800 fenugreek seed powder had a distinct effect in improving
plants with possible hypoglycemic activity (Patel et al., lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients with no
2012). Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is a adverse effects, thereby providing new alternatives for
part of ancient Ayurveda, used widely in Asia and the clinical management of type 2 diabetes. However, the
Middle Eastern countries (Neelakantan et al., 2014). It is patient’s lifestyle and the socio-demographic effects are
also known as methi, Greek hayseed, and bird’s foot often neglected. In low-income countries, individuals
having a pleasantly bitter and slightly sweet taste (Naidu, with diabetes often do not have access to appropriate
2011). Worldwide, fenugreek seeds are used as a spice medications due to a lack of financial resources
and condiment whereas the leaves are used as green (Neelakantan et al., 2014). It was hypothesized that
leafy vegetables (Zia et al., 2001; Geberemeskel et al., fenugreek seed supplementation is a feasible choice in
2019). The dried ripe seeds of fenugreek are loaded with diabetes management for its efficacy and cost-
dietary fibers, amino acids, phenolic acids, alkaloids, effectiveness. In this study, the association between the
saponins, and salicylate (Naidu, 2011; Neelakantan et consumption of fenugreek seed powder with blood
al., 2014; Aamir Jalal, 2021). They are said to have glucose levels and diabetes status among the selected
multipurpose medicinal effects such as aphrodisiac, type 2 DM patients were examined using a randomized
carminative, tonic, antiulcer, hypocholesterolemic, and controlled study.
hypoglycaemic activity (Zia et al., 2001; Baset et al.,
2. Materials and methods
Several animal-centered and patient-centered studies 2.1 Study design
have shown the crude hypoglycemic activity of
The study was conducted using a randomized
fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-
controlled design, involving an experimental group,
graecum) seeds have been reported to have
which was given fenugreek juice daily for two months,
hypoglycemic and cholesterol lowering effects in type-1
and a control group, which was maintained without
and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and in experimental
administering any intervention. A single-centered, single
diabetic animals. Many of the beneficial effects of
-blinded, 60-day long randomized case-control trial
fenugreek in diabetes have been attributed to four
(RCT), approved by the institutional review board and
bioactive components including diosgenin, 4-
ethical committee of Hajee Mohammad Danesh and
hydroxyisoleucine, furostanolie saponins, and the fiber in
Science and Technology University, Dinajpur,
fenugreek (Aamir Jalal, 2021). A significant decrease in
Bangladesh was performed maintaining international
blood glucose level of type 2 diabetic patients were seen
ethical standards guaranteed by the Declaration of
after 30 and 60 days of treatment with 20 gm/day
Helsinki and its successive amendments. Written
supplementation of fenugreek seeds powder (Rehman et
informed consent was obtained from all participants.
al., 2021). Alluri et al. (2020) reported a prolonged
action in the reduction of blood glucose by Trigonella 2.2 Location of the study
foenum-graecum and the mode of action of the active
compounds fenugreek is probably mediated through The study was conducted in Bogura district, located
enhanced secretion of insulin from the β cells of 210 km north-west of the capital city of Bangladesh

https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.7(6).035 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144 137

between July 2018 and December 2018. Bogura determine blood glucose level.

metropolitan area has a population of about 0.7 million
which is covered by 5 government and 4 private 2.6 Preparation of fenugreek seed powder and
hospitals. Bogura Diabetic Hospital (V9M4+FW consumption
Bogura) is the only specialized hospital for diabetes; Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-gracium) seeds were
hence, it was selected as the study center. collected from the local market Bahadur Bazar of
2.3 Sample size calculation (JJGM+H7 Dinajpur), Bangladesh. Seeds were first
sorted and then rinsed with tap water. Afterwards, a
Based on the desired power, effect size, and level of cabinet dryer (CO-150, Human Lab Inc, Suwon-Si,
confidence, researchers suggest that a pilot study should Korea) was operated at 40±2oC for 8 hrs to lower the
have 20 to 150 samples (Whitehead, 2016). Using moisture below 10%, wet-basis (Naidu, 2012). A
Cochran’s formula with 95% confidence intervals, 50% mechanical grinder (Jaipan Mate 850W, Jaipan
probability, 10% margin of error, 0.5 design effects, and Industries Ltd, India) was utilized to make fine particles
5% chance of loss to follow-up, which generated a target of the seeds and pass through meshes (0.5 mm) to
of 51 subjects required to have a significant difference maintain the quality of the powder. Small sachets were
between the controlled and exposed group (Cochran, used for packaging 10 grams of fenugreek seed powder
1977). The population frame was randomized using and stored for distribution. Two hundred gm (20 sachets)
Research Randomizer with 26 each in both controlled of fenugreek seed powder was supplied to each selected
and exposed arms (Urbaniak and Plous, 2018). subject for 15 days’ consumption. The participants were
advised to soak 10 gm of fenugreek seed powder in one
2.4 Selection of subjects glass (200 ml) of water overnight (12 hrs) and consume
Type 2 diabetic men and women receiving regular it the next morning on an empty stomach. After every 15
care from Bogura Diabetic Hospital for at least 6 months days while measuring the blood glucose level they were
were invited to participate in the study. Geriatric again supplied with the fenugreek seed powder for the
patients, pregnant or lactating mothers, and patients with next 15 days. Likewise, the participants consumed
chronic disease or systemic disease were excluded from fenugreek seed powder for a period of two months
the study. Initially, 116 patients were briefed on the (Kassaian, 2009; Ranade and Mudgalkar, 2017).
nature and purpose of the study following which written 2.7 Determination of blood glucose level
consent was obtained from those willing to participate (n
= 51). The consenting subjects were exposed to scrutiny Fasting and post-prandial blood glucose levels were
using the following criteria. The eligible diabetic patients measured by the glucometer after an overnight fast and 2
were included those having diagnosed with type 2 DM, hours following breakfast, respectively. Each set of
obesity and/or metabolic syndrome, aged between 30–60 glucometer readings was read by the trained personnel.
years, Patients on insulin or any oral hypoglycemic A small drop of blood was collected from the fingertip
therapy, HbA1C of more than 8%. Furthermore, patients and placed on a strip containing chemicals and
with severe diseases, Pregnant women, below the age of electrodes. A chemical reaction between the glucose in
20 years or above 70 years and those who were not the blood and the chemical on the strip gives rise to an
willing to participate in the study and unable to give electrical current and color change which was then read
information were excluded from the study. by the meter. Before starting consumption of fenugreek
seed powder fasting and 2 hrs after breakfast blood
2.5 Study tools glucose level (PBG) was measured by glucometer from
A structured questionnaire was developed to collect both the control as well as experimental group and
information from the study subjects, with the guidance of recorded. Fasting and 2 hrs PBG blood glucose level was
experts. Which was divided into two sections as per the measured after 15, 30, 45 and 60 days’ consumption of
objectives. Part, one consists of selected demographic fenugreek seed powder.
variables such as age, gender, marital status, religion, 2.8 Statistical analysis
educational status, occupation, following diabetic diet,
regular exercise, duration of illness and family history Analyses were performed by a blinded analyst using
(Stringhini et al., 2012). The height and weight were statistical software Stata version 16.0 (Stata Corp LLC,
taken as anthropometric data to calculate the Body mass Texas, USA). Continuous data were summarized by the
index (BMI). Part two contained clinical variables such mean±SE (Standard Error), and categorical data by
as assessment of fasting blood glucose and 2 hrs after number and percentages. Independent two-sample T-test
breakfast. Standardized glucometer (Accu-Chek® (for continuous variables), and Proportion and Chi-
Active, Roche, India) and the strip were used to square test (for categorical variables) were used to
https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.7(6).035 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
138 Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144

compare the differences between the controlled and Mass Index (BMI) was 24.95, 25.06, and 24.84

exposed group. Multivariable linear regression analysis concerning mean, control, and exposed groups.
was used to scrutinize the association of both fasting and However, a few clinical variables e.g. types of treatment,
postprandial blood glucose levels with the intake of the physical activity levels, and diet therapy varied
fenugreek diet separately. All prevalence, absolute significantly (p < 0.05). The majority of the participants
differences, and crude and adjusted β-coefficients were (72%) were under drug and diet therapy, whereas 28%
reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). followed only diet therapy. The participants were
classified into three groups according to their physical
activity level and it was observed that 80% of
3. Results
participants in the control group were engaged in
3.1 Baseline characteristics of the study population moderate activity compared to 45.83% who were
The baseline characteristics of the study population engaged in sedentary and moderate activity.
by their allocation group are shown in Table 1. The study
population consisted of 49 (26 male and 23 female) type 3.2 Association of fasting blood glucose and fenugreek
2 diabetes patients. At the baseline, all of the supplementation
demographic, anthropometric, and metabolic variables
Figure 1 represents the day-wise distribution of
were homogenous (p > 0.05) between the control and
fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels among the control
exposed groups. The mean fasting and postprandial
and exposed groups, on an interval of 15 days up to two
blood glucose level was found to be 9.63 mmol/L and
months. It is observed that the FBG level of the control
13.92 mmol/L, respectively. No significant differences
group was consistent throughout the study but for the
were observed in fasting and postprandial blood glucose
exposed group, the level declined with the progress of
levels among the control and exposed groups. Body
the study. A significant reduction in blood glucose level
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the study population randomized to the intervention of Fenugreek supplementation and
analyzed in this study.
Total Control Exposed
Characteristics p-value
(n = 49) (n = 25) (n = 24)
30-39 22 (44.9) 9 (36.0) 13 (54.17) 0.431
40-49 14 (28.57) 8 (32.0) 6 (25.0)
50-59 13 (26.53) 8 (32.0) 5 (20.83)
Male 26 (53.06) 11 (44.0) 15 (62.5) 0.195
Female 23 (46.94) 14 (56.0) 9 (37.5)
Highest level of education
Primary 1 (2.04) 0 (0) 1 (4.17) 0.726
Secondary 11 (22.45) 5 (20.0) 6 (25.0)
Higher Secondary 24 (58.98) 13 (52.0) 11 (45.83)
Graduation 13 (26.53) 7 (28.0) 6 (25.0)
Socioeconomic status
Lower Class 21 (42.86) 10 (40.0) 11 (45.83) 0.518
Middle Class 18 (36.73) 11 (44.0) 7 (29.17)
Higher Class 10 (20.41) 4 (16.0) 6 (25.0)
Body Mass Index
Overall 24.95±0.26 25.06±0.40 24.84±0.33 0.667
Blood glucose levels
Fasting blood glucose 9.63±0.29 9.48±0.41 9.78±0.40 0.598
Postprandial blood glucose 13.92±0.32 13.44±0.47 14.43±0.43 0.129
Type of therapy
Only diet therapy 22 (44.90) 7 (28.0) 15 (62.50) 0.015*
Drug and diet therapy 27 (55.10) 18 (72.0) 9 (37.50)
Physical activity level
Sedentary 15 (30.61) 4 (16.0) 11 (45.83) 0.045*
Moderate 31 (63.27) 20 (80.0) 11 (45.83)
Heavy 3 (6.12) 1 (4.0) 2 (8.33)
Age, sex, the highest level of education, socioeconomic status, type of therapy, and physical activity level were expressed as
frequency (%). Body Mass Index and Blood Glucose levels were expressed as mean±SE. *Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05.
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Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144 139

of the exposed group is observed over the control group. Table 2 represents the relative impacts of age,

The reduction starts from 15 days and a strong reduction gender, level of education, diet, physical activity, and
was observed (highly significant) at the end of 60 days. BMI on fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels
upon supplementation with fenugreek seed powder. This
indicates that fenugreek supplementation had a
significant association with FBG level for both adjusted
and unadjusted linear regression models. The exposed
group had 1.83 mmol/L significantly lower FBG than the
control group (95% CI: -2.65, -1.01; p < 0.001). The
difference increased to 2.38 mmol/L (95% CI: -3.45, -
1.32; p<0.001) when adjusted for covariates i.e. age, sex,
education, socioeconomic status (SES), BMI, diabetes
history and duration, type of therapy, and patient’s
physical activity level. SES of the participants also
showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) between
lower, middle and higher income groups during the
univariable assessment but was found to be homogenous
Figure 1. Boxplots of Fasting Blood Glucose Level
distribution among the control and exposed groups
when all other covariates were adjusted.
randomized to the intervention of Fenugreek supplementation,
arranged in the order of observation days. *Significant
difference at p ≤ 0.05, **Significant difference at p < 0.001.

Table 2. Linear regression analysis of the effect of Fenugreek seed supplementation on fasting blood glucose level.
Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis
Characteristics β-coefficient b β-coefficient a
p-value p-value
[95% CI] [95% CI]
Fasting blood glucose (vs. Control Group)
Exposed Group -1.83 [-2.65, -1.01] <0.001** -2.38 [-3.45, -1.32] <0.001**
Age (vs. 40-49)
30-39 -0.16 [-1.33, 1.01] 0.783 -0.29 [-1.38, 0.81] 0.601
50-59 -0.75 [-2.07, 0.56] 0.255 -0.49 [-2.06, 1.07] 0.528
Sex (vs. Male)
Female 0.20 [-0.78, 1.18] 0.685 0.18 [-1.00, 1.36] 0.758
Highest level of Education (vs. Primary school)
Secondary School 2.12 [-1.47, 5.72] 0.240 2.01 [-2.48, 6.50] 0.369
Higher Secondary School 2.27 [-1.25, 5.78] 0.201 1.51 [-3.07, 6.10] 0.506
Graduate School 2.38 [-1.19, 5.96] 0.186 1.70 [-3.10, 6.50] 0.475
Socioeconomic Status (vs. Middle Class)
Lower Class -1.13 [-2.16, -0.11] 0.031* -0.28 [-1.59, 1.03] 0.670
Higher Class -1.63 [-2.89, -0.37] 0.013* -0.76 [-2.20, 0.69] 0.297
Body Mass Index (vs. Control Group)
Overall -0.14 [0.42, 0.13] 0.295 -0.09 [-0.38, 0.19] 0.505
Family history of diabetes (vs. No)
Yes 0.29 [-0.73, 1.32] 0.570 -0.29 [-1.25, 0.67] 0.544
Duration of diabetes (vs. 1-5 years)
Less than 1 year -0.79 [-1.86, 0.29] 0.148 0.27 [-0.86, 1.41] 0.624
More than 5 years -1.30 [-2.69, 0.09] 0.066 -0.55 [-2.27, 1.16] 0.515
Type of therapy (vs. Only diet therapy)
Drug and diet therapy -0.55 [-1.52, 0.42] 0.263 -0.94 [-1.97, 0.10] 0.074
Physical activity level (vs. Moderate)
Sedentary -0.43 [-1.51, 0.64] 0.422 0.91 [-0.34, 2.16] 0.147
Heavy -1.08 [-3.15, 0.98] 0.296 0.21 [-2.37, 2.79] 0.870
β-coefficient were adjusted
*Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05, **Significant difference at p < 0.001.

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140 Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144

3.3 Association of postprandial blood glucose and The difference increased to 4.18 mmol/L (95% CI: -5.41,

fenugreek supplementation -2.92; p<0.001) when adjusted for covariates i.e. age,
sex, education, SES, BMI, diabetes history and duration,
Figure 2 denotes the day-wise distribution of type of therapy, and patient’s physical activity level.
postprandial blood glucose (PBG) levels among the
control and exposed groups, with an interval of every 15
days of fenugreek supplementations. Visual inspection
suggested that the PBG level of the control group was
inconsistent with ups and downs throughout the study
but for the exposed group, the level declined with the
progress of the study. It is clearly understood that
postprandial blood glucose levels were reduced in the
experimental group than in the control group. The
reduction of PBG starts after 15 days of supplementation
and gradually it started reducing significantly, which was
highest at the end of 60 days.

Fenugreek supplementation had a significant

association with PBG level for both adjusted and Figure 2. Boxplots of Postprandial Blood Glucose Level
unadjusted linear regression models (Table 3). The distribution among the control and exposed group randomized
exposed group had 3.65 mmol/L significantly lower PBG to the intervention of Fenugreek supplementation, arranged in
than the control group (95% CI: -4.65, -2.64; p < 0.001). the order of observation days. *Significant difference at p ≤
0.05, **Significant difference at p < 0.001.
Table 3. Linear regression analysis of the effect of Fenugreek seed supplementation on postprandial blood glucose level.
Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis
Characteristics β-coefficient b β-coefficient a
p-value p-value
[95% CI] [95% CI]
Postprandial blood glucose (vs. Control Group)
Exposed Group -3.65 [-4.65, -2.64] < 0.001** -4.18 [-5.41, -2.95] < 0.001**
Age (vs. 40-49)
30-39 -0.62 [-2.38, 1.14] 0.484 -0.64 [-1.92, 0.63] 0.311
50-59 -0.82 [-2.80, 1.17] 0.411 -0.19 [-2.01, 1.63] 0.837
Sex (vs. Male)
Female 1.35 [-0.07, 2.76] 0.062 0.86 [-0.50, 2.23] 0.206
Highest level of Education (vs. Primary school)
Secondary School 1.04 [-4.42, 6.49] 0.704 -0.65 [-5.86, 4.56] 0.801
Higher Secondary School 1.31 [-4.02, 6.64] 0.624 -1.32 [-6.64, 3.99] 0.615
Graduate School 1.52 [-3.90, 6.95] 0.574 -0.68 [-6.25, 4.88] 0.804
Socioeconomic Status (vs. Middle Class)
Lower Class -1.51 [-3.09, 0.07] 0.061 -0.78 [-2.30, 0.74] 0.303
Higher Class -1.87 [-3.81, 0.08] 0.059 -1.11 [-2.78, 0.57] 0.187
Body Mass Index (vs. Control Group)
Overall -0.23 [-0.64, 0.18] 0.266 -0.18 [-0.52, 0.15] 0.264
Family history of diabetes (vs. No)
Yes 0.88 [-0.64, 2.39] 0.252 -0.02 [-1.14, 1.10] 0.972
Duration of diabetes (vs. 1-5 years)
Less than 1 year -0.56 [-2.22, 1.09] 0.497 -0.65 [-1.96, 0.66] 0.321
More than 5 years -0.96 [-3.11, 1.18] 0.369 -0.65 [-2.63, 1.34] 0.511
Type of therapy (vs. Only diet therapy)
Drug and diet therapy -0.40 [-1.87, 1.07] 0.583 -1.72 [-2.92, -0.52] 0.006*
Physical activity level (vs. Moderate)
Sedentary -1.42 [-2.99, 0.14] 0.074 0.60 [-0.85, 2.05] 0.404
Heavy -1.51 [-4.52, 1.51] 0.320 -0.49 [-3.48, 2.50] 0.741
β-coefficient were adjusted
*Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05, **Significant difference at p < 0.001.

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Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144 141

Table 4. Diabetes status of the patients after the completion (60 days) of the Fenugreek supplementation study.

Characteristics Control Group Exposed Group p-value
n = 49 (%)
n = 25 (%) n = 24 (%)
Diabetic state 44 (89.80) 25 (100) 19 (79.17) 0.024*
Non-diabetic state 5 (10.20) 0(0) 5 (20.83)
*Significant difference at p ≤ 0.05
Although the type of therapy was found homogenous (p to vigorous activity. However, over the last decade, the
= 0.583) during the univariable assessment, adjustment benefits of regular physical activity have been proven,
of all other covariates showed that those who took both in type 2 diabetes prevention (a 50% reduction in
medications with diet had 1.72 mmol/L significantly the incidence of type 2 diabetes in people with high
lower PBG (95% CI: -2.92, -0.52; p = 0.006). metabolic risk) and type 2 diabetes management for
improved glycemic control (Duclos et al., 2013). All
3.4 Efficacy of fenugreek supplementation existing recommendations point out that an appropriate
The diabetic status of the patients after the diet and regular physical activity are the “keystone” of
completion (60 days) of fenugreek supplementation is the therapeutic management of diabetes.
revealed in Table 4. Data are tabulated based on the 4.2 Association of fasting blood glucose and fenugreek
ascertainment of the disease. Fenugreek supplementation supplementation
had a significant (p < 0.05) impact on the patient’s
diabetic status. At the end of the study, all of the patients The mean initial fasting blood glucose level of the
from the controlled group retained their diabetic state, control and fenugreek exposed group was above the
while 5 patients from the exposed group were declared normal level (> 8 mmol/L, Table 1). There was a gradual
as non-diabetic. Fenugreek supplementation accounted reduction in the fasting as well as postprandial blood
for 20.83% relative risk reduction among type 2 DM glucose level observed among the exposed group than
patients. the control group at the end of the 60-day intervention
(Figure 1). A significant difference in the fasting blood
glucose level was observed in the exposed group, while
4. Discussion
no significant difference was observed among the control
The rate of progression to diabetes during the group. Several authors have found significant
intervention in controls and fenugreek group is improvement in diabetes management as measured by
determined in the present study. No major harmful side fasting blood sugar levels while assessing the impact of
effects of fenugreek were reported in all included fenugreek seeds on blood glucose control (Ranade and
studies. Mudgalkar, 2017). However, the dose of fenugreek seeds
4.1 Baseline characteristics of the study population supplementation also affects blood sugar levels, and a
higher dose shows more hypoglycemic effects, the dose
Corresponding to the current investigation (Table 1), ranges from 2 to 25 g/day (Ranade and Mudgalkar, 2017;
the exposed group (62.50%) followed only diet therapy, Ahmad et al., 2020).
compared to the control group (28%) by a considerable
margin (p < 0.05). However, dietary prescriptions must 4.3 Association of postprandial blood glucose and
be customized regarding the patient’s eating habits and fenugreek supplementation
give a good distribution of macronutrients according to Hyperglycemic effects during the study period FPG
the metabolic balance and the nutritional needs of the (p < 0.05) and PPBG (p < 0.01) reduced significantly at
patient. Physical exercise must also be adapted to each the end of 60 days (Figure 2) in the exposed group. The
patient’s abilities and precisely coordinated with hypoglycemic effect of fenugreek seed powder discussed
nutritional recommendations (Gbakayoro et al., 2018). in this study is well supported by a few studies (Gaddam
Physical activity differed considerably between the et al., 2015). Previous animal investigations have pointed
control and exposed groups, according to the findings. out that fenugreek seeds have broad therapeutic efficacy,
Despite the relevance and positive impact of expedient implying that fenugreek may likewise include a
food therapy follow-up and regular physical activity on component that stimulates insulin production or
diabetes balance, this study found that 63.27% (Table 1) sensitization, besides lowering postprandial glucose
of diabetes network patients reported engaging in levels (Verma et al., 2016; Alluri et al., 2020). Various
moderate physical activity. In both the control and studies depicted a significant reduction (p < 0.001) in the
exposed groups, it was also observed that most diabetic postprandial blood glucose levels in diabetic rats on
patients prefer sedentary and moderate physical exercise treatment with fenugreek formulation (Kumar and Sinha

https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.7(6).035 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

142 Khatun et al. / Food Research 7 (6) (2023) 135 - 144

2012; Singh et al., 2022). Whole fenugreek raw seeds, Conflict of interest

extracted seed powder, cooked seeds (25 g) and gum The authors declare that they have no financial or
isolate of seeds (5 g) decreased postprandial glucose non-financial conflict of interest in the subject matter or
levels, whereas degummed seeds (25 g) showed little materials discussed in this article.
effect (Neelakantan et al., 2014). In addition, a few
clinical trials have discussed using either 15 g of
fenugreek seed powder with meals reported a reduced Acknowledgments
rise in blood glucose after the meal or taking 2.5 g of The authors are grateful to the authority of Bogura
fenugreek seed twice a day for 3 months reduced blood Diabetic Hospital for permitting them to conduct the
glucose levels in people with mild type 2 diabetes study. The authors also thank all the participants and
(Verma et al., 2016). But overdosing can have negative experienced personnel for taking part in this study.
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