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Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Two-meter stick, foam board, motion sensor, and computer equipped with Data Studio.
When you are ready to begin recording data, select Record from the Experiment menu (or type Altr). After 4 s of recording, select Stop from the Experiment menu (or type Alt-. ) If your graphs do not approximately match Fig. 1, then repeat the process to record another set of data.
Resize the graphs by clicking the Scale to Fit button on the toolbar (left-most icon in graphing window). Determine the experimental velocity during the period of motion. Highlight the sloping part of the position graph by clicking and drawing a rectangle around the slope only. Then, click the Fit Menu button on the toolbar, and select Linear Fit. The slope m is your experimental velocity. Record this value as vEXP in Question 2. Print the graph by selecting Print from the File menu (or typing Ctrl-p).
2 Graph Printouts [20 pts] + 2 Tables [20 pts] + 6 Questions [40 pts] + 2 Sketches [20 pts]
Fig. 1. Graphs of Position vs. Time and Velocity vs. Time (10 pts) Using the position vs. time graph in Fig. 1, fill in the missing position and time values for the foam board in Data Table 1.
(10 pts)
1. Show the calculation of the velocity of the board during the period of motion and record in Data Table 1. Also record this as your theoretical velocity vTHEO in Data Table 2. (5 pts)
2. Calculate the percentage error between the experimental and theoretical velocities and record it below. Show the calculation. (See Appendix for %error formula.) (5 pts)
vEXP (m/s):
vTHEO (m/s):
% Error:
Fig. 2. Graphs of Velocity vs. Time and Acceleration vs. Time (10 pts) Using the velocity vs. time graph in Fig. 2, fill in the missing velocity and time values for the foam board in Data Table 3.
(10 pts)
3. Show the calculation of the acceleration of the board during the period of motion and record in Data Table 3. Also record this as your theoretical velocity vTHEO in Data Table 4. (5 pts)
4. Calculate the percentage error between the experimental and theoretical velocities and record it below. Show the calculation. (5pts)
aEXP (m/s2):
aTHEO (m/s2):
% Error:
5. Sketch the horizontal acceleration, velocity, and position graphs for the rolling ball shown below. (15 pts)
A ball rolls at constant velocity along a horizontal surface, rolls up an incline, and then rolls horizontally again. Assume that the ball starts at x = 0, that positive v and a point right, and that no energy is lost due to friction. NOTE: The x and v graphs for a ball traveling on a horizontal with NO incline are shown for reference.
6. Sketch the acceleration for the ball rolling back down the incline. (5 pts)
Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Ruler, cart (springs at both ends), air track (barriers with springs at both ends), motion sensor, ring stand with clamp and short rod, and computer equipped with Data Studio. NOTE LEVEL the track by adjusting the single-threaded leg and re-tightening the wing nut underneath the track.
Lab 2: Linear Motion Data Analysis Sheet 3 Graph Printouts [45 pts] + 1 Data Table [15 pts] + 7 Questions [40 pts] Part 1: Horizontal Track
1. Reading directly from the graphs, what is the velocity of the cart along the horizontal surface in one direction (neglecting when it reflects off the barriers)? Explain how this can be determined from the position and velocity graphs. (5 pts)
Velocity (m/s):
2. What happens to the velocity vector of the cart at the barriers, why? (5 pts)
3. What happens to the acceleration of the cart at the barriers, why? (5 pts)
5. Calculate the theoretical acceleration aTHEO of the cart for each height h using the equation given in the introduction and record in Data Table 1. Show a sample calculation. (5 pts)
6. Calculate the percent error between the experimental and theoretical acceleration of the cart for each height h and record in Data Table 1. Show a sample calculation. (5 pts)
Data Table 1: Acceleration on an Inclined Track h (m) 0.10 0.20 L (m) 1.65 1.65 sin aEXP (m/s )
% Error
7. Sketch one cycle (not the first) of x, v, and a vs. t for the inclined track. Circle the point on each graph corresponding to the time when the cart is at the top of the track. (10 pts)
Experimental Procedure
Open the Projectile Motion video, which is located in L:\PHY\Public\_LAB-VIDEOS. In this lab, you will track one projectile as it travels through the air. Refer to the Appendix for general VideopointTM procedures. Copy the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Open Excel and enter the following headings into the spreadsheet:
1 2 A t (s) B x (m) C y (m) D Vx (m/s) E Vy (m/s)
Find the average velocity in the x direction (Vx) and the average velocity in the y direction (Vy) by entering velocity formulas into cells D3 and E3 that use the data in columns A, B, and C. (Hint: The average velocity uses data from the current point and the previous point.) Copy these formulas into the remainder of cells in those columns that have corresponding data points. The initial cells D2 and E2 should be left blank. Record the entered formulas into Data Table 1 on the Data Analysis Sheet. Create a graph of velocity vs. time that includes both the x and y components of the velocity. See the Appendix for how to create an x-y plot in Excel using the graphing wizard. Highlight the data and headings in columns A, D, and E and use the Chart Wizard. (Note: Use Ctrl-key to highlight nonadjacent columns.) The finished graph should have one set of data points that forms a roughly horizontal line (Vx) and one that forms a downsloping line (Vy). Find the best linear fit to both data sets using the linear trendline feature. Add the equations of the trendlines to the graph. (See Appendix for instructions and additional information.) Position the graph beneath the data and change its background color to white. Highlight the entire data set and add a border, then write your name, partners name, and the date to the right of the data. Print the Excel spreadsheet and turn it in with your lab report. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet.
Lab 3: Projectile Motion Data Analysis Sheet 1 Spreadsheet Printout [30 pts] + 2 Data Tables [15 pts] + 5 Questions [55 pts] Data Table 1: Formulas Used in Excel Spreadsheet Cell D3 E3 Variable Formula (10 pts)
vx (m/s) vy (m/s)
1. From what you know about projectile motion, what should the slopes of the horizontal and vertical velocity graphs be? (5 pts)
2. The trendlines that you added to the graph are the best fit straight lines to your data. What do the trendline equations tell you? How well does this match with your answer to the above question? (5 pts)
3. Using the linear equations of the trendlines on your graph: a) Find the initial velocities of the ball in the x and y directions. (10 pts)
vx0 vy0
b) Find the time t1 it takes for the ball to reach the highest point of its trajectory. (5 pts)
The absolute value of the slope of the y velocity graph is the magnitude of the objects acceleration. Record this acceleration in Data Table 2 as gEXPT. This slope is negative because the positive direction has been defined as upward. 4. Calculate the percent error between the experimental and the known (theoretical) values of g and record it in Data Table 2. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
(5 pts)
9.8 m/s
% Error:
5. Projectile Problem: A projectile is launched at an angle of 45 with initial velocity v = 20 m/s. (a) Find the projectiles initial horizontal velocity vx and initial vertical velocity vy. Show ALL steps of your work clearly with units included at all times for full credit. (10 pts)
vx0 vy0
(b) Find the time t1 when the projectile reaches the apex (or highest point) and time t2 when it hits the ground. Show all work for full credit. (10 pts)
t1 t2
(c) Find the range x that the projectile travels. Show all work for full credit. (5 pts)
The trigonometric addition of vectors involves resolving the vectors into their x and y components. The components along each axis are then added to find the components of the resultant vector (FR). The x and y components of each vector are given by: (Eqn. 1) where F1 and F2 are the lengths of the vectors and 1 and 2 are their angles, measured from the x-axis. These components can then be added to find the resultant vector components as follows: (Eqn. 2) Using the Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometry, the magnitude and angle of FR are given by: (Eqn. 3) The experimental addition of vectors will use a force table to apply forces of various magnitude and direction to a ring in the center of the table. Each force is applied by hanging a mass over a pulley, where the pulleys can be adjusted to any position around a circular plate. The magnitude of the applied force (N) when a mass is hung equals the product of the mass (kg) and the acceleration due to gravity g (9.8 m/s2), i.e., F = mg. When two forces are acting on the central ring from different directions, the net force is the vector sum of the two applied forces. This resultant force FR is equivalent to hanging a single mass at some angle R on the force table. In the experimental part of this lab, FR and R will be determined by finding a third equilibrant force FEQ at some angle EQ that will exactly balance the resultant force. The equilibrant force will have the same magnitude but opposite direction to the resultant force.
Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Force table, pulleys, ring, string, three hanging masses (50, 100 and 200 g), mass holder, slotted masses, ruler, and protractor.
Lab 4: Vector Addition of Forces Data Analysis Sheet 5 Data Tables [65 pts] + 1 Diagrams [15 pts] + 2 Questions [20 pts] Part 1: Resultant Determination for TWO Forces Data Table 1 Experimental Determination
mh = Mass 1 Mass 2 Equilibrant Resultant kg Angle () 0.0 115.0 ms (kg) 0.100 0.200
(10 pts)
Force (N)
(5 pts)
Record the measured Graphical Determination of the Resultant force from the graph.
Calculations F1x (N) F1y (N) F2x (N) F2y (N) FRx (N) FRy (N) FR (N) R:
1. Show the % difference calculations and record them below. (10 pts) FR (N) Experimental Trigonometric Graphical Calculations: % Difference R
% Difference
Part 2: Resultant Determination for THREE Forces Data Table 4 Experimental Determination
mh = Mass 1 Mass 2 Mass 3 Equilibrant Resultant kg Angle () 10.0 225.0 120.0 ms (kg) 0.100 0.200 0.050
(10 pts)
Force (N)
Calculations F1x (N): F1y (N): F2x (N): F2y (N): F3x (N): F3y (N): FRx (N): FRy (N): FR (N): R:
2. Show the % difference calculations and record them below. (10 pts) FR (N) Experimental Trigonometric Calculations: % Difference R
% Difference
Graph paper for Graphical determination of resultant force for TWO forces (Part 1)
Equipment: Cenco Centripetal Force Apparatus, Cenco Digital Motor-Driven Rotator, chuck key, string, goggles, and 4 sets of the following: ring stand with table clamp and arm with screw clamps; mass holder; slotted masses [ 1 kg (2), 500 g, 100 g (4), 50 g, 20 g (2), 10 g]; and a ruler.
Experimental Procedure
If the centripetal force apparatus is clamped in the motor-driven rotator head, turn the chuck counterclockwise to remove the apparatus. At one of the hanging stations in the room, hang the apparatus up on a hook using the loop of string on one end so that the bob is on the lower end. Hang a mass holder on the loop of string at the other end. Experimentally determine the mass needed to stretch the string far enough to just affect the position of the pointer. Include the mass of the bob (engraved somewhere on the bob), as well as the mass of the mass holder in the total. Record this total mass in Data Table 1 as the Hanging Mass. Measure the total length that the spring extends by measuring the distance from the center of rotation line in the middle of the apparatus to the mark around the center of the bob. Record this distance in Data Table 1 as the Radius. Remove all masses and the mass holders, and take down the apparatus. Record the mass of the bob alone in Data Table 1 as the Rotating Mass. Check that the digital motor-driven rotator is plugged in and turned off. Insert the small pole extending from the bottom of the apparatus into the head of the rotator, then turn the chuck clockwise to clamp the apparatus. Check that it is tightly clamped. Before turning on the rotator, turn the Motor Speed knob down to zero. PUT ON YOUR SAFETY GLASSES!! Now, turn on the power. Check that the Freeze Display switch is turned off. Press the RPM/Revolutions button until the light next to RPM is lit (the RPM data is what you want to measure). Press the Reset Button. Slowly increase the speed of revolution by turning the Motor Speed knob. Do this until the pointer first moves to point toward the target screw (you must be eye-level with the screw and pointer to observe the change). Adjust the motor speed gradually up and down until the pointer points directly at the head of the screw. Record the RPM value from the display into Data Table 1 as RPM1. Turn the Motor Speed knob back down to 0, then repeat this step two more times to obtain two additional readings for revolutions per minute. Record these values in Data Table 1 as RPM2 and RPM3. NOTE: RPM is a measure of the frequency of the motion, but measured in rev/min instead of rev/s. The correct frequency f in Data Table 1 requires a conversion of the average RPM into RPS. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet for the lab.
Lab 5: Centripetal Force of Circular Motion Data Analysis Sheet 2 Data Tables [35 pts] + 8 Questions [65 pts] Data Table 1: Gravitational and Centripetal Force
RPM1 (rev/m): RPM2 (rev/m): RPM3 (rev/m): RPMAVG (rev/m): Hanging Mass (kg): Radius (m): Rotating Mass (kg): f (rev/s):
(25 pts)
1. Calculate the average RPM and record it in Data Table 1. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
2. From this average value, calculate the frequency f in revolutions per second (RPS) and record it in Data Table 1. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
3. The equation used to find the magnitude of the force exerted by the spring on the mass is F = 4 2mrf 2. Derive this equation using the equations given in the introduction and Newtons force equation. Do not use your data in this question. (15 pts)
4. Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the spring on the mass using the relationship you just derived and record it in Data Table 2 as FCENT. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
5. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on the spring when the hanging mass was placed on it using FGRAV = mg and record it in Data Table 2. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
6. Calculate the percent difference between the experimental gravitational force and the experimental centripetal force and record it in Data Table 2. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
(10 pts)
7. If the weight of the rotating mass is doubled while everything except the frequency remains the same, by what factor does the frequency change? Do not use your data in this question. Hint: Write the force equation from Question 3 for each setup (F1, F2), where only masses (m1, m2) and frequencies (f1, f2) are different. Because these two forces are equal (spring stretched same amount), equate the two expressions and solve for f2 in terms of f1. (15 pts)
8. The speedometer of your car shows that you are traveling at a constant speed of 75 miles per hour. Is it possible that your car is accelerating? Explain. Hint: This lab is about centripetal forces what are we trying to learn here? (10 pts)
Experimental Procedure
Refer to the Appendix for general VideopointTM procedures. Open up the Energy Conservation video, located in L:\PHY\Public\_LAB-VIDEOS. After collecting relevant data, copy the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Open Excel and enter the following headings into the spreadsheet:
1 2 A t (s) B x (m) C y (m) D Adj y(m) E Vx (m/s) F Vy (m/s) G V (m/s) H K (J) I U (J) J E (J)
Click on cell A2 and then select Paste from the Edit menu, or type Ctrl-v to paste your data. Enter formulas into columns D3 through J3 of the spreadsheet and record these formulas in Data Table 1 on the Data Analysis sheet. Cells E2 to J2 should be left blank. The following information will help you complete the formulas: Find the adjusted y-height (Adj y) by subtracting the lowest y-value from each y-value. This sets the lowest y-value equal to zero. Find the average x-velocity (Vx) by entering a velocity formula into cell E3 that uses data in columns A and B. (Hint: Velocity uses data from the current and previous points.) Find the average y-velocity (Vy) by entering a velocity formula into cell F3 that uses data in columns A and C. Find the total average velocity V by entering a vector addition formula into cell G3 that uses the velocities in E3 and F3. (Hint: Use the Pythagorean Theorem.) Find the kinetic energy K by entering a formula into cell H3 that uses the mass of the bob and the velocity in G3. Assume the bob has a mass of 1 kg. Find the potential energy U by entering a formula into cell I3 that uses the mass of the bob and the adjusted y-height in D3. Find the total energy E by entering a formula into J3 that uses the data in H3 and I3.
Copy these formulas into the remaining cells of each column that have corresponding data points. Create a graph of energy vs. time that includes the kinetic, potential, and total energy by highlighting the data and headings in columns A, H, I, and J (use Ctrl-key). The graph should have two nonlinear plots corresponding to the kinetic and potential energies, and one roughly constant plot corresponding to the total energy. Find the best linear fit to the total energy data set using the linear trendline feature (see Appendix). Find the best polynomial fit to the kinetic and potential energies by using a trendline of degree 2. Position the graph directly beneath the data and change its background color to white. Highlight the entire data set and add a border, then write your name, partners name, and the date beneath the graph. Print the Excel spreadsheet and turn it in with your lab report. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet for the lab.
Lab 6: Conservation of Energy Data Analysis Sheet 1 Spreadsheet Printout [35 pts] + 1 Data Table [20 pts] + 5 Questions [45 pts] Data Table 1: Formulas Used in Excel Spreadsheet Cell D2 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3 Variable Adj. y(m) Vx (m/s) Vy (m/s) V (m/s) K (J) U (J) E (J) Formula (20 pts)
1. Should the total energy of the pendulum be conserved in this experiment? Based on the trendline that you added to the graph, was the total energy actually conserved? (5 pts)
2. Explain why it is possible to test conservation of energy without knowing the mass of the bob. (5 pts)
3. Can kinetic energy ever be negative and why or why not? (5 pts)
4. Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy Problem: A block (m = 2 kg) is released from a height h = 50 cm above the ground. Find its velocity v just before hitting the ground. FIRST, solve for the velocity v algebraically, and THEN substitute numerical values. Show ALL work and units. (15 pts)
(algebraic expression)
(numerical value)
5. Kinetic and Spring Potential Energy Problem: A block (m = 5 kg) is pushed against a spring that is compressed a distance x = 10 cm. The block is then released and travels up a frictionless, inclined surface. Find the maximum height h of the block if the spring constant k = 100 N/m. FIRST, solve for the height h algebraically, and THEN substitute numerical values. Show ALL work and units. (15 pts)
(algebraic expression)
(numerical value)
Lab 7: Springs
The purpose of this lab is to study the relationship between force, position, and time of a mass oscillating on a spring. In this laboratory, you will use a motion sensor and a force sensor to investigate Hookes Law: F = kx , where F is the restoring force of the spring, x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position, and k is the spring constant. You will also investigate how the spring constant changes when two springs of identical spring constant k are added in series and in parallel. For two identical springs in series, the spring constant is halved, and for two identical springs in parallel, the spring constant is doubled. This laboratory uses Data Studio with a motion sensor and a force sensor to generate graphs of position and force of an object in simple harmonic motion.
Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Rulers, stand, two identical springs, two spring separators with paper clips, mass holder, slotted masses (10 g, 20 g, 50 g), motion sensor (WIDE setting), force sensor (~30 cm above table), and computer equipped with Data Studio.
Refer to the Appendix for the guidelines regarding setting up the Data Studio program. Add the motion sensor (in Digital Sensors) to channel 1 and set the Trigger Rate to 20 Hz. Hook up the force sensor (in Analog Sensors) to channel A, and set the sampling rate to 20 Hz. Create the graphing window for the motion sensor. Click on the Time axis and set the maximum time to 10 s and the minimum time to 0 s. Also, un-check the Adjust Axes to Fit Data box. Click on the Position axis and set the max to 1 and the min to 0. Create the graphing window for the force sensor by clicking on force, Ch A under Data and dragging it to the graphing window. Click on the Force (N) axis, and set the max to 3 and the min to 3. MAXIMIZE the Graph Display window. Change the title of the Graph to Simple Harmonic Motion (include your name). Physically connect the motion sensor and force sensor as shown. The equipment should be set up with the force sensor suspended from the top of a rod and the motion sensor lying facing upward at the bottom of the rod, aligned directly below the force sensor. Zero the force sensor by pressing the Tare button on the right side of the sensor. To find the theoretical spring constant kTHEO of the spring, measure the rest length L of the spring and record in Data Table 1. Hook the spring onto the force sensor and suspend the mass hanger (25 g) on the other end of the spring. Measure the extended length L + x of the spring using the ruler, and record in Data Table 1. Now add a 20 g mass to the mass hanger. You will be recording the oscillating motion of this massspring setup when the mass is pulled down and released. IMPORTANT NOTE: There must be a minimum of 20 cm between the motion sensor and the bottom of the oscillating mass when it reaches its lowest point. Otherwise, the motion sensor will give a false signal. Before recording data, you should first practice by monitoring the data (type Alt-m). The x vs. t and F vs. t graphs must resemble sinusoidal curves. If the sinusoidal curves become noisy when the mass reaches the bottom of its oscillation, move the force sensor higher. Once you are ready, Record a data run and stop after ~10 s. Resize the graphs and Print them. 28
Now, create a force vs. position graph to determine the spring constant k. Delete the graph of position vs. time by clicking on the graph area, and press Delete on the keyboard. On the x-axis, change the input from time to position by double-clicking on the time axis label (Time (s)) and selecting Position, Ch 1&2 from the menu that appears. The F vs. x graph should be relatively linear. Add a linear fit line to the graph. The slope of the graph gives the experimental spring constant of the spring. Record this value in Data Table 2 and then print the graphs. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet for Part 1 before continuing to Part 2.
DO NOT CHANGE the F vs. x graph setup on the computer. Next, change the spring setup. Connect the two springs end-to-end (in series) and hook them onto the force sensor. Suspend the mass hanger on the end of the springs and place a 10 g slotted mass on it. Pull the mass down gently and release it, allowing it to oscillate up and down. Record F vs. x data for 10 to 20 s. Resize the graph, re-title the graph, and print it. The linear least-squares fit data for this graph should already be displayed on the screen. The slope of the graph gives the experimental spring constant of the springs in series. Record this k value in Data Table 3. Now, connect the two springs side-by-side (in parallel) by using the two spring separators (with the paper clips for suspension), and hook them onto the force sensor. Place a 50 g slotted mass into the mass holder, and repeat the previous two steps to determine a k value for the parallel spring setup. Attach the graphs from both parts of the experiment to the back of the lab report to turn in. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet for Part 2.
Lab 7: Springs Data Analysis Sheet 4 Graph Printouts [35 pts] + 3 Data Tables [20 pts] + 7 Questions [45 pts]
Part 1: One Spring Data Table 1: Hookes Law to Find kTHEO L (m):
L + x (m):
Determine the displacement x of the spring with the mass hanger and record in Data Table 1.
1. Calculate the gravitational force F exerted by the mass hanger on the spring and record in Data Table 1. Assume that the mass of the mass hanger is 25 g. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
Data Table 2: Comparison of Spring Constants kEXP (N/m): kTHEO (N/m): % Error:
(5 pts)
2. Using Data Table 1, calculate the theoretical spring constant ktheo using Hookes Law and record in Data Table 2. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
3. Calculate the percent error between the experimental spring constant and the theoretical spring constant and record in Data Table 2. Show the calculation. (5 pts)
4. On the graphs of position and force vs. time, explain why the amplitudes decay over time. (5 pts)
Part 2: Two Springs Data Table 3: Springs in Series and Parallel kEXP (N/m) Series Parallel
5. Using the experimental value for the single spring constant obtained in part 1 and the information given in the introduction on identical springs in series and parallel, determine the predicted value of the spring constant for the springs in series and parallel and record in Data Table 3. Show both calculations. (10 pts)
kPRED (N/m)
6. Calculate the percent error between the experimental and predicted spring constants for springs in series and parallel and record in Data Table 3. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
7. If you were given three springs to combine in series or parallel, how would you make the softest spring and the stiffest spring possible? Draw the combinations below. (10 pts)
Experimental Procedure
Refer to the Appendix for the guidelines regarding setting up the Data Studio program. Add the motion sensor for the cart on the right to channel 1 and set the Trigger Rate to 20 Hz. Repeat for the motion sensor on the left, hooking up the motion sensor to digital channel 3. Create the graphing window for motion sensor 1. Choose Position, Ch 1&2 to display. Click on the Time axis, and set the maximum time to 5 s and the minimum time to 0 s, and set the max position to 2 and the min position to 0. Also, un-check the Adjust Axes to Fit Data option, and under layout check Do Not Group. Create the graphing window for motion sensor 2 by clicking on Position, Ch 3&4 and dragging it to the graphing window. Click on the Position axis of the second graph, and set the max to 2 and the min to 0. MAXIMIZE the Graph Display window. Change the title of the graph to Collision #1 (include your name in parentheses). Physically connect the motion sensors into the Science Workshop Interface. Each cart has its mass printed on it. Record these masses as m1 and m2 in Data Tables 1 and 2 on the Data Analysis sheet. Turn on the air supply. Place a cart on the track to see if it is perfectly level. If the cart starts moving to one side, adjust the legs on the track to make it level. When it is level, place the other cart on the track. Check that both sides with Velcro are facing outward so that the two metallic sides touch when the carts collide. 32
Collision #1
For the first collision, you will slide the cart on the right (cart 1) toward the stationary cart on the left (cart 2) so that they collide. Position cart 2 at the center of the track and position cart 1 over the leg of the track on the right side. Begin recording data when ready. Type (Alt-r) to start and (Alt-.) to stop. The top and bottom graphs correspond to the positions of carts 1 and 2, respectively. You should be able to identify the time at which the collision occurred. Resize the graphs by clicking Scale to Fit. Determine the velocity of cart 1 BEFORE the collision by adding a linear fit line to the sloping part of the top graph, not the entire graph. The slope is the velocity of cart 1 before the collision. Record this value as v1i in Data Table 1. Do not click anywhere else on the graph at this point, or you will reset the Curve Fit and change your data! Determine the velocity of cart 2 AFTER the collision by adding a linear fit line to the sloping part of the top graph, not the entire graph, using the same procedure as before. This graph has a negative slope because the motion sensor is mounted on the opposite end of the track. Record the magnitude of this slope (ignore the minus sign) as v2f in Data Table 1. Check that the slopes on both graphs are still displayed and then print them (type Alt-p). Complete Part 1 on the Data Analysis Sheet before continuing to Part 2.
Lab 8: Collisions in One Dimension Data Analysis Sheet 2 Graph Printouts [30 pts] + 2 Data Tables [20 pts] + 11 Questions [50 pts] Collision #1
On the graph printout, mark and label the point where the first cart began moving, and mark and label the point where the carts collided. Reading directly from the graph, approximate the velocity of cart 2 before the collision (v2i) and the velocity of cart 1 after the collision (v1f) and record in Data Table 1.
Data Table 1: Collision #1 m1 (kg): m2 (kg): pi (kgm/s): Ki (J): v1i (m/s): v2i (m/s): pf (kgm/s): Kf (J): v1f (m/s): v2f (m/s): p % Diff.: K % Diff.:
(10 pts)
1. Calculate the total momentum before (pi) and after (pf) the collision and record in Data Table 1. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
2. Calculate the total kinetic energy before (Ki) and after (Kf) the collision and record in Data Table 1. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
3. Calculate the percent difference between the initial and final total momenta and between the initial and final total kinetic energies and record in Data Table 1. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
4. Should momentum be conserved in this collision and does it appear to be? (2 pts)
5. Is kinetic energy conserved in this collision? What type of collision is it? (3 pts)
(10 pts)
v1f (m/s): v2f (m/s): p % Diff.: K % Diff.:
6. Calculate the total momentum before (pi) and after (pf) the collision and record in Data Table 2. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
7. Calculate the total kinetic energy before (Ki) and after (Kf) the collision and record in Data Table 2. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
8. Calculate the percent difference between the initial and final total momenta and between the initial and final total kinetic energies and record in Data Table 2. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
9. Should momentum be conserved in this collision and does it appear to be? (2 pts)
10. Should kinetic energy be conserved in this collision and does it appear to be? (3 pts)
11. 1-D Collision Problem: A box slides on a frictionless surface with initial velocity v0. It then collides with an identical, stationary box and the boxes stick together in a perfectly inelastic collision. Using conservation of momentum, find the final velocity vf of the two stuck boxes. (10 pts)
Experimental Procedure
Refer to the Appendix for general VideopointTM procedures. Open up the 2D Momentum video in the folder L:\PHY\Public\_LAB-VIDEOS. Collect relevant data, and copy the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Open Excel and enter the following headings into the spreadsheet:
A 1 t (s) 2 B x1 (m) C y1 (m) D x2 (m) E y2 (m) F V1x (m/s) G V1y (m/s) H V2x (m/s) I V2y (m/s) J Px (gm/s) K Py (gm/s)
Click on cell A2 and then select Paste from the Edit menu or type Ctrl-V to paste your data in. On the Excel spreadsheet, find the average velocities of both pucks in the x and y directions by entering velocity formulas into cells F3 through I3 that use data from columns A through E. Copy these formulas into the remaining cells of each column that have corresponding data points. Record these formulas in Data Table 1 on the Data Analysis sheet. Cells F2 to K2 should be left blank. Find the total momentum of the system in the x and y directions by entering formulas into cells J3 and K3 that use the mass of each puck (assume m1 = m2 = 100 g ) and the data in columns F through I. Copy these formulas into the remaining cells of each column that have corresponding data points. Record these formulas in Data Table 1. Add a border to the data, and write your name, partners name, and the date beneath the data. Print the Excel spreadsheet and turn it in with your lab report. Mark and label the row on the data table where the collision occurs. Complete the Data Analysis Sheet for the lab.
Lab 9: Collisions in Two Dimensions Data Analysis Sheet 1 Spreadsheet Printout [35 pts] + 1 Data Table [20 pts] + 3 Questions [45 pts] Data Table 1: Formulas Used in Excel Spreadsheet Cell F3 G3 H3 I3 J3 K3 Variable V1x (m/s) V1y (m/s) V2x (m/s) V2y (m/s) Px (gm/s) Py (gm/s) Formula (20 pts)
1. Calculate the percent difference between the average x momentum before and the average x momentum after the collision. Show the calculation. Do these results indicate that momentum is conserved in the x direction? (5 pts)
% Diff:
2. Calculate the percent difference between the average y momentum before and the average y momentum after the collision. Show the calculation. Do these results indicate that momentum is conserved in the y direction? (5 pts)
% Diff:
3. 2-D Collision Problem: Puck #1 (m1 = 2 kg) moves with initial x-velocity v1xi = 2 m/s. It collides with a stationary Puck #2 (m2 = 2 kg) and the pucks continue with final velocities v1f and v2f as shown below. Assume that the pucks move on a frictionless surface.
(a) Write the x- and y-components of the final puck velocities in terms v1f and v2f. Substitute numerical values for any cosine or sine functions. Positive velocities are to the right or upwards. (10 pts)
(numerical equation)
(numerical equation)
(c) Find the final velocities v1f and v2f (in m/s) of pucks #1 and #2. (10 pts)
v1f = v2f =
The remaining quantity in Eqn. 1, the rotational inertia I, depends on the mass of the rotating body and the way in which the mass is distributed relative to the axis of rotation. For the objects used with the hub in this lab: Point Mass (mass M0, distance R0 from axis): Hoop (mass M1, inner radius R1, outer radius R2): . .
The purpose of this lab is to experimentally determine the rotational inertias of these objects and then to compare them with their theoretical values. Data Studio is used with a rotary motion sensor to generate graphs of the angular velocities of various rotating objects. The angular accelerations can then be found and used to determine the experimental rotational inertia of each object.
Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Rotary motion sensor, pulley, thread, 20 g weight, rod, point masses, disk, hoop, and computer equipped with Data Studio. Refer to the Appendix for the guidelines regarding setting up the Data Studio program. Under Sampling Options set the Stop condition to 5 s. Add the rotary motion sensor to channel 1 and set Divisions/Rotations to 1440, and set Linear Calibration to the Medium Pulley (Groove). Under Measurement, check the velocity, Ch 1&2 (rad/s) box. Create the graphing window for the rotary motion sensor. Choose Angular Velocity to display. Click on the Time axis, and set the maximum time to 5 s and the minimum time to 0 s. Also, un-check the Adjust Axes to Fit Data box. MAXIMIZE the Graph Display window. Change the title of the graph to Rotational Inertia for Rod Plus Two Point Masses (include your name). Physically connect the rotary motion sensor to the Science Workshop Interface.
Lab 10: Rotational Inertia Data Analysis Sheet 2 Graph Printouts [40 pts] + 1 Data Table [15 pts] + 5 Questions [45 pts] Data Table 1: Rotational Inertias OBJECT Rod Plus Point Masses Rod Alone Point Masses Alone Disk Plus Hoop Disk Alone Hoop Alone
1. The experimental rotational inertia of an object is given by I = mr(g- r)/ , where m is the hanging mass, r is the radius of the hub, is the experimental angular acceleration, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Derive this equation using the information given in the introduction. (10 pts)
2. Calculate the experimental rotational inertia for the rod with the point masses, the rod alone, the disk with the hoop, and the disk alone using the relationship above and record in Data Table 1. In each case, the hanging mass m = 20 g, the radius of the hub r = 1.5 cm, and g = 980 cm/s2. Show a sample calculation. (10 pts)
Find the experimental rotational inertia IEXP for the two point masses by subtracting the rotational inertia of the rod alone from that of the rod plus the two point masses. Find IEXP for the hoop by subtracting the rotational inertia of the disk alone from that of the disk plus the hoop. Record in Data Table 1.
3. Calculate the theoretical rotational inertia for each point mass (each M0 = 75.5 g, R0 = 18 cm) and for the hoop (M1 = 469 g, R1 = 2.65 cm, R2 = 3.80 cm) using the equations given in the introduction for these objects and record in Data Table 1. Show both calculations. (10 pts)
4. Calculate the percent error between the experimental and theoretical rotational inertia for the point masses and the hoop and record in Data Table 1. Show both calculations. (5 pts)
5. You are given the following two objects to rotate around their center axes: a flat disk of radius r and mass m = 5 kg, and a ring of radius r and mass m = 5 kg. Which object is more difficult (i.e. requires greater torque) in order to rotate and why? (10 pts)
CM WCM = mCM g
Fig. 1. An example of how the weight, concentrated at the center of mass of an object can produce a torque
For an object with a uniform mass distribution, the lever arm r will be the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass (CM). In the case above, the meter stick is rotated about a pivot at the end of the stick and the lever arm r equals L/2.
Experimental Procedure
Equipment: Meter stick, 2-prong support stand, laboratory balance, hooked masses (50, 100, 200 g), and 4 adjustable clamps (3 with hanger, 1 without).
Lab 11: Torques and Rotational Equilibrium Data Analysis Sheet 3 Data Tables [50 pts] + 10 Questions [50 pts] Part 1: Equilibrium using Three Hanging Masses Data Table 1: Torques about the Center of Mass
meter stick mass (kg) = Mass (kg) (1 pt ea) m1 = m2 = m3 = Force (N) (1 pt ea) F1 = F2 = F3 = Position (m) (1 pt ea) x1 = x2 = x3 =
(20 pts)
xCM (m) = Lever Arm (m) (1 pt ea) r1 = r2 = r3 = 1 = 2 = 3 = Torque (Nm) (2 pts ea)
1. Calculate the lever arms for all of the masses about the center of mass and record them in Data Table 1. The lever arm is the positive distance from the position of each mass to the pivot point (xCM) of the meter stick. Show the calculation for r3. (5 pts)
2. Calculate the torques caused by the masses and record them in Data Table 1. Use the sign convention for torques and show the calculation for 3. (5 pts)
3. Calculate the total clockwise and counterclockwise torques and record them below. Use the sign convention and sum these torques to find the total torque. Show the calculations. (5 pts)
4. Do the data confirm that the system is in rotational equilibrium? Explain. (5 pts)
Data Table 2: Torques about the End of the Meter Stick (20 pts)
meter stick mass (kg) = Mass (kg) m1 = m2 = m3 = meter stick stand mCM = Force (N) F1 = F2 = F3 = FCM = FS = Position (m) x1 = x2 = x3 = xCM = xS = xCM (m) = Lever Arm (m) r1 = r2 = r3 = rCM = rS = Torque (Nm) 1 = 2 = 3 = CM = S =
5. Calculate the lever arms for all of the forces about the end (0 cm) and record them in Data Table 2. Show the calculation for r3. (5 pts)
6. Calculate the torques caused by all of the forces and record them in Data Table 2. Use the sign convention for torques and show the calculation for 3. (5 pts)
7. Calculate the total clockwise and counterclockwise torques and record them below. Use the sign convention and sum these torques to find the total torque. Show the calculations. (5 pts)
8. Do the data confirm that the system is in rotational equilibrium? Explain. (5 pts)
Part 2: Equilibrium using One Hanging Mass Data Table 3 (10 pts)
Balance point (m) = Mass (kg) m1 = meter stick Force (N) F1 = Position (m) x1 = xCM = Lever Arm (m) r1 = rCM = Torque (Nm) 1 = CM =
9. Calculate the mass of the meter stick and record it below. Show all work. (5 pts)
10. Calculate the percent difference between the calculated and measured masses of the meter stick. Show all work. (5 pts)
% difference =
Data Studio Guidelines
Check that the interface box is ON. If the interface box is not on you will have to turn it on and reboot the computer. Open a new Data Studio experiment by clicking on the Data Studio icon. Click on Create Experiment. To Add a sensor, click on the Add Sensor or Instrument button within the Experiment Setup window. NOTE: Some sensors are located in the Science Workshop Analog Sensors drop-down list, while others (e.g., Motion Sensor) are located in the Science Workshop Digital Sensors dropdown list. To change any sensor options, click on the sensor icon that is hooked to the picture of the interface box. Navigate through the tabs until you see what must be adjusted. All relevant measurement options should be displayed in the window after the specific sensor is selected. Create the graphing window for the motion sensor by double clicking the Graph icon under Displays (bottom-left frame). Choose the graph you want to display. MAXIMIZE the Graph Display window. To add a second graph, under Data (upper-left frame), click and drag the desired variable over to the graph. There should now be two graphs. Repeat if three graphs are required. To change axis settings, double click on top of the axis, and navigate the tabs to set the desired range of values. Unselect automatic scaling by un-checking the Adjust Axes to Fit Data box. To change the title of the graph, click the current title (Graph 1) under Displays, and click once inside the box so that a cursor appears. This is the same process as changing a files name on your computer desktop. Remember to always include your name in the title! Practice taking data by selecting Monitor from the Experiment menu (or typing Alt-m). The graphs should be displayed in real time. To stop monitoring data, select Stop from the Experiment menu (or type Alt-. ) When your are ready to begin recording, select Record from the Experiment menu (or type Alt-r). Resize the graphs by highlighting one graph and clicking the Scale-to-Fit button on the toolbar. This will adjust the axis settings to fit your graph. To analyze your slope, highlight the desired area of the graph by clicking, holding, and drawing a rectangle around that area only, not the entire graph The selected data will be highlighted in yellow. Then, click the Fit Menu button on the toolbar, and select Linear Fit. Print the graphs by selecting Print from the File menu (or typing Ctrl-p). Attach the graphs to the back of your lab report to turn in.
VideoPoint Guidelines:
Open the movie for analysis. Movies are located in the L:\PHY\Public\_LAB-VIDEOS folder. Double-click on the movie file to start VideoPoint. When the Number of Points window appears, select 1 or 2 features or objects to be located. This depends on the number of points you will be tracking. MAXIMIZE the movie window (This step will ensure greater accuracy for location of features, and is highly recommended.) Set the scale of the movie so that your data is in SI units: Open the Scale Movie window by clicking on the scale symbol on the left hand side of the VideoPoint window, directly below the blue-colored up/down buttons. Set the Known Length to 1.00 m and click Continue. NOTE: You will next identify the ends of a meter stick so that the program accurately measures lengths. If you do not click on the ends of the meter stick as carefully as possible, the program will not give correct position values. When the Movie Message appears, position the cursor on one end of the 1 meter line in the movie and click, then position the cursor on the other end of the ruler and click. Verify by making sure that the x- and y- data are in terms of meters and NOT pixels. Collect data from the captured movie. You can advance the movie by clicking on the right arrow near the bottom right corner of the movie until the ball first appears. (Some videos may not require this step.) Position the cursor so it is directly on top of the object and click to mark its first location. This procedure stores the balls x-y position in a data table. The movie should now automatically advance by one frame. When tracking 2 objects the screen will not advance until both objects have been clicked on. Move the cursor to the objects new position and click again to mark the objects second location. Repeat until the object is no longer on the screen or the video is over. Note: The quality of your data will be determined by how accurately you select the center of the object. Copy the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Find the Data window with all of the data values for the points that you just clicked. Enlarge the window if necessary. You will need to copy the time, x-pos, and y-pos values from the Data window into an Excel spreadsheet. To copy all three data columns at one time, first highlight the time column and THEN hold down the Ctrl-key and highlight the x-pos, and y-pos columns. After highlighting all three data columns, choose Copy Data from the Edit menu (or type Ctrl-C) to make a copy of your data for transferring to Excel. Open Excel and enter the following headings into the spreadsheet (may vary depending on lab):
1 2 A t (s) B x (m) C y (m) D E
Click on cell A2 and then select Paste from the Edit menu (or type Ctrl-V) to paste in your data. Print the Excel spreadsheet and turn it in with your lab report. Complete the experiment as instructed in the Manual. 49
Excel Guidelines
Every cell in an Excel spreadsheet is identified by its column letter and row number. For example, in Fig. 1 at the right, A2 corresponds to the number 1 and B6 corresponds to the number 15. One way to analyze the data is to enter formulas into the spreadsheet. For example, in Fig. 1 the numbers in column A can be added to the numbers in column B to obtain a third set of numbers in column C. Formulas are entered in a column by clicking on the cell of the first row in which you want to use a formula, and then entering an equal sign Fig. 1. Example Spreadsheet followed by the formula. So in this example, you would click on box C1 and type =A1+B1. For the second row, where cells A2 and B2 are to be added, the formula does not have to be typed again. Instead, click on cell C1 with the formula and position the cursor over the small black square that appears in the lower right corner of the cell (indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1). Next, click and drag the cursor so that it fills up the cells in the C column that require the formula. When the mouse button is released, every value in column C will be the sum of the values in the A and B columns to the left of them. Another method to analyze the data is to plot it. For example, in Fig. 1 a graph of B vs. A might be needed in order to determine a relationship between them. To do this, one would highlight all the values in columns A and B, and use the Chart Wizard to create the plot. This feature of Excel graphs the data such that the first column is on the x-axis and the remaining column(s) are on the y-axis. Creating a Graph After highlighting the data that is to be graphed, create a graph by clicking the Chart Wizard button (pictured at right) on the toolbar. Note: To highlight non-adjacent columns of data, highlight the first column, then press and hold the Ctrl-key. Highlight the remaining column(s), then release the Ctrl-key. Using the Chart Wizard, make the following selections: 1. Chart Type: Select XY (Scatter). Click on Next >. 2. Chart Source Data: Check that the Columns option is selected. Click on Next >. 3. Chart Options: Enter an appropriate title for the graph next to Chart Title and label the axes (include the units) next to Value (X) Axis and Value (Y) Axis. (See the Proper Format for Spreadsheet Printouts section on the following page for further information.) Click on Next >. 4. Chart Location: Check that As Object In is selected, then click on Finish. The graph should now appear on the same sheet as the data. To add a linear trendline to a graph, right-click on one of the data points, then select Add Trendline from the menu that pops up. In the next window, select Linear for the type of trendline, then click on the Options tab, check the box for Display equation on chart, and click OK. Drag the text to a new location if it is obstructed by the graph or anything else on the screen. The equation displayed on the graph will be of the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. To position the graph, click in the white area surrounding the graph and drag to the desired location. To add a border to the data set, highlight the area that is to be given a border. Then select Cells from the Format menu, and click on the Border tab. Set the presets for Outline and Inside, and click OK. To change the graph background color to white, right-click on the gray background and select Format Plot Area. On the next window, select Automatic under the Area section, and click OK.
Additional Operations
Error Analysis
To compare an experimental value E to a calculated or known (theoretical) value T, calculate the percent error:
To compare two experimental values E1 and E2, calculate the percent difference:
SAMPLE EXCEL SPREADSHEET PRINTOUT t (s) 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.4 0.44 0.48 x (m) 0 0.012 0.039 0.082 0.139 0.213 0.302 0.404 0.524 0.658 0.809 0.977 1.164 v (m/s) 0 0.3 0.675 1.075 1.425 1.85 2.225 2.55 3 3.35 3.775 4.2 4.675