CBU-GIS 04-0022 - Site Preparation
CBU-GIS 04-0022 - Site Preparation
CBU-GIS 04-0022 - Site Preparation
CBU-GIS 04-0022
Applicability STP – Carson Business
Date April 22, 2008
ARCO BL-0129-83124D
1.0 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................4
2.0 SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................4
3.0 REFERENCE CODES, SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS ..............................................4
4.0 SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................5
5.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................5
6.0 EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................9
7.0 CHECKING AND EDITING.......................................................................................................9
8.0 TESTING ................................................................................................................................10
9.0 QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION ..............................................................................10
10.0 WATERING ............................................................................................................................11
11.0 WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................11
12.0 SUBMITTALS .........................................................................................................................11
1.1. Site preparation work (Work) as specified herein is to provide a dense, stable
clean site, drained and graded to elevations shown in the engineering
1.2. The Work site is located at the ARCO Los Angeles Refinery, City of Carson.
1.3. This specification covers the requirements of the Work and the
responsibilities of the Site Preparation Contractor.
2.1. The Contractor shall supply all labor, equipment and material to perform the
Work as described in this specification.
2.2. The Contractor shall control dust conditions during the course of all
construction operations.
3.1. The following Codes, Standards and Specifications apply to this specification.
When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition
and addenda in force at time of purchase shall apply.
3.1.2. County of Los Angeles Building Code, Chapter 70, Excavation and Grading
3.1.4. The following American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
ASTM D2922 Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate in place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow
4.2. The site for the project may contain foundations, slabs and utilities of the
former structures.
5.1. All work shall be performed in accordance with this specification, engineering
drawings and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Building
Code, Chapter 70.
5.2. Demolition
The Contractor shall demolish and dispose of all existing paving, concrete
foundations, slabs, utilities and miscellaneous items designated for removal and
verified by the Owner. This shall include portions of any existing piles that interfere
with new construction. Blasting shall not be permitted for removal of concrete
5.3. Excavation
5.3.1. All excavation shall be made to lines and elevations shown on the
engineering drawings and as required by this specification. After
excavation, the exposed soils shall be inspected and approved by the
Owner's Inspector and any unsuitable deposits shall be removed.
5.3.3. Stability of all excavated faces shall be maintained in compliance with Cal-
OSHA until final acceptance of the work.
5.3.4. The Contractor shall notify the Owner of any obstructions encountered and
shall provide support, protection, or removal of such obstructions as
directed by the Owner.
5.3.5. Tolerances for excavation shall be plus or minus 0.10 feet for both line and
5.3.6. Excavation shall be under the direct observation of the Owner's Inspector.
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation The Contractor shall comply with the ARCO Fugitive Dust Policy
for the Los Angeles Refinery (attached), which is based on
South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 403.
5.4.1. The Contractor shall place, spread, water and compact the fill in strict
accordance with this specification and engineering drawings. The Owner's
Inspector shall observe and verify that all site preparation, grading and
backfill work is performed in accordance with the specifications,
engineering drawings, and Owner Inspector's instructions.
5.4.2. The Owner's Inspector shall be notified if any soft, oil-soaked or other
unsuitable soils are encountered. The material shall be removed and
replaced with selected backfill material as directed. Contaminated material
shall be disposed of as stated in Section 5.3.9.
5.4.3. Prior to placing any fill under roadways and in undeveloped or open areas,
the ground shall be scarified to a depth of six inches and compacted to at
least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM
D1557. This scarification shall not apply for backfilling around piers or
5.4.4. Materials used for compacted fill may consist of any materials imported
from outside the site or excavated from the site that, in the opinion of the
Owner's Inspector, are suitable for use in constructing fills. The material
shall be free of debris and organic materials, and shall contain no rocks or
hard lumps greater than three inches in size and shall contain material of at
least 80 percent smaller than 1/2 inch in size. If import soils are to be used,
they shall additionally have a percent passing #200 sieve of less than 20
percent and an expansion index (UBC Test Method 29-2) of less than 20.
No perishable, spongy, or other material than those specified shall be used
in filling.
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation
5.4.5. The onsite clays are acceptable as fill material in non-structural areas
except for the upper 1-1/2 feet where nonexpansive material shall be used.
The material shall be placed per Section 5.4.8 with the exception that the
moisture content should be between 2 percent and 4 percent over optimum
moisture content.
5.4.6. Selected backfill material shall be placed in loose lifts no more than eight
(8) inches in thickness to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the
maximum dry density in the structural areas (areas supporting
foundations, concrete slabs, pavement, etc.) and at least 90 percent of the
maximum dry density in non-structural areas. In confined areas, lifts of
less than six (6) inches should be used. Fills should be compacted at
moisture contents of ±2 percent of the optimum. The maximum dry density
and optimum moisture content shall be referenced to the ASTM D1557 test
5.4.8. After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be
thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to the specified density.
Compaction shall be accomplished by mechanical equipment suitable for
the type of materials being compacted. It is the contractor's responsibility
to select appropriate compaction equipment subject to the Engineer's
When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified, water
shall be added by the Contractor and thoroughly mixed until the moisture
content is as specified.
5.4.9. When the moisture content of the fill material is too high, the fill material
shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other satisfactory
methods until the moisture content is as specified.
5.5. Roads
5.5.1. The subgrade for roads shall be prepared in accordance with Section 5.4.
The finished surface of the subgrade shall be smooth and even and shall
follow the lines and elevations shown on the engineering drawings.
5.5.2. Final elevations of the subgrade shall be within ±0.10 feet of the elevations
given on the engineering drawings.
5.6. Grading
5.6.1. All areas within the project plot plan, including excavated and filled areas,
shall be uniformly graded. The finished surface shall be reasonably
smooth, compacted, and free from irregular surface changes. The degree
of finish shall be that ordinarily obtainable from blade-grader operations,
unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Ditches shall be finished to
permit adequate drainage.
a. All cut and fill embankments shall be true and accurate and shall
maintain uniform slopes as noted in the drawings. Where no slope
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation
Vertical Horizontal
Rough Grade 0.10 ft 0.10 ft
Finish Grade 0.10 ft 0.10 ft
5.7.1. All excavation shall be made to lines and elevations shown on engineering
5.7.2. The Contractor shall notify the Owner of any obstructions encountered
while performing his work. Existing underground piping or buried
electrical lines shall be protected at all times. Existing foundations shall be
protected as required, in accordance with Section 4.6 of Specification BL-
5.7.3. Contractor shall report immediately to the Owner if any existing installation
has been damaged due to earthwork operations. Repair of damaged
existing underground installations shall be the responsibility of the
5.8. Dewatering
During excavation and backfill operations, storm water shall be removed and
disposed of by Contractor to the location as directed by the Owner. The Contractor
shall provide all the equipment necessary for dewatering operations to keep the
construction area and access ways free from water until the construction is
completed. The Contractor shall provide sandbags, small berms or whatever
provisions are necessary to prevent surface flow from entering excavations. The
mixing of stormwater and soil shall be minimized where possible.
5.9. Stockpile
Contractor shall be responsible for stockpiling the excavated and borrowed material in
a way that allows his earthwork operations to be performed efficiently.
5.10. Surveying
5.10.1. All layout and surveying required for the Work, and the accuracy of the
work, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
5.10.3. Horizontal and vertical control shall be taken from existing Control
Monuments and Bench Marks located at the site.
5.10.4. Original field notes and office computations and other records made by the
Contractor shall be submitted to the Owner for review and approval.
5.11.1. The Contractor shall place, spread, water and compact the embankment fill
in strict accordance with this specification and in accordance with the
lines, grades, elevations and slopes shown on the engineering drawings.
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation
The Owner's Inspector shall observe and verify that all site preparation,
grading and backfill work is performed in accordance with the
specifications, engineering drawings, and Owner Inspector's instructions.
5.11.2. For dike fill construction, Sections 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 shall apply.
5.11.5. Dike work around tanks in service shall be done in such a manner that the
dike will remain effective at all times. At no time shall a hole be cut in a
5.11.7. For dike repair, the following construction steps shall be followed as
required and/or as directed by the ARCO Representative.
Contractor shall provide all the equipment required for the Work to be performed. Type of the
equipment shall be selected for the kind of soil to be encountered. List of the equipment
including Manufacturers Model shall be submitted to the Owner for review.
To ascertain the accuracy and completeness of the Work performed, Contractor shall edit
and check his computations and field work.
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation
8.2. Soil tests will be performed in accordance with the procedures specified in
the following paragraphs:
8.3. The Owner's Inspector shall test the import material to determine its
suitability and conformance to the specification for import fill.
8.4. Field density tests shall be made by the Owner's Inspector, in accordance
with ASTM D1556 for each layer of fill. Field density tests may be made using
a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM D2922 providing at least
20 percent of all tests are by ASTM D1556. If a nuclear gauge is used, the
readings at each test location should be taken with the nuclear gauge
positioned in at least two orientations to the problem hole, and soil conditions
within the test depth should be visually observed.
8.5. Density tests shall be made at intervals not exceeding two feet of fill height.
At least one density test shall be made for each 100 cubic yards of fill, one
test for each lift, one test for each structure, or one test per work crew per
day, whichever is more restrictive. If the surface is disturbed, the density
tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the disturbed zone.
When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof
does not meet the specified density, the particular layer or portions shall be
reworked until the specified density has been obtained.
8.6. The Contractor shall aid the Owner's Inspector and provide access to the
construction work as required for performing soils inspection and tests.
8.7. The site shall be assessed for potential contamination as part of the site
9.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for quality control of the Work.
9.2. Work shall be inspected by the Owner's Inspector who will require
conformance to the drawings and specifications. It is the Contractor's
responsibility to request inspection prior to proceeding with further work that
would make parts of work inaccessible for inspection. The presence of the
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Guidance on Industry Standard for Site Preparation
Owner's Inspector on the jobsite shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility in any degree.
9.3. The Owner's Inspector shall inspect, make tests and make reports as
required. Reports of discrepancies shall be made to the Owner or Owner's
Geotechnical Engineer for a decision and disposition of the discrepancy.
10.1. Water will be furnished at the Worksite at no charge to the Contractor. The
Contractor shall furnish, install, operate and maintain all onsite storage and
pumping facilities that the Work may require.
10.2. Watering shall include, but not be limited to, applying water during
construction, subgrade preparation and for dust control during grading
10.3. The dust control operations at the site shall be in accordance with Section
5.3.10 and shall at all times meet the approval of the Owner.
All Work shall be scheduled and coordinated through the Owner. Any conflicting work
schedule or work area access restricting Contractor's work shall be brought to the attention of
the Owner for resolution.
When required, the Contractor shall submit a statement to the Owner in accordance with
Section 7021(f) of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Building Code,
Chapter 70 after completion of the Work.
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