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UTML Ultra Translucent Multi-Layered

STML Super Translucent Multi-Layered

ML Multi-Layered HT High-Translucent
High Esthetic Potential for Zirconia Dental Restorations*
New series which features translucency similar to natural tooth enamel
is now available.
Introducing the new series of ultra translucent multi-layered UTML and superior translucent
multi-layered STML, ideal for efficient esthetic anterior teeth restorations.

These high translucent zirconia materials require different technical methods from the previously
introduced ML and HT. This technical guide will explain the important points to help you achieve
successful restoration using KATANA™ Zirconia.
*Compared to our conventional products

Four-Layer Structure:

Enamel Layer (35%)

Transition Layer 1 (15%)

Transition Layer 2 (15%)

Body (Dentin) Layer (35%)

Percentages shown in the brackets

(Image of gradation) reflect the thickness ratio of the disc.

Restoration process

1 Series Selection
2 Shade Selection
3 Disc Thickness Selection
4 Framework Design and Milling Process
5 Sintering and Adjusting
6 Finishing Methods
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6-1 Glazing 6-2 Glazing and Staining 6-3 Build-ups


1 Series Selection

Each series has different translucency and mechanical properties. By choosing the right series,
you can successfully restore a wide-range of cases, from the esthetic anterior to posterior bridgework.

UTML Ultra Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for anterior crowns and veneers, inlays/onlays and posterior
single crowns.

STML Super Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for up to 3 units posterior bridges with a well-balanced combination
of chromatic and gradational translucency, which reproduces esthetic enamel and dentin effects.

ML&HT High flexural strength zirconia is suitable for single unit frameworks and long-span bridges.

Translucency (raw zirconia material) / Transmittance Rate (%)

UTML 43 Measurement Condition

Wavelength of light: 700mm
Thickness of sample: 0.5mm
ML&HT 31
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (%)
Data Source: Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc. The numerical value varies according to the conditions.

Mechanical Properties (raw zirconia material) / Flexural Strength (MPa)

UTML 557 Measurement Condition

ISO 6872: 2015
(Three-point bending test)
STML 748 Distance: 30mm
Sample size: 40mm x 4mm x 3mm

ML&HT 1125
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 (MPa)
Data Source: Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc. The numerical value varies according to the conditions.

Recommendations for each series

Recommended Applications*

Veneer Inlay/Onlay Anterior Crown Posterior Crown 3 Unit Bridge Long-span Bridge

*HT is recommended for the framework if you overlay with layered porcelains.

2 Shade Selection
UTML Shades

There are two different shade groups: “Standard Shades” and “Enamel Shades”. Enamel Shades have reduced
chroma in the upper layer (① ) which allows you to enhance the translucent appearance of the incisal area, as
desired, by utilizing external stain characterization.

Translucency Translucency
High translucency through High translucency through
all the disc layers. all the disc layers.

Color Color
Color of Shade Guide* Layer Reduced chroma from incisal
to the middle layer ( part).

STML Shades

A well-balanced combination of chromatic and gradational translucency reproduces esthetic enamel and dentin effects.

Translucency is gradually decreased from the incisal to the
cervical region to increase the masking level in the cervical region.

Color Body(Dentine)
Color of Shade Guide*

ML & HT Shades

ML (Multi-Layered) is suitable for full contour crowns and bridges, and HT (High-Translucent) Monolithic Shaded
is suitable for frameworks.

Series ML HT
A-White A-Light A-Dark HT10 HT12 HT13

B-Light C-Light D-Light

Shade Selection

Series Shades HT
A1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4 B1 B2
Standard Shades
UTML B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D2 D3 D4

Enamel Shades ENW EA1 EA2 EA3

NW A1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4
STMLL UT Standard Shades
B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D2 D3

ML A-White A-Light A-Dark B-Light C-Light D-Light

HT HT10 HT12 HT13

Recommendations for Shade Selection

1. Range of abutment color varies by translucency of the series.

Abutment color examples

Select the shade number

that corresponds to the
target color.
Select a shade number
STML one level brighter than the
target color (with external
ML & HT staining).

2. Zirconia with a high refractive index tends to look brighter on the posterior area. For posterior restorations using
UTML or STML, choose one shade darker than the target shade to achieve a natural look with surrounding teeth.

3. Even when the same shade color is used, the glazing and polishing finish will result in different color outcomes.

For glazing, select the target shade color, and for polishing, it tends to become one shade
UTML STML darker. Therefore, select one lighter shade than the target shade color.

For polishing, select the target shade color, and for glazing, it tends to become lighter.
ML & HT Therefore, adjust the color by external staining.

3 Disc Thickness Selection
Multi-Layered UTML, STML and ML discs come in Thickness after sintering (before sintering)
three thicknesses; 14, 18 and 22mm. When sintering,
the thickness will reduce to 80%. Therefore, select 11.2mm (14mm) 14.4mm (18mm) 17.6mm (22mm)
the right disc thickness to achieve the appropriate
gradation between the crown length the enamel to
the body (dentin).

Enamel Layer 35% Actual size

Transition Layer 1 15%

Example: Fabricating an anterior crown with 11mm
length, use an 18mm disc (14.4mm after sintering)
Transition Layer 2 15% including the enamel layer to the body (dentin) layer.
For the 7mm posterior crown fabrication, a 14mm disc
Body (Dentin) Layer 35% (11.2mm after sintering) is recommended between
enamel and body (dentin) layers.
(Image of gradation)

4 Framework Design and Milling Process

Anterior crown, Veneer, Posterior crown, Inlay, Onlay

It is crucial to keep a minimum wall thickness* for a successful restoration, and keep in mind:
*Not including the thickness of build-up porcelain

Bridge / Connector Cross Section

Follow the formula of applicable wall thickness. Minimum Connector Cross Section

1) Do not make a sharp cut to adjust connector cross

section by using a diamond disc as the disc creates
sharp notches that may lead to cracks and imminent
bridge failure. Anterior 2-3 units 12mm2 or more 12mm2 or more 7mm2 or more

2) UTML and STML are not suitable for a cantilevered

Anterior 4 units or more .......(not recommended)......... 9mm2 or more
pontic bridge. Posterior 2-3 units 16mm2 or more 16mm2 or more 9mm2 or more
(Premolar only)
3) ML and HT are limited to 2 pontics within a bridge.
When 2 pontics connect, the cross section should Posterior 4 units or more .......(not recommended)......... 9mm2 or more
be 12mm2 or more. The cantilevered pontic is limited
to 1 and cross section should be 12mm2 or more.

5 Sintering and Adjusting

Follow the sintering schedule. After sintering Sintering Program Setting
adjust inside of the framework and margin.
1) Be sure that material is fully cooled to avoid cracking.

2) UTML and STML flexural strength are not as strong High Temperature 1550°C / 2822°F 1500°C / 2732°F
as ML and HT, therefore need special attention like
Hold Time 2 hours 2 hours
not using excess force or work under running water
for inside and/or margin adjustment. Rate of Temperature Increase 10°C / 18°F minute 10°C / 18°F minute

3) Use “Crack Finder” after adjustment to make sure no Rate of Temperature Decrease -10°C / -18°F minute -10°C / -18°F minute
cracking occurred.

6 Finishing Methods

Compatible Materials

CerabienTM ZR CZR Press LF

FL Glaze, VC Glaze, External Stain, LF External Stain, LF Internal Stain,
Internal Stain, Luster, etc. LF Luster, etc.

Warning: Do not mix CerabienTM ZR and CZR Press LF powder for build-up.
Do not use CZR Press (H-ingot, L-ingot, Esthetic White Ingot) for UTML and STML.

Crucial technical points of finishing

1) Polish contact area with opposing tooth and clean restoration by using an ultrasonic cleaner for maximum benefits.
2) After sintering and adjustment, clean restoration thoroughly.
3) When glazing, staining and sintering porcelain always use a stand-pin. Sintering schedules vary per product,
therefore review technical instructions.
4) Do not fabricate until cool down to avoid potential cracking.
5) Select the shade number that corresponds to abutment color and according to KATANA™ Zirconia.

6-1 Glazing

The multi-layered zirconia is designed to achieve esthetic results by using glaze method at final process.

Glazing method

1 2 3

Create a surface texture over the entire Polish areas in contact with opposing tooth. Alumina sandblast surface of the crown
crown under running water or wet condition For polishing only finish complete entire (50~70μm, 30psi, 0.2MPa)
crown with polishing

4 5

* Under A, B or C method, it is possible to mix

glaze and external stain then bake.

Clean restoration using an ultrasonic cleaner Apply glaze, bake, complete*

in alcohol or acetone, or steam cleaner

Glazing Method: Select A, B or C method according to the material

Dry-out Low Start Heat Vacuum Release Hold Time High Cooling
No. Product Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Time
min. ℃/°F ℃/°F ℃/°F min. kPa ℃/°F min. ℃/°F min.

CZR Press
A Glaze
5 600/1112 600/1112 65/117 96 850/1562 1 850/1562 4

Cerabien™ ZR
B FL Glaze, VC Glaze 5 600/1112 600/1112 65/117 96 850/1562 1 850/1562 4

CZR Press LF
C Glaze
5 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 800/1472 1 840/1544 4

Mix Glaze and External Stain Method: Select A, B or C method according to the glaze material (or choice of glaze)
CZR Press Glaze + Cerabien™ ZR External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc. Baking Schedule A
Cerabien™ ZR FL Glaze , VC Glaze + Cerabien™ ZR External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc. Baking Schedule B
CZR Press LF Glaze + CZR Press LF External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc. Baking Schedule C

6-2 Glaze and Stain Method

After glazing, applied staining will enhance translucent appearance. The UTML enamel shades have reduced
chroma in the upper layer which allows you to enhance the translucency appearance of the incisal area,
as desired, by utilizing external stain characterization.

Technical Points of Staining

1) In addition to the feature of horizontal gradation of the multi-layered disc, applying stain with a vertical direction
will create three-dimensional appearance.

2) Apply Gray, Blue on the incisal edge area, and A+, B+, C+, D+, etc. on the mamelon area to enhance internal
texture and translucency.

Example of External Stain Blue: Gray= 1:1

• Apply stains to create shadows of mamelon

A+, B+, C+, D+, etc.

• Apply external stain horizontally for
adjusting chroma

• Apply external stain vertically to show internal

texture characterization

Glazing Process

Process glazing on zirconia surface using page 7 “Glazing” method.

1 2

Apply external stain over glazed surface Bake (under schedule D or E), completion

External Stain: Select D or E according to the material

Dry-out Low Start Heat Vacuum Release Hold Time High Cooling
No. Product Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Time
min. ℃/°F ℃/°F ℃/°F min. kPa ℃/°F min. ℃/°F min.

Cerabien™ ZR
D External Stain 5 600/1112 – 50/90 – – – 850/1562 4
Blue, Gray, A+, etc.

CZR Press LF
E LF External Stain 5 600/1112 – 45/81 – – 1 840/1544 4
Blue, Gray, A+, etc.

6-3 Porcelain Build-up Method
Higher esthetic appearance will be created by layering Luster porcelain over zirconia.

Technical Points of Build-up


1) For UTML/STML, it is crucial to secure the minimum wall thickness as Zirconia

recommended on page 5 “Framework Design and Milling Process”,
and apply only one layer on the incisal part.
2) Polishing finish on lingual side is recommended.
UTML/STML Build-up Image
Fabrication Process

Select layering material: either CerabienTM ZR or CZR Press LF.

1 2

Create mamelon structure under Determine build-up and zirconia

running water or wet condition thickness

3 4 5

Polish areas in contact with Perform Almina sandblast on the Clean restoration using an
opposing tooth surface of the unpolished area of ultrasonic cleaner in alcohol or
the crown (50~70μm, 30psi) acetone, or steam cleaner

6 7 8
In case there is not enough
build-up space, internal stain
can be used during wash
baking (schedule F), and be
sure to cover entire build-up
surface with internal stain.

Apply wash, then bake*1 Apply internal stain, then bake Porcelain build-up, then bake
(schedule F) (schedule G) (schedule H)

9 10
The surface without porcelain build-up (for example lingual
side) is recommended polishing finish.

For glazing, external stain and baking on the non build-up

surface of CerabienTM ZR material it is crucial to follow methods
of page 7 “Glazing” step 5 and page 8 “Glaze & Stain Method”
steps 1 and 2.

Perform morphological correction Apply glaze, external stain, then

and smooth surface bake, complete*2

Cerabien™ ZR Baking Schedule

Dry-out Low Start Heat Vacuum Release Hold Time High Cooling
No. Step Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Time
min. ℃/°F ℃/°F ℃/°F min. kPa ℃/°F min. ℃/°F min.

Wash Baking

F 5 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 930/1706 1 930/1706 4

Wash Baking during
Internal Stain

G Internal Stain* 5 600/1112 – 50/90 – – – 900/1652 4

H Luster, etc.
7 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 930/1706 1 930/1706 4

External Stain
I Glaze, Blue, Gray, A+, etc. 5 600/1112 – 45/81 – – – 930/1706 4

*Can be eliminated if a wash coat baking was performed during the internal stain process.

CZR Press LF Baking Schedule

Dry-out Low Start Heat Vacuum Release Hold Time High Cooling
No. Step Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Time
min. ℃/°F ℃/°F ℃/°F min. kPa ℃/°F min. ℃/°F min.

Wash Baking

F 5 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 840/1544 1 840/1544 4

Wash Baking during
LF Internal Stain

G LF Internal Stain* 5 600/1112 – 45/81 – – – 840/1544 4

LF Translucent
H 7 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 840/1544 1 840/1544 4
LF Luster, etc.

LF External Stain
I Glaze, Blue, Gray, A+, etc.
5 600/1112 – 45/81 – – 0.5 840/1544 4

*Can be eliminated if a wash coat baking was performed during the LF internal stain process.


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