Learning Objectives
● The objective of this paper is to develop basic understanding of the chemical energetics,
laws of thermodynamics and ionic equilibrium. It provides basic understanding of the
behaviour of electrolytes and their solutions.
● The students will also learn about the properties of ideal and real gases and deviation
from ideal behaviour.
Learning outcomes
Theory Component
Review of Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; isolated, closed and
open systems, concept of heat, Q, work, W, internal energy, U, and enthalpy, H.
First law
Concept of heat, Q, work, W, internal energy, U, and statement of first law; enthalpy, H,
relation between heat capacities, Joule Thompson Porous Plug experiment, Nature of Joule
Thompson coefficient, calculations of Q, W, ΔU and ΔH for reversible, irreversible and
free expansion of ideal gases under isothermal conditions.
Enthalpy of reactions: standard states; enthalpy of neutralization, enthalpy of hydration,
enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion and its applications, bond dissociation
energy and bond enthalpy; effect of temperature (Kirchhoff’s equations) on enthalpy of
Second Law
Concept of entropy; statement of the second law of thermodynamics. Calculation of entropy
change for reversible processes and irreversible processes (for ideal gases). Free Energy
Functions: Gibbs and Helmholtz energy; variation of S, G, A with T, V, P; Free energy
change and spontaneity (for ideal gases), Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
Third Law
Statement of third law, unattainability of absolute zero, calculation of absolute entropy of
molecules, concept of residual entropy, calculation of absolute entropy of solid, liquid and
Chemical Energetics:
1. Determination of heat capacity of calorimeter.
2. Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
3. Determination of the enthalpy of ionization of ethanoic acid.