Police TB

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fll/f(lHllll'S ll00K

JohnTaylor- JennyDooley

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ISBN978-0-85777 -872-7
Tableof Contents

A n s w e r f . V. .......4
Audioscripts. ......10

BOOr AnswerKey . .12

I Audioscripts. ......19

AnswerKey . .22
Ardk)scripts. ......29

Unit I about what they were wearing(both clothingand
answers jewelry)when they went missingand anythingsthey
1 Suggested
mighthavebeencarrying suchasbags,phonesetc.
1 Whenwe describe otherpeoplethe firstthingswe usually
mentionarehow tall theyareand how theyare built:if
theyarefat, thin etc.We alsodescribe theirfeatures, for 2 1 F 2 1 3 F
instance the colorof their hairand eyesor whether(for 3 1 freckles 3 scars
males)they arecleanshaven or havefacialhair.lf we want 2 t-shirt 4 jeans
to describe how theywereat a particular time and place
4 1 E 3 A 5 B
we will alsotalk aboutwhat theywerewearingthen.
2 F 4 C 6 D
2 Somefeaturesthat might make suspectseasierto
recognize, includeparticularhairstyles or clothesthat 5 Suggestedanswer
they arewearing.Theremightalsobe featureson their Themissingboyhaspaleskinandfreckles.
bodies:perhapsbirthmarks or scarsfrom accidents or i

evendistincttattoos. 6 1 C 2 A

2 1 T 2 F 3 1 makesure 4 ri ght
2 righthere 5 grabhi m
1 E 3 F 5 B 3 that'sright 6 W i l ldo
2 c 4 A 6 D
8 Suggestedansvver
1 facialhair 3 tattoo A: Vancouver PoliceDepartnent.Thisis SergeantWilliams.
2 dress 4 build B: Sergeant, lthink I seethat kid.
5 Suggestedanswer Theboythat went missinga couplehoursago,lwant to
committedhiscrimein St.Louis.
Collins be sureit'sthe rightkid,though.
' A: Okay,l'vegot the bulletinnght here.
1 , / 3 X 5 x B: Brownhair,thin, aboutsevenyearsold?
2 , / 4 , / 6 ,/ A: Yeahthat'sright.What'sthe kid rtearing?
1 lookslike 4 anythingelse B: Jeans,bluet-shirtwith a bikeon it, and ... redsneakers.
2 bigguy 5 spidertattoo Hewearsglasses right?
3 facialhair 6 soundslike A: Yes.You'dbettergrabhimandconfirm-
B : W i l ldo.
8 Suggested answer
9 Suggestedanswer
A: St. LouisPoliceDepartment.
B: Hi,I thinkljust sawGeorgeCollins,the bankrobber. Name:JayThomas
A: Okay,sir.Canyoutell me what he lookslike? Age:7
B. Let'ssee... he had blondhair.He was a tall guy.Thin H ei ght:3' 7"
buildat least6'2", and lookedkindof overweight. Weight:53 lbs
A: Didhe havefacialhair? B ui l d:Thi n
B: Yes,he hada beard. Dress:Bluejeans,blue t-shirtwith a bike on it and red
A: Didyounoticeanythingelse? SneaKerS
B: Oh,yeah.Hehada dragontattooon hisarm. Other information:He hasa scarabovehis right qpbrow
A: Sounds likeit couldbe him. and2 chippedfrontteeth.

9 Suggestedanswers
Unit 3
Suspectwanted for: ArmedRobbery.
Haircolor:Blond 1 Srrggestedanswers
Height6' : 2" I The most commonvehiclesin the USare automobiles
F a c i ahla i r Y
: /N designedto carrypassengers. The majorityof theseare
Eyecolor:brown cars,but thereare alsoa considerablenumberof SWs
Build:Overweight and pid-up truck. Thereare also a (muchsmaller)
cap numberof motorcycles.
Distinguishingfeaturesthat can be usedto describea
vehde andude anyadditional featuresthat it mighthave
Unit 2 overstandardrnodeb,for instancewidertiresor additional T
1 Suggestedanswers lights.Accidentdamage(e.9.dents)orsimplewearfrom
1 Policehaveto describecitizens andcivilianswhensearching usecanabo be wed to helpdescribe a vehicle.
for missingpersons.Usually it ischildrenthat arereported
as missing, perhapswhentheygo somewhere new (like
a big city) and wanderoff and get lost. Occasionally 3
1 F
1 D
2 T
3 A
adultsarealsoreportedmissing. In eithercasetheyneed 2 E 4 B
to be described by the police,so that membersof the
publiccan identiff them and help their friendsand 1 identifiable 4 horsepower
2 dent 5 bodytype
familiesget backin touchwith them.
3 year
2 The most importantfeaturesto describewhen talking
abouta missing personaretheirage,race,gende4height Suggestedansv\rer
and weight. Their build, hair color and style and Thepolicemightidentiffthe stolensportscarfromitstinted
complexion areveryimportant.lt is alsohelpfulto talk windowsandextrawidetires.

4 AnswerKey

Book l AnswerKey
6 1 / 2 / 4 / 9 Suggestedanswer
7 Vehicles
1 Stolen 4 year ReportingOfficer:Sgt.Lopez
2 report 5 distinguishing
characteristics Date: (today's
3 model 6 dent VictimName:CarlWeston
8 Suggested answers Descriptionof stolenitems:Briefcase
A : O r landoP o l i c eD e p a rtme n- t Sto l e nV e h i c l es D i vi si on, phoneandcamera.
whatcanI do for you?
B: Hi.I needto reporta stolentruck. Unit 5
A : W hatisy ou rn a m es, i r?
B: SamHernandez, S-A-MH-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z 1 Suggestedanswers
, n y o u te l l m e th e m akeand
A . O k ay ,M r . H e rn a n d e cz a 1 Thedetailsof a stolenitemthat shouldbe givenwhen
m odel? describing it to the policeare;the makeandstyleof the
B. lt'sa GocarFlyer, green,yeartwo thousand andsix. i tem,i tsbrand,i tsval ueandanydi sti ngui shing f eat ur es
A . G ot it . Now ,d o e sth e v e h i c l eh a v ea n y d i s ti ngui shi ng i t mi ghthave.
characteristics, sir? 2 Theftof personal itemsis a big problemin my country.
B: There's a whitecaooverbed.And a cracked windshield. There are many thieves who targettouristsaswellasthe
localpopulation. lt is particularly
commonfor peopleto
9 Suggested answer havetheirwalletsand phonesstolenon busytrainsand
Nam e:S amHern a n d e z buses. Manywomenhavetheirbagssnatched too,often
Date: (today's date) by peoplegoingpaston motorbikes.
Makeand Model:GocarFlver
Year:2006 2 1 T 2 F 3 F
Color:silver 3 1 w ei ght 3 shape
BodyType:pick-uptruck 2 val ue 4 silver
Distinguishing Characteristics: Whitecapoverbed,cracked
winds hield. 4 1 A style B gol d
2 A thickness B brand
3 A di amond B make-up
Unit 4
5 Suggestedanswer
1 Suggested answers
Thestolenwatchisworthapproximately $2,500.
1 Mosttheftsof personal itemstakeplacein places liketrain
andmetrostations, on crowdedbusesandotherformsof 6 1 { 4 , /
publictransport, nextto ATMsor simplyin busystreets.
7 1 Let'sgo over 4 Yousaid
2 The most commonlystolen personalitems are cell
2 purse 5 value
phones, laptops, MP3players, creditanddebitcardsand 3 Can youdescribe 6 hadat least
jewelrysuchas watches.Camerasand cashare also
c om m only s to l e n . 8 Suggestedanswer
2 1 4 2 8 3 C A: Let'sgo overwhat happened. Youwerestanding in line.
1 camera 4 watch B : Themanran by and grabbedmy purse.H ewent r ight
2 wallet 5 checkbook out the doorafter.
3 backpacx A: Canyoudescribe the pursema'am?
4 1 4 3 -:, B: Well, it was maLe of leather.lt'sbrown,with a shoulder
2 A , 7 3 strap.
ls it large?
5 Suggsted:nrsrer Yes,it's prettylarge.
A traveie'told $€ reporterwhat they r# -a i-r'€f Yousaidthe pursewasbrown?
Yes,sortof lightbrown.
6 1 T 2 F 3 F
Okay.Whatisthe valueof the purseanditscontents?
1 bngfcase 4 was the'e 4 3- ' Con'tknow.Thepurseitselfisn'tvaluable. ButI had
2 Whar was in 5 a coupleof =: easif,vo hundreddollarsin it.
3 wailet 6 suspicious 9 Snggestedanswer
Suggrested ansurer Reprting fficer: O=f;cerHushovd
A: Okay,srr. Whatwastheitemthatyoulost? Date: :rc;s rc:z
B: My DackDack. I setit downhere.I closedrn ee -r = Yttin l{arE: Ia-a iss
rnin;e. Thenit wasgone. Theft l-mtirr: D€oarirnentStore
A : What\*Is in the backpack, sir? Oessi*in of stobn items: Brownpursewith a shoulder
B : lvtywailetwas in therewith my cellphoneanc rg? :-tE Crr.i;ning approx$200
A : Wastnereanycashin it?
B : About a hundred. Itrt't 6
A: Didyou noticeanythingsuspicious whileyou'.r€ies-rr
1 Suggested answers
B : I sawnothing.Whoevertook it wascompleteiysi€--. 1 Many tourists walkaroundCentralPark,especially during
the summermonths.In fact,touristsliketo walkaround
mostof Manhattan, or morefamous
the trendier
neighborhoods suchasSohoor Greenwich Village.
rey 5
Book l AnswerKey
2 My cityiseasyto walkaround.Therearewidesidewalks 8 Suggestedanswer
A: Dispatch. Thisis unit 10.r'm headingto the shoestore
call.ButI needdirections.
B: Whatisyourlocation, unit 10?
A: l'm on a sidestreet.lt'sHarrison Avenue.
B: okay.Tellme the crossstreetat yournextintersection.
2 1 8 2 C 3 B A: ljust arrivedat the intersection of Jeffers
3 Street.
1 B 3 D 5 A
B: I seewhereyouare,20. Continue on BlakeStreet.
2 C 4 E 6 F A: Willdo.Theshoestoreison thisstreet?
1 police
station 4 busstop B: Correct. lt's Mallory's
shoes. lt,llbe on yourleft.
2 across 5 trainstation 9 Suggestedanswers
3 crosswalk
Howdo youget there?
Suggested answer 1 TakeHarrison Avenue.
Bette'sBagelshopis probablythe closestlocationto the 2 Pass the Intersection of Hillst and MerrillAve.
policestation. G. 3 Go throughthe firstintersection.
4 lt will be on yourleft.
1 F 2 F 3 T
1 look ing 4 busstop Unit 8
2 blocks 5 onyourright 1 Suggestedanswers
3 Go down 6 farat all 1 Peoplecallthe policefor a varietyof reasons.
Suggested answer themin an emergency situation
or whentheyhavebeen
A: Excuse me,officer?Canyouhelpme for a second? thevictimof a crime.Theyalsocallthemto reportcrimes
B: Oh sure.Whatdo youneed? or suspicious
A: well,I'mhereon vacation. r'mlookingfor thetrainstation.
B: lt's not far from here,onlya few blocks.
A: Okay.Sowhat'sthe bestwayto get there?
B: Go downBirchStreetuntilyouget to the busstop.
A: Okay.Thenwhat?
B: CrossChestnut Avenue.lt'sjustafterthe busstop.The emergency
rsnot nextto a roador thereisa lot of traffic.
trainstationwill be on yourright. 2 1 F 2 F 3 T
A: Great,so it'snot far at all.Thankyouofficer.
1 D 3 4 5 B
Suggested answers 2 E 4 C
Howdo youget there?
1 TakeBirchStreet. 1 respond 4 dispatch
2 CrossChestnut Avenueat the busstop. 2 identify 5 backup
3 Thelibrary will be on yourright. 3 badgenumber
5 Suggestedanswers
Unit 7 when an officerrespondsto a dispatcher,the first thing
Suggestedanswers he/she
doesisidentifyhimor herself
by theirbadgenumber.
1 Trafficin mycityisveryheavyin the momingsandwenings 6 2 / 3 , / 4 , /
whenpeoplearegoingto andfromtheirraro*.Evenin the
middleof the daythereisa lot of traffic,mudr of it made 1 Please resoond 4 on foot
2 in the area 5 on myway
3 heading west 6 Got it
8 Suggestedanswer
A. We havea code357in EastLiberg.officerneedsbackup.
Please respond.
the manycabsthat arealwaysdrivingaround. B. 6258responding.
2 1 T 2 T 3 F A: 6258,areyou in the area?
B: l'm currentlyon Nor.her-n
Boulevard andheading
3 I D 3 F 5 E A: Proceedto eueens micftownimmediately.
C suipect is
L 4 A 6 B fleeingthe sceneon fmt.
I take 3 parkinglot B: l'm on myway-g-: no'yv.
2 sidestreet 4 intersection A: Suspectis a ca.rcasran
malein a browniacketand blue
jeans.About6n -,ar,,
Suggested answers B: Got it. 6258c:-
lf you take the route from downtownyou do not come
acrossa trafficsignal. Suggested answer
1 T 2 F 3 T Date: (today'sdne,
1 sidestreet 4 Continue Describe.theem€rg€ncy: A grocerystorewasbeingrobbed.
2 intersection 5 grocery
store Responding office/s badgenumber:625g
3 HillStreet 6 onyourright
6 AnswerKey
a l Book l AnswerKey
Describethe response: to makethesceneof the accident
1 Dispatch announced a code357. statementsof thoseinvolved,
2 | responded andgavemy badgenumber. the accident.
3 Dispatch directedme to the scene.
4 Dispatch provideda descriptionof the suspect. 1 F 2 1 3 F
3 1 injury 4 witness
Unit 9 2 workingorder 5 vehicle
3 col l i si on
Suggested answers
1 1 In my countrypeopleoftenbreakspeedlimitsor failto 4 1 pointof impact 4 accident
stopat red lights.Usually the firsttwo or threecarsgo 2 run 5 on scene
throughthe red light beforethe trafficstops.Driving 3 damage
wit hout ins u ra n cies a l s o c o mmo na s m a n y peopl e 5 Suggestedanswer
chooseto try andsavethemselves moneythisway.
Thetwo drivers
leftthe crashsitein theircars.
2 Whenpeoplebreaktrafficlawsthey receive fines,get
pointson theirdriver's license (Which canmeanhavingit 6 1 8 2 C
takenawayin somecases), and, in extremecases, ]ail 1 what happened 4 di dn' tsee
2 wasstopped 5 comi ngat me
2 1 8 2 C 3 C 3 clear 6 slammed the breaks
1 E 3 D 5 A 8 Suggested answer
2 B 4 C A . C anyouexpl aiw n hathappened?
1 A 3 B 5 B B: Sure,officer, I wasstopped. Thenthe lightturnedgreen,
2 A 4 A and I steppedon the gas.
' A: Wasthe intersection clear?
5 Suggested answer B . I di dn' tseeanyvehi cl es
i n i t at thatti me.
Todrivea caryoumustpossess
a validdriver's
license. A: Whathaooened next?
B: I enteredthe intersection. Rightthen,I sawa carcoming
6 1 F 2 F 3 T
at me.
1 pulledyouover 4 haveto A: Whatdidyoudo?
2 two blocks 5 Of course B : I sl ammed the breaks. S hedi d too. B utshestillhit m e.
3 I'm reallysorry 6 fi l lo u t Shecrashedinto my reardoor.
8 Suggested answer 9 Suggestedanswer
A: Doyouknowwhy I pulledyouover? Driver'sname:WendyKline
B: No,officer,
I don't.Waslspeeding? Date/timeof accident:(today's
A: No.Youmadean illegalturntwo blocksback. Descriptionof accident
B. Oh,no. l'm reallysorryaboutthat.I didn'tevenseeit. Location:Intersection
of 19thStreet
A: I'm goingto haveto giveyou a citation.CanI seeyour Cause:Driverof othervehicleranredliqht.
license? yes/ no
B: Of course.Hereit is,officer. Describe:
A: Pleaseremainin the vehiclewhileI fill out the ticket. Damage:ye5/ no
B: Yes,ma'am. Describe: Reardoordented.
9 Suggestedanswer
Officer:Ramirez Unit 11
Driver'sname:MariaSili t fuggested ansvers
Driver'slicensenumber:089757 ' >,:.:c,3135
a.e qJ,tecommonin mycountry.Theyoften
Will driverreceiveticket? Y / N ,tcr( - ts-gs and targettouristsand othervulnerable
Checkthe movingviolation: j-:-s i-^eyoperatein busyplacessuchas trainsand
to obeypostedspeedlimit l],rceo shoppingareas.Sometimes they even use
I Failure ,ror^enandchildrento createdistractions.
n Failureto stopat redlighVstop
sign Occasionally,
iley arewen pickpockets aspeopledo not suspect these
A lllegal
t ur n
with expiredlicense t-ouosasmuch.
tr Driving
,aw enforcement patrolsthe areaswherepickpockets
! Driving withoutinsurance
operateand, for instance,checkpeople'sticketson
n Other: subwaysas pickpockets don't usuallyhave tickets.
However, mostof the time theyjust try to warn people
Unit 10 of the dangerof pickpockets usingpostersand other
1 Suggestedanswers formsof advertising.
1 Comrnoncausesof accidentsincludespeec-,a rc 2 1 B 2 B 3 A
drivingafternavingdrunkalcoholor takeno-4s 3er,:
tireo ivniistdrivingis alsoa majorcauseof acs- 3 1 a distraction b Awareness
manydrivers simplyfallasleepat the wheel.frter-:( 2 a Protect b victimize
violations,suchas runningred lightsor stop sJg- aE 3 a personalitems b theft
alsocommoncauses of accidents. ,,purse 3 bumpedi nto
2 Whenresponding to an accident,policemustmakesijre 2 val uabl es pickpocket

rev 7
Book l AnswerKey
5 Suggested answer A: I thinka staffmember*., in-tu.d.
Thebestway to keepexpensive
itemssafeis to leavethem B: Oh,no,I don'tthinkso.I trusteveryonewhoworkshere.
at hom e. A: l'd stillliketo talkto youremployees.
6 B: Verywell.l'll callthemin rightaway.
1 F 2 T 3 F
9 Suggestedanswer
1 allright 4 crowded
2 purse 5 personal
items Incidenttype:Hotelburglary
3 calmdown 6 pickpocket Who hasaccess to room keys:cleaners
and receptionstaff
Hotelmanager's opinion:Unlikely
to havebeenoneof the
8 Suggestedanswer staff
B: Oh,officer, l'm so gladI foundyou.
A: Areyouall right,Miss? Unit 13
B. No,not at all.Someone juststolemy pursel
A: All right,try to calmdouin.Didyouseethe personwho 1 Suggested answers
stoleit? 1 Valuable itemsthat peopleoftencarryinclude
B: Yes- hewasyoung,a teenager, tallwith darkhair. digitalcameras,watches,cashandjewelry.
A: Whatdidyou havein yourpurse? 2 People canavoidbeingrobbedbytakingsomeprecautions.
B : M y c ell- ph o nAe .l i ttl em o n € ya n dm y l D . Theyshouldstayin welllit areasandbusyroadsandavoid
A: Okay,well don't worryMisi.We'lldo what we canto gotngdowndarkalleys. Generally havingcompanycan
findthe pickpocket andyourpurse. also reducethe chanceof being robbedtoo. Finally,
peopleshouldtry not to display anyvaluablesthat they
9 Suggested answer arecarrying with them
COMPLAI NT Pickpocketing
Did the victimseethe pickpocket?Y / N 2 1 thief 3 knife
APPEARANCE: Unknown 2 money 4 robbery
Providea brief descriptionof the incident: 3 1 8 2 A 3 A
A pickpocket bumpedintothe victimandstoleherpurse.
What itemsdid the pickpocketsteal? 4 1 A demanded B threatened
Herwalletandotherpersonal items. 2 A knifepoint B robbery
3 A mug B comeup
4 A steal B Approach
Unit 12
5 Suggestedanswer
1 Suggested answers
Ms Hernandez would probablynot be ableto identifythe
1 People stealotherpeople's valuable itemsin a varietyof robbereasilyasshedid not seeherattacker's
ways.Pickpockets operatein busyareasand on public
transport.ltemsleftin carsarealsocommonly stolen.An 6 1 F 2 1 3 F
unfortunate factfor touristsisthat hotelroomsareoften
1 deepbreath 4 ButI know
2 cameup behind 5 demanded monev
2 Peopleavoidlosingvaluableitemswhile travelingby
3 looklike 6 you'reallright
stayingalertand keepingthem in safeplaces.lf they
needto carrysomething with themtheykeepit closeat 8 Suggested answer
hand. lf they are stayingin a hotel they keep their A: Please takea deepbreath,Ms Austin,andtell me what
valuablesin a safe. happened.
2 l F 2 T 3 F B: Okay,officer.I was returningto my home.And a man
suddenlcame y up behi ndme.
1 forcedentry 3 roomkey A: Whatdid he looklike?
2 t hief 4 hotel B: I don't know.Heworea maskoverhisface.But I know
1 safe 4 staff he hada knife.
2 brokeinto 5 suspect A: Areyou hurt?
3 burglary 6 rob B: No, he didn't cut rne ie .1-srheldthe knifeout and
demanded money.Sc I gavehim my walletandwatch.
5 Suggested answer A . W el l ,l ' m gl adyou' .ea -ght.Y oudi dthe ri g htt hing.
Nothihgwas takenfrom the hotel'ssafe,althoughit was
9 Suggestedanswer
in the burglary.
6 1 4 2 D Victim:Ms.Austin
1 l' m happy 4 a staffmember Incidenttype:Mugg:^g
2 Who knows 5 | d o n ' tth i n ks o Describe the incidentae vrctimwasmuggedat knifepoint
3 In thesecases 6 Verywell in an alleyway.
lf itemswere stolen,lbt items:
8 Suggested answer Walletandwatr
A. Mr.Sheene, I haveonemorequestion aboutthe burglary.
B: Certainlyofficer,
l'm happyto help. Unit 14
A: Good.Who knowswhereyou keepthe roomkeys?
B: Well,besides me,the cleaners 1 Suggestedanstters
A: In thesecases,the thief is usually
someone who knows 1 Thedangers of traveling
by unlicensed taxiarethat you
the placewell. mightget overcharged,because the drivertakesyouthe
B: Whatdo voumean? wrongway or simplybecause they demandtoo much
moneyfor the journey.ltemsmayalsobe stolen:the
8 AnswerKey
\ _
Bookl AnswerKey
dnvermightdriveawaybeforeyouhavea chanceto take Suggested
your luggagefrom the car.In the worstcaseyou might stolethe carto go on a joyride.
evenbe kidnapped.
2 To find safetaxisin my countrymany peopleuse a 1 D 2 C
particularcompanythat they know well and whose 1 left it running 4 recover
driverstheycantrust.Alternatively,they makesureto 2 wasn'tit 5 radiothe patrol
checkthe driver's
identification. 3 fit the description 6 justin case
2 1 8 2 A 3 C Suggested answer
3 I L 3 F 5 E 7 B A: Wasn'tthat bulletinabouta stolenTamaya Primus?
2 H 4 A 6 D 8 G B: Yes.A touristleft it runningoutsidea bank.
A. lt wasa bluerentalcar,wasn'tit?
1 taxi 3 l Db a d g e B: I thinkso.Letme see.Yes.Why?
2 fraud 4 safety A: Doesn'tthe carin frontof usfit the descriotion?
Suggested answer B: That'sit! Doyouthinkwe canrecover it withoutincident?
lf youthinkyou paidtoo muchfor yourjourneyyou should A: As longasthosekidsdon'tstarta high-speed chase.
not e t he det ai l so n th e i r l D b a d g ea n d th e n c o n tactthe B: l'll radiothe patrolup the streetto geta spikestripready
company that the driverworksfor. justin case.
, I Suggested answer
T 2 F 3 F
Makeand Modef:lamayaPrfmus
1 pleasehelpme 4 th e nh ej u s t Year:2005
2 Calmdown 5 lD badgenumber C ol or:bl ue
3 the normalfare 6 Inthe future Vehicleldentification Number(VlN):JH4NA1 157MT061832
Suggestedanswer Incidentinformation: A touristlefta carrunning.Heleftthe
A. Officer, pleasehelpme! A taxidrivertook my luggage. keysin the ignition.lt isbelievedtwo teenagers tookthe car
My passport is in it! for a joyride.lf thevehicle
isrecovered, contactSunsetRental
B : Calmdown,s i r,a n dte l lmew h a th a p p e n e d . Carsimmediately.
The driverrefusedto removethe bagsfrom the front
seat.HesaidI owedhimdoublethe normalfare.
B : And thenwhat?
Well,I didn'tpayhim.And thenhejustdroveoff.
B : Didyouget the driver's lD badgenumber?
A : I don' tt hinkh e h a di d e n ti fi c a ti o n .
B : In that case,l'm not surehow muchwe cando. In the
future,be morecareful. Youcan'ttrustunlicensed taxis.
Suggested answer
Accordingto the victim,a taxidrivertriedto overcharge
andt hens t olehi sl u g g a g e .
Thedriverdemanded the passenger
paydoubletre nora'
The passenger refusecio c€v a^c :^e c-,e. drcnreoF w.;th

Unit 15
1 Suggestedansrers
1 Thecarsthat.re npst oftenstolenin mycountryarethose
that areery :o reak into.Thisusuallymeansoldercars
whidr ha€ re$€'safetyfeaturesarestolen.Oftenthese
are.smpry $oer by youngpeopleto go on a joyride.
2 Auto trreft can be discouraged by beingcarefulwhere
you .eare:rq,r car Generally,
it is saferto leaveit on a
weit ,t. tusy ''oadwherethere are lots of other cars
parkd lt T€r-: aisobe a goodideato installa caralarm.
Ancjrere. eare your keysin the ignitionwhen you go
into a shooq to payfor yourgasat a gasstation.
2 1 F 2 T 3 F
3 1 reco\efec 3 spikestrip
2 tounsts 4 ru n n i n g
3 B 5 C
4 F 6 D

rev 9
Unit I
Officer(W):St. LouispoliceDepartment. ^9krywhat isthe varueof the purseand its contents?
Victim:oh, I don't know.Thepurseitserfisn,t
citizen(M):Hi,I thinkrjustsawGeorgecoilins, varuabre. ButI had
the bankrobber. at leastthreehundreddollarsin ir.
Officer:Okay,sir.Canyoutell me whai hel""f.i
citizen:Let'ssee...rrerraobrownr,air.ie *is.'iig
guy.Large Unit 5
build,andlookedkindof overwetght.
Officer:Didhe havefacialhair? Pedestrian(F):Excuse me,officer?Canyou herpme for a second?
Citizen:yes,he hada mustache. Officer(M):Ohsure.Whatdo you neeOZ
Officer: younoticeanythingelse? Pedestrian:welr,r'm hereon vacation.
Qrd r'm rookingfor the Grand
Citizen: yeall.Hehad'aspiiertattooon his Hotel.
_Oh, arm.
Officer:Sounds likeit couldbe him Officer:lt's not far from here,onlya few blocks.
Pedestrian: Okav.Sowhat,sifre bestwayto get there?
Unit 2 Officer:Go down parkStieetLrrilp, get to the
' busstop.
Pedestrian: Okay.Thenwhat?
Ames. Officer:CrossAatO.yJl Avenue.lt,sjust afterthe bus stop.The
officer(w): sergeant,
tiir. l-ir..'irl
boywhowentmissing kid.The GrandHotelwill be on yourriohi.
. .orpr"ornouriago.i*.na to make Pedestrian: Great,so it,snot far.irtt. Thankyou,officer.
s ur e
it ' st he r i g h tk i d ,l h o u g h .
Dispatch: OK,l,vegot the bulleiinrighthere.
Officer:Blondehaii thin,aboutsevenyearsold? Unit 7
Dispatch: yeah,tf'gt,:right.What,s ott,T:,.,p,p;ffl*lj,:,j:jllJ0
tfre[iJwearingZ r,mheadins
to the srocery
redT-shirt] and...*hit. sneakers. He-wears
grasses, store call.ButI needdirections.
r ight ? Dis-patch (F):What isyourlocation,unit 20?
Dis-patch:yes.you,dbettergrabhim Officer:l'm on a sidestreet.lt,sMerrillAve.
Officer:Willdo Dispatch:okay.Tellme the crossstreetat your
officer:.ljustairivedat the interseaLnof Merrill
Unit 3 Dis-patch: I seewlere youare,20. continueon Merrill
Officer:Willdo. Thegrocerystoreii on thisstreet? Ave.
_ StolenVehicles
rartment Division, Dispatch: correct.rt'i Anderson's Grocery.
rt'ilbe on yourright.
a stotenmotorcycle. ./
Unit 8 V
Dispatch(w): we havea code357 in East
rl3leil methe makeandmoder?
citizen:lt's a BykeCoBeast9000,yeilow,
v.ir1*o tiJusanoano
operator:Got it. Now,doesthe vehicre haveanydistinguishing t 1gthStreetandheadinq
characteristics, west.
sir? d Aiken immediately'Stispectis
citizen:There'sa greenstripeon the gastank.And a dentin fleeingthe sceneon foot.
leftside. the Officer:l'm on myway right now.
Dispatch: suspectisa-calcasianmarein a brackjacketandbrown
Unit 4 __pants.About6 ft tall,heavysetbuilt.
Officer:Got it. 5963out.
sir.Whatwasthe itemthat you tost?
Victim1M): briefcase. tset it downh;,;.1;'h;Jry.y.,
!y for a. Unit 9
minute.Thenit wasqone.
Officer:Whatwasin the "briefcase, Officer.(W),
sir? Do y9y knowwhy I pulleoyou over?
Victim:My walletwas in therewith ail my credit
cardsand my ?lly.r. (M): No,officer,I don,t.Wast spbeding?
checkbook. officer:No.you faired.tostopat a stopsignilvo
Officer:Wasthereanycashin it? Driver:oh, no. r'm reailysorryaboutthat.-ro'on;t
Victim:Justa coupleof dollars. .u.niee it.
off'::-t:_,_qgoingto haveto g;ygyou a citation.
officer:Didyou noticeanythingsuspicious Cani'ree your
whireyouweresitting Ircense?
here?' Driver:Of course.Hereit is.cFFce..
Victim:I sawnothing.whoevertook it wastotailv officer:Please
remainir:the .e^ cr€,,vhire
sirent. l fiil out the ticket.
Unit 5
Officer(M): Let'sqo,oy.irwhat happened. you werestandingin Unit 10
line.And then-whatZ Officer(M): Canyouexoa - r.-at nappened?
Victim(w): Themanranby andgrabbedmy purse. Driver(w): sure,ofrce' .'.-ss-iopped.
Hewent right ' rhen the rightturned
out the doorafter. _ -_ green,and I stepoe::. :-e gas.
.OJficer: you describe
the purse,m a ' a m ? Officer:Wasthe inter-se<-_c. ieaT?
Victim:Well,it was madeof leather. It's pink,with two shoulder Driver:I didn'tseeanyr€. ces in it at that time.
Straos. Officer:What happe^e-c -;;1;?
Officer:ls it larqe? Driver:I enteredthe -:e':ecion.Rightthen,I
sawa truckcoming
Vrctim:No,it,s"pretty small. at me.
Officer:you saidthepursewaspink? Officer:Whatdid yo, e:?
Victim:yes,sortof a ilghtpink. Driver:I slammed :.e creaks.He did too. But he stillhit me.
crashed He
into r-r.y
10 Rnr*e,rey
Unit 11 Unit 14
Citizen(F):Oh,officer,l'm so gladI foundyou. Man (M):Officer, pleasehelpme! A taxidrivertook my luggage.
Officer(M):Areyouall right,Miss? My passport is in it!
Citizen:No,not at all.Someone juststolemy purse! Officer(W):Calmdown,sir,andtell mewhat happened.
Officer:Allright,tryto calmdown.Didyouseethe person whostole Man: Thedriverrefusedto removemy bagsfrom the front seat.
yourpurse? HesaidI owedhimdoublethe normalfare.
Citizen:No - it wasverycrowded.I just felt someone bumpinto Officer:And thenwhat?
me.Thenmy pursewasgone. Man:Well,I didn'tpayhim.And thenhejustdroveoff.
Officer:Whatdidyou havein yourpurse? Officer:Didyouget the driver'slD badgenumber?
Citizen:Somepersonal items.A littlemoneyandmy lD. Man:I don' tthi nkhe hadi denti fi cati on.
Officer:Okay,well don't worryMiss.We'lldo what we canto find Officer:In that case,l'm not surehow muchwe cando. ln the
the pickpocket andyourpurse. future,be morecareful. Youcan'ttrustunlicensedtaxis.

Unit 12 Unit 15
Officer(M): Ms. Clemons, I haveonerlore questionaboutthe Officer1 (M):Wasn'tthat bulletinabouta stolenCharlotte lmpreza?
burglary. Officer2 (W):Yes.A touristleft it runningoutsidea gasstation.
Manager(W):Certainly, officer.l'm happyto help. Officer1: lt wasa whiterentalcar,wasn'tit?
Officer:Good.Who knowswhereyou keepthe roomkeys? Officer2: I thinkso.Letme see.Yes.Why?
Manager:Well,besides me,the maintenance anddeskstaff. Officer1: Doesn'tthe carin frontof usfit the descriotion?
Officer:Inthesecases, the thiefisusually
someone who knowsthe Officer2: That'sit! Do you think we can recoverit without an
plac ewell. i nci dent?
Manager:Whatdo youmean? Officer1: As longasthosekidsdon'tstarta high-speed chase.
Officer:I thinka staffmemberwasinvolved. Officer2: l'll radiothe patrolup the streetto get a spikestripready,
Manager: Oh,no,I don'tthinkso.I trusteveryone whoworkshere. justin case.
Officer:l'd stillliketo talkto youremployees.
Manager:Verywell.l'll callthemin rightaway.

Unit 13
Officer(M):Please takea deepbreath,Ms.Hernandez, andtellme
what happened.
Woman(W):Okay,officer. lwas returning to my hotel.Anda man
suddenly c am eup b e h i n dm e .
Officer:What did he looklike?
Woman:I don't know.Heworea maskoverhisface.But I know
he hada knife.
Officer:Areyou hurt?
Wo m an:No, he didn' tc u t m e . H ej u s t h e l dth e k n i feo ut and
demanded money.SoI gavehimmy cashandring.
Officer:Well,l'm gladyou'reall right.Youdidthe rightthing.

rev 1 1
Book 2 AnswerKeY
r- Unit 1 up to datewith events.Usually therewill be somesort
of soecialscreenbetweenthe front and backseatsto
Suggested answers to be heldin the backseats.
1 The modernpoliceofficerusesa wide varietyof tools.
Handcuffs are perhapsthe mostcommonlyusedtool. 2 1 8 2 A 3 C
Guns,gloves andradiosarealsotoolsthat policeofficers 3 1 8 2 8 3 A 4 A 5 B
2 Police typically
officers carrya largeamountof equipment 4 Exterior:lights,sirens
in mycountry.Of coursetheyalwayscarrya badge,a gun Interior:equipment console, barrier
and handcuffs. Theyalsocarrya radio,and a torchto Suggested answer
helpt hema t n i g h t. usesthreedifferenttypesof car:
2 1 4 2 D 3 A patrolscars,trafficcarsandsquadcars.
3 1 E 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 1 / 2 , / 4 /
4 1 A handcuffs B badge 7 1 That'sfor sure 4 safertoo
7 A gloves vests
q, bulletProof 2 easyto use 5 enhanced
3 A iestraints B flashlight 3 showup 6 doesn'j tust
5 Suggestedanswer Suggested answer
A policeofficerkeepshisor herpistolin a holster. A: I'm reallyimpressed with the newcruisers.
B: Me too.Theengines aremuchmorepowerful thanthose
6 1 T 2 F 3 T
in the old patrolcars.
1 goingfor them 4 handcuffs A: Tellme aboutit. They'recapable of goingfrom zeroto
2 dur able 5 a majorplus sixtyin threeseconds.
3 onehandfree 6 in my book It'll be hardfor suspects to get awayfrom us now.
That'sfor sure.
8 Suggestedanswer I al sol i kethe new mobi l edatatermi nals.They'r ever y
B: Someofficers arecomplaining aboutthe zipties. easyto use.
A: I canseewhy.We havebetteroptionsfor restraints. I agree.Therecords andreportsshowup muchfaster.
B : Y ou don' t th i n k th e y ' reo u r b e s to p ti o n ?They' reso Exactly. No morewaitingfor headquarters to radioback.
lightweight youcancarrya dozenat a ttme. And I haveto say,I feela lot safertoo.
A : True,that'stheirmainadvantage. Oh,you meanbecause of bulletproofwindowsandthe
B : Thatandthey'recheap.We canbuyfifty or sixtyfor the enhanced barrier.
priceof one pairof handcuffs- Yeah.Themanufacturer saysthat the glassdoesn'tjust
A : Sure,that'ssomethingelsetheyhavegoingfor them- stopbulles.tt'sactuallyableto protectusfromexplosions.
B : And they'redurable.I couldgo on and on. So,wfratare
theirdownsides then? x engine:makeit harderfor suspectsto escape
A: The biggestdownsideis that thq/re difficuhto put on x communication devices: newterminalis easyto use
properlywhen you only haveone handfree. for improvedsafety
x protectivedevices:
other(please -
B : I seeyour point.
A : I canslapa handcuffon a suspect with one handand
havemy other one free. I feel a lot saferand more in Unit 3
controlthat waY. 1 answers
B: True,that'sa majorPlus. 1 Gunsareverycommonin mycountry. Thereisalmostone
A: And in my book,that outweighs allthe negatives.: gun for everypersonin the UnitedStates.In someareas
therearemuchhigherconcentrations of gun ownership
9 Suggestedanswer thanthis.People mostlyown gunsfor self-defense aswell
Itemordered:ZiPties as huntingand comPetition-
ItemStrengths:light,stronganddurable 2 Mostpoliceofficersusea semi-automatic pistol,though
Itemweaknesses: with onehand
not easyto put on correctly arearmedwith revolvers.Thosein patrolcars
Wouldyou recommendthis item to a colleague?Y / N will be equippedwrr-n3 shotgun.Specialunits,suchas
Wty or-whynot? Ziptieshavemanystrengths andonlyone
swatteams,useassaufttt€esand sub-machine gunsas
downside well assniPernfles
Unit 2 2 1 T 2 F 3 F
1 Suggestedanswers 3 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 B 5 C
1 Policeusea varietyof vehicles in my country.The most
4 1 ammunition issue
4 standard
commonisthesquadcarthat isusedto patrolmosttowns
and cities.Sometimes thesecarsare modifiedfor high- 2 shel l 5 shotgun
speedchases or for longerdistances on statehighways. 3 magazine
Afternatively Suggestedansrer
carsfor theseduties.Differentmodelsof unmarked cars
areissJecwith revolvers.
are alsousedas well as coaches for transporting larger
numbersof policeofficers,modifiedcarsor trucksfor 1 C 2 B
do$ and heavierequipmentandsoon.
tr:ansporting 1 thought to
4 decided
2 Thesevehidesusually featureemergency lightsandsirens 5 drawn
2 heedmy ore(
aswell as policemarkings. Radios are fitted as well as 6 wasunarmed
3 fired
mobiledataterminalsto keepthe officersin touchand
12 Rns*e,
Book2 AnswerKey
8 Suggestedanswer A. Well,whenI arrived on thescene,
Mr.Rogers wasshouting
A: Tellmewhat happened todaywhenyoudischarged your loudly,
andappeared to bethreatening hiswife.
firearm. B : A ndw hatdi dyoudo?
B: Yes,sir.I arrivedat the sceneof the robberyand exited A: First,I gave Mr. Rogersa verbalcommandto stop
my crutser. shouti ngandsi tdow non the curb.
A. lt saysin the reportthe suspectdrovehisvan directly A : A nddi dhecompl y?
towardyou. B: Hedid not.In fact,he became louderandmoreagitated.
B: Correct.I thoughthe wouldhit me.So I movedto the At that point,I triedto restrainMr. Rogersusingsoft
s ideof t he c a ra n ds i g n a l ehdi mto s to p . hands,but he resisted andbecomecombative.
A: And hecontinued to drivetowardyou? A: Whatdidyoudo next?
B: Exactly. Sincehefailedto heedmyorder,I thoughtit best B: Afterthat,I felt I hadno choicebut to usethe baton.
to drawmy pistol.
9 Suggested answer
A. That'swhenyoufired?
B: Negative. I decided to givea verbalwarningfirst.ThenI OfficerJonesgavethe suspect
a verbalcommandwhichwas
fireda shotat hisvehicle. 4, ignored. Shethenuseda batonon thesuspect
A: And that iswhenhe swerved andcrashed intoa tree? did not comply.
B: Correct. I didn'tknowif hewasarmed,so I approached
the vehicle with myweapondrawn. Unit 5
A: Didyoufireanyadditional shots? 1 Suggested answers
B. Negative. Thatwasn'tnecessary. He was unarmedand 1 The mosti mportantcal l sto pol i cei nvol veem er gency
cooperare0. w herepeopl e' sl i vesare threate ned:
si tuati ons t hese
couldbe robberies or homicides or evenactsof terrorism.
9 Suggested answer Theleastimportantcallsto policecouldrelateto traffic
Officer'sname:Ridley incidents or disputes betweenneighbors or families.
Numberof shotsfired:one 2 P ol i ceusecodesduri ngradi ocommuni ca t ion t o keep
Reason(s)shotsfired:suspectdrovevantowardofficer messages shortassavingtimecouldhavea bigeffecton
Describethe incident:the suspectdrovetowardme and what happens duringa crime.Evena few seconds could
refusedto stopwhenordered. I firedoneshotat hisvehicle make the differencebetweenlife and death in an
and he swervedand crashedinto a tree.Thesuspect then emergency. Assigning codesalsoallowsotherpoliceto
coooerated. respond appropriately givingpriorityto the
to situations,
mostserious incidents.Codesmayalsohelpwhereradio
Unit 4 receptionis poor.
1 Suggested answers 2 1 C 2 C 3 C
1 Officersusuallyrestrainsuspects with handcuffs or zip l E 3 4
ties,thoughin somecasesit maybe necessary to use 2 F 4 D
t heirhandsan da rmsto re s tra ith
n e m. 'l
2 An officerdecideswhat weaponsand tacticsto use 10code 3 code3 5 priority
basedon a useof forcecontinuumThisis a documenr 2 uni tl D s 4 channel
that specifies
what weaponsand tacticsmay be used 5 Suggestedanswer
depending on a suspect'sbehavior. lt usuallystadston-
the lowestlevel,verbalcommancis, to the highestlevei,
deadlyforceusuallyinvotving f,rs3rnn5. 6 1 T 2 1 3 F
2 1 4 2 C 3 B t havea code3 4 in progress
, I 2 Location 5 Shortbrownhair
3 D 2 C 3 4 4 B
3 RexRoad11-99 6 Anyweapons
4 1 4 useof forcecmtnuum B K-9unit
8 Suggested answer
2 A mace B hardhands
3 A verbalcornrnands B Softhands A: All unitswe havea code3.
B . T h i si s 1 8 .G oa h e a d .
5 SuggestedansYYier A : 18,an offi ceri si nj ured. 11-99.
lf nothingebeworkswhentryingto apprehend
a suspect
an B : A l l ri ght.Locati on?
officeris permrttedto usedeadlyforce. A: That's329 BakerStreet.11-99.
B: 329 BakerStreet,copy.l'm rightthere.
6 1 F 2 T 3 F
A: Thereisa 459 in progress.
1 rrerve trainingon 4 on scene B : 18 i son scene.
2 do you fee trat 5 appearedto be threatening A: 18,suspects aretwo rnat6.Firstsuspect
5'3", 170 lbs.
3 wasn'teren armed 6 sit downon the curb Shortbior-dha r. r'iearingjeans,and a redt-shirt.
B : C opi
8 Suggestedansv$er A: Seco^ds-Sp€(t6'2' ,180 lbs.Longbrownhair,worn in
A. OfficerJores,didyou receivetrainingon the useof fo'ce 3 co-;-G,. \!earingjeansanda greent-shirt.
continuurr? 3: A.-' *,eaoons?
B: YesI did. And do you feelthat your useof a bato^ c^ : S..scect2 carryinga semi-automatic. Unknownwhether
Mr. Rogerswasappropriatq,? )-jspectt hasa weapon.Code4 now 18.Stayin contact.
A . Y esldo.
B: How couldit be appropriatewhen Mr. Rogers\ras^ -- 9 9rgg6ted answer
evenarmed? lncidentcode:code3
Reasonfor call:Officerwasiniured
xev 1 3
Book 2 AnswerKey
Officerresponding: 18 Unit 7
Description two males.Firstsuspecl5'3"
of suspects: , 170 Suggested answers
jeans,anda redt-shirt.Second
lbs.Shortblondhair.Wearing 'l
Policeofficersusuallydirect traffic when there are
suspect6'2", 180lbs.Longbrownhair,worn in a ponytail. problems with trafficlights.Theymayalsodirecttraffic
Wearing jeansanda greent-shirt.
whenit is particularly
heavy, perhaps
aftera largepublic
eventsuchasa concertor a sportsgame.
Unit 5 2 Whendirectingtrafficpolicefollowrulesto makesure
1 Suggested answers they staysafe.Theyalwaysfacetowardthe trafficthey
1 Officersusefirstaidwhentheyarethe firstemergency aredi recti ng
and usecl eararmand handsignals. They
personnel to arriveat an incident wheresomeone ishurt alsousewhistlesto makesuredriversnoticethem and
. e rti m e si t w i l l b e to k e e pt he pati ent
or injur e dOth sometimes geartoo.
stableuntilmedical emergency personnel arrive. 2 1 F 2 1 3 F
2 Somefirstaidtreatments include treatingcutsandburns
wit h ban d a g easn d p e rfo rm i nCg PRi f a p e rson'heart
s 3 1 D 3 8 5 C
hasstopped. Thisinvolves theirchestto restart 2 E 4 A 6 F
theirheartandalsoblowingairintothemif theyarenot 1 direct 4 horizontally
breathing. lf thisdoesnot work it maybe necessary to gear
2 reflective 5 Traffic
usea defibrillator. 3 whistle 6 intersection
2 Applypressure.
1 Superficial: Sterilize. Suggested answer
2 Choking: Clearairway. Checkforpulse.
Givechestthrusts. It i s i mportantfor an offi certo makecl earar m and hand
GiveCPR. movements as otherwisedriversmay misunderstand the
3 CardiacArrest:Turnon defibrillator.
Removejewelryand theyarebeinggiven.
victim's pads.Aftershockcheckpulse.
shirt.Secure lf victim's
heartisbeating, giveCPR.
but heisnot breathing 1 F 2 1 3 F
l D 3 C 5 B 1 at the intersection
of 5 direct
2 A 4 F 6 E 2 familiarwith 6 oneway
'l 3 mainroad gear
7 reflective
defibrillator 3 CPR 5 b urn 4 Whydon'tyou
2 sterilized 4 bandage 6 pulse
Suggested answer
5 Suggestedanswer A: Butthe lightswent out at least20 minutesago.
An officerknowswhento usea defibrillator
asthe machine B: True.Whereshouldwe go to directtraffic?
tellsyouwhento givea shock. A : I thi nkoneof usshoul dbeat the i nterse ct ion
of 1stand
6 1 8 2 A SouthStreet.
B. SouthStreet? l'm not familiar
with it.
1 traffic 5 alcohol A. lt'snot a mainroad,but it'susually prettybusy.
2 in prettyroughshape 6 takea look B: Okay.Whydon'tyougo to that intersection?
3 cut 7 expecting A: Willdo.Wherewill yoube?
4 sterilize B: l'll stayhereand directthe flow of traffictowardBroad
8 Suggested answer Street.
A: I cameassoonasI could.Thetrafficwasbad. A: That makessense.Trafficshouldmovewell on Broad
B . I k now.I w i s hth e a m b u l a n cweo u l dh u rryu p and get sinceit'sa oneway.
here.Thisguyis in prettyroughshape. B: That'swhatI wasthinkingOh.Andbeforeyougo,don't
A: Lookslikeit. WhatcanI do to helpuntilthe ambulance forgetyourreflectivegear.
arrives? Suggested answer
B: Well,he hasa prettybigcutwherehe hit hisheadon the Date: (today's
steeringwheel.We'llneedto sterilize it. Reasonfor manualtraffic control:trafficliqhtswerenot
A: Okay. working
B: [ll getthe alcoholwhile;,ouapplypressure to thewound. Weatherconditions:foggy
A: Sure. Locationsof officerswhile directingtraffic: 1st Streetand
B: Let'stakea look.Oh.Thatdoesn'tlooktoo bad. SouthStreetinlsrs€cier B'oacSrreet
A. No. lt's not as bad as I was expecting. The bleeding Other notes:Tra-: s-i, c r-ovewell on Broadsinceit's a
s t oppedI think. oneway
B: Yeah.I thinknow is a goodtimeto sterilize the wound.
YoucankeephishairbackwhileI swabthe area. Unit 8
9 Suggested answer 1 Suggestedanswers
Nature/Severity of the injury:Serious
headinjury 1 Thepol i ces-3-: as< :hevi cti mof a crim ewhat t hey
Firstaid given:Cut wassterilized remember arc'-: .'.-arhappened to them and makea
Statusof victimafter treatment:bleeding victim
stopped, statement. s.rorrid
askthemto describe whereand
wasstable when the r -e :cok place,what the person(s) who
committeC:-€ :-'rnelookedlikeand wherethev went
afterthe cr -€

14 Rns*e'.
Book2 AnswerKey
2 Interviewing
witnesses helpsto catchcriminals as the 7 1 you' l have
l to 4 reward
witnessesmay be ableto providevitalevidence for the 2 receipt 5 form
Thiscouldbea descriptionof the criminals 3 contactinformation 6 that returnsit
or wherethe criminals
wentafterthe crime.
8 Suggested answer
2 1 F 2 1 3 F B: Didyouaskthe museumemployees aboutit?
3 1 D 3 4 5 8 A: Yeah,but theydidn'tnoticeanything.
2 C 4 E 6 F B: Well,we canpostit in the LostandStolensectionof our
website. You'llhaveto provideproofof ownership.
1 statement 4 s u mma ri z e A: I havethe originalreceiptandmy nameisprintedon the
2 emotional
state 5 investigation sideof it.
3 observation 6 q u e s ti o n i n g B . Okay.We'llhaveto postyourcontactinformation.
5 Suggested answer A : That'sfine.Thephonenumberyou havewill work.Can
yousaysomething abouta reward?
Oneof the suspects a pistol(and
wasthoughtto be carrying
the redbackpack). B : I canmentionit in the form.Howmuch?
l'll give100dollarsto the personthat returnsit.
6 1 , / 3 , / 5 , /
9 Suggested answer
1 aboutthe suspects 4 th i si s i mo o rta n t Name:PabloLopez
2 gun 5 noticeanythingelse Dateitem(s)went missing:(today'sdote)
3 theywerewearing 6 faces Locationitem(s)lastseen:In the museum
8 Suggested answer Propertywas: Lost@ StolenI
B: Okay.Whatcanyoutell me aboutthe suspects? Descriptionof item(s):camera
A: W ell,one was o v e rw e i g hatn d th e o th e rw a sta l l .l ' m
prettysureoneof themhada gun. Unit 10
B: Didyou noticewhattheywerewearingma'am? 1 Suggestedanswers
A: Theywerebothwearingwhitesweatshirts. 1 Policeofficerson patrolseekto deter crimeand to
B: Okay.I needyouto thinkhardnow,thisisimportant. Was respond to cri mei nci dents and arrestcri mi nalswher e
it the overweightor the tallsuspect thatwasholdingthe necessary. Theymayalsoassistmembers of the public
gun? who arein difficultsituations
A : T heov er weig hotn ew a sh o l d i n gth e g u n .T h eta l l one 2 C i ti zenshel ppol i cefi nd cri mi nalby
s bei ngi nvolved in
hada brownbackpack. community policing or,moreinformally, simplywatching
B: Didyounoticeanything elseaboutthesuspects? Didthey whatishappening in theirneighborhoods andcontacting
sayanythingastheyranby?Maybeyousawtheirfaces? policeif theyseeanysuspicious activityor a crimebeing
A: No.Theyjustranby meso quickly. That'sallI remember. committed.
9 Suggested answer 2 1 F 2 F 3 F
Nameof witness:CarolStevens
Date: (today's
date) 3 1 4 2 8 3 B 4 B
Witnessstatement:I sawtwo menexitthe stationand run 1 servicecall 4 al arm 7 C ommunitpolicing
northdown2nd St.Onewasoverweight andthe othertall. 2 arrest 5 Assist
Theywere both wearingwhite sweatshirts and one was 3 protect 6 Observe
holdinga gun andthe othera brcnar.r
5 Suggested answer
is: .',-< -z^'1 33,c' .ers^ad lat tiresasa boxof roofing
Unit 9 -a 5 -e --:- a----a<
1 Suggested answers
5 2 - 3 F
1 lf someonefindsa wallet in the streetor c:€/ 3Jri(
placetheyshouldhandit intothe police.Ftl-e'rc v€ 4 drewyourweapon
in a shopor other privateplacethey siptrld tarc -- r--: 5 l f thi shappens
the staffat that establishment.
2 ln my country,policestorelostpropertyin the hc =c-
5 SugesteO answer
theywillbeableto giveit backto itsowner.tf, fu s,r€
s. i; ntat happened out thereOfficerPreza?
time,thishasnot happened theymayholda^ aciT =
sellanyproperty that hasnot beenclaimed. i *as on patrol.I observed a groupof peoplearguing.So
| *€qt up to seewhat the problemwas.
2 1 D 2 A 3 8 :. vou know you'resupposed to wait for backup when
3 1 A c laim B property ssyeralpeoplearepresent.
2 A owner B chainof custoqv 3 ontyencountered two at first.Andthentwo morecame
+om roundthe bacr.
3 A receipt B lost I
),d theyattackyou?
4 1 restitution 3 stolengoods llo. Theywerefightingeachother,two against two.
2 finder 4 proofof owne.s': a
5 Suggestedanswer C neof themhada basebal l but no quns.
A witnesssaidyoudrewyourweapon.
The ownerwill give$300 to the personwno re:--S :€
laptop. oio.Thesituation wasveryintense.
missing a
r-'at'spreciselywhyyoushouldhavewaitedfor backup.
6 1 F 2 F 3 T ' :ri s happensagai n,therew i l lbe consequences.
'^derstand'lt won't happenagain'
Answerrev 15

Book2 AnswerKey
9 Suggested answer U ni t 12
Officer:Preza 1 Suggested answers
Date:(today'sdote) 1 Fewweaponsare illegalin my country,but theyoften
Description of incident:officerobserved a groupof people require a permitto own them.Thismeansthat for most
andth e nfi g h ti n ge a c ho th e r.
ar guing peopleit isnot possible to ownanautomatic weaponsuch
Reason for useof weapon:the situation wasintense. as a machinegun. However, it is verycommonto own
civilian of theseweaoons thataresemi-automatic.
Unit 11 Switchblades arebannedin many,but not allstates.
1 Suggested answers 2 People arepunished for havingillegalweaponsby being
taken i nto pol i cecustodyand bei ngf ined or even
1 P eople ca nb o th e or th e rsi n a p u b l i cp l a c eby maki ngl ots
i mpri soned.l f peopl ebri ng i l l egalw eaponsint o t he
of nois ep, e rh a pbsy s h o u ti n og r p l a y i n thei
g rmusi ctoo
countrythey mayalsofacedeportation as well as any
loudly.Theycanalsobotherpeopleby usingoffensive
otherpuni shments appropri ate.
language or threatening behavior. Oftenthisis because
people a red ru n k . 2 1 D 2 D 3 A
2 Peoplerespond to public.disturbances in my countryby
t handgun 4 weapon
c allingth e p o l i c eT. h e y -a re
to o fri g h te n ed to askthe
2 prohibited 5 custody
per s on (sca) u s i n th
g e d i s tu rb a n cto e s to p i n casethey
3 seized
becomeaggressive towardthemandpossibly evenreact
v iolentl y . 4 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 E 5 A
1 drunk 3 bottles 5 handcuffs 5 Suggested answer
2 customers 4 calm Themaxi mum j ai lsentence
for carryi ng illegally
w eapons is
3 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 A ren years.

4 1 verbally
assaulted 4 opencontainer 6 1 F 2 F 3 T
2 dr unk 5 noiseviolation 1 catcha pl ane 4 thi si ssi l ly
charge 6 disorderly
conduct 2 l'm sorrysir 5 concealed weapons
Thesuspect waslikelyto facecharges
of disorderly
conduct 3 bringinghome 6 a few more
andnois ev i o l a ti o n . 8 Suggested answer
6 1 T 2 F 3 T A: What'sgoingon?| haveto catcha plane. Whywon'tyou
l et methrouqh?
7 1 l' m s og l a d 4 .n o ,n .r d ri n K B l ' - sorrysi -ust l but w e founda kni fei n yourluggage.
2 Hewasclearly 5 at tne rv'rcows 'ir.e. trat's a gift l'm bringinghomefor my brother.
3 didy oud o 6 ..c e r (Qn l .Qr B : v^,'ne'e d,c vc- cbtair the knife?
Suggested answer I boughtit at a siree'lfarryesterday. Look,thisissilly.l'm
A: l'm so gladyou'rehereofficer. Thatkid ruinedmostof not goingto hurtanyonewith it.
my business for the night. B : S i r,do you know that i t' s i l l egalto b r ingconcealed
B: Whatexactlyhappened heretonightMr.Barnard? weapons in or out of ltaly?
A: Well,officer, that touristwasin hereallevening. Hewas It'sjusta souvenir. I didn'trealize it wassucha problem.
clearly becoming verydrunk. B : I needyou to comewith me, sir.I havea few more
B . W hatdi dy o ud o ? queslonsro asKyou.
A: I refused to givehimanotherdrink.That'swhenhe got A : W hy?| don' tunderstand w hatl ' vedon ewr ong!
reallyangry. B: Listen, sir,youcaneitheranswermyquestions or thepolice
B : W hatha p p e n eth d en? cantakeyouintocustody rightnow.lt'syourchoice.
A : Hey elle di n s u l tsa t my c u s to m e rs a n d k n ockedovera A . A l l ri ght,fi ne.l ' us..don' tw antto mi ssm y plane.
tablefull of glasses. Thenhe went outsideand started 9 Suggested answer
t hr owin gth i n g sa t th e w i n d o w s H e k e pt yel l i ngthe A ppl i cant'name:
s 3' a- l ,!e-cez
wholet i m e . Applicant's i,5A
countryof citizenship.
B . W ell,I t h i n kw e ' v eg o t h i mu n d e cr o n tronl ow . Typeof weapon:(- '=
A: Areyougoingto arresthim?. Wherewas the weaponobtained?At a streetfair
the peace.
B : W e' llde fi n i te lcyh a rg eh i m w i th d i s tu rb i ng What isthe purposeof transportingthe weapon?Souvenir
Withallthat yelling, we canprobably get himfor a noise
violation anddisorderly conducttoo.Thankyoufor your
t im e,M r.Be rn a rd . U ni t 13
1 Suggested answer
Suggested answer 'l
Many co--:- ::-s :an be usedas weapons.For
Officer:Murphy exampl e,-: -:€- : : :e' ns suchas kn ives,f or kscan
Suspect's name:James Turner obviousiy :€ --.i: 3: .',eapons. Any heavyobjectcanbe
Reasonfor arrest:customer yelledat othercustomers and usedasd .ii3r,r- la's canbe usedasweapons andso
threwthingsat the windows on.The s: : : -= :rdl ess.
P os s ible th e p e a c e ,n o i sevi ol ati on,
c h a rg e sd: i s tu rb i n g 2 People ca- :€ =-=ed in mycountryfor makingthreats
disorderlyconduct a g a i n s t : : - : ' : e : c i e . H o w e v e ri ,t i s n o t u s u a l l y
Wasalcoholinvolved?Y / N conside'=: ---:€ : serious crime,unless a deadly weapon
(such a s? ' - = = ' - s i n v o l v e d .
2 1 F : = 3 F
1 5 Rns*e,.
Book2 AnswerKey
1 deadlyweapon 4 provoKe 8 Suggested answer
2 self-defense assault
5 aggravated A: Sowashe presenting a physical threatto anyone?
3 violence B: Oh,definitely. He hada batonandthreatened to useit
on the salesassistant.
1 int ent ionall y 4 b o d i l yi n j u ry levelof force.
A: Thenit sounds llkeyouusedanappropriate
2 threat 5 assault
B : Therew asnothi ngel seI coul dhavedone.
3 showof force A: Here's the problem. Hehit hisheadon the floorafteryou
5 Suggestedanswer shocked hi m.
a knifeandthe othermanpossessed
a B: I know.Buthe can'tclaimthat I usedexcessive force.He
bothof whicharedeadlyweapons.
glass, hada weapon,so I wasauthorized to usea weaponto
protectmyselfandthe otherpeoplein the store.
6 1 8 2 C
9 Suggested answer
1 sit down 4 he startedit
2 Inthe meantime 5 to u c h e dh i m energyweapon(CEW)
Typeof forceuse:conducted
3 a l ln i g h t 6 T h a t' se n o u g h
Exemptfrom batterY?Y / N
8 Suggested answer Explanation: Thesuspecthada weaponandwas-threatenlng
. i t d o w na n d
A : S t e v el,d o n ' t w a n t t o t e l l y o u a g a i n S ThisentitledOfficerMartins
to useit on the salesassistant.
answermy questlons. to usea CEWto protectherself andthe otherpeoplein the
B . W hy ?| didn' td o a n y th i n gY! o us h o u l da rre sKevi t n! StOre.
A: l' llt alkt o K ev i ni n a mo me n t. Inth e me a n ti m e yo
, uneed
t o s t oPY ellin g . U ni t 15
B: T hisisr idic u l o u s . 1 Suggested answers
A: Whatcaused the fightbetweenyouand Kevin?
1 Most types areviewedasa crimeacross
of prostitution
B : lt washisf aul t.H ew a stry i n gto s ta rta fi g h ta l lni ght. '
s l egali n a smal numbe
l r places.
the U .S .B rothelare
A : T hewit nes s essa i dth a ty o up u l l e do u t a k n i fe . prostitutionissometimes viewedasa relatively
B: I toldyou,he startedit.
s u b l eto o' Y ou m r n ocr n m e .
A: W ell,S t ev e,y o u ' rei n s o m es e ri o u tro officers catchprostitutes andtheircustomers in a
with a deadlyweapon. 2 Police
committed assault and pose
numberof ways Theymaywork undercover,
B: What?| nevereventouchedhim! Hethrewa bottleon or potentlal they
my head! patrolareas whereprostitutes areknownto operateand
A : Cilm down,S te v eY. o uth re a te n eto d h u rt h i m'That' s
enought o s e n dYo uto j a i l .
2 1 T 2 T 3 T
9 Suggested answer
lndividuals involved:SteveWillisand KevinBanks 3 1 A 2 E 3 C 4 B 5 D
Events: Thetwo menattempted to fightusingdeadly weapons' 'l prostitutes 4 curbcraw l i ng
Possible charges: aggravated assault 5 undercover
2 soliciting
3 brothels
Unit 14
1 Suggested answers 5 Suggested answer
1 Most countrieshat'erar','s ltra: o'e.'e^:3e33e "3- Youcanfindthe namesof thosewho havebeenfoundguilty
h u r t i n go n e a n o t h e ' r ' 3 ' 3 3 € ' : 3 -' =
:c-:-3s :'c:-e'
:: : :^ = ' 3: :'
of crimesrelatingto prostitutionin an offenderregistry,
wit hout t hei r o e ' -i s s ;c ^:^ e i a = ' w hi chi savai l ablonl
e i ne.
;f thai touclinc s ^o: -=-=-
battery even 6 1 8 2 B
2 T he am oun to f fo rc eth a t a n ? -a ? ' ' = - -s- ' : --::'
particular circumstances in the L S s ::--= ?l i-i -l-3 4 bet shegets
iorce .'.- a'-:.="= ' 1 actually heard
of forcecontinuum.Excessive -:-:: 2 thirdor fourtharrest 5 gl adw e caug ht
subject is any force beyond that vvh 6' l-i *<€ :- herways
3 a lot of trouble 6 changi ng
conttnuum recommends for particua' : -:---:-:-
8 Suggested answer
2 1 T ' 2 F 3 T
A : Oh.no.l t w asn' tH eather w asi t?
Mi l l er,
3 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B B : N o.I actual lheard
y shecl eaned up heractaf t ershegot
out of pri son. N o,i t' sJul i aW al ton.
4 1 4 har m f ul B w i l l fu l A : Jul i aW al ton? W ow l l sn' tthi sherthi rdor fou r t har r est ?


A Offensive touching B lawsuit i t' sherfi fth.S he' si n a l ot of trouble.

B : A ctual l y,
3 A excessive force B immunttY A: No kiddingI bet shegetsa few yearsin prisonthistime'
B: Yeah,it'ssad.r'rr': sr3l we caughtherthough.Maybethis
5 Suggested answer
---= w !l 'sca' e^e' ^l o changi ng herw ays.
To ensurethat they don't face chargesc' 3-::-'
of f ic er sm ak es u reth e y a re fa mi l i awr i th t^ e a ::' :c-::: 9 Suggestedanswer
amountof fo'ceto usein a givensituation Nameof anestee:JuliaWalton
Previousanests:four previous arrestsfor prostitution
6 1 D 2 8
Liketysentence:2 - 4 Yearsin jail
1 physicalthreat 4 s h o c k ehd,-
2 hada baseball bat 5 he can'tclai:r
3 it s ounds 6 to protectmYseif

rev 17
Un i t 1 Attorney:And do you feelthat youruseof peppersprayon Mr.
Officer1 (M):Someofficers arecomplaining aboutthe zipties. Henrywasappropriate?
officer 2 (w): I canseewhy.we havebetteroptionsfor restrarnts. Officer:Yes,I do.
Offic er1: Y ou don' t th i n k th e y ' reo u r b e s to p ti o n ?They' reso Attorney:Howcouldit beappropriate whenMr.Henrywasn,teven
lightweight youcancarrya dozenat a time. armed?
Officer2: True,that'stheirmainadvantage. Officer:Well,when I arrivedon scene,Mr. Henrywas shouting
Officer1: Thatandthey'recheap.We canbuyfiftyor sixtyfor the l oudl y,
andappeared to bethreateni ng
hi snei ghbor .
priceof onepairof handcuffs. Attorney:Andwhat didyoudo?
Officer2: Sure,that'ssomething elsetheyhavegoingfor them Officer:First,I gaveMr.Henrya verbalcommand to stopshouting
O f f i c e1
r : A n dt h e y ' r e
d u r a b l e . l.c. o u l dg o o n a n do n .S o ,w h a t andsit downon the curb.
aretheirdownsides then? Attorney:And did he comply?
Officer2: Thebiggestdownside is that they'redifficultto put on Officer:Hedid not. In fact,he becamelouderand moreagitated.
correctly whenyouonlyhaveonehandfree. At that point,I triedto restrainMr. Henryusingsoft hands,
Officer1: I seeyourpoint. but he resisted andbecomecombative.
Officer2: I canslaphandcuffs on a suspect withonehandandhave Attorney:Whatdidyoudo next?
my otherone free.I feela lot safqrand morein controlthat Officer:After that, I felt I had no choicebut to usethe pepper
way. spray.
Officer1: True,that'sa majorplus.
Officer2: And in my book,that outweighs alltheirnegatives. Unit 5
Dispatch (F):All units,we havea code3.
Un i t 2 Officer(M):Thisis22. Go ahead.
Officer1 (W):l'm reallyimpressed with the newcruisers. D i spatch:
22,an offi ceri s i nj ured.11-99.
Officer2 (M):Me too. Theengines aremuchmorepowerfulthan Officer:All right.Location?
thosein the old patrolcars. Dispatch: That's576 RexRoad.11-99.
Officer1: Tellme aboutit. They'recapable of goingfromzeroto Officer:576 RexRoad,copy.l'm rightthere.
sixtyin threeseconds. Dispatch:Thereisa 459 in progress.
Officer2: lt'll be hardfor suspects to get awayfromus now. Officer:22 is on scene.
Officer1: That'sfor sure. D i spatch:
22,suspects aretw o mal es. Fi rstsuspect
5' 1 0",200lbs.
Officer2: I alsolikethe new mobiledataterminals. They'revery Shortbrownhair.Wearing jeans,anda whitet-shirt.
easyto use. Officer:Copy
Officer1: I agree.Therecords andreportsshowup muchfaster D i spatch:
S econd suspect 6' 1" ,190l bs.Longbl ondehairwor
, nin
Officer2: Exactly, no morewaitingfor headquarters to radioback a ponvtaiW l . eari ng
j eansanda bl uet-shi rt.
Officer1: And I haveto say,I feela lot safertoo. Officer:Anl,rveapons?
Officer2: Oh,youmeanbecause of bullei-proof
a^c :1e Dispatch:S.spect2 carrying a semi-automatic. Unknownwhether
enhanc ed bar r ie r. suspectt hasa weapon.Code4 now,22. Stayin contact.
Officer1: Yeah.Themanufacturer saysrhe glassdoesn'tjuststop
bullets.lt'sactually ableto protectusfromexplosions. Unit 5
Officer2: Sounds qoodto me.
Officer1 (M):OfficerFrederick. l'm gladvou'rehere.
Officer2 (F):I cameassoonast could.Thetrafficwasbad.
Unit 3 Officer1: I know.I wishthe ambulance wouldhurryup and get
Officer1 (M):Tellmewhat happened todaywhenyoudischarged here.Thisguyis in prettyroughshape.
yourfirearm. officer2: Lookslikeit. WhatcanI do to helpuntilthe amburance
Officer2 (W):Yes,sir.I arrivedat the sceneof the robberyand arrives?
exitedmy cruiser. Offi cer1:W el l ,he hasa D rettybi gcut w herehe hi t hisheadon
officer 1: lt saysin the reportthe suspectdrovehisvan directly the steering wheel.vYe reedto sterilize it.
towardyou. Officer2: Okay.
Officer2: Correct.I thoughthe wouldhit me.So I movedto the Officer1: l'llgetthealcoho.i - i .,o- acci;O'essure to thewoun0.
s ideof m yc arands i g n a l ehdi mto s to p . Officer2: Sure.
Officer1: And he continued to drivetowardyou. Offi cer1: Let' stakea l oc< 3- ooktoo bad.
Officer2: Eractly.Sincehe failedto heedmyorder,I thoughtit best Offi cer2: N o, i t' s not as::: = -< .' .i sc.rc€cti ng.
Th ebleeding
to drawmy pistol. stopped, I thi nk.
Officer1: That'swhenyoufired?
Officer2: Negative. I decided to givea verbalwarningfirst.ThenI
fireda shotat hisvehicle.
Officer1: And that iswhenheswerved andcrashed intoa tree. U ni t 7
Officer2: Correct. I didn'tknowif hewasarmed,so I approached
Officer1 (F):I wasn'ter:e:---: :'aic to be thisbad.
the vehicle with myweapondrawn.
Officer2 (M): Me ne:-e' l-: ---e ghtswent out at leasthalfan
Officer1: Didyoufireanyadditional shots? nourago.
Officer2: Negative. Thatwasn'tnecessary. Hewas unarmedand Offi cer1:True. W heres-:-: ..,=go to di recttraffi c?
Offi cer2: l thi nkonec' -::-:- : beat the i ntersection of Second
Unit 4 Offi cer1: N orthS t.-:r - ^::' ami l i arw i th i t.
Attorney(W):OfficerBenton,did you receive
trainingon the use Officer2: lt'snot a -: ' '=z= cut it'susually prettybusy.
o f f or c ec ont inu u m ? Officer1: Okay.!\'... ::- : -,3- go to that intersection?
Officer(M):Yes,I did. Officer2: Willdc ...',,voube?
18 nns*e,
fficer 1: l'll stayhereand directthe flow of traffictowardCarol U ni t 11
Street. Bartender (M):l'm sogladyou'rehereofficer. Thatkidruinedmost
Officer2: Thatmakessense. Trafficshouldmovewellon Carolsince of my business for the night.
it'sa oneway. Officer(W):Whatexactly happened heretonight,Mr.Stein?
Officer1:That'swhatI wasthinkingOh.Andbeforeyougo,don't Bartender: Well,officelthattouristwasin hereallevening. Hewas
forgetyourreflectivegear. clearly becoming verydrunk.
Officer2: Goodpoint.Thefog doesn'tmakethisanyeasier. Officer:Whatdidyoudo?
Bartender: I refusedto givehimanotherdrink.That'swhenhegot
Unit 8 reallyangry.
Officer:Whathappened then?
Officer(M):Areyouwillingto makea statement on whatyousaw
Bartender: Heyelledinsultsat my customers and knockedovera
h er e,m a' am ? tabl e ful l of gl asses.Then he w ent outsi dean d st ar t ed
Witness(W):Yes,officer. throw i ngthi ngsat the w i ndow s.H e keptyel l i ngt he whole
Officer:Do you know that it is your duty to give a truthful I|me.
testimony? Officer:Well,I thinkwe'vegot himundercontrolnow.
Witness:Oh,yes,of course. Bartender: Areyougoingto arresthim?
Officer:Okay.Whatcanyoutell me aboutthe suspects? Officer:We'll chargehimwith disturbing
definitely the peace. With
Witness: Well,onewastallandthe otherwasshort.I'mprettysure we canprobably get him for a noiseviolation
allthat yelling,
oneof t hemhada g u n . anddisorderly conducttoo.Thankyoufor yourtime,Mr.Stein'
Officer:Didyou noticewhattheywerewearing,ma'am?
Officer:Okay.I needyouto thinkhardnow,thisis important. Was U ni t 12
th e g un?
i t t he t allor t he s h o rts u s p e ctht a tw a sh o l d i n g Tourist(M):What'sgoingon?| haveto catcha plane.Whywon't
Witness:Thetalleronewasholdingthe gun.Theshorteronehad youlet me through?
a redbackpack. Agent (W): l'm sorry,sir,but we found a switchblade in your
officer:Didyounotlceanythingelseaboutthe suspects? Didthey l uggage.
sayanything astheyranby?Maybeyousawtheirfaces? l , sj ust a gi ft that l ' m bri ngi ngho m ef or m y
Touri si :-W elthat'
witness:No.Theyjustranby me so quickly. That'sallI remember. brother.
Agent:Wheredidyouobtainthe knife?
Tourist:I boughtit at a streetfairyesterday. Look,thisis silly.I'm
Unit 9
not goingto hurtanyonewith it.
Officer(W): Okay,so you losta camera,yes?Wheredid you last Agent:Sir,doyouknowthat it'sillegal to bringconcealed weapons
seeit? in or out of CostaHavana?
citizen(M):At the museum. I musthaveleft it on a benchafter it wassucha problem.
Tourist:lt'sjusta souvenir. I didn'trealize
takingsomePictures. Agent: I needyou to come with me, sir. I havea few more
Officer:Howlongwasit beforeyou noticedit wasgone? questions to askYou.
Citizen:I checked my bagan hourafterI leftandit wasn'tthere.I what I'vedonewrong!
Tourist:Why?| don't understand
went back,but therewasno signof it' Agent:Listen, sir,youcaneitheranswermyquestions or the police
Officer:Didyouaskthe museumemployees aboutit?
Citizen:Yeah,but theydidn'tnoticeanything. Tourist:All right,fine.I justdon'twantto missmy plane.
Officer:Well,we canpostit in the Lostand Stolensectionof our
website. You'llhaveto provideproofof ownership.
citizen:I havethe originalreceiptand my nameis printedon the Unit 13
sideof it. Officer(W):Darren,I don't want to tell you again'Sitdownand
Officer:Okay.We'llalsohaveto postyourcontactinformation. answermy questions.
C i ti z en:T hal' sf ine.Th ep h o n en u m b eyr o u h a v ew i l l w ork.C an D arren(M):W hy?| di dn' tdo anythi ng! Y oushoul dar r estPaul!
yousaysomething abouta reward? Officer:l'lltalkto Paulin a moment.Inthe meantime, youneedto
Offi c erI:c anm ent io ni t i n th e fo rm .H o n ' mu c h ? stopyel l i ng.
to th e p e !-s o:^' a :' e :-' ^ s i t'
C i ti z en:l' llgiv es ix t yd o l l a ' .s D arren: Thi si s ri di cul ous.
Officer:Whatcaused the fightbetweenyouandPaul?
Unit 10 Darren:lt washisfault.Hewastryingto starta fightall night.
-:'-es? Officer:Thewitnesses saidthat youpulledout a knife
PoliceChief(W):Sc,,',-a:^aco€'+-::'-::-e-: l--:=' Darren:I told you,he startedit.
Officer(M): I waso^ oa:'o . ' oDs€'r€c a -l-:'-: :- :e:c e z'-"'^9
'r-t€c!'co€- 'r= Offi cer:W el l ,D arren,you' rei n someseri ous trouble,t oo. You
SoI went up :o seei.ldl commi tted an assaulwt i th a deadl ly/eapon.
Chief:Youknow!o- s-goosed to r',a:'3t 3a:t ' -i€'3-l
"'-z' Darren:What?| nevereventouchedh'''.! Hethrewa glassat my
peoplearecres€^:. ---;--:--- face!
Officer:I onlyencc-^:ereothreeat first.A': Officer:Caln"dc'.'.'.)="=' r'c- threatened to hurt him.That's
camearoL/n c *c- the oack.
e - o - c ' : a s : - : , a- : a . e
Chief:DidtheYattac<Yo.? D arren:3:- --:: :.: :- > ci on' tdo anythi ng w rong.
Officer:No.They lghting eachothel tF'€ a-r-:--
Officer:Oneof t^er l''ada baseball bat,but nc :-^: tlnit 1rt
Chief:A witness .vou drew your weapon. A-omet ,Ml: 3icc -:orning,OfficerTolbert.
Officer:I did.Thesit;ationwasverytntense. '.' : c-,'.S- I

Chief:That'sprecisely wny you shouldhavewaitec ?==<-t' O,'F<e. fYyt :< ii'hat do youthinkaboutit?
thishappens again,therewill be consequences Artrrry. ,',€ . --'r€reportsaysthat you usedyourCEW'Didyou
Officer:I understand. lt won't happenagain' i-, sS =:':eruimethodsfirst?
r.v 19

\ ' . . 1

Officer:Yes,I did.Heignoredmy verbalcommands and it wastoo

dangerous to try emptyhandcontrol.
Attorney:Sowashe presenting a physicalthreatto anyone?
Officer:Oh,definitely. Hehada baseball bat and he threatenedto
useit on the storeclerk.
Attorney:Thenit soundslikeyou usedan appropriate levelof
Officer:TherewasnothingelseI couldhavedone.
Attorney: Here'sthe problem.He hit his headon the floor after
youshocked him.
Officer:I know.But he can't claimthat I usedexcessive force.He
hada weapon,so I wasauthorized to usea weaponto protect
myselfandthe otherpeoplein the store.

Unit 15
Officer1 (W):Hi,Tom.You'rebackearly.
Officer2 (M):We hada greatnight- sixarrests.
Officer1: How manyof thosewerefirst-timeoffenders?
Officer2: Therewereonlytwo that we'veneverarrestedbefore.
Officer1: That'sgood.lt lookslikewe'rereallymakingprogress.
Officer2: Yes,we are.But then therearetheserepeatoffenders.
Youwon't believe who we pickedup tonight.
Officer1: Oh,no. lt wasn'tBeckyStiles, wasit?
Officer2: No.I actuallyheardshecleanedup heract aftershegot'
out of prison.No,it'slrisFenton.
Officer1: lrisFenton?Wow! lsn'tthis herthird or fourtharrest?
Officer2: Actually,it's herfifth. She'sin a lot of trouble.
Officer1: No kidding.I bet shegetsa few yearsin prisonthistime.
Officer2: Yeah,it's sad.l'm gladwe caughther though.Maybe
thiswill scareher into changingherways.

20 nns*e,

Book3 AnswerKey
Unit 1 Thesejobsare usually organizedinto differentdivisions
withindifferent thatareresponsiblefor
1 Suggested answers areusuallysplit
areas Thedivisions
of the country.
1 Somedifferentranksin a policedepartmentinclude FieldOperations,
into fourareasof responsibility: Special
detective,constable,sergeantand officer. Operations, andGeneral
Investigations Administration.
2 Officersof differentranksin my countryaddresseach
otherusingtheirrank andsurnames- 2 B 2 C 3 A
2 1 F 2 T 3 T 3 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A

3 1 8 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 D 4 1 Forensics 4 K-9
2 department 5 SWAT
4 t hierarchy 4 field
3 FieldOperations
2 supervisor 5 commrssroner
3 cadet Suggestedanswer
sectionwill often not wear
Officersfrom the narcotics/vice
Suggested answer
uniformswhileworkingin the fieldas theyare involvedin
t a policedepartmentis
T heus ualr ankof a n e w re c ru ito operations.
6 1 F 2 F 3 T
2 . / 4 , /
7 1 out on the streets. 4 Not a chance
7 1 deserves to be Promoted 4 l'm not convinced
2 seehispoint 5 K-9
2 strongendorsement 5 shownleadership twenty 6 sixofficers
3 onlyleaves
3 l'm not sure
8 Suggestedanswer
8 Suggested answer in violentcrime,he wants
A: Dueto the recentincrease
A: Sowhichconstable do youthinkdeserves to be promoted
moreofficersout on the streets.
to sergeant? B: I seehispoint.Thatwouldresultin fewerviolentcrimes'
B . I thinkthat Constable Jamesisthe bestchoice. A : l ' d thi nkso.
A. Really?Whyisthat? B: Butthat onlyleaves eighteen of usin SpecialOperations.
B : Well,he'sbeenwith the department for fouryearsand twho we
A : R i ght,so w e haveto thi nk careful l abouy
hasa strongendorsement fromhissupervisor. transfer.
A : Thatistrue.'However, l'm not surehe hasthe necessary B: I hopeyouaren'tthinkingaboutcuttingthe SWAT team.
leadershipskillsfor beinga sergeant. A: Not a chance.We'd be ineffective in a seriousterrorism
Hedidleada groupof officers duringa recentoperation. situation.
or hostage
A nd he did q u i tew e l l .B u t l ' m n o t c o n v i n c ehde coul d B: Sothe cutswill haveto comefrom K-9and the Bomb
leadon a dailybasis. S ouad.
Who do youthinkwouldbe a bettercandidate then?
A: Exactly. We'lltransferfiveofficersfrom each.
l'd go with Constable Perez.He'sconsistently shown
leadershipwhenon assignments. 9 Suggestedanswer
No onecanarguewith that. Officers are beingtransferred from Special Operations into
Second, he'sbeenwith the department for sixyears.lt Fi el doperati onsdue to an i ncrease i n vi ol entc r im e.The
seemsit'sabouttimefor himto riseup the ranks. commissioner believes that thiswill resultin fewerproperty
B : What do you think aboutConstable Doharty,our,final crimes. A totalof ten officerswill betransferred fromSpecial
candidate? Operations. Fiveofficerswill betransferred fromthe Explosive
Sheis alsoan exceflenl dtoke. Device (BombSquad)team
Dispersal andanotherfivethe K-
B : My concernwrth her s that sfresr.sl tm riett- 9 team.
A : Right.So it's ConsublePerezthen-
B . Agreed. Unit 3
9 Suggestedanssrer 1 Suggestedanswers
I recommendthat ure promote constablePerezto :re z:k 1 After a personis arrestedthey are takento a police
of sergeant.He has shownthe necessary leadelsr'cs(is station.lf theydo not postbondtheretheyaretakento
when he lead a qroup of officerson a recentopel-a:ir -6 a detentioncenter.Therethey areregistered as inmates
hasbeenwith the departmentnow for four y€rs so r€ unti lthei rtri alcomesup. Theymustgi veup all t heir
He alsohasa strongen&rs€lr€':
quitea lot of experience. personal possessions andareissued with an orangejump
from hissuPervisor- suit,shoesandunderwear.
2 As longasprisoners followthe rulesin detentioncenters
Unit 2 then they are generally treatedfairly-Therepossessions
areconfiscated and storedand returnedto them when
1 Suggestedanswers theyarereleased.
1 Policeofficersperforma varietyof jobs.Of co'r=
of them are involvedin responding to emergerri5 aT 4 inmates
1 belongings
patrollingthe streets,whilstothersareengagedi'l:afF( 2 i:iega:items 5 staff
duties.Otherpoliceofficersdo morespecialized pb 'r'e
3 orson garb
dealing with vice.Other jobs includebomb disposa arc
dealingwith terrorismand hostagesituatiom-Frna"!. 3 1 C 3 4 5 8
somepoliceofficerswork in administration to prore 2 D 4 F 6 E
back up to officers in the field and ensurethat
departments run smoothlY.


l - -
r a : . _

Book3 AnswerKey
4 1 A toilet B cell 8 Suggestedanswer
2 A bond B contraband B: Didhe try to takethe backpack?
5 Suggestedanswer A: Yes,hetried.But I ranup andtook it awayfrom him.He
lf prisoners
try to resistastheyarebeingregistered,
B: What did the suspectdo then?
forciblyrestrained andlockedin a special
A: He ranoff that way,throughthe crowd.
theycanbe checkedfurtherby detentioncenterstaff.
B: Didyouseewhat he lookedlike?Whatwashewearing?
6 1 D 2 8 A: Hewasabout5'9". Hehaddarkhair,a darkcomplexion
anda mustache. Hewaswearinga yellowraincoat.
1 fingerprints 4 That'sfinal
B : l t soundsl i kethe guy w e j ust pi ckedup. Couldyou
2 holdingcell 5 leftoff
identifyhim if yousawhim?
3 escort 6 get it overwith
A: Probably.
8 Suggested answer B: We'regoingto askyouto do so.Wayto stayalert.We'll
B: You havebeenchargedwith drunkenand disorderly put thisguyawaywith yourhelp.
conduct. 9 Suggestedanswer
I want to callmy lawyernow. (May16),a robberwasstoppedbyan alerttourist.
Sir,youwill havea chance t6'dothat oneoncewe finish
Thewould-bethieftriedto stealhiswife'sbackpack but the
processrng you.
touristran up and took it awayfrom him.Thesuspectran
Youcan'tdo thisto me.Youareviolating my rights!
away through the crowd but a personmatchinghis
Sir,I needto takeyourfingerprints at thistime.
descriptionwas laterpickedup by policeand identified by
And I needto go to the toiletat thistime.
the touristasthe onewho triedto stealhiswife'sbag.The
Youwill be ableto usethe toiletwhenthe officersarrive
manis now in the detention centerawaitingtrial.
to escortyouto the holdingcell.
I can'twait untilthen.Sojust let me go now,okay?
Sir,let me repeatwhat I said.Youneedto wait untilthe Unit 5
officerscanescortyou. 1 Suggestedanswers
B: Couldyouplease justletmego now?| don'tfeelverywell. 1 Policemightwant to searcha person's vehicleif they
A: No.That'sfinal. suspect that vehicle
wasinvolved in a crimeor that the
B: Whatever. dri verhasan opencontai nerof al coholhiddenin t he
A: So,let'scontinuewherewe left off. vehicle.
B: Fine,let'sget it overwith. 2 Lawofficers areallowedto searcha suspect's homewhen
9 Suggestedanswer they havea searchwarrantor they havea suspicion,
Suspectname:MartinKoftl backedup by a reasonable belief,that the suspectis in
Charges:Drunkenand disorderly conduct someway involvedin criminalactivity.
Requests:Made repeatedreqr.reststo go to the tcilet 2 1 B 2 A 3 D
Behavior Iniilaltyuncooperatrve
3 1 A reasonable
belief B search
2 A searchwarrant B possessron
Unit 4 3 A carryout B vehicle
1 Suggestedanswers
1 suspicion 4 residence
1 Citizenspreventcrimebycooperating with the policeand 2 seizure 5 circumstances
other law enforcement agencies.Theystayalert and 3 grounds 6 authorization
notifythe policeif theyseeanythingsuspicious.
2 lf someone isa victimof a crimetheyshouldreportit to 5 Suggestedansv\rer
the policeimmediately. Theyshouldthenwait at a safe Thethief useda crowbarto breakinto cars.
locationuntil the policearriveand provideas much
6 1 F 2 F 3 F
information aspossible aboutwhat happened.
1 ran a red light 4 stepout of the vehicle
2 1 T 2 F 3 F
2 alcohol 5 search
3 1 D 3 8 5 A 3 drunk 6 grounds
2 e 4 E 6 F
8 Suggestedansrer
1 discourage 3 presence 5 prevention A: All right.Dopu tnonw+ry I pulledyouovel tonight,Mr.
2 unlocked 4 cooperation Andrews?
5 Suggested answer ldon't know,thdt- Wa lspeeding?
No,you weredryiq the speedlimit. But you ran a red
Untilthe policesecurethe locationof the crimethe victim
light bad trere at H*e Street.
shouldwait at a safelocation.
Oh my go*t! lffr't eren noticeit.
Mr. Andrry, l'm r.cpectingthe smellof alcoholon your
6 1 C 2 8
breath.Flavepr beendrinkingtonight?
1 try to take 4 Didyousee I hada litdey*E a furyhoursago.But l'm not drunkl
2 took it away 5 the guywe just pickedup l'm goirg b rEedpu to stepout of the vehiclesir.We're
3 crowd 6 Wayto stayalert goingto nr*ecreyou aren'thidinganyopencontainers.
Youcan'tsendt me or my carwithout a warrant.
Whenyur rcl likealcoholwe can.That'sgroundsfor
suspicion of diving underthe influence.

22 ent*erKey
Book3 AnswerKey
Suggestedanswer gear.Theytry to keep groupsthat might resortto
Why carwas pulledover:Driverrana redlight violenceisolatedand undercontrolusingtacticssuchas
Groundsfor a search:Driversmelled
of alcohol kettling.In extremecasesthey usetear gasand water
What was discovered:An opencontainer of alcohol cannonto disperse crowds.
2 1 B 2 D 3 B
Unit 6
3 1 gasmask 3 riotshield 5 mountedpolice
1 Suggestedanswers 2 kettling 4 riot 6 riotgear
1 Thingsat a crimescenethat mightbe usedas possrble
ev idencin e c l u d ew e a p o n sa n d e v e nb u l l e t sas w el l as 4 1 watercannon3 barrier 5 helm et
ot her t hin g sth a t mi g h t h a v e b e e n l e ft behi ndby 2 hooligans 4 presence 6 reargas
a s th e y e s c a p e dIn
c r im inals . a d d i ti o nto th esethere Suggested answer
mightbe thingssuchas fingerprints, hairor bloodthat Officerson horsesare usefulasthey havethe advantage
canbe usedto tracesomeone throughtheirDNA. heightandspeed.
2 fo orotectoossible evidenceofficersshouldcordonoff
the crimesceneand then notewhat potentialphysical 6 1 T 2 1 3 F
evidence exists. Theyshoulilalsotry not to disturbthe 7 1 gettingugly 4 throwingbottles
scene, sothat thingsstayin the sameplaceaswhenthe 2 the gamestarted 5 we needsomething
c r im ehapp e n e d . 3 Therearemore 6 standingby
1 crimescene 3 establish 5 contamination 8 Suggested answer
2 survey 4 public B: Thingsaregettingugly,ma'am.Thereis an angrycrowd
3 1 C 3 8 5 D formingat the eastentrance.
2 E 4 A 6 F A: What?| thoughtwe closedthe eastentrance afterthe
1 Post 3 blood 5 evidence B: Wedid,ma'am,butthey'repushing throughourbarriers.
2 crimescene 4 footprints 6 document Therearemoreof themthanwe exoected.
Suggestedanswer A : Howisyoursquadresponding?
Somehairmighthavefallenfroma criminal's
headin a crime B : We senta mountedunit overthere,but it's not doing
scene. muchgood.Thefansarethrowingbottlesat the officers.
A : Well,it soundslikewe needsomething moreserious. ls
1 D 2 C the truckwith the watercannonready?
1 tracesof blood 4 you'dbetterdo B : Yes,it'sstandingby for yourorder,ma'am.
2 breaking in 5 cigarettebutts Good.Makesureyourmountedofficers areout of the
3 needyouto 6 postsomeoneout front way,andthensendthe truckout there.
B . Yes,ma'am.Ourback-up unitisalsoreadywith tear-gas,
Suggested answer if needed.
B: lt appears the suspect stolethe computer. A : I hopeit won't cometo that.Let'stry the watercannon
A. Anyevidence? first.Reportbackto me in ten minutes, Officer.
B: Therearetracesof bloodon the couch.Hemavhavecut
br e a k i nign .
him s elf 9 Suggestedanswer
A: ShouldI tag it for the pathologist? Thecrowdsat sportseventssometimes get violentso we
B: Yes.But firstI needyouto cordonoff the backporch. needto be prepared.All officerswill be equippedwith a riot
A : W illdo. shieldanda helmet.In the eventof violence we will usethe
B: Andyou'dbetterdo the walkwayaswell.Thosecigarette watercannonto disperse the crowd.As a backup allofficers
butts maybe from our suspect. gasmasksin casewe needto fireteargas.
will be assigned
A: Okay.
B: Andwhenthe othersaniw, postsomeoneout front.The Unit 8
mediawrll be heresoon. 1 Suggested answers
Suggestedanswer 1 Drivingtoo fastincreases the riskof havinga crashasit
Crinre:Houseburglary takesmuchlongerto stopa vehicle. Thedriver,andany
Evidence:Bloodon couch;cigarettebutts or AZ (r',?'r passengers, arein dangerif theycrashat highspeed,as
How evidencewas protected:cordonw6 erecteoarq,nd wellasoccupants of othercarsandespecially pedestrians.
backpordr and walkway 2 In mycountrywhensuspects tryto escapetheyarechased
by policein cars.lf it is a longand high-speed chasethe
policealsousehelicopters to makesurethat the suspects
Unit 7
cannotescape byoutrunning thepolicecarsor abandoning
1 Suggestedansvves theirvehideandtryrngto hidesomewhere.
1 A largecrowdcanbecomeviolentat spoftsel€rls ,t.€r
rivalfansclashbeforeand after games.Derrprrratss 1 slowly 3 likely 5 non-violent
canalsotum violentas protesters anger,and ss:ere 2 acooert 4 assess 6 risk
theirtreatmentby the police,leadsthemto tt r- 'dro6 l 3 G 5 C 7 H
theymightnot normally do. = 4 E 6 A 8 B
2 Policecontrolcrowdsin my countryusinga vaneft o;
methods.The presenceof a largenumberof oFcers apprehended 4 risk
might usuallybe enoughto maintainorder.But : 2 *Jaton 5 calloff
violenceisexpectedthen policewill be equippedwith rpt

rev 23
Book3 AnswerKey
Suggested answer
officershaveto apprehend
thesedays. A: Letme explainto youwhy you,rebeingarrested.
1 T 2 F 3 T B: l'm listening.
1 l'm following A: You'reunderarrestfor breakinginto a hotelroom.
4 he spottedme B . I di dn' tbreaki n.l ' m stayi ng
2 licenseplatenumber 5 heading ati he hot el.
west A. several guests witnessed youbreaking
3 That'sdefinitely 6 apprehend a windowto- get
'-- in.
B: They're lying.Thatwindowwasalreidybroken.
Suggestedanswer A: A guestalsoreportedseveralthingsmissingfrom his
A. Dispatch, thisis 2772.I think[m foilowinga storencar room.
on Ro u te1 4 We s t.Wa s n ,tth e rea b l ui S U V w i th a Y.oucan'tprovethat I took anything.
We'llsee.Anotherofficeris on hisfuayto searchyou. lf
^ brokentaillightreportedmissing thisafternoonzover.
B: Affirmative ,2772.Didyougetthe ricense ptatenumoeru hefindsthoseitems,we,llalsochargeyouwith theft.So
Over. at thispoint,I adviseyoujust to cooperate and put youi
Affirmative. lt'sJAB-199. Over. handsbehi ndyourback.I don' tw ant t o add r esiit ino
That'sdefinitely the car.Canyouapprehend thesuspect? arrestto yourcharges.
Over. Suggested answer
A: l'm attemptingpursuit,-but I thinkhe spottedme. He,s Thesuspect wasarrested for burgrary.
Hewasfoundto have
speeding up.Over.
a numberof itemsstorenfromI hoterguest.Thesusplct
g junction,heading claimed that he wasstayingat the hoteland had not done
ljustpassed the Interstate west.He,s
goingfasternow.We'reapproachin anythingwrong.I informedhim that anotherofficerwas
g 120miiesperttoui comingto searchhimandthat he shouldnot resistr*ri-
You're headingtowardsthe high school.Can you
apprehend him beforeyou get theie?Over. Unit 10
I don' tt h i n ks o . 1 Suggested answers
Suggestedanswer 1 when criminars are arrestedthey are processed in a
How the carwas identified:An officeron patrolspottedthe detentioncenter.
Theymustgivetheirpersonal information
carandconfirmed with dispatch and their personaritems are confiscated. They are
that it wasstoten
Speeds: Thespeedwascloseto 120milesperhour fingerprinted
and havetheirphotograprrs titen asweil
Reasonfor endingchase:Suspect asbeinghealthscreened.
wasapproaching a hiqn
scnoor.Lhasewasendednot to put children Theconditionsof bailaredetermined by the authorities
in dangerfro"m who judge how likelysomeoneis to run away.lt also
a highspeedchase.
dependson how serious the crimeis and whetherthe
personalreadyhasa criminalrecord.
Unit 9
1 2 1 D 2 8 3 C
3 1 G 3 C 5 A 7 E
2 F 4 D 6 B
1 confiscated 4 own recognizance
2 booking 5 B ai l
3 appear 6 al l eged
Duringbookingalra persons
6 1 F 2 T 3 T
7 M,Vemergencv cof--€cr 5 Theytook my wallet
2 1 T 2 T 3 F I
2 what'sherrehtror- 6 got on you
3 1 C 3 8 5 4 7 F 3 my mother j casf,in my pocket
2 . E 4 D 6 G 4 personal
prope!, 3r.,q- g l,ll needto confiicate
1 frisked 4 handcuffed 6 advised Suggestedansrer
2 resisted 5 juvenile 7 cause B: l'll alsoneedar easg..cy cmtact with a phonenumber.
3 mentallyill A: My-emergerrq .-r:aci sJuneLansig.
5 Suggested answer is721-34tr'4176
officersareallowedto search B : And what's.€' rea:on to you?
someone whentheyhaveoeen A : She'smywfe.
arrested.An officermayalsofriska suspector ih.v believe
that theyarein danger. B : All righ_t.
l,lovy.& yal haveanyother personatproperty
on you?
6 1 8 2 C A:
7 1 underarrest 5 searchyou
2 B:
breakin 6 | adviseyou
3 They're A:
lying 7 resistingarrest
4 We'llsee B:
Oh,so ,*,n.'.egotngto takeall my money,too? That,s
24 nn*er Key
'r i-
Book3 AnswerKey
B: There'sno needto get upset.I guarantee
that youwill Unit 12
get allof youritemsbackwhenyourbailis granted. 1 Suggestedanswers
9 Suggested answer 1 Theuseand di stri buti on of i l l egaldrugsin m y count r y
Emergency contact:JaneLansig.721-344-4176 carriesheavypenalties.
Evenpossession of smallamounts
Relationto arrestee:Wife of drugsfor personalusecanresultin a criminalrecord
Personalitems:Seventeen two dollarsin cash andjailtime.TheU.S.hasalmostthe largestproportion
of itscitizens injail,andmanyof those
are thereon drug relatedcharges. Despiteveryheavy
Unit 11 penalties, druguseisstillextremely common.
Suggested answers 2 Therearea numberof signsthat showthat a personis
1 The mostvulnerable placesto actsof terrorismin my underthe i nfl uenceof drugs.D ruguser s'behavior is
countryare the sameas in mostcountries. Places like often differentto their normalbehavior:they may

airportsand train and subwaystations,as well as the
actualmeansof transport,arethe mostvulnerable
2 Airportshavea wide rangeof procedures
in placeto
becomeverylivelyandexcitable or nervous.Alternatively
they may becomeveryquiet and not wish to talk to
people.Theyoften loseinterestin the thingstheyonce
Any baggageleft unattendedmaybe caredaboutanddevelop unusual sleeping patterns.
destroyed,andallpassengers beforetheypass
the securitycheckpoint. passing
Thisinvolves througha
2 1 F 2 T 3 F
metaldetectorand havingtheirluggagex-rayed to make 3 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 C
surethat no dangerous
4 1 automaticsentence 4 i l l i ci t
2 1 F 2 F 3 T 2 cocaine 5 ptpe
3 simplepossession 6 mar|Juana
3 1 8 3 D 5 G 7 H
2 A 4 F 6 E 8 C Suggestedanswers
1 A attack B bomb Mr.Randolph a pipeusedto takeillicitdrugs.
2 A potential B carry-on 1 T 2 F 3 T
3 A metaldetector B advanced imaging
1 threegramsof marijuana5 pipein my pocket
Suggestedanswer 2 willfullypossess 6 Handit over
Passengers shouldnot talk aboutbombsor attacksfor fun 3 I knowthat 7 holdingon to it
asthiswill leadto theirarrest. 4 on yourperson
1 D 2 A Suggested answer
1 in moretroublethan 4 H a n go n A: Ma'am,please removeallthe contentsof yourpockets.
2 that'sall it was 5 lmadeajoke B : Fi ne. Thi si sal ll ' vegot,
3 be arrested and 6 l'm tryingto tell A: Lookslikeaboutfivegramsof heroine.
prosecuted 7 calla lawyer B : l t' snot mi ne.
A. lt'sillegalto willfullypossess heroinein thiscountry.
Suggestedanswer B: YesI knowthat. Butit'snot mine.
A. Youwerepulledout of linebecause of what is in your A: Do you haveanythingelseon yourpersonthat I should
bag,and because of what you said. knowabout?
B : O h,what ,th e j o k eI ma d e ?A l l I s a i dw a s ,"Y eah,l ' m B : Uh,l'vegot a pipein my pocket.
goingto blow up the plane."Everyone knewI wasn't A: Handit over.
senous. B : Okay.Butthat'snot mineeither.I wasjustholdingon to
A: Listenup. You'rein moretroublethan you realize. To it for a friend.
beginwith,youattempted to bringseveral knives ontoa A: lt's not about whetheror not they'reyours.You're
planein yourcarry-on bag. willfullypossessing them.
B: Okay,that wasjust a mistake. I rneantto packthem in B: Soit doesn'tevenmatterif the drugsaremine?
my luggage andcheckit. Buttlat's all it was,a mistake. A: Sir,you'rebestoff keepingquiet at this point.You're
A. Doesn'tmatter.YoL :''ec :c cass\teaoonsthrough underarrestfor simplepossession.
sEcurityand made a ter,ronfi:ea: Ano you'll be
arrestedand prosecutedfor rt.
B: Hangon a second.Thisis ridicuiq.s tc^': nake a A touristwasarrestedtoday.Hewasreportedto be behaving
t h r e a tl.m a d e a j o k e . strangelyby a shop-owner who wasafraidthe touristmight
A: That'swhat l'm tryingto tell you. The'e s -c cK.9 robhim.Hewasfoundto bein possession of a smallamount
aboutthis.Everypotentialthreatistreatececi i of heroineas well as a pipeand a bag containing cocaine
B: Look,lwant to calla lawyer.Now. residue.

Unit 13
A passenger tned to bringseveralkniveso'rtc a oa€ - a
carry-onbag.Healsomadea terroristthreat.\!}e. :Jc r€ 1 Suggestedarslrers
passenger he was in troublehe saidthat he ^ff =r€c :€ 1 -^€ 3#bution of illegaldrugsis extremely commonin
*-. counuy.Probably the majorityof youngpeoplehave
knivesin hisluggageby mistakeandthat the tl'''e: Aas-o(: ', t :red illegaldrugs,whichshowshow easytheyareto
I explained to makejo<esm;
that it is not possible :s
because we musttreatall potentialthreatseQua'V c-y. Largeamountsof drugsareoftenseizedbythe police,
lrfrlctragarnshowshow commontheirdistribution is.

r"v 25
Book3 AnswerKey
2 signalsthata personintends to selldrugsratherthanuse 3 1 E 3 D 5 8
them personailyincrude the amounts6f drugstheyare 2 A 4 F 6 C
foundwith, and scares and packaging that a"reusedto
measureout amountsand then wrap the drugsfor 1 embassy 3 ATM 5 creditcard
distribution. 2 laptop 4 travelpouch 6 passport
2 1 T 2 F 3 F 5 Suggested answers
3 1 H lf you believe
youridentityhasbeenstolenyoushouldgo to
3 E 5 D 7 8 yourembassy for help.
2 C 4 A 6 G 8 F
6 1 F 2 F 3 F
1 Methamphetamine 4 Heroine
2 intentto distribute 5 Scales t hotelroom 4 traveler'schecks
3 package 6 dealer 2 travelpouch 5 identitytheft
5 Suggestedanswer 3 debitcard 6 if I wereyou
whichmeanshe isawareof 8 Suggested answer
the charges
he isfacing. A: Howaboutyou.give mea listof theitemsthataremissing
6 1 8 ^ . fromyourhotelroom.
2 8
B : Everythjngthat wasin mytravelpouchisgone.Sothat,s
1 lyingaround 4 the chargesstick mywallet,passport andcellphone.
2 Notto mention 5 by the book A : Didyouhaveanycardsin yourwallet?
3 | don'tknowwhat is 6 don'tseeanyreason B : My debitcardandcreditcards.
8 Suggested A : Anythingelse?
B : Let'ssee.Therewasonehundred dollarsin cash.Oh and
A: Okay.Well,considering all thesethingsthat are gone,
you needto worryaboutidentitytheft.
B: That'sreallybad,isn,tit?
A: We havewaysof dearing with it. rf I wereyou,r'dcontact
yourbankand creditcardcompanies toiet them know
A: Anddon'tforgglthe.money we found.lf that isn,tproof what happened.
drugs,I don,tknowwhatis.Shesaid
herjob wasa phonesaleswoman. Theyjust don,tmake 9 Suggested answer
that muchcash. Itemsstolen:wailet,passport,
Concerns: Vlctimmayalsofaceidentitytheft
Recommendations: victimshouldcohtacttheir bankand

9 Suggestedanswer Unit 15
1 Suggested

Unit 14
1 Suggested answers
1 Policeofficerscannotdo-a greatdealto addressidentity 2 1 F 2 F 3 :
theft. Most of their effortsare focusedon educating 1 E 3 C 5 D
peopleon how to avoidbecoming a victimof it. rdentit! tr tr
2 B 4 A
theftiscommonwhenpeopre go tiaveringandincreasingly
on the Internettoo. 1 A manslaugh= B morgue
2 A homicide B corpse
5 A stabil,.o--C B autopsy
5 Suggestedanswer
The policeare ''E: r-'e hor,vthe man died,but notedthat
the man had bee- s:abbedseverar timesand brudfeoned
with sometype c5br--t object

1 T 1 4 2 C
2 F 3 F

25 nnr*erKey
Book3 AnswerKey
1 what'sour motive 4 goneverywrong
2 she'dseenanything 5 W crewsarehere
3 earlier getsleaked
6 noinformation
A: Dowe havean lD on thisguyyet?
B: We do. Hewasa tourist.OfficerManningison the way
to talkto hisfamilyat theirhotel.
A: Sowhat'sour motive?Wasit just a barfight?
B: I askeda server if he'dseenanything.Hesaidhesawhim
arguingwith anotherguyearlier thisevening.
A: lt doesn'tlook like a robbery.They didn't take his
cellphone or hiswallet.
B: No, I think it wasjust an argumentgoneverywrong.
Wouldyou mindcallingthe coroner's officeagain?They
shouldbe herealreadv.
A: No problem.lt lookslikethe TV crewsare here.Do you
want me to tell themto leave?
B: No,thanks.l'll do it. I want themto keepawayso that
no information getsleaked.
Causeofdeath: Notyet known

x"v 27
Unit 1
officer 1 (w): 5o which constabledo you
Ihink deseryesto be
promotedto serqeant?
officer2 (!t)' t thinkihatconstabreHenryisthe bestchoice,
Officer1: Really? Whyisthat?
officer2: Weil,he'sbeenwith the department
for threeyearsand
he has,astrongendorsement rromtrlf ,rf.r"u,ror.
officer 1: Thatistrue.However,r'mnot rrr. i. h., the necessary

iT,:'J'',.fl iJo"fl
:,:::l] Unit 4
Officer(W):Canyoutellme what happened,
Tourist(M):I wasstanding

whenon assignmenrs.J
ii,til Tff::ili,.lx.fi
J!;n'. i n the bathroom.
heretarkinf;; th. [non.. Mywifewas
Officer:Whereisyourwife now,sir?
Officer2: No one canargue'*itn tnri. Tourist;she neededto sit downand get
officer 1: second,he'sb-een a drink.she,lrbe backin
with the departmentfor fiveyears.rt a mlnute.
seemsit'sabouttimefor himto rise'upir.'. Officer:Go on.
officer 2: What do you think aboutConstable yates,our final Tourist:My wifere,ft,her backpack by thewar. I sawthe guyrooking
candidate? at i t. H edi dn,tknowI w asw ai chi nghi m.
Officer1: Sheisalsoan excellent choice. Officer:Didhetry to takethe backpacf
officer 2: My concernwith her rsthat streisjust ?
- new. Tourist:yes,helried.But I ranup ind took
Officer1: Right.Soit,sConstable it awayfromhim.He
Wilsonthen. wassurprrsed.
Officer2: Asreed. Officer:Whatdid the suspect do then?
Tourist:Heranoff that way,throughthe
Unit 2 officer:Didyouseewhat he rooke'd rikezwhaiwas hewearing?
Tourist:Hewasabout5'6". He rraooart
officer 1 (w): Thecommissioner wantsusto move r.'.ii'. prr.=comptexio
- a dozenofficers anda mustache. Hewaswearinga greenraincoat.
^ --. froT .spgcial Operations to FieldOp.rriionr. " officer:rt sounds rikethe guy
Officer2 (M):What,sthe reason? - *.;rit pickedup.couldyouidentifir
hi mi f yousawhi m?
of f ic er 1: He w a n tsa m o rev i s i b re
p o ri c ep re sence i n the ci ty,s Tourist:probably.
officer:We',regoingto askyou to do so.
officer2: So,hethinkswe needmore_officers way to stayarert.we,rl
officer1:That'show r understand it. Rightno* *. onryhavefo..r. -_ P Y tJhi guy
s aw ayw i thyourhel p
tounst:t' rankyouoffi cer. l ,mgl adI canhel p .
patrolcarsfor eachzone.

Unit 5
to the recentincrease
in property
'r.,.'o officer(M):CanI seeyourlicense andregistrationMa,am?
;J'r',:* i ft:ff f perrycrimes !r-1ver(W):Sure.Hereyou go.
Officer:All right.Ooyol tn6w why I pulledyou
officer2: Butthat onryreaves over;tonight,Mrs.
twentyof usin speciar Coleman?
officer r: Right,so we haveto think i.r.riivl6outoperations.
who we rsI speedi ng?
re speedlimit.Butyou rana red
officer2: I hopeyouaren'tthinkingaboutcutting
the'WATteam. e Street.
officer 1: Not a chance.we,d be i-ilffilil;;;'#;"r,
terrorism noticeit.
or nostage situation. ti ngthe smellof alcohol
on vour
officer2: so the cutswiil haveto comefrom
K-9andthe Bomb
officer 1: Exactry.
l: f:::% Butrmnoto..,nr.r
we', transfersixofficersfrom each.
Officer2: Thatshouldwork. :c-3.i,-..l::: .;;:ltlirfi':',,.,1X
Unit 3 D ri ver:Y oucan' tsee.:--. = - -, ....., i nout
a war r ant .
Offi cer:W henyo- j -: .: = tt; ,.,ecan.That , sgr oundsf or
officer (M): Ma'am,stateyour fuil name
as it appearson your ---
license. anao

On,..."r;J?f.n.u. been chargedwith drunken
and disorderly . . , p f. o f d r i n k s .
r now. okay,oka.. :: : -, -.:;l.",tJ[t"1tl 0..,
chanceto do that one oncewe

Unit 6
my rightsl
time O f f i c e1r ( M ) :\ A , 3 , = : : : : - : : ^ e rf o r c eedn t r y
b u r g l a rAyr.ey o u
i:J:iiliJ[H.l, ready?
whentheofficers Officer 2 (W): Hc.',:=- :l
ro escortyouto thehordinq'11,,1o,,.. arrive O f f i c e1r: W e l l , : - : : _ : : + : : : . o ki net h r o u g h
I can'twaituntirthenlsojustretmego now t h ef r o n tL. o o kt ,h e
oKav? d o o irsb r o < : -i = - = = sa s t i m e .
28 nnr*erKey
Officer2: I see.Doyouthinkit'sthe samesuspect? Unit 9
Offi ce r1 : Couldbe.T he rea ree v e nth e s a m em a rk i n gosf pai nt Officer(M): Putyourhandsbehindyourback,miss.You'reunder
fromthe pry bar. arrest.
Officer2: Anywitnesses? S uspect(F):B utI di dn' tdo anythi ng.
Offi ce r1 : No.I s pok ewit h th e re s l d e notn th e p h o n eH
. e ' son hi s Officer:Letme explain to youwhyyou'rebeingarrested.
w a y.B utt he neighb o rs a re n ' th o m e . S uspect:l ' m l i steni ng.
Officer2: Whatdidyoufindinside? Officer:You'reunderarrestfor breaking intoa hotelroom.
Officer1: lt appears the suspect stolethe television. S uspect: at the hotel .
I di dn' tbreaki n.l ' m stayi ng
Officer2: Anyevidence? Officer:Several guestswitnessed youbreaking a windowto get in.
Officer1:Therearetracesof bloodon the couch.Hemayhavecut Suspect: They'relying,Thatwindowwasalready broken'
h i m s elf
br eak ingin. Officer:A guestalsoreported severalthings missing fromherroom.
Officer2: ShouldI tag it for the pathologist? Suspect: Youcan'tprovethat I took anything.
Officer1:Yes.Butfirstlneedyouto cordonoff the frontporch. Officer:We'llsee.Anotherofficeris on herway to search you.lf
Officer2: Willdo. shefindsthoseitems,we'llalsochargeyouwith theft.Soat
Officer1:Andyou'dbetterdo thewalkwayaswell.Thosecigarette thispolnt,I advise youto just cooperate and put yourhands
buttsmaybe fromour susPect. behindyourback.I don'twant to addresisting arrestto your
Officer2: Okay. charges.
Officer1:Andwhentheothersarrive, postsomeone out front'The Suspect: Yes,sir.WillI go to jail?
me diawill be her es o o n . Officer:I don't knowwhatyoursentence will be.I justknowthat
Officer2: Got it. you' reunderarrest,and your parents w i l l meetyou at t he
Unit 7
Captain(M):What'shappening out there,OfficerKnowles? Unit 10
Officer(W):Thingsare gettingu9ly,sir.There'san angrycrowd Clerk(F):Hello,sir.I seethat you werearrested for breaking and
formingat the westentrance. entering. lsthat correct?
Captain:What?| thoughtwe closedthe westentrance afterthe Arrestee(M):Yeah,that'sit.
gamestarted. Clerk:MayI please haveyourfull nameanddateof birth?
Offic-er:We did,sir,butthey'repushing throughourbarriers. There A rrestee: P aulTheodore January
R obi nson. 5, 1988.
aremoreof themthanwe expected. Clerk:All right.Doyouhavea driver's license?
Howisy ours qu a dre s p o n d i n g ?
Ca p ta i n: Arrestee: Yeah.lt's in mywallet,but the coptook it.
Offi ce r:W e s enta m ou n te du n i t o v e rth e re ,b u t i t' s n o t doi ng Clerk:Yourarresting officergaveusyourpersonal items,so I have
muchgood.Thefansarethrowingbottlesat the officers' yourwalletrighthere.lsthe address on thislicensecurrent?
Captain:Well,it soundslikewe needsomething moreseriousls Arrestee:I thinkso.Doesit say485 ElmStreet?
the truckwith the watercannonready? Clerk:Yes.NoWl'll alsoneedan emergency contactwith a phone
Officer:Yes,it'sstanding by for yourorder,sir. numoer.
ca p ta in:G ood.M ak es u rey o u rm o u n te do ffi c e rs a reo u t of the A rrestee:My emergency contacti s Li ndaR obrnson. H e rphone
way,andthensendthe truckout there. numberi s483-555-2951 .
Officer:Yes,sir.Our back-upunit is alsoreadywith tear-gas, if Clerk:Andwhat'sherrelation to you?
n e eded. Arrestee: She'smy mother.
Captain:I hopeit won't cometo that. Let'stry_ the watercannon Clerk:All right.Now,do you haveanyotherpersonal propertyon
first.Reportbackto me in ten minutes, officer' you?
Arrestee:Not much.Theytook mywalletandcigarettes and keys
Unit 8 awayfrom me whenI got arrested.
a stolencar Clerk:Whatelsehaveyougot on you?
Officer(M):Dispatch, thisis2402.I thinkl'm following
Arrestee:Uh,l'vegot somecashin my pocket.
on Route21 West.Wasn'ttherea greensedanwith a broken that
m is s i nth
g i sa fte rn o o r? Ov e r. Clerk:l'll needto confiscate
ta i llight r epor t ed
2402.Did yot get tFe licenseplate Arrestee:Oh, so you'regoingto takeall my money,too? That's
Dispatch(W): Affirmative,
number? Over. JUstgreat.
Clerk:There's no needto get upset.I guarantee that youwill get
Officer:Affirmai:ve. lt's ELB-297. Over.
thecar.Canyouapprene^l s:soect?
--^e allof youritemsbackwhenyourbailisgranted.
Dispatch: That3definitely
-: t-l e' s U ni t 11
Offi ce r I: ' m alt er npt inpgu rs u i t,b u t I th i n kh e s p c ::::
speeding - P O v er Officer(W):Sit canyouconfirmfor me that thisyourbag?
Tourist(M):Yeah,it's mine.What'sgoingon here,anyway? Why
di dI get pul l edout of l i ne?
Officer:Youwerepulledout of linebecause of whatisin yourbag,
andbecause of w hatyousai d.
Tourist:Oh,what,thejokeI made?AllI saidwas,"Yeah,l'm going
to takeover:nepl ane."E veryone knewI w asn' serious'
Dispatch: Endthe caase,2402.We can'thavea hig'-sc-: :-'--: Officer:Lrs:e^-c. You'rein moretroublethanyourealize. Tobegin
p u t t i n gk i d sa : ' s < . M a y b eh e ' l sl l o wd o w ni f r e s - s ' : - ' : .' ,:i i o- ai temptedto bri ngseveral onto a planein
kni ves
n o tb e h i n d h i m .C r e r ; a - ' a a " , o nb a g .
Officer:Roger, Dispatc'r. Discontinuing pursuitimmeca:e-. Tourist:3<a-,, :rat wasjusta mistake.I meantto packthemin my
-3:aceandchecki t. B utthat' sal ll t w as,a mi stake.

x"v 29
officer:Doesn'tmatter.youtriedto pass.weapons throughsecurity Tourist:Everything that wasin my travelpouchis gone.so that,s
and m adea te rro ri sth
t re a t.An d y o u ' l l b e arrestedand mywalletand passport.
prosecuted for it. Officer:Didyouhaveanycardsin yourwallet?
Tourist:Hangon a second. Thisisridiculous. I didn,tmakea threat. Tourist:My debitcardandcreditcards.
I m adea jo k e . Officer:Anythingelse?
officer:That'swhat l'm.trying to tellyou.Thereis nojokingabout Tourist:Let'ssee.Therewassomecash,but not much.oh andmv
this.Everypotential threatistreatedequally. traveler's
Tourist:Look,I want to calla lawyer.Now. officer:9k.y. well,considering all of thesethingsaregone,you
Officer:That'sa goodidea.We,llget a phone. needto worryaboutidentiUtheft.
Unit 12 officer:we havewaysof dealingwith it. lf I wereyou,l,dcontact
Police(F):sir,please removeallthe contents yourbankandcreditcardcompanies to let them knowwhat
of yourpockets.
Tourist(M):Fine.Thisisall l,veqor. happened.
Police:Lookslikeaboutthreegiamsof marijuana. Tourist:Okay.And what aboutmy passport?
Tourist:lt'snot mine. officer:Go to the embassy firstthingtomorrowmorning.They,ll
Police:lt'sillegalto willfullypossess marijuana in thiscountry. be ableto getyoLra newpassport andherpsortthisout.
Tourist:Yes,I knowthat.Butit,snot mine.
P olic e:Do y ou h a v ea n y th i n ge rs eo n y o u rp e rs onthat I shoul d Unit 15
knowabout? Officer1 (W):Sothisisour victim?
Tourist:Uh,l'vegot a pipein my pocket. officer2 (M):Yeah.Male,forties.No quest[on
Police:Handit over. it'sa homicide.
Officer1: Dowe havea murderweapon?
Tourist:oliry Butthat'snot mineeither.I wasjustholdingon to it Officer2: No,not yet.
for a friend. officer1:Youknow fromthe looksof him,theremighthavebeen
Police:lt'snot aboutwhetheror not they'reyours.you,rewillfully two murderweapons.Maybeeventwo attackeis.
possessing them. Officer2: Whydo you saythat?
Tourist:Soit doesn'tevenmatterif the druqsaremine? officer1:well,it lookslikethereareseveral
Police:sir,you'rebestoff keeping stabwounds,but look
quietat tliispoint.you,reunder at thatw oundon hi shead.
arrestfor simplepossession. officer,2: oh, yeah,yoD'reight. )t )ookslke he wasbrudgeoned
Tourst:8u((hat'srrdrcu(ousl t ddn't do anything. w i thsomethi nq.
Police:Youhavethe right to remainsilent,Sir. Offlcer1: Do we halean tDon thisguyyet?
Tourist:I knowmy rights.Thisis harassment. officer2: we do. Hewasa tourist.oniier Davenport
Police:No, it's not. You were in possession ison tneway
of a controrred to tal kto hi sfami l yat thei rhotel .
substance. Turnaroundandput yourhandsbehlnovouroacK. Officer1: Sowhat'sour motive? Wasit justa barfight?
officer2: I askeoa serverif she'dseenanything.
-bar sh6saidshesaw
Unit 13
^ -_ himarguingwith anotherguyin the eJrlierthisevening.
Officer1 (M):Sowhat do youthinkaboutthe Barlowcase? officer 1: lt doesn'tlook like i robbery.Theydidn,t take his
officer 2 (W):Seems to me it's prettycut and dry.Justlookat the weddingringor hiswallet.
evidence. officer 2: No, I think it was just an argumentgoneverywrong.
officer 1: Yeah,but you knowFrankBarlow's goingto hiresome wouldyoumindcallingthe coroner;s officeagain?rheyshouid
defenseattorneyto get him clearedof the diug trafficking be herealready.
charges. officer 1: No problem.lt lookslikethe TVcrewsarehere.Do you
officer 2: well, all the physical evidence we foundat the house want me to tellthemto leaveT
says.he'sguilty.Innocent peopledon'tjusthaveten poundsof officer2: No,thanks.r'lldo it. I want to keepthemawayso that
m et ham ph e ta m li ynien ga ro u n dth e i rh o me s . no information qetsleaked.
officer1: Notto mentionthe drugresidue foundon the scales and
_ -_ packaging. Thoseareprettygoodsignsof intentto distribute.
officer2: Anddon'tforgetthe mbneywe found.lf that isn,tproof
that hewasselling drugs,I don'tknowwhatis.Hesaidl-ris iob
wasa carsalesman? Theyjustdon'tmakethat muchcash.
o f f ic erl: Y eah,lg u e s si t l o o k sri k eth e d i s tri cat tt orneyhasan
excellent chanceof makingthe charges stick.
officer2: we did everything by the bookand madesurewe got
the search warant beforegoingin. ljustdon'tseeanyreason
why hewon't be convicted.

Unit 14
Tourist(F):l'm so upset.I don'tknowwhatto do.
officer (M): callingthe policewas a goodstart.we'll helpyou
figureout how to handlethis,Mrs.Thompson.
Tourist:All right.WhatcanI do?
officer:Howabout.you givemea ristof the itemsthat aremissing

30 nnr*erKey
} {JJJJ$J{';J
( l) f\ f\ f

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. Completeglossary of termsand phrases

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T h ea u d i oC D sc o n ta i na rrre c o rded
P ol i ceare ratedfor the C orn' .no^ l -.:cea^
Bo o k s1 -3 o f C a re e rP o th sEngti sh:
at B 1,B 2 andC 1 respecttvet
F ra m e w o rko f R e fe re n cfoe r L a n guages

I S B N 9 7 8 - 0- 8 5 7 7 7 ' 8 72 - 7


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