SSL (Dr. Soliman)
SSL (Dr. Soliman)
SSL (Dr. Soliman)
Faulty installation التثبيت الخاطىءis one of the most common SSL issues.
It can happen for a variety of reasons, such as incorrect server configuration
اعداداتor an outdated root certificate. شهادة الجذر التى عفى عليها
الزمنIn some cases, it can even be caused by malware on the server.
Whatever the cause, faulty installation can lead to serious security
SSL error?
An SSL certificate error occurs when a web browser can't verify the SSL
certificate installed on a site.
Rather than connect users to your website, the browser will display an error
message, warning users that the site may be insecure.
SSL attacks:
An SSL attack targets األهدافthe SSL handshake مصافحةprotocol either
by sending worthless data بيانات ال قيمة لهاto the SSL server which will
result in connection issues for legitimate شرعيusers or by abusing عن
طريق اإلساءةthe SSL handshake protocol itself.
SSL Protocols
Each message sent during a session is called a record.
SSL consists of two protocols:
o The record protocol,
o The handshake protocol.
The record protocol controls the flow of the data between the two endpoints
of an SSL session. جلسة
The handshake protocol authenticates one or both endpoints of the SSL
session and establishes a unique symmetric key used to generate keys to
encrypt and decrypt data for that SSL session.
Handshake Protocol is used to establish sessions.
Handshake Protocol allows the client and server to authenticate each other
by sending a series of messages to each other.
An example of SSL
One common example is when SSL is used to secure communication
between a web browser and a web server.
This turns a website's address from HTTP to HTTPS, the 'S' standing for
How SSL is working?
The web server sends the browser/server a copy of its SSL certificate. The
browser/server checks to see whether or not it trusts the SSL certificate.
If so, it sends a message to the web server.
The web server sends back a digitally signed acknowledgement to start an
SSL encrypted session. جلسة مشفرة
SSL Certificates:
An SSL certificate is a bit of code on your web server that provides security
for online communications.
When a web browser contacts your secured website, the SSL certificate
enables an encrypted connection.
It's kind of like sealing a letter ختم خطابin an envelope before sending it
through the mail.
These digital certificates are data files used to cryptographically link رابط
التشفيرan entity كيانwith a public key. مفتاح عام
Web browsers use them to authenticate للمصادقةcontent sent from web
servers, ensuring trust in content delivered online.
SSL/TLS certificates and cryptographic keys are crucial مهمin ensuring
secure connections and safeguarding حمايةinformation during transmission.
However, even with robust قويsecurity measures.
Client certificates tend to تميل إلىbe used within private organizations to
authenticate requests to remote servers. الى الخوادم البعيدة
Whereas server certificates are more commonly known as TLS/SSL
certificates and are used to protect servers and web domains. مجاالت الويب
How to generate SSL certificate?
Steps to generate a key and CSR.Configure تكوينa certificate for
multiple domain names.ألسماء النطاقات المتعددة
1. Set the Open SSL configuration environment variable (optional)متغير
)بيءة التكوين (أختيارى
2. Generate a key.
3. Create a certificate signing request (CSR) to send to a certificate
4. Send the CSR to a certificate authority to obtain an SSL certificate.
CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is an encoded message that contains
public key and other relevant information such as a common name,أسم
شاءعlocality محليةand SAN (Storage Area Network) entries( ادخاالتif
[A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated high-speed network هى شبكة
مخصصة عالية السرعةor subnetwork that interconnects and presents shared
pools حمامات مشتركةof storage devices to multiple servers. The availability
and accessibility التوفر وامكانية الوصولof storage are critical concerns for
enterprise computing.] المخاوف الحاسمة لحوسبة المؤسسات.
The key difference between SSH (Secure Socket Shell) غالف المقبس اآلمن
vs. SSL is that:
o SSH is used for creating a secure tunnel نفقto another computer from
parties – it does not let you issue commands as you can with SSH.اليسمح
لك بأصدار األوامر كم يمكنك معSSH
CA (Certificate authority):
A certificate authority can help you prove that you own a digital entity انك
تمتلك كيانا رقمياlike a website or an email address.
This same organization can issue يمكن لهذة المنظمة نفسها ان
تصدرcryptographic keys used to protect information from hackers
المتسللينand other bad actors. الجهات الفاعلة السيئة
Some people use certificate authorities for human verification. للتحقق
They help secure the internet for both organizations and users.
The main goal of a CA is to verify the authenticity and trustworthiness
الجدارة بالثقةof a website, domain ِاخِتصاصand organization so users know
exactly who they're communicating with online and whether that entity can
be trusted with their data.
It is a trusted entity كيان موثوق بهthat issues SSL certificates. الذي يصدر
These digital certificates are data files used to cryptographically link رابط
التشفيرan entity كيانwith a public key. مفتاح عام
- Rigorous: صارم
- Ultimately: أخيرا
- Relies: تعتمد
- Credentials: أوراق اعتماد
- Identity: هوية
- Malware: البرمجيات الخبيثة
- Verify: يؤكد
- Targets: األهداف
- Issues: مشاكل
- Padlock: قفل
- Eavesdroppers: المتنصتون