MH Journaling Prompts

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+100 Journal


For Self-Discovery &

Emotional Awareness

Journaling Prompts for Self-Awareness

1. If you could talk to your younger self, you would say …

2. What is one of your strengths/weaknesses?

3. Where do you prefer to spend the most time? Why?

4. Where you wouldn’t like to spend your time? Why not?

5. What kind of people do you surround yourself with? Why do

you spend time with them?

6. Who are your role models and why do you admire them?

7. Over the last few weeks, when have you felt most motivated,

inspired, and in a state of absolute focus? What were you doing?

8. If you could be granted the power to change the world, what

would you do?

9. What horrible experiences would you like to protect others

from at all costs?

10. Who are you most grateful for in your life? Describe why.

11. What do you like or value about yourself?

12. What do you do to take care of yourself physically?

13. How do you take care of yourself emotionally?

14. When you’re in pain — physical or emotional — the kindest

thing you can do for yourself is…

15. When times get tough you want to remember that …

Journaling Prompts to Find Your Purpose

16. Are you satisfied at work? What can you do to change your

work life?

17. If you don’t see your work as meaningful to you, can you think

of a different type of work that would feel more meaningful?

18. What, if any, are your spiritual beliefs?

19. How do these beliefs impact the way you live your life?

20. Are you living a life that is compatible with your spirituality?

21. What changes can you make to your life to make it more

compatible with your spiritual beliefs?

22. What makes you the angriest about things in the world?

23. Which organizations or charities do you, or would you,


24. What mentors or public figures do you respect or admire?


25. Do you spend as much time helping others as you’d like?

26. How can you be more charitable with yourself?

27. Do you want to make changes based on these thoughts?

Journaling Prompts for Self-Growth

28. What does creativity mean to you? Do you have ways in

which you can express your creativity?

29. Are you satisfied with the place creativity has in your life? If

not, how can you change that?

30. What value do you place on life-long learning?

31. Are you taking advantage of opportunities that evolve?

32. What do you want to do differently now that you’ve thought

about learning?
Journaling Prompts for Mental Health

33. Which emotions were okay and which were not okay in your


34. Were vulnerable emotions (like sadness, fear, or loneliness)

expressed in your family? How were these kinds of emotions

responded to?

35. What are some of your beliefs about negative and positive

emotion now?

36. What messages did your parents or caregivers give you that

formed the roots of your identity and self-esteem?

37. What happened when you made mistakes as a child? Were

you encouraged to learn or were you treated as a failure?

38. What did people expect of you as a child? What happened

when you met those expectations?

39. What messages did you get from your culture or media about

Journaling Prompts for Mental Health

40. Are you particularly sensitive to certain comments from

certain people?

41. Do you consider yourself to be an assertive person?

42. In what situations do you find it difficult to say no, even when

you know you should?

43. How did your parents respond when you said no to them as a

child or teen?

44. What messages did you hear or learn from my early

experiences about saying no?

45. How do you feel when you want to say no but end up saying


46. How do you define boundaries? Try writing your own


47. What’s holding you back from setting boundaries?

48. How will setting boundaries improve your mental and

physical health?

49. How does it feel to acknowledge and accept that you can’t

make people do what you want— even when you set boundaries?

50. In what ways or situations do you silence your own opinions,

wants, or needs?
Journaling Prompts for Mindfulness

51. Which emotions have you experienced throughout the day?

52. How do you feel in your body right now?

53. What event triggered the emotion (be specific)?

54. Can you solve or lessen the problem? Is there any action to


55. If there is nothing you can do but the problem is time-limited,

how can you comfort or distract yourself?

56. When were you fully in the moment today?

57. If you let your thoughts wander, what memory comes to mind


58. What mundane daily ritual could you bring your full attention

to, staying completely in the moment?

Journaling Prompts for Self-Love

59. What do you usually do to fill your self-care cup?

60. How did you behave toward yourself when you were hurting?

Were you able to provide nurturing and validation to yourself?

61. What makes you feel safe physically when you are alone? With


62. What does your inner child most need to hear from you?

63. How can you be kinder to yourself?

64. What prevents you from loving yourself?

65. What do you need to feel at peace?

Journaling Prompts for Body-Image

66. How many times a day do you think about your appearance?

67. Do you like the way you look?

68. How important is appearance to you?

69. Is the appearance of your friends important to you?

70. Has your body image ever stopped you from doing something

you love or trying something new?

71. Have you ever heard anyone you admire say something

negative about their body?

72. What would you do if you didn’t think about your appearance?

73. What is one thing you can do today to challenge your

negative thoughts about your body image?

Journaling Prompts for Relationships

74. How do you show concern for the people you care about?
75. Do your close relationships help you or hurt you?
76. Are you doing anything to bring loved ones closer to you?
77. Do you see value in being close to your loved ones?
78. Are you comfortable reaching out to others with emotional
needs? Why or why not?
79. How communicating your emotional needs can impact your
80. What would it be like to reach out with an emotional need?
81. What experiences have you had with telling people what you
82. Do you believe the idea that people can function more
independently if they know their partner is accessible and
83. How do you and your partner emotionally support each other?
84. How can you make yourself more available to your partner?
85. How can you increase your empathy for your partner?
86. What feels risky about sharing your fears with your partner?
87. What reassurance do you need before you can start sharing
more with your partner?
88. How do you react when your relationship is threatened? And
how does your reaction impacts your partner?
89. How do you cope when your partner is upset?
90. What does your partner do that helps you feel safe?
Journaling Prompts for Finances

91. Do you have problems with overspending?

92. Are you saving for an emergency?

93. Do you have needs that aren’t being met financially?

94. Can you do something now or in the near future to help your

Bullet Journal

95. Books you want to read this year

96. Home repairs to make

97. Daily affirmations

98. List of family/friends’ birthdays

99. Movies you want to stream

100. Healthy snacks list

101. Apps you love or apps to try

102. Project ideas

103. Things to do in your own city

5 minute journaling
Mental Health Worksheets

Meet the Author

My name is Hadiah. I am a counselor, and the author behind
Ineffable Living blog – a mental health blog.

I wanted the worksheets to be both informative and engaging, so

I worked on creating clear and concise instructions, thought-
provoking prompts, and activities that would encourage self-

As I witnessed the positive impact these worksheets had on my

clients’ progress, I realized their potential to reach a broader

Whether you’re a therapist, a coach, or a counselor who is

looking for tools to help your clients or simply someone who is
seeking personal growth, coping strategies, or ways to enhance
your overall well-being, our worksheets are here to assist you.

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