Programme Guide_ MAWGSR (1)

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Programme Guide

Women’s and Gender Studies(MAWGSR)

School of Gender and Development Studies

Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi
NEW DELHI – 110 068
School of Gender and Development Studies
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi– 110 068

IGNOU is a NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY established by an Act of Parliament
in 1985 (Act No. 50 of 1985). IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognised
by all the member institutions of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are
at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities/Deemed

Revised Programme Guide printed and published on behalf of Indira Gandhi National
Open University, New Delhi, by School of Gender and Development studies, IGNOU.

Compilation : Prof. Nilima Srivastava

Editing & CRC Management : Prof. Nilima Srivastava

Mr. Rajiv Girdhar Mr. Hemant Pardia
Assistant Registrar Section Officer
MPDD, IGNOU, New Delhi MPDD, IGNOU, New Delhi
April, 2023
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2023
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means,without
permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information on Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the University'soffice
at Maidan Garhi. New Delhi-110 068 or visit University’s web site
Laser Typeset by : Tessa Media & Computers, C-206, A.F.E.-II, Okhla, New Delhi

1. About the University………………………………….…………………………… 5

2. About SOGDS…………………………………………………………………… 12

3. Master‟s in Women‟s and Gender Studies (Programme code: MAWGSR) ……..… 13

4. Information Regarding Assignments……………………………………………… 21

5. Information Regarding Examinations……………………………………………. 25

6. Other Useful Information ………………………………………………………… 29


I) Proforma for Approval of Research Project Proposal …………………….….. 32

II) Proforma Declaration for submission of Research Project………………………… 33

III) Guidelines for Preparation of Research Project ………………………………….. 34

IV) Proforma for Approval of Internship (Field Supervisor) ……………………… 37

V) Certificate of Completion of Internship Form ……………………………….. 38



Dear Learner,

You are welcome to the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). We compliment you for
joining MAWGSR (M.A. in Women‟s and Gender Studies), which is a unique programmeof its kind in
the country. The aim of this programme is to familiarize you with some important concepts, theories
and critical perspectives in the area of Women‟s and Gender Studies, and offer you the opportunity
to pursue your chosen specialization in this area.

I am sure you will make all sincere efforts to complete this programme and benefit from it. This
programme guide will be an important source of information regarding various aspects of the
programme like programme structure, evaluation process , registering for various courses, filling up
examination forms, non-receipt ofstudy material etc.

It is strongly recommend that you read this programme guide carefully. We hope you will enjoy
studying the course material.

Wishing you all the best,

Prof. Nilima Srivastava

Programme Coordinator
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 068

Email :

Established in 1985 by an Act of Parliament, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
provides access to higher education to a large number of students all over the country. The University
was set up to meet the following objectives:

 Democratising higher education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners

 Providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age,
region, religion and gender
 Offering need-based academic programmes by giving professional and vocational orientationto the
 Promoting and developing distance education in India
 Setting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country as an apex

IGNOU caters to those who:

 Have missed regular education

 Are working and cannot attend a conventional institution
 Live in remote areas and are looking for educational opportunities
 Want to utilise their free time purposefully
 Wish to upgrade their skills, competence and qualifications while working
 Want to enrich their creative and vocational interests

Features of the Open and Distance Education System currently practiced at IGNOU are:

 Equal opportunity of admission

 Learning at your own pace and place
 Flexibility in choosing courses
 Use of latest education and communication technology
 Self-instructional print and audio/video course materials
 Network of student support services throughout the country
 Modular approach to academic programmes
 International jurisdiction
 Cost effective programmes
 Socially and academically relevant programmes based on students‟ need analysis


 Emergence of IGNOU as the largest Open University in the World.

 Recognition as Centre of Excellence in Distance Education by the Commonwealth of
Learning (1993).

 Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1999).
 Launch of a series of 24 hour Educational Channels „Gyan Darshan‟. IGNOU is the nodal
agency for these channels and regular transmissions are done from the studio at EMPC,
 Student enrolment has reached around 3 million.
 UNESCO declared IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in2010.
 On spot delivery of study material to students.
 Largest network of learning support system.
 Declaration of Term-end result within 45 days.


With a view of developing interdisciplinary studies, the University operates through Schools of
Studies. Each School is headed by a Director who arranges to plan, supervise, develop and organize
its academic programmes and courses in coordination with the School faculty and the different
academic, administrative and service wings of the University. The emphasis is on providing a wide
choice of programmes and courses at different levels. The following Schools of Studies conduct
academic programmes in the University:

 School of Agriculture (SOA)

 School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS)
 School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
 School of Education (SOE)
 School of Engineering and Technology (SOET)
 School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
 School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)

 School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS)

 School of Health Sciences (SOHS)

 School of Humanities (SOH)
 School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)
 School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
 School of Law (SOL)
 School of Management Studies (SOMS)
 School of Sciences (SOS)
 School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
 School of Social Work (SOSW)
 School of Tourism and Hospitality Services Sectorial Management (SOTHSSM)

 School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
 School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)
 School of Performing and Visual Arts (SOPVA)

Academic Programme

The University offers both short-term and long-term programmes on distance, regular and even online mode,
leading to award of Certificates, Diplomas or Degrees, covering conventional as well as innovative
programmes. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such
studies. They are launched with a view to fulfill the student‟s needs for:

 certification
 improvement of skills
 acquisition of professional qualification
 continuing education and professional development at work place
 self-enrichment
 diversification of knowledge and
 empowerment

Course Preparation

Learning material is specially prepared by teams of experts drawn from different Universities and specialised
Institutions in the areas spread throughout the country as well as in-house faculty. The materials are scrutinised by
content experts, supervised by instructors/unit designers and edited by language experts at IGNOU. Similarly, audio and
video materials are produced in consultation with the course writers, in-house faculty and producers. The materials are
previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as experts, and edited/modified, wherever necessary, before they are
finally dispatched to the students , uploaded on e-gyankosh and IGNOU App, and Telecast through Swayam Prabha
channel and Gyan Darshan channel of Doordarshan.


The University follows a multi-media approach for instruction. The instructional package
comprises of:

 Self-instructional printed course material

 Assignments for feed-back and continuous assessment
 Audio and video material
 Face-to-face interaction with academic counsellors at study centres or through online platforms
 Project work
 Telecast of Video programmes on the National network of Doordarshan
 Broadcast of audio programmes by All India Radio ( Gyan Vani)
 Teleconferencing sessions
 Interactive Radio Counseling

 E mail and other web based interactions


IGNOU follows the Credit System for its academic programmes. Each credit amounts to 30 hours
of study comprising different learning activities, including assignments and listening/ watching
audios and videos. Thus, one eight credit course involves 240 hours of study. Knowing the number of
credits for each course helps you to get an idea about the academic effort required for successfully
completing a course.


In order to provide individualized support to its learners, the University has a large number of
Learner Support Centres, spread throughout the country. These Learner Support Centres are co-
ordinated by Regional Centres and Recognised Regional Centres. At the Learner Support Centres,
the learners interact with the Academic Counselors and other learners, refer to books in the Library,
watch/listen to video/audio programmes and interact with the Coordinator on administrative and
academic matters. The list of Regional Centres is given in the Common Prospectus that is available
on IGNOU website.

In case the number of students enrolled in a program is small, the University shall provide
Technology Enabled Learner Support (TELS) through Gyan Darshan / Gyan Vani / Swayam
Prabha/ Web based support (WEAS)

Programme Delivery

The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional
Universities. The Open University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active
participant in the pedagogical (teaching and learning) process. Most of the instructions are imparted
through distance education methodology and face-to-face mode as per the requirement.

The university follows a multimedia approach for instruction, which comprises:

a) Self-Instructional Written Material: The printed study material (written in self-instructional

style) for both theory and practical components of the programme is supplied to the students in
batches of blocks for every course (on an average of 4-6 blocks per course).

b) Audio-Visual Material Aids: Audio-video programmes for MAWGSR are telecasted by the
university. All Gyan Vani stations are broadcasting curriculum based audio programmes. In
addition, some selected stations of All India Radio are broadcasting the audio programmes.
Learners can confirm the dates for the programmes from the respective Regional Centres/
Learner Support Centres. The information is also provided through the university website
under Student Section II, on the main web page of IGNOU Website ( See right corner at the
bottom of the page) .

c) Counseling Sessions: Normally counseling sessions are held as per a schedule drawn
beforehand by the Regional Centre/Learner Support Centres. For MAWGSR, counseling will
mostly be through online mode in collaboration with the Nodal RC for a particular admission
cycle. Nodal RC may change with the change of admission cycle.

d) Teleconferencing and Interactive Radio Counselling Lectures: Live teleconferencing and
interactive radio counseling lectures/sessions are conducted via satellite from the University
studios at EMPC, on Gyan Darshan and Gyan Vani the schedule of which is available at the
respective Regional Centres/ Learner Support Centres and IGNOU website.

e) Online Forum: This programme has an online forum for the registered learners. This forum is
the platform for all learners across the country to interact with the programme team of
MAWGSR for academic purposes only.

1.12 Regional Centres/ Learner Support Centres

To provide academic support to the learners, the University has established a large number of
Regional Centres/ Learner Support Centres throughout the country. The learner can avail the
following facilities at these centres:

 Counseling Sessions
 Library Facilities
 Audio-video Progarmmes
 Discuss administrative and academic matters with the co-ordinator
 Seeking information and time table of counseling sessions of this programme

1.13 IGNOU website

At website: the following useful information is available. Other than this
you might find the following links useful:

 Latest
 Student Account
 Admission Information
 Grade Card Status
 Result
 IGNOU on Facebook
 IGNOU on Twitter
 Student Grievance Portal
 Study Material Status
 Regional centres websites
 Common Prospectus /
 E-study Material (MAWGSR)
 Download ID card

 Revised fee for change of Programme/Medium/Elective/ Credit transfer and other
 Migration Certificate Form and Details
 Credit Transfer Scheme Credit
transfer scheme
 Assignments Download
 Apply Fresh Admission

Also, you find Frequently Useful Links at

1.14 e-Gyankosh
IGNOU e-GyanKosh (  one of the world‟s largest repositories of
educational resources in higher education  is available for the learners and teachers, and public at
large for free. The eGyanKosh houses the self-learning material of around 2565 courses and over
2389 video programmes of IGNOU. The resources available on the eGyanKosh can be accessed
through Login ID and Password which need to be created by the user at the initial login. The
IGNOU learners are encouraged to make use of these resources for their learning. The MAWGSR

e-material IS available in

1.15 Web Enabled Academic Support (WEAS)

To provide technology based academic support to the learners of the distance mode programmes,
IGNOU has initiated a scheme of Web Enabled Academic Support (WEAS) for various ODL
programmes of IGNOU. WEAS is a Single Window Platform providing various kinds of academic
support including the study material, audio-video, quiz, discussion forum, calendar of activities,
web-based video counselling, links of various web-based resources to the distance learners by using
simple and easily available ICT tools. The students enrolled in programmes being offered through
WEAS are given access to their programme specific portal in which they are provided with course
material in digital format, video and learning resources. The portal enables online peer-to-peer
interaction and discussion, it also gives an opportunity to the students to learn online and interact
virtually with teachers and experts. To access WEAS click the link - weas

1.16 IGNOU e-Content Mobile App

IGNOU-e-Content Mobile App is an official mobile app of Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU), New Delhi. This app is an ICT initiative of IGNOU to provide Digital Learning
Environment to IGNOU learners and extending Technology Enhanced Learner Support Services to
them. The aim of this initiative is to disseminate the digitised course material to IGNOU Learners.
IGNOU learners cause this app to access their course material through their hand held devices such
as Mobile Phones and Tablets.

1.17 Vidya Lakshmi Portal
Vidya Lakshmi Portal is a first of its kind portal for students seeking Education Loan. Set up in
August 2015, it is a single window electronic platform for students to access information and
prepares applications for Educational Loans and Government Scholarships. The Portal has the
facility of tracking the students right from the inception of loan application until the completion of
sanction of loan or otherwise. Students can view, apply and track their education loan applications
to banks anytime, anywhere through the Portal. The portal has been developed and being
maintained by NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited. Nearly 40 Banks have registered for
over 70 Educational Loan Schemes on the Vidya Lakshmi Portal and integrated their system with
the Portal for providing loan processing status to students.

Academic Counseling Sessions

We believe that most of your learning is to be done by you studying on your own. However, you may
need help at various times. For this the University provides face-to-face contact or online interface
between you and your tutors/counselors.

The aim of the academic Counseling sessions, conducted at a Learner Support Centre, is to provide
you an opportunity for interaction with your Counsellor. During such sessions you can discuss
problems related to the instructional material and other important matters. This will also give you an
opportunity to meet your peers. Attending Counseling sessions either face to face or online,
though not compulsory, is useful in several respects. Direct interaction with your counsellor and
fellowlearners will enable you to share views on the subject. The Counsellors will provide guidance
and facilitate comprehension of some of the complex ideas or issues through lively and fruitful

Counseling sessions are very different from usual classroom teaching. Counsellors are usually
experienced academicians from the relevant discipline. Sometimes, persons having the requisite
academic qualifications and experience of working in the field of women and gender issues are
appointed as Counselors. Counselors are in a position to answer your queries. Counselors will not
be delivering lectures on the course content. They will try to help you to overcome difficulties
(academic as well as personal) which you face while studying for the programme. In these sessions
you must concentrate on the subject-based difficulties and any other issue arising out of such

Before you attend the Counseling sessions, please go through the course material carefully so
that you are able to identify content-areas requiring clarifications. Please note that a Counseling
session is effective only when it provides two way communication rather than one way
communication where the Counselor does all the talking.

This School established in 2007, aims at achieving gender justice and equity through developing and
launching programmes in the area of gender studies. Currently, programmes have been developed
under the two main streams of Women‟s & Gender Studies and Gender & Development studies. Other
focal areas within these broad streams include Women‟s Studies, Literature, Law,Science, Agriculture
and Arts & Media among others.

The School examines the existing gender gap and addresses the issue of gender disparity, with the
objectives of strengthening individual and institutional efforts that enable women empowerment.
The School of Gender and Development Studies analyzes and supports human, social, cultural and
economic development to bring about gender equity and social justice.

The activities of the School include:

 Designing and developing academic programmes and courses at doctoral, post graduate,
undergraduate and certification levels;
 Conducting research and developing appropriate research methodology; and
 Formulating and implementing training programmes.

Attainment of a fair and equal society through an altered model of development through knowledge
creation, knowledge dissemination, research, training and sensitization and advocacy is what this
School envisions itself to have been constituted for and wishes to pursue through its programmes,
courses and various other intellectual activities. The School envisions its future with great
expectations and is committed to working towards its fulfillment of the attainment of an equitable
society where all gender segments get full opportunity to realise their aspirations of self-

The School envisages major initiatives in research, teaching, training and advocacy in the areas of
gender and women‟s studies.

General Information

The Master‟s Degree Programme in Women‟s and Gender Studies provides a comprehensive
knowledge of concepts, theories, socio-political, economic, cultural and psychoanalytical factors
affecting gender identities, gender relations and cultural transformation. The contents are designed to
impart an integrated understanding to learners about the crucial dimensions of women‟s and gender
issues. The programme also introduces the learner to the fundamental aspects of research and project
work in the area of women‟s and gender studies.


The MAWGSR Programme aims to:

 Acquaint students with the academic disciplines of gender studies and women‟s studies and their
history, theoretical premises, and progression to present day status.
 Create awareness among students about the ideologies and social factors leading to
marginalization of women and gender issues.
 Expose students to cultural, literary, political and socio-economic dimensions within gender
 Provide students the opportunity to use the foundational and theoretical knowledge acquired in the
first year curriculum and apply it towards an optional specialization in the second year of the
 Allow learners to obtain specialized knowledge either in „Gender, Literature & Culture‟ or in
„Women‟s Studies‟.
 Create avenues of further academic opportunities or employment opportunities through the

Learner Profile

This programme is primarily meant for all those who have an interest in women‟s and gender
issues, who would like to pursue work in women‟s and gender related areas or are already engaged
in the field through related institutes or organisations either in the governmental or the non-
governmental sector.

The specific target learners for this programme of study are:

 Bachelor‟s Degree holders in any subject;

 Middle and senior level personnel working in organisations, institutes, civil societies, and other
agencies working on women and gender issues;
 Personnel of NFOs/NGOs engaged or interested in women and gender related issues;
 Academics teaching courses in women and gender studies, either through disciplines like
sociology, history, literature, social work, psychology and all disciplines that comprises gender
related issues and discourses.;

 Persons interested in enhancing their knowledge and understanding of women and gender
 Students pursuing higher studies in any discipline and have interest in women‟s and gender

Eligibility: A person holding a Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject is eligible for enrolment in MA in
Women‟s and Gender Studies.

Medium of Instruction:

The MA programme in Women‟s & Gender Studies is currently offered in English medium.
Modular Structure:

MAWGSR is a modular programme with exit option at PG Diploma level, after completion of all
required coursework for the PG Diploma (first year curriculum). Learners who successfullycomplete
the requirements of the 40 credit first year curriculum (40 credits of coursework) may exit with P.G.
Diploma in Women‟s & Gender Studies. Thus, learners may exit at this point or continue for the 2nd
year to earn the MA degree in Women‟s & Gender Studies.


The MA Programme is of two years duration. However, a maximum period of four years is
allowed for completion of the programme.


If a learner is unable to complete the programme even within four years, there is provision for re-
admission on payment of dues for a further period of two years. Such learners may contact
Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU for procedural details and more information
regarding re-admission. Please also see Clause 6.7 of Common Prospectus for additional details
regarding Re-Admission.


At the time of admission, you will be registered for Semesters 1 and 2.

Re-Registration and payment of fees for Semesters 3 and 4 must be completed before the
commencement of second year coursework by the deadline as notified in the Online
Admission system of IGNOU. In case you miss the Re-Registration deadline, you may have to
wait till the subsequent year for completion of remaining coursework.

Re-Registration for Semesters 3 and 4 must be completed regardless of whether or not you
have successfully completed coursework (Assignments and/or Term End Exams) for the first
two semesters. Any incomplete assignments/exams from first two semesters can be attempted in
subsequent cycles by the given deadlines/payment of exam fees.

Learners are advised to submit the Re-Registration (RR) forms „Online‟ only on the web portal as per schedule being notified by the University from time to time. If the Re-
Registration in any of the programmes is not available online or for any other region as specifiedby the
University, learners should submit their RR form at the respective Regional Centre onlyand nowhere

else. If any students submits the „Offline‟ Re-Registration Form at any other Regional Centre than
the allocated RC, and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequentlya semester/year, she/he will
have no claims on the University for regularization.

International students of the University pursuing their programme from India are advised to submit
re-registration form Offline at respective Regional Centre or International Division, HQ.

Programme Fee:

The Programme fee is to be paid online at the time of admission along with submission of
admission form. For details and updates regarding payment of fees and fee amounts, check the
IGNOU website or contact your nearest Regional Centre. Fee once paid will not be refunded under
any circumstances.


A) Common Compulsory Courses: In the first year, MWG-101, MWG-102, MWG-103, MWG-
104 and MANE-004 are compulsory courses. In the second year MWG-005 and Course on
Project work (MWGP -101) are compulsory, common courses for both specializations.

B) Compulsory Courses within Specializations: Depending on the specialization chosen for the
second year curriculum, learners will be required to take the following additional courses:

MWG -106, MWG -107 and MWG- 108 (Gender, Literature, Culture)*


MWG -109, MWG- 110 and MWG -111 (Women‟s Studies)*

Completion of ten courses of 8 credits each, will entitle the learner to accumulate (10X8) 80
credits including 8 credits project work. After completion of the MA curriculum, all learners
will earn a Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies (MAWGSR) with 40+40= 80

C. Intermediate Exit Option: Learners may exit at the end of the first year, after completing 40
credits of coursework (MWG- 101, -102, -103, -104 and MANE-004) with a PG Diploma in
Women’s & Gender Studies or continue for the second year specializations to earn the MA
degree.(Please contact Student Registration Division at IGNOU Headquarters, New Delhi, for
further information regarding the Exit option.)

D. Lateral Entry Provision: Learners who have already completed the PG Diploma in
Women’s & Gender Studies from IGNOU may seek admission directly into the second year
of the MA programme, provided that the PG Diploma has been completed within the last three
years prior to admission into the MA programme. Please contact Student Registration
Division for further information.

* Course-wise Registration and Certification Scheme (CRCS):

Learners who wish to register for additional courses outside of their chosen specialization may do
so under the Course-wise Registration and Certification Scheme (CRCS) of the University. For
more details, check the heading „Associate Studentship‟ in the Common Prospectus.

The MA in Women‟s & Gender Studies programme has the following courses of eight credits each.
Detailed course outline is as follows:


Sl. Course Code Title of Course Type of course Credits Nature of

No. Compulsory/ the Course
Semester I

1 MWG-101 Theories of Women‟s and Compulsory 8 Theory

Gender Studies

2 MWG-102 Gender and Power Compulsory 8 Theory

Semester II

3 MWG-103 Constructing Gender Through Compulsory 8 Theory

Arts & Media

4 MWG-104 Gendered Bodies & Sexualities Compulsory 8 Theory

5 MANE- 004 Gender and Society Compulsory 8 Theory

SECOND YEAR COURSES BY SPECIALIZATION Specialization in Gender, Literature,


Semester III

6 MWG-005 Research Methods Compulsory 8 Theory

7 MWG-106 Gendered Nation Compulsory 8 Theory

Semester IV

8 MWG-107 Postmodernism & Gender Compulsory 8 Theory

9 MWG-108 Gender & Life Narratives Compulsory 8 Theory

10 MWGP-101 Project Work Compulsory 8 Project

OR Specialization in Women’s Studies

Semester III

6 MWG-005 Research Methods Compulsory 8 Theory

7 MWG-109 Women & Social Structure Compulsory 8 Theory

Semester IV

8 MWG-110 Women & Political Process Compulsory 8 Theory

9 MWG-111 Women in Economy Compulsory 8 Theory

10 MWGP-101 Project Work Compulsory 8 Project

*Intermediate exit option will be available to those who complete all first year courses.

Course Material
The main learning material is provided to you in print as well as uploaded on e-gyankosh. These
print materials are thoroughly researched and updated knowledge has been incorporated. The audio
and video materials are intended to supplement the print material, and improve your knowledge and
understanding. They will help you in writing your assignments and preparing for the term-end
examination. We would advise you to listen to the audio/video programmes that are telecast on
Swayam Prabha channels, National Network and Enrichment channel of Doordarshan, and Gyan
Darshan channels. All India Radio broadcasts audio programmes on some of its selected stations.
Learners can confirm dates for the broadcasts related to the MA programme from the schedule
uploaded on IGNOU website.

Access to Study Material and Assignments

The University sends study materials wherever prescribed to the students by Indian Post and if a
student does not receive the same for any reason, whatsoever, the University shall not be held
responsible for that. In case a student wants to have assignments, he/she can download it from
Student Zone on the IGNOU website: For non-receipt of study material, students
are required to write to the Registrar, MPDD or can come to the Campus at Maidan Garhi, New
Delhi to collect in person.

Block and Unit Structure of Course Material

Each Course comprises of four to six blocks. Each block has three to five units. You may think of a
unit as a lesson. The schematic representation of the unit is as follows:

Aims and Objectives
Section 3 (Main Theme)
Sub-section 1 of Section 3
Sub-section 2 of Section 3
Section 4 (Main Theme)
Sub-section 1 of Section 4
Sub-section 2 of Section 4
Let Us Sum Up Unit End Questions
Glossary/ Key Words References Suggested Readings
X* stands for the Unit Number

As the schematic pattern suggests, the Units are divided into several sections and sub-sections for
easy reading and comprehension. Each section is indicated distinctly by bold capitals and each

subsection by relatively smaller but bold typeface, so as to make it easier for you to locate and
identify them. For purposes of maintaining uniformity we have employed the same pattern of
presenting the text throughout the Course.

Section „X.1‟ i.e., Introduction in each Unit tells you briefly:

 The content presented in the Unit, and

 What we expect you to learn once you complete the Unit.

The last section of each Unit is a conclusion in the form of „Let Us Sum Up‟. For purposes of
recapitulation and ready reference, we summarize the text of the whole Unit in this section.

„Unit End Questions‟ are given at the end of each Unit. These are meant as sample essay type
questions and will give you an indication of the kind of questions you may expect in term-end
exams. In certain cases we have listed „Check Your Progress‟ questions or a few activities to be
taken up by the learners. These will help you to review the material and understand it as you read.


The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU
has a multitier system of evaluation.

 Self-assessment exercises within each unit of study.

 Continuous evaluation is done mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked, practical
assignments and seminar/workshops/extended contact programmes.
 Term-end examinations.
 Project / Practical work

The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. A
learner has to write assignment responses compulsorily before taking term-end examination time to
time to complete an academic programme. A learner has to submit TMA responses to the
Coordinator of the Study Centre concerned to which s/he is attached. A learner should keep
duplicate copies of assignment responses of TMA submitted to the Study Centre that may be
required to be produced at Student Evaluation Division on demand. Term-end examination is
conducted at various examination centers spread all over the country in June and December
of every year.

Evaluation in each course (except for Project Work) has the following two components:

a) Continuous assessment of assignments (30 per cent of total weightage)

b) A term-end written examination (70 per cent of the total weightage).

A student must score at least 40% in the Continuous Assessment and 40% in the term-end

Thus, it is necessary for the student to score at least 40% marks in each of the TEN courses (including
MWGP- 101) of the MA Degree programme.

Project Work (MWGP 101)

For MWGP - 101 (Project Work), you will have an option between a Research Project to be
completed on an approved topic OR a One to three months internship with an approved
organization / institution depending on your individual interest / preparation and employment

Approval for project work should be taken in the third semester.

Forms for approval of research proposal/ approval of internship, and for completion of the research
project/ project report are provided at Annexures II/ VI, and IV. Some important steps for
completion of Research Project are given below and additional Guidelines for preparation of
Research Project Report are given at Annexure V. The marking system used to evaluate the project
report is the same as given above (40% passing marks). However, there will be no Term End
Examination or separate Assignment for MWGP- 101. But the learners will be required to
appear for a Viva Voce based on the project work (including internship) done by them.

For further details regarding Project Work, you can contact the course coordinator:

Prof. Himadri Roy:

In case a learner opts to do a research project, given below are some general but important steps
which we would like you to keep in mind while preparing your research project. The learner
needs to fill the Proforma I, along with a brief project proposal (1-3 pgs) for approval of the
topic of the research, and the required Proforma II at the time of submission of the research


1. Research Project Title

The title of the topic should be clear, short and specific. It will be useful if the topic
selected is related to your area of interest derived from any unit from the courses you have
already studied. Remember that the project report is to be written more like an essay and
not a full thesis. Choose your subject carefully and describe its scope in specific and
limited terms to meet the requirements of a research essay (a total of 8 – 10 pages).

2. Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem should contain a critical analysis of the topic with specific
examples and its relevance. Learners can utilise the course material as well as the
suggested readings and other secondary sources, whether printed books or articles, or
internet resources. A complete bibliography quoting the exact source of references,
whether books or e- resources with title of the book, author/s, edited volumes, publisher,
and date of publication, page number/s should be mentioned clearly. Learners are advised
to use MLA/Chicago Style manuals for preparation of bibliography.

3. Objectives

The objectives should clearly mention the focus of the research project and the purpose of
undertaking the research project. Usually a research topic has three to four objectives
which are related to the topic. You may give them in serial order. The temptation of having
too many objectives should be avoided. For instance, suppose you wish to study the
movement of Dalit feminism from a particular perspective. You may like to study the
incidence of the problem, the socio-political characteristics of dalits, or even the grassroot
relation problems like religion and feudalism. You will thus broadly indicate the scope of
the study through your objectives.

4. Type of study

The study can be a critical analysis of a literary work, cinematic work, text book, or
newspaper reports, or articles, or a case study, or a study which primarily involves the area
of your interest. You should decide what type of study you are going to conduct. The
project will be evaluated on the basis of originality, content, analytical and critical skills,
organisation of ideas. If you choose to work on a particular literary writer, for instance, try
to choose one novel or a few short stories, or characters.

Learners opting for the internship rather than a research project will have to undergo an internship
for 2-3 months period with an organization /institution that works in areas related to women‟s and
gender issues. The learner can choose the organization /institution according t to their convenience.

However, the learner needs to get the approval of the Programme co-coordinators for the field
supervisor and organization /institution and fill up Proforma IV. Submit the proforma to the course
coordinator: Prof. Himadri Roy. For additional information regarding internship only, contact Prof.
Nilima Srivastava.

The field supervisor of the organization /institution needs to fill up Proforma V and submit it along
with the report of the work done by the learner during internship.

Assignments for MAWGSR are uploaded on the IGNOU website under Student Zone: See the link for the relevant Programme / Year/ Semester for all current

You have to do one assignment for each course. All the assignments will be considered for
evaluation and are ‘Tutor Marked Assignments’ (TMAs). Questions may consist of a
combination of long answer, medium answer and short answer types.

Assignments constitute the continuous evaluation component of a course. They can be done in your
home or work place or library or any other place you think has the right environment. You may
consult suitable persons, books, or other sources for the completion of your assignments. An
assignment, therefore, is not like writing an answer book in the examination hall. It is, however,
equally important as marks are given to assignments after evaluation. As mentioned earlier, the
assignments of a course in MAWGSR carry 30 percent weightage. The grades that you get in your
assignments will be counted in your final result. Therefore, you are advised to attempt your
assignments seriously.

The main purpose of assignments is to test your comprehension of the learning material you receive
from the university, and your ability to critically analyze concepts and apply these in different
situations. The information given in the printed course material is normally considered sufficient for
answering the assignments. Please do not worry about the non-availability of extra reading material
for working on the assignments. However, if you have easy access to other books, you may use
them. But the assignments are designed in such a way as to help you concentrate mainly on printed
course material and any additional readings/films/works mentioned in the assignments.

Some of the assignments are knowledge based and some are of applied nature. Assignments which
are knowledge based will require you to write essay type answers. For answering applied type of
assignments you should apply the knowledge you have gained by going through a Unit/
Block/Course. In either case, the answers should be your own and not copied and pasted from
any sources, or even e-resources. You must not reproduce text material verbatim or copy the
information from other sources. However, you can make use of the material and information you
have at your disposal in an innovative way. Whenever you quote from the text/ books/journals, you
must give the reference. Same with the e-resources, you must give the details for the webpage you
have used as a source for your assignment. However, if you copy and paste from any resources
or e-resources without due acknowledgement, then your assignments will not be taken into
any consideration, as this will constitute plagiarism. You can derive ideas from external sources
but develop them according to your own thinking and express them in your own words when you
write the answers to the assignments.

The following norms should be followed when you work on the assignments:

 The answer should be written in your own words. Material copied from external or online
sources without due credit will be considered to be plagiarized. Plagiarism is a serious academic
offence and such assignments will not be accepted. If you wish to refer to course material or
external references to support your answer, please follow academic guidelines for citing sources
and crediting the source from whom/where you are borrowing.

 Link your responses to what you have read to demonstrate your familiarity with the course
material. The answer should be precise, well documented and relevant to the question rather
than vague responses based on common, routine information. A reasonably adequate response
can be presented within the suggested word-limit.
 Keep the word-limit of the answer in mind. A slight variation in length does not matter. But
your answer should not be too short or too lengthy. Avoid discussing minor issues at great
 The assignment you have attempted should be complete in all respects. Before submission you
should ensure that you have answered all the questions in assignments. Incomplete answer-
sheets will bring you poor marks.
 On each page, leave adequate space for evaluator‟s comments. Attach a copy of the assignment
questions with your answers.
 Submit each assignment separately. If you are submitting more than one assignment, do not
staple/tie these together as one submission.
 You must submit your assignments according to the schedule indicated in the assignments. The
University/Coordinator of the Study Centre/Regional Centre has the right to reject the
assignments received after the due date. You are, therefore, advised to submit the assignments
before the due date. In case you get the assignments and study material late, the assignment
responses should be submitted within one month of the date of receipt of study material and
assignments or within the due date given in this schedule whichever is later.
 For your own record, retain a copy of all the answers to assignments which you submit at your
Study Centre or email it on the given email id.
 Maintain an account of all the corrected assignments received by you after evaluation. This will
help you to correspond with the University in case any problem arises in future.
 If you are unable to submit the assignments or are unable to score the minimum qualifying
marks (40%), you have to attempt and submit the assignments meant for the next batch of
 In case you find that the score indicated in the assignment sheet of your assignments has not
been correctly reflected in your grade card; you are advised to contact the course coordinator of
or your study centre with a request to forward correct authenticated award list to the Registrar
(Student Evaluation Division) IGNOU.
 Once you get the pass grade in an assignment, you cannot re-submit it for improvement of
grade. Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any. The
discrepancy noticed by you in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the notice of the
Course Coordinator or coordinator of the Study Centre.


1) Assignments are uploaded before the beginning of July admission cycle on the IGNOU
website under the link for Student Support. Look for the assignments of courses for which you
are currently registered. In addition, you may also submit any previously missed assignments
by the given deadline of each semester. Make sure you attempt the most recently uploaded
assignments in all cases.

2) Write the Programme Title, Course Code, Course Title, Assignment Code and Name of your
Study Centre on the left hand corner of the first page of your response sheet. Course Code and
Assignment Code may be reproduced from the Assignments. Leave the rest of the page for
overall comments by the evaluator.

The top of the first page of your response sheet for each assignment should thus look like the


PROGRAMME TITLE : .......................... NAME :.................................

COURSE CODE : .......................... ADDRESS :.................................


COURSE TITLE : .......................... .................................

ASSIGNMENT CODE : .......................... SIGNATURE :.................................

STUDY CENTRE : .......................... DATE :.................................

3) Read the assignments carefully and follow specific instructions, if any, given along with the

4) Go through the units on which the assignments are based. Note the points relating to the
question rearrange those points in a logical order and work out a rough outline of your answer.
While attempting a long answer type question, give adequate attention to the introduction and
the conclusion. In the introduction you should give your brief interpretation of the question and
how you propose to develop the answer. The conclusion should summarise your response to the
question. Make sure that the answer is logical and coherent. The answer should be divided into
appropriate paragraphs. The answer should be relevant to the question given in the assignment.
Make sure that you have attempted all the main points of the question. Once you are satisfied
with your answer, write down the final version neatly and underline the points you wish to

5) Use only foolscap (A4) size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. Avoid
using thin paper. Allow a 4 cm margin on the left side and at least a few lines in between
each answer. This may facilitate the evaluator to write useful comments on the margin at
appropriate places.

6) Write the responses to assignments in your own hand writing. Do not print or type the

7) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students, directly from the course material or
from any external sources. Quotations are permissible as explained in the previous section
(please see previous section).If copying is noticed, the assignments of such students will be

8) Answers to each assignment should be written on a separate set of papers.

9) Write the question number and the question before writing the answer.

10) The completed assignment should be submitted at the SOGDS or to the RC. Soft copy of the
assignments can be sent to the email id Write your assignment
as explained above . Make a single file for each assignment by scanning the handwritten pages.
Assignments shall not be evaluated if more than one assignment is made as single file.

11) After submitting the hard copy of the assignment to the School / Regional Centre, get the
acknowledgement on the prescribed assignment remittance-cum- acknowledgement card.

12) In case you are unable to complete a course during a given semester, fresh assignments will
need to be submitted based on the deadlines of the subsequent semester, in order to appear for
the Term End Exam of that course.


Normally, July Semester assignments are due by middle of September, and January Semester
assignments are due by middle of March. However, any changes/updates may also be confirmed by
visiting the IGNOU website or contacting your Regional Center . Check the IGNOU website for
fresh assignments uploaded every year.

In case you are unable to complete a course during a given semester, fresh assignments will need to
be submitted based on the deadlines of the subsequent semester, in order to appear for the Term End
Exam of that course.

 Term-end Examination and Payment of Examination Fee

The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the months of June & December.
Students are permitted to appear in term-end examination subject to the following conditions:

1) Registration for the courses is valid and not time barred.

2) Required number of assignments in the courses have been submitted by due date wherever

3) Minimum time to pursue these courses as per the provision of the programme has been

4) Examination fee for all the courses the learner is appearing in the examination has been paid in
the case of noncompliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses shall
not be declared.

Please also refer to additional information regarding Term End Examinations provided in the
IGNOU Common Prospectus ( See, Evaluation System sub-head ‘Term End Examination and
Payment of Examination Fee’) before submitting Examination Form for appearing in the June as
well as December Term-end examination. A learner having exhausted the maximum duration of a
programme should not apply for appearing at the Term- end examination of any course without
getting re-registered/sought readmission for the same. Otherwise, the result would be withheld in
such cases.

Examination date sheet (schedule which indicates the date and time of examination for each
course) is sent to all the Regional Centers sufficiently in advance. The same is also available at
IGNOU website (

It is an essential pre-requisite for you to submit the Examination Form for taking examination in
any course. Exam forms must be submitted online as per the schedule provided in the
Common Prospectus. Contact the concerned Regional Center under which your examination
centers falls for queries or for any additional information.

You can submit examination form and make payment of examination fee on-line through credit/
debit card. For details, please visit University website at:

Examination Centre

Term-end examination is conducted at various examination centers spread all over the country and
abroad in June and December every year. Check the list of examination centres and examination
centre code on the IGNOU website while filling in the examination form. You can choose any exam
centre irrespective of your chosen RC.

Date of Submission of Examination Forms

Check schedule for submission of examination forms online on IGNOU website or contact your

Regional Centre for information about exam forms and related details.

To avoid discrepancies in filling up examination form or to overcome other difficulties while

appearing in the term-end examination students are advised to:

1. Remain in touch with the Regional Centre/ Student Evaluation Division so as to enquire about
any change in schedule of submission of examination form/fee etc.;

2. Retain proof of mailing/submission of examination form till the time of receiving the
examination hall ticket.

 Before submitting the examination form, please ensure that:

 The required number of assignments/Tutor Marked assignments as applicable for the course(s)
filled in the examination form have been submitted.
 Registration for the course(s) is valid and not time barred.

In case of non-compliance of any of the above conditions candidature for appearing in the
Term-End examination will not be considered and no Intimation Slip/Hall ticket will be
 Hall Ticket for Term End Examination
No hall ticket shall be dispatched to the examinees/students. Hall Tickets of all examinees are
uploaded on the University Website ( 7-10 days before the commencement of the
T.E. Examinations.

Students are advised to take the print out of the Hall Ticket from University website
( after entering the enrolment number and name of programme of study and report
at the examination centre along with the Identity Card issued by the Regional Centre/University.
Without valid IGNOU Student ID Card issued by the RC/ University, examinees will not be
permitted to appear in the examination.
In case, any student has misplaced the Identify Card issued by the University, it is mandatory to
apply for a duplicate Identity Card to the Regional Centre concerned well before the
commencement of the examination so as to get a duplicate ID Card well on time/well before
examination commences.

 Early Declaration of Results

The student can apply for early declaration of Term-End-Examination result with a fee of Rs.1000/-
per course. The application for early declaration of result shall be entertained only if the
student has been selected for any post or applied for further studies. The student must
compulsorily submit documentary evidence (proof) in support of the reason for early declaration of
result to the concerned Evaluation Centre whose details are available on the University website.

Early Declaration is permissible in Term-End-Examination only. This facility is not applicable for
Lab/ Practical courses, Project, Assignment, Workshop, and Seminar etc. based courses. The
Application for Early Declaration of result shall be entertained for final year only.

 Re-Evaluation of Answer Script(s)

After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can

request the University to re-evaluate their Answer Scripts on payment of Rs.750/- per course. The
request for reevaluation by the student must be made within one month from the date of declaration
of result to the concerned Evaluation Centre in the prescribed format along with the fee of Rs.750/-
per course (check on IGNOU website for update) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU
payable at the city where submitting the Re-evaluation form. Format is available in the Programme
Guide or IGNOU website:

While communicating with the University regarding examination, please clearly write your
enrolment number, programme codes, course(s) code(s) and complete address. In the absence of
such details, we will not be able to attend to your problem.

The University normally may require 45 days to intimate the result of a particular term-end
examination. In case you need to re-appear for TEE and the dead line for submitting the
examination form for re-appearing in a particular course is over, then you can submit the exam form
in the next examination cycle. . This is applicable only if one fails to get a passing grade.

Contact your Regional Centre/ check the IGNOU website for any further updates and clarifications.


We understand that adult learners will have many professional, domestic and social commitments
demanding their attention. But it is possible to find some time for your study. Convince your
colleagues and family members that you need some privacy to study and adhere to the regular
timetable. As soon as you receive the study materials, start working on them. Do not postpone
studying the materials or writing your assignment-responses.

For obvious reasons, printed material will be the primary form of instructional material, although
there will be a few audio-video programmes and Counseling sessions. Normally, you will have to
concentrate mainly on the printed material sent to you. Please try to attend as many Counseling
sessions as possible so as to get the best out of the programme. Participating in online
discussions on the web-based forum created especially for this programme will also be helpful
to you in clarifying any queries you may have regarding the course material.
Read the Units carefully and note down the important points. You can use the space in the broad
margin of the printed pages for making notes and writing your comments. Try to answer „Unit End‟
questions. Please remember, the answers to these questions are not to be sent to us. The
purpose is to enable you to evaluate your own performance and keep you on the right track. That is
why they are called „Self-Check‟ or Unit-end questions. They will enhance your comprehension of
the subject-matter.


Each paper is of three hours duration. Each paper carries 70 per cent of the total weightage and the
remaining 30 percent is covered by your assignment-responses. For example, the term-end
examination paper for Course MWG-101 of 100 marks will have 70 percent weightage in the
computation of Marks. The rest 30 percent weightage will be given for the assignments of the same
course. Final marking of your performance in each of the four courses is computed along these

If you fail to clear all the examinations in the first attempt or do not wish to appear in all the
subjects at a time, you can clear them in the subsequent examinations. However, you may have to
wait for the appropriate semester cycle when that course is offered to re-appear for a particular
exam. You must clear all the courses within four years of your admission to be eligible for
the degree.

To qualify in the continuous assessment (on the basis of assignments) you must take note of the
following points:

i. You are required to attempt one assignment for each course. As mentioned earlier, each
assignment will be considered for marking your performance.
ii. The score for successful completion in the continuous evaluation of each course is 40%. If you
fail to make this score, because of not being able to score the minimum qualifying percentage,
then you will have to wait for the assignments meant for the next batch of students. You should
procure a new set of assignments and submit after completion. New assignments are regularly
uploaded in the Student Zone section of the IGNOU website.
iii. Except as stated under item (ii) above, there is no provision for redoing assignments for the
purpose of just improving upon the grades scored, nor can they be re-evaluated except for the
factual errors.
iv. The lowest successful completion score at the term-end examination is also „40%‟. In case one
fails to make this score, one is eligible to reappear in the next term-end examination as and
when it is held within the total span of four years permitted for the programme.
v. If one fails to score overall ‘40%’ in each COURSE (putting the score on assignment and
the term-end examination together), one has the option to score the lowest qualifying
grade ‘40%’ either by appearing at the next term-end examination or by working on a
new set of assignments meant for the particular year. For example:

a) If a student in a particular Course, say MWG-101 scores a „40%‟ percentage for the term
end examination and the Continuous Evaluation, and then she/he will be considered as
having passed in that Course.

b) If a student scores a „40%‟ percentage for the term-end examination and a „30%‟
percentage for the Continuous Evaluation, then she/he will be considered as failed in that


Queries about dates and venues of Counseling sessions should be addressed to your Coordinator or
Regional Director/ Programme Coordinator. The list of Regional Centres along with their addresses
is available on the IGNOU website.

i. Queries related to admission, change of option, registration, and change of centre, identity card,
fee receipt and bonafide certificates may be addressed to your Regional Centre. Copies of the
request for change of Regional Centre may also be marked to the Regional Director of the
Regional Centre where the student would be transferred.
ii. Queries about the non-receipt/dispatch of the course materials, assignments missing page(s)/
Unit(s) should be addressed to your Regional Director/ Registrar, MPDD, New Delhi.
iii. For queries related to examination, date sheet, result grade cards, re-evaluation write to:
Registrar, Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi , New Delhi – 110 068.

iv. Requisition for Migration Certificate may be sent to the Regional Director along with the
following documents:

a) Application on a prescribed form obtainable from your Regional Centre.

b) Attested copy of the Grade Card.
c) Prescribed fee as per information provided by your Regional Centre.



The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-creamy
layer of OBC, War widows, Kashmiri Migrants and Physically Handicapped learners, as per the
Government of India rules, for admission to its various programmes. However, submission of
forged certificate under any category shall lead not only to cancellation of admission but also be
legally implicated as per Govt. of India rules (see Section 6.9 of IGNOU Common Prospectus).

Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee

The learners belonging to reserved Categories, viz. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Weaver
Communities, Transgender, Jail Inmates and Physically Handicapped are provided exemptions or
fee reimbursement facilities as per the rules of the University.

The learners belonging to above categories admitted to IGNOU Programme(s) are eligible for
Government of India Scholarships. They are advised to collect Scholarship forms from the
Directorate of Social Welfare or from the Office of the Social Welfare Officer of their State, fill it
up and submit the duly completed Scholarship Form to the Regional Director at the Regional Centre
(where she/he stand admitted/registered for the programme, she/he applied for admission) for
necessary certification by the Regional Director.

After the above certification, the Scholarship Form be collected from the Regional Centre and re-
submitted at the office of the Social Welfare Officer or Directorate of Social Welfare in their State,
as the case may be, for scholarship or reimbursement of Programme Fee.

Scholarship scheme of National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People

(NCPEDP) for Post Graduate level programmes is applicable to the students of this University also.
Such students are advised to apply to the awarding authority directly.

Students belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Minority/PWD can avail scheme of fee waiver/

reimbursement/exemption/scholarship offered by UGC/MHRD/Various State
Government/Govt. Departments. For eligibility and procedural details interested students
may obtain details from concerned agencies.

Incomplete and Late Applications

Incomplete Online Application Form(s)/Re-registration Form(s), received having wrong options of

courses or electives or false information, will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the
learners. The learners are, therefore, advised to fill up the relevant columns carefully and enclose
clear/visible scanned copies of all the required self attested certificates. If required by the University
to submit the application form in “ Offline Mode” in some specific programmes or due to some
others specific reasons, the application form sent to other offices of the University through Offline
mode will not be considered and the applicant will have no claim, whatsoever, on account of this.

Refund of Fee
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances except the provision of refund of
admission fee as notified by the University vide notification. It is also not adjustable against any
other programme of this University. However, in cases where University denies admission, the
programme fee will be refunded after deduction of processing fee, if any, through A/c Payee
Cheque only.
Issue of Duplicate Grade Card/Mark Sheet
The learner can apply for obtaining duplicate Grade Card in case of lost/misplaced/damaged by
paying through DD of Rs.250/- in favour of IGNOU payable at “New Delhi”. Format is available
on IGNOU website:
Other Important Information

Additional information and related Forms for the following can be found in the Common
Prospectus of the University and may be submitted online on the IGNOU website:

 Intimation of Non-Receipt of Study Material/Assignments

 Application Form for Improvement in Division/Class
 Re-Admission Form for All Programmes
 Application Form for Obtaining Photocopy of the Answer Script
 Application Form for Early Declaration of Result of Term-End Examination
 Application Form for Re-Evaluation of Answer Script
 Application Form for Issue of Official Transcript Category Certificate

List of Contacts

1) For non-receipt of study material, Registrar (MPDD)

assignments etc. Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068
E-mail :
2) For evaluation queries, missing score of Registrar(SED)
assignments & term end examination in Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan
Grade Cards, and intermediate exit. Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068
E-mail :
3) For admission, registration, Re- Registrar (SRD)
Registration and 2nd year lateral entry Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan
related queries. Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068
E-mail :

4) For Student Support Service and Deputy Director, Student Service Centre
student grievances Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068
E-mail :

5) For Purchasing Audio/Video Tapes Marketing Unit, EMPC

Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068

6) For academic matters Prof. Nilima Srivastava School of Gender &

Development Studies Indira Gandhi National Open
University Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi - 110 068

Policy against Sexual Harassment

In compliance with the guidelines of the Supreme Court, IGNOU has adopted a policy that aims to
prevent/ prohibit/ punish sexual harassment of women at the workplace. Academic/non- academic
staff and students of this University come under its purview.

Information on this policy, rules and procedures, and updates regarding the re-constitution of
committees against sexual harassment can be accessed on the IGNOU website (
For details regarding reporting of incidents of sexual harassment check the IGNOU website/
Common Prospectus.

For updates please check IGNOU Website (


Proforma for Approval of Research Project Proposal for MA in women’s & Gender Studies

(Note: Approval of Research Project Proposal has to be submitted to the Prof. Himadri Roy,
Course Coordinator (MWGP-101), in the 3rd Semester to begin work on the Research Project
in the 4th Semester. The project can be taken up once the Proposal is approved by the Course
coordinator. )

I hereby propose to undertake research on a project entitled



(Write the title in Block letters)

(Attach a brief Research Project Proposal (1 -3 pgs) and submit along with this proforma.)

Place: Signature:

Date : Enrolment No:






(For submission of Research Project)

I hereby declare that the research project entitled......................................................................


(write the title in Block letters) submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the MA Degree
programme in Women‟s and Gender Studies to the School of Gender and Development Studies,
Indira Gandhi National Open University, (IGNOU) New Delhi is my own original work and has not
been submitted earlier either to IGNOU or to any other institution for the fulfilment of the
requirement for any course of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in
part is lifted and incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by me or others.

Place : Signature

Date : Enrolment No:



Submit Final Project Report to:
Project Section
Student Evaluation Division IGNOU
Maidan Garhi New Delhi 110068

OR upload the soft copy on the link provided on IGNOU website.





Given below are some general but important steps which you should follow while preparing your
Project Report.

1. Type of study for Project Work

The study can be a critical analysis of a text book, or newspaper reports, or articles, or a case
study, or a study which primarily involves the area of your interest. It may involve discussion
and analysis based on the theoretical concepts you have studied, or empirical work. Some
research projects may be based on humanities related areas, such as a critical feminist analysis
of a work of fiction or a film, while others may draw from the social sciences. Depending on
the type of study and your own interests, you may use either of the following two structures for
organizing the Project Report.

A. Structure for Literature and other Humanities related areas:

a. Title

b. Introduction

c. Purpose of Study

d. Discussion and Critical Analysis

e. Conclusion

f. References

B. Structure for Social Science related areas:

a. Title

b. Introduction and Statement of the Problem

c. Objectives

d. Methodology

e. Analysis

f. Conclusion and Recommendations, if any

g. References

2. Guidelines for Developing Various Sub-Sections of the Project Report:

Depending on the type of study, you can use the guidelines listed below for the relevant sub-
sections required for your research project. Refer to the two structures above to see which sub-
sections are required for your study and then follow the given guidelines.

A. Research Project Title

The title of the topic should be clear, short and specific. It will be useful if the topic selected is
related to your area of interest derived from any unit from the courses you have already studied.

B. Introduction and Statement of the Problem

The introduction should clearly set out the topic, purpose of your research and why you
propose to take it up.

The statement of the problem should contain a critical analysis of the topic with specific
examples and its relevance.

Learners can utilise the course material as well as the suggested readings and other secondary
sources. Prepare a bibliography and quote the exact source of references, whether books or e-
resources with title of the book, author/s, if edited volume is used particular editor and chief
editors, publisher, and date of publication, page number/s, etc.

C. Objectives

Research projects in the social sciences usually require objectives to be clearly mapped out.
The objectives should mention what you wish to focus in the research project. Usually a
research topic has three to four objectives which are related to the topic. You may give them in
serial order. The temptation of having too many objectives should be avoided. For instance,
suppose you wish to study the movement of dalit feminism. You may like to study the
incidence of the problem, the socio-political characteristics of dalits, even the grassroot relation
problems like religion and feudalism. You will thus broadly indicate through objectives the
scope of the study.

D. Methodology

In Social Science based research projects, it is extremely important to describe the

methodology you would be using. For instance, you may use empirical or quantitative methods
for your study, or a qualitative perspective.

D. Discussion and Critical Analysis

In humanities related areas, this would form the main body of the project report. This is where
you would discuss and analyse your topic in the light of theoretical perspectives you have
acquired. Try to think critically about issues so your discussion comes across as original,
interesting and informative.

E. Conclusion and Recommendations

The conclusion should sum up your analysis and what you have found during the course of the
research. For social science based projects, it may also contain recommendations.

F. References

It is extremely important that you list all references that you have used for your research
project. If you are borrowing material directly, use quotation marks and list the exact source
with page numbers, edition, etc. If you are paraphrasing someone‟s ideas, you must still
acknowledge the source within the main text and provide a reference in the list of references at
the end. For specific guidelines on referencing styles, you can use the MLA guidelines, the
Chicago manual or APA guidelines. A summary of these is easily available on the internet.

Note on Plagiarism:

The project report should be written in your own words. Material copied from external or
online sources without due credit will be considered to be plagiarized. Plagiarism refers to
using someone else‟s ideas or words without crediting the source and making them appear as
though they are your own. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and such research projects
will not be accepted. If you wish to refer to course material or external references to support in
support of your ideas, you are free to do so, as long as you clearly acknowledge the source.
Please follow academic guidelines for citing sources and crediting the source from
whom/where you are borrowing.

Please don’t save or transfer your project or assignments on market/public/ cybercafé

computers. If essential delete it from Recycle folder also to avoid plagiarism of your work.


Learners will have an option between a one month internship with an approved organisation/
institution OR a Research Project depending on their individual interest/ preparation and
employment circumstances. If you wish to do an internship, please contact the Programme

Proformas for internship are provided at Annexures IV and V.


Indira Gandhi National Open University

School of Gender and Development Studies
Proforma for Approval of Internship

Proforma for Approval of field supervisor and approval of organisation for internship (as part
of MA in Women‟s and Gender Studies, IGNOU)

Name of Organisation :
(Block letters)

Details of the Organization Year of Establishment :

Registration No. (if any) :

Areas of work :

Name of Supervisor :

(Block letters) Designation :

Academic Qualifications of Supervisor:

[Note: Please attach a brief CV/Resume/ Bio-data of the Supervisor]

Degree Subject University Year Division

Doctoral Degree

Masters Degree

Bachelor Degree

Any other (Pl. specify)


a. Total experience of working in field :

b. Details of field experience during the last 5 years :

I verify the information provided above and accept the work of supervising the learner for the
purposes of completion of her/ his internship for the MA in Women‟s & Gender Studies at IGNOU,
as per the requirements of the programme.

Signature of Supervisor: Signature of Learner:

Date: Date:



Note: In case the student has opted for Internship, this Proforma is to be filled at the time of
completion of internship and to be submitted along with the report of internship to the Project

This is to certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs./Dr.



pursuing MAWGSR from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi was working under
my supervision and guidance for the internship for the MA Programme in Women‟s and Gender
Studies. The name of the organization/institution with which the learner was attached is



Place: Signature


Name of the Supervisor Address of the Organisation

Submit Final Internship Report to:

Project Section
Student Evaluation Division IGNOU
Maidan Garhi New Delhi 110068


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