1 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA;
jjc457@cornell.edu (J.J.C.); xin.zhou@cornell.edu (X.Z.)
2 Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA;
3 Wind Energy Institute of Canada, Tignish, PE C0B 2B0, Canada; marianne.rodgers@weican.ca (M.R.);
heather.norton@weican.ca (H.N.)
4 School of Engineering, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YW, UK; m.s.campobasso@lancaster.ac.uk
5 National Renewable Energy Center (CENER), 31621 Sarriguren, Spain; bmendez@cener.com
6 Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark;
cbha@dtu.dk (C.B.H.); lemi@dtu.dk (L.M.J.)
* Correspondence: sp2279@cornell.edu; Tel.: +1-607-255-3376
Abstract: An enhanced understanding of the mechanisms responsible for wind turbine blade leading-
edge erosion (LEE) and advancing technology readiness level (TRL) solutions for monitoring its
environmental drivers, reducing LEE, detecting LEE evolution, and mitigating its impact on power
production are a high priority for all wind farm owners/operators and wind turbine manufacturers.
Identifying and implementing solutions has the potential to continue historical trends toward lower
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) from wind turbines by reducing both energy yield losses and opera-
tions and maintenance costs associated with LEE. Here, we present results from the first Phenomena
Identification and Ranking Tables (PIRT) assessment for wind turbine blade LEE. We document the
Citation: Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J.;
LEE-relevant phenomena/processes that are deemed by this expert judgment assessment tool to
Coburn, J.J.; Zhou, X.; Rodgers, M.; be the highest priorities for research investment within four themes: atmospheric drivers, damage
Norton, H.; Campobasso, M.S.; López, detection and quantification, material response, and aerodynamic implications. The highest priority
B.M.; Hasager, C.B.; Mishnaevsky, L., issues, in terms of importance to LEE but where expert judgment indicates that there is a lack of
Jr. Prioritizing Research for Enhancing fundamental knowledge, and/or implementation in measurement, and modeling is incomplete
the Technology Readiness Level of include the accurate quantification of hydrometeor size distribution (HSD) and phase, the translation
Wind Turbine Blade Leading-Edge of water impingement to material loss/stress, the representation of operating conditions within rain
Erosion Solutions. Energies 2024, 17, erosion testers, the quantification of damage and surface roughness progression through time, and
6285. https://doi.org/10.3390/
the aerodynamic losses as a function of damage morphology. We discuss and summarize examples
of research endeavors that are currently being undertaken and/or could be initiated to reduce un-
Academic Editor: Davide Astolfi certainty in the identified high-priority research areas and thus enhance the TRLs of solutions to
mitigate/reduce LEE.
Received: 10 October 2024
Revised: 27 November 2024
Accepted: 3 December 2024
Keywords: blades; expert judgment; LEE; machine learning; PIRT; TRL; wind turbine
Published: 13 December 2024
1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors. 1.1. Background and Motivation
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
The global wind resource greatly exceeds both current electricity demand and total
This article is an open access article
primary energy supply [1]. Wind energy is a potential mechanism to reduce energy-
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
related environmental issues (e.g., anthropogenic climate forcing [2]) and to enhance
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
energy security [3,4]. Many countries have ambitious plans to expand both onshore and
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ offshore wind energy installed capacity [5]. Thus, it is expected that more wind turbines
4.0/). will be deployed, and we will become increasingly reliant on them for electricity generation.
The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) in $/MWh of electricity can be computed from
∑in=1 (CAPEX n + O&Mn )/(1 + r )
LCoE = n (1)
∑in=1 AEP/(1 + r )
where CAPEX = capital expenditures in each year (n); O&M = operations and maintenance
costs in each year; r = annual discount rate; AEP = amount of electricity (in MWh) produced
each year; i = wind turbine lifetime in years.
In locations with good wind resources, onshore wind energy has the lowest LCoE of
any electricity generation type [6]. However, LCoE from onshore wind energy is no longer
declining [7], and costs for offshore deployments exceed those for onshore [8].
O&M typically account for 25–30% of the lifecycle LCoE from wind turbines [9].
Blades contribute > 20% of the overall cost of wind turbines [10], and blade integrity is
a fundamental determinant of both O&M and power generation (AEP). An important
contributing factor to wind turbine blade lifespan is leading-edge erosion (LEE). LEE refers
to the material loss of wind turbine blade coatings leading to exposure and ultimately loss
of the laminate that provides the structure of the blade. It results primarily from materials
stresses induced when hydrometeors (e.g., rain droplets or hailstones) impact the rapidly
rotating blades [11–14]. The material loss leads to a roughening of the surface, reducing
lift and increasing drag [15], and thus negatively impacts AEP [15–19]. LEE requiring
emergency blade repair can occur within two years of installation [20], which is far short
of the expected lifetime of 30 years [21]. O&M expenditures associated with total blade
replacement for onshore wind turbines are >$200,000 and blade replacement may lead to
multiple days of lost power production [22].
Wind turbines being deployed offshore are physically larger and have both longer
blades and higher tip speeds than those deployed onshore [23]. This leads to higher closing
velocities with falling hydrometeors, higher materials stresses [20], and thus a higher
erosion rate [24,25]. Wind turbines being deployed at the South Fork Wind Farm off the
USA East Coast are GE Haliade-X 13 MW machines with blades 107 m in length, each of
which weighs 55 tons [26]. These wind turbines have maximum tip speeds of >90 ms−1 .
The 22 MW reference wind turbine that has recently been released for use in offshore
research [27] has even longer blades and a rated tip speed of 105 ms−1 . Manufacturing
defects and damage during transportation/deployment are likely enhanced in longer
blades [28,29] and even small imperfections may be important sites for the initiation of
LEE [29]. Thus, LEE issues may be particularly prominent offshore where O&M costs are
much higher [23], and the avoidance of excess maintenance is paramount to reducing the
LCoE. In 2018, Renew.Biz reported that the consortium behind the 630 MW London Array
in the UK was planning “emergency” blade repair to 140 of the project’s 175 wind turbines
and that ‘A similar repair campaign has begun at Orsted’s 400 MW Anholt wind farm
off Denmark, where 87 of 111 . . .. . . turbines are being fitted with rubber-like shells to fix
the problem’.
LEE thus represents an important challenge to the cost-effectiveness and reliability of
wind-derived electricity and there is a need to advance the fundamental understanding of
the processes that cause LEE and to advance effective solutions.
1.2. The Interdisciplinary Nature of LEE: Introduction to the Four LEE Themes
Over 40 years ago, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration intro-
duced “technology readiness levels” (TRLs) as a conceptual framework for measuring and
articulating the maturity, or readiness for deployment, of emerging technologies. TRL
assessments are usually based on a 9-point scale with higher values indicating more mature
technologies and lower values indicating more nascent technologies that are in the stages
of basic research, or feasibility studies [30,31].
Enhancement of the TRLs for solutions to mitigate/reduce LEE requires multidisci-
plinary research within four linked themes (Figure 1). Theme 1 is focused on the atmo-
spheric drivers of LEE and thus requires research primarily in the field of atmospheric
Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 Enhancement of the TRLs for solutions to mitigate/reduce LEE requires 3 of 29 multid
plinary research within four linked themes (Figure 1). Theme 1 is focused on the at
pheric drivers of LEE and thus requires research primarily in the field of atmospheri
science. Theme 2 is Theme
ence. focused2on the detection
is focused on theand quantification
detection of blade damage
and quantification and thus
of blade damage and
requires research primarily
requires within
research imagingwithin
primarily and image
and imageplusprocessing
acoustic monitoring.
plus acoustic mon
Theme 3 is focused on blade
ing. Theme 3 is response/redesign/repair/protection and thus requires
focused on blade response/redesign/repair/protection andre-thus req
search primarily within the material science field. Theme 4 is focused on the
research primarily within the material science field. Theme 4 is focused ondetection of the dete
aerodynamic changes due to LEE and the estimation of resulting power reduction and
of aerodynamic changes due to LEE and the estimation of resulting power reduction thus
requires research
thus primarily within the
requires research field of within
primarily aerodynamics.
the field All themes furtherAll
of aerodynamics. require
themes furthe
advances in computational
quire advancestools and measurement
in computational tools technologies.
and measurement An introduction toAn
technologies. eachintroducti
of these themes is briefly
each of thesegiven
is briefly given below.
Figure 1. Schematic
Figureoverview of the
1. Schematic four LEE
overview themes.
of the RET
four LEE = rain RET
themes. erosion tester.
= rain Arrows
erosion tester.show
Arrows show
mary information
primary information links
links between thebetween
themes. the themes.
exhibit only partial fidelity for precipitation rate and phase, and most simulations do not
explicitly simulate or output HSD.
A hierarchy of models have been generated to translate precipitation intensity/HSD
and closing velocities to estimates of potential erosion. First-order erosion models rely on
the volume (or depth) of impinged water without the explicit consideration of hydrometeor
size and/or phase [24]. Alternatively, VN curves (velocity–number of impacts to failure,
see ‘material response’) derived from rain erosion testers can be used to articulate functions
that describe the number of impacts at a given closing velocity for a given hydrometeor
diameter required for the initiation of coating damage and that can be used (with caution)
to extend beyond the measured range of closing velocities. For example, assuming all
hydrometeors have the same effective diameter, the accumulated distance to failure (ADF)
of the coating is given by the following:
Vtip · I ·∆t
ADF = ∑
m (2)
i =1 H0 · V0
where V 0 is 1 ms−1 , vc is the closing velocity between the hydrometeor and blade, vf is
the hydrometeor fall velocity (ms−1 ), ∆t is the time interval (s) for the specification of the
tip speed and precipitation intensity (I, in ms−1 ). H0 and m are fitting parameters that
are specific to the coating material tested, but for one coating and D = 0.76, these fitting
parameters are 2.85 × 1022 m and −10.5, respectively [42]. The summation is over all time
periods: i = 1 to j. Thus, the challenge is to specify a representative effective diameter to
characterize the precipitation that falls from stratiform and cumulus clouds and over a
wide range of intensity ranges [43]. More mechanistic models require greater specificity in
terms of the HSD/phase and range of fall velocities and are described below in Theme 3.
Less is known regarding the possible contribution of other meteorological variables
to LEE. Prolonged exposure to radiation within the visible range, and particularly UV-A
(wavelengths (λ) = 320 and 400 nm), may lead to the degradation of polyurethane coat-
ings [32,44]. Theoretical and experimental work has also indicated that low temperatures
degrade the erosion performance of polyurethane-protective leading-edge coatings [45].
Thermal cycling (expansion and contraction of the blades) is an important source of mate-
rial wear [46]. Other plausible meteorological co-stressors include impacts from aerosols
(e.g., wind-blown dust/sand [47,48]) and ice accretion on blades [49].
Figure 2. Results from the SALT model for (a) CP correction factors as a function of distance along
Figure 2. Results from the SALT model for (a) CP correction factors as a function of distance along the
the blade for a clean blade (shown by the blue line, Category a damage) and substantial damage
blade for a clean blade (shown by the blue line, Category a damage) and substantial damage (shown
(shown by the black line, Category e damage) along the outer two-thirds of the blade for a hub-
by the black
height wind line,
of 10 mse−1damage) along
for the IEA 15 the
MW outer two-thirds
reference windof the blade
turbine. (b) for a hub-height
Power wind
curves (power
speed of 10 ms −1 for the IEA 15 MW reference wind turbine. (b) Power curves (power generation as
generation as a function of hub-height wind speed) for the IEA 15 MW reference wind turbine for a
a function
clean bladeof(Category
hub-height wind speed)
a damage) and afor the IEAblade
damaged 15 MW reference
(Category wind turbine
e damage). for aloss
(c) AEP clean
for blade
age categories
(Category a to e and
a damage) and o3e (level 3 blade
a damaged damage only fore the
(Category outer one-third
damage). (c) AEP lossof the blade) for
for damage the IEA
a toMW reference
e and wind
o3e (level turbineonly
3 damage andfor
outer one-third ofwind speeds
the blade) forfrom a US15Southern
the IEA Great
MW reference
Plains site [16].
wind turbine and the Weibull-distributed wind speeds from a US Southern Great Plains site [14].
sion shields [88]. The details of the relative merits of these solutions, including their
durability have been previously reviewed [20,89,90]. Best practice for the optimal
length of LEP from the tip of the blade is being investigated [91] as is the optimal
thickness of application [92]. All protective solutions incur additional costs and reduc-
tions in aerodynamic performance and AEP. For example, some research has reported
2–3% AEP losses from LEP tapes [15,87]. Further, some post-mould LEP products are
challenging to apply (see below, Section 3.4) and/or lack durability [93].
• Operation of wind turbines in a manner to reduce materials stresses: Specifically, use
of erosion safe mode [11] wherein wind turbine operation is modified during highly
erosive periods to reduce blade rotational speed, thus sacrificing the AEP to elongate
blade lifetime [94].
Both classes of solution require a detailed assessment of site conditions regarding likely
severity of LEE since the incubation, transition, and steady state progression of damage on
the leading edge differs as a function of precipitation climate and possibly other operating
conditions [16]. A quantitative comparison of overall cost effectiveness requires detailed
information regarding (i) AEP loss from LEE, LEP application (including down-time if
LEP is applied post-commissioning) and/or the adoption of erosion safe mode. (ii) The
cost of LEP measures and the expense of deployment [22] and robust economic/financial
information such as the spot market price for electricity [95]. Ultimately, an optimal solution
is likely to be one which maximizes revenues over a specific period of time for a given
wind farm [96]. The consideration of either solution type for a given situation demands
robust knowledge of processes/phenomena in each of the four themes described above.
Thus, the issue confronting the wind energy industry is how to prioritize research to reduce
uncertainty and increase confidence for wind farm owners/operators and enhance the TRL
for LEE mitigation.
The PIRT process (MATLAB R2024a from MathWorks) is a systematic way of gathering
information regarding processes on a specific concept and ranking their importance to meet
some decision-making objective such as the prioritization of research activities to enhance
the TRL. PIRT has been widely applied within, for example, nuclear safety [22,97,98], but is
gaining traction in other disciplines [99].
A schematic workflow of the PIRT process as applied in this research is given in
Figure 3. Steps 1 and 2 require the identification of a topic of interest and then the articu-
lation of the PIRT objective(s). To aid in structuring the PIRT by thematically clustering
processes/phenomena, in Step 3 four LEE themes were articulated (Section 1). The PIRT
analysis then proceeded by polling experts to identify key phenomena in each of these LEE
themes, acknowledging that some phenomena cross the thematic boundaries. Following
best practice in prior PIRT analyses [22], once each of the processes/phenomena were
identified, domain experts were asked to provide for each a ranking of ‘high’, ‘medium’, or
‘low’ priority. To derive a mean ranking and the standard deviation (SD) across respondents,
rankings of ‘high’ were allocated 1 point, medium as 0.5, and low as 0. As an example,
the need for hydrometeor size distributions (HSD) (jointly with wind speeds) to inform
LEE assessment was given a mean ranking of 0.86 and the standard deviation was 0.32
Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 28
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 ‘low’ priority. To derive a mean ranking and the standard deviation (SD) across respond-8 of 29
ents, rankings of ‘high’ were allocated 1 point, medium as 0.5, and low as 0. As an exam-
ple, the need for hydrometeor size distributions (HSD) (jointly with wind speeds) to in-
form LEE
(Table assessment
1). These was given
rankings a mean>80%
are because rankingof of 0.86 and thegave
respondents standard deviation
a ranking was and
of high,
0.32 (Table 1). These rankings are because >80% of respondents
approximately 10% gave a ranking of either medium or low. gave a ranking of high,
and approximately 10% gave a ranking of either medium or low.
Figure 3. Workflowof
3. Workflow ofthe
Stepsinin red
red indicate
indicate solicitation
solicitation of expert
of expert judgments.
TableThe second
1. PIRT component
analysis of PIRT
results. Column analyses (Step 6) is of
1: Processes/phenomena to interest.
evaluate the state
Columns of knowledge
2 and 3: Mean
(mean) ranking and the standard deviation (SD) of the rankings across respondents. Expertaspects:
respect to each process/phenomenon. Here, we broke this down into two judg-
ment What
1. evaluation of state
is the the knowledge regarding
of knowledge each process/phenomenon
regarding as translated
this phenomenon/process andinto
well has
the-art measurements (columns 4 and 5) and modeling (columns 6 and 7). Items in black have high
knowledge regarding this process/phenomenon been translated into measurement
importance (mean > 0.8) and process-level understanding has been well translated to measurement
technologies and/or and data (mean
modeling analysis procedures?
> 0.5). Processes/phenomena in red have high importance
> 0.8) is the
but state of knowledge
process-level knowledgeregarding this phenomenon/process
is lacking and/or and how
translation of that knowledge well has
to meas-
urement and modeling regarding thisisprocess/phenomenon
capabilities poor (mean < 0.5) and thusbeen
aretranslated into1 for
defined as tier state-of-the-art
Items modeling tools?
in blue are tier 2 priorities for research; moderate importance (0.5 < mean < 0.8) and process-
level knowledge and translation to models and measurements are incomplete (mean < 0.6). Items in
Conceptually, the goal of this combined rating system is to identify phenomena/
green have importance level scores (mean < 0.5). Note: processes/phenomena are listed in the order
processes that
in which they have
were high importance
presented and where
to the respondents to avoidcritical knowledge
confusion gapsorder
that the ranked preclude
of im- full
treatment of those phenomena/processes in numerical models
portance is systematically a function of the row number in the PIRT. or current measurement
technologies and data analysis tools. Such phenomena/processes will have high impor-
tance ratings but low measurement/modeling ratings. Advancing
Importance Level
Measurementknowledge for these
Measurement Modeling
Importance Level
Theme 1: Atmospheric drivers Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Hub-height wind speeds: existing wind farms 0.92 0.19 1 0 0.73 0.26
Hub-height wind speeds: prospective wind
0.91 0.2 0.82 0.25 0.68 0.25
Hydrometeor size distribution 0.86 0.32 0.27 0.41 0.2 0.26
Hydrometeor phase (rain/hail/other) 0.91 0.3 0.36 0.39 0.14 0.23
Hydrometeor fall velocities 0.58 0.36 0.41 0.38 0.32 0.34
Impinged water (blade capture efficiency as a
0.55 0.44 0.15 0.34 0.1 0.21
function of droplet diameter)
Real-time data for ‘erosion safe mode’ 0.68 0.25 0.18 0.34 0.46 0.33
Space/time variability in hydroclimate
0.64 0.23 0.59 0.2 0.59 0.2
Non-hydrometeor weathering stressors (e.g., UV
radiation, icing, thermal expansion, aerosols (incl. 0.55 0.27 0.18 0.25 0.27 0.34
dust and pollution))
Reanalysis/gridded product data quality 0.44 0.17 0.67 0.25 0.81 0.26
Theme 2: Damage detection and quantification Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Availability of blade images and methods to
0.83 0.25 0.54 0.33 0.5 0.33
quantify damage
Damage characterization from varying image
types and methods to translate to damage 0.88 0.23 0.58 0.29 0.44 0.3
Methods for 3D characterization of damage
0.71 0.26 0.25 0.26 0.18 0.25
morphology and rate of progression
Translating water impingement to material
loss/stress (e.g., metrics: kinetic energy, 0.86 0.23 0.27 0.26 0.36 0.23
Springer–ADF, VN curves)
Quantification of material loss 0.71 0.26 0.5 0.39 0.27 0.26
Quantification of equivalent surface roughness
0.75 0.26 0.41 0.3 0.45 0.27
for aerodynamic loss
Microplastic loss for environmental impacts 0.5 0.21 0.21 0.26 0.27 0.26
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 10 of 29
Table 1. Cont.
Measurement Modeling
Importance Level
Theme 3: Material response Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Rain erosion tester reliability and reproducibility 0.92 0.19 0.59 0.3 0.4 0.21
Rain erosion tester representation of atmospheric
conditions: hydrometeors: phase (e.g., rain and 0.83 0.25 0.5 0.33 0.28 0.26
hail), size distributions and collision velocities
Rain erosion tester representation of atmospheric
0.71 0.33 0.45 0.28 0.28 0.36
conditions: flow field (e.g., impact velocities)
Methodologies to translate lab experimental data
(incl. rain erosion tester) to field conditions and 0.88 0.23 0.35 0.24 0.3 0.26
failure modes
Damping and energy dissipation properties of
0.67 0.25 0.32 0.25 0.45 0.16
LEPs/coatings (single/multilayer)
Linking mechanical and viscoelastic properties to
0.73 0.26 0.32 0.25 0.4 0.32
failure mechanisms/modes
Coating adhesion and mechanics of multi-layer
0.75 0.26 0.45 0.44 0.55 0.28
Material response to non-hydrometeor
weathering stressors (e.g., UV radiation, icing, 0.64 0.23 0.36 0.32 0.35 0.24
thermal expansion, aerosols (incl. dust))
Theme 4: Aerodynamic implications of LEE Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Quantification of damage and surface roughness
0.95 0.16 0.4 0.32 0.45 0.28
progression through time
Attribution of AEP loss to LEE (via effective
0.88 0.23 0.35 0.34 0.5 0.24
surface roughness)
Attribution of AEP loss to application of LEP
0.75 0.26 0.4 0.39 0.55 0.28
Quantifying evolution of power curve through
0.75 0.26 0.3 0.42 0.3 0.42
time (incl. post deployment)
Optimization of damage repair solution/timing 0.9 0.21 0.35 0.34 0.5 0.33
or more explicitly for the OTT Parsivel2 disdrometer (which has 32 diameter classes):
π 3.6 1 32
6 103 Ft ∑i=1 i i
RR = n D3 (3b)
where F is the instrument ‘field of view’, and t is the duration of time during which the
hydrometeor counts are made.
The implication of Equation (3a,b) is that small errors in hydrometeor diameter can
yield large errors in RR. Hence, if the precipitation rate is to be derived from disdrometers,
the accurate assessment of the hydrometer diameter is a necessary pre-requisite, but the axis
ratio (the ratio of the vertical dimension of the hydrometeor to the horizontal dimension)
for liquid hydrometeors is generally <1 and scales with the horizontal dimension [94,107].
Most disdrometers report RR computed by integrating overall hydrometeor diameters and
fall velocities using proprietary software which includes correction factors, e.g., for the axis
ratio of hydrometeors that are not fully specified.
When the accumulated depth of precipitation (or precipitation intensity) from dis-
drometers is compared with tipping or weighing rain gauges that measure only the mass
or depth of water accumulated over a time interval, incomplete closure is achieved [108].
Thus, even if the first-order models of nominal erosion rates (such as those described above)
are employed, the source of the precipitation data are a major source of uncertainty in
lifetime estimates. For example, data were being collected at the Wind Energy Institute of
Canada (WEICan) wind farm in Prince Edward Island, Canada, using an OTT Parsivel2
optical disdrometer and an unheated Campbell Scientific TE525 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
(RG) (Figure 4a). Because the RG was unheated, in the following, we selected only data
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 12 of 29
collected during the summer months to avoid periods with snowfall. Hourly summer-
time accumulated precipitation from the disdrometer was consistently lower than that
from an RG across a wide range of precipitation rates and wind regimes (Figure 4b,c).
Although the disdrometer was more likely to report non-zero precipitation (even when
the threshold to detect precipitation was set to that determined by the tip volume of the
rain gauge, Figure 4d), of particular importance to LEE, the RG at WEICan exhibited twice
the frequency of occurrence of precipitation rates > 10 mm/hr. When conditionally sam-
Energies 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW to select periods when both sensors exhibited non-zero precipitation, the probability
12 of 28
of extreme precipitation being reported by the RG was also higher than that from the
disdrometer (Figure 4c).
Precipitation sensors
Precipitation deployed
sensors at WEICan.
deployed at WEICan.(b) Scatterplot of hourly
(b) Scatterplot precipitation
of hourly (PPT)
(PPT)the rainthe
from gauge
gaugeand OTT
(RG) anddisdrometer (Dis) for(Dis)
OTT disdrometer data for
collected during May–October
data collected of 2022
during May–October
and 2023.and
of 2022 Symbols
2023. scale with,scale
Symbols and are colored
with, by,colored
and are prevailing
by, wind speedwind
prevailing at wind turbine
speed hub-height
at wind turbine
(HH). (c) Histograms of hourly precipitation for all hours when both sensors report
hub-height (HH). (c) Histograms of hourly precipitation for all hours when both sensors reportnon-zero pre-
cipitation. (d) Heatmap of the joint probability of no precipitation (defined using a threshold of 0.126
non-zero precipitation. (d) Heatmap of the joint probability of no precipitation (defined using a
mm, i.e., minimum reported by the RG) from RG and Dis. As shown, 7% of hours exhibited precip-
threshold of 0.126 mm, i.e., minimum reported by the RG) from RG and Dis. As shown, 7% of hours
itation of >0.126 mm from both sensors. (e) Example photograph of leading-edge erosion on one of
the precipitation
wind turbines of >0.126
operating mm from both sensors. (e) Example photograph of leading-edge
at WEICan.
erosion on one of the wind turbines operating at WEICan.
Research to reduce uncertainty in HSD/vf/sphericity (axis ratio)/phase, and ulti-
More mechanistic models of material stress and erosion include information regarding
mately to provide best practice for measurements at prospective or operating wind farms
HSD (i.e., the concentration of hydrometeors of given diameters, Di ) which can be derived
is ongoing. This includes an experiment performed at an airport in upstate New York in
which two identical OTT Parsivel2 optical disdrometers were deployed close to a highly
maintained Mesotech heated tipping bucket RG (part number 29000503) deployed as part
of the Automated Weather Observing System operated by the US Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration. The experiment ran from June to September 2024, inclusive (154 days of 1
min observations), and focused on summer months to avoid snowfall periods. It was de-
signed to test whether the presence of large diameter hydrometeors reported at vf < vt
(where vt is the terminal fall velocity) for that D [112] was due to horizontal advection of
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 13 of 29
from the disdrometer measurements of the number counts (n(i,v)) in diameter (i) and fall
velocity (vf ) classes:
x n(i, v)
N ( Di ) = ∑ v = 1 (4)
Ftv f (i, v)∆Di
where x is the number of fall velocity classes and ∆Di is the width of each diameter class, i.
The implication of Equation (4) is that small errors in either hydrometer D or fall velocity can
yield substantial errors in the derived HSD (i.e., the expression of number concentrations as
a function of hydrometeor diameter). However, measured HSD also differ across different
disdrometers, and standardized data processing procedures are lacking [14,94,109]. Further,
there is evidence that the relative performance of different disdrometers is a function of the
prevailing climate [14]. Accordingly, when measurements from the three most commonly
used disdrometers types (optical, impact, and video) were used to compute accumulated
kinetic energy of transfer from hydrometeor impacts to wind turbine blades at an example
site in the US Southern Great Plains, the results differed by 38% [94]. The results differed
by 100% when different data analysis protocols that vary in terms of the permitted range of
fall velocities regarding hydrometeor asymmetry were applied to a single disdrometer [94].
Also, even excluding effects from hydrometeor hardness, hail may be substantially more
erosive than rain due to the higher diameters of these hydrometeors. Many disdrometers
use proprietary empirical functions to indicate the possible presence of hail based on
hydrometeor diameter and/or fall velocity rather than directly detecting it.
Research to reduce uncertainty in HSD/vf /sphericity (axis ratio)/phase, and ulti-
mately to provide best practice for measurements at prospective or operating wind farms
is ongoing. This includes an experiment performed at an airport in upstate New York in
which two identical OTT Parsivel2 optical disdrometers were deployed close to a highly
maintained Mesotech heated tipping bucket RG (part number 29000503) deployed as part
of the Automated Weather Observing System operated by the US Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration. The experiment ran from June to September 2024, inclusive (154 days of
1 min observations), and focused on summer months to avoid snowfall periods. It was
designed to test whether the presence of large diameter hydrometeors reported at vf < vt
(where vt is the terminal fall velocity) for that D [110] was due to horizontal advection of the
droplets during high wind events. Accordingly, one of the disdrometers was deployed with
a windshield and the other without as typified by the current deployments at operating
wind farms (Figure 5a). In contrast to the data being collected at WEICan (Figure 4), good
achievement was found between hourly precipitation intensity from the RG and disdrom-
eters across the entire dynamic range of the precipitation intensities (Figure 5b). Across
the range of observed wind speeds (0–12 ms−1 ) and wind gusts (0–18 ms−1 ) measured
using a sonic anemometer deployed at 10 m AGL, the two disdrometers exhibited a high
degree of agreement in terms of the detection of precipitation (Figure 5d) and the amount of
precipitation (Figure 5b), and there was no evidence that the degree of agreement between
the disdrometers and the RG scales with wind intensity (Figure 5b). This experiment
did not suggest that the wind shielding of disdrometers greatly reduces the frequency of
occurrence of hydrometeors falling with vf < vt (Figure 5c), or greatly improves agreement
with precipitation rates sampled with an RG (Figure 5b).
proves agreement with precipitation rates sampled with an RG (Figure 5b).
There remains an urgent need for a comprehensive instrument inter-comparison ex-
periment, openness from instrument manufacturers regarding hardware settings, and the
development of best practice for instrument deployment and data processing to enhance
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 the TRL for the prediction of long-term LEE and the nowcasting of erosive events for ero-
14 of 29
sion-safe mode of implementation.
Figure 5. (a) Instruments deployed in upstate New York. (b) Scatterplot of hourly precipitation (PPT)
Figure 5. (a) Instruments deployed in upstate New York. (b) Scatterplot of hourly precipitation (PPT)
from the disdrometer
from the disdrometeroperated
withoutthe the wind
wind shield
shield (Dis
(Dis wo/shield)
wo/shield) versus
versus the disdrometer
the disdrometer with
the wind shield (Dis w/shield) (filled symbols) and the rain gauge (RG) (open symbols)symbols)
the wind shield (Dis w/shield) (filled symbols) and the rain gauge (RG) (open on
on logarith-
logarithmic and linear axes. Symbols are scaled with, and colored by, the prevailing
mic and linear axes. Symbols are scaled with, and colored by, the prevailing wind speed at 10 m wind speed
at 10 m(left-hand panel) and
AGL (left-hand by the
panel) andfastest
by thewind gust
fastest (right
wind panel).
gust (right(c)panel).
Joint probability of hydrome-
(c) Joint probability of
teor diameter (D) and fall velocity (v ) from Dis w/shield. White line indicates terminal
hydrometeor diameter (D) and fall velocity (vf ) from Dis w/shield. White line indicates terminal fall
f fall velocity
(vt) as a function
velocity of D from
(vt ) as a function ofGunn
D fromandGunnKinser
and[112]. Yellow
Kinser [110].lines show
Yellow theshow
lines ±50%the bounds
vt that
may indicate erroneous observations [113]. (d) Heatmap of the joint probability
on vt that may indicate erroneous observations [111]. (d) Heatmap of the joint probability of no of no precipitation
or precipitation from the two disdrometers.
precipitation or precipitation from the two disdrometers.
Figure 6. Spatial average. (a) Precipitation rate and (b) accumulated precipitation from WRF simu-
Figure 6. Spatial average. (a) Precipitation rate and (b) accumulated precipitation from WRF
lations (dx = 1 km) of an intense precipitation event during March 2017 over a region with many
simulations (dx = 1 km) of an intense precipitation event during March 2017 over a region with
wind turbine assets [127]. The simulation [128] is performed in a short-term forecasting mode as
many wind
would turbine
be used assets [125].
for predicting the The
for erosion[126] is performed
safe-mode in aof
operation short-term forecasting
wind turbines. mode
Time series
as would
denote be used forwith
simulations predicting the need
five different for erosion safe-mode
microphysics operation of wind
schemes: Milbrandt–Yau turbines.
(MILB), Time
series denote
(MORR), simulations
Thompson with aware
aerosol five different
(THOMA),microphysics schemes: Milbrandt–Yau
WRF double-moment (MILB),
seven class Morrison
(WDM7), and
NSSL, plusThompson
RADAR aerosol
observations. double-moment
(c) The domain over seven
whichclass (WDM7),
the spatial and NSSL,
averaging is
plus RADARBlack triangleobservations.
(NEXRAD) indicates Dallas Fort
(c) The Worth,
domain black
over lines
which thedenote
spatialthe state boundaries
averaging of
is performed.
Texas, Oklahoma,
Black triangle and Arkansas.
indicates Dallas Fort Worth, black lines denote the state boundaries of Texas, Oklahoma,
and Arkansas.
The improved representation of hydroclimatic conditions with numerical models,
It has been
the scoping previouslyand
of uncertainty, shown that WRF
fundamental exhibits
model some skill are
improvements for aforecasting heavy
focus of multiple
precipitation and hail and the occurrence of high wind speeds, but the joint
initiatives within the atmospheric science community including the World Climate Re- occurrence of
heavy precipitation and high wind speeds and the simulation of hail diameter
search Programme Global Precipitation Experiment lighthouse activity [129]. Machine continue to
lack the fidelity necessary to make integrative robust assessments of erosion
learning climate emulators are also being developed that seek to bridge the gap between potential or
the forecastsby
scales resolved ofNWP
erosiveandevents for erosionatsafe-mode
precipitation operation
the local level [130]. [75,76].
such The improved
initiatives representation
can, and will, benefitofthe
wind energyconditions
industry andwith numerical
enhance TRLsmodels,
of LEE
the scoping of uncertainty, and fundamental model improvements are a
mitigation options. However, the specific need for model and measurement fidelity forfocus of multiple
initiatives within
precipitation ratesthe atmospheric
and science community
HSD particularly at high wind including theto
speeds is, World
Programme Global Precipitation Experiment lighthouse activity [127]. Machine learning
climate emulators are also being developed that seek to bridge the gap between the scales
resolved by NWP models and precipitation at the local level [128]. Leveraging such
initiatives can, and will, benefit the wind energy industry and enhance TRLs of LEE
mitigation options. However, the specific need for model and measurement fidelity for
precipitation rates and HSD particularly at high wind speeds is, to some degree, specific to
the wind energy community. Effort should be invested in a detailed NWP verification and
validation (V&V) framework that is specifically focused on the requirements of the wind
energy community to advance the TRL for model-based prediction of LEE meteorological
drivers. This is a focus of the understanding atmospheric impacts on wind turbines for
better efficiency (AIRE) project (https://aire-project.eu, e.g., accessed on 10 August 2024).
3.2. Phenomena/Processes Given Tier 1 Priority Within the Damage Detection and
Quantification Theme
This PIRT process resulted in one phenomenon/process being given tier 1 priority
within the damage detection and quantification theme: translating water impingement to
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 16 of 29
3.3. Phenomena/Processes Given Tier 1 Priority Within the Material Response Theme
This PIRT analysis identified two phenomena within Theme 3, material response
as tier 1 priority for research that links to the usefulness of RETs, and specifically their
representation of atmospheric conditions including the hydrometeors phase (e.g., rain and
hail), size distributions and collision velocities [12], and whether accelerated lab tests repre-
sent the pre-stressing of blade materials that enhances hydrometeor erosion of the leading
edge [138]. These concerns also link to the second tier 1 research priority: methodologies to
translate lab experimental data (incl. rain erosion testers) to field conditions and failure
modes (see Section 3.2).
Important new research is testing multiple key aspects of the translation of RET to real-
world conditions. For example, RETs tend to operate with the continuous bombardment
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 17 of 29
Figure 7. Schematic of a proposed combination of material testing and modeling; atmospheric meas-
Figure 7. Schematic of a proposed combination of material testing and modeling; atmospheric
Figure and lifetime
7. Schematic modelingcombination
of a proposed using a machine learning testing
of material surrogate
andmodel. Arrows
modeling; show infor-meas-
mation flow. and lifetime modeling using a machine learning surrogate model. Arrows show
urements and lifetime modeling using a machine learning surrogate model. Arrows show infor-
information flow.
mation flow.
Figure 8. Comparison of peak von Mises stress (σ in MPa) contours over a cross section of the coating
layer that spans from the top surface (z = 0) to the full layer thickness (z = 0.2 mm) and from the
impact axis (x/r = 0) to a distance equal to the droplet radius r (x/r = 1) based on the finite element
(FE) simulations, (left) and the predictions of the neural network surrogate model (NN) (right) for
Figure Comparison
two8. of peak
Comparison of von Mises
von Mises stress
(d)stress (σ in
and closing
(σ MPa) contours
velocities overaacross
(u). over
contours crosssection
layer that
layer that spans
spans from
from the the top
top surface
surface (z
(z == 0)
0) to
to the
the full
full layer
layer thickness
thickness (z(z == 0.2
0.2 mm)
mm) and and from
from the
impact axis
impact axis (x/r
equaltoto the
the droplet
droplet radius
radius r (x/r
basedon onthe
the finite
finite element
(FE) simulations,
simulations, (left)
(left) and
and the
the predictions
predictions of of the
the neural
neural network
network surrogate
surrogate model
model (NN)
(NN) (right)
(right) for
two different
different hydrometeor
hydrometeor diameters (d) and closing velocities (u).
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 19 of 29
winter climate which means the O&M window is relatively short, and the remote location
means that access for more extensive O&M is challenging. The two main indications that
trigger WEICan’s decision to carry out a blade repair are as follows:
1. The rapid degradation of LEP. If an LEP product experiences significant peeling and
bubbling within a year, it saves on repair expenses to replace it before the blade is
completely exposed.
2. The first sign of visible fiberglass. The more fiberglass is eroded away, the more blade
preparation work is required before repairs. With light erosion, only sanding and
buffing of the surface is required before reapplying the LEP, which takes about half a
day per blade. With moderate to heavy erosion, the blade must be sanded, built back
x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 28
into shape with additional fillers and fiberglass before reapplying the LEP product,
which can take 1.5 days to 2 days per blade. Therefore, repairing blades at the first
sign of visible fiberglass saves time and cost.
Figure 9. (Top): Eroded blade section force coefficients (lift (C ) and drag (C )) for varying angles
l d
Figure 9. (Top): Eroded blade section force coefficients (lift (Cl) and drag (Cd)) for varying angles of
of attack (bottom axis) from geometry-resolving CFD (‘CFD’) and ML models (‘ML’) trained using
attack (bottom axis) from geometry-resolving CFD (‘CFD’) and ML models (‘ML’) trained using the
the metadata of the erosion topography (curve labeled ‘nom’. denotes nominal section performance
metadata of the erosion topography (curve labeled ‘nom’. denotes nominal section performance
curves) [126]. Bottom: offshore (left) and onshore (right) AEP losses for a multi-MW wind turbine
curves) [128]. Bottom: offshore
derived (left)
using blade and force
section onshore (right)
coefficients AEP
from MLlosses
models for a multi-MW
of type displayed in wind turbine
top plots for broad
derived using blade section force coefficients from ML models of type displayed in top plots
patterns and the extent of erosion topographies; ‘Ks ’ = equivalent sand grain roughness, ‘nom/ft.’for
broad patterns andand the extent
‘scan mean’ofdenote
erosion topographies;
moderate ‘Ks’ LEE
to intermediate = equivalent sand
severity, and ‘grv. grain
dmean ’ roughness,
and ‘grv. dmax ’
‘nom/ft.’ and ‘scandenote
stages [148].to intermediate LEE severity, and ‘grv. dmean’ and ‘grv.
dmax’ denote severe LEE stages [150].
Initially, the blades on the wind turbines deployed at WEICan had no LEP, only
standard polyurethane paint. In 2014, after LEE was observed visually, the blades were
Optimizing repaired,
the timing of bladepolyurethane
and standard leading-edge paintrepair was identified
was reapplied. as an important
LEE was observed again in 2015.
phenomena/process Sincein2016,
the WEICan
PIRT. The optimization
has engaged of repair
in the testing at any
of five operating
different wind farm
LEPs, including paints,
tapes, and shells. The first four LEPs were applied from 30 m to 45
depends on factors such as wind turbine age, damage severity, cost of electricity, and ac- m, while the fifth LEP
was applied from 35 m to 45 m, measuring from the root of the blade. Each type of LEP has
cessibility. The considerations used by commercial wind farm owner/operators regarding
specific application instructions which typically require filling, sanding, and cleaning to
repair decisions are usually
achieve considered
a smooth proprietary
surface, and and thus
specific maximum andare held in
minimum confidence.
temperatures andThus,
information from WEICan is briefly presented below to illustrate the process by which
repair decisions and LEP application were made and the results of those actions. WEICan
owns and operates five 2 MW turbines on a coastal, high-wind site with turbines 1–4 being
located on an escarpment and experiencing a very similar wind climate [152]. All wind
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 21 of 29
humidities for curing and drying. Most of the wind turbine blade LEP materials have failed
in one year to two years (Table 2, see example in Figure 4e), which LEP manufacturers
generally have attributed to improper or inadequate surface preparation and installation.
For example, the epoxies or adhesives were not appropriately activated, the surface was
not adequately cleaned, the blade repairs with fillers or coatings ahead of installation were
still curing, the conditions may have been appropriate at the start but were not sustained,
or the skills of the technicians were not adequate. The original blade quality has also been
identified as an important factor impacting LEP failure.
Table 2. Leading-edge protections used, dates applied, and damage and failures observed at WEICan.
a snowball sampling technique to identify possible respondents [81] and had a relatively
small sample size (n < 20). Thus, the results must be considered preliminary. Nevertheless,
the PIRT presented herein yields some important insights and lays the foundation for a
comprehensive PIRT survey of wind energy experts that will be conducted during 2025 via
the International Energy Agency Wind Energy (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme
(TCP) Task 46: Leading-Edge Erosion.
PIRT analyses are valuable because they allow the systematic identification of phe-
nomena/processes of importance and that require further research to enhance TRLs or
reduce safety risks. However, PIRT analyses are inherently subjective, since they leverage
expert knowledge and judgment [82]. While some have advocated that PIRT methodologies
should be based on literature-based meta-analyses [83], these too are not fully objective
due to inherent biases in publishing [84]. An important advancement of this PIRT analysis
is that the standard deviation of rankings across respondents is captured and presented
to provide quantitative information about the presence or absence of consensus in the
rankings. A divergence of opinions may derive from knowledge gaps due to the trans-
disciplinary nature of a topic or the rapidly evolving nature of a complex topic. Expert
knowledge-based frameworks for research priority identification using PIRT may also not
fully reflect emerging issues. An example of this that was identified in the PIRT but not
given a tier 1 ranking is the possibility of micro-plastic shedding in the ocean environments.
This research topic is being addressed in the PREventing MIcroplastics pollution in SEa
water from offshore wind (PREMISE) project [152]. The emergence of such new topics
strongly advocates for PIRT assessments to be continuously updated to ensure they evolve
as knowledge is advanced.
The PIRT process and discussions summarized above indicate that the TRL for LEE
solutions remains relatively low. However, investment in the priority areas articulated
herein will enhance fundamental understanding and can be used to evolve a robust frame-
work for end-to-end LEE prediction (Figure 7). Investments should be made in building
a robust model V&V framework for each component of such a model chain [153]. Suc-
cessful implementation of such a framework will require the sharing of a range of data
from industrial partners. Needed information includes LEP product material properties,
greater transparency regarding hardware settings in meteorological sensors, and data from
operating wind farms linking the LEE state and the AEP. The end-to-end assessment of
damage as a function of operating climate would also greatly benefit from sharing blade
damage reports/images from operating wind farms for use in the evaluation of location-
specific meteorologically driven LEE predictions [34]. Availability of time histories of
wind turbine Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data and adequately
resolved LEE topographies for eroded blades will enable faster progress in blade predictive
maintenance technologies.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.C.P. and R.J.B.; methodology, S.C.P. and R.J.B.; software,
S.C.P.; validation, S.C.P. and R.J.B.; formal analysis, S.C.P., R.J.B., M.R., H.N. and M.S.C.; investigation,
all authors; resources, S.C.P.; data curation, S.C.P., M.R. and H.N.; writing—original draft preparation,
S.C.P. and R.J.B.; writing—review and editing, all authors; visualization, S.C.P., R.J.B., M.R., H.N. and
M.S.C.; supervision, S.C.P.; project administration, S.C.P. and R.J.B.; funding acquisition, S.C.P., R.J.B.,
C.B.H. and B.M.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the US National Science Foundation (2329911 to SCP and RJB),
Sandia National Laboratory (to SCP) IEA task 46 “Erosion of wind turbine blades”, EUDP grant J.nr.
64021-0003 (to C.B.H.) the HORIZON Europe Grant “AIRE” (101083716) (to C.B.H. and B.M.) and by
Danish-American Innovation Network for Wind Energy (DAINWE, grant no. 2084-00014B) funded
by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. Computational resources to S.C.P. and
R.J.B. used in these analyses are provided by the NSF Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery
Environment (XSEDE2) (award TG-ATM170024).
Data Availability Statement: The PIRT results are summarized in Table 1. All other data can be
provided upon request to the authors.
Energies 2024, 17, 6285 23 of 29
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the PIRT analysis respondents and the contributions
of Joachim Reuder and Mostafa Hassani to development of the PIRT. The authors are also grateful to
Antonios Tempelis for his valuable comments on the topics of Section 3. The Cornell University team
gratefully acknowledge Jeffry Reimel (FAA) and Roxan Noble for enabling access to the Ithaca Airport
AWOS site and Fred Letson for his assistance with instrument maintenance. WEICan gratefully
acknowledge research support from Robbie Sanderson.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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