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LO To create a series of 'yes/no' questions to identify objects

1 2 3

5 6 8

9 12
10 11

Choose a button. Do not tell your partner which one. They

must ask you questions to work out which one is yours. The
answer can ONLY be YES or NO.
LO To create a series of 'yes/no' questions to identify objects Use the buttons sheet to
sort out which is which.
Is it round?

Yes No

Is it large? Is it square?

Yes No
Yes No

Does it Does it
have have
4 holes? 4 holes? Does it have 4 holes?
Is it large?

Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No

Does it Does it Is it large? Is it large?

have have
4 holes? 4 holes?

Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No

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