Deed Of Agreement of Honhaar 24 A

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This agreement is made, on the ……………… of ………………….2024, between

(1)Ms. ……………………………………………D/O……………….……………………
hereby called the Awardee, and (2) University Name through the concerned officer in The
Women University Multan. WHEREAS Ms.……………………………………………has
been selected by the Punjab Higher Education Commission hereinafter called the PHEC
for the award of Awardeeship for ……………………………………. under the Scheme:
Honhaar Undergraduate Awardeeship Program and the awardee has agreed to accept the
same on the terms and conditions governing this awardeeship award.
Now this deed witnesses as under:
i) The award is meant for a period of 04/05 years only. PHEC will bear no financial liability
whatsoever after a period of 04/05 years.
ii) This awardeeship will cover 100% of his/her tuition fees (excluding boarding, lodging, and
refundable security), and said payment will be made directly to the university.
iii) This award is applicable for the duration of his/her undergraduate program, subject to
satisfactory academic performance and adherence to the awardeeship's terms.
iv) The Awardee must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.50 and an overall CGPA of 3.00, in
case of 5.00 Scale GPA should not be less than 3.50 in each semester. Whereas, overall 4.00 CGPA
is mandatory, in case of annual system General at least 60% marks required is mandatory, in case
of MBBS/BDS Programs: Minimum 50% marks is mandatory, and in case of Fine Arts,
Architecture, and Similar Programs: Minimum 60% marks is mandatory for Honhaar scholarship.
Failure to meet this standard will result in immediate suspension of awardeeship for the affected
semester. Restoration of awardeeship requires written approval from PHEC after remedial
v) The awardee must complete his/her program within the prescribed academic calendar for said program.
vi) The awardee shall not change the specified course of study nor register for any other course or
program/university. In case of such a change, his/her awardeeship will be considered cancelled.
Furthermore, if awardee freeze his program or take a semester break, the time period related to the
break or freeze, as well as any penalties incurred, will be borne by the student.
vii) This awardeeship cannot be combined with any government or private awardeeship
covering tuition fees.
viii) It is mandatory for the awardee to forward relevant receipts, invoices, acknowledgments
and original academic quarterly/biannually progress report to the PHEC through his/her
parent university. The parent university will be required to submit funds utilization report,
vouched accounts against the funding and a progress report of the awardee to Punjab
Higher Education Commission.
ix) The awardee academic progress will be monitored by both his/her institution and PHEC.
Regular reports must be submitted to ensure compliance with awardeeship guidelines.
x) The awardee will be required to sign a Deed of Agreement with his/her institution. This
document will outline his/her obligations, including academic performance and adherence
to the awardeeship program's policies.
xi) If awardee withdraw from his/her program or fail to meet the terms of the awardeeship,
he/she will be liable to refund all financial support provided under the Honhaar
Awardeeship Program.
xii) Once all documents are verified and the agreement is signed, the awardeeship funds will
be disbursed directly to his/her institution's bank Account.
xiii) The Punjab Higher Education Commission and university would monitor his/her academic
progress and reserves the right to obtain any information from his/her local university. Any
cost beyond the defined limit shall be paid by the awardee him/herself.
xiv) All other conditions laid-down in the undertaking would be applicable in accordance with
PHEC policy. Any deviation in this regard will be considered the breach of the agreement
signed between the Awardeeship awardee and its parent university. In case of any violation,
the PHEC reserves the rights to initiate necessary action as per rules. It is further notified
that PHEC is not bound and reserves the right to make any change as per government rules
and regulations during the awardeeship.
xv) The payment of tuition fee admissible under the awardeeship program shall be made
subject to the complete adherence to all rules and regulations governing the awardeeship
program as well as satisfactory performance in the authorized studies.
xvi) The awardee shall not change the specified course of studies nor register himself/herself
for any other course or program without prior approval of the PHEC.
xvii) The awardee shall not extend the specified period of studies without prior approval of the PHEC.
xviii) The awardee shall submit the comprehensive report immediately on completion of each
xix) In the event of failure to utilize the award without justification acceptable to PHEC, the
Awardee shall not only be debarred from future awards but shall also be liable for recovery
of all financial losses through appropriate legal channels.
xx) In the event of a breach of the terms and conditions of the Honhaar Undergraduate
Scholarship Program, the awardee shall be obligated to repay the full amount of awarded
funds or any compensation determined by the PHEC to the university and University will
be responsible to submit the refunded amount or compensation to the PHEC.
xxi) In case of breach of agreement, PHEC/University has a right for cancellation of degree.
xiii) The awardee is liable to disqualification from awardeeship or such other disciplinary action
as PHEC may consider appropriate, if:
i) he/she violates any of the foregoing conditions, or
ii) he/she is found to have made any misstatement therein before.
AND THE AWARDEE FURTHER COVENANTS, that in case of breach of any of the above
terms and conditions and SOPs issued by the PHEC as well as the rules / terms and conditions
those governing awardeeship award and / or his / her failure to complete the specified period, the
awardee shall be bound to compensate the (University Name) by making a refund of the total
amount of expenditure including tuition fee incurred on him / her in Rupees. The amount as
prescribed and assessed by the PHEC shall be final and conclusive.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, the parties aforementioned have signed this deed in token of acceptance thereof.

The Women University Multan Signature of Awardee

(Authorized Officer)
Signature:……………………. …………………………

STAMP: Full Name: ……………………….

CNIC#: …………………………….

Phone No: …………………….…..

Dated: ……………Address: ……………………………………………...……………….

Witness No.1 Witness No.2

Signature ______________________ Signature:____________________

a) Name a) Name: ____________________

b) Designation __________________ b) Designation ________________

(Official Seal) (Official Seal)

c) Address c) Address___________________

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