Feminine: SOCIETY
- Refers to the group of people living in a ❑ a person who is an expert in anthropology
community ❑ people who practice anthropology, which
-a community, nation, or broad grouping of is the study of humanity. An anthropologist
people having common traditions, might be interested in everything from the
institutions, and collective activities and traditions of a tribe on a remote island to the
interests. culture of
an urban community and everything in
CULTURE between.
❑ Society’s way of life provides the
basis for forging identities ETHNOGRAPHY
❑ Culture can be defined as all the ways of -Research method of long-term participant
life including arts, beliefs, and institutions of observation.
a population that are passed down from -A qualitative method for collecting data
generation to generation. Culture has been often used in the social and behavioral
called "the way of life for an entire society." sciences. Data are collected through
❑ As such, it includes codes of manners, observations and interviews, which are then
dress, language, religion, rituals, art. used to conclude how societies and
individuals function.
a German-American anthropologist and a
pioneer of modern anthropology who has
been called the "Father of American
Anthropology“ and The Father of Modern
Anthropology. process.
❑ Politics is the set of activities that are His work is associated with the movements
associated with making decisions in known as historical particularism and cultural
groups, or other forms of power relations relativism. The historical Particularism
among individuals. approach claims that each society has its
❑ Refers to a set of activities and actions unique historical development and must be
that are used to hold power in government. understood based on its own specific cultural
❑ Plato believes that conflicting interests of and environmental context, especially its
different parts of society can be harmonized. historical process.
The best, rational and righteous, political
order, which he proposes, leads to a Franz Uri Boas was a German-American
harmonious unity of society and allows each anthropologist and a pioneer of modern
of its parts to flourish, but not at the expense anthropology who has been called the
of others. "Father of American Anthropology“ and The
Social Science Disciplines, anthropology, Father of Modern Anthropology. process.
sociology and political science.
❑ Greek words: ANTHROPOS (human ANTHROPOLOGY
being/man) LOGOS ( study)
❑ Is the study of human beings and their Henry Beyer authored the “Wave of
ancestors through time and space and its Migration Theory.” He theorized that early
relation to physical character, environment, Filipinos descended from waves of
social relations, and culture. migrants-cavemen and Aeta's who traveled
through land bridges and later, Indonesians
and Malays who reached the country by living cultures and present their observations
boat. in an ethnography.
Beyer’s popular theory suggests that the -studies cultural variations across different
ancestors of modern Filipinos societies and examines the need to
traveled to the archipelago in different understand each culture in its own
“waves of migration”. These included contex
the following waves:
ARC- The study of past societies and their
Prof. Otley Beyer's Wave Migration Theory cultures, especially the material remains of
the past, such as tools, food remains, and
According to Dr. Beyer, the ancestors of the places where people lived.
Filipinos came in different "waves of
migration", as follows: -deals with pre-historic societies by studying
their tool and environment.
1. "Dawn Man", a cave-man type who was
similar to Java man, Peking Man, and other LA- The study of language, especially how
Asian homo sapiens of 250,000 years ago. language is structured, how they reflect and
shape different aspects of human society
2. The aboriginal pygmy group, the Negritos, and culture, evolution of language, and the
who arrived between 25,000 and 30,000 social and cultural contexts for language.
years ago via land bridges.
PA- Also called biological anthropology,
3. The sea-faring tool- using Indonesian physical anthropology is the study of human
group who arrived about 5,000 to 6,000 evolution and variation, both past and
years ago and were the first immigrants to present
reach the Philippines by sea.
-studies the origins of humans as well as the
4. The seafaring, more civilized Malays who interplay between social factors and
brought the Iron age culture and were the processes of human evolution, adaptation
real colonizers and dominant cultural group and
in the pre-Hispanic Philippines. variation over time