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Sec: JR.

IIT _*CO-SC(MODEL-A) Date: 04-02-24

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 186
MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%): CIRCLE: Equation of Normal and its
Properties, Equation of Chord whose midpoint is given, Co-Normal
points, Common Tangent to Circle and Parabola / Two Parabolas
PREVIOUS WEEK(20%): Parabola: Equation of Parabola, Equation of
Parabola (Standard from, Foci, Directrix, Eccentricity, Parametric form),
Tangent and its Properties, Chord of contact
PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Introduction to dielectrics, discussion on effect
of dielectric when introduced in to a capacitor (isolated or in a circuit).
Energy related and switching problems of capacitors involving dielectrics
(Exclude: RC Circuits)
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): CAPACITORS: Introduction, types of
capacitors, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, general
capacitor circuits without involvement of dielectric, Energy stored in a
capacitor (without dielectric), charge flown and heat generated problems
when switch is thrown from one position to other (Exclude: Dielectric)
CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Alcohols: Preparation of alcohols from alkene,
akyl halides, amines, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acid and
derivatives, Physical propertties, reactions: esterification, dehydration,
with metals, conversion into alkyl chlorides, oxidation into aldehyde,
ketones and carboxylic acids, Lucas test, victor meyer test (Exclude:
MPV reduction, exceptions of LAH & SBH, swern oxidation)
Glycol and glycerol: Preparation, reaction with conc. HI, PI3, HIO4,
glycerol with oxalic acid, pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Aryl halides: preparation using EAS,
Sandmayer reaction, Mechanism of SNAr reactions (Exclude: Benzyne
mechanism & cine substitution) and EAS Reactions chlorobenzene,
Fittig, Wurtz-Fittig Grignard reagent: Preparation and properties of
Grignard reagent & Organo lithium
Narayana IIT Academy 04-02-24_JR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-38_QP
Time: 3:00Hour’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 186

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 5) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 5 15
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – II(Q.N : 6 – 13) 4 -2 8 32
(Partial Marking +1)
Questions with Integer Answer Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 14 – 18) 3 0 5 15
(Single digit integer 0 to 9 Only)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 19 – 23) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 5 15
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – II(Q.N : 24 – 31) 4 -2 8 32
(Partial Marking +1)
Questions with Integer Answer Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 32 – 36) 3 0 5 15
(Single digit integer 0 to 9 Only)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 37 – 41) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 5 15
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – II(Q.N : 42 – 49) 4 -2 8 32
(Partial Marking +1)
Questions with Integer Answer Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 50 – 54) 3 0 5 15
(Single digit integer 0 to 9 Only)
Total 18 62

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This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
1. Let AB be a chord of the parabola x 2  4 y . A circle drawn with AB as diameter passes
through the vertex C of the parabola. If area of  ABC  20 sq units then the coordinates of
A can be

A)  6,9  B)  6,9  C)  8,16  D)  8, 16 

2. If the minimum distance between the parabola y 2  4 x  8 y  40  0 and

x 2  8 x  4 y  40  0 is d. Then d 2 is

A) 1 B) 0 C) 3 D) 2

3. Let P : y 2  4ax, a  0 be a parabola with focus S. let the tangents to the parabola P make

angle of with the line y  3 x  5 touch the parabola P at A and B, Then the value of a for
which A,B and S are collinear is

A) 8 only B) 2 only C) only D) Any a  0

4. A variable chord PQ of parabola y 2  4 x is drawn parallel to a line y  x . Then which of

the following point lies on the locus of point of intersection of the normals at P and Q

A)  7, 2  B)  7,1 C)  3, 6  D) 10, 2

5. If the straight line 3 x  4 y  1  0 is a normal to the parabola y 2   x  0 , then the distance

between focus and directrix of the parabola is

A) 64/123 B) 32/123 C) 16/123 D) 80/123

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This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
6. Consider the parabola y 2  4 x . A chord PQ is normal to the parabola at P  4, 4  ,
and PSQ  900 where S is its focus. Tangents drawn to the parabola y 2  4 x at P and Q
intersect at T.R is the midpoint of TQ then

A) SQ  2 SP

B) TSR  900

C) ST  2SR

D) Length of the common chord of circumcircles of the triangles SPQ, SQR is 10

7. Let P be a point on the parabola y 2  4 x such that normal chord drawn at P to parabola
has shortest length. If tangent and normal at P intersects axis of parabola at A and B
respectively then which of the following is/are CORRECT?

A) Slope of normal at P is 2 B) Slope of tangent at P is 

C) Area of PAB is 12 2 sq. units D) Circumcentre of PAB is 1, 0 

8. A straight line y  m  x  a  , m  0 meets a parabola y 2  4ax at two points A and B. Then

which of the following option(s) is/are correct?

A) Length AB  4a when m  1

B) Length AB  8a when m  1

C) Angle between normals drawn at A and B is 450 when m  1

D) Angle between normals drawn at A and B is 900 when m  2

9. A circle cuts the parabola x 2  16 y at O  0, 0  , A  4,1 , B  x1 , y1  ; x1  0 ;and C  x2 , y2  . If

normals at A and B to the parabola intersect at C, then

A) x1  y2  49 B) x2  y1  100
C)  0, 8 , A and B are collinear D)  0,8 , A and C are collinear

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10. A line y  2 x  c intersects the parabola y 2  4 x in two distinct points A and B, such that
normals at A and B intersect on the principal axis of parabola. Then

A) AB is perpendicular to principal axis

B) Exactly one of A&B is vertex of parabola

C) AB subtends right angle at focus

D) Foot of perpendicular from focus upon AB divides AB in the ratio 1:2 or 2:1

11. TP and TQ are tangents to parabola y 2  4 x and normals at P and Q intersect at point R
on the same curve. The locus of the centre of the circle circumscribing TPQ is a
parabola whose

B) Foot of directrix is  , 0 
A)Vertex is 1, 0 
 

D) Focus is  , 0 
1 9
C) Length of latus rectum is
4 8
 

12. The locus of the point of intersection of those normals to the parabola x 2  8 y which are
at right angles to each other, lies on a parabola then. Which of the following hold(s)
good in respect of second parabola?

A) Length of the latus rectum is 2

B) Coordinates of focus are  0, 

 2

C) Equation of a director circle is 2 y  11  0

D) Equation of axis of symmetry is y  0

13. If the two parabolas y 2  4 x and y 2   x  k  have a common normal other than x  axis,
then value of k can be:

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

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This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases
14. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a parabola having equation y 2  16 x such that three
of its side AB,BC and CD passes through the fixed points  2, 0  ,  3, 0  and

 6, 0  respectively. Then the fourth side DA will pass through a fixed point (h,0) where
his equal to

15. A circle having its centre at (2, 3) is cut orthogonally by the parabola y 2  4x . If  x1 , y1 
and  x 2 , y 2   x 2  x1  are possible points of intersection of the two curves then the value
of x 2  2y 2  2x1  y1 is

16. From a variable point P  t 2 , 2t  1  t  3 on the parabola y 2  4 x , perpendicular PM is

drawn to the tangent at the vertex of the parabola. Now from the midpoint Q of PM,
perpendicular QL is drawn to the focal chord of parabola through P. If maximum length
of QL is  then value of    is ___([.] represents greatest integral function)

17. Let a parabola y 2  2 x . From a point where its directrix intersects the line
2 2 x  2 y  3  0 , a normal to the parabola is drawn, meeting the parabola at M(foot of

normal) and N. R is point of intersection of tangent at M and chord ON (produced, O is

origin). If MRN is  then value of tan  is

18. Let P  a, b  and Q  c, d  are the two points on the parabola y 2  8 x such that the normals at

them meet in 18,12  . If the product of (abcd) is N, then sum of digits of N is___.

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PHYSICS Max Marks: 62
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
19. What is the equivalent capacitance between points A and B. Each plate has area A (one
 AA
side) and negligible thickness. Given C   7 F

A) 7  F B) 11  F C) 12  F D) 15  F

20. Plates of a parallel plate capacitor have area A and distance between them is d. A cell of
e.m.f V is connected across the capacitor. Two identical dielectric slabs ( D1 and D2 ) and
a metal slab (M), each of thickness d/3 and area A, are inserted in the capacitor as
shown. Relative permittivity of each of the dielectric slab is  r . What is the modulus of
the net force on either of the capacitor plates?

2 2 2 2
3 V 5 V 3 V
A)  0 A  r  B)  0 A  r  C)  0 A  r  D)  0 r A  
1 1 1 1 3V
2  4d  2  2d  2  2d  2  2d 

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21. Consider a network shown in the figure. Initially the switch S was open. If the switch S
is closed now, then which of the following options are correct?

A) The amount of charge flowing through the switch is 105  C

B) The amount of charge flowing through the switch is 35 C

C) The amount of charge flowing through the switch is 70  C

D) The amount of charge flowing through the switch is 140  C

22. There is a parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance 20nF (when there is nothing between
the plates). A thick metallic plate having the same length and breadth as that of the
capacitor plates but with a thickness of 0.6 times the gap between the plates of the
capacitor, is now inserted parallel to the plates without touching them and a battery of
100 V is connected across the capacitor. What is the work done in slowly pulling the
metallic plate out of the capacitor?

A) 0.05 mJ B) 0.10 mJ C) 0.15 mJ D) 0.20 mJ

23. A parallel plate capacitor is half filled with a solid dielectric of relative permittivity 'K'
and mass 'M'. A cell of voltage E is connected across the capacitor. The plates of the
capacitor are smooth and fixed. Distance between plates is d. A bullet of mass 'M' hits
the dielectric and gets embedded in it. It is found that the dielectric just exits the
capacitor completely. The speed of the bullet is

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1/2 1/2
 2 ab  K  1    ab  K  1 
A) E  0  B) E  0 
 Md   Md 

1/2 1/2
  ab  K  1    ab  K  1 
C) 2 E  0  D) E  0 
 Md   2Md 

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
24. Four identical thin metallic plates are arranged very close and parallel to each other as
shown in the figure. Plates A and D are connected across a voltage source, which
maintains potential of plate A higher than that of D by an amount V0 . Plates B and C are
connected by a short conducting wire. Now the voltage source is removed, then the wire
connecting B and C is also removed. Now plates A and D are connected by another
short conducting wire. Identify the correct statement(s) of the following

A) Potential difference between A and B has magnitude V0 / 6 , with A at higher potential

B) Potential difference VC  VA is equal to potential difference VD  VB

C) The potential of B is higher than that of D

D) Potential of C is V0 / 3 higher than the potential of B

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25. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 10  F is connected to a cell of emf 10 volt and
fully charged. Now a dielectric slab (k = 3) of thickness equal to the gap between the
plates is very slowly inserted by someone to completely fill in the gap, keeping the cell
connected. During the filling process.(consider no electrical resistance anywhere)
A) the increase in charge on the capacitor 200  C
B) the heat produced in the “capacitor + cell” system is zero
C) Energy supplied by the cell = increase in stored potential energy + work done on the
person who is filling the dielectric slab.
D) the increase in charge on the capacitor 400  C
26. A parallel plate air capacitor having separation 'a' between the plates is charged to Q and
battery is disconnected from the capacitor. Now the separation between the plates is
increased to '2a' slowly by external force. The work done by external force is
numerically equal to:
A) Electrostatic energy stored in the increased volume of the capacitor
B) Half of the electrostatic energy stored in the increased volume of the capacitor
C) Two times the electrostatic energy stored in the increased volume of the capacitor
D) electrostatic energy stored in the initial volume of the capacitor
27. A parallel-plate capacitor has plate area A, the distance between its two plates x and y is
d and a dielectric slab of dielectric constant  r is filled between the regions. It is
connected to a cell of emf E. If the dielectric slab is removed, then

A) Battery does negative work

0 A
B)  r  1 E charge flows through the circuit

C) negative charge flows from plate y to plate x

D) negative charge flows from plate x to plate y

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28. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K between its plates
that covers 1/3 of the area of its plates, as shown in the figure. The total capacitance of
the capacitor is C while that of the portion with dielectric in between is C1 . When the
capacitor is charged, the plate area covered by the dielectric gets charge Q1 and the rest
of the area gets charge Q2 . The electric field in the dielectric is E1 and that in the other
portion is E2 . Choose the correct option/options, ignoring edge effects.

E1 E1 1 Q1 3 C 2K
A) 1 B)  C)  D) 
E2 E2 K Q2 K C1 K

29. Identical dielectric slabs are inserted into two identical capacitors A and B. These
capacitors and a chargeable battery are connected as shown in the figure. Now the slab
of capacitor B is pulled out completely with battery remaining connected:

A) During the process, positive charge flows from a to b

B) Finally, charge on capacitor B will be less than that on A

C) During the process, positive work is done by the external force F, part of which
appears as heat in the circuit.

D) During the process, internal energy of the battery increases

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30. A parallel plate capacitor is dipped in a dielectric liquid vertically, so that half of
capacitor is in liquid. Plates of capacitor are joined to an ideal battery of emf  . A, B, A’
and B’ are four points on plates on facing surfaces(towards each other) as shown. Which
of the following is/are correct?

A) VA  VB'  VA  VA '
B) VA  VB'  VB  VA '
C) Electric field around A in air = Electric field around B ' in liquid.
D) Electric field around B in liquid = Electric field around B ' in liquid.
31. Two capacitors C1  8F and C2  4F are connected in series between points A and B. An
ideal cell of emf 12 V is connected between A and B for a long time. Now a slab of
dielectric constant k  2 is slowly and fully filled in the gap of capacitor C2 .

A) During the filling process the energy taken from the cell is 192 J
B) In the filling process the increase in electrostatic energy stored in the capacitors is
96 J

C) The work done by dielectric slab on the filling agent during the filling process is
D) The work done by dielectric slab on the filling agent during the filling process is
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This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases
32. A block A of mass M kept on a rough horizontal surface is connected to a dielectric slab
of mass M/6 and dielectric constant k by means of a light and inextensible string passing
over a fixed pulley as shown in the figure. The dielectric can completely fill the space
between the parallel plate capacitor of plate area    and with plates separation
d  d    kept in vertical position. Initially switch S is open and length of the dielectric

inside the capacitor is b and the capacitor is chargeless. The coefficient of friction
between the block A and the surface is  Ignore any other friction.
(Given  24 )
 0  k  1

Find the minimum value of the emf V of the battery so that after closing the switch the
block A will move.
33. In the following figure all capacitors are of capacitance C. The equivalent capacitance
across A and B is where x is an integer. Find x .

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34. Two conducting square plates of side length l are arranged parallel to each other at a
distance d   l  . The space between the plates is filled with a dielectric of relative
permittivity  r  4 up to a length x  l / 3 . The upper plate is given a charge Q and the
lower plate is given a charge – Q as shown in the figure. If Q  6 C then find how much
bound charge  in C  is present on the lower surface of dielectric?

35. A vertical parallel – plate capacitor is half filled with a dielectric for which the dielectric
constant is 2. When this capacitor is positioned horizontally, the fraction of it to be filled
with the same dielectric in order that the capacitor to have equal capacitance in both
cases is . Find the value of (n.m).

36. Three uncharged capacitors are connected in the circuit as shown. What should be the
value of C3  in  F  so that potential difference across each capacitor is same.

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CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 62
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
37. Identify the predominant compound A in the following reaction:

A) CH 3CHDCH 2OH B) CH 3CH  OH  CH 2 D


38. A chiral C5 H10O alcohol is reduced by catalytic hydrogenation to an achiral

C5 H12O alcohol. The original alcohol is oxidized by activated MnO2 to an achiral carbonyl

compound  C5 H 8O  which of the following might be the chiral alcohol?

A) 1-penten-3-ol B) 4-penten-2-ol C) 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol D) 2-methyl-2-


39. Which is the best synthesis of the following alcohol?

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This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
42. Which of the following will produce immediate turbidity with Lucas reagent?


A) B) C) C D ) CH 3  OH
H 3C CH 3
CH 3
43. In which of the following reactions 30 alcohol is not formed?

 i  Mg dry ether  2
i CH  CHLi
A) O Br   ii  H 2 O B) 
 ii  H O 


i  O  3  
i CH MgCl excess
 ii  H3O D) 
 ii  H O  
O 3


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44. How many of the following on hydride reduction (i.e. with LiAlH 4 or NaBH 4 )give a
mixture of diastereometric alcohols?

A) (S)-3-phenyl-2-butanone B) 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone

C) p-methylbenzaldehyde D) (R)-2-methylcyclopentanone

45. Consider the following reaction schemes. The correct set of reagents to be used in
scheme A and/or scheme B is/are

A) Scheme X : LiAlH 4  Et2O / H 2O B) Scheme Y : NaBH 4 / EtOH

C) Scheme Y : LiAlH 4  Et2O / H 2O D) Scheme X : BH 3  THF

46. Which of the following reaction(s) result(s) in carbonyl compound as product(s)

47. Correct statement about the product(s) of the following reaction is

A) P is major product in Reaction 1 while Q is major product in Reaction 2

B) Q is major product in Reaction 1 while P is major product in Reaction 2

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C) Q is major product and P is minor product in both Reaction 1 as well as Reaction 2

D) Both the reactions follow SN1 mechanism in forming one of their products

48. Choose the correct statement(s) regarding given reaction scheme.

A) ‘X’ can liberate H 2 gas with Na metal B) Degree of Unsaturation of ‘Y’ is 3


This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases
50. Action of Grignard reagent on carbonyl compound followed by hydrolysis gives
alcohols. In the preparation of all isomeric (structural) butyl alcohols, the number of
different carbonyl compounds involved is ‘X’ and Griganard reagents is ‘Y’. Then the
value of X  Y is?

51. The number of moles of LiAlH 4 required to reduce eight moles of carboxylic acid to
primary alcohol RCOOH 
1) LiAlH
2) H O


52. During the conversion of one mole of Glycerol in to isopropyl iodide number of moles
of HI molecules consumed is?

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Narayana IIT Academy 04-02-24_JR.STAR CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-38_QP
53. The value of ‘X’ in the following reaction is (X = no of equivalents of CH 3 MgCl )

54. ‘X’ is the number of reactions which produce at least one alcoholic final product, then
‘X’ is

JR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 19

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