Hydrogen_energy_storage_based_green_powe (3)
Hydrogen_energy_storage_based_green_powe (3)
Hydrogen_energy_storage_based_green_powe (3)
Abstract— Adequate energy supply capability is the key factor it is obligatory to develop and endorse unconventional energy
for the development of any country. Despite of having enormous sources. Due to the shortage of fossil fuels and limitations of
energy resources, Bangladesh is facing acute shortage of using natural fuels, the government has already started to shift
Electricity and needs to enhance the power generation capacity its focus on various renewable energy resources like wind,
to support the rising demand. Power production and its related solar, tidal and the underlying technologies used to extract
environmental issues are becoming a major concern to our energy from these resources. A huge amount of sunlight
country. Effective and efficient use of sustainable energy sources during the day is a great blessing for Bangladesh as it
will be an environment friendly attempt towards reducing power contributes to a yearly average of about 500W/m2/day [4] [5].
crisis. In this paper we came up with an idea to establish a green Wind flow is also reasonable in coastal areas and annual
(environment friendly) power plant at various seashores average solar radiation is similar throughout the coastal areas
throughout the country, based on hydrogen energy storage. of Bangladesh. Patenga is one of the coastal area with an
Proposed power plant will store solar and wind energy using average annual solar radiation of 4.63 KWh/m2/day and
hydrogen storage which is a green fuel to generate electricity monthly average wind speeds at a height of 30 meters is 2.74
during peak load demand. For design and optimization, we have m/s. So, based on solar and wind energy, it is feasible to
chosen Patenga seashore where wind flow is reasonable as well as
implement a grid connected hybrid power system in the area
the solar radiation is optimal. The major objective of this
proposed optimized design to be able to meet peak load demand
which will solve energy crisis to some extent. The grid
using hydrogen energy with low THD (total harmonics distortion) connected hybrid technology faces quite a few problems such
and also reduce the GHG (Green Houses Gas) emission. Here, as, energy storage for storing excess electricity and total
HOMER is used to examine the most cost effective harmonics distortions (THD) from inverter where THD should
configurations among a set of systems for electricity requirement be 5% of rated inverter output [6].To overcome this situation,
of 8 MWh/day peak load demand in patenga. hydrogen economy is widely discussed by researchers be a
solution to the world’s future energy and play an important
Keywords— Sustainable energy; hydrogen energy; peak load; role as an energy carrier. In near future Hydrogen may be
cost effective; harmonics distortion; green house gas; converted into useful forms of energy more efficiently than
fossil fuels [7]. In addition, water electrolysis is a very
I. INTRODUCTION promising technology for future production of renewable
Bangladesh is a developing country with 152 million hydrogen [8]. Hydrogen production from water electrolysis
people spread across a land of 147,570 sq km. A thriving can be performed using renewable energy and PEM
economic expansion, rapid urbanization and increasing electrolyzer become known as one of the most clean and
industrialization have increased the country’s demand for talented alternatives to reduce fossil fuel dependency [9].
electricity. Around 62% [1] of the total population (counting Electrolytic hydrogen (H2) is appropriate for seasonal storage
renewable energy) have access to electricity and 321 KWh [2] applications because of its inborn high mass energy density,
is per capita generation. Compared to other developing leakage from the storage tank is insignificant and it is easy to
countries this power generation is very low. In Bangladesh the install anywhere in contrast to battery storage which is
power supply is lacking and cannot meet the peak demand. commonly used in hybrid technology [10].
About 75 percent population in rural area are beyond the This paper proposes a novel power system at patenga
range of grid electricity. At this time, the country is facing a seashore based on hydrogen economy. In this proposed
critical electricity emergency due to growth of almost each system, power plant consists of 3MG alternator which will be
and every sector. According to the BREB (Bangladesh Rural run by hydrogen gas. Hydrogen will be produced from sea
Electrification Board), scarcity of electricity is almost 15-20 water electrolysation using solar and wind energy and further
percent of actual generation during present peak and off peak stored in a tank. As alternator produces pure sin wave so
hours. To meet the growing electricity demand the use of power grid will experience low THD. As hydrogen is a green
fossil fuels need to be increased which in turn has negative fuel so there is no (CO2) carbon emission from the proposed
environmental effects. The power sector alone contributes to system.
40% of total CO2 emissions in Bangladesh [3]. In this case, to
ensure energy security without raising environmental impacts,
978-1-5090-5778-8/17/$31.00 ©2017
Department of BME & EEE, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology
IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies(ICIGEHT’17) 2
Wind Turbine: 14
Rated capacity : 500 KW
Rotor Diameter : 22m
Hub Height ; 30 m
Life time : 20 year
Figure 4. shows the wind speed Fig. 6 Electrical peak load demand curve
B. Optimization results
Fig. 7 shows the monthly hydrogen production by the system
using HOMER. Also, Fig. 8 shows the electrolyzer output
Generator : 3000KW
Fuel : Hydrogen
Efficiency : 80% Fig. 7 Hydrogen production curve
Fig. 5 shows the generator efficiency curve
Proposed system is suitable for sea based areas in
Bangladesh and completely green energy model. For that
system has not CO2 emissions & pollution free. Basically
proposed design is just for contributing in peak load demand
but if the hydrogen storage is sufficient it can also contribute
in base load demand. The initial cost of the system is very
high but per unit cost of the system is 0.09$/KWh which is
profitable than the conventional quick rental power plants of
0.23$/KWh cost per unit. As alternator gives pure sign wave
so generated power has no THD. Finally the proposed system
is reliable and efficiency is very high with negligible system
[1] http://www.powercell.gov.bd, accessed on August 29, 2015.
[2] www.powerdivision.gov.bd/user/brec1/30/1, accessed on August 29,
[3] R. M. Shrestha, G. Anandarajah, and M. H. Liyanage, "Factors
affecting CO2 emission from the power sector of selected countries in
Asia and the Pacific," Energy Policy, vol. 37, pp. 2375-2384, Jun 2009.