A9 Doppler Calibration

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A9. Doppler Calibration

Doppler Log calibration

Version History
Version Who Additions
1.0 OKR 31 January 2000 Created
3.8 OKR April 2012 Upgraded to new GUI

Table of contents

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. DVL CALIBRATION................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 LOAD DATA SET .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 THE VIEW .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 MANIPULATING DATA ................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 CALIBRATION.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.5 REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3. DATA ........................................................................................................................................... 10

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Doppler Log calibration

1. Introduction
The Doppler Calibration application allow the operator to load logged files, compare
raw position and Doppler track and calculate rotation and scale errors, which can be
applied to data to improve quality.

The application can be started from Start menu, the NaviPac Online Calibration menu
or by starting the application from the browser searching for the right module:

The application can load NavScan data files (SBD format) or NaviPac survey data
(XYZ record format). Both file types must include:
raw position
doppler log data

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Doppler Log calibration

2. DVL Calibration
The program is based on the MDI technology, and it allows you to load multiple files
in the same application.

When started, you get the following empty look:

2.1 Load data set

To load a logged file, you must activate File, New or press the new icon.
A standard load from dialogue pop’s up:

Based on the file type (SBD for NaviScan and NPD for NaviPac), you may now load
the file.
If the load is OK, a new document is placed in the application display.

2.2 The view

The display contains one window per loaded file.

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Doppler Log calibration

The map view (as known in the NaviPac Helmsman’s Display) contains two tracks:
The green line shows the raw stored track, i.e. not corrected for any offsets etc.
The red line shows the doppler track, as it’s based on Doppler data, gyro and time.
The first position is based on first recorded position. The rest is just made by
adding vectors. X1 = X0 + delta-time * Speed-X.
As default the view shows the middle of the data set. It’s now possible to
Double click anywhere in the view and the point will be defined as new centre.
Zoom in
The default presentation is made in scale 1000, i.e. 1:1000. If you press the zoom-
in button, the scale is always reduced by a factor two, i.e 1000 -> 500 -> 250, etc.
Zoom out:
The default presentation is made in scale 1000, i.e. 1:1000. If you press the zoom-
out button, the scale is always doubled.
Rotate the view:
The default presentation is north up. If wanted, the presentation can be rotated in
steps of ten degree. This can either be done from menu (View, rotate right, View,
rotate left) or by pressing the rotate buttons.

If you have a nice data set, it can be printed by File, Print or by pressing the printer
The map is now printed on any printer, and a small header is applied. The header
contains the following information:
Centre position
Number of points
File name (do not use long path!)
Current date/time
The headers are formatted so it should fit to any printer driver, but we have observed
some minor cosmetic problems.

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Doppler Log calibration

2.3 Manipulating data

If there is a clear difference between the raw track (green) and the Doppler track (the
red), the operator may perform a manual trial-and-error calibration by scaling and
rotating the Doppler track.

This can be done, by entering the following parameters by Edit, Scale and Rotate:

 Scale Y:
The along ship speed is increased or decreased by a multiplication factor
 Scale X:
The across ship speed is increased or decreased by a multiplication factor
 Rotate:
The direction (= gyro) of the vehicle is changed by adding the angle to the logged

When pressing OK, the graphical display is automatically updated by the entered
The process can be repeated several times, as the corrections are combined:
Scale: Multiplied
Rotate: Added

By performing a stepwise refinement, the manually calibration can be performed until

a satisfactory fit is obtained between raw and Doppler Track.

The data report (See 2.5) will included the applied parameters.

We recommend that a graphical print always will be followed by an ASCII print.

View, Reset Scale and Rotate can clear the corrections.

2.4 Calibration
When the Doppler data is used to improve raw Track in either Online or in NaviEdit,
a Rotation and Translation matrix equation can do this.

This philosophy is used in the auto calibration (Edit, Calibrate or the Calibrate icon).
The data set is here merged using a Salomonsen Lite filter, which rotates and scales
the Doppler track until a best fit is obtained between the two tracks.
Normally the result is a smooth track, but here we pick-out the matrices instead and
use them as calibration results.

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Doppler Log calibration

We can hereby get the following parameters, which is presented in the Calibration
report (See 2.5).
 Scale Y:
How much is the speed scaled in along ships direction
 Scale X:
How much is the speed scaled in across ships direction
 Rotate angle:
How much is the Doppler Track rotated.
Please note that it's very difficult to separate Scale-X and rotate angle.

If the data set is of high quality, the system will furthermore generate recommended
filter settings (for Online Salomonsen Lite Filter):
 Maximum acceleration:
The maximum observed acceleration. Higher values will be discarded in online.
 Maximum position jumps:
The maximum observed position jump. Higher values will be discarded in online.
 Gain:
Doppler weight - always 1.0000
The calculated values can be applied to the data by activating Edit, Apply correction.

We recommend that this command always is applied and that the result is
printed together with the report.

Please note that calibration is performed on manipulated data, i.e. any manually
corrections can have influence on the result.

2.5 Report
Information on the loaded data set, correction values and calculated corrections can be
obtained by the View, Report menu or by pressing the report icon.

The following dialogue then pops up:

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Doppler Log calibration

 File
Name of the loaded data file
 Recorded:
Data and time for the survey
 File info
 Number of positions
 Number of Doppler records
 Manually entered rotation angle (See 2.3 Manipulating data)
 Manually entered scales
 Calibration result
 Scale values
 Rotation angle
 Recommended online filter setting

If the operator presses Print, an ASCII file is generated on the same location as the
data file:
EIVA Calibration report Date: 31-01-00 Time: 11:59:26
File : S:\geofjord\J289N032.SBD
Rec. : 16.10.1999 19:13:16
File info:
Positions 929 Doppler data 5425
DL Rotated 0.000 degree
DL Scaled 1.000 in Y and 1.000 in X
Scale Y: 0.980

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Doppler Log calibration

Scale X: 0.950
Rotate A: 1.230
Recommended filter setting (if data is typical sample without
Maximum acceleration: 1.884
Maximum position jumps: 31.176
Gain: 1.0000

The file is printed on the default Windows printer in pure ASCII.

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Doppler Log calibration

3. Data
The DL Calibration module operates on any data set, which is in the right format and
which contains both raw position and Doppler data.

What kind of data gives the best calibration result?

It’s EIVA’s experience that a good result is obtained if

1. The survey is performed as near as possible to straight lines
2. Two or more individual data sets (in different direction) is calibrated and an
average result is taken

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